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I've started an interest check to see who is interested in playing the classic AD&D module Dwellers of the Forbidden City by David Cook. The adventure is set in the World of Greyhawk. In Hepmonaland. The adventure was used as a tournament for 20 players at Origins, I think. You get to face off with the Yuan-ti in the adventure.

I'm looking for seven characters using PF1 rules. Level 5. Your character can hail from anywhere in the World of Greyhawk, you just need to describe how you got to Hepmonaland. I'm looking for seven (7) PCs willing to brave the Forbidden City!

We won't be playing tournament rules, though.

Resources I am Allowing:
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rule Book.
Advanced Player's Guide.
Ultimate Combat (Just no Anti-paladins, gunslingers, Samurai or Ninja)
Ultimate Magic
Advanced Class Guide
The Martial Arts Handbook
The Familiar Folio
Champions of Balance and Champions of Purity
Blood of the Moon
Faiths of Purity
Inner Sea Magic
Blood of the Beast

Greyhawk Resources
Greyhawk: the Adventure Begins
Greyhawk Player's Guide
World of Greyhawk

Forgotten Realms Resources
Serpent Kingdoms That's for my use only.

[b]Races Allowed[/i]
Dwarves as Hill Dwarves or Mountain Dwarves.
Elves as High Elves, Wood Elves, Grey Elves, Grugach, Drow, or Valley Elves. Drow being the least common.
Gnomes as Rock Gnomes.
Halflings, as hairfoots.
Half-Elves, also known as Peredhil.
Half-Orcs, also known as Uruk-Hai.
Kitsune very rare, you must describe how these folk come from the island of Nippon in the West. I can allow one in the party.
Skinwalkers from Blood of the Moon, Pathfinder's answer to shifters from Eberron. Very rare, I can allow for one in the party. See Blood of the Moon for insights.

Definitely no Yuan-ti in the party, they are the villains. Also, please note that I want to play all the bad guys. So, who's interested?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"If you ask me," the old man says as Tika fills Hederick's mug, "I think it might be easier if you go to a temple of the old gods. They're probably still out there, you know."

"Blashfemy;' replies the intoxicated Hederick. "The gods turned their backs on the world when they punished the world with the Cataclysm."

"Well, we already talked about the Cataclysm, and we know we can't agree on why that happened . But if you ask me, the mortals turned their back on the gods, blaming
them for the Cataclysm where they should have blamed themselves. And now, maybe both gods and mortals are sulking in their respective corners, each waiting for the other to-"

"This discushion is getting foolish, old man. Letsh ashk the girl-letsh see what the salt of earth has to say." He turns to Tika. "What do you think, girl? Do you think the old godsh are waiting out there for shomeone to give them a hug and a kish and say all is forgiven, or do you think the Seeker are the onesh who will move the world
forward on its journey to shpiritual enlightenment and perfection?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have an idea for a second Eberron campaign. Principally based in Aundair, the campaign centers around the Arcane Congress. Adventures will start in Aundair, but depending on you the players -- you may go on to other nations. I also wanted to do a Last War angle, it's the end of the Last War, and places are ripe for adventure.

Like my other Eberron campaign, this one will use PF1. I have more success if I advertise on this forum than with other games. However, be prepared to do exciting stunts! Eberron has a pulp vibe to it, despite the dark adventure theme that other DMs build upon. For this campaign is less Noir and more Flash Gordon (feel free to watch Flash Gordon [circa 1930s] for ideas). I'll be your storyteller for this game.

What you will need:
-- One copy of the Eberron Campaign Setting (3.5e).
-- One copy of Ultimate Psionics if and only if you are playing a Kalashtar or a psionic themed character.
-- One copy of Races of Eberron if you are using an Eberron race and want some good ideas to work with.
-- Pathfinder Core Rulebook.

What you won't need:
-- Occult Adventures. For this game, you can forget the psychic magic, as Eberron was built with psionics in mind.
-- Horror Adventures. My game is more based on Pulp action than on supernatural horror. I won't stop you from looking in this book for character ideas, but I'm not running a horror campaign. I don't want to scare you in game, I want to excite you!

Rules of Character Creation:
a. 25 points, point buy attributes. Think ACTION HERO than action zero.
b. full hit points at first level.
c. Level 1.
d. two traits.
e. No Elephant in the Room/no Feat Tax.
f. Background Skills.
g. Player Character Classes from the Core Rules and Ultimate Psionics only. Sorry, no Artificers.

I'm looking for 5 players for this. Simple as that.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

I set up a discussion thread. Would those who like to play post here. I know there is five of you. I'll start you on your adventures tomorrow. Just post here and introduce yourselves.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Here's the discussion thread. You can discuss your characters here.

I've have this crazy idea to run a non-Paizo game on Paizo's boards. Seeming how 5e games are running, I wonder if anyone has any objection to Rolemaster. We will be using RMSS/RMFRP (that is Rolemaster the Standard System/Rolemaster Fantasy Roleplaying). Dice mechanics are easy, just roll a d100. The rest of the system is easy to grasp as well. The world is Greyhawk, the setting is the kingdom of Nyrond. This is a test game to me, to see how well vanilla Greyhawk can work with Rolemaster (ah, but there is method to my madness).

The System
We will be using the following books:
- Rolemaster Fantasy Roleplaying
- Character Law
- Spell Law: of Channeling, Spell Law: of Essence, and Spell Law: of Mentalism
- Arms Law, 2003 Edition
- The Armory (comes with a Nodwick attack table, in case you want to throw your favorite hench being!)

The Setting
We will be using Greyhawk: the Adventure Begins and the Greyhawk: Player's Guide. There will be some conversions (like certain kits in the Greyhawk: Player's Guide can be converted to Training Packages).

Races Allowed:
* Man (both High Man and Common Man)
* Elf (Wood Elf, Grey Elf, and High Elf. Wood elves are listed in RMFRP, Grey Elves and High Elves are in Character Law)
* Dwarf
* Halfling
* Half-Elf (Recounted in Character Law)
* Half-Orc (Recounted in Character Law)

Professions Allowed:
Arms Users -- They don't usually use magic.
* Fighter.
* Layman. Usually reserved for NPCs, mind you -- recounted in Character Law)
* Thief.
* Rogue.
* Warrior Monk. Recounted in Character Law). This is the PF1 Monk, sort of.

Channeling Users -- Divine Casters in PF.
* Cleric.
* Animist. (recounted in Character Law)

Essence Users -- Arcane Casters in PF.
* Magician. This is the Wizard or Sorcerer in PF1.
* Illusionist. (Recounted in Character Law)

Mentalism Users -- Mentalism is like Psychic Magic in PF.
* Mentalist. My favorite profession in RM.
* Lay Healer. This profession has no class equivalent in PF. Recounted in Character Law.

