
Michael Hendrick's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 23 posts (2,748 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

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Grand Lodge

Pg. 8 - Amalya stat block

1) All druids need to be some form of neutral. Amalya's alignment should be changed to either CN or NG.

2) In her melee attacks, she's not using both attacks at the same time, so the club and dagger attacks should be separated by an "or".

Grand Lodge

As some or many may know, a number of deities grant access to subdomains that DO NOT grant the parent domain (for example, any deity listed in this blog post with an asterisk next to the subdomain). My question is, when such a subdomain is chosen for a cleric of one of these deities, do the subdomain options replace one of the domains the deity DOES offer? Or does the actual parent domain get to sneak in its other features "through the back door" for that deity so to speak?

For example, let's look at the Ice subdomain. It alters the Water domain and would look like this (where the replaced options are marked with an asterisk):

Ice Subdomain
Granted Powers
1st level - Icicle
8th level - Body of ice*
Domain Spells
1st - obscuring mist
2nd - fog cloud
3rd - water breathing
4th - control water
5th - ice storm
6th - cone of cold
7th - freezing sphere*
8th - horrid wilting
9th - polar ray*

Now, let's look at the demon lord Kostchtchie. He grants the Ice subdomain but not the Water domain. So if a cleric from his cult took the Ice subdomain, would they receive what's listed above (meaning Water domain isn't granted but a transformed version of it [Ice subdomain] is)? Or would they pick one of his granted domains (Chaos, Evil, Strength, War) and apply the replacement powers and spells marked above to one of those?

Grand Lodge

I'm not a PFS player myself, but I've decided to try and create an archive of 1st edition chronicle and boon sheets that have come out throughout the last 10 or so years.

Unfortunately a lot of these sheets that were once made available on the blog were removed once their deadlines expired. Would someone from Paizo be able to provide these boons now that 1st ed is being shelved? Or perhaps there's a member on the forums here that has all these sheets saved themselves? The idea here is to not only make these available for "fun" (don't judge me), but to also provide interesting rewards or inspire new rewards for home games.

After checking all 122 instances of the word "download" from the Paizo Blog tag "Pathfinder Society", I see that the bulk of these were special holiday boons. They are (and their blog post dates are):

- Jestercap (10/24/11)
- Seven Veils (11/21/11)
- Night of the Pale (12/19/11)
- Merrymead 4712 (12/6/12)
- Conquest Day (4/2/12)
- Archerfeast 4712 (7/2/12)
- Evoking Day 4712 (11/13/12)
- Crystalhue 4712 (12/17/12)
- Taxfest 4713 AR (4/15/13)*
- Ascendance Day 4713 (10/7/13)
- Ritual of Stardust (10/19/15)

*The only one I actually have, somehow.

Grand Lodge

Pgs. 14 & 15 - Khraigorr Half-Face

In the "Notable Inhabitants" section at the beginning of this section on page 14, Khraigorr Half-Face is listed as a barbarian 6/mammoth rider 10. However, a character would have to be at least 10th level in other classes before they could take their first level of mammoth rider, based on the skill requirements needed.

This same situation pops up again on page 15, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence.

Grand Lodge

I've tried looking online, I've tried copy and pasting the text into Notepad, but I cannot for the life of me tell what the name of the Master Architect is mentioned on Handout 4-1 on page 209 of the Rise of the Runelords: Anniversary Edition.

The second paragraph on the note mentions what you have to say to gain safe access to the archives, the master architect: ?iosanxi, but that first, uppercase letter in the name is anyone's guess. Is it a "V"? Is his name Viosanxi?

Grand Lodge

Went looking for the errata thread to this book to add something but it seems as though one was never created.

Inside Front Cover - Absolute Loyalty trait

In the last sentence of this trait, change "that this feat" to "take this trait."

Grand Lodge

When looking for the this thread to add something, I noticed it didn't exist yet (or my search-fu is bad).

Pg. 11 - A Shining Beacon trait

In the second sentence, change "critical hit modifier" to "critical hit multiplier".

Grand Lodge

Maybe my search-fu has failed me, but I can't find the answer to this anywhere. When it comes to magic item creation, specifically when it comes to the spells that get cast in the item creation process, can spell-like abilities be used to do this? For example, the cephalopod staff from Horror Adventures can definitely be made at CL 11th by a wizard, but it can also be made at CL 11th by a summoner IF their 11th-level summon monster VI spell-like ability can be used to fulfill that construction requirement.

Grand Lodge

(TL;DR tag at the end - seriously, sorry. Didn't meant for this to end up so long)

Didn't realize this was even an issue until one of my players absconded with a recently slain juvenile red dragon corpse and cast animate dead on it and I discovered while writing up its stats the debate that's been going on for years on these forums about what exactly a dragon skeleton actually gets to keep from its original form (and KUDOS to Paizo for never weighing in on a single forum topic despite repeated FAQ requests). Specifically, here's the choice parts:

1) Type: Retains subtype other than alignment subtypes and subtypes related to the original creature (in the case of a humanoid). Also, text says "Uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here."
2) Defensive Abilities: Loses base creature's defensive abilities and gains DR 5/bludgeoning and immunity to cold, as well as undead traits.
>>>> Ok so already we have a weird situation where a skeleton red dragon keeps the fire subtype, but LOSES immunity to fire and weakness to cold. Whatever, that's not the worst thing ever.
3) Special Attacks: A skeleton retains none of the base creature's special attacks.
>>>> Great, so no breath weapon. I have to assume that's the only thing lost by this point, since nothing else is listed on the "special attacks" line for the juvenile red dragon.
4) Special Qualities: Skeleton loses most special qualities of the base creature. It retains any extraordinary special qualities that can improve its melee or ranged attacks.
>>>> Here's where things get crazy. Pathfinder doesn't have anything defined regarding what the difference between Special Attacks and Special Qualities are, and if they include things that aren't listed in the SQ line in a creature's stat block (like low-light vision and in the case of this example, frightful presence). On paper, frightful presence seems like it should stick with the skeleton - it's an extraordinary ability and it specifically "improves melee attacks" since its activated during a melee attack and therefore makes that melee attack a more dangerous thing. Saying it out loud, however, with everything else a skeleton loses, it feels like frightful presence SHOULD go away.

