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![]() Greetings, Pathfinders! To honor the Outpost VI online convention and our beloved community, I will be GMing the Intro scenario "The Second Confirmation". This is a repeatable scenario, although you can't replay it with a character that has already played it. With few exceptions, those aspiring to join the Pathfinder Society’s ranks must succeed at a personalized mission known as a Confirmation. After years of training, Pathfinder initiates undertake these specialized missions on their own to show what they’ve learned. One excited initiate recently left the Grand Lodge to embark on his Confirmation but hasn’t reported back in the expected time frame. Worried for the initiate’s safety, the Society authorizes a group of initiates to find out what happened as a special group Confirmation! ------------------------ Q&A What are your expectations? For myself as well as for players, I expect full attention to the game. This means that I'll expect minimum one post per day so that the game remains quick-paced and interesting. In my experience, games that drag tend to die out. Let's make it fun for everyone! Of course, if you anticipate you won't be able to post for a couple of days, please tell me ahead of time so that we can convene the best course of action (GM/player botting, etc.) I also expect people to interact with each other to make the game lively and enjoyable for everyone! When do we start? The Outpost VI convention starts on March 6th. We'll begin on that day, though setting up characters and introductory roleplay/friendly banter between players is expected to be done at that point. What's the level range for this scenario? It's a tier 1-2 scenario, which means any character of level 1 or 2 can apply. Given the nature of that specific scenario, it's an ideal fit for a new character. How will players be selected? Applicants will be chosen on a First Come First Serve basis, although I will prioritize people who GM for the Outpost VI event. If you're an Outpost VI GM, please mention it in your application post. Applications will close on February 27th, so that we have one week to sort out pre-game shennanigans. What should my application post include? Your application should include the following information: PFS number:
I'm greatl looking forward to hosting this game for you! ![]()
![]() Open for dotting purposes. Please fill in the following template: Player name
Moreover, we're going to play this at the highest subtier (10-11), which is why I would like the run to go as smoothly as possible. This means that I'd like as little retcons as possible, and a fluid gameplay. In order to achieve that, please let me know if your character has any special mechanics he's likely to use, so that I can familiarize with them before we start. Additionally, I insist on players announcing their possible absence beforehand if possible, so that we can keep the pace of the game. If you'd like to specify a type of behavior/action to use when you're away from the board, I'd greatly appreciate you doing that so that we can bot you as decently as humanly possible. Looking forward to this great game! ![]()
![]() Welcome to GM Lithrac's Warden of Sulfur Gulch discussion thread! We are aiming at playing this scenario in subtier 10-11, since I've picked that scenario to allow both Alie and Refen's investigator to reach their 33xp. Bring your A-game! Also, this scenario will be "invite only". The first slots are taken by Refen, Sharna, Alie and Voros (or alternate characters in level range). That leaves two seats. I'll ask around first, and we'll see if we can fill the two available slots. Additionally, I'd like everyone to try to post once per day so that the game moves faster than the one we've just finished. I know high-level games tend to run longer (which is why I usually prefer to play them online rather than in Convention slots), it can't be helped, but I'm sure we can manage to finish it within a month/month and a half. Thanks for making that effort! Finally, please update the relevant information in the Maps and handouts page (imported from our Abducted in Aether game). You may roll your day job now, of course. ![]()
![]() Opening recruitment, but it's invite-only at this stage. If you have people you especially enjoy playing with, feel free to invite them, as I'd much rather GM for friends and friends of friends than total strangers. Shifty's Hellknight is level 9, which means we'll aim to play the higher subtier (8-9). Plan which character you're willing to bring accordingly. We'll also endeavor to have a steady pace in the game, so make sure you can post once a day when applying. Thanks! Looking forward to GMing this one! ![]()
![]() Open for dotting purposes. For the most seasoned of Pathfinder agents, this is an unusual day. Not only did you escape Aram Zey's derogatory gaze as you went past him in the Grand Lodge courtyard, but you also managed to dodge yet another of Drandle Dreng's strange requests. Yet this is not the true reason for this day being very special to you. You've just received an invitation bearing the seal of the Decemvirate. This crisp note, delivered personally to you by courier, bears the official rune of the Decemvirate, the anonymous, masked ruling order of the Pathfinder Society. The Ten have rarely taken notice of your efforts to date, but their reliance upon you is a sign of your growing influence in the organization. The orders command you and a team of hand-chosen fellow Pathfinders to escort the famous longsword Pale Maiden, blade of the legendary early Pathfinder Durvin Gest, to the newly reestablished Pathfinder Lodge in the city of Woodsedge, in Revolution-wracked Galt. The Decemvirate wishes to entrust the sword to the Lady of the Lodge, Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro. You are to escort the Pale Maiden from Absalom to Galt and ensure that the weapon arrives safely. ![]()
