Spindlelock Servant

Me'mori's page

Organized Play Member. 2,861 posts (8,011 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 27 aliases.

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The selection for the trip to Absalom Station was not a surprise to you. You had put in the work to ensure that you were at the top of the selection criteria, and the notification was one that stood as validation for everything you had done leading up to it. As the date got closer details were imparted, the type of ship, the others that would be traveling with you under the same program, but also a couple other addendum that you were not quite expecting. Your point of contact was someone named Taeron, a recent graduate from the Imagemaker section of an associated school.

Their first contact with you was a message of greeting, and a link to an InfoDot, stating that they were eager to start working with you. The ship that you would be traveling on was a specialized Ringworks Transport named "Excelsior", and the diagram indicated a full creation bay, as well as a Holographic Amusement center, and luxurious accommodations for everyone aboard. While the ship was Drift-capable, it appeared that things were being set up to coincide with your arrival. A shared itinerary indicated that there were some minor interviews scheduled and yet-to-be scheduled, as well as some personal communications from other graduates from the Academy, extending feelers for what you might find favorable.

It seemed that there were some interested parties already curious about the next to arrive from the Star Academy.

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Open for Discussion.

How does 13 points to start sound? Not too far beyond the norm, but just that edge of something more?

Attelan's Star Academy is nestled right in the heart of the Telan Cluster, a group of worlds that rank in the top ten places most associated with the stellar arts and sciences. Several notable individuals have come from there and other nearby institutions and gone on to make names for themselves that were far larger than any might have expected. Known for their somewhat unorthodox methods, the institutions that comprise the Dhacian Rota have nonetheless managed to forge connections that span the stars. One such connection finds you recommended positively, and the subsequent invitation will see you travelling to the center of the known universe, Absalom Station. For the sheltered, there is no greater melting pot, and for the worldly, this is where almost every world converges.

Anything is possible for the driven, right in the heart of possibility itself! For you recently graduated, is this the start of a new realm of possibilities, or the next step in your grand plan? Take that step and dazzle the galaxies!

But first... Who are you?

Hello, and thank you for your interest! This is an itch that I have had for a while and with it having been long enough, so I decided to see if there was an interest in an all-Solarian run of the Dead Suns AP, with all of the current rules out, things will likely be very different from the initial release in a lot of ways.

So, for those interested, who is your character? What manifestation called to them? Why did they accept this trip?

Currently recruiting to fill 2/4 empty party slots for Dead Suns. Voice over Discord, Maps on Roll20

Playtimes are Saturdays biweekly, 1600-1900 EST (GMT -5), with the next game scheduled for 11/11.

Current party consists of a Doshko Specialist Vanguard, and an Envoy. Full sheets are not necessary at this point, just a pitch for the character concept.

"This will pick up at the beginning of the fourth book at level seven with the characters having followed the clues to an unknown location, discovering a floating landmass upon a gas giant, and are currently exploring what was once a sprawling metropolis.

All Paizo Starfinder classes are available. Third-party classes on a case-by-case basis. Special consideration will be given for good concepts, and extra special consideration will be given to characters with a good story behind them.

An easy in will be if the character is a member of the Starfinders, either directly or loosely connected. Likewise, in regards to races, the Kish are also immediately relevant."

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Kassen is a small town ruled by Mayor Uptal, a fair, but mildly grim man. While most of the “townsfolk” actually live in small homes or camps in the woods and fields surrounding Kassen proper, the town is quite tightknit. As with most of the folk in Nirmathas, they stand up for one another and refuse to be pushed around. You have grown up here or have lived here long enough that you might just consider it your home.

Situated just off of the Tourondel river, between two forests, which allows for the lumber and forestry. Molthune lies to the south, the parent nation and the country with which you've unofficially been at war with since its inception. To your west lies Nidal, the home of fell shadow beasts and the foul aristocracy that commands them. To the north lies the orc-infested Hold of Belkzen, whose inhabitants' warlike ways are a constant threat to lasting peace.

For those of you raised here, your mentor has given you a good grounding in the history of the town, enough to know that the day is near for the anniversary of the event that marked the death of the founder. Just recently, Mayor Uptal had visited, and spoken with you (or your mentor, if you have one) regarding the quest that was to occur, and your role to play.

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Hello and welcome!

This tab is to be used for out-of-character discussions, feel free to post and discuss anything that might break the flow of the game over in the other tab. Essentially, if the post is not originating from your character or happening within the world your character occupies, feel free to put it here.

In regards to how this game works, there are a couple of links that I can offer, both HERE and HERE that were created by a couple well-reputed players on these boards.

Now, as far as I tend to run games, I will typically take passive rolls(Skill rank + 10) for things and try to include them in the narrative that would apply to your character, since they would have some insight into something like that, if minor. Likewise for any saves, as they are your reaction to something and not necessarily in your immediate control. Active rolls are those that you choose to do, and some rolls will be spoilered for you.

More to come, but for now: Welcome.

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Over the past days, you have seen the trees of the forest of spirits begin to dwindle as you traveled south, their familiar shapes thinning and spreading out the closer that you come to the Osogen Grasslands. Low bushes and grasses are filling the space as the ground begins to level out, allowing you to catch glimpses of what has been described as an "ocean of grass". Already, you are beginning to see plants and creatures that do not venture so far into the forest of your home, more evidence of the shifting of the ecosystem to suit the terrain. The sun breaks through wider openings in the canopy of the forest, illuminating small shrines placed in dedication here and there, placed by travelers for a number of reasons.

Their caution for the Forest of Spirits is justified, you are aware— but growing up within its borders has instilled a measure of respect and awareness that has replaced that level of fearful concern that travelers often display. As such, your travel is fraught with far less hindrance than others have experienced. There is, as always a faint sense of being watched, but you know that to be the smaller kami that inhabit this forest, often little more than idle curiosity for travelers drawing their attention.

In this day of your travel, morning has come, soon to give way to midday. Your destination has been little more than "away", and every day that passes marks an ever-increasing distance between you and your birthplace. A success of intent, most certainly.

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Let's set this forward, shall we?

