I loved this class.. I never had to roll to hit, i directed my friends around the battlefield.
My band was Stankfinger and the Gloryholes..
is Ragathiel legal in PFS?
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First world summoner.. FYI have potions of invis ready for your Pugwumpies.
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I know some folks who use different e-mail addresses and PFS numbers depending on which store they go to. I realize that there are a lot of very good arguments for not allowing replay. But as Moses said to Pharaoh, "let my people Play" (may have misquoted)
Honestly im not looking to game the systems or damper anyone's fun, I just think its a artificial barrier to game play that doesnt need to be there. We try to get folks to convert over from 5th edition, and dysfunctional and confusing replay rules turn them off.
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"Repeatable Tag (player and GM): Some adventure have the Repeatable tag, which indicates that adventure grants a Chronicle sheet and rewards each time it is played or run. However, a particular character still can’t receive credit from a given repeatable scenario more than once."
I was really hoping we had learned from PFS 1.0. I think this policy is a mistake. I would like it to be redacted. Allow people to play, period the end. Allow unlimited play, as long as its with a new character. Only allow gold and prestige, no other items off the boon sheet. Its hard enough to put tables together, please stop making it harder than it needs to be.
"Repeatable Tag (player and GM): Some adventure have the Repeatable tag, which indicates that adventure grants a Chronicle sheet and rewards each time it is played or run. However, a particular character still can’t receive credit from a given repeatable scenario more than once."
I was really hoping we had learned from PFS 1.0. I think this policy is a mistake. I would like it to be redacted. Allow people to play, period the end. Allow unlimited play, as long as its with a new character. Only allow gold and prestige, no other items off the boon sheet. Its hard enough to put tables together, please stop making it harder than it needs to be.
body bludgeon is amazing.. Too bad it takes 10 levels of barbarian.
So im the only one who likes these new monks?
So.. what happens if i use savage toss and huck the badguy into another badguy? Eventually i'd like to throw badguys into each other and damage both.. trying to decide on the best way to get there. like maybe use painful collision or something.. This is going to be for PFS fyi. Thanks everyone.
Craig Tierney wrote: Secret Wizard wrote: Craig Tierney wrote: Do you still happen to have the source for the image at the start of the Considerations and Alternatives section? It's quite nice, and I'd like to find the artist, but I have been unable to find a way to image search out of a Google Doc. Here ya go Thank you. Im sure you already found it, but this appears to be the artist.
we have a few players who are from the Philippines, their native lang is Tagalog, and my linguistics isnt cutting the mustard. (yes thats a joke) does anyone know where i can get a players handbook written in Tagalog? or even a PDF?
we have a few players who are from the Philippines, their native lang is Tagalog, and my linguistics isnt cutting the mustard. (yes thats a joke) does anyone know where i can get a players handbook written in Tagalog? or even a PDF?
FYI Negative healing inst defined in the bestiary, maybe add a note to refer to the undead traits and define it there?
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In you guys opinion what does Resonance add to the game? I see it as another mechanic to track. I can't see it adding to the game. I respectfully disagree with its inclusion in the game. Now that being said. As an optional rule for low magic campaigns i think it would be amazing. Its not too obtrusive or technically challenging to implement. But if were going for a streamlined game, this function appears to me an un needed tracking mechanism. by itself it inst overbearing, but when added with everything else, I can't see where its adding to the game. But i intend on runing many playtests and lets see how folks feel about it.
Tonya Woldridge wrote: The only special at PaizoCon is the debut of PFS #8-99C: The Solstice Scar, Version C.
I believe Midsummer Conquest in CA is running 1-99.
You mam are my hero.. Thank you for the clarification...
Version C.. I wonder if that counts as a different module?
I just copied another guys post.. I'm looking that the special seems to be the Solstice Scar.
That's they way i have been running it, but have had some disagreements.
Necro post.. Is there a ruling on this yet? If it works like constrict, then there should be..
A creature with constrict deals this additional damage every time it makes a successful grapple check against a foe. This includes the first check to establish the grapple (such as when using the grab universal monster rule).
—Jason Bulmahn, 11/24/10 rk/ drops/ es-of-night/
let the fun ensue...
I was so hoping shadow dancer would get some love..
Sorry for the necro.. but im in the same boat.. May even do wayang.. looking at the rouge "Vexing Dodger" for Limb Climber. Something about climbing up the bad guy and stabbing him in the neck with a syringe (thematic only.. deliver touch attack).