![]() A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7–11. Among the greatest crimes committed during an attack on the Grand Lodge was the abduction of a high-ranking member of the Pathfinder Society. The Society has tracked the kidnapped to another plane of existence, where his captor is preparing to sell her prize to a host of otherworldly bidders. Can the PCs intervene and mount a rescue before the esteemed captive disappears forever? Content in “Abducted in Aether” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Grand Lodge faction. ****** Recruiting for the higher subtier (10-11). Currently I'll favor the applicants that are both in subtier and that complement the group well, as this scenario can be tough for an unbalanced party. Players are required to post once daily, and to announce beforehand if they are unable to post for a period of time longer than that. I'd like this game to run fast and smooth, so everybody should contribute to that goal. Slots reserved (provided they haven't played that scenario yet):
Available slots:
![]() Welcome to the discussion thread. We'll start as soon as everyone is ready. Please post the following information: Player name
![]() Welcome, Pathfinders! Time has come for me to run Eyes of the Ten, the first PFS seeker arc on PbP format. If you're considering joining, read through the following lines before applying, please. What is Eyes of the Ten?
Special rules
Firstly, you must start this series with a character that has exactly 33 xp. Not more, not less. If you count well, that means that he's just turned level 12. Secondly, once you start playing your character is "locked" and can't take part in any other scenario/module and can't receive credit until the serie is finished. There are four scenarios, with the first one about double the length (and xp value) of a normal PFS scenario. The scenarios were written during years 1 and 2 of PFS Organized Play, and as such they were meant to be played by four characters, not six. The range of character options has widely expanded since then, and the power balance isn't the same as it used to be. Hence, I'll run this series for four characters, possibly a fifth to ensure we can finish the serie even if someone drops out. Moreover, I'll be looking for very active players on the boards, with whom I'm close to certain to finish the whole tetralogy. To expand on my own rules, please understand that I try to run my games with a good pace. Hence, I'd like all players to post once per day. Quality posts are preferred of course, and telegraphic style need not apply. I'm also asking for players who use the boards formatting correctly. Finally, I reserve the right to favor a player whom I know well and have a good history with over someone I don't know at all. When we'll start
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. Explore, Report, Cooperate ![]()
![]() Please post: Player Name / Alias:
Also, since this is a Gameday with boon support, please PM me your email address so that I can have the boon sent if you win one. Finally, please fill in the chart on the first slide of the Maps and Handouts documents. Thanks! ![]()
![]() PFS PbP Gameday V - #7-00 The Sky Key Solution (tier 3-4) I'll be running the special scenario The Sky Key Solution for the 5th PbP Gameday. The game will run from August 27th to October 11th. This specific table will be a tier 3-4, which means that the APL needs to be within this level range. Tier 1-2 and 5-6 characters may be accepted in order to fill the table if necessary, but preference will be given to players bringing a level 3 or 4 character, of course. If you do have a level 1-2 or 5-6 character, I strongly advise you to look for another table for this special, since there will be many of them available for the PbP Gameday. Since this is a timed scenario ran across multiple tables, I will expect at least one post a day for each participant, in order to keep up with the other tables. Please post below with your applying character, including level and class. Please also make sure that the character you apply with will be available from August 27th to October 11th. Looking forward to running this one! Explore, Report, Cooperate! ![]()
![]() The bustling desert city of Wati is near bursting with excitement. Adventurers from every corner of the Inner Sea region have assembled here beneath the hot Osirian sun to explore the tombs of the city’s necropolis, waiting only to be assigned their first sites for exploration. Surrounding the participants, the public has gathered to observe the ceremony as well. There is a festival-like quality in the air, and numerous street vendors are hawking goods and refreshments to participants and spectators alike. Some merchants have even brought what can only be considered adventuring gear to sell as last minute convenience items to explorers, while others advertise that they’ll buy recovered treasures and antiquities from those who visit their establishments. In front of the imposing edifice of the Grand Mausoleum, an immense awning has been erected between decorated pillars in the market to provide shade for the priests of Pharasma overseeing the lottery. Beneath the awning, two urns sit atop a table elevated a few feet above the ground on a wooden stage constructed for the event. The high priestess of the Grand Mausoleum, Sebti the Crocodile, sits behind the table, while two acolytes confer with her at either side. ![]()
