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![]() Adventurers Verik and Larissa Vanderboren died one month ago, their ship tragically burning to the waterline in the harbor of Delvingulf, killing all on board. Now a grand wake is being held at the Standing Stone Park in the city’s Midnight District to celebrate the life and achievements of the two Drow nobles. Perhaps you’ve been invited because of your association with Verik and Larissa, perhaps you heard the revelry and wanted to see what the occasion was, perhaps you just hope to find some free food or even help yourself to someone else’s gold – regardless of the reason, you’ve found your way into the celebration.
As you enter, you pass a Strange-looking Gnomish woman wearing mourning clothes at the entrance to the park (Kora), greeting all who enter. Various well-dressed people wander the park, talking in hushed tones. A young drow noble woman, her long white hair pulled back into a ponytail, stands talking to an older woman – clearly her mother or some other relative – her eyes scanning the assemblage as she sips from a viper designed goblet. The young Drow woman hold a chain that is attached to two human slaves that she seems to like to flaunt around as a status of power. Elsewhere, near a table with various Darklands plants and fungi delicacies and a centerpiece of a Giant beetle shell serving as a large bowl of various fire roasted vermin on sticks heavily seasoned, a Drow woman, a couple daggers adorning her hips, talks to her three companions, a drow male, a duergar, and a pale skinned half-Drow, all dressed somewhat less finely than the bulk of the guests. Currently, Lady Lavinia Vanderboren is not present Kora
when you arrive please describe your character as others see you in this scene. it is most likely that you are dressed appropriately for a wake. Each of you have had connections with the Vanderboren family, you know of their Daughter, Lavinia and her older brother Vanthus. You are also familiar with the Major Domo of the house, an apparently bleached gnome by the name of Kora. ![]()
![]() Now recruiting for a Savage tide game but with a twist… A little story; A few years back my face-to-face group ended a campaign and I asked what they wanted for the next game. Half voted for a Pirate game and the other half wanted to do something in the Underdark (aka Darklands) so we could play drow. (Can I still say that word?) So, I pondered what to do and started looking at different things then while looking at Into the Darklands book, I saw there is a Sightless Sea. Then I saw that the sightless sea is inhabited by sailing races and so I decided why not do both. Long story short (or is that too late?) behold - Savage Tide in the Darklands. So If you are familiar with the Savage Tide AP this will be very much the same overall but there are several changes to make it different as well. First and foremost, Some traditional Golorian lore will be modified to fit the game. The game will begin in the Drow city of Telderist (this city has been modified from what is already published so please take the time to read the players guide linked here Now for some New lore that every character would know
lore info:
The city of Telderist is located on the edge of the Drow empire and is a rather active trade hub for much of the Drow. Located on the shores of Lake Nirthran, which is really, much larger than a lake (more like the size of the Caribbean Sea). As a trade port lots of things come through this city and dealings with the many different denizens of the Darklands visit Telderist. the corsairs of Telderist support numerous assassins, drug peddlers, and even pirates. Much about Telderist itself is in the linked players guide, so nuff said here about that. A group of privateers sail the Draklands known collectively as the Crimson Fleet. Some deal with Pirates, others are mercenaries going to the highest paycheck. The one thing to know is that many of the Drow houses of Telderist keep the Crimson Fleet on the payroll to avoid issues with shipping of their own. The primary forces opposed to Telderist are the Skum tribes (kept in check by the forces of the Corsairs of Telderist. The second and much more dangerous foes are the Blood Raiders. Mostly operating out of the undead city of Nemret Noktoria. And as you probably guessed, they are a fleet of Undead Pirates. Now you probably are wondering how do you get these ships down to the Sightless Sea and back? The answer is simple, Magic. A long time ago the Drow developed Navigational Orb to be placed on their ships. These orbs served a main purpose that a lookout would on a surface ship. Providing a scan of a distance out to about a mile around the ship as well as 200 feet above the ship and to depth of 50 feet below the waterline. These orbs have a second purpose as well, they are keys to portals to transport ships from Lake Nirthran down to the Sightless Sea. While the Orbs can be operated by any user, the portal feature was magically restricted to only be available to Drow female Divine spellcasters. The control of these orbs was left to the Harbormaster of Telderist
Telderist overview:
