Khair Al Din

Bayushi Yoshi's page

34 posts. Alias of KingHotTrash.


Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None


Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

About Bayushi Yoshi

Bayushi Yoshi
Age: 17 Height: 5 feet 10 inches (178.7cm) Weight: 170 lbs. (77.1kg)
Eyes: Very Dark Brown/Near Black Hair: Black
Portrait(s): Masked/Unmasked
Clan: Scorpion Family: Bayushi School: Bayushi Bushi

Heritage: Illustrious - Your ancestor had a winter romance that the Scorpion were able to use to further their agenda. You may take Blackmail on someone in another clan for 2 less Experience Points.
Techniques Known:
Rank 1- The Way of the Scorpion - Scorpion bushi always seem to get the jump on opponents. You gain a bonus +1k1 to your Initiative Rolls. You also gain a bonus of +5 to your Armor TN against any opponent with lower Initiative.
Kata Known:
Strength of the Scorpion - Once per Turn after successfully making the Feint Maneuver, your damage total is increased by +3 Wounds.
Honor: 2.5 Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Insight: 126 Shadowland Taint: 0
Advantages: Crafty (2pt), Prodigy (12pt), Strength of the Earth (3pt), Crab Hands (2pt), Blackmail: Status 3 (1pt)
Disadvantages: Bad Health (+4pt), Compulsion: Gambling (+3pt), Obligation (+3pt)[/b]
Equipment: Light Armor (Armor TN Bonus: +5/Reduction: 3/+5 TN to all Athletics & Stealth), Sturdy Clothing, Katana DR 3k2/Medium, Samurai/Special Rules), Wakazashi (DR 2k2/Medium, Samurai, Thrown 20'), Aiguchi (DR 1k1/Small), Traveling Pack (Mask/Smoking Pipe/Week's Rations/Lantern/Fan/Bottle of Water/Set of Dice/Coin Purse/Spare Kimono & Sandals/Miniature Shogi Set), 5 koku

Rings, Traits & Skills:

(* denotes School Skill)
Air Ring 2
Awareness 2
- Courtier (Manipulation) 1*
- Etiquette 1*
- Sincerity (Deceit) 1*
- Intimidation 1*
Reflexes 3
- Defense 1*
- Iaijutsu 1*
Earth Ring 2
Willpower 2
Stamina 2
Fire Ring 3
Intelligence 3
- Games: Go 1
- Lore: Heraldry 1
- Lore: Bushido 1
- Lore: Law 1
- Medicine 1
Agility 3
- Jiujutsu 1
- Kenjutsu 1*
- Stealth 1
- Horsemanship 1
Water Ring 2
Perception 2
- Investigation 2
Strength 2
- Athletics 1
Void Ring 2

XP Expenditures:

Current XP: 0
Spent XP: 50

Character Creation
+10 points from Disadvantages
-1 for Medicine 1
-1 for Jiujutsu 1
-3 for Investigation 2
-1 for Blackmail: Status 3
-1 for Lore: Heraldry 1
-1 for Lore: Bushido 1
-1 for Lore: Law 1
-1 For Intimadation 1
-1 for Horsemanship 1
-2 for Deceit Emphasis
-2 for Blackmail (Status 5: Emerald Magistrate)
-3 for Strength of the Scorpion Kata
-2 for Crafty Advantage
-3 for Strength of the Earth Advantage
-12 for Prodigy Advantage

20 Questions:

1. What clan does your character belong to?
Yoshi is a proud member of the Scorpion clan.

2. What family does your character belong to?
Yoshi hails from the Bayushi line, founders of the clan and the bushi school he attended.

3. Is your character a bushi, a shugenja, or a courtier?
Yoshi would see himself as a warrior in both the battlefield of war as well as the battlefield of the courts.

4. How would others describe your character's appearance?
Bayushi Yoshi, while a handsome young man, is more rugged than the usually beautiful and roguishly handsome members of clan and bloodline. Despite his young age, he seems to have an older and somewhat fiercer appearance. Notably, his eyes are of a dark brown so dark that the line between his iris and pupil is almost nonexistent. While sharp and intelligent, he keeps a casual calmness in nearly all situations and coldly observes others. He guise only seems to drop with a good cup of sake and a set of dice to gamble upon.

5. What is your character's primary motivation?
Yoshi's potential is incredible and because of that, the Scorpion clan has high hopes for him. His primary motivation is not to disappoint his sensei, family, and clan. He dreams of the glory of being a master of some gentry, changing from a servant to one who is served.

6. Who is the person your character trusts most in the world?
Bayushi Haruka, Yoshi's mother. The woman has been nothing but sweet, loving, and protective of her son. To others, she is a viper amidst snakes and has been known to have a slew of men (and some women) wrapped around her finger. Her husband knows she does so for the benefit of the clan and the family, an open secret that is never discussed.