![]() Open for dotting purposes. Feel free to describe your character and interact with the Pig's Paunch tavern. The invitation delivered last night was remarkably simple, especially given the importance of the occasion: “Start where it all began. Meet us at the Pig’s Paunch one hour before dawn.” The Pig’s Paunch is a run-down building with a faded sign of a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food. However, it looks like your host hasn't arrived yet. ![]()
![]() Discussion thread is open for mustering purpose. We will be using this thread to talk about all OOC matters. No need to use the [ ooc ] tag here, but if you are speaking in an OOC manner in the Gameplay thread you'll need to use that tag. If you have any question about the way to do things, feel free to ask. There are a few useful links in my profile, guides written by veteran PbP players that will greatly help you learn how to PbP. As I've explained on the Flaxseed Lodge thread, a new PFS player's first step should be to read the campaign-specific rules for PFS if you haven't done it yet. It's a free download, which includes all the information you need in order to create a PFS character. You don't need to bother with the chapter on GMing or the one about modules and sanctioned material, but the rest is pretty important. I'd suggest starting there, then rolling your first character while making sure that everything you're using to create this character belongs to the Additional Resources. Alternatively, you can use The Archives of Nethys, which replaces the PRD nicely for all intents and purposes. Not only does it provide us with all Pathfinder material (including AP, Companion and Campaign Setting lines), but it also includes whether something's PFS legal or not. If the feat/item/archetype/etc includes the glyph of the open road, it means you can use it in PFS! You can then create a PFS profile for your character by going to "My Account" at the top of the page, then follow the steps indicated in the PFS part. You will get a PFS membership number (which should have six digits), and your first character will be the "xxxxxx-1", the second one "xxxxxx-2", etc. The first assignment for everyone is to post with the character you intend to play these three scenarios with, including in your post the following information: - Your character's PFS number (e.g. 76446-1)
That brings me to speak about rolls. I'll let you do all the rolls save for two: initiative rolls at the start of combat and surprise rolls if necessary. All other rolls, including non-suprise related Perception rolls, are made by you. Finally, I've made clear that I expect you to check in and post once a day. This is an average of course, since life outside the Internet can (and will) surprise us. However, if you know in advance that you won't be able to post for a given period of time (e.g. four days when you're abroad with little Internet availability), please warn us ahead of time in this very thread so that we know what's going on. I'm greatly looking forward to this game! Welcome! ![]()
![]() Note: if you are one of my Skull & Shackles players, leave now! Captain's orders! Here's a challenge for all of you who love creating characters. Design one (or more) character for my PCs' pirate crew! The gist
The rules
The goal is to create a character that my PCs would love to have as part of their crew, either crunch-wise or flavor-wise (or both!). The submitted characters I like the most will be added to my campaign, with full credit to you for creating that character, of course. Format
Name: Race (ethnicity): Why your character should like to join a pirate crew (short... or not, your choice): Your character in one sentence: Build:
Key pieces of gear (magical or not; apart from the Big Six): May Besmara look favorably upon your sails! Note: this thread was also posted in the Skull & Shackles forum. I'm posting it here because I know how capable a lot of the Advice forum people are at making creative and interesting builds. ![]()
![]() Note: if you are one of my Skull & Shackles players, leave now! Captain's orders! Here's a challenge for all of you who love creating characters. Design one (or more) character for my PCs' pirate crew! The gist
The rules
The goal is to create a character that my PCs would love to have as part of their crew, either crunch-wise or flavor-wise (or both!). The submitted characters I like the most will be added to my campaign, with full credit to you for creating that character, of course. Format
Name: Race (ethnicity): Why your character should like to join a pirate crew (short... or not, your choice): Your character in one sentence: Build:
Key pieces of gear (magical or not; apart from the Big Six): May Besmara look favorably upon your sails! Note: this thread was also posted in the Advice forum. ![]()