Spheres of Power and Might. (enabled)
Elephant in the Room (enabled)
Background Skills (enabled)
Gestalt (disabled)

Some of my best successes running games have been with a smaller number of players, so I'm looking to continue that trend. To that end, I'm going to be looking for two players, three maximum. No particular module may be used, though I reserve the right to incorporate pieces as they may work. My GM style is to set the scene, add some color, and let everyone run free, following their character as their story may see fit. Very much a fluff DM, I'm learning. Here for the story, and the crunch is definitely secondary.

- Two (or three) players, paired(grouped) and working together. I'll probably take two groups, since it is manageable to do so.
- Stats: 4d6, drop lowest. Final stats may be traded at 2:1 as needed.
- Skills: Background Skills,
- Races: It's your story, as long as it's good, it's all good.
- Classes: Spheres of Power/Might.
- Location: To be determined, though anyplace PF1 compatible may be used, so Golarion/Eberron/Forgotten Realms/Krynn, etc.

Extra bits:
The flow of the posts is something that I favor, since a posting break of a roll with no flavor is bland and breaks it. I definitely encourage everyone coloring outside of the lines, as long as it isn't too disruptive. Add NPCs, add touches of nuance, be all the sous chef you want to be. Aspiring GMs are DEFINITELY welcome, poke at the rules as you wish, but keep ooc in the Discussion page, please.

This'll be open for... Two weeks initially, with games starting once pairs/trios are set. Ask away, and
Sh̨̦̄̌ow me wh̀͜at you got

Apprenticeship. One of the grand markers of your journey to adulthood and prosperity.

Upon being apprenticed, you began training, but somewhere in your apprenticeship your teacher saw a spark of something in you. Perhaps it was a way that you approached a problem, or a random question that you asked that gave them an inkling of this spark. With any other Master, your solution or viewpoint would have been brushed aside, but not this one. They saw its potential and nurtured that spark, coaxing your talent into something that could be directed, and then pointed you in the direction of their path. They spoke of the ability to walk this path as if it were rare— "a talent that came along only once in a while", they said.

You learned the basics; both of the profession that they traded in, and the Other– the theory was difficult initially, but that same spark they were fanning helped you find an understanding. Whether it was an intuitive leap, or a long string of logic, you took your first steps with them as your guide. In some cases they could relate it to your trade, giving you practical examples along with the theoretical examples that they taught to you. Other cases were stories that seemed part riddle, part legend.

Years passed. After guiding you to the best of your ability, they gave you a coin stamped with their mark, and sent you on your way with a letter of recommendation. Your destination? A school. "Refinement and Polish", they had claimed with an amused expression.

Time would tell.

Crunchy Bits:

Pathfinder at its core, I've been poking at the Spheres of Power and Path of War books, and like any grand chaotic idea, I thought "this sounds like fun!". So, with that in mind, I would like to add some practicality to that idea. I'm a fan of storybuilding, so any additions that can be made/splashes of color/little touches of description are appreciated.

I am looking for one more player.

Spheres of Power(Drop Dead Studios) and Path of War(Dreamscarred Press) are in primary play, and any Paizo product is available to be integrated.
Background Skills are in effect.
Elephant in the Room is in effect.
I'm on the fence Automatic Bonus Progression.
I try to post daily, but life is life. I can understand a bit of a lull.

Right now I'm looking for character ideas, using the above premise.

If you are interested, please respond with a character concept, their trade, and a brief background for them. Stat rules will be given on acceptance.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
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Character Creation: What stat generation system works for you? I am flexible, so as long as it does not break the system, I'm game. My default is 4d6, drop lowest, best of two sets, but provided the decision is unanimous, I can go with others.

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Character Creation: What stat generation method would you prefer?

My go-to is 4d6, drop lowest, best of two sets, but are there any others that might see merit that can be agreed upon? My goal is story, not number-swinging.

Apprenticeship. One of the grand markers of your journey to adulthood and prosperity.

Upon being apprenticed, you began training, but somewhere in your apprenticeship your teacher saw a spark of something in you. Perhaps it was a way that you approached a problem, or a random question that you asked that gave them an inkling of this spark. With any other Master, your solution or viewpoint would have been brushed aside, but not this one. They saw its potential and nurtured that spark, coaxing your talent into something that could be directed, and then pointed you in the direction of their path. They spoke of the ability to walk this path as if it were rare— "a talent that came along only once in a while", they said.

You learned the basics; both of the profession that they traded in, and the Other– the theory was difficult initially, but that same spark they were fanning helped you find an understanding. Whether it was an intuitive leap, or a long string of logic, you took your first steps with them as your guide. In some cases they could relate it to your trade, giving you practical examples along with the theoretical examples that they taught to you. Other cases were stories that seemed part riddle, part legend.

Years passed. After guiding you to the best of your ability, they gave you a coin stamped with their mark, and sent you on your way with a letter of recommendation. Your destination? A school. "Refinement and Polish", they had claimed with an amused expression.

Time would tell.

Crunchy Bits:

I'm looking to run a game...

Pathfinder at its core, I've been poking at the Spheres of Power and Path of War books, and like any grand chaotic idea, I thought "this sounds like fun!". So, with that in mind, I would like to add some practicality to that idea. I'm a fan of storybuilding, so any additions that can be made/splashes of color/little touches of description are appreciated.

I am looking for three players.
Spheres of Power and Path of War are in play, and any Paizo product is available to be integrated.
Background Skills are in effect.
I'm on the fence Automatic Bonus Progression
An Adventure Path is possible, but a little wandering is good for the spirit.
I try to post daily, but life is life. I can understand a bit of a lull.

Right now I'm looking for character ideas, with the premise being that the three of you met at this "Trade School"/were assigned each other as a team/ naturally gravitated towards each other, so you are not unfamiliar.

If you are interested, please respond with a character concept, their trade, and a brief background for them. Depending on interest, this may close sooner, but I'll set the marker for three weeks (the week of 10/07).

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The cold is ever-present. In the span of time that has been spent here, the throes of winter of something that do not ever seem to depart. Clouds often covered the sky, sending snow to fall across the landscape, whipped by winds into blizzards and other atmospheric effects that were as beautiful as they were deadly. Tree cover is sparse, but the trees that are able to be seen do thrive despite the temperatures, the evergreens dotting the landscape persistently covered in whites and blues. This is not home.

