Artemis Entreri

Malckuss76's page

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

It seems weird not to include the weapon when they included extra skill feats.

I guess if someone wants a stripped down bare-bones sheet, they can grab yours. Very utilitarian.

This looks pretty amazing. I only have two critiques: I would love to see a spot for familiars, and additional companion sheets, because druids or characters who pick up the beastmaster archetype that is coming next year in the APG will have multiple companions, and I think familiars have stuff companions don't have access to, and vis a versa. It would also be cool if the booklet was available in multiple coolers, especially the 2nd ed deep red, gold and deep blue theme (more like the logo than the awful official sheet).

Thank you for this! My players and I were complaining of a lack of a companion or familiar sheet.

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I surprised no one has thought of a Barrister Bard. Inspire Competence on your expert witness. Inspire Defense on your client while they undergo cross-ex. Loremaster's Etude wile deposing a witness.

A Companion/Familiar and Alchemy sheets would not be remiss.

Azurespark wrote:

Just noticed that the fighter sheet doesn't give you any space for class feats at levels 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16. The alchemist sheets say you get light armor master at 20, when it should be 19. And I'm sure there are other errors I'm not aware of.

Also there no black and white versions of these class specific sheets. So I would hold off on buying them until these issues are fixed.

The biggest legitimate (to my admittedly biased mind) complaints I have heard so far all have to do with the character sheets,either aesthetically or regarding utility. With the layout of the book catching so much praise, I find this strange. What was wrong with the way the playtest sheet was set up?

Rysky wrote:
Aashua wrote:
Can a high level character summon a Phoenix, can they still turn into a Phoenix with monstrosity form?

No and yes.

There’s not a Summon Beast spell atm, and Summon spells can only summon Common creatures (I missed this earlier).

I thought one of the 10th level spells for Primal or Occult mentioned Summon Phoenix?

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It does appear from some of the material in the free Age of Ashes Players Guide that, at least story-wise, the two could dovetail. I had a similar thought myself. Maybe someone going to Gen Con could kindly ask the devs for some advice about doing that...

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Uchuujin wrote:

Alright! Done with 5 pages. The last two are just for spell casting (the last one is just more spaces for spells in fact). This is will be my last version of it before GenCon, so after I've had a chance to give it a try myself I'll see about any edits.

Enjoy, and thanks for using it!

Very nice!

I have a request when you come hence from Gen Con with visions of a revision in your skull - a color version, in the deep red & gold of the PF2 logo.

Uchuujin wrote:

Alright, have things expanded a bit further including a second page (although it's a bit sloppy yet). Hoping to finish before GenCon, but I work on this in my downtime at work, so can't guarantee it.


This is looking good!

Samurai wrote:
Malckuss76 wrote:
Samurai wrote:

Malckuss76, that link does not work... it takes you to your adaptation of Keep on the Borderlands, but no ability to download anything.

Weird. I'm not certain how that happened. This link should work. You may need to eliminate the space at the end. 180
That one takes me to your D&D 5E sheets (thank you, I didn't have them yet), but I thought you mentioned that you did some for PF2E? After all, this is the Paizo forums...

I was suggesting it would be awesome if someone could design a sheet similar to the one I linked for PF2. I provided the link so others could look at it as an example. I do good work visually on sheets but I don't know how to make them variable.

Samurai wrote:

Malckuss76, that link does not work... it takes you to your adaptation of Keep on the Borderlands, but no ability to download anything.

Weird. I'm not certain how that happened. This link should work. You may need to eliminate the space at the end. 180

Uchuujin wrote:
Malckuss76 wrote:
Uchuujin wrote:
Malckuss76 wrote:
Uchuujin wrote:

WIP of a landscape sheet I am working on. Will finish it over the next couple of days.


*Snipped for space and readability*

That's pretty well beyond my abilities right now! I'm only trained in character sheet making and that's at least an expert level use right there!

I have completed the first page at least, minus any corrections or the the like.