More detailed info will be found in the Players Guide Telderist is divided into 7 districts. Each district has its own Drow noble house that governs over that district as well as serving on an overall council to govern the city. Each District also has a primary faith but worship is not usually mandatory for residents in that district. Here are very brief overviews of each district: Azure District: The Azure District is Telderist’s true waterfront. Consisting of two sections, the East and the West, the Azure District also houses the majority of the city’s lower class citizens. The Western section of the Azure District is primarily concerned with the city’s waterways, while the Eastern section is where the city’s Plesiosaurus industry (Darklands equivalent of whaling industry). Is located Champion’s District The Champion’s District is a district of soldiers, gladiators, and mercenaries who follow in the footsteps of one of the city’s founders and one time king Teraknian. The champion’s District has a not-so-friendly relationship with the Noble District, and citizens see themselves as the rightful leaders of the city. Cudgel District The Cudgel District is primarily a residential district. Due to the vigilance of the local watch and the church of Nurgal. It’s also the safest district in Telderist. The citizens of the Cudgel District know this, yet they are not a soft people; they remain ever vigilant to the threat of attack. Merchant District Telderist’s heart, and perhaps even its soul, is lodged in its Merchant District. The first district visitors reach, it’s often the only district visitors need ever explore. Little can’t be found in the Merchant District’s shops and markets, and its taverns host the finest range of food and drink within the city walls (publicly in any event). Noble District Although rule of Telderist has always been handled in Castle Teraknian, the city’s Noble District has traditionally been thought of as the city’s ruling district, despite Orren Teraknian’s treachery and the resulting years spent under Skum occupation. The other districts view the Noble District as a place of decadence and eagerly await the district’s fall under its own excesses. Shadowshore Although relatively small, Shadowshore is perhaps the most notorious of Telderist’s districts. This strip of land nestled in the shadow of the Champion’s District has long been a haven for thieves, assassins, and criminals of all kinds. Generally the only people who live here are the poor or those who can ably protect their property. The city watch has all but given up on Shadowshore, so long as a general state of peace remains. Midnight District Like the Cudgel District, Midnight is primarily residences, yet the citizens of Midnight are generally a bit better off than their neighbors, in no small part due to the fact that many of them have stakes in the numerous resource caverns that abound surrounding Telderist. Midnight District is the hub of the city’s slave trade. The following are the primary gods / demon lords of each district:
Ok enough text walls of Lore lets get to meat of what you need to do… Character Creation:
This game will be Pathfinder 1e but there are elements of Pathfinder 2e that I liked and incorporated into this game. Mainly I will mostly use 2e conditions, as well as 2e for things like poisons and diseases. Also, the influence mechanic may be incorporated as well Characters will begin in the city of Telderist you may be Drow, or any of the listed races available Ability scores will be 25 point-buy and If selected I assign some bonus stat points based on background The following races are available:
* Custom Race – see below
All new characters begin as CR 1. Look at your character in HeroLab and take note of your CR! (This means some will begin as level 2 while others begin as level 1 depending on you race selection)
The following Templates are available:
Be aware that the setting will be the Darklands. As such everything will be Dim Light or less. Without darkvision all attacks have 20% miss chance Due to the additions of Templates advancement will be milestone advancement and I will specify what your new CR should be when you advance in level. That means that some with a template may find themselves skipping level ups during the adventure The next thing to make sure all know: the guns setting for this game is guns are commonplace (the tech level of this game will be equivalent of late 1600’s to early 1700’s) only early firearms are available. Unchained versions are not required but are available if desired We are using background skills All characters will have max HP at every level
Whisper gnome custom race:
*Whisper Gnome is a custom race as follows: Humanoid Subtype gnome Size small Speed Normal (30’) Languages Standard – racial language is gnome Ability scores: Specialized – select +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Cha (they also have -2 Strength) Defensive traits: Defensive Training – Lesser – Giant Illusion resistance Feat and Skill traits: Sneaky (+4 to stealth) Skill Bonus Perception (+2 perception) Magic traits: Fell Magic Spell Like Ability lesser – Silence Offence Traits: Weapon Familiarity – select gnome weapons and Hand Crossbow Hatred Select Goblinoid and Elf Senses: Select Darkvision 60’ Select Low Light vision This should add up to 20 points Alternative choices: you may replace Weapon Familiarity with Poison Use You may replace Darkvision with See in Darkness but you also gain Light blindness weakness campaign traits:
All characters must choose one of the following traits as a campaign trait. This is not a bonus trait but you can take a single drawback to gain another trait. (These traits are reworded but remain the same mechanically as the campaign traits from Carrion Crown Adventure Path.) Chance Savior: Fate smiled on you and Verik and Larissa Vanderboren one day in the not so distant past. Through a matter of pure chance, you were in a position to save the adventurers’ lives and did so. Their gratitude was effusive, and they promised that they would never forget you. Your ability to think quickly on your feet has stayed with you, and you quite often feel that you’re in the right place at the right time.