Your recovery has been steady, and that is good. Something about this place took effect not long after your arrival, and if it were not for the intervention of a wanderer, it would have been your end. That you would be greeted by something called "Chillbane Fever" certainly marked that this was not a familiar place. This was not a friendly place. Still, it has not claimed you, and in the weeks that followed as your strength returned, you learned more about this place called "Bleakmarch" from this hermit, someone who called himself "Arevik".

He seemed not to fear much, familiar as he was with the land, and despite some idiosyncracies of personality— perhaps to be expected of living alone– his disposition towards you is positive, at least. Whether this is more towards what you are, rather than who is open for debate. His aid is not without price, and you learn, at least enough to not be a burden, though it is difficult at first. The tasks are not difficult, though you do have to be careful. This land has more hazards than most, to hear Arevik tell it. Trolls and other ice-dwelling creatures, affected by the magic of this thousand-year winter.

Still, you have recovered, and you have learned. It is uncertain whether or not Arevik's goodwill is being exhausted, or something else portends, but today you are being prepared for your departure. This large-ish hut that you have become familiar with— having helped to expand it as part of your tithe– sits not far from rolling hills, covered in snow and ice. While you have enough to remain warm without too much effort, you still need be careful, as travel is infrequent, but with some luck, you may find safety in numbers.
Consider yourselves familiar enough to have a +1 in Survival, without the class bonuses. Go ahead and establish yourselves, please.

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Welcome, and well-written.

As we have the initial concepts, let us discuss the when and where this pair shall begin. Cold and snow is a given. I am curious as to what ideas the two of you had in regards to where it will set, and what you were looking to explore with the characters.

I have not yet set up a Gameplay Thread, as I would like to hash out the Crunch and where to open the setting.

Ability Score generation: 4d6, drop lowest.
Level: To be determined.
Traits: Allowed. Two to start, with Drawbacks to be taken for each one over the initial two.

Hello all.

I again desire to run a game. It was pointed out on another thread that those of us that have been in a few games should run some to return the favor. The ratio is not important, though 2:1 or 3:1 was suggested, and I decided to adopt the idea.

Now, that said, what I am looking for is that those that are interested work together with another person that is interested to come up with a good backstory for the two of you. I will only be taking pair submissions, and for the initial accepting I will only be accepting one pair.

For the pair submissions, the setting is pretty malleable. I'm adaptable, and have the time to make at least a post a day, and manage maybe one or two more, depending on the urgency.

There is some game information below, but please, post your interest, and find a partner. If you intend to converse at length, please PM each other. Players of all shades of experience are welcome. If you are paired, please mention it so that others do not spend more time looking than you need. I look forward to seeing what comes, so please, show me your fluff!

...My, that declaration sounds a bit silly, doesn't it?

For the curious, the previous iteration of the game was HERE. I've noted how it went, and will adjust to hopefully minimize my mistakes.

Game Info:

• No Gestalt.
• All that is needed at present is a few paragraphs, two to three each will work.
• I'll look to have made a decision by the last week of December.
• The setting will be Golarion, and all Paizo/Dreamscarred material is acceptable.
• Where in Golarion is dependent on the pair, as is the goal.
• However, if you build an undefeatable team, or unbeatable creation, the fun ends, and I will end the game with a hand wave and an epilogue. I want to help write a story and create characters that are memorable, not provide an example for number-crunching.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, based on the codes of the other gods from Faiths of Purity, there are anywhere from Four(Torag) to Ten(Iomedae). To shoot for average, perhaps six is a good number for a Paladin of Brigh?

• I will endeavor to be precise. Whether in word or deed, time lost is potential lost, and even the most fleeting moment can make a world of difference.
• I will foster, promote, and respect the pursuit of knowledge. Those that seek to suppress and deny such pursuits are in opposition to me.
• I will seek out lost techniques and technologies with which to foster even greater innovation. Even the smallest spark could power the greatest machine.
• I will share knowledge that I have gained, for just as I have improved on a design, others will do the same for the legacy that I will leave behind.
• I will do what I can to preserve those constructs that have become aware of themselves. That spark of awareness was not gained easily, and those that subject them to abuse and neglect will earn my wrath.

I still feel like I'm missing something with this, though... Thoughts?

I may be blanking on mechanics or classes, but is there a Summoner Archetype that turns their Eidolon into weapons? Or an Occult class?

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The desert is a harsh place for those that do not know how to survive there. The days are hot enough to burn the unwary, while the nights can leave the uncovered to freeze to death. Much of the most lucrative trade is in water, and the trade paths leading to and from these sources. Almost all are jealously guarded by those that can hold them, some still go unclaimed through circumstance. On the edges of the desert, trade exists in agriculture and metals. Danger exists in many forms, and even the knowledgeable tread carefully when setting out. Coin and curiosity are in great supply for those that have the skills, and you are no exception.

The only questions that remain are, "In what coin would you be paid?" and "Where will your curiosity lead you?"

I opened a gameplay thread, made a test post, then deleted it. Well, shortly after, inspiration hit me and I tried to edit my post, only to have nothing show up. The page address is here, but I can't seem to make a post into it.

What went wrong?

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In which we fine-tune, finalize, and go forward.

Hello all, I desire to run another game. My previous game has concluded and I am looking to run another.
flykiller pointed out on another thread that those of us that have been in a few games should run some to return the favor. The ratio is not important, though 2:1 or 3:1 was suggested, and I decided to adopt the idea.

Now, that said, what I am looking for is that those that are interested work together with two other individuals that are interested to come up with a good backstory for the three of you. I will only be taking trio submissions, and for the initial accepting I will only be accepting one trio.

For the submissions, the setting is pretty malleable. I'm adaptable, and have the time to make at least a post a day, and manage maybe one or two more, depending on the urgency, though a post a day is what I will strive for. In the event something delays me, I'll at least post in the discussion thread.

There is some game information below, but please, post your interest, and start the search for other partners. If you intend to converse at length, please PM each other. Players of all shades of experience are welcome. If you are paired, please mention it so that others do not spend more time looking than they need. I look forward to seeing what comes, so please, show me your fluff!

