
Fritz Fratz's page

74 posts. Organized Play character for Magabeus.

Organized Play Characters

Silver Crusade Deaglan

hp 83/83 | Ac 27 (FF26, T13) | Init +1 | F+13 R+7 W+13 (+2 vs poisons / spells / spell-like effects) | P+5 SM+10 | Channel 0/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Luck Plate 1/1 (695 posts)
Grand Lodge Garret

hp 52/52, Freedom of movement | Ac 29 (Mage armor[+4] and Barkskin[+3]) T21 FF 22| Init +8 Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +10 (+2 vs fear & +2 vs enchantment & evasion) | Perception +14 Sense Motive +6 | Ki 2/5 | Reroll 1/1 (784 posts)
Liberty's Edge Eolowyn

hp 68/76 Ac 24 T 15 FF 19 (incl +3 from Barkskin)| Init +9 (+4 in forest / +2 underground) | F+10 R+15 W+6 (+2 vs enchantments +3 vs evil outsiders, evasion)| Perception +16 (+4 in forest, +2 underground, +2 vs humans&undead, +6 vs evil outsiders) | Reroll 1/1 (595 posts)
Dark Archive Faeranduil

hp 57/57 | PfA 100/100 AC 17 (incl mage armor) | T 13 | FF 14 DR 10/melee or magic| CMD 18 (19 vs grapple) | F +5 | R +8 | W+9 (+2 vs enchantments) | I +4 | P +13 (+2) | Concentration +19 Elemental Manipulation 11/11 | Versatile Evocation 11/11 | Reroll 1/1 |
Active Spells:
Darkvision, Floating Disk, Heightened Awarenes, Mage armor, Life Bubble, Overland Flight, Protection from Arrows, Unseen Servant
(361 posts)
Sabriyya Kalmeralm
The Exchange Dimitra

HP 33/33 | Ac 17 T 13 FF 14 | I+4 | Fort+3 Ref+9 Will +5 (+1 vs enchantments)| P+7 | Bluff +20 Diplo& Intimidate +16 Sense Mot +18 | BP 11/19 | Spells 4/6+1/4
Active Spells:
Heightenend Awareness, Heroism
(381 posts)
Jask Derindi
Scarab Sages Kintampo

HP 57/57 | Ac 20 T 14 FF 17 (excl+4 shield spell) | I+3 | F+8 R+6 W+6| P+11 | Arcane Pool 5/5 | Reroll 1/1 (435 posts)
Liberty's Edge Ketill

HP 91/70+21 | |Ac 24 T 17 FF 19 (+4 Shield)(incl mutagen)| Init +7 | Fort +13 Ref+17 Will +8 (+2 heroism)| Resist Cold/Elec/Fire 5| Perception +13 +2 | Darkness 1/1 | Bombs 18/18 | Fly 11/11 | Reroll 1/1
Active Spells:
Heightened Awareness, Heroism, False Life (greater), Tongues
(807 posts)
Anevia Tirablade
Sovereign Court Isabella Aldori

hp 54/54 | Ac 23 T 16 FF 17 (+1 AC if adjacent to only 1 foe) | Init +7 | Fort +9 Ref+13 Will +7 | Perception +9 | Panache 3/3 | Plume of Panache 1/1 | Lay on Hands 4/4 | Smite 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 (519 posts)
Grand Lodge Kerastes

Active Spells:
Heightened Awareness
HP 36/36 | Ac 19 +2 shield | T 12 | FF 17 (+2 vs Rays) | I+7 | F+7 R+5 W+9 | Diplomacy+7 Intimidate+9 Perception+11+2 SenseMotive+13 | Spells 0/4+3/3 | Bane 2/5 | Deflection Aura 1/1 | Determination 2/2 | Discern Lies 5/5 | Judgement 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 (370 posts)
Sovereign Court Myrd Sharpclaw

hp 28/28 | Ac 16 T 12 FF 14 DR 10 / melee or magic | I+2 | F+3 R+5 W+9 (+1 vs disease & distraction) | Bluff +15 Diplomacy +18 Perception +13 +2 Sense Motive +12 | Splintered Spear 8/8 | Reroll 1/1
Active spells:
Heightened awareness (60 min), Mage Armor (6 hrs), Protection from Arrows (6 hrs)
(348 posts)
Jamus Hainard
Liberty's Edge Adinomo

HP 7/27 | AC 20 T 16, FF 15 | F+4, R+8, W+3 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | Reroll 0/1 (280 posts)
Silver Crusade Yarricki

