![]() Hey Pete!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at pittpfs@gmail.com, and I will do what I can to get the issues resolved quickly! ![]()
![]() jon dehning wrote:
Sup, Jon! It occurs to me that I gave up my Dealer Hall slot. Perhaps... I'll be able to squeeze it in between running adventures? Also, I might have to pass on some of the 'Drankin' to actually run Seeker Scenarios to the fullest over the weekend! I'll be sure to make Saturday Count! ![]()
![]() Slot 1 Thursday AM:................ PFS 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones
If you are playing Seeker Scenarios at GenCon, you're stuck with me >:D ![]()
Male Ifrit Probably? Bard 1
![]() ... I love everything about this already.
So, on with the list!
So basically, some front line, some back line, some arcane, some martial! ![]()
![]() So we are looking at:
I have (Available, In tier):
Any of which I am more than willing to play. Given the current party I might go... Bard? ![]()
![]() Hey Everyone! Starting March 16th, CosCon will be offering 9-00 Assault on Absalom, as well as much of the season 9 content! In addition, Most of the first season of Starfinder Society will be offered as well! We would love to see you there! Make sure to Sign Up on Warhorn so that I can make sure we have everything ready! See you there! ![]()
![]() Slyme wrote:
Sure, let's give this a shot.:
-1 Falcata or Sawtooth Sabre (As a Life Oracle no less!)
-3 Longsword -4 Musket / Pupper -5 Scimitar (Dawnflower Dervish) -6 Harrow Cards! -7 Large Sized -redacted- Warhammer -8 Twin +3 Mithral Sawtooth Sabres, or Occasionally a Railgun! -9 Unarmed Strikes -10 Unarmed Strikes / Bear Hugs -11 Adamantine Heavy Mace -12 Unarmed Strikes with Telekinetic Power! -14 Claws if needed? Buff Cleric -15 Longbow -16 Longsword -17 Scimitar (but Strength!) -18 Chakram. Exclusively Chakram. -19 Longbow and snark. Father says I should see the world, but I know he just wants me out of the house so his mistress can live at home. I'll outlive her just likk the last one... -20 Pistol and Unarmed Strikes -21 Bastard Sword (Elysian Bronze!) -22 Musket -23 Pistol (And Spells? It's Complicated) -24 Ayla Tough! Ayla Punch! -25 an Eidolon I think? -26 Bite Attack and Time Magic! ![]()
![]() Hey K-Kun and SCPRedMage!
Now, as a reminder, We are all here to work together! There is no need to be impolite when other forum goers are trying to offer assistance! ![]()
![]() Lindley Court wrote: Alright, follow up question. I feel like I know the answer, but I hope I'm wrong. Can I buy one of those items and enhance it differently, or to a lesser degree? I'd assume no, as those are the default enhancements of them on the chronicle, but I'n hoping otherwise. That's the part where it gets... Unfortunately Dicey. The wording of the Chronicle Sheet doesn't unlock the items to be purchased in general (as they are not legal according to the Additional Resources) but allow you to buy that item from that chronicle sheet. Examples!: So, you couldn't purchase a Masterwork Cold Iron Butchering Axe, or a Darkwood Hornbow.
