Sewer Goblin

Magabeus - 1001 Zarlova's page

77 posts. Alias of Magabeus.


My Deck Handler


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About Magabeus - 1001 Zarlova


Skill Feat Wisdom
Deck Upgrade Spell 1 (Augury for Cure)
Deck Upgrade Ally 1 (Surgeon for Lookout)

Power Feat When you acquire a card that has the Magic trait, examine the top([ ] or bottom) card of your spell; if it is a spell ([X]or a blessing) , you may add it to your hand.
Deck Upgrade Spell B (Find Traps for Inflict)
Deck Upgrade Item B (Pearl of Wisdom for Holy Water)

Deck Upgrade Spell B (Holy Light for Fireblade)

4: (unsuccesfull)
Deck Upgrade Ally B (Retainer for Sage)

Card Feat Spell
Deck Upgrade Ally 1 (Social Climber for Retainer)
Deck Upgrade Spell B (Fireblade added)

Lazy dice:

- [dice=Craft]1d10+2[/dice]
- [dice=Knowledge]1d10+2[/dice]
- [dice=Divine]1d10++1+3[/dice]
- [dice=Combat (Fireblade)]1d10+1+3+2d4[/dice]
- [dice=Combat (Inflict)]1d10+1+3+1d6[/dice]

Expected values, lowest and highest without blessings etc:
Strength: E2.5, L1, H4
Constitution: 3.5, L1, H6
Intelligence: 5.5, L1, H10
Craft & Knowledge: 7.5, L3, H12
Wisdom: 6.5, L2, H11
Divine: 9.5, L5, H14
Combat (Fireblade): 14.5, L7, H22
Combat (Inflict): 13, L6, H20
Charisma: 3.5, L1, H6