FATIGUED hp 42/42 | Ac 21 T 11 FF 19 (incl barkskin +2) | I+1 | F+8 R+3 W+5 +2 vs. illusions | Perception +9
hp 37/37 | Ac 18 T 12 FF 13 (incl barkskin +2 | I+3 | F+7 R+7+Evasion W+1 | Perception +4 | Hunter's Trick 1/2
Reroll 1/1 | Animal Focus 0/1 (412 posts)
Consortium Agent
Sovereign Court Karayan

hp 13/13 AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMD 11 | F +0 R +3 W+8 (+2 vs disease or mind, -1 vs pos energy) | Init +0, Bluff +10, Diplo +12, Intimidate +10, Percept +5 | Concentration +6 trick 5/5 | spells 3/3 | charm 1/1 | command 1/1 | reroll 0/1 (302 posts)
Lizardfolk Scion
Scarab Sages Toctep

hp 91/91 (+24 rage) Effect: Phantom Blood (2 hrs) | Ac 21 T12 FF 20 (-2 rage, add -2 when large) | Init +1 | F +14 (rage +2) Ref+6 (large -1) Will +3 (+2 vs. mind-affecting and poison) | Resist Acid 3, Cold 3, Electricity 6, Fire 3 |Perception +12 | Rage 13/13 | Omen 1/1 | Spells 1/2 | Reroll 1/1 (281 posts)
Grand Lodge Kara Giantbane

hp 15/39 | Ac 18 T 14 FF 14 | Init +8 | Fort +8 Ref+8 Will +5 (+3 vs spells, spell-like and poison)| Perception +10 | Grit 1/3 | Reroll 1/1 (154 posts)

Grand Lodge Suli Pirate
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Spire GM
(0 posts)
Liberty's Edge Restless Eagle

hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1 (42 posts)
Giant Frog
Scarab Sages Quon Quonnery

hp 15/15 | Ac 14 T 14 FF 15 | Init +3 | Fort +1 Ref+5 Will +2 | Perception +4 | Ray 5/6 | Spells 3/4 | Reroll 1/1 (72 posts)
Wayfinders I-5

N Android Solarian 3 | SP 14/14; HP 18/18 | RP 2/2 | Jump-jet 7/10 | Attuned: Graviton 3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 (+4 vs AoO from movement)| Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +3 (+2 vs disease, mind-affecting, poison & sleep) | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 (175 posts)
Green Dragon
Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Baskoro

LG Vesk Envoy 2 | SP 14/14; HP 20/20 | RP 4/4 | EAC 13; KAC 14 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +3 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +0 | Perc: +5; SM: +5+1d6 (107 posts)
Wild Elf
Exo-Guardians Sirion Greenspeaker

N Elf Mystic 3 SP 18/18; HP 22/22 | RP 6/6 | Spells 4/4 EAC 15; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +7 | Init: +6 | Perc: +14 (53 posts)
Acquisitives Fritz Fratz

CG Ysoki Soldier SP 8/8; HP 10/10 | RP 4/4 EAC 16; KAC 18 | Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 (74 posts)

Cleric Cleric Deck - Zarlova


Sveinn Blood-Eagle
(184 posts)
Sound Warrior
Aspis Agent

JOLIRYN | hp 38/59 | Ac 24, FF20, T15 SLOW-1 | Init +4 | F+10 R+9 W+2 (+2 vs fear) | P+1 | EP 2/7 | Spells 1/5+0/4+1/2 | Reroll 0/1 (58 posts)
Axe Beak Thunder

hp 24/30 | Ac 16 T 12 FF 13 | I+3 | F+7 R+7+Evasion W+1 | Perception +4 | Hunter's Trick 1/2
(7 posts)
Augmented Gearsman
Bot Buddy 2001

Botting Guide (24 posts)
Bee Doll
Buzz the Wasp

hp 5/9 | Ac 16 T 12 FF 14 | I+2 | F+3 R+2 W+1 | Perception +1 | (17 posts)

Cleric (Forgemaster) hp 9/9 | Ac 13 | T 11 | FF 12 | I+1 | F+3 R+1 W+5 | Perception +3 Sense Motive +7 (60 posts)
Riding Dog

CG Skittermander Mystic SP 18/18; HP 20/20 | RP 4/4 | Spells 0/4 | Hyper 0/1 EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +2; Will +8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10; SM: +10 (141 posts)

Quonx, Skittermander Mechanic 2 | | SP 8/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/4 | EAC 13; KAC 15 | Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +0 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5 (267 posts)

Gerard van Konijnenburg
(0 posts)


Tears at Bitter Manor (895 posts)

Fiend series | Shackles (3,996 posts)
Sewer Goblin
Magabeus - 1001 Zarlova

My Deck Handler | My deck (77 posts)

hp 26/46 + shaken | Ac 20 (FF17, T15) | Init +5 | F+6 R+9 W+3 (+2 vs enchantments) | P+11 (+3 vs traps) | Bite 5/5 | Flame 1/1 | Reroll 0/1 | Map (523 posts)