Sabriyya Kalmeralm

Dimitra's page

381 posts. Organized Play character for Magabeus.


| Ac 17 T 13 FF 14 | I+4 | Fort+3 Ref+9 Will +5 (+1 vs enchantments)| P+7 | Bluff +20 Diplo& Intimidate +16 Sense Mot +18 |


BP 11/19 | Spells 4/6+1/4

Active Spells:
Heightenend Awareness, Heroism


HP 33/33






Abbysal, Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Elven, Infernal, Orc, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Undercommon, Varisian

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 20

About Dimitra

Pathfinder Society:

Pathfinder ID:24861-5
Faction: Sczarni
XP: 15
Prestige Points / Fame: 12 / 28

1: Ascendance Day - Generic Boon
Starting Gold: 150
GP Gained: 0
Day Job: NA
Items Bought: 111.3

Starting PP / Fame: 0
Prestige Gained: 0

2: We be Goblins! - GM
Starting Gold: 38.7
GP Gained: 500
Day Job: NA

Starting PP / Fame: 0/0
Prestige Gained: 1

3: The City of Strangers - Part I: The Shadow Gambit
Starting Gold: 538.7
GP Gained: 512
Day Job: 5

Starting PP / Fame: 1/1
Prestige Gained: 2

4: First Steps I: In Service to Lore - GM
Starting Gold: 1055.7
GP Gained: 417
Day Job: NA

Starting PP / Fame: 3/3
Prestige Gained: 2

5: We be Goblins Too! - GM
Starting Gold: 1472.7
GP Gained: 1237
Day Job: NA
Items Bought: 402

Starting PP / Fame: 5/5
Prestige Gained: 1
Prestige Spend: Wand of Cure Light Wounds – 2 PP

6: The City of Strangers - Part II: The Twofold Demise
Starting Gold: 2307.7
GP Gained: 507
Day Job: 50
Items Bought: 0

Starting PP / Fame: 4/6
Prestige Gained: 2
Prestige Spend: Wand of Enlarge Person – 2 PP

7: The Prince of Augustana
Starting Gold: 2864.7
GP Gained: 462
Day Job: 10
Items Bought: 2100
Items Sold: 5

Starting PP / Fame: 4/8
Prestige Gained: 2

8: The Wardstone Patrol
Starting Gold: 1241.7
GP Gained: 1280
Day Job: 75
Items Bought: 1192
Items Sold:

Starting PP / Fame: 6/10
Prestige Gained: 2

9: You Have What You Hold
Starting Gold: 1404.7
GP Gained: 1274
Day Job: 20
Services Purchased: Retraining (Feat) 150 gp

Starting PP / Fame: 8/12
Prestige Gained: 2

Services Purchased: Retraining (Feat) 150 gp + 5 prestige

10: Beggar's Pearl - GM
Starting Gold: 2548.7
GP Gained: 1251
Day Job: NA
Items Bought: 575.5
Items Sold: 1

Starting PP / Fame: 5/14
Prestige Gained: 2
Prestige Spend: Greased Palm Vanity (1) + Caravan Traveler Vanity (4)

11: The Traitor's Lodge
Starting Gold: 3225.2
GP Gained: 1293
Day Job: 50
Items Bought: 4000

Starting PP / Fame: 2/16
Prestige Gained: 2

12: Destiny of the Sand, Part 1: A Bitter Bargain - GM
Starting Gold: 568.2
GP Gained: 1850
Day Job: NA

Starting PP / Fame: 4/18
Prestige Gained: 2

13: Echoes of the Overwatched
Starting Gold: 4418.2
GP Gained: 1834
Day Job: 100
Items Bought: 2075
Items Sold: 8.5

Starting PP / Fame: 6/20
Prestige Gained: 2

14: Shades of Ice Part III - Keep of the Huscarl King - GM
Starting Gold: 2285.7
GP Gained: 1906
Day Job: 0
Items Bought: 4050
Items Sold: 0