![]() PFS PbP Gameday IV - #6-97 Siege of Serpents I'll be running the special scenario Siege of Serpents for the 4th PbP Gameday. The game will run from November 5th to December 20th. This specific table will be a tier 3-4, which means that the APL needs to be within this level range. Tier 1-2 and 5-6 characters may be accepted in order to fill the table if necessary, but preference will be given to players bringing a level 3 or 4 character, of course. If you do have a level 1-2 or 5-6 character, I strongly advise you to look for another table for this special, since there will be many of them available for the PbP Gameday. Since this is a timed scenario ran across multiple tables, I will expect at least one post a day for each participant, in order to keep up with the other tables. Please post below with your applying character, including level and class. Please also make sure that the character you apply with will be available from November 5th to December 20th. Looking forward to running this one! Explore, Report, Cooperate! ![]()
![]() Our story starts in Korvosa, a city-state in southeastern Varisia. There,
“The Blakroses are among the oldest and most influential families in Absalom,” Venture-Captain Canayven Heidmarch begins, wasting no time. “We’ve built a good relationship with them, but in doing so we’ve inherited a few of their enemies, namely a shadowy group of power-mongers who call themselves the Onyx Alliance. The Blakroses recently contacted the Society with intelligence about the Onyx Alliance’s movements, and it seems they’re set on breaking into a particularly ancient barrow mound in northern Nidal. Normally, we wouldn’t worry too much about amateur tomb robbers in such a dangerous area, but apparently they’re prepared to recover a potent relic from inside. They’ve some plot to use whatever this ancient talisman is against that
“It’s rare that we get a promising lead in Nidal, and the prospect of earning more good will with the Blakroses is even better. The barrows are thought to contain graves dating all the way back to the Age of Darkness, and the Society has very little information about the mysterious ‘horselord’ ancestors of the modern Nidalese people. “Luckily we have contacts within the Whispered Song, a group of Desna worshipers who work against the local government in Nidal. Agents of the Whispered Song have been tracking the Onyx Alliance, and believe these grave robbers are close to discovering the entrance of a tomb they call the Cairn of Shadows. If we move quickly, we should be able to get you into Nidal and in touch with the Whispered Song in time to catch up with the Onyx Alliance and prevent them from acquiring this relic. And if you can learn something about the ancient tribal people of Nidal in the process, so much the better.” Canayven leans in, his expression becoming even more serious. “Nidal is a perilous destination and one where we’re not welcome. I don’t mind some subtle heroics, but I’d refrain from any particularly overt displays of gallantry if you want to come back alive. If you attract too much attention in Nidal, there’s no chance we’ll be able to help if you’re captured, or worse. “I know a member of the Whispered Song who frequents the Broken Cup, a rather morose tavern in Nisroch. He should know how to lead you to where in the Onyx Alliance is searching for the Cairn of Shadows. He’s also prepared to help you avoid tangling with the local authorities. I can get you on a ship there in an hour, after which I leave you to meet with him with all haste. From there, I’m trusting your resourcefulness. Explore, report, cooperate, and secure whatever treasure the Onyx Alliance is after. The risk is significant, but so is the danger if the Onyx Alliance acquires what they’re looking for.” At this point I'll let you introduce your character and ask any questions you want to the Venture-Captain. Moreover, you can attempt the knowledge checks below. Knowledge (history) DC 15:
Before Earthfall Nidal was inhabited by tribal peoples often referred to as horselords. After Earthfall ushered in the Age of Darkness, many of these tribes made a bargain with Zon-Kuthon. They offered to loyally serve and worship the Midnight Lord, in return for his protection. Those chieftains who opposed this bargain were brutally suppressed, paving the way for thousands of years of Kuthite control over that land. Knowledge (history) DC 20:
The horselord tribes buried their dead in Barrowmoor, a rocky region in the north of Nidal. Local tradition forbids exploring the cairns of the Barrowmoor, but tomb robbers sometimes discover vast riches in ancient burial mounds—as well as traps andancient curses. Locals claim the exact number of cairns within the Barrowmoor changes, making it impossible to properly explore or map. If your character has taken part in a scenario about the Blakros family, he may of course act upon his knowledge. If you do so, please be careful not to give away big spoilers about the scenarios involving this family, so as not to spoil the other players' enjoyment when they play them eventually. Moreover, he gains a cumulative +2 bonus on the Knowledge roll below for each chronicle sheet of a scenario involving the Blakroses, and can attempt the check untrained. Knowledge (local or nobility) DC 10:
The Blakros family is a powerful matriarchy that made its fortune smuggling goods and secrets between Qadira and Taldor since the early 41st century ar, and by using its daughters’ marriages to form powerful alliances. Knowledge (local or nobility) DC 15:
Until a few years ago, the dark secret to the Blakros family’s success was a tenuous alliance with denizens of the Shadow Plane, specifically an organization called the Onyx Alliance, who received the service of the first Blakros daughter born into each generation. This practice ended in 4710, when the Pathfinder Society interceded, destroying the contract that enforced this terrible tradition before the twin daughters of this generation were taken away.
