I would only suggest doing this with a group you are familiar with and wont take it as a negative. Players are Super Random and can easily spend two hours talking with your throwaway NPC (personal experience) so be weary. It is no longer a fun thing if you have to force their hands to leave something they enjoyed interacting with, and its double problematic if they fail because of it. ![]()
For myself, GMing or playing, the biggest annoyance comes from people not getting to the point. In rp its when the player tends to ramble because they feel the need to talk or they will miss their turn. They tend to have 15+ word sentences that dont really go anywhere. They are trying to do it in character but sometimes the mouth is faster than the brain and at these times they should just roll and summarized their intention. In combat this happens either when GMs make every hit a spectacle, even after an hour of the same combat, or when players over analyze their options. Once again the GM should recognize pace and determine when roles should adjust accordingly. ![]()
When playing with new players i simply ask us all to do a quick intro. In this i get an idea what to expect and i declare what i took them to mean. If they say they are a blaster sorc ill ask if they have fireball or someother evocation, and 90% of the time theyll correct me with exactly what they have. At the end of intros ill run off a quick checkpist of things weve missed and make sure we got them covered. It honestly doeant take that long all in all 5 minutes while the gm sets up. If they are missing something like a pot of fly and cant afford one ill offer one for the adventure and if they use it they buy one on their chronicle that they receive and i get my restock. This way no one is surprised when things pop up and we know ahead of time what we may get stumped by. ![]()
Sometimes you arent in the mood to go all out, or figure out a puzzle. In instances like this a 20 in either charisma character should be enough to say hey im just gonna roll it because my character is better at this than me. The flip side sometimes is true as well. Sometimes you get really into it and say or figure out a puzzle much better or quicker than your character would a 3 shouldnt make you fail even though you were very articulate. ![]()
I do it as i see necessary for the concept. I built a Link whose primarily a fighter but dipped witch and alchemist for the bombs and access to a fey familiar (with the feat).
The Players, "i take out my sword and charge him" GM:"Sensing your hostility as you move to draw your blade GMT raises his hand and says, 'It would do you well to remember whom you work for. The society needs me, and as it would appear at the mome,t so do you. We would not want your prestige in the society to be diminished by foolish actions." If this wasnt enough of a hint to let them k,ow they are either about to lose the extra prestige or even the whole mission state it outright. Let them know that they can still fight but they may: die by his guards, fail the mission, get thrown in jail, lose prestige, and/or shift alignment depending on scenario. ![]()
A scenario that gets from a to b to c in a logical and unforced manner. A gm that is clear about what needs to be presented. knowledgeable enough on the rules and scenario to not have giant time lapses breaking the flow of the game to constantly check things. And is fluid enough to change their narrative to best suit the type of play their table is leaning towards (more story, pure mechanics, silly decisions, ect.) A set of players that can respond off one anothers actions in a positi e and progressing way. Making sure they are aware of what their characters can do as to not make combat drag on. Understanding that sometimes its the player that over prepares and taking a step back and just let the die roll. I think if all these things are met you will have a great scenario. ![]()
you should both have a talk with them about how to better optimize their characters as well as build the best/ most optimised character you can. if they are a joy to play with and the only downside is they cant do squat in combat its time for you to shine. the worst thing thatll happen is that they dont like you being OP in which case itll trigger a conversation where you can help make them better and promising to downplay your character a bit. best case they see how awesome your guy is, take an interest, and either go on their own to improvement or ask you how to improve. in either case it seems like everyone will be better. ![]()
Talonhawke wrote: So between this and the threads on slavery, how does one even play anything other than a true neutral fighter with no ties. I seriously want to know. I see threads where even the thought of raising the dead should have you kicked out of the game. But having strong religious beliefs could also be being a jerk. Owning slaves is being a jerk and needs to be abolished, but if you press your anti-slavery Andoran feelings to hard its also a problem. Is this more of a board thing or is playing anything with a belief system possibly asking for trouble. The hard lines are definitely more prominent on the boards, i think its because we arent constrained to a set timelimit and are able to go over every and any possibility we feel may pop up. In real life things like this is what my character would do, or my belief opposes this generally get brought up quickly deliberated and moved on with a conversation maybe after the encounter.![]()
I have no problem with animal companions. I have an Enormous problem with slow combat. If combat is slow because its complicated and dynamically progressing making it so every turn changes the entirety of the battlefield, fine. If its slow because when it gets to you and your animal companions turn you take 5 minutes reviewing all the things you could do, Not fine.
