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A woman sits with her hands folded in her lap, quietly waiting in the Lodge for their Venture Captain's summons. Due to the fact that she is dressed head to toe in the black robes favored by some of the desert tribes of northern Garund, completed with a scarf that hides all but a pair of dark, kohl-lined eyes set in brown skin, it is difficult to tell much about her physical person. A bandolier of many pouches and compartments hangs over her, and the air around her has a sharp, pungent smell of herbs to it.
A yellow-eyed hawk is perched on her shoulder, where the thickness of her robe suggests sewn-in padding to protect from the hawk's sharp talons. The bird is restless.
She offers a polite nod to any other Pathfinders that enter. "Good day to you."

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You see an Aasimar wearing a breastplate and carrying a heavy silver mace. He is a massive, towering, and attractive outsider with rippling muscles and a slender torso. However, you see his face is horribly disfigured, coming to a snout for his mouth much like a wolf. He has blue-tinted skin. Really, he looks very much like a hound archon.
As Sharna speaks, you see his head turn to her, deeply focusing on her with inquisitive eyes. In a very, very deep voice, he speaks. "It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Refen, the twice cursed by the gods. I grew up in Rahadoum, but eventually was exiled when the gods started granting me power, causing me to lose my hearing and gave me this horribly deformed face. I suppose their curse is somewhat of a blessing as I have found my way to the Pathfinder Society, but I don't feel very..."
He cuts himself off. He quickly turns his head away from Sharna. "I must apologize if I looked directly at you when you have spoken. It is the only way for me to understand you. It's extremely embarrassing, but it is how I must go through life." He looks down for a couple of seconds with an expression of disappointment. He then looks up again to prepare for the next person to speak, staring directly at them as they do so.

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Sharna's eyes widen slightly at the appearance of the other Pathfinder who has joined her, and his words. She tips her head to the side a moment, consideringly, then reaches up and tugs down the scrap of fabric that was covering her lower face, revealing cheekbones and chin covered with intricate tattoo lines in blue ink.
"I suppose this might make your task easier," she says drily. She makes sure to speak at a measured pace and to move her lips openly.
"There is no need to apologize, Refen Twice-Cursed. I am not offended by your gaze. I am Sharna, and this is Ra, here. Rahadoum, eh? We are neighbors, after a fashion: I was born in Thuvia.
"How unfortunate for you that the Rahadoumi saw your existence as a threat, rather than proof of their belief of divine cruelty. Do you yourself resent the gods, for the limitations they have placed upon you?"

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Refen feebly replies, "You could say I have SOME resentment to the gods." You detect a hint of sarcasm. "...but I'm not dismissive to the pious. In fact, truly I am curious what drives them towards their gods, and don't mind listening to their philosophies."
"As far as Rahadoum is concerned, that place is no longer my home. I was cursed not of my free will, and if they aren't willing to accept that, then I can no longer affiliate."
"So you are from Thuvia? I would be a liar if I said I knew all that much about Thuvia. I know the most famous bit of course, that they are the producers of the Sun Orchid Elixir. I'd be interested in what you think about your birth nation."
Refen seems like he could drone on and on in small talk...

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Sharna nods understandingly at Refen's explanations, absently digging out some shredded, dried meat to feed to the restless hawk on her shoulder.
"That is what most know, yes. Just as most of what I know of Rahadoum pertains to their attitude to the gods," she says with a small, wry smile.
"Thuvia is a land of extremes-- some profit immensely off the elixir, and live in grandeur, but for those not involved in its production, life tends to be humble and often harsh, a struggle against the elements if one lives outside the cities, and near-servitude to the rich if one dwells inside city walls," Sharna says with a small sigh. "I regret that my countrymen so obsess over one item, but it is the nature of mankind to follow wealth, is it not?"
The hawk lets out a shrill cry as it rips the meat from Sharna's hands and devours it. She brushes her hands clean. "What was your life like in Rahadoum, before your curse manifested?"
Look! Two people who like small talk!