Subject of Study: Verik and Larissa Vanderboren approached you as part of their studies, as they heard that you had survived a recent encounter with a strange monster or had another fateful encounter. Interested in the conditions of the run in and the means by which you avoided death or injury, they met with you and maintained frequent correspondence until several months ago. The scars of your experience and their continual reminders of the encounter prompted you to hone your skills lest you someday face the same type of creature again. They helped you in this endeavor, providing you with insight into the anatomy and defenses of the creature that attacked you. Years of study have improved your combat effectiveness against your chosen foe.
Inspired by Greatness: Whether you knew Verik and Larissa Vanderboren well or only in passing, as colleagues or competitors, their careers and lifetime of discovery inspired you to be better at what you do. As you honed your craft, you all corresponded, and they were delighted to hear that they had directly or indirectly motivated you to strive for your full potential. Saddened by the news of their death, you feel that you should honor their memory by ever striving to attain greater heights and someday match the influence and impact of your idol.
Making Good on Promises: At some point in the past, Verik and Larissa Vanderboren did you a favor under the condition that they would someday call on you to repay it. After they came to your aid, however, you never saw nor heard from them again, leaving you with a sense of unending anticipation that each day might be the day you were asked to return the favor. Yet that day never came, and your fears and anxiety about what the adventurers would call on you to do continued to grow, until you heard of their death, leaving you with a strange need to finally repay them. Years of living with the fear and uncertainty of the unclaimed debt have inured you to extreme anxiety.
On the Payroll: The Vanderborens were never shy about hiring professionals to help them attain their goals. Over the course of their long career, many served their needs and benefited from their generous wages. Whatever job they originally hired you for, your performance captured their attention, and they hired you many times throughout your career, sometimes even for jobs away from your home, always paying your expenses and compensating you well for your time.
Teachers’ Pet: When Verik and Larissa Vanderboren saw the potential for greatness in one of their charges, they took it upon themselves to nurture their spark. You were such a student. Over the course of several months, you and the adventurers spent hours debating the finer points of your topic of interest, and the intellectual doors they opened for you continue to flavor your outlook on the world. (This trait is restricted to Drow characters only)
Once you have completed your character and I have reviewed it, you will proceed to the link I will provide the link via PM (or is it DM?) for the pre-selection role-play thread Here is the set-up for the roleplay: Adventurers Verik and Larissa Vanderboren died one month ago, their ship tragically burning to the waterline in the harbor of Delvingulf, killing all on board. Now a grand wake is being held at the Standing Stone Park in the city’s Midnight District to celebrate the life and achievements of the two Drow nobles. Perhaps you’ve been invited because of your association with Verik and Larissa, perhaps you heard the revelry and wanted to see what the occasion was, perhaps you just hope to find some free food or even help yourself to someone else’s gold – regardless of the reason, you’ve found your way into the celebration.
