Meat's page
Organized Play Member. 167 posts (168 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
Slugtooth has made 4th... where he sits waiting for his goblin brethren to catch up to his tier... sigh...
Andrew... there is a special place in gamer heaven for those that GM 6 goblins at a normal (non-We Be Goblins) table.
I play a lot of half-orcs, and its not a proper half-orc name if you can't put an exclamation point after it... and nearly every syllable is emphasised.
Human 3 (Wizard, Paladin, Warpriest)
Half-orc 9 (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Cavalier, Barbarian, Fighter (core), Bloodrager + two deceased: Inquisitor, Fighter)
Halfling 2 (Sorcerer, Inquisitor)
Dwarf 2 (Sorcerer, Slayer)
Goblin 1 (Ninja)
Oread 1 (Cleric)
Undine 1 (Sorcerer)
Slyph 1 (Witch)
Purchased a PDF I need for a game running today outside the bundle. The my downloads page refreshes and that's it. Is anyone else getting this?
Go to a local gameday or con, just introduce yourself around and mention its your first foray into Society play. 98% of gamers are overjoyed to convert...er explain how things go along. Your first DM and table of players will help as well. Ready the Pathfinder Society Guide, make a 1st level character or two (healers are always welcome) and don't worry too much about how you start, you can redo your character up until you play as a 2nd leveler.
In early springtime
The bodies will appear
Out running cops time
I have a goblin boon, and play Slugtooth, the goblin Kneejob (Ninja)... in PFS. He's a lot of RP fun, even once impressed a team of Paladin and Knights types. Four of us won goblins at GC 2012 with me but we're scattered across the country, so the team doesn't get together much.
Slug is crazy cracked out on Stealth (successfully eavesdropped on a mod plot with a die roll of 1), and has been intermittently terrifying (Slug and the Rogue Goblin craved through the second half of We Been Goblins 3) and comical (Paladin: "Is the goblin gnawing on the living furiture?")
The best moment has to be when two of us where part of a two rounder with an Alchemist and his donkey loaded down with Alchemist Fire...
That said: the feat: Roll With It! (Adv Race Guide) is both a life saver and hilariously funny...
1980, my crazy uncle Phil running my brother and I through a Judge's Guild mod, Trail by Fire. My Dwarf cobblerd a zombie with a morning star for my first "kill" and I was hooked.
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I think the Highfolk T-shirt summed up adventurers in a nutshell (paraphrasing a bit, mine died awhile ago):
DM: Before you stands the Vesve forest, its about 100 miles by 250 miles and contains about 100,000 orcs, what do you do?
Players: We ATTACK!
DM (nodding knowingly): Roll for initiative.
Human 3 (Wizard, Paladin, Cleric)
Half-orc 7 (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Cavalier, Barbarian + two deceased: Inquisitor, Fighter)
Half-orc for CORE 1 (Fighter)
Halfling 2 (Sorcerer, Inquisitor)
Dwarf 2 (Sorcerer, Slayer)
Goblin 1 (Ninja)
Oread 1 (Cleric)
In the hopper:
Undine 1 (Sorcerer or Bard)
Slyph 1 (TBD)
Also your DM sounds horrible... he shouldn't be competing with you but running and entertaining game. Creating an unachievable goal just to spite his players and fiat ruling classic items aren't usable? Wow...
Enhanced Diplomacy spell from the Taldor booklet.
The party sleeps and the dungeon creeks....
You can do everything from describing crazy noises they hear through the night, to things sniffing at the room they're barricaded in.
"The reason we were thinking a rogue level or two was mostly to get the trapfinding ability to disarm magical traps. Is that not a big worry for PFS? I think going straight Barbarian is probably better from the combat point of view, and the wife would prefer that if we don't need a magical trap finder. I suppose I can always have the Skald learn a low level summon spell as well for limited trap triggering or the like."
As an experienced half-orc player, if you have a half-orc barbarian - you have a magic trap finder.
Party Wizard: " The door detects as magic."
Party Fighter: "Oh hmmm... everyone get behind these tables. Meat, open the door."
Meat, the half-orc barbarian: [Looking up from the hunk of meat he's gnawing on cuz there's no bad guys to be smashing on] "Huh? O-Ks..."
Party Fighter: "Everybody down."
[Sound of door being ripped from hings, followed by explosion]
Meat: "Ow"
Party Cleric: [pulling out wands and scrolls] "I got yah big guy."