Semi-Spell Users -- These are like part casters in PF.
* Paladin (of Channeling and Character Law). Like the regular paladin in PF.
* Ranger. Channeling. This is like the regular Ranger in PF.
* Dabbler. There is no PF1 equivalent to this profession. Try to think of him as a rogue/sorcerer multi-class.
* Monk. (of Essence and Character Law) This is like the PF1 Monk, sort of.
* Bard. (Mentalism) This is like the Bard in PF1, except he uses Mentalism instead of Essence.
* Magent. (Mentalism) An assassin. Both magents and dabblers can work like vigilantes from PF1.

Hybrid Spell Users -- No PF equivalent. Of course, they are like multi-class characters.
* Healer (Channeling and Mentalism, recounted in Character Law).
* Sorcerer (Channeling and Essence), this Profession is -- sort of -- like the Sorcerer in PF1. Recounted in Character Law.
* Mystic (Essence and Mentalism). Recounted in Character Law.

We will be using Point Buy for your talents. All of the Talents from Character Law may be used. But I reserve the right to veto your choices.

Training Packages
All are available. :) Remember, some kits (like the Rangers of the Gnarly Forest) can be converted to training packages if you so desire.

You get 750 points to figure your stats according the RAW in RMFRP. Usually is 700, but I want you to be fine examples for adventuring. 750 points is like 25 point buy in PF1. To be sure you are fine examples of your profession, you get free 90s for your temporaries in your profession's prime stats.

Unlike D&D and PF1, which are level based systems, Rolemaster is a skill based system. But you have the ability to choose any skill you desire. You are not restricted in the amount of skills you may take. Thus a mentalist may become a martial artist. Or a martial artist may use spells. Instead of multi-classing, you simply choose the skills you like to develop.

Rolemaster does use levels. There has been attempts to make Rolemaster leveless by players in the past. Levels are used as a way for people to set goals. Note that the system is down right gritty -- a 1st level character will be able to give grievous wounds that will incapacitate a level 20 character. A level 20 character might roll low and not hit and kill a 1st level character off the bat. The system is very realistic. You will start at level 1.

To make things easier for you, we will be using the AD&D alignment system. Although Rolemaster is designed to work with custom alignments. Characters often have a demeanor, which the player describes their personality of their character usually in one sentence. But there is reservation for alignment as well, so we will use the AD&D alignment system.

Martial Arts
There is a Martial Arts Companion for RM, but it's out of print and unavailable on drivethru. I have the pdf and two hard copies of this companion. What sets it apart from the Martial Arts Companion for PF1 is that it contains a system where you can make up your own martial arts. There are two kinds of martial arts: Weapon Arts and Non-Weapon Arts.

Since the game is set in the Flannaess, you may try to develop martial arts from a European context (in the RM MAC, there are rules describing Italian Fencing and Classic (Spanish?) Fencing. There are also guidelines that describe Savate.) Say you want to develop rules for Ringen (a classic European Martial Art from Germany that specializes in Grappling), the RM MAC allows you to do this. Of course, you might want to convert the Martial Arts described in the PF1 MAC to Rolemaster, but realize that those Martial Arts are high fantasy extrapolations.

Okay, I think that's it. We'll see how many will bite. Looking for 4-5 brave souls!

A long time ago, the dragons were thought to be legends. No one has seen a dragon since the Cataclysm. The Gods has also gone. People seek new gods to worship. In a time of Despair, some inn fellows are turned into heroes. Some become good, some become bad. But everything, hopefully, will turn out in the end.

Hi -- a friend of mine has been bothering me to start a DRAGONLANCE(TM) campaign. I thought about doing the War of the Lance. I'm looking for beginners to PF1 as well as veterans. Anyway:

* The Campaign will take place during the War of the Lance. We will play the Campaign from the beginning to the end using PF1 rules. We will start with DL1 - Dragons of Despair. The following classes are allowed (since this isn't the Age of Mortals, but the Age of Despair):
-- Bard
-- Barbarian
-- Cleric -- Holy Orders of the Stars
-- Rogue
-- Fighter -- Knight of Solamnia prc.
-- Paladin -- Knight of Solamnia prc.
-- Ranger
-- Monk
-- Wizard -- Wizards of High Sorcery
-- Alchemist (Tinker Gnome only)

You can choose from the following races for your character. See the Dragonlance Campaign Setting (3.x) for more information:
-- Human: Humans were created by the Gods of Neutrality. Humans swing from Good, Evil, and all in between. You can be a civilized human or a barbarian human.
-- Elf (Qualinesti, Silvanesti, or Kagonesti): The elves were created by the Gods of Light. Elves are typically good and wise. One exception is Dalamar the Dark, who became evil and thus cast out as a Dark Elf.
-- Ogre (Irda or Minotaur): -- The Ogres were the creation by the Gods of Darkness. The irda were redeemed and accepted by the god Paladine. Minotaurs can come from the Blood Sea of Istar. Regular ogres are ugly, mishapen, and twisted because of their evil.
-- Kender: Kender are a warped creation by the Greygem of Gargath. They are usually, but not always, rogues.
-- Dwarf (Hill, Gully, or Mountain): Created from gnome stock by the Greygem of Gargath, dwarves inhabit the hills and mountains of Ansalon. The Gully Dwarves are a unintelligent offshoot. All dwarves hold the smith god Reorx as their Father and protector.
-- Gnomes (Tinker): created by Reorx from human stock (those with the Dwarf gene, of course); tinker gnomes study and create machines. Most adventurer tinker gnomes are alchemists. However, the Dragonlance Campaign Setting might have rules for gnome inventions. An alchemist gnome is probably easy to start with, though.
-- Draconians (Baaz or Kapaks): The draconians are a perverted creation by the Forces of Darkness from good dragon eggs. Although most draconians encountered will be evil NPCs, it is possible to create a draconian PC for this game.

Character Creation Guidelines
You may spend 25 points for your ability scores. You may choose two traits from the Advanced Player's Guide and Ultimate Campaign. Background skills are used. Level 5 please. You may also use the APG to specialize your character, using either an archetype or focused arcane school to specialize your character further. We will not be using Elephant in the Room.

Special Note: Players of Wizards are assumed to have passed the Test of High Sorcery. They may be Good (White Robes), Neutral (Red Robes), or Evil (Black Robes). Elves, Humans, and Ogres (usually Irda or Minotaur) are generally accepted to learn Magic, because they are thought to have the capacity for Magic.

