Starfinder Defense Force (Inactive)

Game Master Edward Sobel

A homebrew Starfinder game

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I am currently running this campaign with my tabletop group. and was wondering what interest there would be here.

first off -- this is an interest check only to see if it is worth it. when I presented this idea on a starfinder group on facebook I was told no-way would it work. calling starfinder a war game (like warhammer)

I refused to accept that and went forward anyway with me table-top group. it is going ok, though not entirely as expected.

anyway here is the pitch:

this game uses the standard Starfinder game setting, mostly as written, with some additions.

This game will be starfinder mashed up with Dr. Who, and Star Wars, and maybe other Sci-fi stuff I can dig up.

Changes to the setting

Pretty much just as detailed in the Core rule book except as follows:

The Azlanti Star Empire is a rather militaristic and very highly advanced civilization. They have been experimenting with time travel and have made several major breakthroughs.

This did not come without consequences. several time-rifts have recently been appearing. Opening worm holes to far off star systems, even other galaxies. This has brought new threats to the known star systems (including the Azlanti Star Empire) but this has also affected the Pact Worlds.

The Starfinder Society became the first to respond to these new threats. A new organization was formed, called the Starfinder Defense Force (the S.D.F.) a military arm of the Starfinder Society as well as leaders in the research of these newly appearing Time Rifts.

Where do you come in?

Each of the party are a part of the S.D.F in one way or another (up to you guys) You have been assembled by Brigadier Arvin, to make contact with Captain Vundemeer of the 3rd Expeditionary battalion on the remote planet Telos in the Telos system.

Telos is the larger of two planets orbiting a very small star. The only planet with an atmosphere capable of supporting life. But due to its distance from the sun as well as the smaller size of the sun, Telos is an ice tundra world. And is a recent discovery near the edge of the TABORI CLUSTER (page 469 of the core book) very close to the Azlanti Star Empire borders.

It is the belief of the S.D.F. that the Telos system was relocated to the Tabori Cluster via a Temporal rift created somewhere inside the Azlanti Star Empire.

The Last transmission from the Expeditionary force indicated that there is some sort of subterranean fortress found under the ice. Now all contact has been lost.

At your disposal, Brigadier Arvin is sending you with the S.D.F. chief Scientific advisor, Dr. Mortimer to travel to Telos and see what has happened to Captain Vundemeer and his expeditionary squad.

This will not be expected to start till after the new year, also I will take at most 4 players (I would like at least 1 player to be new to PbP here on Paizo.

Do Not Submit Characters right now! I am only looking for interest in such a game.

I am interested.

Does the fact that there is a subterranean fortress involved hint that is is like a starfinder dungeon crawl? Or is it more complicated than that? Personally I hope for the second.

Joynt Jezebel wrote:

I am interested.

Does the fact that there is a subterranean fortress involved hint that is is like a starfinder dungeon crawl? Or is it more complicated than that? Personally I hope for the second.

no dungeon crawl. a little more diverse than that. it mainly is a series of little adventures all strung together.

Does not seem to be much interest. Must have been a bad idea.

Strange, most such threads get a number of responses at least.

I'm just seeing this ...I'm definitely interested. The holiday season might have a lot of people distracted.

Digger Chandler wrote:
I'm just seeing this ...I'm definitely interested. The holiday season might have a lot of people distracted.

I hope so

Just a bump, or, can I assume that starfinder really isn't that popular?

Hey I really want to play. It could just be the time of year, everyone busy and the like.

I just saw this thread as well. color me interested as well.

I'll open a recruitment later in the week. start thinking of ideas.

Game will not start till after the new year


As a request, could we perhaps make characters higher than 1st level?

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
As a request, could we perhaps make characters higher than 1st level?

best I can do is level 2.

No worries. I just ask because some classes have very little variation at lst level.