Lost in all this is what exactly happens to spells and spell-like abilities. There doesn't seem to be a general consensus on what happens to a creature's spell-like abilities when it becomes a skeleton. Are spells and spell-like abilities special attacks? No not really, they're not listed in the special attacks line and not all spells are meant for combat. Are they a special ability? That depends on the creature, but some creatures list their spellcasting abilities IN their special abilities section, while others don't. The Juvenile red dragon, for instance, does list its spell-like abilities in its special abilities section, but not its spells (that's covered in the general dragon write-up). Are they special qualities? Nope, they're never listed in the SQ line of a stat block. The best we have so far to an official ruling on this are the random stat blocks that have appeared in various adventures Paizo has published where a SLA-having creature was skeletonized. A derro skeleton from Ironfang Invasion lost its SLAs. Another adventure has a skeleton cloud giant and it also lost its SLAs.

Spells are a different story, however. Dragons cast like they're sorcerers, so they cast with Charisma (and therefore don't lose spellcasting by virtue of becoming mindless). Charisma drops to 10 for a skeleton, so in theory if a red dragon kept its spellcasting it could only cast cantrips. A bloody skeleton, however, gets a Charisma of 14, so it would in theory keep its spellcasting prowess. Is all this a moot point, however, and spellcasting is lost also the way SLAs were in those 2 creature examples from published sources?

The Juvenile red dragon lists the following in its "Special Abilities" column of the table on page 98 of the Bestiary by the time it's a juvenile:
- Fire subtype (listing it here as a special ability implies IT WOULD BE LOST! *facepalm*)
- Smoke vision (presumably lost)
- Detect magic (SLA, so presumably lost)
- Frightful presence (unknown if lost)
- Pyrotechnics (SLA, so presumably lost)
- Not listed or listed in the general dragon write up beforehand: dragon senses.

TL;DR If you apply the bloody skeleton template to a juvenile red dragon, what of its original abilities would it actually keep? Specifically, its dragon senses, smoke vision, spell-like abilities, spells, and frightful presence?

Grand Lodge

(TL;DR summary at the bottom)

Hello! I brought this up in the Pathfinder Unchained errata thread a couple years ago or so, but it didn't get any input from the devs and now it's creeping up in my game.

An azata eidolon gains an energy form it can switch back and forth from at 20th level. The text says that in this form, it becomes incorporeal, doubles its fly speed, but can't make any natural or manufactured weapon attacks. It can, however, activate any spell-like ability evolutions it possesses.

That bold part brings up an issue. None of the evolutions listed in Pathfinder Unchained grant spell-like abilities, and the azata eidolon doesn't gain any automatically, either. Before Pathfinder Unchained, however, there were some evolutions introduced in Ultimate Magic that granted spell-like abilities, specifically basic magic, minor magic, major magic, and ultimate magic. Unfortunately, the unchained summoner's evolutions now have base form and subtype prerequisites, and only the evolutions from Advanced Player's Guide got a reprinting and tweaking for Pathfinder Unchained, leaving out the evolutions from Ultimate Magic and the two from the fetchling section of Advanced Race Guide.

TL;DR summary: the 20th-level azata eidolon ability mentions it can use any spell-like ability evolutions while in its energy form, however none of the spell-like-ability-granting evolutions from Ultimate Magic are apparently eligible to be taken by unchained summoners, as they weren't included in the write-up for it and therefore weren't given base form/subtype prerequisites for the unchained eidolon's new mechanics.

Grand Lodge

Not sure if this is the right spot for it, but the condition cards come with a new spell, soothing word. My copy of the cards lists it as a ranger 2 spell (among other classes), however d20PFSRD's website lists it as a ranger 3 spell.

Normally I'd chalk it up to a mistake on d20pfsrd's part since they're not official, but I know the condition cards have gone through a few reprints where there were some mistakes, then the mistakes were corrected, then the mistakes were added back in on accident for the latest printing.

For everyone's info, my cards came with the box that say "PATHFINDER CARDS" on them rather than "GAMEMASTERY", and the errors on the Confused and Fatigued cards are still there, so it looks to be the latest printing (where the box was changed but the errors that were removed from previous printings snuck back in).

Grand Lodge

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I just discovered that this was a thing. I hate the idea that my Pathfinder library (book or PDF) is incomplete simply because I didn't hear about a kickstarter. Is there anyway for me to buy or otherwise obtain this supplement?

Grand Lodge

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So for spells like fog cloud, they mention that wind effects can "disperse" the cloud. Does that also mean they effectively dispel the effect? Fog cloud has a long duration, so if the fog is just "dispersed" wouldn't the fog then continue "emanating from the point you designate" once the wind effect ends?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I really wish the skald's rage power section was written better. The rules say a skald can only take rage powers that a) don't require a standard action to activate or b) don't require rounds of rage to activate. The term "activate" is confusing, however, because I can't tell if it also means "to use".

For example, the example in the text calls out terrifying howl is ineligible for a skald because it requires a standard action to activate, which in this case is the same as "using" it.

What's unclear to me, however, are the following rage powers:

1) Animal Fury: gaining this (ie: activating it) appears to be automatic when entering a rage, but making an attack (ie: using it) is a standard action, or it could be used as part of a full attack action. It's not like knockback, which is made IN PLACE of a melee attack (and the skald write up uses it as an example of an eligible rage power), but can be added onto a full attack action.

2) Boasting Taunt: at first glance this would seem like a no-go similar to terrifying howl, but no action is mentioned. I guess since you make an Intimidate check to demoralize, it's a standard action and therefore a no-go for skalds?

3) Energy Eruption: like boasting taunt, this one doesn't mention an action, but breath weapons are usually standard actions, so that's likely what it intended. That would appear to disqualify it for skalds (like greater draconic blood, I presume) but that's when "using it". "Activating it" appears to be a separate affair, specifically with absorbing the incoming attack that allows the breath weapon attack in the first place.

4) Fiend Totem, Lesser; Abyssal Blood, Lesser; & Draconic Blood, Lesser: same situation as animal fury.

5) Good for What Ails You, Liquid Courage, Roaring Drunk, & Staggering Drunk: Again, no action mentioned for these 4 powers, but drinking is a standard action so that would disqualify them, right?

6) Hurling, Lesser: If standard actions are a no-go, wouldn't that mean full-round-action-activated powers are also?

7) Spell Sunder: it's a CMB roll, so I would think it's like knockback, but it appears to be its own thing instead of something you do as part of an attack, so it looks like "activating it" and "using it" are one in the same and maybe means skalds can't take it?