Playing a Ready Made Character
It's possible to play Raistlin, Caramon, Sturm Brightblade, and the others ready made characters for this Dragonlance campaign. They will have to be recreated for use with PF1.

Another Note: Clerical magic will be assumed to be not working in the beginning due to the Gods' disappearance. Clerical magic doesn't become possible until the black dragon Kisanth is defeated and the Crystal Staff is returned to Xak Tsaroth.

I think that's it, any questions?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Meet here.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

This is the discussion thread.

Like it says, who will be interested in a Spelljammer game? I'm asking if anyone would like to play "D&D Adventures in Space?" I'd like to ask if anyone is brave enough (or the opposite) to play Spelljammer?

The campaign will start on Golarion, but you might be able to visit Oerth or Eberron. I'm not figuring on a lot of interest, though. Since my copy of the Dungeon Magazine that had the 3e conversion is in storage. I'm just asking because I might run a short campaign, just too see how it works.

Open Recruitment
I am now recruiting for N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God. I have bought the module tonight and I read it. The .pdf only. I'll be getting the beautiful hard copy later (probably next month). As far as I can tell, there is lots of room for roleplaying in the first half. I'll be your storyteller for this adventure.

Level of Fantasy
This is a level 1 through level 3 adventure. So we are talking about realistic, gritty fantasy here (remember D&D and Pathfinder are designed for different levels of fantasy depending on the adventure). This level of Fantasy works best for Conan the Barbarian.

World Setting
The Setting is Greyhawk. Specifically, the Flanaess. The adventure takes place around Keoland. If you have the World of Greyhawk setting or the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, you can get your information about Keoland from those books. Keoland is not talked about in Greyhawk: the Adventure Begins, or the Player's Guide (both 2e products). If you have the two books, however, you can use them to build a solid character concept.

Character Creation
1. Race. I would try to keep your race to the 7 Core Races: Human, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, and Halfling. However, if you have to play something exotic, you do have to describe why you are adventuring with representatives of the common races. Like if you are a Dragonborn from the Draconic Imperium of Lynn, you have to describe why you're in the Flannaess and how you got to Keoland -- and still be level 1. You may use the alternate Racial Traits in the Advanced Race Guide to show cultural variation to your race.

2a. Class. I'm looking for 4 to 7 brave and skillful adventurers. Thus I can allow for some variety. However, remember that this adventure is written differently than most adventures put out by Paizo for Golarion. Try to keep with the level of Fantasy, and remember the adventure's theme. An investigator might not work for this adventure, for instance. However, an Alchemist might.

You may create choose classes using the following books:
-- The Pathfinder Core Rulebook
-- The Advanced Player's Guide
-- Pathfinder Unchained
-- The Advanced Class Guide

You can try to work with each other to fulfill a party role (using WoW as an example: Tank, DPS, and Healing).

2b. Archetypes. One of the ways Pathfinder excels at is the use of Archetypes. To show variation within your class, you may choose an archetype. Archetypes can be chosen from any number of rulebooks (or splats, see below).

3. Splats. I have numerous Pathfinder splatbooks. Such as Champions of Purity, Balance, Corruption (pdf), and many others. Mostly as pdfs. You may use a splat book to help round out your character. But run it by me first. Remember, feats are precious resources, so think hard before choosing a feat.

4. Alignment. Try, try not to be evil for this game. While I have Champions of Corruption, it is possible to make a good "evil" character. However, I must stress that the people of Orlane will be more welcoming to you if you are good and not evil.

5. Background. Alright, I give you two options to round out your background. You may use: Ultimate Campaign by Paizo as a start; or Central Casting: Heroes of Legend by Paul Jacquays. The second one goes into more detail than the first, and is dated (about forty years old). But both give good results.

Alright, I'm looking for four to seven adventurers willing to brave and solve the riddle of Orlane. Will you heed the call to Adventure?!

I'm wondering if anyone is interested in playing Against the Cult of the Reptile God. This will be a one shot, so the game ends when you reach 3rd level and defeated the cult. At least I think it will end . . . Depends on the group, doesn't it?

I'm planning on getting a copy of N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God, just so I can see how it plays out. The Game will be based in the World of Greyhawk. We will use Pathfinder 1e.

It's a classic AD&D module, so I'm just gauging interest. I'll be your storyteller for the game.

I'm looking for 4-7 brave and skillful adventurers to solve the riddle of the town of Orlane.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Gameplay thread is open!

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The discussion thread is open for your post. :)

Hi, checking to see if anyone would want to play in a custom world inspired by Ptolus.


Phaeselis. The City of Psionics. Founded by Alexander the Great in order to have a city where those of psionic talent could gather and practice their abilities in peace. It is a city built around a waterfall. Part Hellenic (or Greek), part Persian, part Phoenician (or Israelite), part (east) Indian.

Here people from all over the Hellenic empire come to practice their psionic abilities. The city has become a melting pot of ideas and cultures. The city is situated, geographically, on the Phoenix river. However, the city would be found in Lebanon if it actually existed.

Campaign Dynamics
The campaign will be using PF1 and Ultimate Psionics. The city is the city of psionics, not of psychics and benders. After all, discovered psychics (those that are created with the PF1-OA rules) are forced to participate in a psionic duel. IF they loose, they are to submit to a Mind Seed, being converted to a psion or psychic warrior. IF they win, they are banished to Alexandria Eschate -- the outer reaches of the Empire.

So you will be able to create characters using PF1 Core Rulebook or Ultimate Psionics.

You can create a character from races in:
* PF1 Core Rulebook
* Advanced Race Guide (Nagaji and Lizardfolk)
* Ultimate Psionics (Elans and Maenads)

Class selection can come from:
* PF1 Core Rulebook
* Ultimate Psionics

Note: if you want to play a monk, please know that due to the period and world you are playing in, the Monk class has been renamed to the Athlete class.

My wiki (Phaeselis Wiki) has a lot more information. Please note, that I plan on updating the information on WorldAnvil.com ... and some information is dated. Despite what is said on the wiki, this game is LGBT+ friendly.

Tech would be Middle Iron Age. The Greeks still use bronze for their armor. Adventures will take place around 250 to 200 B.C. Rome is stirring, but not quite a world power yet.

Characters will start at level 1.

Feel free to ask me any questions.

Just checking to see who would be interested in a Conan the Barbarian game. I don't have the Mophidius version of the game, but I do have the d20 system version of the game. Although that one is in storage (grr!).

I figured that a Pathfinder version can work, though. I'm not looking for applications right now. But I am looking for people familiar with Hyboria. Man-apes not with standing. I'm reading the Coming of Conan book right now, and I'm also excited. But I'll tell you why later.

Conan is Sword and Sorcery, yep! Low fantasy, so you all will be making humans.