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It didn't take long after the Malevolent Grace set anchor in Absolom's bay that Noro receives a message to report to the Grand lodge immediately.
bout time my contact showed up. she thinks as she reads the message and makes her way to the lodge, stopping to pick up an extra bottle of rum (from Captain Harrigan's private "stolen" stock)
Noro enters the lodge and is directed to the meeting room. swinging open the doors, a bottle of rum in one hand and another bottle poking out of a pocket of her Captain's coat.
Keep yer seats, Captain Noro, Pirate of the Shackles. she announces herself with a slight drunken slur in her speech.
Noro is dressed as a typical Pirate, high boots, a simple shirt and Captain's coat. a tricorn hat atop her head (its brim unpinned)
She carries no weapons and has an definite sea salt aura about her.
Taking a seat and propping her feet up on a table. So you lot are my travel partners? raising her bottle to them and taking a swig.

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Refen is oblivious to the grand entrance of Noro. He can't hear it. XD
"Oh, Rahadoum? It is a harsh land of man and self-reliance, but tends to follow most of my ideals. However, it seems way too quick to outcast those who would..."
When Noro props her feet on the table, Refen finally notices her. He responds with his same deep voice. "My name is Refen. I am your travel partner, and so is Sharna, this lovely Thuvian woman across from me. We were just having a pleasant chat. With whom do I have the honor of working with?"

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The tiny gnome quickly scampers into the room. "Did I hear someone say they were a pirate captain!? I had such a great time on a seafaring mission not long ago. I even got the nickname "the Storm Tamer," out of it. I didn't really know what I was doing to be honest, but it worked out really well!". She smiled broadly, "maybe we will get a chance to go out on a ship again!"
She turns to greet the others. "I'm the Dame, Alie Saechel. Just call me Alie, please. That Dame stuff is a bit too stodgy for me. I'm a sorcerer I suppose. Magic just seems to come naturally! I just love it."

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Walking into the room is a tall human in monks robes. He glances over, "Captain" he says with a smile."It is good to see you again. That last mission we were on was quite something. I know we were a little farther in main land than i am sure you wanted to be, but without you I dont think I would have survived the stone creature."
He looks down at the ground "Hello Alie, I am glad to have someone else who can cast spells. I am new to it myself but hope to get better"
He missed the majority of the conversation between Refen and Sharna so has no idea you guys are casters.
He waves a simple greeting to Refen and Sharna. "Glad to have you guys here. I hope we can get through this mission with less violance than my last."

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Sharna nods politely at the self-proclaimed pirate captain's rolling-gaited entrance, and then the gnome, and then the fellow in monk's robes.
"Sharna al-Subaiyyat," she says, "and Ra, on my shoulder. A pleasure to meet all of you. By profession, I am an herbalist, though the Society rarely has need of my knowledge with plants. Instead I seem to be assigned as a sort of..." she waves her hand vaguely, with a sigh, "bad-luck token." Pause. "...for enemies, not for fellow agents.
"In addition, I know something of the healing arts, and I can cast a few spells as needed."
She turns back to Refen. "Harsh lands-- in that, our countries seem alike. As for myself, I offer prayers to Nethys, but I think most of us who do so, do so with the understanding that Nethys is... an impersonal god. We do not have the belief of, say, Desnans, or Sarenites, that our god loves us or cares for us. So we Nethyns are not, perhaps, so disappointed as those of other faiths may be, at the occasional cruelty of the divine," she finishes with another wry smile.

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Refen struggles to keep up with the conversation as his gaze shifts from person to person.
Magic comes naturally to this gnome? I am jealous of her talents, as she appears to have no disabilities.
Is this guy a pacifist?
Refen gives a small wave to the party. "Pleasure to meet you Captain, Alie, and..." He looks towards Xiaobo. "...didn't catch your name."
"My name is Refen, and I can cast spells as well, although mine are of the godly variety." Refen chuckles at this irony as he continues. "Typically I will be shapeshifting into fantastical creatures should a conflict arise."
He turns to face Sharna again. "Hrm, that is intriguing. I find it very interesting that one would worship a deity under the assumption that this particular god would not care of his followers. But Nethys is the god of magic, correct? That alone seems reason enough to follow him. Thank you for piquing the curiosity of a man estranged to the gods."