8) Sprint: Like lesser hurling, it's a full-round action which common sense would say shouldn't be allowed, but RAW doesn't. Unlike lesser hurling, however, this isn't a unique action, but appears to be something that's done as part of a run or charge, which sounds a lot like knockback being used with a melee attack, which skalds can take.

Grand Lodge

So back when Advanced Class Guide first came out, one keen-eyed reader noticed that the bloodrager, while similar to the paladin and ranger in terms of when it acquired spells, lacked the line about not having a caster level until it hit 4th level, at which time its CL would be its level - 3.

The devs responded to this saying this was somewhat intentional, and that they were toying/experimenting with the idea of removing this caveat for the paladin and ranger, and the bloodrager was the test. Fast forward to the release of Occult Adventures, and the new medium class has the same spell progression and also lacks this reduced-caster-level rule.

Now that 2nd edition is on the horizon, whatever became of this? I like to have some semblance of uniformity in my games, and in the event that there's no official ruling (or even semi-official, like if a dev wanted to weigh in with their personal opinion), I want to know if I can feel confident in houseruling my rangers and paladins to have higher caster levels now.

Grand Lodge

So, I have two questions, both of which stem from the following text in the Advanced Class Guide:

ACG wrote:
At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a skald learns a rage power that affects the skald and any allies under the influence of his inspired rage. this cannot be a rage power that requires the creature to spend a standard action or rounds of rage to activate it.

QUESTION 1: What rage powers can a skald actually take?

Based on the quote above, I'm not sure if the bold section is simply just telling you what powers are allowed to pass on to your allies and which can't, or if it's also saying that if a rage power requires a standard action or rounds of rage to activate, not even the skald themselves can take this power for their own benefit. For example, when a skald reaches a level it can select a rage power, can a skald select renewed vigor to benefit from themselves, even though it can't be passed on to allies?

QUESTION 2: What about rage powers that require a full-round action?
In the same text above, it SPECIFICALLY mentions standard-action-activated rage powers. What about those like feast of blood (Pathfinder Player Companion: Demon Hunter's Handbook pg. 8) which require a full-round action to perform?

Grand Lodge

Pg. 42 - Washing Away the Soul sidebar

In the second paragraph of this sidebar, the fourth sentence starts with:

Feast of Dust, Pg 42 wrote:
Creatures immersed in one of the springs' pools are affected as if exposed to 2 doses of Lethe water.

I'm uncertain what actually is meant to happen here. Normally being affected by 2 doses of the same poison just resets the frequency and adds a +2 to the DC to resist and save against it (so the DC would be 18 here). It's unclear if that's all this was asking us to do, or if it meant for the afflicted to suffer double the effects on the first round after a failed save.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 3 - Where on Golarion?

Steel_Wind discovered an issue with Arwyll Stead's location as it's described in this section:

Steel_Wind wrote:

So I was considering on integrating in Arwyll Stead into my Giantslayer campaign, when all manner of difficulties presented themselves with doing so.

Never mind the main plot, my problem is where the hell to put Arwyll Stead.

So it's time to be a bit pedantic here, because the overwhelming majority of the time, Paizo gets its topography right as it builds on to the MASSIVE imaginary land of Golarion. But this is not one of those times when it comes to Arwyll Stead.

The shifting locations and topography of some of the settlements and geography in this area - and even the name and length of a river - are inconsistent and require revision at some point.

Here's how we get to the (pedantic) problem...

On the original map of Golarion in the 3.5 Campaign setting, the River Esk and the Kestrel rivers do not exist. The Path river stops a good deal short of where its headwaters are now drawn.

Fast forward to when Belkzen was first detailed in the AP line - and we find it the subject of an article in Pathfinder #11 - Skeletons of Scarwall in an article by James Sutter. A map is included in that article, and both the Esk and Kestrel Rivers are added to the geography as depicted in the Map of the Inner Sea Region that came with the 3.5 Campaign Setting.

At the time of Skeletons of Scarwall, Freedom Town is not located on the branch of the Path river at all, but appears to be in the plains, beyond the borders of Lastwall and not quite in Belkzen proper. A sort of no man's land. It's described as such, too.

By the time of the Inner Sea Map Portfolio, the Path River is redrawn again, this time to go right by Freedom Town which is no longer in the plains, but the town is moved to the shores of the newly drawn and lengthened Path River.

Giantslayer Vol #2, The Hill Giant's Pledge concurs with the placement of Freedom Town on the borders of the now lengthened Path River. Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes concurs that Freedom Town is within the boarders of Belkzen, but omits any reference to the river on the area map in that product. However, on the map of the town included in the same book at page 24, a map of the town is provided and the name of the river changes from the "Path" to the "Aren".

Daughters of Fury changes the topography again, by placing the town further up the headwaters of the now lengthened Path River. Yet somehow, Arwyll Stead is clearly described in the appendix to Daughters of Fury as being within the borders of Lastwall. Problem is, Freedom Town -- which is closer to Vigil, indeed, only two days ride from the town, is not within those borders. It's in Belkzen and this is discussed in the context of the politics of Chieftain Uldeth and the Empty Hand in Urgir.

So, one (or more!) of these things is wrong, or alternatively, the borders have changed and some event has brought peace and Order to Freedom Town. That would be a definite violation of a basic premise to Golarion's design where events in a given AP are not assumed to have happened and the mutually independent "Theme Parks" of each of the stores in the world have not happened and all is "at rest".

Problem is, the map in Giantslayer Vol 2 clearly tells us that Freedom Town is in Belkzen and beyond the borders of Lastwall. Indeed, the criminal scum of Freedom Town play a role in the 1st volume of that AP and its location within Belkzen is noted.

So, all by way of saying, I must conclude that this map of "where on Golarion" Arwyll Stead is located is messed up and just wrong.

Arwyll Stead needs to be closer to Vigil and on the Path River, or the Aren, or whatever the hell you want to call it - just near Lastwall's border so as to leave Freedom Town beyond it within the borders of Belkzen, as also depicted in Giantslayer, Curse of the Crimson Throne and Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes.

I suggest Arwyll Stead should be properly located on the Aren River (that name makes sense for that tributary), located essentially in the area under the letters "F" and "r" in the word "Freedom Town" on the one part Inner Sea Poster Map.