From GenCon '15:
My Paladin (a noble Lady) and the Summoners creepy goblinish eidolon Oogli were forward and next to each other when the both of us got blasted by an effect that nauseated both of us and knocked us prone. On my next turn I stood and said: "Good god, Oogli what have you been eating?"
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So every 4th of July weekend we do two things, go to a local parade/picnic and grill out at a friends place where among other things we throw axes at watermelons. When you hit the watermelon everyone yells "eat the blood of your enemies!" and you have to take a bite outta your kill.
So one year the axe throwing was the night before the parade. My friend had his 4 year old daughter on his shoulders after the parade, as we're all walking over to the picnic. She leans over, sticks her face in her dad's face and loudly asks "Dad, are they going to have blood of our enemies?"
All wizard party are gods, nullified by one hyphenated word, and another word: Anti-Magic Shell.
Oread's rock... Get it? Ha I kill me! You don't get it? What are you stoned? Ha... Earth to Venture Captains... You got gravel between your ears? Hello... It's a joke son, it's a joke.... Boy'z about as bright as a boulder.
I would start characters out stronger, and make the progression much much slower.
Say everyone starting around 20-40 hp, but only gaining a few each level.
Make damage a bit more skill based, and less weapon based.
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Tomorrow is going to suuuuuuuuucccccckkkkk at work... Cosmo, your to blame.
Meat wrote: Thread reboot!
Human 2 (Wizard, Paladin)
Half-orc 7 (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Cavalier, Barbarian + two deceased: Inquisitor, Fighter)
Halfling 2 (Sorcerer, Inquisitor)
Dwarf 1 (Sorcerer)
Goblin 1 (Ninja)
In the hopper:
Oread 1 (Cleric)
Undine 1 (Sorcerer)
Human 2 (Wizard, Paladin)
Half-orc 7 (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Cavalier, Barbarian + two deceased: Inquisitor, Fighter)
Half-orc for CORE 1 (Fighter)
Halfling 2 (Sorcerer, Inquisitor)
Dwarf 1 (Sorcerer)
Goblin 1 (Ninja)
Oread 1 (Cleric)
In the hopper:
Undine 1 (Sorcerer or Bard)
Slyph 1 (TBD)
Hardly.... but I care more about the cool factor then the power factor. But Druid alone tops all those 4 IMHO, and they are hardly the only class to do so.
Class is just a starting point anyway.
Can't believe I didn't post this earlier...
I love half-orcs....
How do you make a Druid better, give it a great axe, bite attack and darkvision!
How do you make a Bard better, give it a great axe, bite attack and darkvision!
How do you make a Sorcerer better, give it a great axe, bite attack and darkvision!
How do you make a Wizard better, give it a great axe, bite attack and darkvision!
How do you make a cleric better, give it a great axe, bite attack and darkvision!
How do you make a Inquisistor better, give it a great axe, bite attack and darkvision!
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You sit down at GenCon with some strangers who are all grinning madly at you. When you start the mod you realize they are all playing GOBLINS!!!
Apologies in advanced to the poor sob who gets us :-D
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Can I blame Cosmo for auto-correct fails?
Goal Drag Write I Cab!
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So we're taking my friend's 9 year old to Gencon this year and we had a few sessions of PFS, to teach him at home. His 6year old younger brother really wanted to try it to so he played a Druid. The next day he jump out in front of dad pointing a finger at him:
"Hands up I'm a spell caster!"
You release this feat can be overcome by a dart? I have it on my ninja, and haven't even every used it.
I just built a Oread cleric and gave him tower shield proficiency at 1st... Took the natural armor alt race trait and have the defense sub domain.... Starting AC 21 decent saves, once a day my and those near me AC by 2 and can drop tower shield and get AC back once a day with shield domain spell. Plus will rack that first level cleric spell that makes an attack go against you instead of adjacent allies.
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You shot that man in the back...
His back was to me.
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It's con Sunday of a four day Indiana con where you and 50 other Milwaukeens have come down and the hosting hotel has put all their Milwaukee made Miller products on sale for two bucks a pitcher all four days....
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Lamontius wrote: ...hear, "Hi, I'm Kyle Baird and I'll be your GM today!"
...hear "Muwahaha... For you puny mortals that know not me, I am Jason Buhlman... And I wrote this mod."
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Mandy H. wrote: ...when during the mission briefing, it sounds like it's going to be a social mission, and during the first encounter, you realize that your warpriest with Charisma of 7 is the face.