Ok here we go:

Character creation as follows:

1.Character creation:

I will be using the basic rules outlined in the core rulebook in Chapter 2

2.Starting level 2, 2000 credits to start

3.The following additional races are permitted:

All of the original pathfinder races as detailed in the core book Chapter 13


Ryphorians are the dominant humanoid race on the Pact Worlds planet of Triaxus, known for its highly eccentric orbit, which causes generations-long seasons. These humanoids have adapted to their unusual environment with a peculiar trimorphism: those generations born in the winter years (winter born) manifest short fur and narrow eyes to protect against snow blindness, those born in the summer years (summer born) have hairless skin in a variety of dark shades to protect them from the intense rays of the summer sun, and those born in the years between the extremes of summer and winter (transitional) have a blend of such traits. However, with gene therapy and hormonal treatments available, an individual ryphorian’s appearance is no longer an indicator of Triaxus’s current season, and while unmodified Triaxians are generally born in their winter form to reflect the planet’s current season, taking steps to change a ryphorian’s seasonal form is currently a mark of wealth and status in some cultures. Regardless of the season of their birth, ryphorians have long and pointed ears, with feather-like notching along the back edge that automatically moves and adjusts the ear’s shape to help the ryphorian focus on specific sounds.

Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, +2 Wis, –2 Str
Hit Points: 4
Size and Type: Ryphorians are Medium humanoids with the ryphorian subtype.
Bonus Feat: Ryphorians gain a bonus feat at 1st level.
Keen Senses: Ryphorians’ distinctive ears help them hear precisely, granting a +2 bonus to Perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: Ryphorians can see in dim light as if it were normal light.
Trimorphic: Summer born ryphorians gain fire resistance 5. Winter born ryphorians gain cold resistance 5. Transitional ryphorians gain cold and fire resistance 2, and when in conditions of severe cold or heat, they have to attempt Fortitude saves only once per hour instead of once every 10 minutes. A ryphorian can stack this natural resistance with one other form of resistance.

2 Changes to the setting

Pretty much just as detailed in the Core rule book except as follows:
The Azlanti Star Empire is a rather militaristic and very highly advanced civilization. They have been experimenting with time travel and have made several major breakthroughs.

This did not come without consequences. several time-rifts have recently been appearing. Opening worm holes to far off star systems, even other galaxies. This has brought new threats to the known star systems (including the Azlanti Star Empire) but this has also affected the Pact Worlds.’

The Starfinder Society became the first to respond to these new threats. A new organization was formed, called the Starfinder Defense Force (the S.D.F.) a military arm of the Starfinder Society as well as leaders in the research of these newly appearing Time Rifts.

3 Where do you come in?
Each of the party are a part of the S.D.F in one way or another (up to you guys) You have been assembled by Brigadier Arvin, to make contact with Captain Vundemeer of the 3rd Expeditionary battalion on the remote planet Telos in the Telos system.

Telos is the larger of two planets orbiting a very small star. The only planet with an atmosphere capable of supporting life. But due to its distance from the sun as well as the smaller size of the sun, Telos is an ice tundra world. And is a recent discovery near the edge of the TABORI CLUSTER (page 469 of the core book) very close to the Azlanti Star Empire borders.

It is the belief of the S.D.F. that the Telos system was relocated to the Tabori Cluster via a Temporal rift crated somewhere inside the Azlanti Star Empire.

The Last transmission from the Expeditionary force indicated that there is some sort of subterranean fortress found under the ice. Now all contact has been lost.

At your disposal, Brigadier Arvin is sending you with the S.D.F. chief Scientific advisor, Dr. Mortimer to travel to Telos and see what has happened to Captain Vundemeer and his expeditionary squad.


starting location is Absalom Station. all players are somehow affiliated with the S.D.F. either as a soldier, or non-military contractor, or whatever. just remember you are only level 2, so I do not expect you to be some highly decorated general or something.

I'll get my character posted tonight.

Sounds interesting. I will keep an eye out for the official recruitment start.

I changed this to an official recuitment

Awesome! Been looking forward to this.

I've got ideas for every class ...what are people thinking about? If we are a smaller recruitment pool we should think more about balance.

I'm going to make either a mindbreaker or overlord mystic with the phrenic adept archetype.

for everyone's info... I am sticking to the basic rulebook only for this and what is spelled out in the recruitment post, so please do not ask about any third party stuff

CRB was my plan all along...MWA HA HA HA *COUGH* *COUGH*

The two ideas that I have in my head at the moment:

Vicis: An Android* Soldier(bombard) aiming at power armor in the future. Son of the founder of Rampart Industries, a maker of top of the line armaments. He is a thrill seeker that eventually has a major accident that results in some cybernetic replacements. He quickly becomes addicted to body alteration and after years of bad publicity, he is almost entirely cybernetic. His father has the courts declare him legally dead. With no support, he gravitates to the Starfinder society. Where else can he push the envelope on the known world and get access to top of the line and exotic technology. After some difficulties on the diplomatic side of normal starfinding he settles in to his role on an rapid response assault squad.