I'm checking for interest in an Intrigue style game set in Karrnath (my Eberron games are so cool!). Initially one of the PCs is a vigilante. Fighting injustice in Karrnath. This is the last game I'm recruiting for, although I'm gauging interest right now.

Think of Zorro, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, or the Scarlet Pimpernel. Or even Batman! Just remember, your character may be living a double life. You won't be fighting King Kaius the Third (the vampire king is hard to get to). But you will be facing down the corrupt Karrn aristocracy. Maybe even the Order of the Emerald Claw. Nope, definitely the Order of the Emerald Claw.

Fun will be had. This is only an interest check. Oh, this particular campaign will use:
* Advanced d20 Magic
* Inner Sea Intrigue
* Familiar Folio

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd like some advice on turning a real world martial art, Ringen, into a martial art for monks (basically). The "full" description of this martial art can be found on this Wikipedia page. As you can see, it's all about grappling your opponent.

I have the Martial Arts Handbook, the Advanced Player's Guide, and Ultimate Combat, but I wanted a European Martial Art for my Eberron Campaign. I already have the martial art converted for my Rolemaster version of the campaign, but I'd like to do it for my Pathfinder game. Any help is appreciated.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Recruiting for an original Eberron Campaign using PF1e, Spell Points from Unearthed Arcana, and Advanced d20 Magic. Looking for 5 recruits!

Some say that the combined might of armies is power. Some say, the will to dominate another is power. Others say that physical strength is power. Well, they are all wrong. Knowledge is power. In the Secrets of Magic campaign, Scientia est Potentia is taken to the storied halls of Arcanix.

In this campaign, you are playing recent graduates from the Arcane Congress. You have yet to be invited to the floating castles of Arcanix. But you have aspirations to be. You are on your Journeys to become great, to learn magic for yourselves -- and to be invited into the halls of Arcanix's legendary libraries and learn the secrets there.

Campaign Dynamics
This campaign is centered around Arcane magic casters. Wizards, Sorcerers, Summoners, Arcanists, and Magi (singular Magus). Adventurers start in Aundair, but your Journeys as Journeymen might take you far and wide. This campaign has you started with the goal to join the Arcane Congress, but you may have other goals. We will use:

* PATHFINDER Roleplaying Game, Core Rulebook: The bulwark of the campaign.
* Advanced Player's Guide: Summoner class, other class options, and new spells.
* Advanced d20 Magic: Contains the magic system we will be using.
* Unearthed Arcana Specifically, the Spell points optional rule. On page 156. After reading the rules on drain, it should be easy to understand why we are using spell points.
* Ultimate Magic: Magus class and new spells.
* Advanced Class Guide: Arcanist class.
* Eberron Campaign Setting: This contains the basics of the world we are using for this campaign.
* Races of Eberron: Talks about the four new races introduced in the ECS.
* Five Nations, especially the chapter on Aundair.

Classes Allowed: Wizard, Sorcerer, Arcanist, Summoner, and Magus. Multi-classing into other classes is possible. Just not the Gunslinger. Gunpowder doesn't exist on Eberron. Just remember that the Arcanist, Summoner, and Magi has to be converted to Advanced d20 Magic. Should be easy, after looking at how the other spell using classes work. I'll be willing to work with you. NO CUSTOM CLASSES!

Races: Any race in the Eberron Campaign Setting book and Races of Eberron book works out fine. Kalashtar also work as a choice, just remember this game is centered on spellcasters. Just remember, some Warforged feats work best as Alternate traits.

Character Creation Dynamics
* Purchase method; 20 ability points.
* Two traits.
* Average starting gp.
* 1st Level
* Starting spells from Advanced D20 Magic and the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. You will discover more powerful magic on your journey. Try to choose starting spells with 1 slot to learn.
* You start off knowing each other as friends and/or colleagues. Your friendship between each other should grow as the campaign progresses.
* Alignments: Any of the alignments are possible -- but try to stay away from evil alignments, I'd like to play all the bad guys.
* Character backgrounds: You can use Ultimate Campaign to generate your background. Or, if you are feeling adventurous, you can get a copy of Central Casting: Heroes of Legend by Paul Jacquays and generate your background using that.

Okay, that should cover everything. You start on your journeys as Journeymen. You won't be acknowledged as a Master until you reach 10th or 15th level. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

I was wondering if anyone did a conversion of the Forsaken to Pathfinder first. If so, I'd like to take a look at it before I do my own.

Cheliax is an empire in Decline. After being conquered by the Thrice Damned House of Thrune after a bloody civil war, the nation has certainly changed in the last hundred years. It's generally known as the nation where people consort with devils and demons. In the Secrets of Magic campaign, player characters play in a campaign where they seek after magical secrets.

I really want to run a campaign using Advanced d20 Magic or Dynamic Spellcasting. I also wanted to run a campaign set in Cheliax. It's about as close to Gor as someone's going to get.

Campaign Dynamics
* This campaign is Mature. Slaves, demonic pacts, and other things normally taboo happens in Cheliax. If you can't handle slavery or consorting with devils or demons, I suggest you pass on this campaign.

* This Campaign uses the Dynamic Spellcasting system from Advanced d20 Magic. Unfortunately, this book is rare and not available to buy from Drivethru. So you have to download it second hand. The book is so rare that it costs $100.00 to buy from Noble Knight or Amazon.com. This is not the only third party book we will be using.

* This campaign uses More Magic and Mayhem from the World of Warcraft roleplaying game. Some of the spells from More Magic and Mayhem have been converted for use for this campaign. Like firebolt and shadowbolt.

* Advanced d20 Magic and More Magic and Mayhem are the only third party books we will be using.

* First Party Materials. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Inner Sea Magic, Advanced Player's Guide (note that the magic using classes will have to be converted to Advanced d20 Magic), Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, and other hardbacks and splatbooks can be used. Remember, magic using classes will have to be converted to Advanced d20 Magic's magic system before approval.


Other Considerations for Secrets of Magic
* No elephant in the room -- no the world is square. I'd rather keep this close to the core rules as possible. (except for Dynamic Spellcasting, which is a major change in and of itself).

* Races: Core races -- yes. Tieflings and Aasimar -- yes. Drow -- no. Skinwalkers -- no. Changelings -- no. Orcs -- yes. Goblins -- no. Beast races (Tengu, Vanara, Catfolk, Kitsune, etc.) -- yes. Other races -- no. See the Advanced Race Guide and the various splatbooks (aka. Blood of the Beast) for information.

Character Background
One can use Ultimate Campaign to figure out your background. Although, if you are feeling adventurous, you can use Central Casting: Heroes of Legend by Paul Jacquays to round out your character. Heroes of Legend also has to be downloaded second hand. It's also dated, but the results are amazing.