The Onyx Alliance retaliated during the Grand Convocation of the Pathfinder Society in 4712, but the Pathfinders were able to defeat the fetchlingled invasion. Ever since, the Onyx Alliance has licked its wounds, rebuilt its holdings, and sought a new advantage. Knowledge (local or nobility) DC 20: The Blakros family has maintained spies in the Onyx Alliance in the interest of self-defense. These spies recently reported that the organization is on the verge of uncovering a powerful magic item in Barrowmoor, a huge stretch of burial mounds in northeastern Nidal. Concerned that the Onyx Alliance may turn this minor artifact on the Blakros family and its allies Hamaria, the matriarch of the family, has shared the discovery with the Pathfinder Society. Society leadership has agreed to send a team of Pathfinders to intercept the Alliance agents, hoping both to keep the discovery out of Onyx Alliance hands as well as to document the mysterious Barrowmoor cairns. ![]()
![]() J'ouvre le fil de discussion pour "Daughters of Fury", qui servira à toute discussion out-of-character. J'y inclus également les règles de création de personnage. Le module
J'ai pris le parti de ne jouer qu'avec quatre joueurs, car le module a été créé pour ce nombre de PJ. Cela a aussi l'avantage de permettre d'approfondir le roleplay davantage entre vous et avec les PNJs. Pour l'instant Igor, Benoît et Florent ont répondu présent, et j'attends encore la réponse de Martin. Style et rythme de jeu
Comme pour "The Wounded Wisp", je lancerai l'initiative et les jets de perception liés à la surprise, mais je vous laisserai lancer tous les autres jets. Parfois certains jets seront sollicités, mais vous pouvez aussi faire un jet de compétence sans que je ne le demande, si cela accompagne votre action et a un sens, bien sûr. Les battlemaps seront gérées par googledocs. Création de personnage
Règles maison
Voilà, je crois avoir tout couvert. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à me les soumettre! ![]()
![]() “One of our number has fallen.” Venture-Captain Adril Hestram lets the grave words hang in the air before continuing. It’s difficult to imagine a large man like Adril defeated, but in light of this grim news his shoulders slump; he is a man who suffered a loss. “Targos Min-Katheer, esteemed venture-captain, is dead. His last wishes are simple: he wants his mortal remains to take one last trip along the Silken Way to his home city of Katheer, there to rest with his ancestors. He was one of our finest and we aim to honor his request. It is for this reason I’ve called you all together.” Adril points one sausage-thick finger at the map on the table, tracing a line from Absalom to the mouth of the Pashman River, then snaking up the river to the oasis city of Lopul. “Here is where you can gather up his remains and join the silken caravan, one of the only caravans daring the harsh journey across the desert from Lopul to Katheer. This mission is simple, joyride really, but we insist you give it the attention it deserves. A few weeks in the sun, seeing the sights of the desert. A dream assignment.” Adril has a way of making every assignment sound like a sweet deal, but the last few weeks traveling by boat up the Pashman River and then hiking the short distance to the oasis city have been grueling to the extreme. A poisonous river snake claimed one of your guides; you remember his last gasps well, and how his face bloated to twice its usual size within seconds of the bite. Before you now lies Lopul, the great caravan city, erected around the crystal life-giving waters of the Pool of Sihbon, the largest oasis for over one hundred miles. Mud brick houses baking in the sun and great canvas tents crowd the central copse of palm and date trees. Lopul is a caravan-city ruled by the Sheikh Samraf Al- Hadari, humble servant to the padishah emperor of Kelesh. The settlement’s population fluctuates wildly with the comings and goings of trade caravans, but usually has at least a thousand locals and travelers in residence at any one time. Most of the city is comprised of tents and temporary dwellings erected by merchants and caravan masters, with only about a quarter of the city’s structures being permanently built around the Pool of Sihbon itself. Among these permanent structures are a halfdozen caravanserai, the fortress of the sheikh, and twoscore domed dwellings constructed of mud brick. One such dwelling is the former residence of Targos Min-Katheer. All that remains is to collect his body and join the silken caravan. At this point, I'll ask everyone to introduce his character. ![]()
