Kynrac's page
838 posts. Organized Play character for Cyril Corbaz.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
The Venture-Captain nods as he sees the list fill up quickly.
"Very well! New agents, please report to the Grand Lodge in Absalom. You'll be trained there, and who knows, maybe you'll undergo your Confirmation sooner than expected. May the Master of Masters be with you."
Ryckyrych, caps, kuey, Zinou, apathete and Batpony, please report HERE for your first assignments!
grimdog73 wrote: Hey Lithrac...if you have someone drop keep me in mind.... Sure, I'll put you on the waitlist in case someone drops out.

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
A well dressed, clean elf with blond hair and timeless blue eyes enters the Flaxseed Lodge. He cannot suppress a smile when he sees the hall full of young Pathfinders ready to set out on an assignment. He finds his way to the Venture-Captain and addresses him respectfully.
"Greetings, Trotter. I've come to visit while on my way to Kyonin, where I am to found a lodge of my own. Have you seen Atum? I was wondering how he was faring since our last adventure. In any case, Master Shaine asked me to find new recruits for the Society, and I wondered if you had formed some new agents ready to undertake their confirmation? Do you mind if I post this?" he politely asks as he produces a note written elegantly.
Do you seek the thrill of adventure? Do you wish to travel across Golarion and see its wonders for yourself? Enlist now! New recruits are welcome to apply at the Grand Lodge of the Pathfinder Society in Absalom.
Explore, Report, Cooperate!
GM Lithrac here, returning from a hiatus in PbP GMing. I wish to resume my activity by proposing all three evergreen introductory scenarios in a row (The Confirmation, The Wounded Wisp, and The Consortium Compact) for newly-created characters. Slots 1 to 4 on the PFS signup sheet are for PbP/PFS players who know what they're doing, don't mind guiding new players and roleplay, whereas slots 5 and 6 are for new players (either to PbP or PFS - or both!) who wish to learn to play and to start a carreer for a new character. Keep in mind that I ask from all players to post once a day.
Batpony, this is a great opportunity if you wish to join!
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. Thanks for picking up the game and finishing the series for us.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
At least you'll admit that the encounter doesn't leave her much chance to survive...
Kynrac hurries to Shemis's side and infuses her with healing energies.
BoL: 5d8 + 13 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 8, 6) + 13 = 39
"By Irori, rejoin the realm of the living!"
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Well, I would have hoped it to save Shemis. It really sucks because we didn't have a chance to save her...
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
I did my CL check here. Is there any reason why I'd need a second one?
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
CL: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac points a cursing finger at the real Adril, and brings down a debilitating portent upon him. Will DC 24 on each successful attack or spell that deals damage. If he fails, he deals only half damage.
"You shall waste away like so many traitors before you did."
He then flies in front of Shemis in a protective manner. Circling from the right to avoid possible AoOs since it seems he has reach.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Aye, thanks a lot for picking the game up!
Profession (librarian): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
"Adril, at last. Now ends your madness once and for all. You shan't harm the Society more than you already have." solemnly announces the lorekeeper.
The oracle then glimpses beyond space and time to see which one(s) of the Adril is (are) the real one(s).
Time Sight, then move.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
If Markavious is able to ID the spell contained within the trap, I'll gladly cast resist energy, communal for that kind of energy.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac lets out a sigh of relief as the current threat is over.
"Allow me to heal your ailments." says the lorekeeper as he taps himself with his wand of infernal healing.
I don't have restoration, only the lesser version.
Lesser resto @Faldoc: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Lesser resto @Faldoc: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Lesser resto @Karu: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Lesser resto @Karu: 1d4 ⇒ 1 That'll remove exhaustion and fatigue as well.
Lesser resto @self: 1d4 ⇒ 4
CLW, mass @group: 1d8 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
CLW, wand @self: 3d8 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3, 8) + 3 = 15
Also, recasting fly on myself.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Stoneskin: 61 pts left.
"Markavious, don't go into the misty hallway! I'll silence the area."
With those words, he starts casting a complex spell.
Casting silence in the misty hallway (see area on the map). One round casting time.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac blinks out of time and space and reappears close to Markavious. He simply says:
"Markavious, conjure your tentacles or a storm in the northern hallway if you can to disrupt the summoner's casting!"
A torrent of flames then engulfs the remaining swarm.
Time Hop to the square directly east of Markavious (can't move my token at work for some reason), then casting burning hands defensively, according to the pattern on map.
Concentration DC 17: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (15) + 25 = 40
Burning Hands, Ref DC 19 halves: 5d4 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 4, 3) = 16 *1.5 vs swarm = 24
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
I'll have to assume Butyl means me? Not sure where that came from, but you've already called me that last round.
Just to be clear, does the spellcasting come from rooom 18, or from the hallway to the west of room 18?

