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You have been summoned to the Grand Lodge. What may seem like a mundane call for seasoned Pathfinders, however, rings like the true calling you've been waiting for all your life. After three long years of training, your first mission is about to start. Finally, a chance to prove yourself to the eyes of the Society, who took you in and trained you so hard! With gravitas mixed with understandable nervosity, you climb the stairs leading to the briefing room, high in the Spire of the Grand Lodge. The large room is empty, save for the other three Pathfinder initiates who have also been summoned.
Please take a moment to describe your character and introduce yourself in character.
Also, please let me know if this is your first mission (barring a few minor assignments like quests) or whether you are already a seasoned Pathfinder. As a reminder, most Pathfinders train for three years within the Grand Lodge in Absalom before they're set against a mission to prove themselves, called the Confirmation. However, the Society also sometimes recruits adventurers who have proven their mettle - this is called a Field Commission. Finally, if you want this mission to be your characters' Confirmation but have already done a few missions for the Pathfinder Society, I'm very open to considering this to be a "flashback" in your adventurer's life, and disregard the lack of versimilitude coming from being level 2 for your first mission. What's more important to me is the story you want to tell about your character.

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A young man, probably having seen barely over 20 or 21 winters, leans against one wall. He looks to be of Minkai descent, though he has a tawny complexion belying a bit of Varisian ancestry. Wearing leathers with an inordinate number of buckles that unintentionally provide a bit of protection as would studded leathers might, the man looks like a ruffian armed only with a dagger and a club.
Though he may look rough and tumble, his easy smile dispels any uneasiness that you may have otherwise felt. Hi, the names Haohji. It is an honor to join you all on this mission!

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After a grueling trek through the deserts of Katapesh to help a group of goblins besieged by great cats and other occupants of the Katapeshi wastes, Korgarr spent the next three years in Pathfinder Society spells training with Sorrina Westyr. Finally deciding to represent the Verdant Wheel faction to seek out nature’s greatest wonders and to study both the strange and pristine, Korgarr has been summoned to the Grand Lodge.
The brusque and burly dwarven male with midnight blue hair and beard climbs the stairs leading to the briefing room and sees other Pathfinder initiates inside who have apparently also been summoned. Korgarr’s battle axe is peace-bound at his hip, as well as his clan dagger, and an augmented wooden shield can be seen strapped to his back. The Taralu dwarf’s dark grey eyes scan the room coming to rest on the young Minkan man in buckles.
Korgarr returns Haohji’s greeting with a smile as well. “Well met! My name is Korgarr, Druid of Storms and worshiper of Ioz'om, the Sky Father.” He holds out a meaty fist in the new way of physical reception expecting a bump. “I am looking forward to this Confirmation mission and to getting to know others who have pledged themselves to the Society. Greetings all.”

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A green-scaled kobold appears in his studded leather armor and brandishing his spear and steel shield. He has this intimidating appearance if one attempts to stare at him. He enters with an air of arrogance confidence and begins by introducing himself. "I am Schek Nek, hailing from the Shackles."

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A tall dude in a hooded cloak, bow slung over his shoulder, enters the large room atop the Grand Lodge; he stops, his head moving slowly from side to side as he surveys the room. He then pulls back his hood, revealing long stark white hair and a face with sharp Elven features, to include the requisite pointy ears…
Bowing, he says curtly, ”Alanossë, at your service…”
Not necessarily seasoned, but he’s completed 4 scenarios…

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Schek has only played quests and bounties. This will be his first scenario to play.

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Same with Haohji, 2 Quests.

