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As a clock chimes the hour, Ambrus Valsin opens the door to admit his guests then resumes his seat next to a grey-eyed woman wearing the robes of an academic.
"Please seat yourselves quickly so we can begin. This is Lady Darchana Madinani, archdean of Absalom’s premier school of the arcane, the Arcanamirium. She’s has come to the Pathfinder Society on delicate business."
"Well met again, Pathfinders! I am glad to find you safe and well after what you've done for me and the Society aboard the At Sea. As Second Spell Lord of Absalom, I continually investigate magical attempts to attack our home. The Pathfinder Society recently aided one of my investigations by capturing a disguised Okeno slave ship used for several months to transport various unfortunates to Absalom for sale as slaves to the city’s noble families. Normally this would be legal, yet it seems someone has marked each of these slaves for use as divination foci. I can’t ignore the threat posed by such an insidious spy network. With the capture of that ship, we’re now in an excellent position to strike back at the hidden mastermind behind the slave-scrying.
"Know that I do not come to the Pathfinder Society lightly. I am taking on a calculated political risk by asking you to handle this investigation for me. But my long friendship with your master of spells Aram Zey has given me confidence in the abilities—and discretion—of Pathfinder agents.
"Using my own spells, I acquired an image of the slaver: a humanoid woman wearing a heavy veil and peering into a mirror. Her clothing is common in Kelish fashion, and I could sense her location was somewhere underground on Stonespine Island.
"Although we could pursue conventional means of tracking down the slavers, I have taken measures to ensure our quarry does not see you coming, and I would appreciate a similar effort from you. I propose disguising yourselves either as slaves for sale or possibly the slavers selling them. If successful, you need only allow our enemy’s agents to escort you to their hidden stronghold. Once inside, it should be a modest challenge for you to escape and take their leader by surprise." Lady Darchana pauses for emphasis. "Your goals are to capture the veiled spymaster and to bring the scrying mirror I observed back to Absalom for further study. If the spymaster dies before she is brought here, that would be regrettable but also understandable."
"Before you get too concerned," Ambrus adds quickly, "it isn’t the Society’s practice to sell our field agents into slavery. We’re sending you with a reliable cover story and a magical edge we can discuss in a moment. This isn’t just because it’s a dangerous assignment; we also found the name ‘Muhlia’ associated with the captured Okeno ship. It’s not a common name, but if haven’t kept up with recent history, I can understand why you may not remember her. Pasha Muhlia al’Jakri was an associate of ours who represented Qadira’s interests to the Pathfinder Society. Three years ago, she departed following very ugly circumstances in Taldor and hasn’t been seen since. If it’s true that she’s building a spy network in Absalom, we need to head off the threat she poses to the society before she can strike."
"And before you ask - I'm afraid Veviane is going to be assigned to another mission in the meantime, Aram Zey had other projects for her. I'm afraid her ego couldn't take well to posing as a slave."
If you wish to ask any questions, feel free to do so. You can also make a Knowledge (local) roll.

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"Well, I must say that between the two choices, posing as a slave is less distasteful than imitating a master. I can't abide slavery, and I'll do my part. And don't worry 'bout Old Bess here." says Wulfren as he pats his musket. "I can be discreet when it's proper. But I'd definitely be interested to hear more about how we're supposed to free ourselves once there. And any background on the Okeno slavers you'd care to share is more than welcome."
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

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Anaristiel nods at Wulfren's comments, then addresses Venture-Captain Valsin. "Well, before I decide what role to play, I am interested to know what this 'magical edge' is, and how it might be used to conceal us. Regardless, however, I am sure that we will be able to accomplish whatever mission is set before us."
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

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At Anaristiel's words, Ambrus Valsin excitedly rubs his hands together as a proud grin cracks his businesslike expression. "Thought you’d never ask! I’ve brought one of our experiments out of development for a field test," he explains while planting a boot on an unremarkable cedar chest. "This is a magic chest warded in much the same way as our craftspeople sometimes enchant small pouches. From the outside, it’s nonmagical and holds whatever you put in it as expected. However, if you speak the right command word before it’s opened, it instead accesses a secret, extradimensional space that can hold several hundred pounds of gear. It’s yours to use on this trip and should help smuggle most of your gear through Okeno. The forged paperwork we’re sending with you notes the chest is part of the shipment." Valsin demonstrates the chest’s use and command word. "Anything else you want to bring needs to be something you can hide on your person and keep hidden."
Lady Darchana nods her approval and adds, "I can also shrink one essential tool or weapon for each of you. It should provide you enough of an edge in breaking out and recovering the rest of your gear. You can unshrink an item either by tossing it on a solid surface, or by a command word of your choice. I trust your imagination will help you in this matter."