Grand Lodge

In the third Skull & Shackles book, Tempest Rising, page 41 has a creature named Shimerae. Shimerae is, according to her stat block, an "advanced dusk kamadan" and is CR 6. The problem here is that dusk kamadans are a variant of the standard kamadan, and already have the advanced simple template applied (and are CR 5).

Shimerae's stat block suggests the advanced simple template is supposed to be added a second time, which WOULD justify the CR of 6. Unfortunately, her stats don't even have the first advanced simple template added correctly. Specifically, her Strength score should have 1 point added to it, and her Constitution score should have 2 points added to it.

So, to fix Shimerae, either the following two things would need to happen:

1) Reduce CR to 5 and lower XP reward, delete "advanced" from the description below XP, and increase Strength and Constitution as mentioned above (and make any changes associated with the higher Con modifier).


2) Change Strength and Constitution as mentioned above, AND THEN add +4 again to all 6 ability scores, increasing all relevant stats associated with them.

I have a feeling doing #2 would make a creature more powerful than the designers intended.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 35 - Pezzack

The values listed for minor, medium, and major items are incorrect. Nevermind the Impoverished disadvantage wasn't factored in, it's reading like Pezzack is a small city instead of a large town. With the Impoverished disadvantage, they should be:

"Minor Items 1d4; Medium Items 1d4; Major Items 1d2"

Grand Lodge

Pg. 8 - Kasatha Characters

Not really an error, but given that Kasatha can treat kasatha spinal swords as martial weapons, they maybe should have the following listed in their racial abilities:

"Weapon Familiarity (Ex): Kasatha treat kasatha spinal swords as martial weapons."

Grand Lodge

Pg. 7 - Breathtaker rage power

In the last sentence of this rage power, change "barbarian's Strength modifier"" to "barbarian's Strength bonus". This change is for those rare occasions where a barbarian has received so much Strength damage that even raging she's at a negative Strength modifier, she doesn't inexplicably begin to add breath to a creature's lungs with every hit.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 7 - Nightstalls Escapee regional trait

There's nothing wrong with the text of this trait, just the introductory blurb right before it. The sentence before says "The following regional trait is available to ifrits with ties to Katapesh." This makes it sound like it's more of a race-specific regional trait. This wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for the fact that every other regional trait introduced in each of the sections here dedicated to a race says "available to characters" instead, making the ifrit's regional trait stand out as noticeably different. If all of the others are open to other races, it's possible this was as well and its text wasn't updated.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 9 - Greater harrowing spell

This spell is based off of the harrowing spell from Inner Sea World Guide, and like that spell, this spell is missing its saving throw and spell resistance information.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 5 - Sure-Handed Alchemy feat

The benefit paragraph for this feat says the following:

Sure-Handed Alchemy feat wrote:
When attempting Craft (alchemy) checks to create items using spontaneous alchemy, you gain a cumulative +1 circumstance bonus for each distinct reagent called for by the recipe. A failed Craft (alchemy) check results in a mishap only on a natural 1. Finally, you take no penalties on Craft (alchemy) checks when using improvised equipment to create items using spontaneous alchemy.

Emphasis mine above. The bolded sentence should probably be changed to say that the failed roll only applies if the natural 1 would have fallen within the "failed by 5 or more" threshold, since skill checks don't "auto-fail". Otherwise a 1 would cause a mishap on a result of 4 or less from the DC, which wouldn't happen if you DIDN'T possess this feat.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

(Sorry for the length, TL;DR at the end)

Can somebody, either player or designer, chime in and explain how exactly the suffocating powder from Player Companion: Alchemy Manual works? Here's its description:

Alchemy Manual wrote:

This small sack of green-gray powder is thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. A creature struck by a direct hit must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or begin choking and gasping for air as if suffocating (DC 12 for creatures in the splash radius). Affected creatures cannot breathe or speak for 1 round.

Mythic: You can expend one use of mythic power while throwing a bag of suffocating powder to charge the item with mythic power. Non-mythic creatures do not receive saving throws to avoid the suffocation effect. Affected creatures suffocate for an additional number of rounds equal to your mythic tier.

I know it seems pretty cut-and-dry, but the rules for suffocation don't really gel with this. Here they are below, and I've numbered what I consider to be each "phase" of the suffocation effect.

Suffocation rules wrote:

(Phase 1)A character who has no air to breathe can hold her breath for 2 rounds per point of Constitution. If a character takes a standard or full-round action, the remaining duration that the character can hold her breath is reduced by 1 round. (Phase 2)After this period of time, the character must make a DC 10 Constitution check in order to continue holding her breath. The check must be repeated each round, with the DC increasing by +1 for each previous success.

(Phase 3)When the character fails one of these Constitution checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates.

So, ignoring the mythic use this item for now, which phase above does a target start going through when they're hit with suffocating powder?

* If it's Phase #1: This means the powder literally does nothing. Even a creature with a Con score of 1 gets 2 rounds of breath-holding, 1 round with strenuous activity, and suffocating powder's effects only stick around for 1 round. All it does is prevent talking for 1 round, which I guess is good vs. verbal components and voice-based Perform skills for bards and skalds.
* If it's Phase #2: This might be the intended phase to start, but I'm hesitant to believe that because it involves another Constitution check on top of the Fortitude save they just made, and the fact that by the wording of suffocation, it's not until after they've failed this phase that they're considered "suffocating" (and the item says the target is treated "as if suffocating").
* If it's Phase #3: Whoa. This is when the target is, based on wording, "suffocating". If that's the case, then the target(s) immediately falls unconscious, but since this only lasts 1 round they'll be fine the next round. Still, 45 gp for unconscious-inducing ranged touch attack weapon that requires no proficiency seems nutty, and the mythic version of this interpretation gets CRAZY...

It seems that phase 2 (or phase 3, arguably) makes the only logical sense for this effect to begin at. Meanwhile, the mythic use of this item doesn't fair much better. Phase 1 interpretation means a creature with a Con score of at least 6 could hold their breath long enough to negate the effects of a tier 10 mythic character throwing this. Phase 2 probably makes the most sense here, especially considering that a phase 3 interpretation means a mythic character of at least tier 3 can kill MULTIPLE creatures with this with no save whatsoever, for only 45 gp.

Sorry for the length, anyone want to share their 2 cp?

(TL;DR: Suffocating Powder, what does it do? What specifically happens to a character hit by it?)