Contact Information
If you need to contact me and chat outside of the boards, here is my email.
:: elton[dot]atlantean8[at]gmail[dot]com

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd better playtest Advanced d20 Magic, lol!

I'd like to run a game playtesting Advanced d20 Magic or the Dynamic Spellcasting system. It's simple enough, all you do is addition. Also, you can't get Advanced d20 magic on drivethru, don't know why White Wolf won't release it. So you have to download it second hand (sorry, Paizo for breaking the rules, but Advanced d20 Magic isn't available any other way). Oh, you can purchase a hard copy of Advanced d20 Magic for the grand total of over $100.00! Fun for your wallet, right?

The system is revolutionary. It works like the Shadowrun spell system, although you are making fortitude saves to cast magic. Metamagic increases the DC of the spell you cast, though there are ways you can increase your bonus to the roll. :) Like incantation or invocation (both grants a +5 to the fortitude roll, and they stack!). By ritual (adds a variable bonus based on how long you perform the ritual). By using a focus (like a Divine Focus or material reagents [bat guano, anyone?]), through an investment of body (burning hit points to cast spells), or an investment of mind (burning XP to cast spells). Yes, there is some math involved. But you can roleplay your invocation ("Abra-kadabra!").

This system will allow you to cast magic by pure will alone, of course. But that will eventually take a toll on you (psionics anyone?).

The system is balanced by the DCs to the spellcasting check each spell has. For instance, a 0-level spell only has a DC of 15, while a 3rd level spell like Fireball has a DC of 30. Wish (yes, your favorite spell) has a DC of 91. But you can learn any spell you want, regardless of level. (First level wizard dusting off fireballs, woohoo!)

So, who is interested?

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Just checking if anyone would like to play in Greyhawk on Mondays (5:30 pm MST (7:30 pm EST) to 8:30 pm MST (10:30 pm EST) using Roll20. I don't have a full story planned. But you may find Greyhawk: the Adventure Begins or the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer useful. I'd like to review the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer on my blog. So, I want to playtest it.

The game is not play-by-post. It's a weekly live game played over roll20. I know some races in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer will need some adjustment.

Allowable Races
* Human, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Gnome, and Orc. As always, see the Advanced Race Guide. Orcs are interfertile with humans, so Half-orcs are possible.

Allowable Classes
All the classes in the Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Magic, and Ultimate Intrigue. I will also be allowing the Warlock from Complete Arcane, and the Shaman class from the World of Warcraft RPG. No prestige classes. Yes, I think the Shaman class from the WoW RPG is better than the Shaman in the Advanced class Guide.

Gods and Clerics
All of the Gods in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer are viable as patrons. Those players wishing to use the subdomains from the APG (or other sources) should work with me to get their domains selected.

Yes, I am a big fan of psionics. No, we won't be using either source for psionics. I'm, or we are, playtesting the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, not Ultimate Psionics.

Character Creation details
Generating stats. You may roll 4d6 dice six times, dropping the lowest die and taking the total of the three highest dice for your scores. Normally I would do point buy, but not for this campaign.
Traits. You may choose two traits per campaign guidelines. You may select traits from the APG, the ARG, and Ultimate Campaign.
starting Level. The campaign will start at first level. Don't worry, you will start with full hit points.
Alignment. Try not to choose evil alignments. I want to play all the bad guys.

So, who would like to play in Greyhawk?

On your commlinks come the familiar icon of your fixer. "Hoi, I have a job for you, in the sprawl of Seattle," he says. "Looks like a sweet job, nothing hard -- but maybe a little dangerous."

Recruiting for Two Shadowrunners
Hello, I have a game that I'm running that has only three players. One is a dwarf Technomancer named magpie, another is pulling double duty as a conjuror and a face -- named Anise and Darby. Finally a cybered up doctor named Icarus forms the muscle.

We need a mage (combat mage or occult investigator) and a Covert Ops specialist. We also could use a rigger (I actually have a rigger under consideration, but we could be shifting the game over the weekends so she could join us).

The trio is currently in Seattle, but they've been all over the world.

Game System
Shadowrun: Twentieth Anniversary Edition (SR4A). I got those rules memorized.

When and Where
Currently Tuesdays each week, on roll20 -- 6:30 pm MST (8:30 pm EST) to 8:00 pm MST (10:00 pm EST). Thinking of Shifting to Sundays.

Reply in character please.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Okay, you can introduce your character in an RP. Laheo will get you eventually. I post the extraction tomorrow morning (hopefully before I go to Topps, but we'll see).

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Discuss the Doom of Cormanthyr campaign here. This is also a good place to discuss backgrounds and try to tie them together. Laheo will try to get you all and gather you at Elminster's tower once I have the gameplay thread up tomorrow.

It is 652 DR. Cormanthor, the old kingdom of the Elves, is in decline. It was once the most powerful elven realm in Faerun. However, it is in decline. The elves have gotten used to their army being the most powerful. They have grown complacent.

Little do they know that evil is stirring. An army of Darkness, made up of orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, and worse is forming. Led by powerful personages, the army of darkness threatens Cormanthor. Worse still than the human Dalesman settlers, this army hails from the Moonsea.

Back in the Present (1367 DR), Elminster the Sage is learned of this time but so much was lost. He asks for some adventurers to go back in time to the decline of Cormanthor and find a way to stop the Army of Darkness before it causes the fall of Cormanthor and Myth Drannor. He will send you back by a spell he got from Raistlin the Black of Krynn -- Timereaver. (See Dragonlance Adventures page 38 for details).

The primary mission -- Grab some precious artifacts of that time before they are lost. The secondary mission -- stop or slow down the Army of Darkness.

Welcome to the Ancient Ages of Faerun!

In this campaign, you will slow down the decline of Cormanthor and Myth Drannor. All empires fall, unfortunately. But five adventurers are needed to go back in time to stall the fall of Myth Drannor. Just enough to either stop the army of darkness or to grab some artifacts before it is lost.

System Used
Pathfinder 1st Edition. simple enough. Books used include: The Pathfinder Core Rulebook, the Advanced Race Guide, and the Advanced Player's Guide. We will also use the following player companions: Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You will also need the Forgotten Realms campaign set for AD&D 1st edition. We will not use 3rd party materials.

Character Creation Summary
You all get 25 points to buy your characters' stats. You may choose any race from the Core Rules nominally. However, I will consider races outside the Core Rules if the concept is interesting enough. Also, no evil Alignments. Ideally you will all be elves. However that's not possible, so Elminster will have some cloaks ready for you to take on an elven facade.