I trust that one day, you will be legendary. XD

I like the finished sheet. My one quible is you have some spare spacein the skills column, and the lines for recording your lores are tiny (base sheet suffers from this, too). Maybe you could add an extra lore spot and spred them out enough that the writting are dips below the spot for recording your numbers? It would be really hard to gauge without printing one out.

Uchuujin wrote:
Malckuss76 wrote:
Uchuujin wrote:

WIP of a landscape sheet I am working on. Will finish it over the next couple of days.


I like it. Similar in ways to the playtest sheet whilst being it's own thing. If you could implement layers, you might be able to build something similar to MorePurpleMoreBetter's 5e sheets. Something like that would rock for PF2.
Yeah, not quite sure how to make a form fillable sheet just yet. Working in Microsoft Page Maker because it's what I have access to, and it's more than a bit sloppy behind the scenes yet, but will get it there.

I wasn't thinking so much the form fillable as triggering elements on and off. For instance, you can change the colors of the banners/headers and certain other elements. Here's a link: 80

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Uchuujin wrote:

WIP of a landscape sheet I am working on. Will finish it over the next couple of days.


I like it. Similar in ways to the playtest sheet whilst being it's own thing. If you could implement layers, you might be able to build something similar to MorePurpleMoreBetter's 5e sheets. Something like that would rock for PF2.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Those printer-friendly sheets are sweet.

Thank you, Sara Marie!

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Addendum: Is anyone else experiencing a glitch with the site when you try to come to the second edition forum or refresh the second edition forum and get rerouted to the Paizo main page?

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I know the folks who have this monstrous tomes would probably prefer to not damage their books trying to print sheets and we are only 10 days out from the release of the book.

singingzombies wrote:
tqomins wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Rysky wrote:
tqomins wrote:
singingzombies wrote:

Are Bards able to Shield Block by default since they had Shield Proficiency during the playtest?

Is the Draconic Sorcerer Bloodline Focus Power different from what they had during the playtest, the Draconic Claws Power?

I'd make the shield question more general:

Which classes get shield block by default? We know the Fighter does, but who else?

I believe everyone can do the Shield Raise to get more AC, but only Fighters start with the option to sacrifice their shield as a form of DR.
Champions, warpriest clerics, druids, fighters all gain the Shield Block general feats as a level 1 class feature.
Druids? That seems strange to me
Oh poo, guess I’ll allow the Playtest Bard player to continue to Shield Block till level 3 and then make him take the Shield Block general feat. It would be weird if he “forgot how to” for a whole level. Punished for starting the campaign with Playtest rules.

You could always give it to the Bard as a reward, based on several interviews. Also, I don't think they need it if they are using the Shield cantrip.

The Plaguestone standalone sounds like it might fit, too.

jdripley wrote:

On the subject of high vs low magic assumptions, PF2 ought to be very forgiving in either direction. A full fledged Alchemist class right out of the gate, Treat Wounds, default magic-less Rangers and Champions... plus Ritual Magic being far more low magic friendly than spell slot magic... there is loads of room for a Lord of the Rings style low magic game.

I view the default game as already allowing for high magic, with all of what the caster classes can do, so that is covered as well.

I have a friend who is very passionate about low magic settings, and I’m looking forward to running some truly low magic adventures for him using rules that will actually function well.

I might recommend avoiding some of the more outrageous mutagens for a low magic game as they might seem too over the top (specifically thinking of a leaked level 12 Alchemist feat that makes them physically invulnerable in conjunction with a Juggernaut mutagen)

Along similar lines, due to requiring class feat investiture, you might be able to get away with caster multiclass archetypes since they will allow a taste of power but would require a deep investment in order to get the full-on caster madness. Sorcerer and Bard seem particularly geared for this.

Do monks get anything to bolster a weapon using build? As I understand it from the character creation blog Mark posted, Monks retain the first level feat allowing them to use monk weapons. do anyt other class feats or features enhance this? Thanks in advance!

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I think he got sidetracked.

