DM of the coins |

this is the gameplay thread. I will be begining individual introductions via spoiler. please only read the spoiler's addressed to you.

DM of the coins |

Just as you go to take the key from the bird. you both hear a male voice.
you should listen the bird my dear. but I wonder, Does it know what door that key unlocks?
stepping into view is a man of slender build, his skin weathered from age, and a slight scent of the sea hangs about him. a patch covers his left eye.
his features are human, but a touch of elf seems to grace face.
He weilds a light sword, perhaps a scimitar or saber of some sort, but the weapon remains sheathed. his hands are open showing no intent to fight.
If I may be so bold as to ask, may I see that key?

DM of the coins |

Tenebral sits in the tavern doing his best to not draw attention to himself. watching the regulars come and go. he mulls over the little treasure he recently obtained. wondering what lock this key could open.
A new face, one he has never seen before passes his spot, the starnger approached the bar, takes a seat and orders a drink.
the glint of a cutlass at his side, the markings on the hilt, a bit unfamiliar. he is a thin man, and there is a slight hint of the sea about him.
He lowers his hood once seated, and the un unmistakable features of both human and elf are evident. a patch over his left eye.
when he speaks, his accent is unmistakable, he hails from the Shackles.
Barkeep, he says as he pulls a piece of paper from his pocket opening it up on the bar.
I am seeking someone that may be in possesion of a key, it would resemble something like this indicating the paper on the bar.

DM of the coins |

Mickey was spending this day practicing his forms meditaing and learning to better focus his energies. When the light of the sun was suddenly blocked.
a shadow loomed over him, glancing up Mickey makes out the siloette of a man blocking his sunlight.
he has the smell of the ocean about him, apparently a sailor or one that spends a large portion of his life at sea. a brown hooded cloak hides much of him. but there seems to be a touch of elf in his voice.
I am sorry to interupt, I am seeking someone. A person in possession of a silver key. the hooded man asks.

Mickey Carver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mickey was lying on his back in the middle of a field.
It was nice and sunny, with a few white clouds drifting through the sky, but a decent breeze made it a good time for meditation, that being because his way of meditating involved flying his large quad colored kite and allowing his mind to wander along where it would. His simian friend being asleep on top of the backpack to his side.
His view of his kite is eclipsed by a hooded man looking at him upside down.
Hmm. He came all the way out to the middle of this field to ask me, so I guess he knows that I have it or at least should, so I guess I can't hide the fact that I do... he hasn't attacked me yet... maybe he knows why I have it... guess we'll see...
His mind slowly comes from thought to thought, still in his meditative state, but simply, "ya. I have one." Is all that escapes his mouth as he swiftly begins to wind in the kite.
Mickey is wearing a vest that exposes his large and sculpted arms, tied with a long belt. The vest is black. Just black. His belt is grey. He wears long pants of the same black with silver-grey trim at the bottom going down to his bare feet. His hair is long and black and splayed out around him, but his face is clean shaven. He has hazel eyes with flecks of green, gold, blue, and red. He seems relatively handsome and is tanned a rich brown. On the underside of his forearms there is black text in two languages per arm for four total.
Next to him is a backpack with a dark iron and leather arm guard laying on it next to a sleeping caputian monkey. A long light wooded stick lays next to the backpack.

DM of the coins |

Its been several months since Conner left schooling and the silver key was passed on to him. And he found himself sitting at a table with several other seemingly unsavory types.
the cards seemed to be falling in his favor most of the night until that new fellow joined in.
he wore simple clothes but he smelled of the sea. his features were a combination of both human and elf. a patch over his left eye.
though he did not radiate evil there was something about him that might rub Conner the wrong way.
Conner found himself down to the last hand. he barely had the coin in front of him to cover the bet he made, but this hand was a sure winner, there were only two possible hands that could best his.
the stranger upped the ante. 250 gold. he said as he tossed a beautiful red ruby onto the pile. the pot now stood at over 1200 gold for the winner.
knowing you had only one thing that could cover the bet, that silver key. you fiddle with it in your hand debating weather or not to toss it into the pot.

![]() |

hmm tricky...probably fold, it was the last thing his grandfather gave him, but... detecting evil and
sense motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
"I don't suppose you folks would accept service, or perhaps dragon teeth as acceptable payment?"

