Empyreal Lord, Cernunnos

Korolan's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 71 posts (1,559 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 37 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Here is the place where you list your Character Information for Signing Up!

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Brought to you by: PbP Gameday VII


Who among you is brave enough to rise to the Challenge of Seeker Content?

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Ok folks! Here is what I need from you to start:

1: Player / Forum Name
2: PFS Number / Character Number
3: Character Name
4: Classes / Level
5: Faction
6: Day Job Roll (if Any)

Here is my example!

1: Quinn Shannon
2: 146613-15
3: Sahil of Many Songs
4: Skald / 1
5: Sovereign Court
6: Perform (oratory): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Feel free to put your Character Introductions into the Game Play thread, and we can get sailing down the river soon!

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Golden beams of light stream into this comfortable-but-official room’s picture window, illuminating a cluttered wooden desk and an empty chair pushed haphazardly to the side. Between the window and the desk strides Mayor Sandra Trinelli, who, brow furrowed, has clearly worn a pacer’s path into the plush red carpet. Noticing her visitors, she sighs in determined resignation and steps behind her desk, leaning over it gravely.
"I’m glad you’ve arrived,” she says, a measure of relief creeping into her strained voice. “Our town is dealing with its share of troubles right now, and this unknown menace beyond our walls has me the most worried."
She takes a deep breath as if composing herself, and sits carefully in her chair, assuming a self-assured posture that seems to come to her much more naturally.
"Specifically, we may have a goblin problem," the mayor continues. "I’ve recently received reports of goblins lurking in the woods outside of town. There have been no attacks yet—only minor damage to fences and some stolen sheep, I’m told—but we can’t afford to let our guard down. Given how we suffered during the Goblinblood Wars, we can’t assume that these scattered sightings are meaningless when they might very well mean that a major warband is about to descend on our heads."
"Even worse, it seems that these goblins are covered in some unholy manner of filth—even more so than normal! If word about that gets out, well, folks might start to panic. We are a superstitious lot here in Saringallow, as I’m sure you know."
Sandra begins to wring her hands, and continues. "In short, we need to move quickly and deal with these goblins before they become a larger threat. Sending members of the town guard out into the woods, though, could leave us open to attack. I’m sure you see my dilemma."
"This is where I’d like you to intercede, my friends. Find out where the goblins are coming from and who—if anyone—is leading them, then take out the threat. I can offer you a bounty of 5 gold pieces for each goblin you kill, 10 gold pieces for each goblin dog, and an additional bonus of 100 gold pieces if you bring me proof that you’ve destroyed their camp or otherwise dealt with whatever additional threat they pose."
"Most of the sightings have originated from the area northwest of town, particularly near the homesteaders out by Clover Stream. That’s probably a good place to start your investigation. Aside from that, I’m afraid I don’t have much else to tell you. Unless you have any specific questions?”

Silver Crusade 4/5

Hey Everyone!

Starting March 16th, CosCon will be offering 9-00 Assault on Absalom, as well as much of the season 9 content!

In addition, Most of the first season of Starfinder Society will be offered as well!

We would love to see you there! Make sure to Sign Up on Warhorn so that I can make sure we have everything ready!

See you there!

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Hey Everyone! Welcome to Outpost! Let's get a few things out of the way, and a quick run down.

First: This is a really awesome, Really story filled scenario! You get out of it what you put into it, and I assure you, I'm going to be putting a -lot- into it.

Second: This will probably run a bit long for a PbP scenario. There are a few cool story parts that I want to make sure you get to Experience, which adds a bit of Real World time to the whole thing.

Third: There is a bit of Information that I need from you to get started. Let's Begin!

If you have played any of these adventures with this character, I would like to see the associated chronicle:

0-14 The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch
2–07: Heresy of Man, Part 2: Where Dark Things Sleep
5–12: Destiny of the Sands, Part 1: A Bitter Bargain
6–04: Beacon Below
9–04: The Unseen Inclusion

In addition, I will have a bunch of additional questions throughout the scenario. I will probably ask 1 every few days, to make sure that I have all the information in one place, but not enough to be Overwhelming.

