G-Zeus's page

Organized Play Member. 182 posts (184 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 11 Organized Play characters.


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For myself, GMing or playing, the biggest annoyance comes from people not getting to the point. In rp its when the player tends to ramble because they feel the need to talk or they will miss their turn. They tend to have 15+ word sentences that dont really go anywhere. They are trying to do it in character but sometimes the mouth is faster than the brain and at these times they should just roll and summarized their intention. In combat this happens either when GMs make every hit a spectacle, even after an hour of the same combat, or when players over analyze their options. Once again the GM should recognize pace and determine when roles should adjust accordingly.


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Players first session, just bought the CRB and wanted to play. They needed a reroll or there character would have died in a lame level 1 fashion. I gave them my reroll, i dont think anyone had or would have a problem with me doing this.


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Woran wrote:

My recurring home campaign NPC is called Bob.

Bob's a good guy.

I had a cleric named Fred the good guy. All I did was heal and buff any ally who asked. My gm had two dire bears maul him to death.


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I have no problem with animal companions. I have an Enormous problem with slow combat. If combat is slow because its complicated and dynamically progressing making it so every turn changes the entirety of the battlefield, fine. If its slow because when it gets to you and your animal companions turn you take 5 minutes reviewing all the things you could do, Not fine.
If you have trouble taking care of your own PC dont add an animal.


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My lannister character wanted to kiss his ironkin but i told him thatd be ironsin. When he did it i threw him in the ironbin and started drinking irongin, looks like no one got an ironwin now that we lost our ironskin.


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The gm starts the fight with three surprise round crits, then wins initiative in a 1-5.


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The biggest thing I think I do to help gm's is getting the group back on track so they don't have to. Either by just slightly loudly reestablishing the mission and progress or just happening to mention the time any time the gm begins to cool down from side talk isa big help.
If the gm is doing a "job" then it's not right for us to constantly stop him from being able to adequately complete it.


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Because every time the entire party gets to go before the bbeg and one shots him after box text nobody is really satisfied. Especially if every encounter has been first rounded because of high init and one shot abilities.
Wanderer had it pretty much down pat, with the buffer wanting to go first as well.


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The fact that a mount with 8 or more int doesn't need a trick to be able to do or perform a specified action. Especially when asked to do it in one of the 5 languages he speaks.


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Jessex wrote:

That is simply nonsense.

I'll repeat, I've been A GM since the late 70's and over that time I've tried allowing evil PC's many times due to the insistence of players who claimed they could RP them without causing problems. They were without exception wrong. In order to RP any flavor of evil alignment a PC is simply not compatible with a party of adventurers. LE in particular does not allow for cooperation. To properly RP LE the player must be seeking to dominate those around them and that is simply not a pleasant gaming experience for the other people at the table.

Ive played many successful CE characters (though they generally fall to CE). You have the people you like aka your party, and you sometimes take interest in doing something useful to stave off the boredom. Also adventuring gets you lots of loot and i hear people trade goods and services for that. Just every now and again after killing a village full of drow you notice that there are chidren now orphaned (a lot of them) and you decide in the "chaos" of battle to set fire the homes (because it would be a hassle to deal with a bunch of drow children) and you "forget" to mention it to your party. Now ive been a team player, evil, and chaotic while leveling up to 4!


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Your party is so sub-par the monsters ask to play up.


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Lawful: if it is lawful to own a slave can I paladin own one? Yes. Would a paladin own one? No. Would a paladin free every slave he came across? No because if it is a lawful practice he would abide by it.
Good: Giving money to he poor is good. Would a paladin have to give money to every poor person he met? No. Would he most likely? Yes, but an over zealous paladin would instead give food and water, as money can be used for evil gains.
Aside from what is specifically called out for on the code, like no poisin use tackling paladins should be based on a check system. If it is a matter of order make sure it is lawful, starting wih the paladin's personal law I.e his homelands or his deity. Then go to the local law, for he should honor it and acknowledge it but things like wearing a seatbelt change by state.
If it is a moral question simply go through where it falls in the access, possibly things get superseded by his deity and what they consider good and bad, like bacon being fine to eat.
It is a really quick thing to do. Isolate the incidents that come up. If it is taking more than a few minutes than someone has a personal agenda and not an objective view.
Paladins aren't stupid and they sure as hell would not leave something as big as the society alone.


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no one can figure out the clues on a timed event

no one can bypass skeleton DR

people are throwing up not their characters with the nauseated condition.


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Your feat tree is so long, we had to call the fire department to come get you.


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...your main damage dealer fell into the trap that starts the ambush.


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Doesn't come up a ton but mummy, at least at its challenge rating. I had a single mummy tpk because of its despair paralysis. The party was level 7's. I like the mummy, its classic, that said it has a completely different CR if not faced by a paladin or cleric.


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No one in your party is able to identify the spell that keeps switching your caster's location with the BBEG every time the your raging barbarian crits.


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the Gm says it's okay to run away from the final encounter.