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Ic is his usual quiet self, though he seems a bit more graceful than the last time anybody saw him. His rapier has been exchanged by a curved blade, while his erstwhile chainmail has been replaced by a studded leather armour.
He is completely mesmerised by Lady Darchana, and only once loudly wonders something: Will we run into Muhlia?
He whispers to Wulfren I know a good command word. Kitty, kitty, kitty....

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In case we still needed a local roll
Local: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 10 + (1) = 15 Not that that really helps.
"I think I'd also be better as a slave. I can have my lock picks shrunk down an' then use 'em ta escape my shackles when needed. We should prob'ly have at least one slave master though."
Liam then turns to Lady Darchana. "Is there any way we'd be able ta identify the scryin' mirror? I'm afraid I don't know much about divination magics, an' wouldn't want ta bring back the wrong one."

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Lady Darchana doesn't take offense from Ic's strange behavior, but smiles softly. "You will probably run into her, I expect." Ambrus Valsin barges in with his no-nonsense tone. "Which is why you should know that she's a resourceful negotiator and agent who was known for nursing grudges even before she disappeared. Over the past several years, her name has appeared documents recovered from Aspis Consortium operations. We believe she may have had a close connection to the Desimire brothers Aglorn and Tancred, both associated with the Consortium and slain during conflicts with the Society. Muhlia favors deception and ambushes, so be on your guard."
The Second Spell Lord then answers Liam's question. "I think you'll know when you see it. You have means to detect magic auras I expect, and there probably won't be many magic mirrors there. In doubt, bring them all back and we'll sort them out."
Meanwhile, Anaristiel recalls many useful pieces of information about gnolls and their habits, since you're bound to meet some on Stonespire Island. She can tell you that gnolls are humanoids with hyena-like features. They are cruel and tend to keep packs of hyenas as pets. Gnolls love hunting but try to make slaves do everything else for them. Gnolls are primarily nocturnal, typically worship Lamashtu, and are known to kill and eat sentient creatures. Some exceptionally aggressive, strong, and clever gnolls are known as flinds, and they typically rise quickly to the top of their pack hierarchies. They’re known for using flail-like weapons called flindbars.
"I have heard about your participation in Darchana’s plan, and I’m proud to know that you’re involved. Daring acts like these strike terror in the hearts of slavers and give hope to the subjugated. I know you’re unlikely to have—or leave—many witnesses, but if you can strike fear into the hearts of this villainous operation’s leadership, strike down the more dangerous and oppressive slavers in a dramatic way, or just be seen battling in the defense of the oppressed, we can share your exploits and inspire a new wave of freedom fighters." He considers his advice for a moment and adds, "But don’t throw your life away trying to burn Okeno to the ground. Pick your fights carefully, and return a hero."
With just a glance on the maps he's holding, you can attempt a Knowledge (geography) or Perception check to try and recognize the locations mapped on these documents.

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SIlly Ic says to Liam it's the one that has divination magic.
No offense, Liam, Ic is just being playful.
Ic understands that his role is to be a slave, not a slave master. Slaves should just be quiet and do as they're told. Ic feels he's quite good at being quiet, and remains so to prove his point.

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"If one of us must be a slave owner, then I suppose I will do so." Anaristiel says, hesitantly. It's clear, though, that she is not completely comfortable doing so, deceit not being in her nature.

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Wulfren's eyes gleam at the conversation with Major Maldris. He steels himself for the coming mission, focusing his thoughts on the chance he'll have to work for the great cause of liberty.
I'm not sure I'm hero material yet, but I'll be ready. Got to be smart, though, heading into the cockatrice's nest like that.