I keep wondering why no one has asked Mark about weapon-focused monk feats as the character he was building looked to be more dependent on weapons than fists and he discussed focusing more on them later, perhaps with a fighter mc archetype, but didn't elaborate on how he could more of that with monk later, which is why I figure he made him a Monk with fighter mc instead of figher with monk mc...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to chime in for the Kineticist as my first choice as 1) of all of the other classes we saw in 1st edition, it was one of the most unique and 2) is almost as diverse as a Wizard. My next choice would be Witch and/or Oracle as they have very unique aspects, but are otherwise Occult/Primal/Arcane (for Witch) or Sorcerer style (for Oracle) casters.

One thing I would like o see is to make each of the additional classes (hybrid classes from 1E, especially) more unique creatures; the Gunslinger feels like it would work more closely to the Cavalier from the playtest, simply an archetype that could be applied to any class, as I could see arguments made for it being available for the Alchemist (alchemical ammo, anyone?) a Bard (the singing gunslinger and trick shooter, Barbarian (gunzerker), Cleric/Champion (holy gun crusader), Fighter is a no-brainer, Ranger (Texas Ranger), Rogue (sniper) and Wizard (gunmage). I I can think or similar arguments for Summoner (though I love it so) being applied to pretty much any casting class, and so on.

Prestige class wise, I need me some Shadowdancer for my very favorite character, but I should be able to approximate with a Kineticist.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I think PF2 is going to make it impossible for me to go back to 5E. Especially since Paizo understands gamers want campaign guides and releases. PF2 is going to have almost as many rulebook out the gate and in the first 6 months as 5E has had since it released.

Secret Wizard wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:

I didn't find the dialog that bad...

Then again, I played through the original NeverWinter Nights, so maybe I'm just desensitized to terrible writing. :P

I mean, me too! But I got spoiled by Obsidian and Bethesda, I guess.

I'll leave this conversation for another time.

Has no one introduced a dialogue mod?

Shisumo wrote:
Malckuss76 wrote:
Specific to Eberron, it looks like Archetypes would be a great place to set up things like Dragon Marks and recreating prestige classes, especially ones that enhanced racial abilities. Ancestries will let us redesign and get more into expanded options for Warforged and Shifters, especially.
The Dragonmark feats are perfect fits for Ancestry feats. The heritages would be awesome places to bring in the unique cultural bits of each race (the Talenta halfling heritage would be awesome). And of course, the various warforged build types and shifter heritages would be very easy, as you said.

Ancestry feats would certainly be a good place for the various 'racial' marks. My head was racing forward to the prestige classes I recalled that enhanced them, and as a space for aberrant and Siberys marks that might need more design space.

Elfteiroh wrote:
Malckuss76 wrote:
TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
...a goblin cleric of Sarenrae who worships the goddess of the great ball of fire in the sky
I apologize, but this idea has now been yoinked. I'm sure other people have thought it, but this (occasionally) honorable thief will tell you to your digital face.
You both should read the "WE BE HEROES?" Free RPG Day module... You'll probably like the half-blind village chief. ;)

Apologies for the double post. Yeah, I think I need to get an all goblin game going at some point, in a similar vein to the initial playtest adventure.

TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
Malckuss76 wrote:
TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
...a goblin cleric of Sarenrae who worships the goddess of the great ball of fire in the sky
I apologize, but this idea has now been yoinked. I'm sure other people have thought it, but this (occasionally) honorable thief will tell you to your digital face.

Just dont call yourself Iccarus (Icky for short) and were good ^_^

Also, highly recommend saying "The great ball of fire in the sky" instead of "the sun" at every opportunity to drive home the zealotry and goblinity of it all

I don't have a name yet, but I figure it will be something alliterative of Firelover. I figure the goblin will refer to the sun as The Flame that Feeds upon the Sky or something similar. A spin on the Eye of Sauron. My headcanon has this as an inversion of a Tolkien-style goblin.

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sadie wrote:
Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Franz Lunzer wrote:

Erik Mona already confirmed a printer-friendly character sheet.

[edit] Link added

Thank you, particularly for taking the time to include a link ^^

Part of me hopes that we get it early enough for some of the really talented folks in our community to create their own sheets, and give players options.