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Three individuals enter the spacious meeting room. A male elf, garbed in fine red robes with gold embroidery enters first. The second to enter is a woman with snowwhite hair and a cluster of multicolored gems orbiting her head, laden with books. Finally, a bald human male with a bushy beard smiles widely and then curses to himself as the array of weapons along his back get stuck in the doorframe. These three are the deans of the Pathfinder Society. Kreighton Shaine, the elf Master of Scrolls; Sorrina Westyr, the oread Master of Spells; and Marcos Farabellus, the human Master of Swords.
Slides updated to feature the pictures of the three Masters.
Kreighton takes the empty seat at the head of the table, while Sorrina takes an adjacent seat to his side. Marcos half-jogs to join his colleagues, but after a few seconds of awkwardly trying to seat himself and his panoply of back-mounted weapons, he pushes his chair in and stands behind it with a wide, if apologetic, grin. “Regrets for the sudden nature of this meeting. I’ll try to be brief.” Kreighton begins. “One of our most enthusiastic Pathfinder initiates, a fungus leshy by the name of Rain in Cloudy Day, was recently approved for his Confirmation. In case you’ve forgotten, a Confirmation is a mission we send initiates on as a final test before recognizing them as full field agents. It was a mission to the nearby nation of Taldor to search for some ruins in a swamp near the city of Cassomir. Standard fare for a Pathfinder mission, but Rain hasn’t reported back, and it’s been a week since his expected check-in.”
Sorrina Westyr extends a hand. “This is where you come in. Even though Rain in Cloudy Day is still an initiate, the Pathfinder Society doesn’t leave its own behind. Us three masters have agreed that a special exception is necessary. For those of you who haven’t finished your own Confirmation, we’re willing to offer each of you a place in a group Confirmation. We’ll provide a stipend of gold for you to book your passage to Cassomir, and from there, you’ll need to find out what happened to Rain.”
The Master of Swords, Marcos Farabellus, chimes in with a chuckle. “Exactly what my associates have just said. Find a boat, head to Cassomir, enjoy a bit of the city’s livelier elements, and then head into the swamps to find our missing initiate. Of course, if you find little Rain alive and well... then you can really prove yourselves by helping him discover those ruins and finish his own Confirmation!”
Kreighton Shaine scans you and simply concludes: "I'm sure you have questions."
K-S: 1d20 ⇒ 2
H-S: 1d20 ⇒ 4
S-S: 1d20 ⇒ 13
A-S: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
K-N: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
H-N: 1d20 ⇒ 6
S-N: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
A-N: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Second, when straying off the main paths, it’s easy to find a patch of flammable gas clouds or quicksand within a misty region of the Blackwood Swamp. Travelers seeking to journey into the swamp should bring a trained wilderness expert, or at least have some plans in place to avoid drowning in mires or quicksand.
Second, a group of aggressive xulgaths routinely attack those who infringe on their territory in the Blackwood Swamp. These scaled humanoids capture those they find within the swamp and sacrifice them to their cruel deities.
Feel free to share what you know with the others, or ask questions. I'll be back on Friday.

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Could Rain have come across the Drow? I have heard that they often abduct lone travelers... Haohji asks, his mind racing through possibilities.

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"What I know about the Blackwood Swamp is that we must avoid straying away the main path, else we get caught with patches of flammable gas clouds or even quicksand within its misty regions." Schek confides what he knows to them.

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Haohji nods at Schek's warning, Good to know.

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Alanossë shrugs. ”I think most have heard disappearances in Cassomir are likely due to the Drow. What you may not know is a group of aggressive xulgaths routinely attack those who infringe on their territory in the Blackwood Swamp; apparently, these scaled creatures like to sacrifice their captives to their gods…”

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Xulgath? Is that like a lizard man?

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"I have heard the same, Haohji and Schek, but was unaware of the xulgaths that Alanosse mentions. We should probably hire a trained wilderness expert to help us on our journey, although I am well trained in both Nature and Survival if you want to forgo the cost.

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I think I can swing that... but, we also need to be able to trust our own skills and training. Nope, always be prepared and know when you might be in over your head. How much do we need for a guide? I can offer up to a gold crown... the young Korvosa native says as he fishes through his moneypurse.

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"Actually..." Kreighton Shaine interrupts. "Since this is your Confirmation as well, we will try you on the manner you handle Society funds. I will give you a small stipend to use in your mission, which you are free to use in the manner you see fit. However, you are explicitly forbidden from using your own funds." he states with a slight smile. The elf then gives Haohji a small sack of gold containing 24 gold pieces in all. "This should be enough to ensure your journey to Cassomir, and get you lodgings there, as well as obtaining some information on the whereabouts of Rain in Cloudy Day. Don't worry about the return journey, for we will take care of it."
The Master of Scrolls also retrieves a small, round compasslike item, and hands it to Korgarr. "This is a wayfinder, which symbolizes the fact you belong to the Pathfinder Society. Though such devices are typically reserved for fully recognized Pathfinder agents, I want you to take one for your journey, using it as both proof of your allegiance and as a tool for exploring the wilds. Be worthy of it." he concludes solemnly.
Both Sorrina Westyr and Marcos Farabellus also offer up some equipment to assist you. Sorrina provides you with two minor healing potions. Marcos pulls out an everburning torch from his array of equipment and slides it across the table. The Master of Swords then jovially tosses two phials to you as a test of your skill. "Catch!"
You can all attempt to catch the phials, which requires an Acrobatics check.