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Liam grins, "How am I supposed ta know about these magical things? I just mix chemicals and such. Besides, seems to me you magic types like your mirrors: 'mirror, mirror on the wall' an' all that. They seem to be quite popular in books."
After Ana's comment, he pats her on the back. "Maybe if you just thought of yourself as our boss it'd help? Or pretend like we're a bunch o' scumbags, stealin' bread from the poor and hasslin' poor ol' widows for protection money or something." He does his best impression of a sketchy, no-good thief.
Bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
It's somewhat passable, if a bit cartoonish and exaggerated.

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Gert looks to Ana, her eyes steely, "Since a slave would never be allowed to have a velociraptor, I think perhaps I should pose as the slave master. "
Gert familiarizes herself with the chest and the command words.

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Wulfren will accept the role of a slave, but will ask that his loaded musket be shrunken separate from the other gear, as per Lady Darchana's offer.
He looks at the others for ideas.
"Liam, I agree about you keeping those lockpicks handy. I'll take my musket. It's only good for one shot, so maybe a sword would be better. Not sure if maybe I should buy something to use. I have a bit of coin right now."

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Anaristiel raises her hands to Gert. "Sorry, Gert; if you want to be the slave master, I'll not argue." Then, to the others, she asks, "Do you think it would make sense for her to have a guard? Does anyone think we might be well-served buying false manacles for our use?"

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"False manacles would be a fantastic idea Ana!" Gert says. "Wulf, I don't really have anything that needs to be shrunk, but if you'd like I could carry your powder horn in miniature form?"
I assume in the role of a slave master, I'm not overly constrained with what gear I'm carrying?

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Liam gleefully rubs his hands when false manacles are brought up. "Ooo...shiny gadgets. We could also get some false-bottomed mugs and sleepin' powder ta drug the guards if it'd help. Maybe some hidden pockets or boot blades?" He seems to be more caught up in the idea of new tools than their actual practicality in the mission.
"But yes! I will definitely have my masterwork picks shrunken down, if it's not too much trouble ma'am." He bows hastily to Lady Darchana before unceremoniously dumping all of his other gear into the trunk. After a second, he seems to rethink and pulls his wand out. "Actually, Gert, perhaps you'd like ta hang on ta this? Seems like the kind o' thin' we might want handy-like." It's a wand of CLW with 32 charges remaining.
Liam is going to pretend to be a slave. He's keeping his lock picks as a shrunk down item, but otherwise putting all his gear (armor, weapons, things for making his extracts, etc) into the chest.

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Anaristiel makes a note to buy false manacles for herself as she looks to the others for guidance. "Which do you think I should have shrunk? My spell component pouch, or my glaive?"

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Gert - slave master
Anaristiel - slave master's bodyguard (spell component pouch or glaive shrunk)
Ic - slave (scimitar shrunk)
Liam - slave (lockpicks shrunk)
Wulfren - slave (loaded musket shrunk)
Ana, I guess that if you're posing as Gert's bodyguard having your glaive makes perfect sense, so you don't need to shrink it unless you fear that your weapons may be taken away from you at some point. I'll let you say what you decide in your next post. Moving things along for now.
After a few days' journey, your ship finally arrives at Stonespine Island. Sharks casually feed on cast-off corpses that float like buoys marking the channel into Yellow Harbor. This close to Okeno, the rocky mountain range that gives Stonespine Island its name is a blur against the sky, hidden by the city’s haze of smoke and dust. Each pier is crowded with yellow-sailed slave galleys, pirate clippers, and the occasional, heavily armed merchant ship. Past a row of taverns, the slave markets are smelly and crowded, packed with auction blocks and pens.
As you get off the ship, some in rags and chains and some as their masters, you all walk towards the Fleshfair, Okeno's slave market. The harbormaster there nods at Gert and Ana. "You're right on time it appears. Your buyer will arrive shortly. In the meantime you can use one of the free pens for your slaves." As soon as he's pronounced the words that a pair of gnolls holding a mean-looking hyena show up. "Harrr. Waf! Youz dem sellers? We be Hargur an' Vangru, dem buyers. We take slaves now, hrrrr." speaks the first gnoll in decent Taldane. The other immediately echoes "Take slaves now, hrrr."
After some mild arguing, the gnolls accept that you'll help escort the slaves until they reach the final destination, as it is often customary to do in this trade. They raise an eyebrow about the chest Wulfren and Ic are carrying, though, but don't ask any question about it. However, they do make a quick frisk to check if everything's in order before they leave.
Time to make sleight of hand checks for any items that you may have concealed on yourself (there's no need for such a check for the shrunken item, it doesn't count).
There are three other slaves who are part of the gnolls’ expedition: a female halfling, a Keleshite man and a Kellid huntress. Soon the small group departs, leaving the Fleshfairs behind and following an old dusty trail.