...That declaration still sounds a bit silly, but I like it.

Initial Game Info:

• Gestalt is not allowed.
• The setting will be Golarion, and all Pathfinder material is acceptable. as well as Dreamscarred Press' "Path of War" and "Path of War Expanded". However, if you build an undefeatable team, or unbeatable creation, the fun ends, and I will end the game with a hand wave and an epilogue.
• I would prefer a majority of "Path of War" characters in the trio.
• Where in Golarion is dependent on the trio, as is the goal.
• I want to help write a story and create characters that are memorable, not provide an example for your number-crunching.

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Ardis, the former capital of the Immortal Principality of Ustalav. "The True Capital of Ustalav". Ruled by the Countess Solismina Venacdahlia, the city fares well, the folk as stubborn as their ruler and her four daughters. Once a (somewhat) haven for the arts, those that had lived here long enough could spin wonderful stories about the personalities that had lived here, the legacies that had been left behind... That was more than three score years ago, however, and things- as they often do- change.
The Countess rules firmly, though many speculate which of offspring will take her position when she departs. Learned others laugh and amend those statements of "when" to "if", given that they all live in a country where an undead warlord had risen and ruled. The rest just do what they can, when they can, to continue their lives peacefully amidst a land that often has more in its shadows that can be seen. To quote Jacob the historian, "..the county is a place of baseless arrogance and fading memories, its splendors living only in memories and the grim half-fictions of aging authors..."

More still lurks in the dark than the histories contain, outside the fortified walls, outside the reach of the well-patrolled roads, and while some hear whispers in the fog that rises with the night, some of the unluckier disappear within it. A few brave souls hunt the dark, dragging the taken back, and ending the threat of loss, if only temporarily.

This is the tale of a pair of those souls, may their light prove enough to keep the shadows at bay.

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I probably wanted to post a clever name, but this works.

Now, since your backstory started as kids, what level were the two of you thinking of starting at? One can start to hunt the creatures of the dark early, provided that you were aiming at the lower end of the undead tiers.

Hello all.

I desire to run a game. It was pointed out on another thread that those of us that have been in a few games should run some to return the favor. The ratio is not important, though 2:1 or 3:1 was suggested, and I decided to adopt the idea.

Now, that said, what I am looking for is that those that are interested work together with another person that is interested to come up with a good backstory for the two of you. I will only be taking pair submissions, and for the initial accepting I will only be accepting one pair.

For the pair submissions, the setting is pretty malleable. I'm adaptable, and have the time to make at least a post a day, and manage maybe one or two more, depending on the urgency.

There is some game information below, but please, post your interest, and find a partner. If you intend to converse at length, please PM each other. Players of all shades of experience are welcome. If you are paired, please mention it so that others do not spend more time looking than you need. I look forward to seeing what comes, so please, show me your fluff!

...My, that declaration sounds a bit silly, doesn't it?

Game Info:

• The setting will be Golarion, and all Pathfinder material is acceptable. However, if you build an undefeatable team, or unbeatable creation, the fun ends, and I will end the game with a hand wave and an epilogue.
• Where in Golarion is dependent on the pair, as is the goal.
• I want to help write a story and create characters that are memorable, not provide an example for your number-crunching.

PRD wrote:


To qualify to become an arcane archer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +6.

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow or shortbow).

Spells: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells.

If one were inclined to avoid a spellcasting class, four levels of Rogue, taking the Minor Magic and Major Magic talents would allow the character to qualify for the class... However, Arcane Archer grants "+1 level of existing class".

How would this be resolved?

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You were sent as part of the tribal exchange that occurs at least once every year to promote tribal ties. Coming from the Ironwood tribe to the North, they are particularly used to encroachment, whether it be from the intermittent skirmishes and land grabs from Razmiran, or poachers from the River Kingdoms. However, not long after arriving, you were immediately asked by Sajar personally if you were willing to help the tribe deal with a potential problem.

He talked about what may have been a canine of some sort, likely infected or corrupted by what lay within the Tanglebriar, and requested you ride with the others that they would be sending to gain what information they could about the creature, while the hunters of the tribe kept an eye out for any others that seemed like it.

As one of the hunters for the tribe, you were one of the group to see the creature alive, and its hide turned several arrows before it finally fell to a thrown javelin. It was the first of that kind of creature that you had seen, but the second that the hunters had encountered. You did not have a chance to really observe it acting on its own, but the thought that it may operate in packs quite well is not too far-fetched. Sajar also approached you after seeing (and hearing) about your growing skill, as well as your slight interest in the newcomer from the Ironwood tribe.

You were aware of the meeting that the Elders called, and having heard the hunters' report on the creature that they encountered and killed, as well as their thoughts on what kind of creature it was. Even casually, you know that magical energies can cause modifications of that sort, though even from seeing the carcass before it was destroyed was not enough to tell whether the creature was accidentally or intentionally created. Some of the locations that have yet to be reclaimed have-- or at least had, from what you can gather-- power enough to do this.

Chari found you just after the meeting ended, leading you back to Mierani. She informed you of the intentions of the elders, as well as the ones that would be going with you, but out of all that were going, she expected you to come back with more than just information about the creature itself.

It was somewhat of a surprise that you were summoned. You knew that the hunters had found something, and that they were slightly concerned. Kalthiss was the one summons you received, and he met you at your tent, rather than have you come to his. He summarized the situation, "The tribe needs information, and with you going, a bit of your luck would not hurt." You got several papers detailing requests to be sent to their contacts in the city, as well as a description of one of the tribe to look out for, Djon Wari. Find out if he has come to terms with his past, and if he has, invite him back to the tribe.

Your talents in the city have served you quite well in several cases. While you left the tribe, during your time spent in Erages, and currently Greengold, you have come to know a couple of the tribe's contacts, as well as discovering a couple of the others. Your latest job has you traveling to the south to deliver a message. You are aware of how close this may bring you to the area that the tribe may be in at this time of year, but the money is good, and the questions few. It was not until your path turned into the forest did you realize you may be coming closer to the tribe's area.