![]() Le fil de discussion est ouvert! Vous pouvez poster pour "dot" le fil avec le personnage que vous voulez jouer, sachant que le scénario que nous jouerons, "The Wounded Wisp" est un scénario tier 1-2 et qu'il est répétable à l'instar de "The Confirmation". Vous pouvez aussi accéder au fil "Gameplay" via la barre ci-dessus et le dotter. Lorsque vous postez avec votre personnage, pourriez-vous m'indiquer les informations suivantes: 1) Numéro PFS du personnage
![]() Discussion thread is open, please check in with your character so that we may determine subtier. Season 1 scenarios are intended for 4 characters, so we'll do it that way. These scenarios are meant to be played back to back, so please make sure that you're okay with locking your character for the two months it'll take to complete these scenarios. My requests are twofold: first, I'm asking for one post per day, especially in combat. If you don't post within 24 hours of your turn in combat, I'll have you delay the first time, then be botted by another player the next time that happens. I like my games to be quick in pace, which is one of the ways to have a successful PbP in my opinion. Secondly, of course we can't always check in once a day but extended leaves (more than one day) should be announced here in the discussion thread beforehand if possible. That way, we can make arrangements on how your character will be played and so that we know you're still on board with the game. When you check in, please give me your faction, PFS number, initiative, perception and sense motive scores, and you can also already make your day job roll if you have one. Happy gaming! Explore, Report, Cooperate! ![]()
![]() Double, double toil and trouble;
It has been a century since the immortal witch Baba Yaga last visited the world, and the hour draws nigh for her return. But when she fails to appear in the frozen realm of Irrisen to usher in its newest ruler, pockets of winter begin to grow throughout the Inner Sea region. After 1,400 years of perpetual winter, the icy curse of Irrisen is spreading! What links do these strange blizzards and swaths of wintry landscapes have with Irrisen, and is there any truth to the growing rumors that the Witch Queen Elvanna has taken full control of the realm? Can her plans for the Inner Sea be thwarted, or will the Reign of Winter engulf the world? Open for dotting purposes. ![]()
![]() Double, double toil and trouble;
It has been a century since the immortal witch Baba Yaga last visited the world, and the hour draws nigh for her return. But when she fails to appear in the frozen realm of Irrisen to usher in its newest ruler, pockets of winter begin to grow throughout the Inner Sea region. After 1,400 years of perpetual winter, the icy curse of Irrisen is spreading! What links do these strange blizzards and swaths of wintry landscapes have with Irrisen, and is there any truth to the growing rumors that the Witch Queen Elvanna has taken full control of the realm? Can her plans for the Inner Sea be thwarted, or will the Reign of Winter engulf the world? Greetings adventurers, and welcome to "A Trail of Breadcrumbs", my version of the Reign of Winter Adventure Path using the Mythic rules, among other things. I plan to play the whole adventure path in campaign mode (thus with personal touches and a few houserules) for PFS credit. To clarify, this means that you'll be creating a character with my set of rules, but at the end of each of the six parts of the adventure path, you'll gain a chronicle sheet to apply to whichever of your PFS characters you like. Adventure Paths have all been written for four characters, and that's exactly what we are going to play with. The AP is also written for 15-pt buy builds, but I'm going to disregard this since I'll be toying with encounters to match the mythic tiers you'll gain anyway. My philosophy is the same as for my home games: fewer encounters, but more meaningful ones. This doesn't mean that they are all going to be more difficult than in the vanilla AP, but that I'll take care to retain only the encounters that make sense and that bring something in the story. On the same level, experience won't be tracked and you will gain levels/mythic tiers when appropriate. How this campaign will be run I would also like to remind you that I like my games to keep a steady pace (meaning an average of one post per day), barring any special "real life circumstances" of course. If you know that your posting rate is going to slow down or that you won't be able to post for a few days, that's no big deal at all. I'll just ask as a courtesy that you keep us apprised of what's going on so that we can continue