As you enter, you pass a Strange-looking Gnomish woman wearing mourning clothes at the entrance to the park (Kora), greeting all who enter. Various well-dressed people wander the park, talking in hushed tones. A young drow noble woman, her long white hair pulled back into a ponytail, stands talking to an older woman – clearly her mother or some other relative – her eyes scanning the assemblage as she sips from a viper designed goblet. The young Drow woman hold a chain that is attached to two human slaves that she seems to like to flaunt around as a status of power. Elsewhere, near a table with various Darklands plants and fungi delicacies and a centerpiece of a Giant beetle shell serving as a large bowl of various fire roasted vermin on sticks heavily seasoned, a Drow woman, a couple daggers adorning her hips, talks to her three companions, a drow male, a duergar, and a pale skinned half-Drow, all dressed somewhat less finely than the bulk of the guests. Currently, Lady Lavinia Vanderboren is not present Kora
Please feel free to post questions regarding character creation and submissions I do not have a definitive timeline as to how long the recruitment will remain open but I do intend to announce the end at least 24 hours before closing. Any interest post made before the closing will be given time to create their charcter. ![]()
![]() Ok, this is only an interest check -Do not submit any character concepts Now to more details: A few years back I asked my regular group what they wanted for their next campaign. I got a split vote between pirates and something with drow or underdark theme. So I pondered this and started looking at the choices. I took a look at the Darklands in Golorian. There I noticed, the sightless Sea and how races of the darklands could sail about there. And then it hit me. Savage Tide AP but move the setting to the Darklands. I moved or rather changed, Sasserine to Telderist, a Drow city on the very edge of Drow territory. I then re-wrote the entire players guide to fit the new setting. And been playing this converted AP ever since I decided that I might try this same game here. The game will be Pathfinder 1e but I added elements from pathfinder 2e and will also eventually include mythic. Obviously everyone would be from the Darklands which changes up character creation a bit Of course the Vanderboren's will now be a Drow Noble house. In keeping with what was at my regular table a small selection of templates are available at character creation. I also converted and added Whisper Gnome using the race builder (20 RP) My intention is to use theater of the mind for combat as much as possible. I feel sometimes maps pulls away from role playing and becoming more a math exercise. Thoughts?
![]() Each of you have received a notice from your applicable commanding officer. you are each to report to S.D.F expeditionary battalion HQ briefing room 3. report to Colonel Arvin for a special assignment. you each reach the briefing room, and are awaiting for Colonel Arvin to arrive for the mission briefing. you may introduce yourselves and converse until the Colonel arrives. ![]()
![]() I am currently running this campaign with my tabletop group. and was wondering what interest there would be here. first off -- this is an interest check only to see if it is worth it. when I presented this idea on a starfinder group on facebook I was told no-way would it work. calling starfinder a war game (like warhammer) I refused to accept that and went forward anyway with me table-top group. it is going ok, though not entirely as expected. anyway here is the pitch: this game uses the standard Starfinder game setting, mostly as written, with some additions. This game will be starfinder mashed up with Dr. Who, and Star Wars, and maybe other Sci-fi stuff I can dig up. Changes to the setting Pretty much just as detailed in the Core rule book except as follows: The Azlanti Star Empire is a rather militaristic and very highly advanced civilization. They have been experimenting with time travel and have made several major breakthroughs. This did not come without consequences. several time-rifts have recently been appearing. Opening worm holes to far off star systems, even other galaxies. This has brought new threats to the known star systems (including the Azlanti Star Empire) but this has also affected the Pact Worlds. The Starfinder Society became the first to respond to these new threats. A new organization was formed, called the Starfinder Defense Force (the S.D.F.) a military arm of the Starfinder Society as well as leaders in the research of these newly appearing Time Rifts. Where do you come in? Each of the party are a part of the S.D.F in one way or another (up to you guys) You have been assembled by Brigadier Arvin, to make contact with Captain Vundemeer of the 3rd Expeditionary battalion on the remote planet Telos in the Telos system. Telos is the larger of two planets orbiting a very small star. The only planet with an atmosphere capable of supporting life. But due to its distance from the sun as well as the smaller size of the sun, Telos is an ice tundra world. And is a recent discovery near the edge of the TABORI CLUSTER (page 469 of the core book) very close to the Azlanti Star Empire borders. It is the belief of the S.D.F. that the Telos system was relocated to the Tabori Cluster via a Temporal rift created somewhere inside the Azlanti Star Empire. The Last transmission from the Expeditionary force indicated that there is some sort of subterranean fortress found under the ice. Now all contact has been lost. At your disposal, Brigadier Arvin is sending you with the S.D.F. chief Scientific advisor, Dr. Mortimer to travel to Telos and see what has happened to Captain Vundemeer and his expeditionary squad. This will not be expected to start till after the new year, also I will take at most 4 players (I would like at least 1 player to be new to PbP here on Paizo. Do Not Submit Characters right now! I am only looking for interest in such a game. ![]()