Mrimmy the Stargazer |

Mrimmy looks up, a bit startled. She takes in the man as the thrush jumps on her shoulder. "What do you want of it, sir? I'm inclined to keep a good eye on it considering its my only true possession. What reason do you have to see it, if I may ask?" Her voice is polite and even, only a slight bit of suspicion peppers her tone. She holds the key closer to her bosom but takes a step towards the man, taking in the sword. "And to appear when a lady is in her nightwear! My good sir, you have timing." She laughs.
Edit: Meant to put in a sense motive roll.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

DM of the coins |

It has been several days since you left the mountain. you have learned much of the world. but one thing has eluded you, what purpose does this key serve. you have yet to find any door, nor any lock it could open.
then one day as you enjoy a meal. you catch the sent of the sea. and there across the table from you stands a man with a patch over his left eye. the years of a hard sailor's life evident in his half human and half elven face.
Tell me sir, he asks politely, Do you have, in your possession, a silver key? Perhaps you would like to know what that key is for?
the man weilds a sword with the markings of air upon its hilt.
you have seen similar markings only once and that was in a scroll many years old. the markings of a druid of the wind.

Tenebral Sam |

Sam nursed his mug of ale carefully, mulling over the day ahead. There was no work, nor was there likely to be. Not so long as he stayed in Absalom, but where else would he go? His father had a new family, his mother was somewhere so far underground most people thought it was nothing but a fairy-tale, and for all he knew they were right. The folks that raised him were near, but impossible to reach unless he found a way back into the shadow city. The few friends he had made were in one gang or another, and pushing for him to join them, but he couldn't join one without making a mortal enemy of another. It was troubling.
The stranger caught his eye. A pirate, by his voice and blade. A half-elf, to look at him, with an eye patch and a hood. The strangest thing, though, was what he was asking for. A key. A key much like the one in Sam's pocket, that had turned up in a bag of coin he took from a merchant's bedroom while the man and his dogs slept a few inches away. He'd had to split the coin with one of the gangs, but the key he'd hung onto. Nobody else seemed interested, until this odd fellow from the shackles turned up asking for it here.
"So what's your interest in the one's got that key?" he asks.

DM of the coins |

The man smiles. Then the first leg of my quest is complete. perhaps you would like to know more about that key?
not waiting for a response the man continues, My employers has paid me well to find any that possess such a key and deliver a message. but the instructions wre clear. I must see the key, to ensure its...authenticity.
he holds out his hand May I? he asks.

DM of the coins |

the others at the table fold. leaving only Conner and the stranger left holding thier cards.
I do not require services, and dragon's teeth and of no interest to me. however... He pauses as he contemplates his words carefully.
I am in possession of something that is a burden. and only one that is possession of a Silver key may relieve me of.
He looks directly into Conner's eyes. tell, you wouldn't know of someone with such a key?
the sense motive detected no deception in his eyes

Mickey Carver |

Mickey reels in the kite and sets the handle on it to prevent it from blowing away.
"I would."
He fishes it out from his vest and removes the loop of what appears to be black human hair in a quarter inch braid.
He holds it up, but keeps the loop tight in his hand, choosing not to completely hand over the most valuable thing he owns.
"You can look, but I hold it."

Tatsuo Arashi |

Tatsuo's eyes flick once over the man. Though he doesn't look familiar, members of the village had occasionally been known to live out their days in the wider world after completing their genpuku. Could this be the offspring of one such person? A distant relative perhaps? Or an acquaintance of such a person maybe. He could think of no other reason why the man would have such an ancient marking on his sword.
Tatsuo stands up and bows slightly to the other man. "I do indeed possess such a key. I would be most grateful for any assistance you could provide in identifying it, as I have learned naught so far. Please, won't you join me?" He indicates a seat at his table, waving a waitress over to bring another drink for the man and take his order.

DM of the coins |

the man smiles, I have seen many a woman in her bloomers, I am afraid that you are no different. he replies to her. But I dare say, my timing was as I wanted
The man does not avert his eye. I have knowledge as to what that key is for, or at least how to obtain that information. but the question is, do you want to learn it?
he holds out his hand. I need to see the key, to verify its authenticity, as my instructions were very clear.
you sense motive indicates no deception in his voice

DM of the coins |

The man glance in your direction. My employer has tasked me to find one that carries sucha key. I bring a message for one that holds it.
shifting his postion to face Sam.
tell me then, do you possess such a key? He asks in a tone not so much asking but possibly stating a fact.

