
Haohji PFS's page

497 posts. Organized Play character for Aeshuura.

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Grand Lodge

With the release of the Draw Steel playtest, would anyone be interested in running through one or both of the playtest adventures offered?

I am a little tight on time right now, but would be up to run through them if there is enough interest.

The Draw Steel system is a tactical, cinematic system that I really enjoyed when we played it for the first time last weekend!

I have pregens and cheat sheets available and there are a couple of YouTube videos that review the playtest packet. A short, simple one is here, if you are interested.

Thank you for your time!

Grand Lodge


Has anyone taken a look at the Draw Steel rpg from MCDM? The playtest packet for backers just came out and I have been looking it over. I just finished making a couple of characters last weekend with some friends and it was an enjoyable experience, but I want to play now...

Just curious if anyone on here has taken a look, or better yet, had a chance to play?

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

Your instructions were to head to Merab and assist Chief Archivist with some acquisitions.

You soon arrive on the Merabian docks via the barge, Powerful Hector, captained by Eduard Tabrin, who waves at you as you disembark via the gangplank. Merab's docks are busy and crowded with merchants, goods, and beasts of burden. You have barely had time to get settled on solid ground when an imp flies up and hand you a note then disappears in a puff of sulphureous smoke.


Darling Pathfinders,

I have some errands that I need you to run for me before you go off on your next assignment. Please find me in the Flowing Market, where I am in search of more reference materials. If you peruse the establishments that provide such materials, I am sure that you will be able to find me.

Your assistance is appreciated,
Chief Archivist Zarta Dralneen

You may introduce your characters...

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

Here is the Discussion thread for the Series 2 Quest run!

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

The day has finally come, the Swallowtail Festival, a celebration of the Autumnal Equinox. The square before the newly-rebuilt church quickly fills with both visitors and locals alike. Food and merchant stalls line the edges of the square featuring festival food, clothing, local crafts, souvenirs, and games.

The buzz in the air is palpable. Excitement abounds for the events planned for this Swallowtail Festival...

The turnout for the welcome speeches is quite respectable, and the four keynote speakers each deliver short but well-received welcomes to the festival:

Mayor Deverin's friendly attitude and excitement prove contagious as she welcomes visitors to town and jokes about how even Larz Rovanky, the local tanner (and notorious workaholic) managed to tear himself away from the tannery to attend, much to everyone’s amusement (except Larz’s).

Sheriff Belor Hemlock brings the crowd down a bit with his dour mood, his reminder to be safe around the evening’s bonfire, and his request for a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the fire that claimed the town’s previous church several years ago.

The next speaker is scheduled to be local nobleman Lonjiku Kaijitsu, but a sudden illness has prevented him from attending the ceremony (this isn’t something that surprises the locals, given Lonjiku’s well-known dislike of frivolity and festivals).

Sandpoint’s own showman Cyrdak Drokkus is more than up to the challenge of bringing the crowd’s mood back up with his rousing anecdotes. He delivers a not-completely-irreverent recap of the long process the town went through to finance and construct the new cathedral. He throws in a bit of self-promotion at the end, as is his wont, inviting everyone to stop by the Sandpoint Theater the following evening to check out his new production of The Harpy’s Curse, revealing that the lead role of Avisera the harpy queen will be played by none other than the famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda!

Finally, Father Zantus steps up to give a short speech thanking everyone for coming before declaring the Swallowtail Festival underway.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

Okay, here is our discussion thread for Seven Dooms. Let us outline our characters and stake our claim to what part we want to run.

Grand Lodge

Aloha, I am just posting to check on interest in a Round Robin-style running of Burnt Offerings and Seven Dooms over Sandpoint.

The pitch would be this: Depending on how many would be interested, we would split up the GM-ing responsibilities. I would prefer that we at least have 3 GMs, 4 would be ideal.