Brunin Goldbrow: A Dwarven Icon Envoy. A child star from a popular adventure show 30 years ago, known for his frizzy blond hair and incredulous expressions. In the intervening time, he has suffered an endless string of problems with substance abuse and legal problems. Only a few years ago he was released from a 5 year sentence for manslaughter after an attempt at regaining fame in a full contact rugby league that left one player dead and another crippled. He has dried out, but still has to battle addiction. Now he has joined the Starfinders to live the dream he played at as a child.

It has been a while since I have done any play by post so I will likely have a learning curve on the scripting side.

Thank you

Doomguide, if you take a look at the box where you post, underneath it you should see a spoiler labelled "How to format your text". That will show you the BBC code commands. "Typically I have seen character speech bolded" Vrog said and I usually see people put thought bubbles in italics. he thought to himself. Out of character information should probably use the OOC function.

To roll dice, you use the following format:

[dice=This is where you put a label on the dice]1d100+1000000000[/dice

That should be everything you need to know. Can you tell I do IT for a living?

Digger Chandler wrote:
I've got ideas for every class ...what are people thinking about? If we are a smaller recruitment pool we should think more about balance.

Sounds very sensible.

Vrog Skyreaver is planning either a mindbreaker [whatever that is] or overlord mystic, and Doomguide an envoy or soldier.

I am contemplating a Ryphorian mystic, a Solarian or a Technomancer. I am doing tabletop roleplaying today, so the character will be started tomorrow at the earliest.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have interest but am at a loss for character concept.

Mindbreaker is one of the connection types for Mystic.

Speaking of which, here is my character:


TN Dwarf Mystic 2 (Xenoseeker)

Str: 10
Dex: 10
Con: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 18
Cha: 9

HP/SP 18/18
EAC 13 KAC 14
Init 0

Fort +3
Ref 0
Will +7
(+2 to saves versus poison, spells, and spell-likes)

Speed 20'

Thunderstrike Pulse Gauntlet: +3 to hit; 1d6 B+So damage

Bluff r0 +0
Culture r2 +5
Intimidate r2 +5
Life Science r2 +6
Mysticism r2 +9
Perception r2 +9 (11 vs. Stonework type stuff)
Sense Motive r2 +9

Feats: Spell Penetration

Class Features: Archetype (Phrenic Adept; Phrenic Awakening: Telepathy 30'; Telepatic Languages: Lashunta, Shirren), Connection (Mindbreaker; Share Pain [1 resolve; Enemy who deals me damage makes a DC 15 will save; on a fail reduce damage deal to me by my mystic level and deal damage reduced to the target), Healing Touch (1/day spend 10 min to heal a target 5 x Mystic level in HP damage), Channel Skill (Bluff, Intimidate) +1, Mindlink (1/creature/day; at-will)

Spells/day: 3
Spell DC: 14 + Spell Level
0: Daze (Will save or dazed for one round; max 4 CR), Detect Magic, Psychokinetic Hand (max 10 lbs/1 bulk), Stabilize, Token Spell (Prestidigitation)
1: Command (Mind Effecting; Will save or suffer effect for 1 round; pg 343), Mind Thrust (Will 1/2 or 2d10 damage; Mind-effecting), Mystic Cure (heals 1d8+4 HP; leftovers can go to me)

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Shirren, Azlanti (Ysoki, Castrovelian)

Gear: Graphite Carbon Skin Armor, Thunderstrike Pulse Gauntlet, Tier I Computer, Spell Gem of Mind Thrust I, 115 credits


Folthin discovered his telepathic abilities at the age of 50 during his teenage years. He was sent by his parents to study with Lashunta and Shirren telepaths to master his art. After his training was over, he discovered that he had an interest in learning about the different lifeforms of the universe, and a plan: he would find the races that were immune to his mind-control abilities and use the ones that weren't to wipe them out. Then he could rule in peace.