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"Oh of course how rude of me. My name is Xiaobo friends. It is a pleasure to meet you all and I can't wait to work with you. "
-Posted with Wayfinder

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"It is wonderful to meet you, Xiaobo," Sharna says. "And Alie, and our good captain, as well. --Ra, where did you get that."
Sharna spends a few minutes trying without success to pry a small mouse from the hawk's beak before giving up. She shrugs and looks back to Refen, her mouth moving carefully.
"For myself, Nethys is like... a great storm, in the desert. Awe-inspiring to behold, yet double-edged. The storm may benefit me, if I set out casks to catch the rain. It may harm me, if the flood-waters wash me away. But either way, I feel humbled to behold the power of the storm. And in that moment of feeling humbled, that is from whence my worship springs. I am pleased I could be of some service, to your curiosity.
"--Ra, stop that." The hawk has grabbed at a bit of black hair that is now slipping out from under Sharna's unfastened scarf. "That is not a mouse tail!" she says sharply, and tugs at the hair in question. A small power struggle ensues.

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A cloaked figure stands in a corner of the gathering place, staring silently at the persons around, weighting whether or not he should speak. As a man of few words, he eventually moves slowly, and speaks with a low, rasping voice, bowing a little to each one of the present persons.
"I'm Tiller Voros, sent by the Bellflower Network. Pleased to meet you all."
Voros is rather small and if most of his flesh is hidden by an ample and dirty cloak, you can see his face, which is ugly and has a grey-red color. You also notice that his teeth are pretty sharp.
You can see a long tail that unfolds itself from time to time from under the cloak. The only weapon he seems to carry is a longbow.
He's happy to go to the shadows again after he spoke, eyeing Alie.
"Always nice to team up with you, Storm-tamer." he says with a large grin.

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In the Master of Spells’ office, the newly re-appointed Sorrina Westyr still seems to be settling in. She stands among a few unsteady towers of books, replacing and rearranging them on a bookshelf. She dusts off her hands and smiles.
"I apologize for the mess. I was hoping to get a quick accounting of these tomes, but it’s taking longer than I anticipated." She takes a seat and gestures toward the other chairs. "To business. No doubt
you are aware of the death of my predecessor and replacement, Aram Zey, at the hands of Aspis Consortium agents during the attack on the Grand Lodge months ago. What you may not know, however, is that Zey’s soul was imprisoned at the time of his demise in a magical lantern. One of the Aspis agents—a strange elf who we later discovered goes by the name 322—absconded with the artifact and made her way to the Forae Logos library, where she escaped into the Dimension of Dreams with the help of a night hag named Aslynn. But all is not lost.
"Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine has taken the abduction of his friend’s soul quite personally. He has spent countless hours searching for Aslynn’s whereabouts in the hopes that we can still save Zey. Shaine recently had a breakthrough. He discovered the night hag is currently doing business in an itinerant marketplace called the Veiled Bazaar, and will likely be there for the next couple of days, perhaps even attempting to sell Zey’s soul. There is one small catch: this market is on the Ethereal Plane."
Westyr takes a mahogany box from a drawer and sets it on the desk. "Luckily, we have a way for you to get there. Shaine is preparing a ritual as we speak that will allow all of you to cross over." She opens the box to reveal a Harrow card and a number of vials filled with a milky liquid. She hands over the Harrow card to Sharna. "Once on the Ethereal Plane, this will transport you to the Veiled Bazaar, where we would like you to find out whether Aslynn is selling Aram Zey’s soul and, if so, acquire it. We don’t fully know the night hag’s motivations in all this, so try not to antagonize her. Once you have the soul, you can use these to return to the Material Plane." She then distributes the vials. "I’m sure you have many questions, but we need to keep it as short as possible. Who knows what other beings might be looking to purchase the soul of a high-ranking member of the Pathfinder Society."
The Master of Spells then explains that the Harrow card—the Foreign Trader—is an invitation of sorts to the Veiled Bazaar. "Once you are on the Ethereal Plane, you must all touch the card. One of you must then speak the command word “uthedim” to activate the teleporting spell stored within the card. The vials here are filled with a diluted sample of poison from a hypnalis, a serpentine creature whose bite can force creatures off the Ethereal Plane. It's safe to drink, though the transition back to the Material Plane might cause a small amount of discomfort." she explains.
You may also make a Knowledge (planes) skill check if you can, to see what you know about the Ethereal plane and the Veiled Bazaar.