![]() Ok I searched all over, but when did the tribal scars feat change to eliminate the +6 hp? and I noticed that the Adventurer's guide (the source for the feat) is not even listed in the available resources for PFS anymore. is this feat even PFS legal?, can someone help me find when are where this feat changed? ![]()
![]() OK, twice now I saw request for someone to GM an AP. And twice someone picked it up rather quickly, I have been looking for a Wrath of righteous game for a long time. very few offered and most have been private. been passed up a couple of times and promised a game a few more (these never came about) so anyone out there interested in this? I tried asking this a while back and got lots of volunteers but all of them pretty much vanished from the boards right after that. So in short I am asking someone to pick up a Wrath game, we are not very far into it, in fact we are still in need of a recruitment thread. In fact Gestalt and fewer players is an option for me as well... ![]()
![]() OK hypothetical here: looking at the entry for the Oathbound Paladin: srd wrote:
so based on this what happens if someone else fulfills the oath. say My Paladin is joining an adventuring group (has not joined yet) but before I join the party kills the creature that I have the Oath to kill. thus is the oath fulfilled? I just made a vow or promise to my god to defeat this creature yet I get there and it was already killed by someone else. technically it is oath fulfilled but I would think that there would be some repercussions as I did not fulfill the oath nor was I even present when it was fulfilled. (note that this is NOT PFS, rather a PbP game where I would be joining later in the adventure ) ![]()
![]() kind of need some help here and something official would be better. We are using auto bonus progression and I am playing a fighter with unarmed fighter archetype. can I apply my weapon attunement on my unarmed strikes? some are saying no because weapon attunement only applies to manufactured weapons and thus only the unarmed strikes of a monk or brawler count. Hero Lab agrees with this idea and does not consider unarmed strikes as a weapon unless you are a monk or brawler. ![]()
![]() OK was doing some thinking / daydreaming / brainstorming / or whatever you would call it. I was thinking of changing up the Skull and Shackles AP a little bit and was wondering if this sounds doable or even desirable. changes I was looking at: 1. move the setting from the Shackles to real world Caribbean. 2. change the religion to basically real world religions. 3. vastly reduce magic items but still have magic as something mysterious, possibly use the auto progression idea from Unchained. 4. make the game as guns everywhere (basically a good ole Pirates of the Caribbean / Black Sails kind of feel.) thoughts? comments? criticism? ![]()
![]() ok I GM a scenerio for a Tier 1-2 but the scenerio also has Tiers 4-5 and 6-7 do I have to use the same tier that was GM'd? or can I apply it as GM credit for a different Tier (assuming that the character is of the appropriate level. ie I gm Tier 1-2 but my lowest level character is level 4 can I apply that GM chronicle to the level 4 character and what Tier do I get apply? ![]()
![]() Our group is again in need of a GM. We have been together for quite some time having finished book 1 and 2 of Carrion Crown together. Our first GM became a parent and could no longer continue, Our second GM just started with us and had to drop due to RL. We seek a new GM once more we have just started book 3 ![]()
![]() OK here is what I was wondering, Normally there is one person that regularly DM's, and that person cannot make it to a session, so I decide to get some GM experience and take over for a scenario. looking over everyone's character I find a character that has purchased a magic item that was too expensive with regard to the amount of Fame that character had at the time of purchase. now the said character does have the correct fame, but for the last scenario the character did not. since I was not the GM for the last scenario, I did not know this. what do I do moving forward. ![]()
![]() OK, I know how the feat works to increase the spell level of a spell. here is what I want to see if it can be done; an Aasimar has daylight as a SLA which is a level 3 spell, I want to heighten it to level 4 so that it cannot be removed by a deeper darkness spell. is there a feat or ability that can allow this? I have not found any so far but there are many more books out there than I have access to. ![]()
![]() We are group of fun players having nearly finished the second book of Carrion Crown AP. nearly all original players since the start. we have lost our GM due to RL commitments. As a group we would love to continue but need a GM that is willing to take on this endeavor. we are in the middle of the last battle of Book 2 (but we could probably narrate the end of that to move the group forward. please take a look and let us know if you would like to take up the mantle. ![]()