Saashaa, if you answer the following questions, it should help at least guide you to a character. It's a mental exercise that I use when I'm stuck:

1) Spellcaster or not?
2) Melee or ranged?
3) Jack-of-all-trades or hyper-focused on one skill (or a small group of them)?
4) Human or non-human?
5) The corniest thing about this character?
6) The coolest thing about this character? (Note: can be the same as the answer to #5)
7) the song that pops into your head as you think about this character?
8) Looks at explosions?
9) Simple or complicated name? addendum: Named after his profession (cause his parents didn't love him)?
10) favorite food?

So, for example, my character submission here would be:

1) spellcaster
2) ranged
3) Hyperfocused
4) Non-human
5) He's a pseudo-superhero/james bond mastermind
6) He studies races to get better at controlling them using his powers
7) In the Meantime by spacehog
8) of course
9) simple, and his parents loved him
10) beef brisket

Hi Edward - I've not played Starfinder yet, and this looks like a good opportunity to learn the ropes. I'm also fan of time rift damage stories...

I'll be submitting a Shirren Blitz Soldier with the Spacefarer theme whose family were imperilled by Azlant portal meddling.

I may need a little advice choosing gear... I was considering an Armor Storm Soldier to complement the Shirren exoskeletal form, but I didn't understand the armor/powered armor nuances.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Oh, I have several build ideas but no character backgrounds jumping at me. I'll hover until something strikes me.

Oceanshieldwolf power armor\armor storm is somewhat counter-intuitive. It grants you a good Strength but you are stuck at that strength, even if your own Strength is higher. So if you are looking at a melee character, you spend a lot of levels bumping up against that ceiling. If you are a ranged character, you will lose a lot of your Dex bonus to AC.

Long story short, Power armor makes a balanced character better, but a focused character will probably get frustrated. You can get better AC from heavy armor, and you can meet or beat the Strength curve without it.

Thanks Doomguide - I'm a sucker for gauntlets et al but even that info still confuses me! I'll stick with Blitz. This is why I want to play, to understand the nuances through play rather than reading the threads - I've read a bunch but don't really get the contextual rule nuances...

There is plenty of time to get charcaters together.

@ Vrog: character so far looks good, could use a little more in the backstory. what is your connection with the S.D.F?

Also there will be just as much role-play and skill use as combat. and some combats may be good idea to run away and look for creative solutions to beat them.

not all encounters will be immediate fighting, and some creatures are custom made so it will be a little trial and error to figure out how to beat them.

Here is my soldier idea.

N Android Soldier 2 (bombard)
Str 14 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 8
HP/SP 16/18 Speed 25'
EAC 15 KAC 17 combat manuevers 25
BAB +2 Init +3 Resolve points 4
Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +3 *+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs.
Speed 25'
Assault Hammer: +5 to hit; 1d6+2 B
Artillery laser, azimuth: +6 to hit, 1d10 F damage, 1d6 burn. Called infusion.
Flash grenade I: +6 to hit, blind 1d4 rnds, 5 ft radius, DC 14
Dragon Gland: 15' cone of lightning 3d6 damage. DC 11+ 1/2 char level.
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4, Engineering +6, Medicine +6, Piloting +8, Profession(Weapons design) +5, Survival +4. Feats Weapon Focus: Heavy, Versatile Focus
Constructed: For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.
Exceptional Vision: low-light vision and darkvision
Flat Affect: -2 penalty to Sense Motive checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks attempted against them increase by 2.
Upgrade Slot: Androids have a single armor upgrade slot in their bodies. Regardless of whether androids are wearing physical armor, they can use this slot to install any one armor upgrade that could be installed into light armor.
Grenade Expert (Ex): You increase the range increment of your thrown grenades by 5 × your Strength bonus. In addition, you’re able to salvage enough materials to create a grenade without paying for it. Creating a grenade takes 10 minutes. You can create any grenade whose item level is less than or equal to your soldier level, but this grenade is unstable and only you can use it effectively. If anyone else tries to use the grenade, it is a dud. You can have only one grenade created by this ability at one time (if you create a new grenade using this ability, the old grenade no longer works).
Languages: Common, Azlanti
Gear: Hidden Soldier Armor, Assault Hammer, Artillery laser, azimuth(called infusion), Dragon Gland, 1 Serum of healing I, 1 Medpatch, Toolkit, personal comm, Temporary Flash grenade I, 13 credits.

background\concept blurb:
An Android* Soldier(bombard) aiming at power armor in the future. Son of the founder of Rampart Industries, a maker of top of the line armaments. He is a thrill seeker that eventually has a major accident that results in some cybernetic replacements. He quickly becomes addicted to body alteration and after years of bad publicity, he is almost entirely cybernetic. His father has the courts declare him legally dead. With no support, he gravitates to the Starfinder society. Where else can he push the envelope on the known world and get access to top of the line and exotic technology. After some difficulties on the diplomatic side of normal starfinding he settles in to his role on an rapid response assault squad.