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
I don't need to make a follow up save since the poison I failed my initial save against ran its course there, unless 2 consecutive saves are required. I succeeded at my save last round.
Stoneskin: 71 pts left.
Fort vs Ray DC 16: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Far from being overwhelmed by the number of opponents, the lorekeeper remains calm and decides to deal with the swarm first. Focusing his thoughts not to let his guard down, he channel destructive energies through his charred hands, drowning the closest swarm and the green elemental with a torrent of flames.
Concentration (casting defensively) DC 19: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (6) + 21 = 27
Burning hands, Ref DC 19 halves: 5d4 ⇒ (4, 3, 1, 1, 2) = 11 Swarm: *1.5 = 16
No more spellcasting sounds from room 18?
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac steps back away from the swarm, and erects yet another wall of fire to ward off the nuisance.
Fire damage: 2d6 + 13 ⇒ (4, 4) + 13 = 21 *1.5 = 31
Heat damage: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Fort: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Fort: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
80 pts remaining on stoneskin.
Kynrac disregards the swarm, but listening carefully to the sounds to the north. He is however unable to discern what kind of spell is being cast.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Since the door leading to the northern room is open, what do I see in the that room? (18)
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Fort DC 21 vs poison: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Poison ran its course.
I forgot to update Hp/Stoneskin - thanks for the reminder! 90 pts left on the stoneskin.
Kynrac treads towards the two slain ambushers, then erects a wall of fire on the swarms to burn them to ashes!
Fire damage: 2d6 + 13 ⇒ (2, 3) + 13 = 18 *1.5=27
Heat damage @leftmost swarm: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 *1.5=9
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Fort vs poison: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Fort vs distraction: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Fort vs frog: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Fort vs frog, reroll 3 stars: 1d20 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 12 + 3 = 34
Kynrac ends up being poisoned by the swarm, but retains his original shape!
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac steps aside and out of the swarm, then retrieves a scroll from his haversack and casts the spell. Yet the scroll doesn't dissolve into nothingness, but remains whole.
5-ft step, move action to retrieve a scroll of invisibility purge, then standard action to cast it with my Mnemonic Vestment to use my caster level instead of the scroll's (as well as keeping the scroll). Sorry Markavious, but we need this.
"Let Irori's truth find you, wherever you are! Appear before our eyes and be destroyed!"
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
I'll post in a couple hourshours, please hold.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
So 100 pts left on the stoneskin, then. Thanks for the clarification! I'm wondering the same as Karu, since I always like to quote my sources.
Two other questions before I take my action:
1) Atum, what's your current Hp after the volley of arrows?
2) GM Feral, who's still invisible now among our enemies?
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
By the way, did she cast a spell to dispel my fly spell? If yes, are we allowed a Spellcraft check?
Fort DC 21 vs poison: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Fort DC 21 vs distraction: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Kynrac steels himself and resists most of the woes the swarms lay upon him.
90 pts left on Stoneskin, 7 damage taken.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac calls upon his extraordinary talents of sight to gaze upon their enemies.
Using Time Sight.
Seeing their enemies, he does his best to warn his companions of the three enemies hiding from them.
"One enemy around the left corner, another along the right wall, and a last one at the back, to the right!" he calls out, pointing the latter with his charred finger. Then the oracle takes off, rising above his companions to be out of reach.
How high is the ceiling?
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Ref: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
10 prevented by stoneskin (110 left), 40 damage taken.
Kynrac first conjures healing energies to heal all his companions.
CLW Mass: 1d8 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
The he finishes the job with his wands.
1 charge of infernal healing, then CLW wand.
CLW: 3d8 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4, 7) + 3 = 16
Regarding Time Sight, I wouldn't have spent more than 1 minute at the time unless we were looking for something specific, so no, it isn't up. By the way, I can always act in the surprise round thanks to my Temporal Celerity revelation. May I act now?
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Ref: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
I'll pick up the "no damage" option, please. Waiting to see where I end up before acting.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac calls once more a blessing of fervor to Irori upon his companions.
Blessing of Fervor: Don't forget to pick one of the following bonuses each turn!
- Increase its speed by 30 feet.
- Stand up as a swift action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
- Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus.
- Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
- Cast a single spell of 2nd level or lower as if it were an enlarged, extended, silent, or still spell.
It doesn't stack with haste! Pick a different or better bonus than those provided with haste.
Picking +2 AC/etc.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac's gaze reaches beyond the boundaries of space and time, seeking to see the sheer reality of their surroundings.
Using my Time Sight revelation, which works like true seeing.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac makes sure he restores Karu's strength before moving on.
lesser restoration: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Most of the sudden strike is halted by the thin layer of stone covering the oracle's body.
Stoneskin: 120 pts remaining.
