Midgard 5E: Heralds of St. Helba (Inactive)

Game Master scranford

Globe spanning 5E campaign based in Midgard. Starting in Zobeck with a gathering of long time, and recent members of the adventuring group... The Heralds of St. Helba.

House & Logistics Rules:
1. I will roll initiatives and will use "Group Initiative"
2. Rule of (3). We have (5) players. (3) usually to advance action.
3. Advantage on healing dice, & new level up Hit dice.
4. Establish a standard marching order. Will be used if not changed.
5. Establish a standard watch order. Will be used if not changed.
6. Most Important HAVE FUN!!!

Initiative Rolls
Croaker: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Griot: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Khanol: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Enoch: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Lorr: [dice]1d20-1[/dice]
Dumah: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
EVIL 1: [dice]1d20+?[/dice]
EVIL 2: [dice]1d20+?[/dice]

Zone Distribution
ZONE 1: Within Melee range
ZONE 2: Within Move & Attack
ZONE 3: Dash to close
ZONE 4: Within Sight
Zone 5: Beyond Sight

Urban Marching Order
1. Khanol
2. Enoch
3. Griot
4. Dumah
5. Croaker
6. Lorr

Wilderness Marching Order
1. Enoch 30ft Ahead
2. Khanol
3. Griot
4. Dumah
5. Croaker
6. Lorr

Watch Schedule
1st Watch
2nd Watch
3rd Watch
4th ? Watch

Current Year: 1740-OC (Old Calendar, 92-FY (Freedom Year in Zobeck)

Midgard World Map
World Map

Zobeck Map
Zobeck Map

Time and the Seasonal Calendar


The measure of time in Midgard is straightforward. There are 12 months of
30 days each, for a total of 360 days in the calendar, and another six intercalendar festival days: New Year’s Dawn, Mustering, Rites of Spring, Summer Festival, Harvest Dances, and the Lantern Festival. With six festival
days, the year is 366 days long.

The seven days of the week are the same in most cultures of Midgard: Moonday, Volsday, Wolfsday, Torsday, Marksday, Ceresday, and Khorsday. These common names appear from the Northlands to the Middle Sea and the Crossroads to the Wastes.

Springmelt (New Year’s Dawn, Mustering)
Thunders (Rites of Spring)

Goldflower (Crown Festival)
Low Summer
High Summer (Summer Festival)

Harvest Tide (Slaughter Festival)
Redleaf (Harvest Dances)
Last Leaf (Ghost Festival)

Rimetrail [First Fogs]
Snowfall [Winterwind] (Lantern Festival)
Deep Winter [Winter-rain]

Old Calendar (OC): The most common reckoning among humans and dwarves dates to the founding of the Sun Kingdom of Cassilon, 1749 years ago. This date is commonly given in brackets after other year reckonings, since it is the best known and most widely traveled.

Zobeck Free Years (FY): The people of Zobeck revolted against their rule by House Stross 92 years ago, hanging all members of the family and winning a battle against considerable odds. The dating is not used outside
the city, but it is typical of the reckoning of years in free cities and smaller kingdoms, which often ignore larger events in favor of their own milestones

About St. Helba

St. Helba
Foolish Fortune, Rebellion’s Yell, The Instigator and Investigator, The Blue Exorcist

Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery

Probably the youngest of all the deities of Midgard, St. Helba Stross is credited with redeeming her family line and freeing the Crossroads through selfless action, foolish directness, and heroic faith. She is the patron of investigators, adventurers, and other fighters of corruption.

St. Helba appears as she did in life: a brilliantly blue-skinned tiefling with long, blue-white hair, tiny horns, and wearing robes closely resembling one of Rava’s faithful. She has yet to appear in any other form, although she has been known to send heralds who have occasionally been heard
complaining of someone not quite understanding the situation.

Worshippers: St. Helba is worshiped primarily by the citizens of the Free City of Zobeck and its surrounding lands. Her followers have been spreading
her faith into other lands with limited success, focusing on regions where they perceive oppression by any sort of “higher class” and have found themselves popular with slaves desiring liberation.

Symbols and Books: Flaming and broken blue shackles are the holy symbol of St. Helba. Shattered locks, doors off of their hinges, and a halo of blue flame are common in her other iconography. The holy words and battle cries of the saint have yet to be compiled into a single book. Flyers and broadsheets from her time supporting the citizenry before the Great Revolt are currently copied and distributed by her faithful. Her hymns were once
protest chants. Correspondences to other nobles that argued against corruption both infernal and mundane are still being compiled and verified and any aid finding more is richly rewarded.

Famous Shrines and Priests: The entire city of Zobeck is considered holy to St. Helba’s church, and numerous small shrines exist throughout the city. A
handful of locations within the city are considered pilgrimage sites: the Redrock jailhouse where she was supposedly imprisoned and tortured for her words, the dock where she was executed by her own infernally corrupted family, and the shrine to Rava where she is said to have appeared in a vision to the rebellion’s leaders and their first gearforged allies.

Masks: The Investigator and Instigator is sometimes accused of being Rava or a mere mouthpiece for her and other times of being a corruption of a different kind as a mask for the Goat of the Woods.

Other Faiths: The church of St. Helba is on friendly terms with most of the gods of Zobeck, especially Rava. Few other faiths even know of her church’s existence. What the Saint Demands: Defend the weak. Root out corruption wherever you find it, be it supernatural, magical, mortal, or within your mind, your blood, or your community. Explore, and learn the truth