I know this is old, but i was getting ready to post my suggestions. Nefreet, I don't suppose you have a link to that 9 Page discussion? If my concerns are already being addressed, there would be no need for me to restate them. Thanks again.
About time for a Unchained Shadowdancer?
DesolateHarmony wrote: Mr.Nightray wrote: Lau, Thank you for your response, FYI i agree with that ruling i was only playing devil's advocate. I dont suppose theres a ruling anywhere for addressing % issues in PFS? I was attempting to answer the question without any room for doubt.
Kerwin, There is noting in Seeker of secrets, the additional resources or the FAQ that i could find that suggest that.
Here is a post from then Campaign Coordinator Joshua Frost stating that we don't use the variable method for determining resonant abilities. According to earlier posts in that thread he had made a previous declaration that all normal ioun stones have resonant powers. Give me a chance to look it up.
Here it is.
It was in the Guide to Organized Play back then. Hopefully, it is one of the fixes for version 8.1 of the Roleplaying Guild Guide. Sounds like i should just be patient, looks like they are gonna address it. I sure appreciate everyone helping me dig.
Nefreet wrote: There are three types of Ioun Stones: regular, cracked and flawed.
If it's "cracked" or "flawed", it doesn't resonate.
Correct, thus are out of the discussion for PFS.
BigNorseWolf wrote: kerwin1970 wrote: What about implanted ioun stones? I thought that I read somewhere that they have resonance. Not unless you want to implant the wayfinder too.
I know i've allowed uses for the "other pathfinder pouch" before but that is taking it too far...
lol, I can only think of one place to implant a Wayfinder.. Apologies for my crudeness.
Lau, Thank you for your response, FYI i agree with that ruling i was only playing devil's advocate. I dont suppose theres a ruling anywhere for addressing % issues in PFS? I was attempting to answer the question without any room for doubt.
Kerwin, There is noting in Seeker of secrets, the additional resources or the FAQ that i could find that suggest that.
Martin Weil wrote: At present, per Additonal Resources and the FAQ, no inferior Ioun Stone has any resonance, all unflawed Ioun Stones have resonance. I'm so sorry for the necro thread, In the FAQ and the Additional resources I can only find "Additionally, only normal ioun stones have resonance" I see no reference to 100% or "All" unflawed stones having resonance. Could someone please point me to the correct ruling? Im still not sure if the DM is supposed to Roll the 75% chance, or If i can safely assume ALL unflawed ioun stones have resonance. Im looking for an official ruling here.
Give it a wayfinder and a clear spindle ioun stone. Its slotless. Just need int to be 3 or better to use the ioun stone.
If my Fire Kineticist fails the first save for Baleful polymorph when a witch hits me with a spell turning me into a raven, but i make the second save can i still fire my blasts? the description says my hands or a prehensile appendage have to be free.
Are bottled misfortune, and or Ashes of unluck one time use items? -of-unluck ed-misfortune
Most one use items ive seen say so in the description.
Sorry for the Necro threading.. But I am looking for permanent increases in my T-Rex's bite attack for PFS and Im running into PFS blocks. No evolved companion feat, No Spirits Gift, no Improved natural attack, No impact amulet of Mighty fists. Looks like they have shut off permanent increases. I can get at temp increases i.e. Strongjaw, Primal companion. Has any one found a way for permanent increases?
Reynolds8050 wrote: Ok so here's what I came up with. This is based on some of the new stuff.
So let's start with the siege breaker fighter architype. At level one you can bull rush or over run without provoking an aoo. Also when you use one of these maneuvers successfully you deal damage equal to your str mod. If you have the improved feat this damage is doubled. At level 2 after a successful bull rush you get a free over run.
Next we look at the shield slam feat. It says that you get a free bull rush attempt after a successful shield bash attack. And you are allowed to use a shield in two hands for X1.5str.
Next is the new style feats. The bulette style. You want the third feat bulette rampage. This allows you to deal extra damage after a successful over run. This damage is your 1d8+ 1/2 your armor bonus+ X1.5 str.
If you chain all of this together then it's a two handed shield bash followed by a free bull rush followed by a free over run followed by another attack. And assuming you have the improved feats with a heavy shield with the spikes, bashing special ability, and the impact special ability (for a shield that deals 3d6 damage) then that is equal to 3d6+1d8+x7 str. And this is one attack so you can combine this with a full attack.
