Need help murdering a character


So, I made a character off a simple 3 class combo, he's a monk, bloodrager, and pugilist. My DM & I are stumped in dealing with him at level 60, here's his chart for stats while bloodraging and just essentially hulking out:
Wounds: 576
BAB: 50/35/20/5
Strength: 60 (25)
Dexterity: 23 (6)
Constitution: 34 (12)
Intelligence: 20 (5)
Charisma: 20 (5)
Wisdom: 23 (6)
Reflex Save: 36
Fortitude Save: 48
Will save: 34
AC: 37
CMB: 75
CMD: 92
30 DR/ -
20 DR/ Chaotic
62 Spell Resist
+15 Cold
+10 Acid, Fire
+7 Negative energy
+2 death effects, necromancy spell like abilities, energy drain
75% chance to negate crits
Immunities: poison, electricity, diseases (all)
Can't be sneak attacked/flanked

He hits for roughly around 600 turn one with okay rolls and can get about 700 damage out of turn two in a single hit, any ideas?

why is your bab so weird

and answer an Astradaemon Daemon would deal with him easily if a) you have enough daemons to match your cr or b) you progress it in class levels till it matches your cr

Lady-J wrote:

why is your bab so weird

and answer an Astradaemon Daemon would deal with him easily if a) you have enough daemons to match your cr or b) you progress it in class levels till it matches your cr

Weird how? Also, sorry if I sound new, but how would I calculate my character's CR? The whole reason I'm looking for a way to kill him is my dm won't let me use him anymore due to not having much to throw at him.

Mythic Cloudkill, which can ignores poison immunity. Also cloud kill doesn't allow spell resistance and you always take at least half damage. Surprisingly it would only take a 9th level wizard with a single mythic level to do it. I would say have him cast it on you while you are asleep, as it will take a couple minutes to kill you. Though if he can keep you from fleeing, that would work as well.

It's not surprising there isn't much that can handle this, it's level 60. The strongest things in the Bestiaries are 25 levels lower than you.

Lorila Sorita wrote:
Mythic Cloudkill, which can ignores poison immunity. Also cloud kill doesn't allow spell resistance and you always take at least half damage. Surprisingly it would only take a 9th level wizard with a single mythic level to do it. I would say have him cast it on you while you are asleep, as it will take a couple minutes to kill you. Though if he can keep you from fleeing, that would work as well.

Very unique answer, I'm digging' it, but would this pugilist ability not work against it?

Tempered (Ex)

At 11th level, a pugilist can use physical resilience to avoid certain attacks. If the pugilist makes a Fortitude saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, he instead avoids the effect entirely. Tempered can be used only if a pugilist is not wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load.

Tinder Samurai 1123 wrote:
Lady-J wrote:

why is your bab so weird

and answer an Astradaemon Daemon would deal with him easily if a) you have enough daemons to match your cr or b) you progress it in class levels till it matches your cr

Weird how? Also, sorry if I sound new, but how would I calculate my character's CR? The whole reason I'm looking for a way to kill him is my dm won't let me use him anymore due to not having much to throw at him.

your bab says 50/35/20/5 when it should be 50/45/40/35

edit my bad your bab is right i mathed wrong im not used to seeing full bab mixed with 3/4 bab and my brain was thinking everything was full bab for the other iritatives

as for the cr as you presumably have pc weath by level your cr would be 60 (cr=pc class level total-1 for a total of 59 and pc wealth by level = 1 cr) 3 or 4 of the daemons with a few levels in fighter could easily kill you if speced correctly or 2 with a few more levels levels

Tinder Samurai 1123 wrote:

Very unique answer, I'm digging' it, but would this pugilist ability not work against it?

Tempered (Ex)

At 11th level, a pugilist can use physical resilience to avoid certain attacks. If the pugilist makes a Fortitude saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, he instead avoids the effect entirely. Tempered can be used only if a pugilist is not wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load.

That is annoying but you still fail when you roll a natural 1. So the cloudkill will still eventually kill you. Which is why it really helps if you are asleep or something.

On a side note, if you are asleep someone could just do a coup de grace on you. You being immune to crits 75% of the time might include immunity from coup de grace, but that still means 25% of the time you will outright die if they are capable of doing 50 damage in a single swing.

Lorila Sorita wrote:
Tinder Samurai 1123 wrote:

Very unique answer, I'm digging' it, but would this pugilist ability not work against it?

Tempered (Ex)

At 11th level, a pugilist can use physical resilience to avoid certain attacks. If the pugilist makes a Fortitude saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, he instead avoids the effect entirely. Tempered can be used only if a pugilist is not wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load.

That is annoying but you still fail when you roll a natural 1. So the cloudkill will still eventually kill you. Which is why it really helps if you are asleep or something.

On a side note, if you are asleep someone could just do a coup de grace on you. You being immune to crits 75% of the time might include immunity from coup de grace, but that still means 25% of the time you will outright die if they are capable of doing 50 damage in a single swing.

Vicious and cutthroat, I like it, "Everybody's gotta sleep sometime."

The Exchange

I would probably pit you against a straight monk pummeling style+pummeling charge. Monk could pummeling charge you round 1, if that doesn't kill you, the second round should so it.

Also similar tactic with Archer/Gunslinger and Clustered shot.

