About Dimitra Pathfinder Society:
Pathfinder ID:24861-5 Faction: Sczarni XP: 15 Prestige Points / Fame: 12 / 28 Chronicles:
Starting PP / Fame: 0
2: We be Goblins! - GM
Starting PP / Fame: 0/0
3: The City of Strangers - Part I: The Shadow Gambit
Starting PP / Fame: 1/1
4: First Steps I: In Service to Lore - GM
Starting PP / Fame: 3/3
5: We be Goblins Too! - GM
Starting PP / Fame: 5/5
6: The City of Strangers - Part II: The Twofold Demise
Starting PP / Fame: 4/6
7: The Prince of Augustana
Starting PP / Fame: 4/8
8: The Wardstone Patrol
Starting PP / Fame: 6/10
9: You Have What You Hold
Starting PP / Fame: 8/12
Services Purchased: Retraining (Feat) 150 gp + 5 prestige 10: Beggar's Pearl - GM
Starting PP / Fame: 5/14
11: The Traitor's Lodge
Starting PP / Fame: 2/16
12: Destiny of the Sand, Part 1: A Bitter Bargain - GM
Starting PP / Fame: 4/18
13: Echoes of the Overwatched
Starting PP / Fame: 6/20
14: Shades of Ice Part III - Keep of the Huscarl King - GM
Starting PP / Fame: 8/22
15: Scions of the Sky Key Part 2 - Kaava Quarry - GM
Starting PP / Fame: 10/24
16: The Disappeared
Starting PP / Fame: 12/26
17: The Jester's Fraud
Starting PP / Fame: 9/28
18: Siege of Serpents
Starting PP / Fame: 10/30
19: Ritual of Stardust
Starting PP / Fame: 12/32 20: Plunder & Peril (Dangerous Waters)
Starting PP / Fame: 12/32
21: Plunder & Peril (Black Coral Cove)
Starting PP / Fame: 16/36
Additional Resources used
Equipment & Expenditures Tracking:
Purchases Chronicle 1 Alchemist's Fire *1 - 20 gp Bandolier - 0.5 gp Bedroll - 0.1 gp Dagger *2 - 4 gp Disguise Kit - 50 gp - Chronicle 3: 1 used Explorer's Outfit - 0 gp (free at creation) Entertainer's Outfit - 3 gp Flint & Steel - 1 gp Mess Kit - 0.2 gp Rations, trail *5 - 2.5 gp Scarf*4 - 2 gp Scarf (Pocketed) -8 gp Spell component pouch - 5 gp Waterskin - 1 gp Purchases Chronicle 5
Purchases Chronicle 6
Purchases Chronicle 7
Purchases Chronicle 8
Purchases Chronicle 10
Purchases Chronicle 11
Purchases Chronicle 13
Purchases Chronicle 14
Purchases Chronicle 16
Purchases Chronicle 17
Purchases Chronicle 18
Leveling Decisions:
Level 1 Ability Point Buy: STR 10, DEX 16, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 15 Race: Human (Varisian) +2 To one ability score: CHA Alternative Racial Trait: Focussed Study Gender: Female Alignment: CN Deity: Calistria Faction: Sczarni Bonus Language: Giant, Shoanti Favored Class: Bard Trait: Trouper (Perform Sing) Trait: Vagabond Child Feat: Antagonize Focus Study Bonus Feat: Skill Focus (Perform (Sing)) Class: Bard Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point Spells Known: Level 0: - detect magic - mage hand - light - prestidigitation Level 1: - charm person - disguise self Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human + 1 Favored Class Bonus - Diplomacy - Disable Device - Disguise - Knowledge (history) - Knowledge (local) - Perception - Perform (sing) - Sleight of Hand - Stealth - Use Magic Device Level 2 Class: Bard Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point Versatile Performance: Sing Spells Learned: Level 0: - read magic Level 1: - comprehend languages Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human + 1 Favored Class Bonus - Appraise - Diplomacy - Disable Device - Knowledge (arcana) - Knowledge (planes) - Knowledge (dungeoneering) - Perform (dance) - Perform (sing) - Sleight of Hand - Use Magic Device Level 3 Class: Bard Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point Spells Learned: Level 0: - ghost sound Level 1: - grease Feat: Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human + 1 Favored Class Bonus - Disable Device - Knowledge (engineering) - Knowledge (geography) - Knowledge (nature) - Linguistics (abbysal) - Linguistics (draconic) - Linguistics (infernal) - Perform (sing) - Sleight of Hand - Use Magic Device Retraining chronicle 9 Exchanged Fast Learner for Harrowed - costs 5 Prestige, 150 gp Level 4 Ability Score Increase: CHA Class: Bard Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point Spells Learned: Level 2: - Honeyed Tongue - Silence Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human + 1 Favored Class Bonus - Disable Device - Handle Animal - Knowledge (nobles) - Knowledge (religion) - Linguistics (Azlanti) - Perception - Perception - Perform (keyboard) - Perform (sing) - Use Magic Device Level 5 Class: Bard Feat: Point Blank Shot Favored Class Bonus: +1 Spell Known (Saving Finale) Spell Unlearned: Level 1: - Disguise Self Spells Learned: Level 1: - Feather Step Level 2: - Heroism Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human - Disable Device - Linguistics (Undercommon) - Perception - Perform (sing) - Spellcraft - Spellcraft - Spellcraft - Spellcraft - Use Magic Device Level 6 Class: Bard Versatile Performance: Keyboard Instruments Favored Class Bonus: +1 Spell Known (Feather Fall) Spells Learned: Level 2: - Glitterdust Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human - Escape Artist - Linguistics (Thassilonian) - Perform (keyboard) - Perform (keyboard) - Perform (keyboard) - Perform (keyboard) - Perform (keyboard) - Perform (sing) - Use Magic Device Level 7 Class: Bard Feat: Rapid Shot Favored Class Bonus: +1 Spell Known (Galant Inspiration) Spells Learned: Level 3: - Harrowing - Haste Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human - Knowledge (Arcana) - Knowledge (Arcana) - Knowledge (Arcana) - Knowledge (Arcana) - Linguistics (Sylvan) - Perform (sing) - Perform (keyboard) Level 8 Class: Harrower Focus Study Bonus Feat: Skill Focus (Perform (Keyboard)) Spells Learned: Level 3: - See Invisibility Skill Points: 2 class + 2 INT + 1 Human - Linguistics (Tien) - Perform (sing) - Perform (keyboard) - Use Magic Device - Use Magic Device Combat:
Initiative +3 (+3 Dex) AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex) Base Atk +5; CMB +5 CMD 18 hp 42 (7d8+1d6)
Modifiers between brackets are on top of original modifier Total modifier = ranks + ability + class skill Encumbrance: Light Acrobatics +3 = 0 +3
Concentration +13 Level 0 detect magic ghost sound light mage hand prestidigitation read magic Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Special Abilities:
Racial Traits Focused Study At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, gain Skill Focus in a skill of choice as a bonus feat. Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Bard Abilities
Versatile Performance (Sing & Keyboard) At 2nd level, a bard can choose one type of Perform skill. He can use his bonus in that skill in place of his bonus in associated skills. When substituting in this way, the bard uses his total Perform skill bonus, including class skill bonus, in place of its associated skill's bonus, whether or not he has ranks in that skill or if it is a class skill. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the bard can select an additional type of Perform to substitute.
Boons on chronicles
Current Equipment:
Encumbrance: Light Clothing & Armor
Efficient Quiver with
Bandolier with
Wrist Sheath, springloaded left arm with
Wrist Sheath, springloaded right arm with
Waterproof Bag with Pathfinder Pouch with
Handy Haversack with