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Organized Play Member. 2,861 posts (8,011 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 27 aliases.
Constellations of Attelan GameMaster The Lost Voice A traditional journey to Absalom Station begins on the arrival of Docking Bay 94... Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
GameMaster The Lost Voice
A traditional journey to Absalom Station begins on the arrival of Docking Bay 94...
Falling Souls GameMaster The Lost Voice A chance encounter in a ruin leaves a pair of brothers with a decision to make and a problem to overcome. As the clock is ticking, what will they find in their searches? What are they leaving in their wake? Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
A chance encounter in a ruin leaves a pair of brothers with a decision to make and a problem to overcome. As the clock is ticking, what will they find in their searches? What are they leaving in their wake?
Adventures from the Lost Tomes Dungeon Crash... The Beginning Feng Shui! Final Fantasy D20 Harrowed Ruins Kawaii Rebirth Old School Greyhawk - Saltmarsh Campaign PFRPG (570CY - Southern Keoland) Paracosmic Hosts: Rise of the Runelords Search for the Grail of the Phoenix Sebecloki presents Dreamscarred Press' From the Deep Psionic AP Starfinder: Dead Suns Under the Tears of Selûne: Southbound Valgrymr's Homebrew Two War for the Crown AP for PF2e - by DM Doctor Evil (private game) "By Faith and Steel" (Caravan Crossings) (inactive) "Faith and Steel" (inactive) (4) New Orleans by Night (Shadowrun) (inactive) Against the Cult of the Reptile God - Group 1 (inactive) Against the Cult of the Reptile God - Group 2 (inactive) Agents of TAROT (Temporal Anomaly Recognition & Observation Team) (inactive) Aubrey's Other Eberron Campaign - The Unbinding (inactive) The Black Talon's Rising (inactive) Briars and Thorns -- A Catfolk Adventure (inactive) Chaos in Korvosa - Crimson Throne for PF2e by DM Doctor Evil (inactive) City of Strangers - The Godsmouth Heresy (inactive) Cornerstone Rampart (inactive) The Crimson Kings - Pentor Lionsmane's Mercenary PbP - #1 Squad (inactive) The Curse of the Crimson Throne (inactive) D20 Modern: PSID Opps (inactive) Diremerc's Iron Gods Campaign (inactive) DM Feral's Aspis - Loom of Fate (inactive) DM Ryuko's Carrion Crown (inactive) DM-Camris' SECOND DARKNESS Part 1 and 2: Children of the Void (inactive) DM-Camris' SECOND DARKNESS Part 3: The Armageddon Echo (inactive) Eberron - Echoes of the Past (inactive) Eberron: Shadows of the Last War (inactive) EltonJ Presents "Cosmic Flash" (inactive) The Forgotten Forge - Eberron (inactive) GM Jammin's Serpent's Skull (inactive) GM METAL GODS' - MAGNIFICENT SEVEN - A KINGMAKER/IRON GODS ADVENTURE (inactive) GM Nazard’s Hollow’s Last Hope are Kineticists (inactive) GM Quirk's AGAINST THE AEON THRONE (inactive) GM Quirks GATEWAY TO ABSALOM, group 1 (inactive) GM Xynen's PFS Group (inactive) Golarion Adventure League (inactive) Kawaii Cataclysm (inactive) The Loom of Fate (inactive) Many Modules Campaign (inactive) Motteditor's Superstar 2012 Round 4 playtests -- GROUP 2 (inactive) Once More into the Breach - GMF's Wrath of the Righteous (inactive) The Order of Tears (inactive) Otimuragran's Tail (inactive) The Path of Three (inactive) Qstor's Modern d20 Horror (inactive) Repent from your Wicked Ways(WotW) (inactive) Sebecloki presents Dreamscarred Press' From the Deep Psionic AP (inactive) The Shoals of Virtue (inactive) StarWars Imperial Commandos, A Deepening Darkness (inactive) The Sunless Citadel - 5th Edition (inactive) Swordthrust--Memories of an Elder Ice Titan (inactive) Tales of the Everflame Crypt (inactive) Temple of Elemental Evil(Pathfinder editon) (inactive) Three's Path (inactive) The Town of Grundy: A Tale of Meteors, Metal, and Men (inactive) The Treasure of Dakhaan (Eberron, Path1) (inactive) The Turn of Seasons (inactive) Two (inactive) Unbinding the Fetters - Disciples of Master Gond (inactive) The War of Dragonfires Homebrew (inactive) War of the Beasts Part 2 - Howling of the Winds (inactive) Wedding Amok!! A Hommlet Tsle [Temple of Elemental Evil] (inactive) Werebadger's Crypt of the Everflame (inactive) ♣♠Down the Rabbit Hole♦♥ (inactive)