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Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Voros tries to recall what he knows of the ethereal plane and the veiled Bazaar.

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Knowledge Planes: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 *sad trombone*
"I've never been off-plane," Sharna says with obvious interest, studying the Harrow card with keen eyes then tucking it safely inside her robes. "I'm assuming the Society is leaving the cost of repurchasing Zey's soul to us? Do we know what is traditionally used as currency on the Ethereal Plane... or what night hags value, for that matter?"
(If permitted, a second Kn planes for night hags; if not, ignore)
Kn Planes: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

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"Ah, Sorrina! A pleasure speaking to you! I have heard you have been reappointed as Master of Spells. Congratulations!" For the record, Refen was NOT a part of that mission.
"I am familiar with Aslynn from a previous mission, although not directly. This is the first I've heard of 322. Aslynn made business deals with Thurl, if I recall correctly."
"The ethereal plane." Refen ponders a moment. "What manner of creatures should we be expecting in the Veiled Market? Also, how are we to go about searching for Aslynn?"
"Is there some kind of auction taking place there soon, or do you suspect the selling would be more covert? Also, do we know any potential buyers?"
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16 - Apparently his knowledge of the planar regions lies outside the ethereal plane.

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Noro finishes her current bottle of Rum. acknowledges all that introduced themselves to her earlier.
She slap Xia on the shoulder, good ta see ya again, try not to take everything on by yerself this time, deal?
after the introduction to the mission Noro tries to take another swig of her bottle only to remember it is empty, Why is the Rum always gone?
I'm with Sha...whats-her-name there, never been to another plane, been drained by a wight, paralyzed by a ghoul, turned into a zombie, and even turned into a sponge, but never been to another plane.
I got a few pieces of pirate gold, but if they do use some special currency, I would love to get my hands on some of it.[/b]

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Refen Can reroll his knowledge planes roll with a plus 4, using one of my Recall uses.
Know Planes: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
"I am new to the mistic arts and other dementions but I think i might recall something"
do i have time for 1 last purchase. would like to get the bane baldric

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Know. Planes 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
At seeing Voros on the mission, Alie runs over and gives him a quick hug before the meeting starts in earnest.
She thinks long and hard about the planar knowledge she has collected.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

