Lawful: if it is lawful to own a slave can I paladin own one? Yes. Would a paladin own one? No. Would a paladin free every slave he came across? No because if it is a lawful practice he would abide by it.
Good: Giving money to he poor is good. Would a paladin have to give money to every poor person he met? No. Would he most likely? Yes, but an over zealous paladin would instead give food and water, as money can be used for evil gains.
Aside from what is specifically called out for on the code, like no poisin use tackling paladins should be based on a check system. If it is a matter of order make sure it is lawful, starting wih the paladin's personal law I.e his homelands or his deity. Then go to the local law, for he should honor it and acknowledge it but things like wearing a seatbelt change by state.
If it is a moral question simply go through where it falls in the access, possibly things get superseded by his deity and what they consider good and bad, like bacon being fine to eat.
It is a really quick thing to do. Isolate the incidents that come up. If it is taking more than a few minutes than someone has a personal agenda and not an objective view.
Paladins aren't stupid and they sure as hell would not leave something as big as the society alone.