Character Level
You will create characters of fifth level. You are crack commando adventurers, willing to go back in time to stop an evil menace that threatens elven civilization.

A note about elves
As you know, there are about five subraces of elves in Faerun. Sun elves, Moon elves, Wood elves, Grugach (Wild Elves), and Drow. The Core Rule elf represent the Moon elf subrace. The others (excluding Drow) will have to be built using the ARG. Also, try to use Quenya or Sindarin names for your elves -- the names of the NPCs in Fall of Myth Drannor are confusing at first glance.

Why the Forgotten Realms?
It's one of D&D's best settings. The others being Dragonlance and Eberron. Developed first by Ed Greenwood, and then developed by many others, the Forgotten Realms is a shared world that has potential for many different kinds games. Although Golorion is motley enough as a world setting (I wanted to do a game set in Cheliax), the Forgotten Realms is richer in content and tradition. There has been many computer games set in the Forgotten Realms. And not to mention, many gaming products from the 1990s and 2000s. The world system is also well known to many who game.

About Me
After having some false starts, I currently run three games here as play-by-post. One set in Rifts using Savage Worlds; one set in Eberron, and one set in Legend of the Five Rings. I also run many games online. Rifts, Shadowrun, and Warhammer FRP (which is happening tonight of the time of this writing). I game because it's fun.

I chose the Arcane Age supplement (Fall of Myth Drannor) because you might be able to change history. And there is a chance for heroics.

Ideally, everyone post at least once everyday and once on weekends. I'll try to do the same. :) The campaign is projected to last at least a year of Play-by-Post.

I will select the players on the 10th of November. That should be enough time for you to create interesting backgrounds for your characters.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you on the flip side.

Just checking to see if anyone will be interested in a Forgotten Realms game. Set using the 1st edition Campaign Setting (Available at Drivethru). The campaign will happen in the history of the Realms. During the time of Magrathea the Mad. About a 1,000 years before the Time of Troubles.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

This is the gameplay thread for the Mercenaries game.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

This is the discussion for the Atlantis Mercenaries campaign.

You are a slave to the splugorth. It's all you know, how to bow, how to work, and how to please your master. On the day you were to be sold, you escaped. Now you are in the wilderness, finding your own way. Of course, they are chasing you.

The Game
This is a game using Savage Worlds RIFTS. You were once a slave, but you escaped! Now the conservators are hunting you. But you are well equipped to fight for your freedom. While you were trained as a slave, you had to escape to find a better life.

What you will need: was renumnerated in this thread. Yes, I'm asking you to buy books and invest in a new game. But the Savage Worlds: Pathfinder game asks you to do the same thing. So it's not a hard thing. I need you to be familiar with the Rifts: Version of Atlantis so you can make good characters. The Savage Worlds system is easier to grasp than the Palladium system. Plus its more balanced.

I am asking for at least 4 characters, though I can run a game with just one. If you don't like the escaped slave premise, then you can move on. No harm, no foul. But slaves are a thing in Rifts: Atlantis. Just so you know.

This is a recruitment thread for one of my Atlantis games. Hope you will join in!


I'm still interested in running a campaign based on Atlantis. Only this one will be based on Plato's Atlantis. I've got a science fiction version in mind, but that will require BESM d20, d20 Mecha, and Advanced d20 Magic. As I said, I'm an Atlanteologist. Someone who specializes in science on Atlantis.

Atlantis is calling you. The Ancient City of Atlantis, the lost land, the place of secrets, and the inventor of Sorcery.

You will be playing either a noble Atlantean (a descendant of Poseidon and Clieto), or a common Atlantean (base human). Though Divine byblows from the other Olympian Gods are also possible. (They would be Aasimar)

This game uses the Core PF1 rules only. Player characters will be based in the City of Atlantis, and they can explore the other nine cities as well. Atlantis is a city of pyramids, a great temple to Poseidon, a temple to Apollo, Aphrodite, and Artemis. Classes available are:
* Bard (a follower of Apollo)
* Barbarian (a visitor from lands outside of the Continent of Atlantis)
* Cleric (devotee to the Olympian Gods)
* Druid (a devotee to either Pan, or Demeter)
* Fighter (a follower of Ares).
* Athlete (Monk, a follower of Hercules/Heracles)
* Paladin (A follower of either Athena or Ares)
* Ranger (A follower of Artemis [may be male or female, female rangers are known as Amazons])
* Rogue (a follower of Hermes)
* Sorcerer (a follower of Hecate, Hera, or Zeus)
* Wizard (either a devotee to Science or a follower of Hermes)

You will need:
* the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, 1st Edition
* GURPS Atlantis (don't worry, it's cheap!)

I'm just checking who will be interested.

Alright, since the Savage Worlds Pathfinder recruitment is going on and is quite popular, I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring. I'd like to do a Savage Worlds: Rifts game. Set in Atlantis, of course. :) I'm not ready to do it, but I'll make a campaign bible and introduce you to Atlantis -- RIFTS style.

Hi, I'm a good GM. I'm also an Atlanteologist, so I know all the theories related to Atlantis. Kevin Siembieda's Atlantis is one where aliens and supernatural intelligences have taken over the once proud continent. I'm not ready to run the game yet, so you don't have to create a character yet. One of my games could be stopping (which is too bad because it's space opera in the Eberron solar system).

Atlantis in RIFTS is different than you can imagine. It is a continent (small continent), that spans the Atlantic Ocean. to the west are the Bahamas, to the East are the Azores. Atlantis stretches from North America to Europe. It is ruled by Splynncrith, a young Splugorth. The city of Splynn is the capital of Atlantis and is mostly populated with monsters and demons. Humans are (mostly) slaves. But since Atlantis is a continent, there could be human settlements there.

As a player, you will need:
* Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
* Savage Rifts: The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide
* Rifts for Savage Worlds: Atlantis and the Demon Seas Sourcebook and maybe . . .
* RIFTS World Book 2: Atlantis

The campaign will be one of High Adventure and presumably roleplay. Using the Savage Rifts system. Adventurers will be of the Tomorrow Legion. And the Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide offers you with enough concepts to play. RIFTS World Book 2: Atlantis provides better background than what was in the SWADE version. I'm looking for 5 players willing to play in a long campaign.


Just checking if anyone is up to a Rifts game. I'll be testing the Lone Star Worldbook in a campaign where everyone is playing a canine. The reason so I can review it on my blog.

Sell text:
Long ago, the legend of Fenris was that of a giant wolf that swallowed the sun. In Rifts Earth, the legend is reborn into a Mercenary company of dog boys, kankorans, wolfen, and coyles. This mercenary company travels through the New West as "dogs" for hire. Not affiliated with the Coalition, but a company of adventurers, men of magic, men of arms, and dog boys that were created at the Lone Star complex. They banded together under the banner of Fenris. They are close knit, as brothers or sisters in arms.