I'm working on it :)

Your sheets are the only ones I will use for 1E PF. These are looking fantastic.

I'm probably going to work to rebuild a version of the landscape sheet from the playtest.
I know the sheet redesign was likely to make it appear more like 3.5/1E, but I liked that it was different. I don't want 2E to feel too much like 1E. I also love landscape sheets enough my group makes fun of me for it.

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RiverMesa wrote:

As someone who intends to run a campaign in her own setting as opposed to Lost Omens, and also wants to convert Eberron to PF2 at some ponit, I had a similar concern (in my case itwas with goblins - for how much I adore them, I don't want them to be Like That in every campaign, but a number of their ancestry feats and heritage options are rather idiosyncratic to LO goblins).

Luckily it seems that PF2's modular design will allow for this fairly easily.

The Game Mastery Guide looks to let us do some really cool stuff with mechanics for homebrews. Specific to Eberron, it looks like Archetypes would be a great place to set up things like Dragon Marks and recreating prestige classes, especially ones that enhanced racial abilities. Ancestries will let us redesign and get more into expanded options for Warforged and Shifters, especially. I also want to rebuild Dragonborn.

Franz Lunzer wrote:

@Malckuss76: That Shadowdancer in 3.5(?) wasn't fully working at level 1 either, I suppose?

You could (at higher levels) have a Rogue with both Monk and Sorcerer dedication feats. (You can take a second dedication after having three dedication feats for your first dedication. So for example Rogue takes Sorcerer dedication at level 2, 4 and 6, you can start taking Monk dedication at level 8.)

@Franz Lunzer: Yeah, Shadowdancer was a prestige class, but the flavor feels core to the character; again, I'm not after everything. Some minor illusions, bonus to stealth, fading from view, etc. I had a real issue finding my character's niche in the game until I started diving into Shadowdancer when I suddenly realized I was the stealthy & mysterious swordsman of Vistani heritage. I would like to be able to manifest a blade of darkness and shadow jump at some point, but I feel a monk's ki abilities or a sorcerer's spells might let me enhance the sneaky, mysterious, and slightly mystical nature of the character.

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I'm uncertain how I will recreate my favorite character, especially since he was high level. Obviously, I need to give up on doing everything at level 1. My favorite character ever was a Human multiclassed 2 levels in Fighter, 3 levels in Ranger, 5 levels in Rogue, and 10 levels in Shadowdancer. If I had recreated him in late 1E, I would have built him mainly with Rogue and Void Kineticist levels until I could pour 10 levels into Shadowdancer.

Based on the playtest materials, it looks like the two best options for recreating him in 2E will either be as a Monk later hitting Rogue MCA or a Fey-blooded Sorcer, reskinned as shadow-blooded, along with Rogue MCA.

I also have a Half-elven Bard I made in D&D 5E I want to rock in PF2E named Aede Van'Aillynn. He was styled as a rockstar: played guitar like Eddy Van Halen, sang like & looked like David Bowie in Labrinth. Inspire Courage had a playlist. The rest of the troupe ended up being a Gnome Ranger manager, a Dwarven Fighter roadie, and my Lizardfolk Monk bodyguard. Due to a ridiculous group intimidation/deception/diplomacy check trying to avoid killing a huge number of goblins and gnolls, we ended up with an entire touring crew. It would be awesome to get that band back together.

A few things I would like to point out I, in my admittedly sleep-deprived state, have not seen mentioned yet in this thread:

1) Some 'combat' feats have gone away due to being eliminated as redundant. Case in point: Precise Shot. Jason Bulhman stated in an interview and one of the gaming podcasts (I am so sorry, I cannot recall which one; maybe some kind soul can add in that detail) talked about how the design team had decided that some 'feat taxes' could be eliminated because players are competent adventurers and are just that good. So you don't need precise shot because everyone can fire into melee.

2) Mark Seifter and the blurb for the Game Mastery Guide have given us clues that things like gestalt-type character options are returning, but we currently don't precisely know how this will be implemented.