But, if for example, you wanted a +1 Dragon Bane Keen Butchering axe, and had the 36 fame required, you could purchase the Axe from the Chronicle Sheet and (as normal) upgrade it according to the standard PFS Rules. ![]()
![]() Thread Necromancy for a Clarification on the boon! Boon Clarification: The 'Hey, you can play a level 4 Kobold!' instead of another pregen isn't limited to this character, right? For example, if my -1 earned this chronicle sheet, could I play my Kobold in a scenario that my -2 is getting credit for? ![]()
Male Ifrit Probably? Bard 1
![]() brunoreturns wrote:
Hey Bruno! A raise dead is 16 PP, although a Body Recovery is 5 PP and each Restoration to remove a permanent Negative Level is 4PP.So, if you are planning on playing a Tougher Scenario, make sure that you have that 29PP stored up! ![]()
Male Ifrit Probably? Bard 1
![]() Sira Ulo Ako wrote: Are there official rules on storing potions in spring-loaded wrist sheaths? All I could find was an unofficial debate thread. Yes, there are! Quoting the Campaign Clarifications:Page 8—A wrist sheath or spring-loaded wrist sheath can hold one forearm-length item. In addition to the listed examples, wrist sheaths can be used to store and deploy potions and scrolls. They cannot hold rods. ![]()
![]() Droante wrote:
I think the only one adjacent to themselves in this situation would be the GM. As they would most-likely be beside themselves when you brought this up. ![]()
![]() isdestroyer wrote: Wait a minute, is the Spellslinger archetype now legal for PFS? Last I heard, all archetypes that gave firearm proficiency were banned in PFS. There is a way to unlock spellslinger for PFS, but other than that it is still not legal for play. In addition, there is at least 1 archetype that gives a gun that is not banned: Spellscar Drifter Cavalier. It's a pretty cool thematic archetype too!![]()
![]() rknop wrote: There were several different races you could choose from. Tier 1 opened up the option of Puppyfolk (I forget their actual name), Tier 2 catfolk, and lower tiers some others. Races at tiers above whatever tier you were GMing got crossed out. Option One (Tier 1 GMs): Puppers!:
Rougarou. The wolf race from Bestiary 6 with Scent and the ability to change into a wolf 1/day! Option Two (Tier 2-3 GMs): Kitties!:
Catfolk! The race from B3! Maybe in the next AR update, some of the Cool Catfolk options will be made legal from Advanced Race Guide or the other source books! Option Two (Tier 4-5 GMs): A Wet Blanket: But seriously, it's Naiad! They are a Water Aligned Fey race that are related to Water Nymphs from B6! They seem really exciting! ![]()
![]() John Compton wrote: ** spoiler omitted ** Would it be too much to ask which side of the flipmat?: I mean, the one from Planar Multipack is pretty obvious, but what about the Airship? Asking because I plan on making 3D terrain for both the Airship and the Castle. I was hoping to get a jump on it early! ![]()
![]() Thurston Hillman wrote: In the case of the Exo-Guardians, that goal is "make sure bad aliens don't punch us in the face, possibly by punching those aliens in the face (or other appropriate body part, in the case of aliens without faces) first." This is quite possibly the Best Sentence in Organized Play. So far. ![]()
![]() Branding Opportunity wrote: I got to run "School of Spirits" at PaizoCon today with a great group and used the fan-made "Grishan's Intel" notes from the GM Shared Prep forum. Thank you so much to whomever made them, they are great! You're very welcome! I saw those handouts, and saw it as a perfect opportunity to make something silly to hand to the players! I mean, if I was Grishan's age, That is (basically) what any notebook or intel would look like. ![]()
![]() Looking at the Gamemastering section in the CRB, there is a table as follows:
So, an even APL fight should be about average for a party of 4 pcs. There is a lot of good information on that page that should be able to help! Generally 6 PCs instead of 4 PCs adds 1 to the APL (because of Action Economy) and fights with Multiple Monsters are pretty good in terms of action economy vs a party of a bigger size. ![]()
![]() Hey Kevin!
Most quests are released at the beginning of the season, and are for level 1 only. The House of Harmonious Wisdom is different for a few reasons. 1) This quest is a 1-5 series! There are two subtiers, 1-2 and 4-5.
If you are familiar with the chronicle sheets for the quests so far (Silverhex Chronicles, Phantom Phenomena, Honor's Echo) then this chronicle shouldn't have many surprises for you. Hopefully this was helpful! ![]()
![]() First things first! Let's look at this as a breakdown: Breakdown:
1) Skills: Bluff(a Very Social skill) and Knowledge(Nobility)(one of the MOST rarely used knowledges) instead of Knowledge(Engineering and Planes) So far, Pretty Innocuous.