Grand Lodge

Pg. 13 - Planar Hunter feat

The benefit paragraph for this feat makes it sound like you automatically get to apply this feat to all of your planar favored terrains, but then the Special section below that suggests you have to choose one and take the feat again if you want it to apply to a different one. It's unclear if the benefit paragraph needs changing or the special paragraph needs deleting.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 9 - Relic Hunter trait

Minor typo. Last sentence, change "Use Magical Device" to "Use Magic Device".

Grand Lodge

Pg. 9 - Saline purge

In the description of saline purge, change the last sentence to read as follows:

"Whether or not this save is successful, the imbiber may make an immediate caster level check, using the saline purge's caster level as his own, to cure any poisons or curses affecting him as his body purges the ill effects."


Grand Lodge

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Pg. 7 - Change shape ability

Change the change shape ability of the skinwalker to match its updated description from Bestiary 5:

"Change Shape (Su, 5 RP): A skinwalker can change shape to a bestial form as a standard action. In bestial form, a skinwalker gains a +2 racial bonus to his choice of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. While in this form, a skinwalker also takes on an animalistic feature that provides a special effect. Each time a skinwalker assumes bestial form, he can choose to gain two claw attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage, 60 ft. darkvision, or a +1 natural armor bonus. These benefits last until the skinwalker returns to his humanoid form as a swift action. A skinwalker must first return to his humanoid form before changing to bestial form again to change benefits."

Grand Lodge

Pg. 23 - Seven-League Leap path ability

In this 6th-tier champion mythic path ability, in the last sentence, change "(5d%)" to "(5d% x 10)".

Grand Lodge

Pg. 17 - Runaway Slave trait

The last half of the described benefit of this trait doesn't make sense:

Demon Hunter's Handbook wrote:
You gain a +1 trait bonus on saves against fear effects and gain low-light vision 10 feet. If you already have low-light vision, its range extends by 10 feet.

It looks like they're confusing low-light vision with darkvision. Low-light vision doesn't have a range it operates within. Even if it did, a torch's light source extends beyond 10 feet, so its unclear if the trait means to extend the visible light source of those items by 10 feet, or if its meant to be more like darkvision where only light sources within 10 feet of the character are extended (which means only a candle would truly benefit from this). Likewise, the second sentence here doesn't make sense because already having low-light vision is all encompassing and doesn't have a listed range, and adding "10 feet" would be nonsensical.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 19 - Meditation feats

In the intro section to these feats, the second paragraph details that monks can select these feats as monk bonus feats, however, note the following (emphasis mine):

Faiths & Philosophies wrote:
Monks and Meditation Feats: A monk may take a meditation feat in place of a bonus feat. She must meet all of the prerequisites to take the feat as normal.

That last bit there implies the norm is that monks must qualify for their monk bonus feats, when actually that's not true. Monks need not qualify for their bonus feats' prerequisites.

Having said that, I believe these feats should be qualified for like the paragraph says, and therefore would be exception to normal monk bonus feats. Also, there's no reason these couldn't be available to unchained monks either, since the two ability descriptions between unchained an vanilla monks are identical to each other.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 9 - Versatile Spontaneity feat

How should this feat work with/be rewritten to accommodate psychic spontaneous casters? Or should it not?

Grand Lodge

Pg. 12 - Iron Priest archetype

In addition to the official errata, in the spontaneous casting ability, last sentence, replace "casting" with "spontaneous casting."

Grand Lodge

Pg. 47 - Pain taster prestige class

The issues surrounding the pain taster have already been discussed in a few other threads, including the product thread, but I'll summarize the necessary changes here for easy reference:

In the pain mastery ability, in the first sentence, change "masochism ability" to "disciple of pain ability". Then, in the second sentence, delete "The pain taster must still self-inflict the combined amount of hit point damage for both routines, though". Finally, in the last sentence, delete ", and must pay the cost for it".

Grand Lodge

Pg. 21 - Tar Kuata

For the dues of this organization, it says simply "300 gp". It may have meant 300 gp/term rather than only 1 initial fee.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 8 - Mangvhune stat block

In the feats section, change "Babau Sneak Attack" to "Babau Rogue Talent".

Also, replace one feat of your choosing with Medium Armor Proficiency. I removed Iron Will.

Grand Lodge

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I didn't see a thread like this anywhere, and noticed the reported errors were scattered amongst a number of threads, so here they all are in one place.

Inside front cover - Various Lords of the Empyrean tables

Three empyreal lords have had their favor weapons either clarified or changed as of Inner Sea Gods. Make the following changes:

Winlas: Change favored weapon from "Mace" to "Heavy mace".
Zohls: Change favored weapon from "Crossbow" to "Heavy crossbow".
Cernunnos: As of both Inner Sea Gods and Bestiary 4, change favored weapon from "Club" to "Longbow".

Grand Lodge

Risen from the Sands is a module that is a good ol' fashion dungeon-crawl (and it's free!). Area 15 has me worried though. It's a room that summons an elemental to fight whenever a pillar is touched. The treasure paragraph in that section spells out that continued touching of the pillar continues to summon these creatures.

Anyone have any advice on preventing meta-gaming, video-gaming players from using this room as an XP-farm?

Grand Lodge

Can a creature use a teleport spell or similar ability to slip out of physical bindings, like manacles or rope? The spell says you CAN take objects, but not sure if that's what the intent is.

Grand Lodge

I originally threw this question in the Campaign Setting product discussion board, but it's probably more suited for this board.

I have a question about the hamatulatsu master monk archetype from Inner Sea Combat that I'm surprised I didn't see asked anywhere. For the stunning fist ability, it says the monk gains a number of conditions gained at various levels that they can apply other than the stunned condition, but they don't say they REPLACE the effects the vanilla monk gains, despite being gained at the same levels. Was this the intent?

In other words, a 4th-level hamatulatsu master monk, can they apply the shaken condition OR the fatigued condition? Or JUST the shaken condition?

Grand Lodge

I have a question about the hamatulatsu master monk archetype from Inner Sea Combat that I'm surprised I didn't see asked anywhere. For the stunning fist ability, it says the monk gains a number of conditions gained at various levels that they can apply other than the stunned condition, but they don't say they REPLACE the effects the vanilla monk gains, despite being gained at the same levels. Was this the intent?

In other words, a 4th-level hamatulatsu master monk, can they apply the shaken condition OR the fatigued condition? Or JUST the shaken condition?