Starting PP / Fame: 8/22
Prestige Gained: 2

15: Scions of the Sky Key Part 2 - Kaava Quarry - GM
Starting Gold: 141.7
GP Gained: 1842
Day Job: 0
Items Bought: 0
Items Sold: 0

Starting PP / Fame: 10/24
Prestige Gained: 2

16: The Disappeared
Starting Gold: 1983.7
GP Gained: 1850
Day Job: 50
Items Bought: 1000
Items Sold: 0
Gold Spend: 275 Retrained Antagonize for Precise Shot 250 GP + Bribe Guard 25 GP

Starting PP / Fame: 12/26
Prestige Gained: 2
Prestige Spend: Retrained Antagonize for Precise Shot 5 PP

17: The Jester's Fraud
Starting Gold: 2608.7
GP Gained: 2564
Day Job: 100
Items Bought: 1395
Items Sold: 0
Gold Spend: Merchant's License (Faction Goal) 150 gp

Starting PP / Fame: 9/28
Prestige Gained: 2
Prestige Spend: 1 PP for +4 on appraise check

18: Siege of Serpents
Starting Gold: 3727.7
GP Gained: 2500
Day Job: 150
Items Bought: 3500
Items Sold: 0

Starting PP / Fame: 10/30
Prestige Gained: 2

19: Ritual of Stardust
Starting Gold: 2877.7

Starting PP / Fame: 12/32

20: Plunder & Peril (Dangerous Waters)
Starting Gold: 2877.7
GP Gained: 6756

Starting PP / Fame: 12/32
Prestige Gained: 4

21: Plunder & Peril (Black Coral Cove)
Starting Gold: 9633.7
GP Gained: 9712

Starting PP / Fame: 16/36
Prestige Gained: 4

Additional Resources used
Alternative Racial Trait: Focused Study - Advanced Race Guide 72
Equipment: Bandolier - Ultimate Equipment 59
Equipment: Mess Kit - Ultimate Equipment 68
Feat: Antagonize - Ultimate Magic 143
Feat: Fast Learner - Advanced Race Guide 76
Spell: Chord of Shards - Ultimate Magic 211
Trait: Ear for Music - Advanced Players Guide 333
Trait: Trouper - Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play 17

Equipment & Expenditures Tracking:

Purchases Chronicle 1
Alchemist's Fire *1 - 20 gp
Backpack - 2 gp {Sold Chronicle 13}
Bandolier - 0.5 gp
Bedroll - 0.1 gp
Dagger *2 - 4 gp
Disguise Kit - 50 gp
- Chronicle 3: 1 used
Explorer's Outfit - 0 gp (free at creation)
Entertainer's Outfit - 3 gp
Flint & Steel - 1 gp
Leather armor - 10 gp {Sold Chronicle 7}
Mess Kit - 0.2 gp
Rations, trail *5 - 2.5 gp
Scarf*4 - 2 gp
Scarf (Pocketed) -8 gp
Spell component pouch - 5 gp
Waterskin - 1 gp
Wrist Sheath *2 - 2 gp {Sold Chronicle 10}

Purchases Chronicle 5
Dagger, Masterwork - 302 gp
Thieves Tools, Masterwork - 100 gp
Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 2 Prestige Points
- Chronicle 8: 4 charges used
- Chronicle 9: 1 charge used
- Chronicle 11: 2 charge used
- Chronicle 12: 3 charge used
- Chronicle 13: 3 charge used
- Chronicle 18: 3 charge used

Purchases Chronicle 6
Wand of Enlarge Person - 2 Prestige Points
- Chronicle 7: 1 charge used
- Chronicle 8: 2 charge used
- Chronicle 13: 1 charge used

Purchases Chronicle 7
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1000 gp
Mithral Chain Shirt - 1100 gp

Purchases Chronicle 8
Holy Water *2 - 50 gp
- Chronicle 8: 1 used
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Local) - 50 gp
Shortbow, masterwork - 330 gp
Arrows, Blunt *20 - 2 gp
Arrows, Cold Iron *50 - 5 gp
- Chronicle 8: 10 used with Silver blanch
- Chronicle 9: 1 used
- Chronicle 13: 1 used
Weapon Blanch, Silver - 5 gp {Used on Cold Iron Arrows}
Wand of Chord of Shards - 750 gp
- Chronicle 9: 1 charge used
- Chronicle 13: 1 charge used