2) Spells: Occultist is an Arcane Caster instead of a Psychic caster. So, Arcane Spell failure for Shields and Armor, and spells are no longer purely mental actions. Common solutions to shut down Arcane Casters (Silence, Hold Person etc are back on the table.) So far, pretty reasonable. 3) Implements: Instead of Items with History, you have to wear Fancy Clothing. Not ridiculously fancy (but you better believe that they will be) but fancy. This cuts into about 1/3 of a character's starting wealth, but after that isn't much of a challenge. 4) Cantrips: You get to pick your 'Knacks' but you are limited to Arcane spells. You lose out on some things like Guidance and Know Direction, but gain access to things like Acid Splash and Prestidigitation. It expands your cantrip options, but at the end of the day, they are Cantrips. 5) Mental Focus: Getting a little extra Mental Focus is important, especially for a class that is going to be spread so thin on it already. More on that in the next topic. 6) Devoted Mystic: Here is the rough swing. Instead of 2 implements, you have 4. This gives you much MUCH more versatility at the low levels. You also get all of the Focus Power goodies, with a (slightly) larger pool. There is a lot there that has the potential to be powerful, and I'll get into that at the end. You have a -lot- of options, or at least the possibility for them. In exchange, you lose a good chunk of the staying power that an Occultist has normally. You get access to the staples (Mage Armor, Shield and Mirror Image) slightly slower than the wizard (4th instead of 3rd) but to get those spells on your spell list, you have to choose that implement. Every option that you take to make you more survivable, makes it that much more difficult for you to do something, well, useful. You want Mage Armor, Shield and Mirror Image? Cool! You have them. You get 2 utility spells at second level. 2. And unlike a wizard, where you can pick and choose from a delightfully diverse spell pool, you are limited to what is in the occultist's bag of tricks.
7) Silksworn Eloquence: You get a (potential) +9 to Diplomacy any Bluff. Well, if you spread your schools out super thin, you can get to +9 at 18th level. so... 2 free Skill Focus feats, if you spend the money on Magic Items? This seems... Underwhelming at best. 8) Silksworn Deception: When you get out of range of Most scenarios, and into the range of modules you can... pretend that you are not casting a spell. Ok, that bluff bonus is looking better! But while you are trying to (sneakily) cast a wall of Fire, the wizard is tossing Chain Lightning to nuke down the entire field. Or Flesh to Stone the BBEG. or Wall of Iron. or Geas. Mass Suggestion. Even if we are looking at Sorcerers, you are just keeping pace with their spells per day, except they are ahead of you by 2 spell levels. The primary issue, is that you can't keep up with other full casters, while your objective is to be focused on casting. 9) Silksworn Arcana: Ok, this is really -Really- good. You get free Spell Focus into Greater spell focus, in any slot that you 1) have chosen as an implement and 2) are wearing a Magic Item in. That is a whole lot of free feats. It also comes online at level 16, when other full casters are just controlling the rest of the game. Also, at this point, we are Way WAY into module territory. 10) Implement Mastery: In the realm of PFS, doesn't matter. There are no 20th level modules. Ok, that is a lot longer than I had initially anticipated. Overall, you trade out a lot of options, and a lot of utility for cool focus powers, and a 6/9 spell progression. A lot of the focus powers are really interesting and awesome, but also very situational. The Occultist spell list looks really good, but you only get 1 of each spell per school. You can't use scrolls or Wands with abandon like sorcerer/wizard/arcanist, as the spells aren't on your spell list unless you choose them, and then those resources are already expended. Overall, I think it comes in less powerful than the Arcanist, but a solid and interesting choice. Rigby: Sign me up for Druma Lodge. ![]()
![]() Hey Chaine!
Hopefully that helps! ![]()
![]() Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
I'll bite. What did you use for that first combat? I tend to use: the Giant Flea