Grand Lodge

Hey all, I was wondering if any eagle-eyed proofreaders out there could take a quick glance at a stat-block I made to make sure my numbers are on the up-and-up. To give some background, this is a former-PC-turned-undead-NPC that is coming back to terrorize my current party of players in a one-time encounter (as he'll be fighting to the death). To help with the proofreading, here's some facts:

> 15-point-buy
> As a half-elf originally, character swapped out the adaptability racial trait for the ancestral arms racial trait (so he took Exotic Weapon Proficiency instead of Skill Focus). He also swapped out multitalented for arcane training.
> Don't be scared by the word "variant" near the top of his stat block. The only difference about this character compared to typical bloodragers is that I altered his bloodrage ability so that it would function even though he's undead. See his ability, unliving bloodrage, whose mechanics I borrowed heavily from the spell unliving rage from the Advanced Class Guide (and whose flavor description may give away what campaign this is taking place in). Because of this ability, I've increased his CR by +1 higher than it would be normally, mostly because it also increases a number of other things rage wouldn't normally increase (since Cha is being raised and the creature is undead), and because this is a former PC and therefore has traits, AND because undead are immune to fatigue effects and therefore suffer no repercussions for ending a rage.
> Don't worry about me not giving him appropriate wealth for his level. Instead of using that table, he's using items he had when he died, and only those (and I changed his potion of cure moderate wounds to a potion of inflict moderate wounds).
> Traits can be annoying to look up, so Blood of Dragons (race trait) is increasing Perception by +1, Deft Dodger (basic combat trait) is increasing Reflex saves by +1, and Exile (campaign trait) is increasing Initiative by +2. His Power Hungry drawback can be ignored.

Captain Calathes:
Captain Calathes (RAGING!)
CR 6
XP 2,400
Male variant burning skeletal champion bloodrager 5
CE Medium undead (augmented humanoid [elf, human])
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60ft., low-light vision; Perception +11
Aura fiery aura (1d6)

AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +6 armor, +2 natural, -2 rage)
hp 76 (2d8+5d10+40)
Fort +9; Ref +6; Will +7; +2 vs. enchantment, channel resistance +4, +2 vs. ally spells
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune fire, undead traits
Weaknesses cold vulnerability

Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk Large bastard sword +13/+8 (2d8+10/19-20 plus 1d6 fire) or 2 claws +13 (1d6+7 plus 1d6 fire)
Special Attacks unliving bloodrage (14 rounds/day)
Bloodrager Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +11)
1st (2/day) - burning hands (DC 15), ray of enfeeblement (DC 15), true strike
Bloodline draconic (red)

Base Statistics When not in an unliving bloodrage, Calathes' statistics are AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18; hp 62; Fort +7, Will +5; Melee Large bastard sword +11 (2d8+7/19-20 plus 1d6 fire) or 2 claws +11 (1d4+5 plus 1d6 fire); Spells concentration +9, DC 13 for 1st-level spell saves; Str 20, Cha 14; CMB +11; CMD 24; Skills Intimidate +12, Swim +8; SQ fiery death (3d6, DC 15)

Str 24, Dex 16, Con -, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 26
Feats Dazzling Display, Eschew Materials, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bastard sword)
Traits Blood of Dragons, Deft Dodger, Exile
Drawback Power Hungry
Skills Acrobatics +8, Intimidate +14, Perception +11, Survival +4, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven
SQ arcane training, blood casting, blood sanctuary, fast movement, fiery death (3d6, DC 17), improved uncanny dodge


Combat Gear potion of inflict moderate wounds; Other Gear masterwork Large bastard sword, masterwork breastplate, cloak of resistance +1, 160 gp, 5 sp

Arcane Training (Ex) Calathes can use spell trigger and spell completion items for a bloodrager as if one level higher.

Fiery Aura (Ex) Creatures adjacent to a burning skeletal champion take 1d6 points of fire damage at the start of their turn. Anyone striking a burning skeletal champion with an unarmed strike or natural attack takes 1d6 points of fire damage.

Fiery Death (Su) A burning skeletal champion explodes into a burst of flame when it dies. Anyone adjacent to the skeletal champion when it is destroyed takes 1d6 points of fire damage per 2 HD the skeletal champion possessed (minimum 1d6). A Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the skeletal champion's HD + the skeletal champion's Cha bonus) halves this damage.

Unliving Bloodrage (Su) Unbeknownst to Calathes, while exploring the Catacombs of Wrath some of the dormant magic within the ruins became attracted to his raging spirit and lingered within even as he walked out from its halls. As such, due to his violent death and subsequent unlife, the lingering magic of wrath has allowed his undead form the ability to rage as he did in life, albeit via necromantic energies rather than raw emotion. Calathes' bloodrage provides a profane bonus rather than a morale bonus, and provides a +4 bonus to Charisma instead of Constitution. All other effects are unchanged and this ability functions as bloodrage.

Grand Lodge

Hey to any who care:

It looks like the construction information for the calming oils magic item on page 26 got moved to the end of the description of the next magic item, the clockwork key.

Additionally, while we're on the subject, it looks like the construction information may be in error. For one, it requires Craft Potion which was likely meant to be Brew Potion, but actually this could be in error, too, since the item itself does not function like normal potions and oils do. It is more like the various elixir magic items and therefore probably requires Craft Wondrous Item instead.

Also on page 27, the construction requirements for the triple-stinging blade say it needs the Craft Weapon feat, which isn't a thing. It was probably meant to say Craft Magical Arms and Armor.

Grand Lodge

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Below is a list of mythic spell lists for classes released after Mythic Adventures. Note that I left out the arcanist, investigator, skald, and warpriest since their spells can just be copied from another class based off their rules. The hunter was included below because of how they use two class' spell lists, which can be annoying to go back and forth on.

Bloodrager Mythic Spells:
1st-Level Bloodrager Spells: break, burning hands, color spray, ear-piercing scream, endure elements, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, feather fall, hydraulic push, mage armor, magic missile, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, reduce person, shadow weapon, shocking grasp, true strike.
2nd-Level Bloodrager Spells: ablative barrier, animal aspect, blindness/deafness, boiling blood, burning gaze, disfiguring touch, dust of twilight, false life, gust of wind, mirror image, protection from arrows, resist energy, scorching ray, shatter, spider climb, unshakable chill.
3rd-Level Bloodrager Spells: beast shape I, burrow, draconic reservoir, fireball, firestream, fly, force punch, haste, heroism, hydraulic torrent, lightning bolt, magic weapon (greater), monstrous physique I, phantom steed, slow, stinking cloud, vampiric touch.
4th-Level Bloodrager Spells: beast shape II, black tentacles, confusion, contagion, dragon's breath, elemental body I, enervation, fire shield, ice storm, monstrous physique II, phantasmal killer, shout, stoneskin, wall of fire, wall of ice.