No problem for any purchases before you go. Xiaobo, please use text formatting correctly: OOC chatter ("Refen can reroll etc.") should be put between the correct OOC tag. Thanks for preserving the immersion or everyone, including me.
Refen, as well as all his companions save Noro, somehow remembers some of his lessons with the late Master of Spells Aram Zey. How ironic that he would have been the one to teach you about the ethereal plane so many years ago! His stern voice and professoral tone still echo in your mind.
"Pay attention, young ones. Who knows if you will ever set foot - figuratively speaking of course - there? The Ethereal Plane is a transitive plane that is coexistent with the Material Plane. It is possible to see into the Material Plane from the Ethereal Plane, though the view is indistinct. A creature on the Ethereal Plane is invisible, insubstantial, and completely silent to someone who is positioned on the Material Plane. The Ethereal Plane has no gravity and is mildly neutral-aligned. Magic functions normally on the Ethereal Plane, though its effects do not extend into the Material Plane. Spells using the raw energy of force, as well as the spells and effects that specifically affect ethereal beings, cast on the Material Plane *can* affect targets on the Ethereal Plane, but the reverse isn't true. Refen, are you daydreaming in my course? Get out. Now. Report to the warden and have him assign you to toilet scrubbing. That'll teach you to focus properly."
The memory seems so far now. Why, it might even bring back a hint of nostalgia in your heart as you think back on the unsympathetic former Master of Spells.
Alie and Sharna's recollections of Zey's lessons go further beyond that. Maybe it happened after Refen was expelled from the wizard's lesson. The teacher's voice continues, in his ever-monotonous tone.
"There is little in the way of actual geography on the Ethereal Plane, and even most of those who are considered “native” inhabitants of the plane are but mere travelers here. Such creatures include etheric dragons, phase spiders, night hags, and xill. The Ethereal Plane is home to aether elementals and many forms of incorporeal undead."
Night hags. Of course! These cursed wretch of creatures, Sharna remembers them well. Resilient against weapons save for enchanted cold iron ones, they are known to haunt dreams and feast on them. They often have spellcasting abilites too, but Sharna can't quite put her finger on which ones. Was is invisibility, perhaps? Or glitterdust? Not very potent magic by any means, but arcane spells that most Pathfinders find very handy.
Voros always was the good pupil. Perhaps he endeavored to show that his monstrous nature did not affect his intellect, or maybe he though he had to prove something? He alone knows. However, he does remember an old tome he read under the guidance of the apprentice librarian Kynrac Chronarion, a minor expert on planes of existance here at the Grand Lodge at the time, so many years ago. The tome spoke of tales of an occasional marketplace that occurs on the Ethereal Plane, though the location and time of this event changes at the whim of its organizer, a powerful etheric dragon. This fair sells all sorts of strange and rare objects and services, but no conventional money or goods are accepted in trade.
You snap out of your reverie, now fully into the present. Xiaobo quickly returns with a newly-bought dark leather baldric, while Sorrina Westyr indulges in your questions much more that Aram Zey used to.
"That is so, Sharna. You will have to find some kind of currency that might interest the hag, as normal coin is of no use there. Explore the market and find for yourselves what it is Aslynn might be interested in. What she values is unknown to us. What I can tell you is that night hags are usually feasting on dreams and recollections."
Then she turns to Refen, nodding gravely. "You are familiar with Aslynn’s deviousness, so you can understand the need for caution here. In the Ethereal plane, deception may take other forms than hiding, so I suspect that you might find her easily. As for this wretched 322, we’ve learned a few things about her tragic background, and while I think it would be foolish to trust her implicitly, I do believe she is trying to turn her life around in her own way. Furthermore, if she’s allied with Aslynn, you probably won’t be able to attack her on sight and still do business with the night hag. Think of the Veiled Bazaar as a place where violence is only met with the lack of patience of the etheric dragon who runs the place. The Veiled Bazaar appears to be a place of open trade, but hidden offers. With all manners of extraplanar creatures roaming its stalls, you may very well find yourself with competitors who are also after Aram Zey's soul."
If you have more questions you may ask them, otherwise we'll proceed.

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Sharna's eyes close momentarily as she brings up old memories of lessons past. After a few moments, she opens them again.
"I have studied night hags to an extent; the warriors among us would be best suited to use weapons of cold iron that are also enchanted, should it come to combat. Let us hope it doesn't. The hags can cast spells as well-- nothing extraordinarily potent, I don't think, but it's possible they can go invisible... I am somewhat prepared for that."
She listens to the further discussion. "Hmmn. Creatures that deal not in coin, but more exotic things: I have the sense we may wind up trading services. We shall have to play it, as the Taldanes say, by ear."
Ra lets out a shrill screech at that; Sharna soothes the bird-of-prey with a little scratch of his feathered head. "Easy on, eyes-of-my-spirit.
"I can think of no purchases I need to make in preparation. When the rest of you are ready, we should distribute the vials, and cast any long-lasting protections before undergoing Master Shaine's ritual. We have no idea what might be waiting in the Ethereal Plane, even before we reach the market itself."