The PCs would be young at the start, teenagers that have some tie to Sandpoint. Then after Burnt Offerings, we would have a time skip, the characters could have been doing anything during that time, maybe do a little Downtime stuff (crafting and the like) to get us all outfitted.

Then the next GM starts us off on Seven Dooms, runs a couple of chapters, then we switch again, etc.


A bit about me. I have been GMing for over 20 years. When I moved back to my hometown, just about 16 years back, I started running Rise of the Runelords and it ended up being one of my longest running games. I am generally not one for running strictly by the book with regards to adventures. I like to tailor things for the PCs so that it becomes more personal for them. For example, in that Rise of the Runelords game I decided that since almost all of the party were long-lived ancestries, that they were all heroes of old Thassilon. The Elf PCs were all Faceless Stalkers that had gone in such deep cover that they had forgotten who they were. The monk PC turned out to be very proud and so I had it that she was the daughter of the Runelord of Pride. It turned out to be very memorable.

I also love collaborative storytelling. So, working with the other GMs to make this fun and help foster the stories of each individual PC would be a priority for me.


Anyway, if anyone is interested in trying this, I would love to collaborate with you!

Grand Lodge

Do we have any word on how the revised magus will look? Any big changes that we expect?

Grand Lodge

I don't suppose that anyone would be willing to run Rise of the Runelords in PF2e? I ran the AP back 10 years or so ago and I love all the possibilities in it!

I understand it is a major undertaking, and so I would understand if no one is up to the task...

Grand Lodge


Would anyone be thinking about running an Adventure Path in 2e sometime soon? I am interested in how the system handles longform games...

Grand Lodge

Were Ogrekin removed from 2nd edition? I am converting Jade Regent and am wondering if I should swap them out for something else entirely? Thanks!

Grand Lodge

I am using Pathbuilder 2e and it tells me that you get Skill Training at 2nd level, but I cannot find that anywhere in the book. It is not listed on the Fighter class (my current character is a Fighter) and I cannot find it in the Introduction (under Leveling Up), nor in the Skills chapter.

Is this a mistake? I am currently looking in the 4th printing PDF of the Core Rulebook.

Thanks for any help!

Grand Lodge

Is anyone excited for this release? If so, is anyone planning to make changes to make it feel more like the older editions of DL? (i.e. - Reinstituting the restrictions for entry into the Knights of Solamnia, making a Handler rogue archetype or Tinker arcane tradition)

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

At the request of an interested party, you’ve come with a number of others to the tea shop of the human known as Rhian the fate-steeper, who seems to expect you. After a short wait—and a number of cryptic Tarokka readings— the shop’s door opens again and an elf wheels into the room. A halfling following close behind closes the door with a quick kick of their heel.

Rhian nods to the newcomers but speaks to all of you gathered there. The time has come for you to understand where you are going. They then collect their Tarokka deck, saying, I leave you to it, and amble into a back room.

The elf studies you for a brief moment before introducing himself. My name is Alanik. Alanik Ray. And this is my associate, Kabe Whippoorwill. I am working at the behest of the Order of the Guardians, who are seeking one of their own—a human woman named Radaga who has gone missing. As part of this investigation, I am hiring field operatives. And I hope that you will be among them.

Kabe removes an envelope from their jacket pocket, placing it on a table. Word is that Radaga will attend Duchess Saidra’s d’Honaire’s Grand Masquerade tonight. Another agent got a sneak peek at an invitation, then whipped up a few extras. The halfling winks and clicks their tongue in the side of their mouth. Now you can mingle at the ball with other covert investigative teams and hopefully find Radaga. Or, at the very least, gather some information about where she’s been hiding out, and why.

Alanik nods agreement with his associate. I believe that infiltration, deduction, possible rescue, and solving a mystery might appeal to you, even at the risk of your being discovered.

Kabe chimes in, And the point is not to be discovered. If you go in heavy-handed, you’ll get nothing out of people. And if you don’t cooperate with your fellow investigators, you’ll be making things more difficult for yourselves.