7. What is your character's greatest strength and weakness?
Yoshi's greatest strength is his potential and skill. A natural prodigy, the young samurai has the chance to become on of the greatest Scorpions of his time. Yet with the pressure to be great came detriments to his health as well as a vice for coping with the stress. It is almost shameful how much money he has lost in gambling dens and on shogi games.

8. What does your character think of Bushido?
Bushido is a tool, another mask to hide underneath and conceal one's intentions. Like most Scorpions, Yoshi disregards it whenever is would get into the way of the only tenet that matters; Loyalty. Honor is the most encasing tenet, a trap that leads samurai to their deaths despite being able to see it miles away. It is Yoshi's favorite tool to destroy others with while remaining his most distasted tenet of Bushido.

9. What is your character's opinion of his clan?
Yoshi considers his clan's purpose as necessary; the idealism of Bushido cannot survive without a pragmatic hand guiding it. The Emperor needs the Scorpion to protect the Empire from itself. His kin are equal parts martyrs as they are villains, sacrificing it all when the call comes for it. He does find that some enjoy the darkness of being the wicked ones too eagerly, an enticement that could tip dangerously into treason should one forget their place.

10. Is your character married?
As a member of the Bayushi family, there are many courting the young progidy with their daughters. Yoshi finds the whole ordeal tiring and has not yet found one that truly connects with him. His family knows that the other clans are waiting to see results from the Scorpion's golden child first before offering their greatest daughters to him.

11. Does your character have any prejudices?
Yoshi mirrors his clan's dislike of the Lion clan; they are too rigid in mindset and unwavering in their dedication to useless Honor. They would sacrifice the Empire if it meant preserving one's honor. He also finds the Unicorn to be strange. As outsiders, he has no idea if they truly are who they say they are.

12. To whom does your character owe the most loyalty?
Loyalty towards family and clan had been drilled in Yoshi all of his life, shaping his mind entirely. He is dedicated to his family daimyo firstly and to his clan daimyo secondly. He also finds that the few friends outside of the clan that he has had he has been fiercely loyal to as well.

13. What are your character's favorite and least favorite things?
Yoshi's favorite things are shogi, dice, and people watching. The risk of the gamble, the unfolding of a strategy, and deciphering what makes people tick and work is his favorite activities. Literature, while important, bore Yoshi to absolute death. It is always with great reluctance that he will study the dusty scrolls and tomes of his home.

14. Does your character have any recurring mannerisms?
Yoshi cannot help but arch his brow when in surprise from shock or disgust. It is an action that he just is unable to repress.

15. What about your character's emotions?
Yoshi, despite the wicked nature of his clan, is truly a happy person. He knows that there are dangerous things in the world and that hard decisions must be made. Despite this though, life is good and worth living. Comments about his mother and her "visitors" is a certain way to end up drawing steel and driving the Scorpion into a frenzy. Fear is the easiest one for Yoshi to control; he knows that his clan and family support him and that his loyalty will be rewarded with their own. There is never just one Scorpion.

16. How would your character handle a subordinate's improper behavior?
While Yoshi is not one to put a subordinate to death for a minor infraction, he is one to accumulate debts of one's failures. It is better to trick his underlings into thinking he is doing them a kindness by being compassionate when he is truly building his blackmail on their failures. Only when they try to wriggle out of his orders will they find how tightly they are caught in the Scorpion's pincers.

17. How would your character's parents describe him?
Yoshi's mother, Haruka, would describe Yoshi as a perfect son. He is precious to her and could do no wrong. He is a bulb beginning to grow and blossom, requiring delicate guidance and fierce protection. Bayushi Goken, his father, loves his son in a cooler manner. He would describe him as the best of Scorpion's new generation, a soldier to be used and put into the game to flourish for him and the clan's betterment as soon as possible.

18. What is your character's highest ambition?
With the potential that he has, nothing short of becoming the Clan Champion would be acceptable. He requires only the experience to grow in talent and skill, evading the jealousy of his peers and the fears of his superiors is all he must do to ascend to greatness.

19. How religious is your character?
Yoshi is strongly religious, believing that his ancestors will help outweight the kharma that this life could cost them. He takes his faith seriously, even if he knows that it may end poorly for himself.

20. How will your character die?
Bayushi Yoshi hopes to die how many Scorpions wish they would; peacefully from old age. A retired Scorpion is a dangerous foe, a sleeping danger respected by all. Truly though, he knows that his potential means that he can become a great sacrifice for the clan. If he must die young, he wishes it for it to be for the greatest good, a heroic act that his family and clan will whisper of for ages to come.