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As Alie thinks about the ethereal plane, her face blanches. "Xill. There are Xill there, aren't there? I've had bad experiences with them," she explains, as he eyes grow a bit red and she looks to be on the verge of tears at the past memory. She had t realized it was the ethereal plane they had taken her to all those many months ago. She tried to compose herself at the memory, but she was still struggling.
Alie's only death was when a cadre of Xill paralyzed her, laid eggs, and teleported her to their home plane, the ethereal plane. This will be tough for her.

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Using the Reroll, with +4...
Knowledge (Planes) (w/ +4): 1d20 + 15 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 15 + 4 = 21 - It is not meant to be
"That is very wise, Sharna. I have read chronicles of Pathfinders being attacked upon teleportation before."
Just before teleporting, Refen will cast some buffs
- He casts Life Bubble on the party - which will last 3 hours and 20 minutes (unless someone wishes to use Metamagic Rod of Extend on this spell) He can recast it later if needed anyway.
- He casts a Freedom of Movement on himself - which will last 1 hour and 40 minutes.
- Cloak of Darkness, and Refen is surrounded in swirling darkness that makes him harder to hit - Adds an armor bonus, but really only helps once he transforms, and will last 1 hour for now.
- Finally, just before teleporting, he will transform into a Voonith. - using one use of his Many Forms revelation, which will last 1 minute for now.
I have updated his stat block to reflect the changes.

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Alie casts False Life before she teleported out as well.
False Life 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Lasts for 11 hours. Alie will also use a charge from her Mage Armor wand lasting for one hour before teleporting.
One second level slot used for the day, plus one wand charge used.

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"Great, another trip to the Ethereal plane. Hopefully this trip will be smoother than last."
Xiaobo will use wand of shield before going through portal. It will only last a minute so it will be right before he goes through. Xiaobo will also purchas spring loaded wrist sheaths for his wand of shield and wand of Shield fortification

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Xiaobo, you can't use a wand of shield. That spell isn't on the inquisitor spell list (it's sorcerer/wizard only), and you don't have the Use Magic Device skill. Unless I'm missing something? Please let me know if I am.
Additionally, where are these wands from? They aren't on your chronicle sheet. If you plan to acquire them, please be reminded that shield of fortification will have to be bought for 4500gp since it's a cleric 2 spell first and foremost.
Once you are ready, Sorrina Westyr escorts you out of the Grand Lodge and through the streets of Absalom to the Pharasmin temple in the Ascendant Court. "Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine is waiting here, having prepared a spot where the barrier between this world and the Ethereal Plane is thin." She takes them into a room within the catacombs underneath the temple, where Shaine is waiting. He stands impossibly still in the center of the room, holding an obsidian dagger whose blade is coated with a viscous paste.
Kreighton Shaine nods to Sorrina Westyr, who steps out of the room. The Master of Scrolls turns and announces, "I am about to open a portal to the Ethereal Plane. When you pass through, you will be on your own until you return. Be careful." With that, he holds the dagger in front of him and makes a downward cutting motion. The blade seems to slip slightly out of existence as it slices open the air surrounding it. A shimmering rip hangs in the center of the chamber.

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Mage armor on self from cast (10 hours)
Mage armor on Ra from wand (1 hour)
Greater false life on self 2d1 + 10 ⇒ (1, 1) + 10 = 12 (...thanks, dice)
False life on Ra 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Sharna murmurs some words and wisps of smoke drift from her fingers to encircle both her hawk and herself. She also uses a wand on her hawk.
She also dons a pair of convoluted-and-cumbersome-looking spectacles with three different sets of lenses, though for now she leaves all lenses up. In the process, Sharna absently touches at her lower face and jaw.
"Strange, to be traveling with my face uncovered," she muses. "It has been a while..."
(Take 10 on the Kn Arcana)
"Master Shaine," Sharna says respectfully when they enter, looking over the substance on the blade with some interest. "I smell ground lotus root... is that ectoplasm? Interesting."
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Sharna sees nothing else amiss, but a shrill noise from Ra makes her look to her bird, then back to Kreighton Shaine with some concern. Not wanting to disrupt his concentration, she murmurs instead to Sorrina Westyr just before the other woman leaves, "Is Master Shaine well? His injuries...."
But there is perhaps little time to focus on such things. Sharna takes a breath, and moves with the others for the portal. She does a double take when Refen turns into a... beast. "Ah?" she says.