![]() I am sorry if this has been answered before.. character has Raging grappler rage power improved grapple, greater grapple, rapid grappler and vicious stomp feats. level 2 barbarian/level 7 fighter (unarmed fighter archetype) So is this sound correct: (assume all checks succeed) Round 1 initiate a grapple. (raging grappler power allows me to inflict unarmed damage now) Round 2: greater grapple allows me to maintain as a move action to inflict unarmed damage, no at this point since i maintained the grapple raging grappler allows me to give the "victim" the prone condition. this will trigger the Viscious stomp ability allowing me to make an Attack of opportunity (clever Wrestler fighter ability allows this) Ok now greater grapple feat allows me to make another grapple check (maintain again) to inflict unarmed damage. OK so since I was able to maintain the grapple as a move action, now rapid grappler feat kicks in, allowing another grapple check as a swift to "maintain" and inflict unarmed damge again. ![]()
![]() couple questions really: 1. is there a magic item that allows a non caster to cast a single spell. (I would like my unarmed fighter to use Force Punch spell, or a self only blood rage spell) 2. how about custom items? can I have an amulet of mighty fists but instead fill a bracer or glove slot instead? (BTW same character) Obviously I am not creating these with creation feats but can it be done within the PFS rules? ![]()
![]() Ok I am very confused on the new factions. I was part of the Sczarni but now I had to switch. how does the switch work? what about already earned Prestige points? do they transfer or do I start over? I am going with The Exchange but I don't really know how this gets reported. as the web site is not updated yet and so I keep getting prestige reported to Sczarni. any official help is appreciated. ![]()
![]() Guess this could be the place to start my story of a fetchling that was born in the smoky rift to the shadow realm in the city of Ridwan ![]()
current combat map group 1
![]() first two done...still waiting for some to check in I think Sarosha:
It wasn’t long after the whole incident with your shadow occurred. You were wondering about the key, when a male voice comes from out of the shadows nearby. You seem lost; perhaps I could be of assistance. Perhaps I could have answers to your questions as well The man is apparently half elf; he is dressed in dark clothing, and is armed only with what appears to be a cutlass or scimitar. He has odor of sea salt about him. What is a sailor doing here, and why would he be offering you advice? You notice a tattoo on his hand, or could it possibly be a brand; the letter “P” the mark of a Pirate. You are a hard person to find; In fact you seemed to be non-existent until you popped into our world. So tell me, are you still in possession of a Silver key? Would you like to know more about it? His voice and demeanor seems confident, like he has no fear of you but he does respect your skill. Balic Giantsmasher: You sit enjoying your ale, and pondering the key. Suddenly your nose catches the scent of salt, like the ocean. Looking around you see a man approaching you. He is definitely half-elven the only weapon he wields is a cutlass. The basket hilt beautifully engraved with the image of a sailing ship. He has a patch over his left eye, and is clad in sailor’s attire; obviously not just a common sailor but one that holds a position of authority. You notice a mark on his hand, a branding no doubt, the letter “P” the mark of a Pirate. mind if I join you? I have been looking for you for some time, finally we can meet. Before you can answer he takes a seat opposite of you. He motions for some rum. That key you hold. Care to share how you came upon it? I may have information about it you seek. He takes swig of the rum bottle brought to him. you share your tale, and then I will share mine. And then you will know what fate has handed you in the form of a silver key.
current combat map group 1
![]() here we shall discuss the behind the scenes of the game. please take a moment to check in. Once you are checked in (with an alias I will PM you my e-mail to send your Hero Lab file if you have one.) If not, I can make one for you. ![]()
![]() Looking run a Homebrew adventure set in Golorion. This is a second table not a re-recruitment of my original game. This adventure is a series of various old modules re done for Pathfinder rules and altered to have a connection to each other with one overarching storyline. I also relocated all of them onto Golorian. Some modules are old 3.0 some are old 2nd (or 1st) edition, some are newer 3.5 stuff. None are official pathfinder modules though. Here is the twist for recruitment. Create a character back story. I am not telling you where the adventure takes place; you can start your character anywhere in the game world you want to. After character selection there will be some individual role playing to move the selected characters to the required starting point, and meet your fellow adventurers through the role-playing. Start with a concept and a backstory. No Novels please but create a personality. Give your character some motivation. But see below… Important info to include in your story!!!