So, with all that aside, let's get going!

First I need:
Name or Forum Name (For the Chronicle)
Character Name (For the Chronicle)
PFS number-Character Number
Day job (If Applicable)

For Example!
Name: Quinn Shannon
Character Name: Shyvara Emberfury
PFS number: 146613-6
Faction: Scarab Sages
Day job: Perform(Dance): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 32
Scenarios: I have played 5-12, and 6-04 with this character

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

A Missive from Venture Captain Diya Akan, requests your presence at the Twisting Garden lodge in Merab. Upon arrival, Diya has a spread of local delicacies upon a large shaded table. "Welcome! Please, wait here for the arrival of your Compatriots, and a little bit of a respite from the Desert Sun."

Here is a good place to introduce yourselves! In addition, I will need a little bit of Information that is listed in the Discussion Thread!

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Time to figure out who is playing:
First two are "Miri" Laishramn and Dusty Bligh (Thanks for running for me before!)
Next two are Roll 2: 1d10 + 1d9 ⇒ (1) + (8) = 9
Hush and Bash Steeltoe and the last 2: Roll 2: 1d8 + 1d7 ⇒ (8) + (1) = 9
Kiddir and Fizzlebottom! Let's get everyone in!

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

The floorboards of the Flaxseed Lodge creak as the powerfully built kellid stands up from the table, before tossing a small pouch of coins toward the bar.

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

This is where the Gameplay Happens! I'll have a opener post tomorrow!

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Here is where Out of Game discussion goes!

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Welcome to the PbP Gameday Thread for Cosmic Captive! If you could list me a few things, so when the time comes, we can get started!

1: Player or Forum Name (What you want on the Chronicle)
2: Character Name (That's the Second Line!)
3: Classes / Level (So I have a rough idea what to expect!)
4: Faction
5: Day Job (if any) and a roll to go with it.


1: Quinn Shannon
2: Grythyk (And Gamin!)
3: Battle Oracle 4 / Paladin 6
4: Silver Crusade
5: Profession(Soldier): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Welcome to the PbP Special! Feel free to do Introductions while we get ready to start!

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Hey Everyone! Thanks for Expressing interest! I will have Maps and everything ready to go later tonight / tomorrow. If you could give me the following information, it will make our lives easier!

1: Player / Forum Name
2: Character Name
3: Classes / Level
4: Faction
5: Day Job Roll (if Any)

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!

Hey Everyone! Thanks for Expressing interest! I will have Maps and everything ready to go later tonight / tomorrow. If you could give me the following information, it will make our lives easier!

1: Player / Forum Name
2: Character Name
3: Classes / Level
4: Faction
5: Day Job Roll (if Any)

Grand Lodge

Female Kitsune Life Oracle / 13

Chie stands up from the table, and smiles at the assembled team. "Well met Pathfinders! My name is Chie Fujioka, and I'm here to help! Amara Li sent me to gather you, and transport you to the small town of Ashima in Shokuro. She should have further details when you arrive! The trip shouldn't be very long, but should give you all some time to get comfortable with each other before starting out on the missions. We should arrive by tomorrow!"

Here is a good opportunity to introduce your character, as you travel to the Land of Tian Xia!

Grand Lodge

Female Kitsune Life Oracle / 13

Chie stands up from the table, and smiles at the assembled team. "Well met Pathfinders! My name is Chie Fujioka, and I'm here to help! Amara Li sent me to gather you, and transport you to the small town of Ashima in Shokuro. She should have further details when you arrive! The trip shouldn't be very long, but should give you all some time to get comfortable with each other before starting out on the missions. We should arrive by tomorrow!"

Here is a good opportunity to introduce your character, as you travel to the Land of Tian Xia!

Silver Crusade 4/5

Congrats everyone one 5 Stars!

Special congrats to RKnop! It's good to see you finally there!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am looking to use the trait "Destined for Greatness" in PFS, and was hoping to get a clarification on the wording.
The trait states that the "Expendable" contents are restored to you at no charge. If I have a class feature that makes an item in the kit "Expendable", do they get refilled when I go to town? What about Potions and Scrolls?