Mrimmy the Stargazer |

She mulls it over. She looks at the starry thrush, but it gives her no feedback, apparently this is a decision to be made on her own. "This bird did tell me this was my next chapter in my life... Lets see where it begins; with me chasing an old man down the street, or with new information and new lands. She hands over the key. "Please be careful with it. I'm trusting you." The last statement made more to the bird than the man.

DM of the coins |

"suppose I had information on one such key, would that be worth anything to you sorry to be clear the sense motive was to see if he was confident in his hand, oh and does he detect as evil?
no evil detected. yes he feels confident in his hand
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

DM of the coins |

The man takes a seat but orders nothing may I see the key? to verify its authenticity?
assuming you show it to him
The man takes the key and examines it. this is indeed authentic He says as he hands the key back to you.
He opens his bag and pulls out a scroll case and a pouch. by the sound of it there is coin in the pouch. and hands them to Tatsuo.
You have two weeks time to go to the location indicated on the map I have given you. there should be enough coin in that pouch to make the journey. be sure to bring that key. as without it you will have no claim to what is at the destination you are going.
You open the scroll case and the map indicates a small island just to the west of Widowmaker Isle in the Shackles. It is labled "Nemoren's Isle"
there is what is left of a small fishing village on that Island. atop the hill by that village is a manor house. That is your destination. Failure to arrive by the appointed time forfiets any claim to what that key represents.
The man turns to depart. but as he leaves congratulations on your inheritance and he walk away

DM of the coins |

The man takes the key and examines it. this is indeed authentic He says as he hands the key back to you.
He opens his bag and pulls out a scroll case and a pouch. by the sound of it there is coin in the pouch. and hands them to you.
You have two weeks time to go to the location indicated on the map I have given you. there should be enough coin in that pouch to make the journey. be sure to bring that key. as without it you will have no claim to what is at the destination you are going.
You open the scroll case and the map indicates a small island just to the west of Widowmaker Isle in the Shackles. It is labled "Nemoren's Isle"
there is what is left of a small fishing village on that Island. atop the hill by that village is a manor house. That is your destination. Failure to arrive by the appointed time forfiets any claim to what that key represents.
The man turns to depart. but as he leaves congratulations on your inheritance and he walks away

DM of the coins |

Why do they all becomse soo posseive he mutters. with a wave of his hand the key vanishes from Mickeys hand and appears in the the hand of the half-elf
He gives the key an examination and hands it back.
He opens his bag and pulls out a scroll case and a pouch. by the sound of it there is coin in the pouch. and hands them to you.
You have two weeks time to go to the location indicated on the map I have given you. there should be enough coin in that pouch to make the journey. be sure to bring that key. as without it you will have no claim to what is at the destination you are going.
You open the scroll case and the map indicates a small island just to the west of Widowmaker Isle in the Shackles. It is labled "Nemoren's Isle"
there is what is left of a small fishing village on that Island. atop the hill by that village is a manor house. That is your destination. Failure to arrive by the appointed time forfiets any claim to what that key represents.
The man turns to depart. but as he leaves congratulations on your inheritance and he walks away

Mrimmy the Stargazer |

Congratulations on my inheritance? What is he talking about? She takes the key and attaches it to a long cord necklace her father gave her, tucking it into her shirt. "Thank you, sir. I shall leave on the morrow... Take care."
The bird hops down onto the windowsill again. "I believe it prudent to start tonight. The place he mentioned is far from this town, and there is a time limit. I will be with you for guidance every step of the way." They spoke for an hour together while she packed, the thrush called herself Aurura, a name fitting for her glow and glitter. She taught her the first steps in how to commune with the spirit she called "Heavens". "A strong and beautiful spirit. Colorful and powerful, everything done in grace. I can see why she feels so drawn to you." As soon as she was clothed, she went to the last shop opened for the day, asked for some leather armor, and donned it with the help of the smith. She put the hooded cloak back on and was off down the winding road, to the place indicated on the map, always checking her chest for the cold metal of the silver key.
"Here we go, Aurura. What was that called spell again?" She asked of the small bird, perched on her finger. "We call it heavenly splash, but many call it color spray. It is what you cast when the boys tried to attack you. The brilliance of the heavenly colors disables foes in combat. It is the reason the spirit wanted you to know it first." Mrimmy smiled. The heavens certainly have shined on her, blessing her. How happy she was to learn that there was a spirit who was with her, and a companion to help her channel the energy the spirit was so kind to give. She didn't feel so alone now.