Almost instantly, the elve's reflexes kick in. He blinks away from the attacker's reach and reappears behind Markavious, then spells out a word of power to hasten his companions.
Time Hop, then Haste spell-like ability on the group.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac also searches for the ioun stone they've been told about - the eraminho ones. Once he's found one, he activates it, allowing it to rotate around his head.
I wonder if they have a resonant power though?
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
"Irori, protect us!" says the lorekeeper as he steps through the portal.
Fort: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
"Wait, please allow us to ward ourselves first. Who is Shemis, by the way? We've found her name on Adril's list, but I'm not sure whom we're speaking of exactly." inquires Kynrac as he starts casting various spells.
Casting stoneskin, communal on myself and whoever decides he wants to be included, as well as magic circle against evil, longstrider (from wand, auto success on the UMD check), fly, shield of faith and tap inner beauty. Of course they'll be cast right before stepping through the rift.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Late post since I'm only waking up now (Euro time). Before we wrap up Kynrac would try to mend fences with the Princess.
"Princess, please let us extend the Society's heartfelt condolences for your brother's loss. As you state, he died a true hero of his people. People of Arl should be reminded of that.
"As for Adril Hestram, he was none other than a foul traitor, serving his own interests. The Pathfinder Society has always wanted the best for Arl - Prince Odrian's actions speak for themselves. He will be mourned deeply.
"I for one bow to your birth and power, and encourage you to rise in your own right as the ruler Arl sorely needs right now. I have full confidence you will be an exceptional queen. Should you need counsel, the Society will be here for you, as we are indebted to you."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (17) + 22 = 39
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Markavious, are you sure about haste? I've already cast BoF.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac starts chanting a blessing for his companions. The Pathfinders immediately feel Irori's presence watching over them, encouraging them to reach beyond their limits.
Casting blessing of fervor on the party (picking +2 AC/etc.), then flying up (15 feet above ground) and forward.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
I didn't understand the ship was crashing (meaning, that badly damaged). If it looks like the crash cannot be prevented, then disregard the dispel magic and create water. How long do we estimate we have until the crash?
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Dispel: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
Kynrac immediately dispels his own wall when the last undead falls, then repeatedly casts create water to stop the fire.
Provided there's more time before the next encounter:
The elf starts healing himself and his companions.
CWM, mass @everyone: 2d8 + 13 ⇒ (4, 4) + 13 = 21
CWM @self: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (2, 2) + 10 = 14
CWM @Karu: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (5, 5) + 10 = 20
Not sure how badly hurt Atum is.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Alright, if the undead are still there then:
Kynrac moves away from the fire and cures himself.
BoL: 5d8 + 13 ⇒ (5, 7, 4, 2, 7) + 13 = 38
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Ref DC 23: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 Does the EFS protect the whole party from the cone of cold, or only Markavious? I'll do as if it didn't protect Kynrac, but let us know please.
Fort DC 22: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Kynrac reamains incredibly calm and stalwart as spells are flung all around him. He emerges from them not unscathed, but a worthy student of Irori.
Any mention of the undead? Are they still around? If so, I'll roll for the wall of fire damage.
Fire damage, doubled vs undead: 2d6 + 13 ⇒ (6, 1) + 13 = 20
Heat damage: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
Reserving my action until I know about the cold damage and the undead.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Day Job (profession librarian): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Ref: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 11 + 1 = 28
Stoneskin: 101 pts remaining.
As the lorekeeper is assaulted from behind, time appears to slow for him, allowing him to react almost instantly. Taking a step back, he conjures a wall of fire on the ambushing undead.
Casting it defensively in case they've got reach.
Concentration DC 23 (casting defensively): 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (19) + 25 = 44
Fire damage: 2d6 + 13 ⇒ (6, 2) + 13 = 21 doubled vs undead = 42
Heat (see red arrow on map): 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Kynrac agrees to ward the Monolith further and uses the scroll on him before following him to the engine room.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
Then I'll redirect the second CSW to Atum and use my wand of infernal healing on him, so he should be at max Hp or close. Moreover, does Atum want me to use one of his scrolls of stoneskin on him? Now would seem an appropriate moment, knowing that a possible confrontation with Adril is at hand.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
I haven't played this scenario with Kynrac, actually.
Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |
After the fight ends, but before the dome crumbles:
Kynrac quickly heals his companions, biding his time to set out in pursuit of the traitor.
Casting CSW on both Atum and Karu, then one charge of infernal healing each (provided they accept). Let me know if you need more.
CSW @Atum: 3d8 + 13 ⇒ (1, 2, 7) + 13 = 23
CSW @Karu: 3d8 + 13 ⇒ (8, 1, 1) + 13 = 23
How much time has passed since the fight in the arena?
At the airship:
"We need everything we can to catch up with him and stop the traitor. Let's take off immediately!"