Pictures are great – got a picture of your character? Then link it in your application.
I am looking for 5 or 6 depending on the number of applicants and will keep recruitment open till I have a good choice to choose from. (I will give 24 hours’ notice before closing recruitment). Also based on learning from table #1...I do not want an entire party of characters that all try to stay in the back and wait to see what everyone else is going to do first. Now on to the meat and potatoes of the character: 20 point-buy for stats.
Allowed Races:
Allowed Classes:
The following are exceptions: No firearms – so no gunslingers (Using older edition stuff and I never did include firearms in it when I converted) Alchemist - though, I like the bomb concept, I really am not a fan of the wacky mutagens that turn you into some monster or whatever (seems to Jekyll and Hyde for my taste), Also – I have Alchemists’ in the story, but they are your traditional Alchemists (wizards or experts or whatever with a lot of ranks in craft Alchemy), making alchemist fire, and smoke sticks, or whatever; as well as knowing the formula’s for crafting certain items (story line foreshadowing)
No Sythesist Summoner (not because of balance issues, just I have a hard time following the game mechanics of it) other summoners are fine. No 3rd party – Period - do not ask (this include psionics) I use Hero Lab and have just about every add-on Pathfinder data package that comes with it. (You can send me a por file or I can enter it in myself.)
*ACG classes may require changes as the playtest is updated. About myself:
Timezone: I am Eastern coast US I am looking at about 1 post a day but I am flexible. We are reasonable people and sometimes things happen. Any advance notice is appreciated and I will provide when necessary as well. I will reserve 1 seat (maybe more) for a first time PbP player needing to get into a game. If this is you please indicate that in your application. An Alias is not required initially, but it is appreciated. Ok, Now my “pet-peeves”
I hate these long strings of bonuses to a die roll without some explanation for each one. I need to be able to verify it off your character sheet or it is explained in an ooc addendum to your post. (Somewhere that is clear to me to understand) I will have enough to manage without having to figure out your character’s abilities as well. I have limited access to the SRD info when at work (admin blocks) so, if there is something that needs me to look up, please be patient as I will have to wait till I am at home to look it up. Please let me know if you want to take a prestige class, I want to work it into the story as best I can. And on that note, let’s keep the multi-classing to a reasonable level think character development not power development. ![]()
![]() Due to recent game failures and or DM /player drops I have two characters that I have been wanting to play. one was built for a Jade regent game and now going on two years without getting into one (at least one that lasted more than 20 posts) the other I only ever played in some homebrew stuff but would be an interesting character for a WotW game. ![]()
current combat map group 1
![]() this is the gameplay thread. I will be begining individual introductions via spoiler. please only read the spoiler's addressed to you. ![]()
![]() Looking run a Homebrew adventure set in Golorion. This adventure is a series of various old modules re done for Pathfinder rules and altered to have a connection to each other with one overarching storyline. Some modules are old 3.0 some are old 2nd (or 1st) edition, some are newer 3.5 stuff. None are official pathfinder modules though. Here is the twist for recruitment. Create a character backstory. I am not telling you where the adventure takes place; you can start your character anywhere in the game world you want to. The character selection will be made via roleplaying and thus moving you to where you need to be to begin and meet your fellow adventurers through the role-playing. Start with a concept and a backstory. No Novels please but create a personality. Give your character some motivation. But see below… Important info to include in your story!!!
Pictures are great – got a picture of your character? Then link it in your application.