DM of the coins |

The man looks Conner in the eye. That would be most helpful. If I did not already know whom it was that I seek.
The man still has not revealed his hand. So, do call my bluff? or do you fold?

Tenebral Sam |

Sam looks at the man and at his sword, trying to decide if he's a threat or not.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 Nope, not useful.
Caution to the wind, he reaches down and puts a hand on the blade of his own sword in the shadows under the bar.
"I suppose I could be," he said.

Tatsuo Arashi |

Tatsuo blinks as the man leaves. What inheritance could he possibly be talking about? Surely all artifacts of value to his clan would either be in the village or passed directly from parent to child. And even then, there was no real reason why it should go to him of all people. He was still untested and not yet able to even truly call himself a man. Tatsuo was even more baffled as to how the current owner of this "inheritance" even connect it to himself. Was it even really meant for him or would any Arashi have sufficed?
Tatsuo toyed with the key as he finished his meal, looking for any distinguishing feature that the stranger might have used to tell this key apart from any other. Well, it's the best lead I have so far. Even if not all is as it appears, what occurs will give me at least some new information. He sighed, although at this point, any information would be new information.
He starts to put the key back into one of the pockets of the robe but hesitates. Instead he pulls some twine out of his bag and cuts off a small segment, maybe 2-3 inches long. He ties one end around the key and another to the inside of his robe. Though the fortunes have been kind thus far, it's best not to temp them.
With that, he places the key and money in two of the hidden pockets of his robe, finishes his meal, and starts preparing for his journey.
How far away is Nemoren's Isle? I assume I'll have enough time to get there from where I am, but will it be a rushed journey, or is there some time to spare? If there's time for it, I'd like to see what I can learn about the place beforehand. Things like why it was described as "what is left of a small fishing village," implying that something happened, who lives in the manor house, what kind of people he's likely to run into there.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Mickey Carver |

He allows the man to leave, watching him walk away upside down on the green sky.
He folds the kite and replaces it in his bag, with the coin and the case for the map.
He offers his index finger to the now awake monkey and he lifts him onto his shoulder.
"Time to go Reeves."
He dons his pack with the stick in the back of it and holds the map in front of him, checking the sun to tell where North is.
With this, he's on his way.
He pays for a ferry to the island and is there a couple days early, having already been near the coast.

DM of the coins |

the journey is just going to be assumed you find your way there you don't have much money left at the nd of the trip. apparently finding charter for a ship in the Shackles is more complicated that you would have expected. those that have not been given the map yet we will get to you.

DM of the coins |

it has been several weeks since you were given the silver key. for the most part you keep it with you, never knowing what it was for,possibly not even caring. It was a gift, something that held meaning for you and your relationship with your adopted family.
The past couple of times you left the security of your abode to venture in the market. You made some aquaintenances there and wanted to talk with them, you noticed someone has been following you. A sailor most likely, a patch over his left eye.
Sme inquiries made and no one seems to know who he is. For several days you managed to give him the slip. ducking into one ally after another, circling back to your home.
However, finally he got the better of you, as you make your way to your home, there he is standing out there in front, talking to your adopted father.
they have not noticed you yet

Mrimmy the Stargazer |

Mrimmy walks off the ship, visibly green. She had never been on a ship for long, and found she didn't care much for it. "Well we're here Arura. Just a little more of a walk, but first, lets just sit for a while." She swayed a bit as she settled down near some crates, sitting on top of one with her head between her knees. "Ugh, how do people travel like that?" Arura simply flutters to Mrimmy's knee. "Rest, it wont take us long now, we will make it in time. Take 30 minutes, then we can go." Mrimmy stroked the starry bird with one finger, a sign of appreciation for the support.