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Ah, k - yeah. If someone else has an item they would like shrunk, then Anaristiel would allow them to use her "shrinkage". If not, then she'll shrink her spell component pouch.

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Gert buys a set of false manacles and a skeleton key before leaving Absalom. She'll make sure the manacles are on Liam and he's familiar with the secret release.

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Thanks Gert, but I can actually buy the manacles if you want. :-)
According to the description it's a DC25 perception check to notice that they're false. Not sure if I can make some kind of aid attempt to help disguise them though. That would be the only roll I make since I'm only hiding that and my shrunk item.
In case it's relevant for the false manacles.
1d20 ⇒ 14 +1 bluff, -1 disguise, +6 slight of hand

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You could perfectly well combine the spell component pouch into one. About manacles - they aren't the sole way of holding a slave, since they also wear a metal collar chaining each slave to the others of the lot.
Two of the three slaves don't turn out to be very talkative, remaining in a submissive silence. You quickly understand why, as the gnolls tend to overlook small amounts of chatter among their chattel, up to a point. Then, the gnoll slavers invariably intervene if the slaves appear too chatty, knocking the air out of their lungs as a warning.
The third one-the halfling woman-is a completely different matter, since she is quite agreeable and even chatty. Her language and choice for topics of conversation may seem strange, however.
"Aye, the weather was quite bad this year, and I've been failing to predict it. The harvest was bad, and I ended up stranded, ye see? I'm Gima by the way."
The gnolls look at her with disdain, but do not intervene yet.
With the slaves in tow, Hargur, Vangru and their hyena Snapper lead their tiny caravan northeast past cultivated fields of pesh cacti that surround Okeno and to a small ruin near the road with just enough of a superstructure left to provide some shade.
"Harrr. Sun too hot, we make stop. Gather strength while you can." snarls Hargur.
"While-can" echoes Vangru, his grasp on the Taldane language obviously not as good.

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Knowledge (Local, Take 10): 10 + 5 = 15
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Does Anaristiel's knowledge of the code extend to knowing an appropriate response?

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Earlier, if possible:
"I'd be obliged, Gert, if you carried it."
The powder horn.
While en route with the gnolls:
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Wulfren keep his head down, trying not to draw attention to himself. He feels like he should know something, but can't quite place it.

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Anaristiel gives the halfling a sidelong glance. "Perhaps the weather is not as bad as you think. I've a feeling your harvest may well improve, if you have the patience to wait for the reaping."

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Local: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 10 + (2) = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 10 + (6) = 26 Inspiration
Liam nods at Ana's words. "The help of some good friends can make all the difference in the success of a harvest."
Then with a sidewise glance at their gnoll captors for a response, Liam continues in a soft voice. "Ņemot vērā to kopējā, kādas ir izredzes mūsu sagūstītāji runāt citās mēlēs?"
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 To try to see if they understand the Shoanti.

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Ic smiles at Liam, and happily answers back in their established code language, taking slight care not to raise his voice.
Es esmu diezgan pārsteigts, tie ne tikai Vau visu laiku.
I'm quite surprised they don't just Woof all of the time.

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Gert does her best to look like Ic got what he deserved, and not react in anger to the assault of her friend!