Game System:
RIFTS (1990/30th Anniversary Edition), Lone Star, New West, and Spirit West. I might allow Ninjas and Superspies if you want to do a martial art. If too many balk at using original Rifts system, I do have Savage Worlds Rifts we can use.

Game Platform:

Game time: Mondays 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm MDT/MST (5:30 pm to 9:00 pm CDT/CST)

Races allowed: Dog Pack R.C.C. (Rifts page 107-111), Wolfen, Coyle, and Kankoran (see Conversion Rulebook (revised)).

O.C.C.s allowed: Any from the RIFTS rulebook, Gunslinger from New West, any Shaman O.C.C. from Spirit West.

Stat Generation: roll 4d6 eight times, drop the lowest die, and total up the remaining. Arrange to taste. If you come up with a 16, 17, or 18, roll an additional die and add that to your total.

This is not a Play-by-Post campaign.

Now that's out of the way. I wanted to recruit for a game on Roll20. The game happens weekly -- on Thursdays starting at 6:30 pm Mountain Daylight Time (that's 8:30 EDT, and 7:30 CDT, folks). It will go until 9:30 pm MDT. This will give me a chance to shakedown the rules of Warhammer Fantasy before I review them on my blog.

The campaign will be accorded T.V. structure thanks to Robin D. Laws and his article in Dragon #293. The Campaign will be a little like Indiana Jones, "The Librarians", with the costumes and sets of The Taming of the Shrew and "Upstart Crowe".

Formula: The heroes are artifact hunters looking for artifacts of antiquity. Not everyone is an academic, and not everyone is a warrior.

Theme: Artifacts belong in a museum, and not in the hands of private collectors.

Tone: High adventure in the Riekland.

One should watch Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the Librarian (on iTunes). You should also watch the Taming of the Shrew with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor (available on iTunes) and hopefully a few episodes of "Upstart Crowe" (also on iTunes).

Obiviously, you should look through Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (4th Edition) and look at the art. The Empire is currently in the Renaissance. The .pdf is cheap, and I can provide a link on DriveThru if you need it.

What You Need
1. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (4th Edition)

Character Creation
Character creation will happen here, rather than in the Roll20 room. I'm looking for five adventurers. We will have 1 season of 14 episodes. If you rather choose your race (or species) and career, you may do so. Oh, you may choose an actor or actress that you like to be your character's face.

I think that will do it. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Just wondering who would be interested in a Savage Rifts campaign. I know I tried to start one before and that didn't go well. Well, it will be set in Park City, Utah -- which is transforming into a elvish city state named Réimse na Sléibhte (Realm of Mountains).

While most of the residential districts where destroyed during the time of Chaos Earth, a rift opened and a large number of elves came through. The place is magic rich, but downtown still looks like historic Park City. And while most technology is lost, the technology is like that of the Tri-Gun series. And most people dress like it was the Old West (see Rifts: New West).

Adventures will be had in and around Park City, Utah. This means mountain adventures. You will need a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition at least. I'm taking cues from the Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, Empires of Humanity, Arcana and Mysticism, and Blood and Banes. I also have the Savage Rifts Game Master's handbook.

I'm writing a page in my blog on the setting, though.

I've started a blog about my journey into the hobby. It can be accessed here. I'll be doing some reviews of classic games that I own, like Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Pathfinder, and other games. I have one post now, but I'll be adding more. It's not monetized, yet, but it's a good start.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, if someone can have a vampires campaign set in the Wild West, I can do Werewolves in the Wild West. Since I have a few games already running, I wanted to gauge interest in playing a horror game set in the Wild West (1840 A.D. - 1900 A.D.).

You will be playing loupe-garou, beings of savagery and violence. I'm the storyteller, and this is a game of horror fantasy. You will be playing one of twelve tribes of Werewolves, taking a certain auspice of the moon. A Werewolf is a reflection of the Wyld. And each tribe has it's own goals and expectations. The setting is called the Savage West for a reason.

The Setting: Southern Utah, around 1849-1850, somewhere near Capital Reef, National Park. You are at a ranch where cattle are being raised for food and other things. Most of the apes (humans) are Mormon (LDS), but you don't have to be. Werewolf tribes can be any of them, although to stay true to the setting (Utah) -- most Utah pioneer Werewolves are Children of Gaia, Fianna, and Get of Fenris. Although it's not impossible to expect an Iron Rider or two (Glasswalker).

The Game System: Werewolf: the Wild West. It's based on Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised (I have both). One of the original game designers was Mark Rein*Hagen, so you know you're in for a treat.

This is a campaign of horror, but also set in the Wild West. Try and watch a few classic movies on the Wild West and read some books to get an idea of your character. The book has a few suggestions on what you can watch and read.

Incidentally, I also have Classic Deadlands and the three dime novels that put Werewolf: the Wild West rpg along side the Deadlands RPG. Worth mentioning, and while the Werewolf game is serious, I don't think the original Deadlands took itself seriously enough.

If there is enough interest, I can go for full time recruitment.

Just wondering if anyone is interested in playing the Hell's Rebels AP for PF1. Set in Cheliax, this is your time to discombobulate the rule of the Thrice Damned House of Thrune. My Shadowrun game on Mondays is coming to a close, so I thought I could recruit some Roll20 players here.

This will be a regular game on roll20.

Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm MST/6:00 - 8:00 PST/8:00-10:00 CST Mondays.
Where: Roll20.


You may play any of the Core Races in the Inner Sea (See the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, or the Advanced Races Guide). You may also play Tieflings too. Just remember, if you play a Tiefling, you might be a slave according to the Inner Sea World Guide entry on Cheliax. Use Blood of Fiends if you want to play a Tiefling.

25 ability points, level 1, 2 traits, average gold, maximized hit points at first level, rolled hit points thereafter. You may use the random generating tables in Ultimate Campaign to generate your character's background. Or if you want to be really detailed, the Task Force Games Central Casting: Heroes of Legend random tables can be used. Those who generate their backgrounds randomly gain a 100xp bonus to their character. You may opt out of randomly generating your character's background, but you won't get the 100 xp bonus.

Classes Allowed

You may Select any class from the following books:
* Pathfinder Core Rulebook
* Advanced Player's Guide
* Ultimate Psionics from Dreamscarred Press. These are rare in Cheliax.

Other Character Options
You may select any archetype for your class.