Could've gone worse.
GC my 5 CHA dwarf did all the talking because the bard and 3 paladin's wouldn't say anything. I feel ya.
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You travel three states and keep pulling a GM who changes things so he can kill PCs, including vs our lvl 1-2 table...
1) having the troll fast heal infinite
2) bumping an encounter from the 12 zombies at our tier to the high tier 6 wraiths encounter
3) have the encounter vs a summoning wizard have all his summons pre-cast and not be tracking the rounds til the spells expire (including the thing we couldn't affect and he knew we where fighting defensively just waiting for it to expire) and it be the high tier version of the wizard.
(Also actually happened)
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You about to play a low tier with 3 friends, with no front line when two higher levels get added to the table bumping you up. The two new players are a bard with no weapons and a rogue who won't flank with our rogue but fires a short bow with no STR mod 19 times for 20 points of damage against the first encounter... 2 polar bears. ( actually happened)
Lawful Good, doesn't mean you can't be a snooty noble looking down at the lesser mortals who you've allowed to carry your baggage. You just have to respect their lives, and demand they respect your title. :-)
So far for my mid level half-orc Druid:
1: Shillelagh!
2: Animal Aspect (ultimate I need this movement aid)
3: Call Lightning (most frequent natural spell - rain down while in bird/air elemental form)
4: Freedom of Movement
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I blame Cosmo for the acid eating away at the lining of my stomach from the massive taco buffet we did at lunch today....
Meat wrote: Been away for awhile, but awhile back was playing Slugtooth with one of his goblin cousins at the table and an alchemist with a donkey loaded down with alchemist fire. Sadly, we never achieved " Donkey Detention " but it was hysterical making the alchemist sweat for 4 hours at the possible gp loss of our various encounter busting plots.
Any other goblin boon exploits out there?
{Facepalm} "Donkey Detonation" gotta stop posting on the ipad.
Took you three years to come up with an idea? We had like 30 on the way to the RAM after the special.
But welcome to Goblinhood... check in at the Goblin Boon Forum listing: We Be Pathfinders!
-Slugtooth, Goblin Kneejob 3
Thread reboot!
Human 2 (Wizard, Paladin)
Half-orc 7 (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Cavalier, Barbarian + two deceased: Inquisitor, Fighter)
Halfling 2 (Sorcerer, Inquisitor)
Dwarf 1 (Sorcerer)
Goblin 1 (Ninja)
In the hopper:
Oread 1 (Cleric)
Undine 1 (Sorcerer)
I've heard said that when LG was rolled out they re-did the Village of Hommlet moathouse... supposedly in my friend's party as they snuck across the courtyard a wind kicked up... the Paladin went to go look. DM pulled him aside, as said you see a Blue Dragon hovering there... when we get back to the table you get one word then we roll init. They go back and the paladin utters..... "NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"
Personally can't remember them all... (playing since '80) but went on a date with a Red Dragon once.... that was kinda weird considering the character (a widowed Cleric).
Most recent was the 2nd round of 2012 GenCon Special... Mike Brock was running us... I died... badly.
It goes with the class in that Bards pick up little useful things and bend it to their own purposes.
Nermal2097 wrote: My current wizard is riding around on a Gecko Does it sell insurance?
BBQ Chicken Pizza with Lemonade.
I and several friends have boons... sadly we're spread across the country and we're all low level.
I started this thread:
Course even worse is just printing the things out. Remember early Living Greyhawk, were every item had a cert? There was a great item in the Wisconsin Region (one per table), a certain current Paizo employee, who ran the Wisconsin region at the time and wrote the mod ended up running a table at a UK con where all 6 players seated at the table had this item somehow. None of them could remember a thing about the mod.
The item was banned shortly there after.
Welcome sneaky friend from Omaha.
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Marathon LG two rounder, we'd found an item that let you speak with dead and a list of questions someone had been asking something dead along with it. Hours pass, we kill BBEG and use item on him.
Player 1:So what do we ask him?
Player 2: oh the list, (whips out list, reads first question) who killed you?
DM: You did, dumbass.
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Charge the Aztec god summoning a new Aztecy plane of existence into being, carrying the both of you into its evil human sacrificing ways.
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Chase the bad guy while wearing Acme rocket propelled roller skates, over shoot bad guy, run out of rocket fuel 30 feet past cliff edge, fall to death waving a Yikes! Sign.