Hunter Mythic Spells:
1st-Level Hunter Spells: anticipate peril, call animal, cure light wounds, endure elements, entangle, faerie fire, goodberry, hydraulic push, know the enemy, magic fang, mighty fist of the earth, obscuring mist, resist energy, sun metal.
2nd-Level Hunter Spells: animal aspect, barkskin, burning gaze, chill metal, feast of ashes, flame blade, fog cloud, gust of wind, heat metal, pernicious poison, pox pustules, ricochet shot, spider climb, summon swarm, unshakable chill.
3rd-Level Hunter Spells: battle trance, burrow, call lightning, companion mind link, contagion, cup of dust, cure moderate wounds, daylight, hydraulic torrent, magic fang (greater), named bullet, share glory, stone shape.
4th-Level Hunter Spells: arboreal hammer, cape of wasps, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, flame strike, giant vermin, ice storm, spike stones, true form.
5th-Level Hunter Spells: baleful polymorph, cure critical wounds, fire snake, lend path, stoneskin, wall of fire, wall of thorns.
6th-Level Hunter Spells: fire seeds, move earth, repel wood, terraform, wall of stone.

Medium Mythic Spells:
1st-Level Medium Spells: anticipate peril, bleed glory, command, ear-piercing scream, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, ill omen, murderous command, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, reduce person, share glory, silent image, true strike.
2nd-Level Medium Spells: false life, haste, heroism, hideous laughter, invisibility, knock, lend path, levitate, mirror image, mythic severance, restore mythic power, slow, spider climb, spiritual weapon, suggestion.
3rd-Level Medium Spells: detect scrying, dimension door, dispel magic, dream, fly, gaseous form, phantasmal killer, sending, vampiric touch.
4th-Level Medium Spells: battlemind link, break enchantment, deathless, modify memory.

Mesmerist Mythic Spells:
1st-Level Mesmerist Spells: anticipate peril, bane, call animal, color spray, command, expeditious retreat, faerie fire, grease, healing thief, hideous laughter, ill omen, jitterbugs, memory lapse, murderous command, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement, silent image, sleep, theft ward.
2nd-Level Mesmerist Spells: blindness/deafness, blistering invective, burning gaze, disfiguring touch, false life, invisibility, knock, levitate, mirror image, shadow anchor, silence, suggestion.
3rd-Level Mesmerist Spells: bleed glory, confusion, cup of dust, deep slumber, dispel magic, mythic severance, sending, vampiric touch.
4th-Level Mesmerist Spells: battlemind link, break enchantment, detect scrying, dimension door, dominate person, dream, enervation, modify memory, phantasmal killer, solid fog, steal power.
5th-Level Mesmerist Spells: mislead, nightmare.
6th-Level Mesmerist Spells: irresistible dance, power word blind.

Occultist Mythic Spells:
1st-Level Occultist Spells: anticipate peril, break, burning hands, command, cure light wounds, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, feather fall, floating disk, hex ward, hold portal, inflict light wounds, mage armor, memory lapse, murderous command, reduce person, shadow weapon, shocking grasp, silent image, sleep.
2nd-Level Occultist Spells: ablative barrier, burning gaze, chill metal, cure moderate wounds, darkness, disfiguring touch, false life, feast of ashes, gust of wind, heat metal, inflict moderate wounds, invisibility, knock, levitate, make whole, mirror image, pernicious poison, resist energy, shatter, spider climb.
3rd-Level Occultist Spells: animate dead, call lightning, cup of dust, cure serious wounds, daybreak arrow, daylight, deep slumber, dispel magic, fireball, fly, gaseous form, haste, healing thief, inflict serious wounds, lightning bolt, magic vestment, magic weapon (greater), phantom steed, sands of time, slow, stone shape, suggestion.
4th-Level Occultist Spells: break enchantment, confusion, cure critical wounds, detect scrying, dimension door, fire shield, ice storm, inflict critical wounds, sending, shout, stoneskin, true form, wall of fire, wall of ice.
5th-Level Occultist Spells: battlemind link, cone of cold, dominate person, fire snake, mislead, telekinesis, wall of force, wall of stone.
6th-Level Occultist Spells: animate objects, antimagic field, blade barrier, chain lightning, contingency, disintegrate, enemy hammer, globe of invulnerability, harm, heal, transformation, wall of iron.

Psychic Mythic Spells:
1st-Level Psychic Spells: anticipate peril, break, color spray, command, ear-piercing scream, endure elements, enlarge person, entropic shield, expeditious retreat, feather fall, floating disk, hold portal, ill omen, mage armor, magic missile, murderous command, reduce person, shadow weapon, silent image, sleep, true strike.
2nd-Level Psychic Spells: animal aspect, blindness/deafness, boiling blood, chill metal, disfiguring touch, false life, feast of ashes, heat metal, hideous laughter, invisibility, jitterbugs, knock, levitate, make whole, mirror image, protection from arrows, resist energy, shadow anchor, shatter, shield other, silence, spider climb, suggestion.
3rd-Level Psychic Spells: ablative barrier, bleed glory, blink, cup of dust, deep slumber, devolution, dispel magic, fly, force punch, gaseous form, haste, healing thief, heroism, restore mythic power, sands of time, share glory, slow, strangling hair, touch injection, vampiric touch.
4th-Level Psychic Spells: black tentacles, break enchantment, confusion, deathless, detect scrying, dimension door, dream, mythic severance, named bullet, phantasmal killer, sending, shout, stoneskin, telekinesis, true form, vomit twin.
5th-Level Psychic Spells: dominate person, lend path, modify memory, nightmare, plane shift, steal power, wall of force.
6th-Level Psychic Spells: animate objects, battlemind link, blade barrier, conjure black pudding, contingency, disintegrate, enemy hammer, globe of invulnerability, mislead, transformation.
7th-Level Psychic Spells: antimagic field, finger of death, limited wish, power word blind, resonating word, reverse gravity, terraform, walk through space.
8th-Level Psychic Spells: dimensional lock, earthquake, irresistible dance, maze, orb of the void, power word stun.
9th-Level Psychic Spells: ascension, foresight, mage's disjunction, power word kill, time stop, wish.