Look at what happens when you combine the siege breaker with the Smashing Style feat. I use an Adamantine Piston Maul.
umm So if i have 2 skalds in the party.. 1 a regular skald and one a Wyrm singer.... Oh oh..
Me- Johnny where are you going you need to make a stabilization check or you die this round.
Johnny- Umm I suddenly decided I need another core rulebook, monster manual, and every miniature in the store.
Me 10 min later- Ok Johnny fine, looks like you continue to bleed out for 10 more rounds.
Thank you, I just would have felt remiss i I didn't comment on it. Once again thanks for all the hard work being done on PFS. I look forward to engaging the subject again next year.
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I know this will meet with a lot of negative reactions and i apologize for that. But I believe it would do more good than not. I would like to request that the replay rules be revised. I believe it would help the PFS community at large. I think that you should be allowed to replay a module for credit as long as it's with a different character.
The reason for this is there are many players who have played many many games and are forced to go elsewhere to try to find a game. The current options of core play and DMing help to alleviate the situation a little but i'm not sure its enough. I'm not sure why as a community we would ever discourage game play. We all know players who have either stopped coming to PFS events or decide to cherry pick games because they have played so many.
I apologize for any hurt feelings this request may initiate, but i belie it would be in the best interest of the community. Thank you for producing a great role playing environment in which we all can thrive.
Had lots of Fun.. Thanks for those who like the Clown builds, and apologies for those who didn't. Just having fun, role playing, and theory crafting..Looking forward to next year.
Liz Courts wrote: Mr.Nightray wrote: Im sure this has already been announced somewhere.. But how are events going to be announced this year? Are we going to have a sign up like last year? Same process as before, just delayed. Thank you, i'll keep my eyes peeled, unless you can say when it will go live. :)
Im sure this has already been announced somewhere.. But how are events going to be announced this year? Are we going to have a sign up like last year?
Kim Frandsen wrote: I have it saved, so I will post them up for you, for the various rounds. It is worth noting though that the rounds can change each year, and that you are not allowed to have others work on your submissions.
I'll post them as soon as I get a chance. (currently online from a phone).
Thank you I appreciate that.. That being said I could prob give you a small class on Dundjinni. We'd just have to figure out the logistics.
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I know im going to get yelled at by the Elites.. But the replay rules are broken. Plain and simple we have players who aren't coming to game days and or switching to other games because they have played all or most of the pfs games that are normally played. it is ALWAYS a hassle trying to figure out who can play what. In my humble opinion the replay rules need to be removed. As long as you play with another cha, and don't ruin it for folks that haven't played that scenario I would vote that that's ok. That being said, DND doent have these restrictions. Cheers all, My apologies if my opinion upsets anyone that's not my intention. I just want to play, and I see the replay rules as a detriment to play.
Kim Frandsen wrote: Mr.Nightray wrote: I got impatient waiting for Photobucket. Sorry it's taken so long to get back to this one. Real life kept me busy I'm afraid. I'll try to treat this as a "real RPGSS" submission:
So first off:
I don't see a compass or north indicator. Nor is there a distance marker. Both of these are automatic DQs. Same goes for the fact that the map seems a lot bigger than the standard 24X30 map size that you have to use.
There is no map-key, which though not a DQ is a legibility issue for a cartographer who'd need to make this publish-ready.
The cellar part doesn't show up very well as being on a secondary level. Keeping that in white, as opposed to the green undergrowth might help that.
The good parts though is that its very easy to read, the symbols are clear and the "feel" of my original map is intact. Though I don't see the "sinister bloodstain" in the abattoir.
Hope it helps :) So i have no idea what any of the requirements are for submissions. So sorry about that. I was really just trying to give you a idea of what can be done with the program. So if you wanted i could assist with your artwork submission (if such a thing is possible) like i said i have no idea what the requirements are. Is there a handy link as far as what the requirements are? Really I'd like to practice with a few ideas i have for submissions.
I got impatient waiting for Photobucket.
Kim Frandsen wrote: Yeah, I remember that tutorial. :)
My maps are already linked in the thread and there is a link to my season 9 submission in my profile. :)
Ugg i have a small drawing done for you, but photobucket has been in maint forever..