Purchases Chronicle 10
Bit & Briddle - 2 gp {Sold Chronicle 13}
Harrow Deck - 100 gp
Mule - 8 gp {Sold Chronicle 13}
Saddle, pack - 5 gp {Sold Chronicle 13}
Sleeves of Many Garments - 200 gp
Waterproof Bag - 0.5 gp
Wayfinder - 250 gp
Wrist Sheath, springloaded *2 - 10 gp

Purchases Chronicle 11
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2

Purchases Chronicle 13
Handy Haversack - 2000 gp
Ioun Torch - 75 gp

Purchases Chronicle 14
Efficient Quiver - 1800 gp
Hat of Disguise - 1800 gp
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Arcana) - 50 gp
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Dungeoneering) - 50 gp
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Engineering) - 50 gp
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Geography) - 50 gp
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (History) - 50 gp
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Nature) - 50 gp
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Nobles) - 50 gp
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Planes) - 50 gp
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Religion) - 50 gp

Purchases Chronicle 16
Page of Spell Knowledge (Innocence) - 1000 gp

Purchases Chronicle 17
Pathfinder Pouch - 1000 gp
Scroll Hearth of the Metal (Silver) - 395 gp

Purchases Chronicle 18
Ring of Eloquence (Giant, Goblin, Orc, Undercommon) - 3500 gp

Leveling Decisions:

Level 1
Ability Point Buy: STR 10, DEX 16, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 15
Race: Human (Varisian)
+2 To one ability score: CHA
Alternative Racial Trait: Focussed Study
Gender: Female
Alignment: CN
Deity: Calistria
Faction: Sczarni
Bonus Language: Giant, Shoanti
Favored Class: Bard
Trait: Trouper (Perform Sing)
Trait: Vagabond Child
Feat: Antagonize
Focus Study Bonus Feat: Skill Focus (Perform (Sing))
Class: Bard
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point
Spells Known:
Level 0:
- detect magic
- mage hand
- light
- prestidigitation
Level 1:
- charm person
- disguise self
Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human + 1 Favored Class Bonus
- Diplomacy
- Disable Device
- Disguise
- Knowledge (history)
- Knowledge (local)
- Perception
- Perform (sing)
- Sleight of Hand
- Stealth
- Use Magic Device
Level 2
Class: Bard
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point
Versatile Performance: Sing
Spells Learned:
Level 0:
- read magic
Level 1:
- comprehend languages
Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human + 1 Favored Class Bonus
- Appraise
- Diplomacy
- Disable Device
- Knowledge (arcana)
- Knowledge (planes)
- Knowledge (dungeoneering)
- Perform (dance)
- Perform (sing)
- Sleight of Hand
- Use Magic Device
Level 3
Class: Bard
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point
Spells Learned:
Level 0:
- ghost sound
Level 1:
- grease
Feat: Fast Learner {Retrained chronicle 9 to Harrowed}
Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human + 1 Favored Class Bonus
- Disable Device
- Knowledge (engineering)
- Knowledge (geography)
- Knowledge (nature)
- Linguistics (abbysal)
- Linguistics (draconic)
- Linguistics (infernal)
- Perform (sing)
- Sleight of Hand
- Use Magic Device
Retraining chronicle 9
Exchanged Fast Learner for Harrowed - costs 5 Prestige, 150 gp
Level 4
Ability Score Increase: CHA
Class: Bard
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point
Spells Learned:
Level 2:
- Honeyed Tongue
- Silence
Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human + 1 Favored Class Bonus
- Disable Device
- Handle Animal
- Knowledge (nobles)
- Knowledge (religion)
- Linguistics (Azlanti)
- Perception
- Perception
- Perform (keyboard)
- Perform (sing)
- Use Magic Device
Level 5
Class: Bard
Feat: Point Blank Shot
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Spell Known (Saving Finale)
Spell Unlearned:
Level 1:
- Disguise Self
Spells Learned:
Level 1:
- Feather Step
Level 2:
- Heroism
Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human
- Disable Device
- Linguistics (Undercommon)
- Perception
- Perform (sing)
- Spellcraft
- Spellcraft
- Spellcraft
- Spellcraft
- Use Magic Device
Level 6
Class: Bard
Versatile Performance: Keyboard Instruments
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Spell Known (Feather Fall)
Spells Learned:
Level 2:
- Glitterdust
Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human
- Escape Artist
- Linguistics (Thassilonian)
- Perform (keyboard)
- Perform (keyboard)
- Perform (keyboard)
- Perform (keyboard)
- Perform (keyboard)
- Perform (sing)
- Use Magic Device
Level 7
Class: Bard
Feat: Rapid Shot
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Spell Known (Galant Inspiration)
Spells Learned:
Level 3:
- Harrowing
- Haste
Skill Points: 6 class + 2 INT + 1 Human
- Knowledge (Arcana)
- Knowledge (Arcana)
- Knowledge (Arcana)
- Knowledge (Arcana)
- Linguistics (Sylvan)
- Perform (sing)
- Perform (keyboard)
Level 8
Class: Harrower
Focus Study Bonus Feat: Skill Focus (Perform (Keyboard))
Spells Learned:
Level 3:
- See Invisibility
Skill Points: 2 class + 2 INT + 1 Human
- Linguistics (Tien)
- Perform (sing)
- Perform (keyboard)
- Use Magic Device
- Use Magic Device