Ok, we've got some good variety so far. I'll roll up an operative or envoy ...

Dotting, thinking about a shirren mechanic. How long do we have?

Vrog's 10 questions:
1. No
2. Melee
3. Focused
4. Non-human
5. He is a scone connoisseur
6. Seeking perfection through mechanical augmentations
7 "He wants a robot brain" from Futurama
8. No. Looks away and puts on sunglasses
9. Complex (simple by shirren standards)
10. Scones

Folthin joined the Starfinder Society to meet new species. When time portals began ripping through the pact worlds galaxies, he volunteered to be part of the SDF, so that he could meet even more races to subjugate.

This is OSW's submission - Kek-jekik a Host-gender Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) Shirren.

Any advice on feats for a mobile Dex-based Blitz soldier, and/or equipment would be greatly appreciated. I don't have the Core Rulebook, so all of this has been a steep learning curve through the Starfinder SRD site. I guess I'd need a melee weapon, a ranged weapon, armor and misc eqpt. I'll check stuff out after this.

Kek's Tale:

For Kek-jekik, Jek-kik and Kik-jikek life was a slow meander through the stars on the motley-vessel Far Parade - really a conglomeration of junked starships forming equal parts waystation and occasional smuggler's hideout. The myriads who called the 'Parade home were a practical lot, and if a bunch of Shirren set up shop as petty information brokers then what of it?

Jek and Kik, the male/female pair were content to receive and sell stories, myths and rumors, leaving the acquiring of such to Kek - as the host in their tripartite family, Kek also took their larval spawn on sojourns throughout the far-flung planets and other stations - keep the younglings safe, but also instructing them, teaching them, and inspiring them.

Returning to the 'Parade from a fairly unsuccessful trip to gather data on the economic predilection of a local Drow arms House rumored to be moving forbidden tech, Kek noticed an unusual new technical array attached to his adopted home. Closer inspection revealed objects like he had never seen before. On board, the denizens were obviously concerned by...something and shaken by a recent Azlant incursion. His mates instructed him to ask no questions, nor pry too deep - for the Azlants had threatened destruction if the vessel had not acquiesced to the installation of the "device".

The "device" proved to be a fateful addition to the Far Parade and for Kek and Kek's family. Evidently an experimental chrono-spatial array, upon "testing" the device imploded, creating a horrific and chaotic space-time nexus - tentacle-like sprays of once-was or never-when lashed the vessel, replacing junk with as-new parts or consigning crew to instant venerability. Kek saw their mates petrify before their eyes, and most awful of all, felt their larva reduced to nothing in the blink of an eye. Kek barely escaped, time-scarred and fearful.

Time. Then. Now. Kek wants nothing more than to...go back. But time is sacrosanct, and the Azlanti must be stopped. With no family, and hope of making larva again an unknown, Kek vows to bring force to the Azlant.

Kek-jikek wrote:

Any advice on feats for a mobile Dex-based Blitz soldier, and/or equipment would be greatly appreciated. I don't have the Core Rulebook, so all of this has been a steep learning curve through the Starfinder SRD site. I guess I'd need a melee weapon, a ranged weapon, armor and misc eqpt. I'll check stuff out after this.

For feats, you can do a lot worse than weapon focus (which adds +1 to hit with a weapon group) and toughness (which is basically endurance and 1 sp/level). Later on, you'll probably want to pick up deadly aim, which is similar to Power Attack, but mechanically you take a -2 penalty to hit to get half your bab as bonus damage. at 4th level, you'll want to take enhanced resistance, which let's you pick an energy type and get resistance to it equal to your bab.

As far as gear goes, right now I'd recommend a melee and ranged weapon, but eventually you'll want two of each: an energy and kinetic melee and ranged weapon.