The Rosebarrow tribe has gained its name from the area that the tribe claims as its territory. The western edges of the Fierani forest had been the site of several battles in the time of Treerazer, and before that, it was part of the travel route from Druma to Kyonin and beyond. It was said that the elves that had fought wore the Rose Crest, and any of the fallen that wore the crest also were buried with a cutting of a rosebush. That certainly would explain the prevalence of wild roses along the edges of the forest, and perhaps the varied amount of thorny bushes that each of them knew well.

For reasons that may have been entirely their own, the dead chose to rise as well. It was not so uncommon to encounter them wandering, and it was a rule of the tribe to deal summarily with them when they were encountered returning them to the earth with respect. This was one of the core tenets of the tribe that had been taught since birth.

Dusk was falling, and with it came the cooling breeze through the forest. With spring coming, the nights were still relatively cold for those that were not born with fur, and though the time for camping was near, Layali and Aradesh had caught the track of the dead due to a shift in the wind. The dead did not often roam before sundown, but the shade in the trees was often enough for the braver ones to venture out earlier than expected. The dimming light often brought opportunities for them to strike while the other creatures' eyes were adjusting to the oncoming gloom. The insects had just begun their nightly calls, with crickets singing in the underbrush as well as the hoots and calls of the nighttime fauna.

Djon had managed to avoid the undead by a dint of sheer luck as it passed through his area, making too much noise. The forest was dangerous alone, but he was not unskilled, spotting it and avoiding it by climbing a nearby tree. The humanoid body was crouched and feral, ranging through the area with an awareness that was more than the gait of a zombie, likely a ghoul. The tatters of rags on its person gave no indication as to where it may have come from, but it could not have ranged too far yet. Dusk had not truly fallen.

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This is the OOC thread for the Briars and Thorns Adventure.

Character finalization and crunching is next up on the list of things to be completed.

The twisted and misshapen body hung from a tree like game that had been hunted, death doing little to quell the unease that its form evoked. Three Elders and three Hunters stood nearby, with the Elders looking at the corpse with slight concern. The Rosebarrow Elders knew that the Fierani Forest had seen many things in its years, especially prior to their arrival, but this was something that was more likely to be found within the cursed expanse of the Tanglebriar, rather than the forest itself. This was found outside of the Tanglebriar, however and that was a cause for some concern.

"This is the second one that you have encountered, is it not?" Mierani, the eldest member of the Rosebarrow tribe asked, her gray ears pointed forward, indicating her focus on the subject. She leaned on an aged staff, the top of it carved and tied with strings of beads and feathers that rattled slightly with her movements. The staff was certainly taller than she was.

"It is, Elder", came the strong voice of one of the hunters, his terse but respectful response and body language indicating his discomfort with the subject. "We searched a day, but found no more."

Kalthiss, the other elder, also going gray from a deep brown, shook his head at what he saw, the many ornaments hanging from his bracelets clacking and rattling. He had spent some time studying magic before he came to the tribe, though whether that was a good or bad thing, was always talked about by the younger members. He waved a dismissive hand, his tone unconcerned. "There are always things coming from that way. This is nothing new."

The third elder, Sajar kept silent, his eyes sharp on the thing that had once been a wolf or a feral dog, perhaps. He was not so old that gray was becoming the predominant color in his fur, though there were signs of it. He also knew that this would be the topic of some discussion for a while. He had been a senior Hunter before he was chosen to join the elders, and as such, kept his peace more often than not, speaking only to prevent Mierani and Kalthiss from arguing too long. He leaned on a cane in his left hand, an injury gained from fending off a pack of wolves during the winter. It was not something he regretted, however.

"For it to be the second in a moonspan, bears some significance.." Mierani said as she gestured at the body, her own motions giving away nothing more than attention and consideration. "Learn what you can from it, and destroy it", she concluded, her tone brooking and expecting no argument.

The assembled hunters nodded as the Elders turned to go back to the tribe, and their tents.

With all the games that I've played in, I've decided to do a bit of giving back. So I would like to run a game, under the premise stated above. That is how it will start. Depending on how things go, the characters may range the expanse of Kyonin, to perhaps into the Tanglebriar itself.

I will be aiming to choose 4 characters.

Only Catfolk initially.
15 Point Buy
Two Traits
Standard Wealth, with more items than coin.
No particular class is vetoed, as long as it is justified.
For the other concepts less likely to be commonly seen in a tribal society, there is contact with the Kyonin elves, and a rather cosmopolitan city as well. Pairs and trios are encouraged, with bonuses given to those that work to tie their characters together.

Depending on the responses, I may close the recruitment early, but it will last a week, at least. Feel free to get creative.

We've seen the threads. The general consensus would be that it is an "unusable" feat.

So what. It is what it is, and without errata, it will remain as it is. Therefore, I challenge you to find a build that would allow it to work despite it's current state.

My best idea so far is a monk/fighter with improved critical(unarmed) and everything possible to increase that threat range further. Keen for bludgeoning?

It would be a multi-round attempt (try to flat-foot? touch ac?)

Not a guaranteed shot by any means, but still better than base. Any other ideas?

Again, I'm looking for you shiny, honorable, law-abiding, horse riding, followers of your deity.

As in the title, emphasis is on the "Faith" in the title. I'm using Googlewave (until they shut down) for the flexibility, and due to attrition some have come and some have gone.

This is not an adventure path. Your character (and you) will drive the story until it intersects with someone else's, and then you two can go from there or split as you see fit.

So, show me a character that fits with the idea of "Faith and Steel", and we can go from there. Name, Concept, and a short background are what I'm looking for.

2 spots.
1st level starting
4d6(drop lowest, roll here) for stat generation
Regional traits are fine if you start there.

I'm working towards weaving the plots together in Andoran, though you can start where you wish.

Thanks to a surprise bout of the flu, I've been less than coherent for a few days. Now, I've got an idea for an elemental kin Barbarian in Eberron, but there are holes in the character that I can feel, but can't plug, thanks to this illness.

Give a fellow player a hand?