Quite, Alanik continues, I thus implore you to investigate. Learn what you can about the disappearance of Radaga if convenient. And, even if inconvenient, I implore you to investigate, nevertheless. Now, I’m sure you have questions, and more introductions need to be made. Let’s get these formalities out of the way as quickly as possible. The game is afoot!

As you look around the room, you take in your fellow investigators...

Go ahead and describe your characters to the rest of the party and you may give your responses... If any of you decide that you know each other already, that is okay too. Remember that this is likely right when you all are starting your adventuring career, starting to break away from the general population of your respective realms...

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

Here is where we hold discussion for this campaign, including character creation.

Grand Lodge

So, today is the launch day for the DDAL special campaign Ravenloft Mist Hunters. The advantage of this campaign is that you don't need to have a character that is the appropriate level, you just spec your character to the level of the module being run.

If you are interested in seeing the Character Creation Rules:

Character Creation

There is even a Tarroka card generator:

Tarroka Draw

And special character sheets:

Ravenloft Character Sheets

So, anyone interested in making a foray into the Domains of Dread?

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This introduction is for players that participated in Greycastle and my DDAL 10-00: Ice Road Trackers run.

After leaving Mother Tusk's cave, you trek across the icy tundra. It is a full day of travel trudging through snows that come up to your knees. You pass by Dougan's Hole, a dreary sight, and continue on to the settlement of Good Mead.

Nearing the end of the day, though it is difficult to tell with the seeming eternal gloom, you see the lights of a central building, the sounds of singing and merriment emanating from within. As you approach, it looks like a large Mead Hall!

When you open the door, the warmth hits you like a wall! A roaring fire on either end of the hall lights up the building and fills it with the life-giving heat. The singing fades as the entirety of the people in attendance turn to face you in the doorway.

Suddenly, a familiar voice calls out, Well, look what the cat dragged in!

A familiar face stands out amongst the mix of people, but as most of the citizens of Good Mead come from Chultan stock, the slightly lighter features of your friend Turq is a welcome sight. He gestures you over to his length of the long tables running the length of the hall, What happened out there? Ye spent a couple o' days wit' the old walrus, eh? I only got meself here yesterday...

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This is the Discussion thread for DDEP 10-01: Terror in Ten Towns.

Grand Lodge

Aloha Everyone! As we have guidance for running this Epic as a single table, I will be trying this! If we get a large enough turnout, I may run it as two simultaneous tables.

Requirement: A Season 10 tier 1 Adventurers League character. Posting rate of at least once per day.

Adventure Description
As a beastly army approaches Ten-Towns from the south, heroes take the lead in fortifications and defense. But can the heroes’ optimistic hard work overcome the worst enemy—the towns’ distrust of one another?

I plan to start running by Monday (3/22), or earlier if we fill tables quickly.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This is the discussion thread for Bourne of Candles.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

You have been traveling for two full days, heading to the keep of the Bourne of Candles. As you approach the Castle, which you have since learned is called Castle Casrob, named after the Bourne, Jerrold Casrob, the strong smell of salt sea air assails your nostrils.

An old woman, gathering seaweed on the rocks using a short rake, tugs a tangle free before collecting it into a wicker basket at her feet. She stops her labor as you pass and calls out with a wave, He'll not see you. He don't see no one, he don't. Poor thing.

She pauses a moment to blow her nose on a rag of cloth she pulls from her sleeve. The years have not been kind to her. Bent double with age, and skin leathered by constant exposure to the harsh Moonsea weather, she seems as much a part of the landscape as the seaweed she is gathering.

Grand Lodge

Anyone interested in running an Adventurers League module? I am running one, currently, but I'd like to play. Tier 1 or tier 2 would be great!

If not, I guess I will hold tight... :(

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

An open call went out to help rebuild the Helping Hand, a temple dedicated to Torm and a site of respite for travelers passing through Sword Trail between Melvaunt and Thentia.

You have all answered the call, though your motives are your own. Some of you are in it for the promise of work, some of you may be here for darker interests...