Initiative +3 (+3 Dex)
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
Base Atk +5;
CMB +5
CMD 18

hp 42 (7d8+1d6)
Fort +3 (+2 Bard +0 Harrower +0 Con +1 Cloak)
Ref +9 (+5 Bard +0 Harrower +3 Dex +1 Cloak)
Will +6 (+5 Bard +1 Harrower -1 Wis +1 Cloak) (Harrowed: +1 vs enchantments)
Speed 30 ft.
Dagger, masterwork +6 (1d4/19-20)
Shortbow, masterwork +9 (1d6/19-20)
- Blunt Arrows
- Cold Iron Arrows
- Cold Iron + Blanch (Silver) Arrows
Dagger, masterwork +9 (1d4/19-20)


Modifiers between brackets are on top of original modifier
Total modifier = ranks + ability + class skill
Encumbrance: Light

Acrobatics +3 = 0 +3
Appraise +6 = 1 +2 +3
Bluff +22 = Versatile Performance (Sing) +2 Ring of Eloquence
Diplomacy +21 = Versatile Performance (Keyboard) +2 Ring of Eloquence
Disable Device +12 = 5 +3 +3 +1 Trait ( +2 mwk tools)
Disguise +10 = 1 +5 +3 (+2 use of disguise kit)(+10 hat of disguise)
Escape Artist +7 = 1 +3 +3
Handle Animal +6 = 1 +5
Intimidate +21 = Versatile Performance (Keyboard) +2 Ring of Eloquence
Knowledge (arcana) +12 = 5 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9 = 1 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Knowledge (engineering) +9 = 1 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Knowledge (geography) +9 = 1 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Knowledge (history) +9 = 1 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Knowledge (local) +10 = 1 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge +1 Vanity(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Knowledge (nature) +9 = 1 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Knowledge (nobility) +9 = 1 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Knowledge (planes) +9 = 1 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Knowledge (religion) +9 = 1 +2 +3 +3 Bardic Knowledge(+2 Pathfinder Chronicle)
Linguistics +13 = 8 +2 +3
Perception +7 = 5 +3 -1
Perform (dance) +9 = 1 +5 +3
Perform (keyboard) +19 = 8 +5 +3 +3 Skill Focus
Perform (sing) +21 = 8 +5 +3 +1 Trait +3 Skill Focus
Sense Motive +21 = Versatile Performance (Sing)
Sleight of Hand +9 = 3 +3 +3
--Pocketed scarf: additional +4 to hide objects on your body (doesn't stack with heavy clothing but does with bonuses for attempting to hide small objects),
--Wrist Sheath: additional +2 to oppose the Perception check of someone observing or frisking you regarding items in the sheath
Spellcraft +9 = 4 +2 +3
Stealth +9 = 1 +3 +3
Use Magic Device +16 = 8 +5 +3