Barbarian History:
Ever a rural child, Joao was born in New Cyre, and in an inexplicable desire to find the sea, he made his way there, working when he could not survive off of the land. Zilargo was an interesting place, so very different from Breland. The gnomes there were very inquisitive sorts, working with things that were equally as interesting.
Still, even their wondrous creations were not as distracting as water was to him. He had followed it call through the rivers, felt its encouragement in the rain.. Even the snow and ice of the mountains it was there, and contemplating the sea raging onto the land during a storm, it was there. Seeking those knowledgeable in what holds him in its thrall, he has happened across one or two others like him; harboring a strong belief in something within, something beyond the elements, something deeper.

Information however, is not free-- so in exchange he works, looking for that connection that he intuitively knows is there. Joao is trading service for information, and is not so very particular about the work, as long as what he learns brings him closer to understanding what connection he has that drives him so. The idea of elemental binding has held his attention since he has learned of it, and he has found a way into service with the manufacturers in Zilargo. He has traveled long distances in the company of some of their craftsmen, which he has used to his benefit more often than not.

It came as a surprise that he had some affinity with the elements, but he describes it as "having a feeling deep in the back of your mind", like a mountain wellspring.. Distant, but deep." Even more now, he pursued the knowledge of the Zilargo craftsmen, brushing the edge of a group that sought something similar to him. They offered to share information, he offered service. Rumors of Elemental Grafts have just reached his ears, and he is searching for more about them currently.

MAPS • SF Map •

The only seriously injured man was one that had fallen from his horse, only to stand and fight, only to suffer the Ankheg's successful attention. If his health began to decline, he was going to be at death's door in short order, but for now, they had made him comfortable, and someone was keeping some pressure on the bandages. With their attention, he was holding, but anytime someone looked over to him, they would quickly look away, not having much hope for their survival.

The horse that Ernesto had attended to calmed after he attended to it, laying its head down to rest, though the wounds had not disappeared entirely. It was certainly doing better, however.

The attack had happened at midmorning, and by the time Zathe has finished assisting where necessary, setting up pallets and helping bandage some wounds, The total thus far lay at six horses, injured enough to remain immobile, Ernesto's mule, and one man. Thankfully none were dead, but they were still likely to be several days in recovery. Spirits were low when the sun set, the chill of the night becoming more noticeable and the tension in the air was palpable.. It was likely that little sleep would be found this night.

At sundown Ernesto returned to the wagon. He was exhausted. It was hard tending the animals when they were in such pain. And he couldn't stay focused, his mind kept wandering to Iomedae. At least the injured beasts seemed to take some comfort from his ministrations. But it was draining work, it felt like he left a little of himself with each one. He sat leaning back on the wagon wheel. With his crossbow across his lap. Sleep, a ponderous mountain dancing on tiny silent feet, slipped up on him and he dozed open-mouthed through the night.

After doing his best to attend to the wounded, Zathe became continually frustrated at his inability to do more. The next night, he stayed awake until the dawn, solemnly praying to Erastil to aid him in his struggle to defend others from evil- or in this case, from vicious Ankhegs. The next day, Zathe was exhausted; but his prayers had seemingly been answered. Erastil had granted him healing hands.

MAPS • SF Map •

This is the thread for the migrating PbW game.

Me'mori wrote:

What can I say, I'm a fan of unorthodox and uncommon ideas.

So! To the point, I'm looking for you shiny, honorable, law-abiding, horse riding, followers of your deity!

I'm kicking around the idea of a "Orders of the Church" idea, or the ever-classic "Holy Quest" starter, but I'm definitely going to be working the story angle on this one.

All Paladins is fine. So is 3 Paladins and a Cavalier. Or Two Paladins, a Cavalier, and a Cleric, or an Inquisitor. I'd like Paladins to be in the majority, though. This story is intended to be driven by the characters, so make them deep, make them thorough.

I want to use Googlewave because it has the potential to make for a scene that is malleable, unlike the break-pause-post of PbP. If you are missing Googlewave capability, let me know. I've invites to spare.

I'm looking for 3 to 4 players (5 maybe), 1st level starting, 4d6 drop lowest (roll your three sets here), and don't skimp on the flavor.

The above still stands, and I am looking for a fourth again. So put your ideas here, sell me Character, and I'll let you know. The theme? "Faith and Steel".

In case anyone is wondering, some (but not all-- still ongoing) of the threads that have been started in this game thus far have been posted ~HERE~.

Friends came up with this, figured I'd put it up here to share and evaluate.

Sorcerer (Animal Bloodline)
In your blood is a primal, animalistic force. You can see the world as only an animal can. Your heritage stems from having many druids or lycanthropes in your family tree or perhaps even an awakened or polymorphed animal.

Class skill: Survival (wis)

Bonus spells: Expeditious Retreat (3rd), Hold Animal (5th), Greater Magic Fang (7th), Beast Shape II (9th), Animal Growth (11th), Mass _______ * (13th), Summon Nature's Ally VII (animals only), (15th), Animal Shapes (17th), Shape change (19th)
*Character may choose from Bears Endurance, Bulls Strength, Cats Grace, Owls Wisdom, Fox’s Cunning, or Eagles Splendor. Once the choice is made it may not be changed.

Bonus Feats: Dodge, Endurance, Power Attack, *Multiattack *, Skill focus (survival), Toughness, Great Fortitude, Fleet
*You may take this feat (as a bloodline feat) without meeting the normal requirement of having 3 or more natural attacks

Bloodline Arcana: Wild Empathy using your sorcerer level as effective druid level. You get a +2 bonus to wild empathy checks when used on animals of your specific animal type (not group). (See bloodline powers)

Bloodline Powers: You must choose an animal bloodline that your powers derive from. While you choose a specific animal, the powers you choose are from broad groups that the animal will fall under as follows:
Predator: ex. wolves, cats, alligators, bears, wolverines, boars
Avian: ex. raptors, owls, fishing birds, songbirds
Herd/Prey: ex. deer, oxen, rabbits, squirrels, bison, kangaroo

These categories are intentionally broad and unspecific; the player and DM can decide which category an animal will fall under if there is a question or doubt.

1st Level:
Natural Attacks: Choose 1 of the following based on your animal type (see table 1). All of the powers are activated as a free action and may be used for a number of rounds per day equal to 3+ Charisma modifiers.