DM of the coins |

info you managed to gather:
Nemoen's Isle is believed to be cursed.
the fishing village was once a thriving community and a sfe port for merchants in the normally pirate infested waters. but posulation has dwindled. most have moved away blaming the curse.
there has been sickness and disappearances.
The baron Petyro NeMoren secluded himself away in his manor after the disaapearance of his fiance.

Tatsuo Arashi |

Tatsuo jumped lightly off of the ship. He wasn't sure he enjoyed his first ship ride; he didn't like the ground shifting below his feet. Although he guessed that with enough time, he'd get used to it. It'd probably even provide a nice tactical advantage. On a ship he would, however, be trapped, and that was something he'd prefer to avoid.
He still had some time before he needed to be at the mansion, so he decided to stretch his legs with a brisk walk, taking care to avoid any who seemed ill. True, he had been able to walk on the deck of the ship, but it somehow wasn't the same. He wanted to find out more about this man he'd be dealing with, this Baron Petyro NeMora. However, the tales of sickness and disappearances have him a bit on edge. He resolves to assess the village during his walk. If nothing seemed amiss, he'd talk to some locals. If there seemed to be something more sinister going on, he'd head straight to the mansion.
Looking for people paying an unusual amount of attention to Tatsuo, thugs, and pickpockets
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Getting a general feel for the villagers, if they're scared, hostile, depressed, happy
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
If the villagers don't seem hostile and no one seems to be paying too much attention to him, Tatsuo starts asking about the Baron and also the sickness (mostly so he can try to avoid getting sick himself)
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Otherwise he heads straight for the mansion, keeping a lookout for anybody following him. If he is followed, the readies a spell to blast them if they become hostile.

Mickey Carver |

Mickey steadily walks off the gangplank of his ship, used to travelling on ships as he has most of his life.
He looks around at the port of the town.
What people see:
A handsome and well muscled man departs from a ship and looks around. His vest exposes large and tanned arms with black ink on the bottoms of his forearms. He has on black clothes with silver-grey trim. There is a quaterstaff in his right hand as a walking stick and a leather armguard with spikes on the back on his left at his side. He has long dark hair which is topped with a white headed marmoset monkey. monkey. aestetic change. I like marmosets better.
He is handsome, but seems a bit, not unfriendly, but he's definitely not a socialite.
He glances around the port.
Anyone have their key on the outside?

Mrimmy the Stargazer |

Mine is on a chain, but not noticeable unless you're interested in looking down her armor. So, kind of?
Mrimmy stands up, feeling a bit better than before. "Alright Arura, lets get going. I don't want to stay in the open for too long in a town I know nothing about. Where is this mansion now?" She got out the map to reference the location and begins to walk that way. "I wonder what all this key business is about?" The bird flies just above her, glowing faintly in the sunlight. She looks down on Mrimmy. "We will find out. The Heavens have sent you here for a reason."

Tatsuo Arashi |

Wait, were we all on the same boat? I assumed not. If we were, my key isn't visible, and here's what you see of Tatsuo
Tatsuo is dressed simply and comfortably in a loose, knee-length, dark blue robe. A white sash tying ties it shut around his waist in such a way that it doesn't inhibit his motion. Underneath his robe he appears to be wearing a loose pair of dark leggings that stand in stark contrast to his white, split socks and straw colored sandals.
The sleeves of the robe fall to about the middle of his forearm, and where the cloth leaves off, tattoos of dark storm clouds pick up, running about midway down his hands. The winds playing with his clothing reveal part of his tanned chest along with what appears to be the head of a dragon tattoo on his left side. Perhaps most striking about his appearance is the strange triangular hat that covers the top half of his face. His hair, what you can see of it, appears to be black and kept short.
He appears to be unarmed, only carrying a backpack slung across his right shoulder. He pauses only a moment after jumping off the boat to look around before setting off at a brisk walk in one direction.

DM of the coins |

you all would have arrived on different ships and most likely at different times.
each of you are greeted by the mysterious Half-Elf that gave you the map. and you are taken to the NeMoren Manor house.
You are each shown a sleeping chamber and a brief tour of the main part of the manor. there are no servents and much of the house's furniture is either covered or missing. as a matter of fact the manor is rather bare. several rooms appear to have not been occupied in years.
From what you all can gather, you are to be present at the reading of a will. indicating that the lord of the Manor has passed away.
much of the manor grounds are overgrown and unkept.
the villagers that remain remain silent to you. unsure what to make of your presence. there is an old woman that seems to always be around. she is waving some sort of smoking incence reed around toward you when she sees you chanting someting barely intelligeble.