I am looking for 5 or 6 depending on the number of applicants and will keep recruitment open till I have a good choice to choose from. (I will give 24 hours’ notice before closing recruitment). Now on to the meat and potatoes of the character: 20 point-buy for stats.
a hint:
If you include the basis for your traits in your backstory you have a better chance of selection (still not a guarantee though) Allowed Races:
Allowed Classes:
The following are exceptions: No firearms – so no gunslingers (Using older edition stuff and I never did include firearms in it when I converted) Alchemist - though, I like the bomb concept, I really am not a fan of the wacky mutegens that turn you into some monster or whatever (seems to Jekyll and Hyde for my taste), Also – I have Alchemists’ in the story, but they are your traditional Alchemists (wizards or experts or whatever with a lot of ranks in craft Alchemy), making alchemist fire, and smoke sticks, or whatever; as well as knowing the formula’s for crafting certain items (story line foreshadowing)
No Sythesist Summoner (not because of balance issues, just I have a hard time following the game mechanics of it) other summoners are fine. No 3rd party – Period - do not ask (this include psionics) I use Hero Lab and have just about every add-on Pathfinder data package that comes with it. (You can send me a por file or I can enter it in myself.)
*ACG classes may require changes as the playtest is updated. About myself:
I am looking at about 1 post a day but I am flexible. We are reasonable people and sometimes things happen. Any advance notice is appreciated and I will provide when necessary as well. I will reserve 1 seat (maybe more) for a first time PbP player needing to get into a game. If this is you please indicate that in your application. An Alias is not required initially, but it is appreciated. Ok, Now my “pet-peeves”
I hate these long strings of bonuses to a die roll without some explanation for each one. I need to be able to verify it off your character sheet or it is explained in an ooc addendum to your post. (Somewhere that is clear to me to understand) I will have enough to manage without having to figure out your character’s abilities as well. I have limited access to the SRD info when at work (admin blocks) so, if there is something that needs me to look up, please be patient as I will have to wait till I am at home to look it up. Please let me know if you want to take a prestige class, I want to work it into the story as best I can. And on that note, let’s keep the multi-classing to a reasonable level think character development not power development. hints on the adventure, don’t peek if you want to be surprised: This adventure will put you in many locations, from the oceans of the Shackles, to the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, to the Osirion desert. Old Thasselonion ruins even a dragon (or two) thrown in for good measure. There will be headhunters, and cannibals, old fortresses (and new ones as well), even undead, Old senile sages and young ones as well, Pirates and bandits, maybe even slave traders and Pesh dealers. Intrigue and scandal, curses, and disease. Maybe some blackmail as well
![]() trait says:
if your eidolon is summoned and within 30 feet, and its size exceeds your own, use its size modifier on any Intimidate checks you make. but according to the size modifier chart a large size is -1 so as your Eidolon gets bigger and more menacing then the intimidate bonus becomes a penalty? in my case I am a gnome (size small) the eidolon is size medium so what is the bonus? if any. If I get the large evolution what is the bonus to intimidate? (according to the chart it is a -1 penalty?) ![]()
![]() Looking for any GM's out there that may be interested in starting a Jade regent AP or is in need of a new player in an existing one (not too far along though) or if your group is anticipating an opening soon
so if your group is looking to for a skilled cook and amatuer artist let me know ... ![]()
![]() this character has gone without a Way of the wicked game for 13 different applications. any will GM's out there looking to bolster their evil doers ranks in a "Way of the Wicked" campaign let me know... the info is in the alias profile. prefer to start at the beginning. but if there is an opening mid game - I could make it work without any PvP if there are none out there then such is life... ![]()
![]() I am currently playing in the Serpent's skull adventure path (just starting actually) anyway our party currently consistes of the following: half-elf ranger (archer)
as you can see there is no real healing or divine casting (except the ranger but we are only level one right now) so the question comes up if I should (as the wizard) multi class into a divne caster (cleric or oracle) to provide necessary healing or should I stay wizard My thoughts were as follows:
2) Oracle of the heavens gain some cool boosts to my illusion(pattern) spells and go with the haunted curse 3) skip all of this and stay wizard and hope for the best until our ranger can cast spells also our fighter has also volunteered to multi into cleric but I don't want to hinder out only real damage dealer right now. the ranger and rogue players are relatively new to Pathfinder and it may be to much for them to multiclass until they are more comfortable with the game. |