3) Feats do more in the same package and/or are generally more versatile. For instance, there is a feat (again, muzzy-head cannot recall the feat type, whether it is general or ancestry) that allows you to gain proficiency in a single weapon (or perhaps a group?)from another culture, while weapon proficiency, a general feat, increases the proficiencies available to your class by one grade. So there is more than one way to get what you want.

Just my two coppers. Hell, maybe one copper with the new economy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
...a goblin cleric of Sarenrae who worships the goddess of the great ball of fire in the sky

I apologize, but this idea has now been yoinked. I'm sure other people have thought it, but this (occasionally) honorable thief will tell you to your digital face.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ediwir wrote:
Thundarr the Barbarian wrote:
Some Kind of Chymist wrote:

As we know most of the classes have some manner of sub-class (a big choice you make at level one) with the exception of fighters and I think monks...

  • Alchemist - Research Field (Bomber or Mutagenist or Chirugeon)
  • Barbarian - Instinct (Animal or Dragon or Fury or Giant or Spirit)
  • Monk - N/A (Stances)

Does anyone know much more?

Well, this sucks. I was hoping I could make a Chaotic Drunken Martial Artist as a subclass of something somewhere, but the three most likely candidate classes don't appear to have that option...

Could very well be a single feat or feat chain, like Arcane Trickster has been turned into the Magical Trickster feat. A drunken stance isn’t too far fetched, and you can grab mutagens from multiclass if you so desire.

I played a Dwarven Alchemist that concocted mutagens and elixers into varieties of beer. Just saying.

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A little more sparse than I would have liked. However, I'm glad they have started and know the ball will get rolling.

It appears to have gone up about an hour ago, but I was sitting here spamming F5 every ten minutes and only just now saw it pop up, so I think there might have been a technical glitch.

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I thought we were supposed to get a preview from one of the blogs today.

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Elfteiroh wrote:
Aiden2018 wrote:

Oh. Wait, so was Brawler one of those composite classes? I remember they made a few of those, where Ninja was basically a Monk/Rogue and Samurai was a Cavalier/Fighter(?). Did they combine two classes to get Brawler as well?

Also, have dual hook-swords been confirmed? I vaguely remember them being in the first edition.

Brawler was Fighter/Monk, yeah, but Ninja and Samurai were more like "Mega-Archetype" (for Rogue and Cavalier, respectively) that changed too much a class to still be an archetype.

Also, we don't really have any confirmation for non standard weapons in core. But if it was used in PF1, you can be sure it'll come back some times, proabably within the first year in a "Ultimate Equipment" 2.0+

Yeah, based off of the Playtest Barbarian, an Animal Instinct Barbarian would make a decent 'brawler' substitute. I would go with either a bull or an Ape for the concept.

I've been theory-crafting a concept of a Lizardfolk Dragon Instinct Barbarian Multiclassed with Monk to grab some things like Flurry of Blows who will focus and using his breath weapon to tenderize his foes, then wade in and tear them up with a flurry of claw strikes.

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Looks like I didn't pay close enough attention to the Occult spell list. Though in my defense, I was looking for phrases like "heal x" and "cure x wounds."

My question is how to bards now heal? Oblivion Oath appears to have an NPC Bard who claims to "sooth" wounds and hurt, but we haven't seen it in play. The Occult spell list didn't have any healing spells that I am aware of.

MaxAstro wrote:
[horror movie font]Pathfinder 2: This time, Rogues can sneak attack everything![/horror movie font]

Not quite. Oblivion Oath already showed us that swarms are not subject to sneak attack damage and there are apparently other monster traits that make them immune to precision damage.

GM Seth wrote:
Honestly do not understand the complaints about the landscape format. I love the landscape format, and always wanted one in my current system but could never get one done. Landscape is definitely my preference by far.

I prefer landscape format, too. However, the majority of the people I chuck dice with prefer portrait character sheets.

It would be nice if someone could make this sheet form-fillable for those who prefer this style of sheet.

Nice sheet. I especially like how you got it down to 2 pages.

Very nice sheet. Thank you for this, Zeleska!

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I would love an option for mixed heritage characters.

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