DM of the coins |

The other man frown as you decide to fold.
A shame really, you had the oppurtunity of a lifetime. He reveals his hand and you see he had nothing, the pot would have been yours.
He scoops up the winnings, all is not lost for you though, he says as he takes a pouch of coin from among the winnings and tosses it to you. I know you possess a silver Key. I have been watching you and waiting to see if you were to be quick to part with it. Take this money and this map. He pulls out a scroll case and gives it to Conner as well.
You have 2 weeks time to be at the spot indicated on the map. there you will discover what that key will unlock. And let me say, this small fortune here is nothing compared to what awaits.
He gets up to leave putting away his winnings. congratulations on your inheritance, and I will see you in two weeks the half-elf leaves.
the map is a small island just west of Widowmaker Isle in the Shackles it is identified as Nemoren's Isle. there is what appears to be a village indicated on that island.

DM of the coins |

if you do have such a key, Might I be so bold as to ask to see it?
you notice that on hand is reaching into the folds of his cloak but nowhere near the hilt of his sword.
he seems to be grabbing what could be a scroll or map case

Tenebral Sam |

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Sam's eyes narrowed suspiciously as the man's hand went into his cloak, but the sword was there at his hip. The half-elf didn't seem like a man who wouldn't hide a weapon, but there was something about him. Not that he was trustworthy, but that he was strange. Sam could appreciate strange, being that most people found him quite strange himself.
Besides, he had no clue whatsoever about the key. When the merchant had complained about the burglary, he had spoken of lost coin and jewels, but made no mention of a silver key. Sam had shadowed him for days, trying to find something it might unlock, but the man had keys for everything he wanted to open.
Then there was the fact that the half-elf was looking for the one who had the key, and not the key itself. Maybe it was to stick a knife between his ribs. Maybe it was for some other reason. Sam sighed. He had to do something with it.
"This the one you're looking for?" he said. He held the key in his palm, his hand on his thigh, keeping the key hidden from all eyes but the stranger's.
Ordinarily, our boy would never surrender his prize so easily, but in the interests of not bogging down the game indefinitely....

Mrimmy the Stargazer |

Mrimmy looked around the bed chambers. She wasnt used to such extravegance, even if it was unkempt. Arura flew to the bedpost, looking out the window onto the street. There was that old woman again, waving her insence. "Why did she feel like she needed to wave that incence in my face? It wasn't very peasant..." She decided to go exploring the mansion that her mysterious benefactor lived in. Any clues as to who he was would be an asset to her come will reading time. "Keep an eye out for any paintings of whom you may think this mansion belonged to, Arura. I dont feel quite comfortable here. Something about the atmosphere."
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Tatsuo Arashi |

Shortly after the tour had ended, and he had been left to his own devices, Tatsuo found his way outside. He wandered the grounds for a while, shaking his head slightly at the poor condition it had been left in. The late baron must not have entertained much. If he did, such slovenliness would have brought great shame upon his family. He sighed and started looking for a peaceful location to meditate. Preferably near a body of water, but if none could be found he'd make due with just a scenic location.
When he found such a location, his lips pursed slightly at its condition. He took off his robe, folded it up, and placed it off to one side. He then started clearing the area, pulling up weeds and stacking broken boughs from one of the nearby trees in a neat pile. It feels good to do some work after such a long trip. When he was done, he wiped the sweat from his brow, took a long drink of water, and sat down to begin his meditation.

DM of the coins |

thanks for that I need to get everyone together at the mansion before continuing
The stranger takes a look at the key and nods in approval then hands it back. as he produces a map or scroll case from his pocket.
take this, it is a map. That key identifies you as an heir. you have two weeks to get to the location marked on that map. he then produces a small pouch with some coin. this should be sufficient to cover your travel expenses.
the stranger gets up to leave. and congratulations on your inheritance. I will be there to greet you when you arrive
He turns to head out of the tavern.
The map indicates a small island just west of Widowmaker Isle in the Shackles. and marks a small village on that island by the name of Weston. The Island is named NeMoren's Isle.