I ran this 3 times 2x APL 11 and 1x APL 7. When I prepped it, I thought no one could survive based on my expected reaction. Oddly, all 3 tables did stellar. Time was a problem, and I shortened fight 1, and kept a lid on Part 2 to live within a 5 hour slot - it could go 8 hours if drawn out thoroughly.
I promoted the idea that simple heal/knowledge checks were insufficient to "get the stat block of the disease." Although I did give the nature of the disease. Going through the libraries revealed more of the details. Each room I had the sage comment on the horrors...which spooked the party most of the time.
I did not like a side game within a fight. It is clever, but ... slows down an already long scenario. I did use the Mal as intended, "So wretches how well do you like my new vessel"
3 spells - I did not use. Instead I went quick, mv spell, and ghost power. It seemed less likely to cause consternation for the players. (And still deadly)
It would be good to have the fort save next to the corrupting touch block.
And I prefaced the scenario with .. normal rules are east, this game is written NNW.
I always use figures for statues and dead people. I put them on early so when the characters close on the room they're all edgy.
Troops of small undead in white suits saying it's de brain de brain
A cute kobold Sorceror wandering around the dungeon turning off auras on traps. He's very friendly, cursed by arcane sight and all the auras make his little head hurt. Waaaaaaa kobold tears - your stuff is too bright, I'm having a migrane.
New home rule for me trample does half damage (or quarter) to swarms. Just because I want to chuckle while the party goes stamping on little bugs in a silly dance.
If a group does the occult game no issues. Complex can be fun. But putting these complex characters into a PFS venue means the GM has to know this book to avoid the unknowing or intentionally deceptive from misusing powers.
Mr. Cheliax, F1,Sorc 4, Evangelist 7
Rakshasa Tiefling, Heavy Black Dragon Full Plate, and a Nodaichi...always pretending to be a fighter with a vacation package of a lifetime to sell in beautiful lawful Cheliax the garden State of Golarion. I'm not allowed back in Cheliax - they can't tell when I'm lying.
Dr. Phil Moore Love, Cleric evangelist 1, Sorceror 2, Mystic Theurge 9 - offering love in all the wrong places. Black Rider of Baba Yaga, Darkive Servitor, and official BBQ'er for the Librarianatrixness.
Silvanus Arturo, Fighter (Archer 5), Magus (Myrmidarch 7) - bearing Gamin the Reforged (just to handle non elven communication) - he never swung the blade in combat, it's a valuable artifact - would you swing a (golarion equivalent of a Stradivarius)? Disarmament specialist (via ranged disarm)
Make yourself a page per character with odd things that are non core. Include page numbers and book titles. I have never been 'audited'
But I did go out to the car once at the end of the con to lug a hundred pounds of books to the table..to show resources. The guy knew I took rolling thunder (my book carrier) bk to the car and was trolling me. Kind of funny.
Poor old rolling thunder died at Gen Con.. victim of a failed fort save going up the escalator. The new one is metal....but that one plastic wheel is starting to go.
My bard Dorian died in the dark battling an demonic killer. He escaped the fiend only to be murdered by an evil mage. Already wounded he traded spells as he beat a fast retreat to the castle exit. With his hands on the doorknob out, magic missiles burned through his spine (max damage else I'd have lived). His flesh was removed via taxidermy and he entered a collection of victims that haunt the stones of a certain keep in Cheliax. The wayfinder was discovered by a later group of pathfinders.
He always wanted to be a dragon disciple, but left this world a level 3 bard.
Shambling mound crushes paladin like character. Rat cleric rushes over to heal paladin keeping him alive. Random roll shambler crushes rat to unconscious. Paladin force feeds CMW potion (originally scheduled for his own use that round) into rat leaving him at 1hp.
Rat - "Do I have to be awake?"
Gm - me play dead well get back to you later.
Then my dice go super cold as the barbarian wakes up and makes a salad.
Succubus- of course we can control it.
Here let me show you....opps
Really I can turn that off....opps
This time I really mean it....opps
Sorry I was distracted lets try again...opps
This time really it's off....opps
Wow you're so forgiving thanks, this time no drain....opps
there's a local Barbarian that notoriously hates doors.
Our home group loves doors. They're always made of adamantium and equipped with superior masterwork locks (Disable Device at least 35), so they fetch a huge price on the open market when we lug them back to town. The look on the GM's face is an added bonus.
We have a guy who specializes in doors. His favorite is a 15d6 electrical blast every few rounds. He's still trying to come up with a method to wield it.
My advice is throw anything. .. but he's not parial to it.
It was always really challenging to explain to people the various nationalities and why they as new players should care.
Please do not misunderstand, they ARE an improvement over what was there before for the most part, based on the experience of someone who came in after the change-over.
The idea for the Shadow Lodge working with Liberty's Edge is sort of a neat one... perhaps someone idealistic who is trying to get the faction 'back on track', even?
As far as the Archive, Meridoc, it's the rumors and perception, and no idea. The concept that perhaps Zarta is Thrice-Damned as well, though...
If it was just a metal tube that used compressed air to fire dice for the purpose of rolling them in an unusual way, it really wouldn't qualify as a paintball gun or even as a weapon. Still a bad idea....
Given how hard it is for some people to keep dice on the table including myself normally, it would more than likely not be a good idea.
Well... unless one wants to roll for a different table...
For mindless undead - Create a series of oil/tinder fire breaks/defensive positions and pits along the roads. Your prepared positions should offer no cover from the defending side if possible. Wall off the adjoining side streets and line both sides with ranged weapons. Fight, withdrawal, burn several times, while attacking (at range) along the entire channel. Retake the gates, refuel the fire breaks and repeat as needed.
However if this is not mindless undead, you are going to have to follow the decapitation method as previously discussed.
Write it anyway you like. I had an elven campaign where meditation involved sharing memories with other members of the elven community around you. (Empathic hive mind)
First off the employer pays that tax, not the employee.
Buy anything from my company (or Paizo, or Apple, or your internet carrier) and the taxes are built in. Who pays that tax? - you do every time.
By the same token, my employer pays all the taxes I do. And my employer's customers pays all its taxes (including mine). And so on.
So it's true in a sense that the companies will pass on their taxes to their customers, but they still need to produce a product I'm willing to pay for and charge (including the taxes they're "passing along") a price I'm willing to pay. If what I'm willing to pay won't cover the tax, they need to take less profit (so they're paying for it) or not make the sale.
A fundemental gap exists in your reasoning. Competition may decrease prices (I will do more for less to win a job). Taxes are generally evenly distributed. So prices on all companies go up, and you pay regardless of what you buy. Use taxes on specific items beyond reason do not cause lost profits (cigarettes, alcohol, gas etc.) You pay those and the company makes 5-20% depending on the market segmnt.
Eitherway the popular "we got them" ends up hurting the very people who support the measure.