Taanyth Tuilinn (TAH-neeth twee-LEEN) is a Kyoni scholar who moved to Cheliax at an early age. Despite his new infernal culture, he had already learned similar philosophies by himself: a code of honor and self above all else. He was never a charmer, less so a socialite, but he rarely cares. He believes in the perfection of one's own body and mind.
However it is not true that Taanyth never earned friends. Most of them are like-minded individuals who strive for perfection in their own ways. One of these was the late professor, Petros Lorrimor, who gained an amazing friendship with Taanyth. The two were at a time inseperable, exchanging ideals, learning from each other, and criticizing each other's research, even though Taanyth was not much of a scientist, and Petros was not much of a warrior or an arcanist.
Taanyth went to the funeral of Professor Lorrimor without spite, anger, or sadness, but with the hope that the professor's research shall continue through someone else and the undying respect for this great man.