Once a simple two-story roadhouse on the Sword Trail between Melvaunt and Thentia, the Helping Hand now stands as a sizeable temple to Torm, the god of duty and loyalty. It is nearing dusk, but as you approach, you see several people in plain woolen robes tending a large garden adjacent to the structure. Noticing you, a young brown-haired man in his early twenties approaches. “Greetings. My name is Acolyte Ryman. Are you in need of lodging for the evening?”


You may take this time to introduce your characters, and do a little RP. We will not officially start up until Monday.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

Here is the Discussion Thread.

Grand Lodge

Aloha all! It has been a while since I ran anything on the boards. I have found that I have to run self-contained modules or I get overwhelmed. So, here I am running again!

So here is my thought, I have a few tier 1s that I would like to run, and I have a few tier 2s that I can run as well.

Is there enough interest in this game? We will be using Season 9 rules, since it started 9/17. (Which is a far improvement from Season 8.)

Tier 1 Module (CCC):
I have all four of the Tenets of Bane Series
- CCC-WWC-01 In the Face of Fear
- CCC-WWC-02 Dark Waters of Hate
- CCC-WWC-03 Tyrant of the Forgotten Forge
- CCC-WWC-04 The Black Hand

Tier 2 Module:
DDAL 05-04: In Dire Need (A favorite of mine, good for dwarves or heavy armored fighters)
DDAL 05-11: Forgotten Traditions (never played or run it yet)
DDEX 01-13: Pool of Radiance Resurgent (never played or run it yet)

Anyway, if anyone is interested, let me know!

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This is the discussion thread for Dragon Heist.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

It is a brisk day, as Winter makes way for the Spring and the warm sun peeks out from behind the clouds to warm your face. You and the others made plans to meet up at the Yawning Portal Inn & Tavern, so here you find yourself standing before the place, known to cater to adventuring types. You reach for the door, a carriage passing behind you on the street, and feel the wooden handle in your hand before giving a tug.

The sounds of raucous laughter and the smell of spilt ale come wafting through the door. Durnan, the barkeep and owner, nods a greeting as he looks your way then moves to fill a patron's drink. Bonnie, the barmaid, comes passing by, Find yourself a seat, anywhere ya'd like!

On the stage at the far end of the common room, sits a bard playing a lute with only three strings. He is of middling skill, but no one seems to care...

The most obvious thing of note is the gaping hole in the center of the room, with a winch of sorts that descends into darkness below...


Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This is the discussion thread for the Fall table.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

It is a brisk day, as Summer makes way for the Fall and chill breeze sweeps off the deep water harbor and through the streets. You and the others made plans to meet up at the Yawning Portal Inn & Tavern, so here you find yourself standing before the place, known to cater to adventuring types. You reach for the door, a carriage passing behind you on the street, and feel the wooden handle in your hand before giving a tug.

The sounds of raucous laughter and the smell of spilt ale come wafting through the door. Durnan, the barkeep and owner, nods a greeting as he looks your way then moves to fill a patron's drink. Bonnie, the barmaid, comes passing by, Find yourself a seat, anywhere ya'd like!

On the stage at the far end of the common room, sits a bard playing a lute with only three strings. He is of middling skill, but no one seems to care...

The most obvious thing of note is the gaping hole in the center of the room, with a winch of sorts that descends into darkness below...


Grand Lodge

Would anyone be interested in playing (or running) Waterdeep: Dragon Heist as an Adventurers League game?

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This is the discussion thread. We are looking to start on Monday, 5/21.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

You’ve been traveling along the High Road for days. As evening approaches, you spot a wooden signpost next to a trail that heads north into the hills. Nailed to the post are three arrow-shaped signs. The two marked “Waterdeep” and “Daggerford” follow the High Road but point in opposite directions. The third, marked “Nightstone,” beckons you to follow the trail. If memory serves, Nightstone is roughly ten miles up the trail.