You may grow claws on each hand as a free action and make 2 attacks at your full base attack. You may make 1 claw attack as a secondary attack (-5 to attack and +1/2 strength bonus) if wielding a 1 handed or light weapon. The claws do normal damage for their size d3 for small size, d4 for medium size + strength modifier. At 5th level the claws count as magic weapons for the purposes of overcoming DR. At 7th Level the claws damage die goes up by one (d4 for small, d6 for medium). At 11th level the claws deal an additional d4 bleed damage. This damage stacks with itself, so 2 claw hits will deal 2d4 bleed damage. This lasts until the target receives healing or a DC 15 heal check.

Bite or Beak:
Your head transforms to grow a sharp beak or teeth appropriate to your spirit animal and you gain a bite attack at your full base attack. You may make a bite attack as a secondary attack if wielding a weapon. The bite does normal damage for its size d4 for small size, d6 for medium size +1.5 times strength modifier. At 5th level the bite count as a magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming DR. At 7th Level the bite's damage die goes up by one (d6 for small, d8 for medium). At 11th level the bite gains a limited form of the powerful bite ability. This means you still add 1.5 times your strength modifier on a primary attack, but when making a bite as a secondary attack you add your normal strength modifier instead of 1/2.

Your legs and feet transform in to sharp hooked talons and you gain a talon attack at your full base attack. Even though you have 2 talons, in you may only attack with one of them if you’re standing on the ground. If flying you may attack with both of them if you make the necessary fly skill check to hover. You may make a talon attack (or attacks) as a secondary attack if wielding a weapon. The talons do normal damage for their size d3 for small size, d4 for medium size + strength modifier. At 5th level the talons count as magic weapons for the purposes of overcoming DR. At 7th level you gain the pounce ability with your talons. You may make 2 talon attacks when you charge whether you are flying or grounded. At 11th Level the talons damage die goes up by one (d4 for small, d6 for medium).

Hooves/Jumping legs:
Your legs and feet transform in to either strong hooves or jumping legs (similar to rabbit or kangaroo) and you gain a hoof/kick attack as a secondary natural attack. You may also attack with the hoof as a secondary attack if wielding a weapon. The hoof/kick does normal damage for their size d3 for small size, d4 for medium size + 1/2 strength modifier. Additionally while this power is active your land speed is increased by +10 at 5th level the hoof/kick counts as a magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming DR. At 7th level the damage die for your hoof/kick goes up by one (d4 for small, d6 for medium) and your land speed bonus improves to +15. At 11th level a target hit with your hoof/kick may be subjected to a free bullrush attempt. You use your sorcerer level as your CMB and add your strength bonus and normal modifiers (in this instance only). There is no penalty if this is unsuccessful.

Table 1
Choice options for animal bloodline groups:
Predator: Claws or Bite
Avian: Talons or Beak
Herd/Prey: Hoof/Kick

3rd Level
Nature's Gifts: You gain a +1 natural armour bonus and lowlight vision. At 9th level this increases to +2 natural armour and you gain the scent ability if you are a predator/herd/prey or a +4 bonus to perception if you are an avian. At 15th it becomes +4 natural armour and you gain a +2 bonus on perception checks (+6 if you’re an avian).

9th level
Hybrid Form: You may change your form similar to a lycanthrope. This form is an anthropomorphic version of your spirit animal. While in hybrid form you gain a +2 bonus to your Str, Dex, Con, and Natural armour as well as unlimited use of your Natural attack ability. Any gear you wear or carry is unchanged in its function and undamaged by the shift (although it may change slightly to accommodate). You may use this ability 1 time per day at level 9 and 2 times per day at level 17.

15th level
Animal Movement:Choose one movement mode based on your animal bloodline (see table 2).
Wings - You may grow wings at will and fly at a speed of 60 (average)
Swim- speed of 30
Climb -speed of 30
Burrow- speed of 15
Swift - +15 to land speed

Table 2
Choice options for animal bloodline groups.
Predator: Swim, climb, swift
Avian: Wings, swim
Herd/Prey: Climb, swift, burrow

20th level
Metamorphosis: The primal force surges in your blood. You may speak with animals (as per the spell) at will, your perception bonus increases to +4 (+8 for avians), you gain a +4 bonus to saving throws vs disease and you gain unlimited use of your Hybrid Form. You also gain the shapechanger subtype.

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I noticed a line in the Wizard's Life School's Healing Grace power that read: "Whenever you cast a spell that has targets, affects creatures in an area, or requires an attack roll, you may heal creatures affected by the spell a total of 1 point of damage per level of the spell.

As it does not specify arcane or divine, does that mean a multi-classed wizard with levels of cleric/ranger/druid can apply that property to any spell they cast, whether arcane or divine?

Hey Paizonians, I was wondering: Have any of you DM or been in a game where the players were all one class? How did that work out for you?

Idle wanderings of my mind have led me in a curious direction. I don't quite recall any class that drew magical power from consuming their enemies... So, fellow Paizonians, I humbly put forth this request.

Design a class that draws power from eating their enemies. Slime? Tastes just like jello! Dragon? Extra spicy! Human(oid)? Tastes like chicken! Beast? It is chicken! Vermin? Well, I'm a fun guy!

As a bonus, if this catches attention, how about a caster/melee split? After all, power is power, but how it is used is something entirely different. At the outset, I figure the powers could be split into types (subtypes may just be flavor, perhaps) with a D10 or D6 progression...

What do you say?

Provided I have not been charged for the remainder of my order that has not been shipped yet, can you please cancel that order? I'll just have to pick that order back up at another time.

Does anyone have a Master List of all the conversions that have been posted? I'm really curious about conversions of the Combat Trapsmith, Invisible Blade, and Reaping Mauler.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

This is where I'll be posting some of the work I'm doing in the Play-By-Wave with the players independently, before the main adventure starts, simply because I am not a fan of "you meet in a bar/over a job posting" starters. I always felt that those never let the character establish themselves as a 'person' before being part of a 'group'.

Kappasc the Inquisitor

A fair hand is appreciated in 'The City at the Center of the World", and none more so than a representative of Abadar himself. While at least peripherally in service to the church, you have tracked down a few lawbreaking individuals. Most recently, word of an entire Andoran company being demoted has reached your ears, as well as the circumstances surrounding it.