playing accordingly, with your character either taking a back seat or being played by me or someone else from the group. Some rolls will be made by me, but that will be the exception rather than the rule. The only checks I'll always roll for you are Initiative, Perception (only for surprise rolls, aka "passive perception checks") and Sense Motive. Maps will be hosted on googledocs, so make sure you have access to these when you post your actions. You will move your own token, of course. Character creation rules Alright, let's skip to the part that you're probably interested in the most: character creation. The first step is to download and read the official Reign of Winter Player's Guide. It's a free download, it's a short read, and it contains most of the background information you'll need to know about this adventure path. Just one particular piece of advice: the AP deals a lot with wintry/ice/cold themes, so you might be tempted to create an ice-based caster or something like that. Please don't, trust me. Lots of creatures in the AP have immunity to cold, so you'll most likely be frustrated. Moreover your characters start in Taldor, not in the north. Secondly, your character's background is as important to me as your crunch, so I'll ask you to care about this part. I'm not asking for a twenty-page short story telling everything that happened to your character since the day of his birth, but something sensible that explains his motivations and his ties goes a long way, I think. Finally, the creation rules themselves:
House Rules There's not much there, mostly things I allow that aren't quite RAW.
If you have other suggestions for houserules, you're welcome to propose them (if possible before we start). I'm very open to trying new things in home games/campaign mode. I'm looking forward to seeing what characters you'll come up with! ![]()
![]() We're about to start playing "The Witch Queen's Revenge" (the last installment of "Reign of Winter") as a PFS event. We'll only play the sanctioned part, so you'll need to have a level 15-17 PFS-legal character to join. I know there aren't many characters at that level in PFS, but it's worth a try. The current group has four people (one wizard, one fighter, one bard-barian, one bard), and they've been playing together before. They are looking for one or two more players to join them for this epic adventure! A healer would be preferred, if possible. I will be GMing this event. As such, I ask my players to post at least once a day, especially during fights. It's a long module with a lot of fighting, so a good pace will be required. If you want to have a chance at freeing Baba Yaga from her imprisonment, join us! ![]()
![]() Here is the discussion thread. Thanks for having me, I'm looking forward to GM this adventure for you! A few words about me. I'm GM Lithrac, I've been GMing D&D 3.0, 3.5, then Pathfinder for around fifteen years, including successful campaigns going up to 20th level. I've started playing and GMing PbP games about a year ago, and during this time I've successfully ran more than 20 games (PFS scenarios mostly) on these boards, and I'm currently GMing five PFS scenarios, one AP volume (Snows of Summer) and one AP (Shattered Star). I'm a frequent poster (usually at least once a day, usually more than that), and tend to run fast-paced games. My expectations are for you to post on a regular basis (once a day is the minimun, especially during fights, and I expect a lot of those for that particular AP installment), courteous exchanges, and this scenario to be run for PFS credit, of course. I understand the party is currently made of four: Avoreal (Wizard 17), Vars (Fighter 17), Duhwoo (Bard 15/Bard 2) and Vuvu (Bard 17). We'll try and recruit some people to fill the group (preferably one healer), but I can't promise anything since finding a PFS-legal level 15-17 character is going to be very tough. In the meantime, I'll do some preparations and will need you to post your PFS number, faction, Initiative and Perception score, please. I'll only roll these two things in your stead, and Perception only in regard to being surprised in combat. I may occasionally roll something for you in order to preserve a good pace, but it will be the exception and not the rule. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. ![]()