andreww wrote:
If the plan was objectively horrid or insane working actively against it may not be uncooperative but if the party wants to do something and you actively make it more challenging to accomplish you are in the wrong. If we are fighting the bbeg and i decide instead of combating her to make sure her hired thugs get out safe and alive im not overstepping my bounds as a player and going against the tennents. If I were to go up to the BBEG and begin healing and casting buffs without some type of charm or compulsion because "i dont think the party should kill her" most people would say that does go against the tennents.Not going along with the party and finding alternative means isn't being uncooperative but actively undoing what the party does because you feel you should is. At the very least in regards to a single scenario. Campaign mode has different rules. ![]()
blackbloodtroll wrote:
I have a character that i now refuse to play without first having some drinks. I do this because by happenstance i played the first 17 scenarios with her while drinking and i cannot let the tradition die. ![]()
Lets assume that a level 1 wizard 19 sorcerer were to kill a level 15 wizard and take his spellbook. Obviously he being a level 19 sorcerer is able to cast 9th level spells and lower. Him being a level 1 wizard gets him a spell book. Can he then being able to cast these spells inscribe them into his spellbook? Can he cast them? Could he make those spells into scrolls and cast them? What CL would the spells be cast at?
andreww wrote:
My group was going to do things like potions ect. Instead of telling yhem no i simply made it overly obvious that there actions were being disapproved of and reminded them that they want to have the best of relations. As they werent 100% diplomatic earlier this nonthreat worked (not that any of he dcs are too challenging). I also to further incentivizr i played up the honest accomplishments way more so by the third trial no one botherrd to attempt magic. ![]()
Its only, or at least should only, be frowned upon when people choose to play less equipped characters or characters that dont benefit party makeup because they want the boon. This was also a problem with faction specific missions where people only played their faction character even when they had another character in tier who would benefit everyone.
I have a player in my area who has decided to go paladin, the only problem is his character is Cn and level three. So because he is actively working towards reforming his ways we track his alignment. All the gm's are happy to do it and it makes sense. That said unless there is an Omg moment I won't be tracking alignment. ![]()
I would like to see a 1-12 race like at a convention or something. You set up your team and run though a set number of scenarios that would get your characters through to lvl 12. It doesnt matter if youve played the scenario before nor if you finish it so long as the primary objective is complete and you qualify for 1xp. The scenarios can be preset by the coordinator so that everyone has equal footing or there can be several lists of chains people can do so not everyone is on the same track. Buying and selling is done at the end of each part as normal but because you can end one adventure early you may not be at appropriate gold per level. Each character would have to be pfs legal but things like ongoing conditions and alignment drop dont have to be handled at the end of each part, as the idea is the entire race is "one scenario".
Raglum wrote:
It's a lot more subjective than that. Say my hp is at seven, the enemy averages eight and isn't very hurt. I'm sure as he'll thinking a d8+5 healing is the better option. Because on a high heal you just got three turns of an ally still up and at worst two rounds of me actively doing something tò help, even if it's just giving flank. ![]()
The biggest thing I think I do to help gm's is getting the group back on track so they don't have to. Either by just slightly loudly reestablishing the mission and progress or just happening to mention the time any time the gm begins to cool down from side talk isa big help.
Because every time the entire party gets to go before the bbeg and one shots him after box text nobody is really satisfied. Especially if every encounter has been first rounded because of high init and one shot abilities.
The only time you are allowed to switch orders of encounters are when the party has changed the order in which they encounter them. An example being the team enters through the basement where the bbeg is instead of the front door where the first encounter is supposed to happen. (Is does not mean you switch where the bbeg is but rather they fight him first instead of last)