Concentration +13
Level 0
detect magic
ghost sound
mage hand
read magic

Level 1
charm person
comprehend languages
feather fall
feather step
heightened awareness
saving finale

Level 2
galant inspiration
honeyed tongue

Level 3
see invisibility

Special Abilities:

Racial Traits
Focused Study At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, gain Skill Focus in a skill of choice as a bonus feat.
Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Bard Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action) (9 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
- Countersong (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
- Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
- Fascinate (1 targets) (DC 14) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
- Inspire Courage +2 (Su) A 1st-level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself ), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard’s performance.
An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability.
Inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.
- Inspire Competence (Su): A bard of 3rd level or higher can use his performance to help an ally succeed at a task. That ally must be within 30 feet and be able to hear the bard. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as she continues to hear the bard's performance. Certain uses of this ability are infeasible, such as Stealth, and may be disallowed at the GM's discretion. A bard can't inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence relies on audible components.
Suggestion (Sp): A bard of 6th level or higher can use his performance to make a suggestion (as per the spell) to a creature he has already fascinated (see above). Using this ability does not disrupt the fascinate effect, but it does require a standard action to activate (in addition to the free action to continue the fascinate effect). A bard can use this ability more than once against an individual creature during an individual performance.
Making a suggestion does not count against a bard's daily use of bardic performance. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard's level + the bard's Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature. Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind affecting, language-dependent ability and relies on audible components.

Versatile Performance (Sing & Keyboard) At 2nd level, a bard can choose one type of Perform skill. He can use his bonus in that skill in place of his bonus in associated skills. When substituting in this way, the bard uses his total Perform skill bonus, including class skill bonus, in place of its associated skill's bonus, whether or not he has ranks in that skill or if it is a class skill. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the bard can select an additional type of Perform to substitute.
Associated skills are:
Sing: Bluff & Sense Motive
Keyboard: Diplomacy & Intimidate
Well-Versed (Ex) At 2nd level, the bard becomes resistant to the bardic performance of others, and to sonic effects in general. The bard gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects.

Trouper: You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks using Perform (sing) and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against abilities that rely upon the Perform skill to function, such as the bardic performance class ability
Vagabond Child (urban): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disable Device and it is always a class skill for you

Harrowed You get a +1 bonus on all Will saves made to resist enchantment effects. Once per day, you may draw a card from a Harrow deck you own. At any one time for the rest of that day, you may apply a +2 bonus on any d20 roll modified by the card’s suit. For example, if you drew a card from the suit of Dexterity, you could apply this +2 bonus on an Initiative check, a Reflex save, a Dexterity-based skill check, or a ranged attack roll. You may assign this +2 bonus after you make the roll, but you must do so before you know whether the roll was a success or not.
Skill Focus (Perform (Sing) & Perform (Keyboard)) You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving the chosen skill.
Point Blank Shot You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Rapid Shot When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round at your highest bonus. All of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty when using Rapid Shot.