Finally, you're going to want to decide how likely it is you want to get power armor (which is pretty good, considering it gives you a good str bonus that replaces your own, meaning you can use your sparse ability score bonuses on other things), heavy armor (which gets a higher max dex the higher level it is), or light armor. I'd recommend that you figure out (roughly) what your dex is going to end up at (I'd look at 5th and 10th level, both of which give stat bonuses) to help you decide which way you want to go. If you're not gonna have much dex (cause you want to be melee focused) then heavy armor might be the way you want to go. If you're planning on being shooty, then you should look at light armor and make sure that the light armor you pick plus your dex are at least as good as heavy armor you would pick.

I hope that helps, and I know it was a lot of info.

So I've been thinking about it and I think that I want to change the character I'm making, since the more I think about it, the more straight up evil he is becoming in my mind (I don't mind playing evil characters, mind, but I think given the theme of this game it's not appropriate). I am still going to make a mystic, I'm just going to make a different one.

Thanks Vrog - I have indeed selected those two Feats - I initially thought of choosing Medical Expert for characterisation reasons, but it seems both weirdly situational AND gear dependant.

Am now poring through the equipment lists - the weapons seem disproportionately priced and powered, so I'm obviously missing something. Or a bunch of somethings. The special abilities (Boost, Blast, Penetrating etc) look like fun, and I'm trying to keep EAC, KAC, damage and so on in mind as well as ammo, range and to a lesser degree, Bulk. ;)

Haven't moved beyond weapons to armor or misc eqpt yet.

At the very least I'm getting a good grounding in Starfinder.

OSW, how did you find Kek's avatar? I ask because I haven't been able to find a good shirren avatar.

OSW yeah there are really only a few options for weapons and armor starting out.

I would recommend at least a 12 str even if you are going to be primarily ranged attacked. Bulk adds up quick and there are some feats, like power armor proficiency that have str requirements.

"Laser rifle, azimuth" is probably your best bet starting out. Light, fairly cheap, good damage and crit.

You will want a projectile weapon at some point, but to conserve money, you can probably rely on your melee weapon to deal with invisible or fire resistant critters.

On the melee side, "Doshko, Tactical" is the biggest bang for the buck. If your Dex is substantially higher than str you can use a knife or baton using you dex to hit. Less damage, especially as you level, but it can work well early on.

Misc equip, mostly the usual, personal comm, serum of healing, Rope, batteries, ammo, light, possibly toolkit and/or medkit. Most improved misc stuff probably needs to wait for more funds.

Armor wise, unlike weapons, you have the money, just barely to bump up your ac pretty well if you skimp on some other areas. "Carbon skin, graphite" is a very good light armor. That will start you with about as good an ac as you get at 2nd level. "Freebooter armor I" is almost as good, but a bit more balanced on the cost side.

On feats the only thing i have to add to Varg is the barricade and kip up feats. In combat that doesn't involve melee threats you can stack your ac very quickly by dropping prone and/or building cover.

sorry for the wall of text, have been playing casters in a couple of starfinder games and so my brain has been imagining what it would be like to be able to use all the fancy armor and weapons. :)

This is GM MacShack's submission. Would the Starfinder Defence Force be an INT, WIS, or CHA-based profession?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

That would likely depend on your role in it.

I have an idea for a kasatha solarion. I'm working on it now so I should have it done pretty soon.

K'teskt wrote:
This is GM MacShack's submission. Would the Starfinder Defence Force be an INT, WIS, or CHA-based profession?

As was said, it depends on your role. the S.D.F. is a military organization. so your profession role would depend on what your job is.

really though it would not be a profession skill.

a pilot would be piloting skill
soldier would be part of the soldier class
I am guessing that something like military logistics profession would be INT.

a drill sergeant might be CHA.

profession bomb disposal might be dex based.

these are all just off the top of my head really. so be creative.

GM MacShack wrote:
OSW, how did you find Kek's avatar? I ask because I haven't been able to find a good shirren avatar.

I think it is a Demon, though there are two Demon options - it's the one with 29 options rather than 9. There also an insect on the first page of options unfiltered, near the bottom.

I would also check Magical Beasts, Deities and anything else you can think of.

If I'm not selected, use mine! ;)

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