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Sharna nods, and leaves the matter be for now, checking her robe's pocket to be sure the Harrow card and the vials are still there. That done, she strides forward... and lets someone less squishy be the first one through ;)

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it's shield of faith my bad. And I got it last scenario just forgot to add to online sheet. Shield fortification is a 1st lvl spell for me so doesn't that meen I get it as a first lvl wand.
after using wand of shield of faith Xiaobo will step through the portal
"come friends let us make this journey as quick as possible"
updating character sheet with those wands
-Posted with Wayfinder

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False Life: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 -_- last for 9 hours
Voros, quite uncomfortable with Alie's behavior, eventually return the hug awkwardly. Before teleporting, he drinks an extract.
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
Perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20
He mumbles, wrinkling his eyes. "Ectoplasm mixed with ground lotus root? Strange mixture. Mixed with humanoid's blood?"

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Know. Arcana 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
Alie nods at Voros's assessment of the situation. She waits for one of the stronger sorts to move through, and she follows closely behind.

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Noro just cracks her knuckles, there, casting "knock yer teeth out if you cross me"
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
she says nothing about the wounds, accepting the explanation given.
Noro strides through the portal apparently interested in getting to the bottom of this situation.
glancing at Xia, by yer side again, try an leave some fun fer me.

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Forgot to mention, Refen will hand his Scroll of Greater Magic Fang and Potions of Greater Magic Fang (x2) to someone else before transforming.
Just before teleporting, Refen performs the above buffs, waiting for Shaine to just about teleport to finally transform into a Voonith. "Ready!"

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The other side of the portal is a world of swirling mists and indistinct shapes. Sounds are muffled and colors are muted. You can see Kreighton Shaine still in the room you were just in, but it is like looking through a dirty, poorly made window. The Master of Scrolls puts away the dagger and peers around as if searching for a sign of your presence, but his gaze passes right through you.
"Uthedim!" One of you utters the command word as all grasp the Harrow card you've been given. You arrive on a large circular platform of pure force that exists on both planes. You stand near the edge of the disk where it hangs over a deep, dark chasm. The rest of the structure sits on a stony floor near the remnants of ancient, crumbling buildings that stretch off into the distance. What at first appears to be a flock of birds—but is actually a school of fish on the Material Plane—swoops down close and then through you. Some tall bushes growing on the silty ground are actually clumps of seaweed.
A number of stalls, tents, and wagons dot the platform. Dozens of figures—not all of them humanoid—mill about the shops, haggling with one another and exchanging items. Despite the participants’ and goods’ strangeness, the event appears to be nothing more than a marketplace, yet a sense of ruthlessness undercuts the convivial air. An immense green dragon watches the proceedings while perched atop a nearby basalt column that seems to exist on both planes.
The Veiled Bazaar is teeming with activity, but it seems hard to navigate, especially for newcomers. You may attempt either a Profession (merchant) check to get a sense of how the market stalls are arranged and thus find what you are looking for, or Diplomacy (gather information) to ask your way around.

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so wrist sheath 1 will be wand clw and wrist sheath 2 will wand of shield of faith
know arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
well guess it's better to fail here than in combat lol
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Know. Arcana 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
Diplomacy 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (4) + 19 = 23
"Look at the platform! It some sort of big permanent floating disk! I don't even know how powerful youd have to be to do something like that!"
Alie starts asking around for Aslynn, giving any xill a very wide berth and not addressing them at all.