The only real protection you have from high attack/round builds is the DR, and Clustered shot/Pummeling style help negate that.

Seems like a high DC targeting will would do the trick. Heightened Dominate Person with a rod of Quicken. Trap the Soul can ignore saves.

High-level Kineticist can power through that DR, fly, and snipe from 1,000 feet away. All they need is a mount that moves fast enough to keep away. To beat ranged attacks, Aerokineticist with a special ability can reach 100% miss chance vs. normal ranged attacks.

You don't need to list the DR/Chaotic, as it can't ever come into play with DR 30/-.

Realistically, the answer is that there is a reason leveling stops at 20. It will be too much work to prep enemies for this guy. Even then, one side will instakill the other. My advice is to go back to normal levels.

The Exchange

Glorf Fei-Hung wrote:

I would probably pit you against a straight monk pummeling style+pummeling charge. Monk could pummeling charge you round 1, if that doesn't kill you, the second round should so it.

Also similar tactic with Archer/Gunslinger and Clustered shot.

The only real protection you have from high attack/round builds is the DR, and Clustered shot/Pummeling style help negate that.

So I did a little planning on how a high level monk could be built even if we only cap the monk out at level 50 this is extremely easy to achieve.

Assuming only that the Monk is lvl 50, has Pummeling Style, Pummeling Charge, Power Attack, and Weapon Focus Unarmed Strike. Also giving it a starting 18 Str, added STR at every 4th level and giving it +6 STR Belt, and +5 Amulet of Mighty Fists (guessing higher of both would be easily available in a campaign allowing lvl 60 characters, so would even be stronger) and a Monk's Robe. If the monk has Enlarge Person, and Strongjaw on them. If you continue the Monk Unarmed progression of Increase every 4 levels and going xd6 to xd8 to xd10 to back down to d6 at next step up in # of dice.

The Monk's unarmed dmg at lvl 50 is 6d6, (6d8 with monk robes), Enlarge Person+ Strongjaw adds 3 size increases to 16d8. Static damage with power attack is +42. Average dmg per hit, 114.

The monk's Flurry BAB is 48/48/43/43/38/38/33/28/23/18/13/8/3 (assuming the flurry never gains additional extra attacks after level 15). Totals after str mod, Amulet, Power Attack and Weapon focus are 55/55/50/50/45/45/40/35/30/25/20/15/10. The first 8 attacks are guaranteed hits against ac 37 on all but a Nat 1. Then 3 attacks that can hit based on rolls, and 2 attacks that only hit on nat 20. Even if we assume only 8 hits that's avg dmg of 8x114=912dmg then you apply DR 50 (which even the +5 amulet would bypass the alignment DR so it should really only be DR 20, but let's throw the character a bone!) once for a total dmg of 862 dealt to the character in 1 round. With the total damage determined by 128d8, you're almost always dealing very close to avg dmg, so I'd say we're pretty confident this is a guaranteed 1 shot kill.

And yes, what QuidEst said is correct. Unless you are just adding massive HP to things Combats at this level would always be battle for initiative, whoever goes first wins.

Liberty's Edge

honestly, if you don't want him around any more, he can be killed off by any number of reasons that don't involve combat. He could be tricked into allowing a high level wizard to teleport him, not knowing he is being interplanetary teleported to a plant with an environment that is lethal to him but not the caster.

The game is not built to give challenges to characters above 20 plus some mythic levels. If the Great Old Ones are CR28, creating a character with 60 levels move well beyond the scope of the deities and would require storytelling decisions to cause their demise. This seems like just trying to play the game on "god-mode" and then seeing if some kind of glitch will kill them off.

The game is now a divine sitcom, trying to fend off Lamashtu's unwanted advances, being Cayden's designated driver, trying to get the terrasque to stop leaving dead dragons on your doorstep, etc.

Dark Archive

Greasy goblin fast food... roll con save...opps too low you die. Its sad, a healthy diet would have avoided this...cue funeral music.

Get a mythic caster to ignore spell resistance, cast interplanetary teleport to the sun or planeshift to the positive energy plane or similarly lethal environment on him, immediate action mythic wish to adjust his saving throw to a "1."

You can do similar things with stuff like Imprisonment, Trap the Soul, and other such Save/Dies.

That said, this game already sounds complete clownshoes and as such you can just wildly make things up to remotely challenge him.

Ooh, re-stat the character as low level in Exalted and play that?

Shar Tahl wrote:

honestly, if you don't want him around any more, he can be killed off by any number of reasons that don't involve combat. He could be tricked into allowing a high level wizard to teleport him, not knowing he is being interplanetary teleported to a plant with an environment that is lethal to him but not the caster.

The game is not built to give challenges to characters above 20 plus some mythic levels. If the Great Old Ones are CR28, creating a character with 60 levels move well beyond the scope of the deities and would require storytelling decisions to cause their demise. This seems like just trying to play the game on "god-mode" and then seeing if some kind of glitch will kill them off.

I actually thought of that as well. If you agree to allow someone to cast a spell on you, they can do all sort of nasty stuff. The funny one I was thinking of is quick girding to teleport armor onto the character, which ironically causes him to lose a lot of his abilities that require him to not being in armor. His character likely has no magical related knowledge, so it can get a lot worse than that.

For example he could lower spell resistance and not resist when you cast wish on him, while you say it is a healing spell or something.

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