![]() A Pathfinder Society Scenarios for levels 7–11. Nearly every nation has contributed to the Mendevian Crusade, but few are willing to send additional aid to assist the Pathfinder Society directly. Owed a favor the elves cannot refuse, Pathfinders travel to Kyonin to secure a force of some of the finest demon-hunters in Avistan only to find that the hunters are missing in action. Can the Pathfinders extract the lost elves from the depths of Tanglebriar, or will they become the latest casualties of Treerazer’s domain? Written by Ryan Costello, Jr. This game is a PbP Gameday 3 game, and will start on November 1st. We're looking for one, possibly two characters in tiers 7-11 to join us for this dangerous mission! Prerequisites include posting at least once a day and being a team player. We currently have: Osric (11) - ranger
And one open slot, two if Fendahl doesn't confirm. Public recruitment is open! ![]()
![]() Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir rubs sleep from his eyes as faint pre-dawn light filters into his office. He shutters the window as a thrush begins singing loudly in the garden below before gesturing for everyone to have a seat and addressing the matter at hand. “I’ve received a request from the Diamond Sage, Tahonikepsu, the leader of the Jeweled Sages. You may be familiar with her as an associate of Amenopheus, longtime friend of the Society and our trusted expert on matters of Ancient Osirion. She has asked the Pathfinder Society to send its best Osirionologists to the Pillars of the Sun to help explore a sealed-off area in the sages’ stronghold there—so I have recommended you.” He searches his desk for quill and ink and scribbles out two notes, sealing one with wax imprinted with the Way of the Open Road. “I’ve made arrangements with a caravan to Eto and provided directions from there to the Pillars of the Sun. Once you’ve reached the Pillars, Tahonikepsu has promised a guide to see you the rest of the way. We have maps and sketches from the last expedition if you want to familiarize yourself with the site, and I have also withdrawn several scrolls from our reserves in case your Ancient Osiriani is rusty. Feel free to arrange alternate transport—at your own expense. Don’t try using magic to reach the sanctum directly, though; there’s no telling where you’d end up.” The venture-captain rises from his seat to see everyone off, and hands over the two letters. “Show the first letter to the caravan master. The sealed one is your letter of introduction to the Diamond Sage. Remember, the Jeweled Sages are invaluable allies in our exploration of Ancient Osirion, and it’s a privilege to be invited into their sanctum. Treat everything there with care, and help to preserve the region’s past.” You may describe and introduce your character at this point. You're welcome to ask questions, and make the following Knowledge checks. Knowledge (history or local) DC 15:
Several scholars in the royal library left Sothis to study with the Diamond Sage last month. Knowledge (history or local) DC 20:
Both the ancient pharaohs and later the Qadiran Satrapy outlawed the Jeweled Sages. The current dynasty seems to enjoy warm relations with the order. Knowledge (history or local) DC 25:
Each Jeweled Sage carries a unique sage jewel as a badge of membership. These jewels are potent magic items that contain the history of Ancient Osirion and some of the power of the Age of Destiny. Knowledge (history or local) DC 30:
The Qadirans mercilessly hunted the sages and employed powerful outsiders to track them down. Should you meet these outsiders, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Bluff and Diplomacy checks made to influence them. ***** Knowledge (geography) DC 15:
The Pillars of the Sun is a mountainous region in central Osirion. It is a treacherous labyrinth of harsh desert and rocky terrain, full of cliffs and chasms. Knowledge (geography) DC 20:
The region is home to numerous monsters, ancient tombs, and lost ruins. Knowledge (geography) DC 25:
Some historians believe that the tomb of the Pharaoh of No Rain, An-Hepsu XI—infamous for using numerous dark rituals to extend his own life—is hidden in among the Pillars of the Sun. Knowledge (geography) DC 30: Ancient wards and strange weather make some magic unreliable in the region, but a knowledgeable spellcaster can use these features to her advantage. With those secrets unlocked, you and your companions may attempt a DC 20 Knowledge (arcana or geography) check before attempting a dispel check or a caster level check to overcome spell resistance; if successful, the caster gains a +2 bonus on that check. ![]()
![]() Discussion thread open, please report here with your PFS number, faction, day job, as well as your Initiative and Perception scores, please. Five people have currently signed up for this, so I'll try to recruit a 6th. If we can't find one in the next couple of days, we'll go with five. Does it sound good? |