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Gima hesitates for a second, then you see her nods to Anaristiel. "You're right, a farmer's quality rests in his patience. Harvest will come eventually."
After an otherwise uneventful rest under the shade, the gnolls resume their journey with their own little caravan.
On the morning of the third day of travel, a roc flies high overhead, casting its shadow across the group. Both gnolls react immediately by ordering the prisoners to hustle for the reminder of the trip. "Harrr, faster! Faster!" snarls Vargur.
Everyone make a Fortitude save DC 16. If you fail you become fatigued and take Nonlethal damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2.
A few hours later, you reach at last Fort Stonejaws. A wall of ochre bricks bristles at its base with sharp stakes, barring entrance to a deep round hollow in the red rocky cliff. The wall curves at a small watchtower with a leather tent roof. Beyond the wall, the cliff rises over a hundred feet, its lower reaches dotted with shallow caves. As you are ushered in, a large gnoll at the entrance yelps something in their snarling tongue to your two tormentors.
"Harr! Yewoof, wif, garf dawaf woof! Gharf dahuuf wine!"
Though none of you understand their vile language, you distinctively heard the word wine, which must have no equivalent in Gnoll.
Once inside, you have a quick look at their inner defenses mostly an iron porticullis barring the way to a cave entrance. You are pushed inside, and reach another area, the kennels. A stone dais painted with a hyena-like face occupies the center of this round chamber. A wide, eight-foot-high ledge runs around the perimeter of the room with a crude ladder to the east connecting the floor and elevated area. To the south, an iron portcullis hangs over the entrance to the caves. Several shallow caves with wooden gates and floors covered in straw open into this room from the north. A door to the east and a door with a barred grille to the west lead to other parts of the stronghold. A shattered wooden box and several dozen scraps of sodden, torn paper lie scattered across the floor. Inside one of the shallow caves rests a monstrous hyena, sleeping at that time of the day, which hardly seems normal.
There, Hargur barks a new order. "Drop chest here, leave it! You wait here, slavers." he orders Gert as he pushes the "slaves" into the room to the west, into the slave quarters. They consist of a single long room with several bunk beds against the back wall, a pair of buckets in the corner, and a heavy wood door that can be barred from outside. As you come in, a Kelishite man wearing a pale linen scarf about his head and an excessively wide grin on his face greets you. Two other slaves apart from those you arrived with are resting there, observing your reaction to the Keleshite's welcoming speech.
"Welcome! I am Korshad, overseer for our masters. Though I wear a collar, you’ll find it’s best to do as I say! Now, they lock us in at night when they go hunting, but mostly we have the run of the place, nearly as much liberty as the hyenas. You’ll be trained to be excellent house slaves, then taken back to the ships to be sold to nice noble families. It may seem harsh, but if you take to it, it’s probably a better life than you were used to before. Meanwhile you should get some rest and we can begin your lessons in the morning. As the proverb says, ‘When the day is hottest, even the busy must rest and wait.’"

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Fort Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
While Anaristiel does not enjoy the increased speed, she suffers no ill effects from it.

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Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 Percep: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Wulfren feels the effects of the heat, and is a bit worse for wear upon arriving.
He tries to contain his contempt for the place, but his mouth forms the hint of a snarl.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Just to clarify, were we traveling long enough to heal the nonlethal damage from the punch? It heals at a rate of 1 hp/level/hour, so 3 hp/hour.
Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Winded from his earlier blow, Liam does not take well to the forced quick march. Although I s'pose it's better'n bein' bird bait.
Once inside the base, Liam gives the Kelishite a surprised look. A slave slave-master? He blinks. I guess it makes sense...kinda anyway; he'd be treated better this way. Probably.
He listens in silence to the man's little speech. Afterwards (and maybe partially during) his mind is abuzz with thoughts of strategy and escape. Best ta go at night. Maybe recon durin' the day? But not if we go tonight. But I'm a tad knackered. So maybe tomorra? But maybe the gnolls were plannin' on getting blathered?
Roughly what time of day is it?

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Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Ic's stomach still hurts, and it makes marching hard. He arrives at the fort ready to drop dead.
He looks like he's ready to complain, but swallows his comments when he sees a gnoll staring at him.
Inside the slave cell - as he sees it - Ic just listens sullenly to Korshad, while feeling sorry for himself and wallowing a bit in his self-pity.
Can't succeed at the perc check

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Fort Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Gert seems to be enjoying the pace and the heat.
Once inside the Fort, Gert looks for an opportunity to check out the smashed chest and scraps of paper if she can do so without arousing undue suspicion.
When she has a moment of privacy with Ana, she asks in Shoanti: "What was all that with the halfling?"

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Anaristiel replies quietly, "She is a member of the Bellflower Network, a group of mostly halflings that aim to free their kind from Chelish slavery. I think I convinced her that we're friends, and that we will free her."