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Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
"This is interesting. Extremely interesting. We are underwater, but see the fish from the material plane. I hope we don't shift back suddenly, although for the time being we are prepared in case it happens. Let's get to work."
Refen goes around trying to help Alie find our way, letting his Voonith form fade before asking around.
Diplomacy (Aid Another): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

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Kn History: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Kn Geo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
(Can't fail the Kn Arcana)
Sharna nods along with Alie's assessment, and then also Refen-the-voonith's observation. "I think it's possible this is... old Azlant, on the Material plane. It would account for the fish and so forth-- and the architecture is certainly Azlanti in style.
"Before we go any further, let each of us take the vial to transport us home-- it would be unfortunate if we somehow got separated, and someone got stranded here." Sharna passes out the vials of the milky white liquid.
"Let me see if I can assist you in our enquiries, Alie..."
(Auto-aid another for Alie's Diplomacy)
Sharna offers her own brand of grave politeness to Alie's questions, and as they ask, she tries to observe what manner of things are being traded, here in this most exotic of markets. She also takes the chance when passing one of the clumps of seaweed to study it closely-- she's never had the chance to examine deep-sea vegetation like this before, and Pathfindering offers her the chance to see new and exciting plants, at least.
She instructs Ra to keep an eye out for anyone taking a particular interest in them... or any night hags. The hawk is discomfited by the strangeness of the market, and eyes the fish overhead with particular agitation, but dutifully looks left-and-right, keeping a paranoid eye out.
Ra is Perceiving things: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (11) + 18 = 29

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Xiaobo will use another use of his memory power to make Sharna reroll her know geography with a plus 4 on roll
-Posted with Wayfinder

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thats nice lol
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Sharna can't quite put her finger on it at first, but Xiaobo suddenly reminds her of something she thought she had forgotten. A flash of insight, and the witch suddenly remembers what it is she was looking for. "... we're at the bottom of the Arcadian Ocean, of course! Thanks Xiaobo. How did you do that? It's as if you touched my mind."
Alie doesn't know the first thing about markets, especially extraplanar ones. Yet her friendly demeanor strikes more than one soul on the Veiled Bazaar, her radiant personality shining bright. She quickly stops as she spots a single xill merchant further down the lane, and elects to wander in a different direction. She asks around, gets some directions yet the bazaar is indeed hard to navigate. It is then that she makes a chance meeting. A crow wearing a plaster mask with a nose shaped like a scythe’s blade lands on the ground in front of her. As intelligent eyes peer through the covering’s eyeholes, she recognizes the strange-looking bird as a Nosoi psychopomp, a creature who acts as a messenger and a guide along the River of Souls. After a moment, the bird makes an awkward bow and, in strangely stutter-like accented Taldane, introduces himself.
"Greetings, wanderers. I am Tik, en-voy of the Lady of Graves. Are you may-be looking for direc-tions? I must ad-mit that I have been obser-ving you for a while now. Are you lost? I would help you find your way around the Veiled Bazaar, if you so wished. Lady Phara-sma has tasked me with obser-ving this place and recor-ding the details of any transac-tions invol-ving souls that should rightly be heading to the Boneyard. You see, I've witnessed many events of that nature, but some-thing bothers me. Souls are curren-cy here, but so are ephemera like fleeting memories, plucked thoughts, stolen shadows, or even dark favors. The ex-change of soul will be repor-ted to the Lady of Graves, but I'm not done yet. What's your pur-pose in this place?" he squawks.
A picture of Tik can be seen on the Handouts document.

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Sharna returns the bow with one of her own, hands clasped formally in front of her. "Greetings in turn, envoy. We are honored to have attracted the attention of the Grave Goddess herself, even if through a servant. It is possible our interests align in some fashion..."
Sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Sharna pauses momentarily, trying to judge the creature's intent. (On her shoulder, Ra spreads his wings and puffs up his chest, strutting back and forth to establish his dominance over this strange crow-creature-- at least until Sharna quiets him with a tiny flick of her finger against his feathered head.)
"...if you are indeed charged as you say you are, concerning souls. If you will pardon my curiosity, though: does your Lady approve, of souls here being a form of payment? Does that not interfere with their progression towards her-- are not all souls rightfully meant for her judgment?"