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734 posts (5,290 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 29 aliases.
DM Voomer's Age of Ashes Dario Zuz Macros for Secret Rolls Inventory Spreadsheet PF2E Actions Cheat Sheet Roll20 Maps Portraits and Handouts Upgrading the Citadel Calendar Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
Dario Zuz
Macros for Secret Rolls Inventory Spreadsheet PF2E Actions Cheat Sheet Roll20 Maps Portraits and Handouts Upgrading the Citadel Calendar
Savage Rifts and the Tomorrow Legion The world ended and now you are a part of its rebirth and aftermath. The Tomorrow Legion protects the innocent from those who would harm, hinder or simply eat them. You are a part of the Legion, make us proud. Maps Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
The world ended and now you are a part of its rebirth and aftermath. The Tomorrow Legion protects the innocent from those who would harm, hinder or simply eat them. You are a part of the Legion, make us proud.
The Way of Honor, a Legend of the Five Rings campaign Bayushi Yoshi Adventures in the lands of Rokugan. Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
Bayushi Yoshi
Adventures in the lands of Rokugan.
Bountiful (Ad)venture: DM Yttras's Ruins of Azlant Table 2 Dark Reprisal; A Hell's Vengeance Game. DM Talomyr's The Lost City GM Feyrial's PF2e Kingmaker [Closed] GM ShadowLord's Reign of Winter Godbound: Shards of Divinity Hell's Vengeance In the Demon Lord's Shadow. Ironperenti's Skull and Shackles Legends in the Making: Slayers of Renown OSR Greyhawk Adventures -- Dungeon Mag. and others (PF1e w/ Houserules) Rifts-Tomorrow Squadron Rigor Rictus' Savage Rifts Rise of the Runelords [Sandpoint's Finest] Scum... and Villainy! Seeds of Heresy: Dark Heresy Second Edition Strength and Fear: An Ustalavic Kingmaker Campaign That Taldan AP! Way of the Wicked Group 2 (5E) Odyssey of the Dragonlords - By Supreme Being (inactive) Agents of Edgewatch: The 2nd Table (inactive) Band of Blades: The Road to Skydagger Keep (inactive) Bookrat's Demon Lord Game 3 (inactive) The Crown of Oceana (Core Thread) (inactive) DM Fern's Skull & Shackles (inactive) Gamemaster Kobolum's Way of the Wicked (inactive) GM Corwyn's Jade Regent (2) (inactive) GM Dak - RotRL AE (inactive) GM Feyrial's Fall of Plaguestone (Private) (inactive) GM Greaek's Kingmaker-Table 2 (inactive) GM Spazmodeus presents and Age of Worms campaign in Golarion (inactive) GM WhtKnt's Into the Borderlands, Table 2 (inactive) Heroes of Cadranite (inactive) Ill Met in Kartakass - A Ravenloft 5E Campaign (inactive) Into the Dolmenwoods (inactive) Iron Gods Campaign (inactive) Midgard 5E: Heralds of St. Helba (inactive) Shadow of the Demon Lord (inactive) Wild Beyond the Witchlight (inactive) WR Waterdeep Dragon Heist (inactive) [DUNGEON WORLD] City of Strangers (inactive)