Special Note:
Since Cheliax has a Mediterranean Climate, it's possible to play a nude character in this game. If you want to be daring, that is.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

First Segment

It's the first day of the Dry Season, and old friends are getting together at an outdoor bar to share fruit bowls and maybe a couple of beers. People have begun panning for gold. The day is clear, and after what seems to be a long Wet Season promises to be some new beginnings.

Checking on who would be interested in a BESM d20 game set in Atlantis. I'll be writing a setting/game book set in Atlantis (ABT. 10,000 BC). Atlantis will be protrayed as advanced (or more advanced in some instances) as our own; so that certain classes would have a place.

We will be playing BESM d20.

While I could write a Pathfinder (PF1e) high fantasy setting for Atlantis (again, ABT 10,000 BC); that would mean using the High Fantasy Setup protrayed in GURPS Atlantis. Also, Atlantis: The Second Age (by Khepera Publishing) would do this better.

I just want to see who will heed the call. The Call of Atlantis.

Yes, the campaign will involve Time Travel.

Checking out who would be interested in playing a campaign using Advanced d20 Magic, or Dynamic Spellcasting, as the magic system!

Divorce yourself from Vancian Casting, and cast magic as it was meant to be cast in the d20 game! Using Invocations and/or Incantations! The magic system we will be using should remind you of the anime T.V. show The Slayers (Dynamic Spellcasting was originally developed for The Slayers d20). I will be getting a copy of the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition tomorrow. (It's not cheaper on Amazon).

Michelle Lyons (one of the writers) explained this way: "The base classes are given bonuses to spellcasting DCs that increase over levels, for regular D20. For using BESM d20, there are modifiers in the form of how many levels of Dynamic Sorcery you have, etc. Also, using Rituals, Incantations, Investments, etc. reduces the DC of the spell. All the listed DCs are for silent, motionless spells with no material components (foci) that are cast in one standard action. Naturally, this means that the DCs for some high level spells look outrageous. By choosing a longer period of time, though, with an Incantation, a Focus, and throwing some XP in there to boot, you can reduce a spell's DC down to a reasonable level for a higher level caster to get away with."

"But yes, the modifiers enable the caster to make the saves more easily. This system also ensures, though, that you're not going to end up making every one, and you will wear yourself out if you continue casting powerful spells."

Don't worry, the Runelords will be using the same system (although they will be more powerful).

So, who's interested?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Here's the discussion thread, fellas.

Hello, my name is Elton Robb and I'll be your storyteller this evening. I am not able to bump my last recruitment in this area, so if you posted your interest in this campaign, post again.

I almost picked up Mwangi Expanse for Lost Omens today, but decided to wait on that. So this is what I propose:

* A hypothetical T.V. Show type campaign based on Sub-Saharan Africa.

* Jungle elves, jungle orcs, jungle dwarves, jungle trolls (from WoW RPG), it's limitless.

* Serpent folk would figure in the campaign.

* Places to come from: a city based on Timbuktu, Gao (of the Songhai Empire), etc.

* Have your characters wear colorful clothes based on the cultures of Western Africa (Niger, Gana, etc.)

I hate to say this, but get a copy of the Mwangi Expanse or Heart of the Jungle. Look through them, feel inspired. Look at National Geographic shows on Africa (although that would mean getting on Disney Plus). Take a look at this Fall of Civilizations podcast for ideas.

Character Creation
25 points, 2 traits, average starting gold; 1st level. Any class allowed, except Samurai and Ninja. Unchained Summoner, Monk, Rogue, and Barbarian allowed.

Recruitment to end on March 31st.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In memory of Wallace William Thornhill (1942-2023).

Recently, the Electric Universe has lost it's greatest supporter in Wallace William Thornhill. He was the one that championed the Electric Universe theory, also called Plasma Cosmology theory. He was the chief Science Advisor to the Thunderbolts Project. He recently died in peace in his home in Canberra, Australia among friends and family.

Strangely enough, he also asked me to continue his work. Plasma Cosmology was first formulated by Hannes Alfvén devised the first Plasma Cosmology theory in the Twentieth Century. But it was Immanuel Velikovsky that drove the point home to many with his book Worlds in Collision and that was what started both Wal Thornhill and David Talbott in exploring the Electric Universe, although in different ways.

So, how am I going to continue the work of Wal Thornhill? Well, I'm a creative as much as I am a scientist. I worked on 3D art in the past, and have somewhat many pieces of 3D artwork on Deviant Art. So I propose a book entitled The Starfinder's Guide to the Electric Universe which will bring the Starfinder RPG into the Electric Universe.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Here's the Discussion thread, guys and gals. Sign off here and I'll get the episode list up.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just seeing if anyone would like to play a game set in the Mwangi Expanse. I've been reading about Jungle races in Unearthed Arcana, and an idea struck. A game based on sub-saharan Africa. I couldn't get Nyambi, but I do have Pathfinder Chronicles: Heart of the Jungle. Not exactly the Songhai Empire but a place to start.

I almost picked up Mwangi Expanse for Lost Omens today, but decided to wait on that. So this is what I propose:

* A hypothetical T.V. Show type campaign based on Sub-Saharan Africa.

* Jungle elves, jungle orcs, jungle dwarves, jungle trolls (from WoW RPG), it's limitless.

* Serpent folk would figure in the campaign.

* Places to come from: a city based on Timbuktu, Gao (of the Songhai Empire), etc.

* Have your characters wear colorful clothes based on the cultures of Western Africa (Niger, Gana, etc.)

I hate to say this, but get a copy of the Mwangi Expanse or Heart of the Jungle. Look through them, feel inspired. Look at National Geographic shows on Africa (although that would mean getting on Disney Plus). Take a look at this Fall of Civilizations podcast for ideas.

Character Creation
25 points, 2 traits, average starting gold; 1st level. Any class allowed, except Samurai and Ninja. Unchained Summoner, Monk, Rogue, and Barbarian allowed.

Recruitment to end on March 31st.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is a sequel to my Phaeselis campaign setting. It focuses on the orcs. Instead of doing orcs from Orcs of Golarion, it converts the orcs from the World of Warcraft RPG. It's found here, so I thought I might put it up here for consideration. I'm running a campaign using it, and so far the group likes it. I am also currently writing an adventure for it.

Query: are the unchained classes that much better? What are your experience with both the unchained and "chained" classes?

Sorry if this is in the wrong category. :)

How do you all feel about Advanced d20 Magic by David and Michelle Lyons? Do you think it's too math intensive? Would you rather use the Vancian system of casting magic (fire and forget)? I'm asking because I have Advanced d20 Magic and I want to use it for an adventure I'm creating.

The adventure is set in my Horde campaign. The world is inspired by World of Warcraft, but different in execution.