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Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
EDIT: Do we also get the free potion from our specialty? If so, I am taking another minor healing potion.

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Korgarr stands before Kreighton Shaine and bows. "Thank you Master of Scrolls. I will treat this wayfinder with the utmost care. My fealty to the Society is absolute. May The Wind and the Waves be ever with you."
Korgarr then strides over to Sorrina Westyr, who he has been training with for the past three years. "Good Morning Matriarch. It is a delight to see you once again!" he says with a wink. "How goes your studies of the aeon stones? Oreads have much in common with dwarves, and Korgarr makes that well known while in Sorrina's presence. Her love of magic and the elements also draws the Taralu to her. An innocent crush, to be sure, one made in respect.

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The Master of Spells nods in recognition at the dwarf. "Good day, initiate Korgarr, it is good to see you have answered the call. I needed someone that I felt would be sensitive to magical matters among the team of Pathfinders for this mission. It is high time you finally undergo your Confirmation. You deserve it." she encourages.
Haohji and Alanossë, keen on their senses, jump to save the phials, and are both able to catch them safely. Marcos Farabellus bursts out in a hearty and communicative laughter. "Well done, initiates! I see our faith in you wasn't misplaced. Take those, they will be helpful. Now on your way. Rain may be in danger, so time is of the essence." he concludes.
Those are two lesser antidotes.
Following your briefing, you can make your way to the Docks District of Absalom, where you’ll need to secure travel to Cassomir. Luckily for you, there are plenty of notices and criers at the Docks, all informing crowds of open spaces onboard vessels set to travel across the Inner Sea region and beyond.
You can make a Diplomacy check to Gather Information.

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After just two hours, Alanossë manages to find three different offers for the Pathfinders' journey to Taldor.
He first met a chatty Kellid named Javinda, the captain of the Mimosa. "I would be happy to accomodate you comfortably for a quick and safe trip to Cassomir. As you will undoubtedly see for yourself, my ship if a powerful sailing vessel offering the highest degree of comfort and luxury to the passengers. Behold its polished whitewood hull glinting with golden filigree - the Mimosa is a beauty to see! My serving staff will also make this fast voyage most relaxing for you. I expect the journey to take only four days, during which you will meet and socialize with my most distinguished clientele. My price? A trifle. Only five gold crowns per person." Javinda states. While it is expensive, the ship certainly fits the description its captain made.
A much cheaper affair would be to sail on board the Opportune, for a measly single gold crown per passenger. While it may seem like a rickety vessel of questionable quality at first, the price is indeed attractive. "Ey, mate, don't trust your eyes! The Opportune is simply the fastest way to get to Cassomir." Captain Oderon Payne boasts after letting out a loud burp. The smell of cheap beer emanates from the dwarf. "Sure, 'tis no hostel or nothin', but you'll sail with the best crew of the Inner Sea. Why so cheap, ye ask? I reckon you only get two meals a day, but I bet you can't beat that price."
The final offer comes from Captain Eduard Tabrin, a human sailor who boasts his Powerful Hector, named after his own father, can reach Cassomir in six days. Captain Tabrin only asks for two and a half gold crown per passenger.
Keep in mind you only have 24 gold pieces for your travel expenses as well as for your lodgings in Cassomir. I'll let you decide which ship you want to embark on.

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Korgarr talks to Captain Oderon Payne in dwarven with his Taralu clan dagger (styled in the motif of a dragon's tooth) in obvious plain sight. "Hey ye ol' scallywag! Thunderbolt's the name," Korgarr greets Oderon offering an outstretched fist. "Was wonnerin how long it would take ye to get to Cassomir. I am a druid of Ioz'om, god of the storm and sky, so the winds'll be ever in our favor."

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"Rain has been missing for many days. Maybe we can go with the ship that will bring us the fastest to our destination." Schek suggests to others, hinting that he wants a ride on Mimosa even though it is pricey.

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I need no frills, Haohji nods, The Dwarf's ship will be sufficient. But you are correct, we cannot dally.