Boons on chronicles
Chronicle 1: Actor of the Eleven Acts: You participated in one of the Ascendance Day morality plays that recreate the early miracles that Iomedae performed in the face of fearsome threats and overwhelming evil. When you would make a Will saving throw against a spell, spell-like ability, or effect that has the evil or fear descriptor, you may instead make a Perform (act, dance, or oratory) check and use the result of the skill check as your saving throw. When you use this boon, cross it off the Chronicle sheet.
Chronicle 2: You Be Goblin!: You have special insight into the distractible and sadistic mind of a goblin. You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks made against goblins.
Chronicle 5: You Really Be Goblin: You have spent considerable time —almost certainly too much time— studying goblins, and some of their worst habits have rubbed off on you. As a free action, gain the benefits of one of the following race traits for 1 round. When you use the trait, you may also permanently replace one of your existing traits with the new race trait, following all of the normal rules for selecting traits. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
- Advantageous Distraction: You are easily distracted, often at just the right time. Once per day as a swift action, you can be momentarily distracted in combat, such as by ducking an axe swing to inspect a toadstool. When you activate this ability, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
- Bouncy: Your bones and flesh are more elastic than those of most goblins—when you fall, you tend to bounce a little better than them as a result. Whenever you take falling damage, the first 1d6 points of lethal damage taken in the fall are automatically converted to nonlethal damage. You also gain a +2 bonus on all Reflex saves made to avoid unexpected falls.
- Goblin Bravery: You have a worrying propensity for overconfidence in combat. When facing an enemy that’s larger than you, if you have no allies in any adjacent squares, your posturing, bravado, and cussing grant a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with non-reach melee weapons.
Chronicle 8: A Fair Trade
Mendev has no shortage of underground markets, and after helping connect Guaril Karela with a few contacts, you're able to negotiate a good deal with one of the local fences. When you’re in a settlement with 5,000 or more people, you may spend 1 hour to find and negotiate with a fence to exchange any one magic item in your possession worth up to 2500 gp for any other magic item of equal or lesser value normally available for purchase in Pathfinder Society Organised Play. When you use this boon cross it of your Chronicle Sheet
Chronicle 8: Mendevian Commendation: You have received a medal for your service to Mendev and the Crusade. For every Mendevian Commendatíon you have, you gain a cumulative +1 bonus on Charisma-based skill and ability checks made to influence crusaders of Mendev (maximum +3)
Chronicle 10: Hero of the Five Kings: For helping Torvic (and thus dwarves everywhere) find the Gallery of Wonders, you have gained a small amount of fame with the dwarves of the Five Kings Mountains. When dealing with any dwarf from that region from now on, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-based checks.

Caravan TravelerYour long time spent on the road with fellow travelers has enhanced your knack for picking up local customs. You become specialized in Knowledge (local).
Greased PalmIn any city of at least 5,000 inhabitants, you may locate a corrupt official. If you’re imprisoned or fined for crimes committed in the city’s jurisdiction, you may take advantage of this contact, paying no fines and escaping sentencing if you can make a DC 15 Diplomacy check. You can use this ability once per game session.
Note that DC 15 represents mundane crimes—at the GM’s discretion, particularly heinous crimes can increase the DC to avoid jail time or even execution by 10 points or more.

Current Equipment:

Encumbrance: Light

Clothing & Armor
Mithral Chain Shirt
Explorer's Outfit
- blue (health, youth and beauty), pocketed scarf with
--Thieves tools, masterwork
- orange (happiness and resourcefulness)
- pink (love, kindness and courage)
- violet (intuition and divine inspiration)
- yellow (sacred color for Calistria)
Cloak of Resistance +1
Sleeves of Many Garments
Hat of Disguise
Ring of Eloquence (Giant, Goblin, Orc, Undercommon)

Efficient Quiver with
Shortbow, masterwork
Blunt Arrows *20
Cold Iron Arrows *40
Cold Iron + Blanch (Silver) Arrows *10

Bandolier with
Alchemist's Fire
Dagger, masterwork
Flint & Steel
Spell Component Pouch
Wand of Enlarge Person (47 charges)
Holy Water

Wrist Sheath, springloaded left arm with
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (37 charges)

Wrist Sheath, springloaded right arm with
Wand of Chord of Shards (48 charges)

Waterproof Bag with

Pathfinder Pouch with
Harrow Deck
Page of Spell Knowledge (Innocence)
Scroll Heart of the Metal (Silver)

Handy Haversack with
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Arcana)
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Engineering)
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Geography)
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (History)
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Local)
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Nature)
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Nobles)
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Planes)
Pathfinder Chronicle - Knowledge (Religion)
Disguise Kit (9 uses)
Explorer's Outfit
Mess kit
Rations, trail *5
Waterskin (full)

3727.7 gp