Each of you were notified by your respective factions that they wanted you to check out Nightstone:

Lords' Alliance / Emerald Enclave:
The residents of Nightstone have a longstanding and seemingly irreconcilable conflict with their northern neighbors, the elves of the Ardeep Forest. Lady Velrosa Nandar has been searching for skilled mediators to help resolve the dispute.

Your contact wants you to look into a rumor that a local Zhentarim boss is overreaching and may attempt to strong-arm the Lord and Lady Nandar at Nightstone, unaware that they unknowingly have made a deal with a much more subtle Zhent. Your mission, stop them. Kill them, if they proceed with their plan.

Rumors are going around that the Zhentarim are planning to take Nightstone and make it their new stronghold, killing the Lord and Lady Nandar if they do not acquiesce. The Lord and Lady are good people. Do not let this happen.

Order of the Gauntlet:
Followers of Gruumsh are marching on the small town of Nightstone. Stop them and save the townsfolk. Do both, if possible, save the townsfolk if not.

Grand Lodge

I am considering running the Storm King's Thunder in sort of modular segments, ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 2. If there is enough interest for tier 1, I can run the Great Upheaval, which will take you up to level 5.

Then I was planning to run the Triboar portion for level 5.

Then the Oracle of the All Father chapter.

Then the Fire Giant chapter.

So, anyone interested?

Grand Lodge

If anyone is interested in some stronghold rules and gem dragons, Colville's Kickstarter is alive!

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This is the discussion thread.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

Alastar Bol summons you to his villa, where the rotund man greets you while young boys fan him with large banana leaves.

Ah, welcome, welcome! I ask you here for, granted, a trivial task. It has become quite too hot for me to be prancing about the city, the Sword Coast native mops his sweating brow with a handkerchief, But we are in exciting times! The races are starting soon, and well, I would like you to place a bet for me on Mountain Thunder. I hear tell that they'll be retiring her soon.

He makes a small gesture and in response, one of the boys brings you all some refreshing cool water in a bowl made from a polished coconut shell.

Would you all be a good sap and put this wager on her for me? Bring me the ticket for a keepsake and I will let you all keep the winnings that hopefully she brings in, eh? He winks, then dabs more sweat from his brow and second chin.

Another gesture and the same boy returns with a small tray with a little pouch of 5 gold coins, resting upon it.

A woman named Mowbula Utakulu acts as bookie, place the bet with her. You will have my many thanks!

Grand Lodge

The Merchant Princes have a treat in store for everyone! A new team-based event has been added to the roster and the factions are throwing their hats into the ring. Climb aboard and saddle up! Part One of The Jungle Has Fangs Trilogy.

This is an Adventurers League module for 1st - 4th level characters.

What you need: a tier 1 Adventurers League legal character, a good attitude, and a desire for roleplay!

I will take the first 7 submissions OR however many we have by next week Tuesday (January 2nd).

Note: If you are new to Adventurers League, this season showcases the Death Curse, where if this character dies it cannot be brought back (until the Soulmonger has been defeated and if your character's soul has not been consumed.)

However, if you choose to play Meat Grinder Mode, you gain an additional 10% XP and Gold rewards, but make death saving throws at a DC 15 instead of 10. You do not HAVE to play Meat Grinder Mode, but it is an option.

So, have at you!!! ^_^

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This is the thread for discussions outside of gameplay.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

The inn's sign, if it can be called that, is simply an old bucket dangling from a post that has been driven into the ground in front of the two-story building. The word "inn" has been painted on its side in what appears to be pitch. Rain has filled the bucket to the top and water trickles out from a more that a dozen places.

Before you even enter the place, you can hear a number of excited and angry voices emanating from within. Above them all, one voice bellows, It's been over two tenday! What do you plan to do?

You all are gathered around the door to the inn and may describe your characters to everyone. You have worked with each other, or know each other by reputation and have been sent here by your respective factions.