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Captain Oderon Payne grins and nods at Korgarr when the latter displays his clan dagger. "A brother, what a chance meeting! Come aboard, matey, we'll get to Cassomir in no time." the dwarf assures as the Pathfinders drop four gold crowns in the palm of his hand and board the ship. You soon come to realize why the journey was so cheap. The amenities are far more sparse than the other vessels—the captain barely scrounges up two meals a day as he announced, and passengers must all bunk together in a communal space. Despite Oderon’s boasts, the vessel takes 8 days to reach Cassomir due a series of stops from leaking sections of the hull. The price was, after all, suspiciously low. A valuable lesson to the Pathfinder initiates, perhaps? Time will tell.
Eight days later, you reach the bustling city of Cassomir, probably angry at Captain Payne's honeyed words - that cunning liar! - but in a hurry to catch up with Rain and find him. Time is of the essence!
You can attempt another Diplomacy check to gather information, albeit at a -2 circumstance penalty because of the time elapsed.
20 gold pieces left.

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Oof, not Haohji's strong suit...
Diplomacy, untrained @ -2: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13

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"Bah... humans... always too quick to act!" Korgarr scoffs as he addresses Haohji. "Quit wagglin yer tongue, youngling! There are others here who are better in the art of the Deception/Diplomacy/Intimidation game! Not meself, o'course..."

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Haohji grins sheepishly, Well, it was worth a try... I mean, she looked like she might know something. I didn't think she was a streetwalker!

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Schek shakes his head to what just happened and chalks them up to experience. To not lose more time, he quickly gets around the docks to ask people around if they find a certain leshy.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 - 2 = 9

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Hi all. I've emailed Paizo to get GM Access to this thread. Not sure how long it will take. I'm also going to be setting up slides and such. Bear with me while I get caught up.

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Does anyone else want to attempt the Diplomacy check? Both Schek Nek and Haohji are both unsuccessful and finding any useful info.

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Alanosse manages to get a lead from a stablehand.
Rain in Cloudy Day showed up late due to bad weather and had to pay increased costs at the inn as a result. Desperate citizens stole his provisions and the pack mule that he’d stabled at the Three-Legged Frog inn. No one else has seen him since he went to meet his guide.
The inn is close to where you disembarked from your vessel and is notable for a sign swaying in the wind that depicts a frog standing up on two hind
legs while drool from its mouth acts as a third leg to keep the frog’s balance.
You head inside the inn and are met by Aganis Downard, the innkeeper.
"Welcome! Go seat yourselves and I'll be right with you."
In a moment, Aganis heads to your table.
"Now what will you have today? Tea? Ale? There's a bit of roast left, I think."

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Haohji looks up at the innkeep, I will take an ale and some information. We are looking for a friend of ours, a Fungus-folk by the name of Rain in Cloudy Day... have you seen him?
The boxer slides a small stack of silver across the table in emphasis...
Haohji is sliding 3 silver pieces inferring that it may be the innkeeps for solid information.

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Korgarr greets the innkeeper with the standard "Well met," and asks if they have any "Dwarven Stout". "We are also looking for some information," the tall for his ancestry dwarf says. "Have you heard of or seen a young fungus leshy named "Rain in Cloudy Day"? He came into port some weeks ago and rumor has it, had his gear stolen. Any information would be greatly appreciated."

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"Ale too." Schek orders too. He waits if the innkeeper has information on the missing leshy. "Did he happen to stay in your inn?" he asks eventually.

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Aganis thinks for a bit.
"Oooh! You mean that talking mushroom feller? I don't quite know of him 'cuz I wasn't on duty at that time. My husband. Roland, talked to him. He'll be here in a few hours. Tell ya what, why don't chu get some food and stay the night. Roland won't be in until later and it ain't a good idea to go traipsing around in the swamps."
You may purchase accommodations at the inn at the following prices:
Lavish Spending (5 gp per PC): Best rooms available at the Three-Legged Frog for their stay.
Average Spending (2.5 gp per PC): Basic rooms and quality food at the Three-Legged Frog.
Minor Spending (1 gp per PC): You'll be staying at a nearby hostel. A mat on the floor is all you'll get.

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After the fiasco on the Powerful Hector, Korgarr opts for meals and a bed. The sore dwarf is staying in an average room at the Three-Legged Frog.

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Haohji offers to stay in the spartan quarters of the nearby hostel to save some money.

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Korgarr, Alanosse and Schek Nek decide to stay at the inn while Haohji heads over to the hostel down the street.
After a few hours of settling in and exploring the surrounds, you return to the inn's common room to find Roland Downard behind the bar and serving drinks.

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"Top o' the mornin' to ye, Roland! Let's start it of right with a Dwarven Stout!" Korgarr greets. "Was talkin' to yer husband last night. Says ye may have some info on our friend that we are trying to find. Name of Rain... the mushroom feller... any news, good man?"