This event was detailed in a sealed letter discreetly delivered to you by church courier one morning, the sober faced lad simply giving you a nod upon its receipt and left.

It turns out that they had intercepted a slaver ship that had been bound for Absalom. The part of most interest was what happened to the slaves as well as the slavers. Upon learning that they were to be arrested, the slavers murdered every single man, woman, and child that they had aboard to be sold. Forty-seven of them to be exact. In return, the members of the platoon fed the slavers to the sea, making them food for the sharks.

What is not commonly known however, is that this ship was part of the "Black Bones" company. This part was neatly covered up somehow, likely by a local clerk, perhaps, or simply omitted, as it likely carries no local significance in Andoran, and with some paperwork, shorter may have been better.

In Absalom, you are well aware of the term "Black Bones". Those words are often used in the phrase "Black bones, black masks, of which none shall see, but He". You have heard the phrase before, but finding the exact instance eludes you at the moment.

The letter goes on to request that you look into this company, and any others immediately associated with it.

Hmm, Black Bones...that sounds familiar, I think I defended them on occasion during my times as a Lawyer in Absolom...perhaps I can find some measure of redemption by bringing them to justice, now... Kappasc thinks to himself in recollection...He then travels to the bank and requests his old records, seeing if he can find any contact information on any old records.

Unable to find any information on the Black Bones other than the cases that he worked on all those years ago, Kappasc walks the the streets of Absolom trying to track down one of his old clients.

Realizing that this mission may be bigger than his normal task, Kappasc decides to stop by the temple, to call upon a favor.

Arriving at the Temple just before the evening's ritual Money Counting, Kappasc searches for an old...associate, Brother Silas. Kappasc moves swiftly through the Temple's halls, his footsteps nimbly navigating the cobbled road, his posture remains rigid, ensuring his chainshirt makes no more noise then the wind that passes through. He finds Silas in the study, pulling him aside, he requests to talk to him in one of the "Client rooms," which were notorious for their anti-divination wards and sound proofing to protect the confidentiality of the Temple's clients.

"Brother Silas", Kappasc begins through a wincing, half-hearted smirk, "I've come to collect on a favor. I'm sure you remember that Rovagug mess that I cleaned up for free when your team failed to prosecute the Cult Leader, and the rest got off with insignificant sentences."

"Something big is happening, and I need the Hand of Abadar to help me in the hunt for justice. I'm a reasonable person, you provide the Hand, and I'll have no reason to call in on your debt for services provided, with compounded interest of course."

Brother Silas, like many of the church of Abadar, fit the mold of one dedicated to the god of cities, wealth, merchants, and law. His clothing, a officious-looking robe, was most certainly of a quality that was a step above the rest. Immaculately groomed, a pair of spectacles rested on the end of his nose, which he pushed up absently, regarding Kap, as he said his piece, wincing at the reminder. Above all though, he was a member of the Church, and even in a request, there were aspects of business, and a businessman never lets himself be caught off guard for too long.

Silas composed himself quickly, straightening non-existent wrinkles in his robe, and looked back to Kap. "It is within my capabilities to do some things, Brother Kappasc. What might you need the Hand to extend?"

Noticing Silas's willingness to cooperate, Kappasc relaxed his posture. Kappasc pulled back his hood, and allowed an honest smile to bridge his face from cheek to cheek.

"I...apologize, Brother Silas, if I came off as gruff. My hunts bring me far from the Brotherhood, and I forget what it is like to deal with helpful allies. I'm not here to bring discredit to your firm, I only seek your assistance. I need better tools for my pursuit. The crossbow I've been using is clunky, old, and cumbersome. I pride myself on my ability to slip between the shadows, delivering the message of justice, but reloading this crossbow slows me down. I've heard the Church has come into a cache of Heavy Crossbows augmented so that they can be reloaded with the flick of switch. One such crossbow would be of great aid to me, should Abadar wills it prudent."

While Silas is mostly unfamiliar with the demands of martial combat beyond the perfunctory classes taught to those hailing from a slightly higher standing than the commoners, it takes no longer than a moment for him to recall the inventory of which that Kappasc speaks, and smiles slightly, giving a single nod in understanding. "Your source is behind, Kappasc", he smiles. "That particular seizure under the law happened a month back. However, you are correct in that it is still around, though for not too much longer. Those that can handle that particular weapon are few, and it has taken this long to find a buyer who was willing to purchase the lot."

Brother Silas pauses for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he thinks. "Provided you are willing to serve as an escort, I can arrange it so that your payment will be one of those weapons", he says, confidently meeting Kap's eyes. "Have we an agreement, Brother Kappasc?" Punctuating his statement, Brother Silas offers his hand to seal the deal.

Kappasc grasps Silas's hand firmly, giving one quick shake with a rough flick of his arm. Of course, Kappasc affirmed. It is always a pleasure doing business with the Church. "May justice serve you, Brother."

"May the world profit from your presence", Brother Silas replies, shaking Kap's hand once, then releasing it and departing the room to start working on the request.

I would like to split my order.

The APG is not all that important currently, but the Bestiary is very much needed soon. Would you please split that for me, Cosmo?

What can I say, I'm a fan of unorthodox and uncommon ideas.

So! To the point, I'm looking for you shiny, honorable, law-abiding, horse riding, followers of your deity!

I'm kicking around the idea of a "Orders of the Church" idea, or the ever-classic "Holy Quest" starter, but I'm definitely going to be working the story angle on this one.

All Paladins is fine. So is 3 Paladins and a Cavalier. Or Two Paladins, a Cavalier, and a Cleric, or an Inquisitor. I'd like Paladins to be in the majority, though. This story is intended to be driven by the characters, so make them deep, make them thorough.

I want to use Googlewave because it has the potential to make for a scene that is malleable, unlike the break-pause-post of PbP. If you are missing Googlewave capability, let me know. I've invites to spare.

I'm looking for 3 to 4 players (5 maybe), 1st level starting, 4d6 drop lowest (roll your three sets here), and don't skimp on the flavor.

Would someone please help? I remember following a link on this messageboard to a forum that more or less hosted character sheets (fill 'em out, store 'em online) and I had intended to register, but the hour was late and I was less than alert..

Would anyone happen to know the site of which I speak?

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