Grand Lodge

Recruitment is now open for the next Tier 1 module for the Adventurers League. This is part of the Tyranny of Dragons storyline.

I am looking for 3 - 7 players with AL legal characters that are tier 1. I do run relatively fast-paced games, and if you do not at least post once a day, you are likely going to find yourself left behind. We do not mind that once in a while life gets in the way, but let us know and we will help you out.

Description of the module:

Despite the shaky alliance that exists with the elves of the Quivering Forest, they do not suffer trespass in their realm lightly, especially from the common folk from nearby Phlan. A woodworker's recent blunder into the forest might set off a diplomatic incident. Can you help him and mollify the aggravated elves?

Let me know if you have any questions and I will answer them as soon as possible.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This is the discussion thread for The White Well.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

You have all found your way to Hulburg for the Harvest festival, a holiday that marks a time of travel before the hard winter sets in. Along the streets, many stalls and booths are selling local and exotic goods, and every corner seems to hold a group of performers. While it is busy and full of energy, the town is peaceful.

You have been here since early this morning, wandering the streets and taking in the sights, you have each decided on this tavern for a nice lunch. It has come highly recommended for its meat pies and autumnal ale...

You may do some RP and intermingle. We have 3 who have confirmed, which is minimum table size. So we will proceed to see if we can get any of the others to join us before we get too far into this module!

Grand Lodge

Hey all! I am going to run one of the Community Created Content adventure modules for Adventurers League. It is a tier 1 adventure (lvls 1 - 4) using the rules for Organized Play found here.

I am looking for 3 - 7 players.

I post multiple times a day during the week, and less frequently during the weekends. If you are not able to at least post once a day, you may not get what you hope to out of this game. I have had people drop out in the past, because they felt lost when they missed a day and noticed that there were 15+ posts.

That being said, I am very welcoming and prefer a focus on RP!

Here is the description of the module:

The Gommurg Clan rarely deal with outsiders. These hill dwarves have isolated themselves for centuries to work on their craft and guard an ancient and sinister structure. Unfortunately, the world around them does not rest easy. An exile of the clan has inadvertently brought terrible woes to his ancestral home, and now he frantically seeks help to save his people.

Any characters that may have ties to dwarves may find a little extra role-play to this one! Recruitment is now open!

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

The afternoon sun is just beginning to peek out from behind heavy coulds, sending the last shafts of golden light through the durty windows of the Cracked Crown, an inn on the southern edge of Podol Plaza.

You are all sitting at a table, sent by your respective factions to this very inn with the promise of job prospects.


You may introduce yourselves and engage in witty banter over the course of the weekend. I am hoping that you both give each other a hint into your characters' personality and give each other a reason to work together (more than, the faction told me to.) Have fun with it! I will continue with the actual story on Monday.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

Discussion is open.

Grand Lodge

Well, it seems that I am up for running another module.

This will be an Adventurers League game for up to seven PCs level 1 - 4.

Scholars Square is a relatively quiet corner of Phlan, but a series of odd thefts have the headmasters of various schools in the area concerned. The headmasters' pleas for help have gone unanswered by the Black Fist, and the Lord Sage of Phlan decides to reach out to you and your kind to bring those responsible to justice.


Prerequisites: An Adventurers League legal character between level 1 - 4. If the character is above 1st, please have your logsheets available for me to view (pdf or picture is fine).

I am looking to start Friday or Saturday of this week, but may hold off until Monday if we are waiting on any players.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Newly announced at PAX East 2017!

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

Location: Madame Freona's Tea Kettle.

Time: Just after sunrise.

The call came late last night by messenger, "Any that would help, Doomguide Glandon, high priest of Kelemvor, requests your presence on the morrow's morning regarding future threats to Phlan."

The messenger looks around, "Is there a man by the name of Ander here? He has asked for you by name, but says that any who would lend aid are welcome."


You can feel free to take the time to get to know each other and I will start the actual adventure on Monday.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo

This is thread is for out-of-character discussion.