Shaman Mythic Spells:
1st-Level Shaman Spells: bane, bless, burning hands, cure light wounds, endure elements, entangle, goodberry, hex ward, hydraulic push, inflict light wounds, obscuring mist, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, sleep.
2nd-Level Shaman Spells: barkskin, burning gaze, cure moderate wounds, darkness, false life, flame blade, fog cloud, inflict moderate wounds, levitate, resist energy, spiritual weapon, summon swarm.
3rd-Level Shaman Spells: animate dead, blindness/deafness, call lightning, cure serious wounds, daylight, deep slumber, dispel magic, fly, inflict serious wounds, magic vestment, stinking cloud, stone shape.
4th-Level Shaman Spells: cure critical wounds, detect scrying, giant vermin, ice storm, inflict critical wounds, magic weapon (greater), sands of time, sending, solid fog, spike stones.
5th-Level Shaman Spells: baleful polymorph, break enchantment, breath of life, dominate person, flame strike, stoneskin, wall of fire, wall of thorns.
6th-Level Shaman Spells: cone of cold, fire seeds, flesh to stone, wall of stone.
7th-Level Shaman Spells: animate plants, control weather, harm, heal, plane shift, regenerate, sunbeam.
8th-Level Shaman Spells: earthquake, fire storm, irresistible dance, whirlwind.
9th-Level Shaman Spells: foresight, storm of vengeance, tsunami.

Spiritualist Mythic Spells:
1st-Level Spiritualist Spells: anticipate peril, cure light wounds, endure elements, expeditious retreat, feather fall, inflict light wounds, mage armor, magic fang, obscuring mist, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, sanctuary.
2nd-Level Spiritualist Spells: cure moderate wounds, death knell, disfiguring touch, false life, inflict moderate wounds, invisibility, levitate, protection from arrows, resist energy, spiritual weapon, surmount affliction.
3rd-Level Spiritualist Spells: animate dead, blindness/deafness, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, fly, force punch, gaseous form, haste, heroism, inflict serious wounds, magic fang (greater), phantom steed*, sands of time, slow, vampiric touch.
4th-Level Spiritualist Spells: black tentacles, confusion, cure critical wounds, detect scrying, dimension door, enervation, inflict critical wounds, phantasmal killer, solid fog.
5th-Level Spiritualist Spells: break enchantment, breath of life, cloudkill, dominate person, dream, nightmare, plane shift, sending, telekinesis.
6th-Level Spiritualist Spells: circle of death, disintegrate, enemy hammer, harm, heal, mislead, transformation.

* Phantom steed appears on both the 2nd- and 3rd-level spell lists for the spiritualist. It's of the author's opinion that it was intended to be a 3rd-level spell, but this may not be true.

And as a joke...:
1st-Level Adept Spells: bless, burning hands, command, cure light wounds, endure elements, obscuring mist, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, sleep.
2nd-Level Adept Spells: cure moderate wounds, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, resist energy, scorching ray, web.
3rd-Level Adept Spells: animate dead, contagion, cure serious wounds, daylight, lightning bolt.
4th-Level Adept Spells: cure critical wounds, stoneskin, wall of fire.
5th-Level Adept Spells: break enchantment, heal, wall of stone.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 25 - Death from Below feat

This feat grants a +2 circumstance bonus against flying creatures when you have a weapon set against a charge, or when you're allowed an attack of opportunity against such creatures, but it doesn't say what that bonus is for, whether it's attack, damage, or something else.

Grand Lodge

I have a player who just hit 5th-level as an arcanist and picked up Craft Wondrous Item as his feat. He wants to craft a magic item for the monk in the party of his own design, and it's essentially a glove as that produces the shield spell the moment you put it on and never stops. He reasons it should only cost him 1,000 gp to make, as the rules for magic item creation say that to create a continuous/use activated item, it's spell level x caster level x 2,000, and so crafting it would be half that.

There's gotta be some rule against this, or he's misinterpreting something, right? The closest thing I could find to such an item was a ring of force shield, but even that costs 4 times as much as what he wants to make, gives a lesser shield bonus, takes up a hand, and uses free actions to activate on and off.

Grand Lodge

So I wouldn't be surprised if this has been asked before, but my search-fu didn't exactly turn up anything that matched my inquiry verbatim.

The unchained rogue and the unchained barbarian have some pretty awesome updated rogue talents and rage powers, respectively. One thing I didn't see anywhere written was what about classes and archetypes that also get access to these abilities: do they also get access to the unchained version, or do they use the regular version?

For example, rogue talents are also used by investigators, ninja, and slayers, and then there's also archetypes that get access to them. Would they only select from the standard rogue's list, or can they also select unchained versions, which are categorically better?

Personally, as a GM, I'm inclined to only allow them to select the standard class's talents/powers, as it promotes the uniqueness and utility of the unchained class, while solidifying that these other classes are "lesser" versions since they're not as focused in the path of the rogue. If an official ruling came down saying otherwise, though, I'd abide by it.

Grand Lodge

So I'm running Rise of the Runelords...

Possible ROTRL Spoilers:
...and my players are about to face off against Nualia. She has the Power Attack feat, but because she doesn't qualify for it (base Strength is too low at 12), I'm swapping it out with another feat. I've run the fight before, and I know she's prone to get boxed in with how small the room her fight takes place in is, so I was thinking of giving her the Channel Force feat from Advanced Race Guide:

ARG wrote:

Channel Force

Your channel is bolstered by your faith, allowing you to move and damage your foes.

Prerequisites: Aasimar, channel energy 2d6.

Benefit: When you channel energy to deal damage, you may choose to affect only a single target within 30 feet. In addition to dealing damage, if that single target fails its saving throw, you may pull or push (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 303) the target up to 5 feet for every 2d6 points of channel energy damage you are capable of dealing.

Note the text I bolded and italicized above. The Bestiary says that for pull and push, it's a CMB check. Does this mean that in order for this ability to work, the target must fail the initial saving throw, AND the user has to beat their CMD? That sends a red flag to me since that's like 2 lines of defense preventing this from happening. Or is it simply if the target fails their save and the pull/push is automatic, maybe?

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