EltonJ |

On the Idaho-Utah border lies some new towns that sprang up after the world ended. These towns look like towns coming out of the Old West. People go around in dusters, long pants, full bodied underwear, stetson hats, long dresses, and other styles from the Old West.
This is the New West, a place out of time. Most of Utah and Idaho are reclaimed by nature in the wilderness. The Tomorrow Legion is hardly known out here. And most people live by the Code of the West. However, there are places of Note:
-- Cill Onchon (Tremonton) This place is settled by elves from the Palladium world. They've been reclaiming the land and planting trees. The elves have turned the small town from a small town into a small kingdom. The place has trees growing everywhere. And on the junction of old I-84 and old I-15 is a small town populated by humans. They are there to trade with outsiders. Most people who visit Cill Onchon hardly see an elf.
-- New Salt Lake (Salt Lake City) Most of Salt Lake City is in ruins. However, there are a few people who make the valley their home. Since they had forced most of their population into the Great Salt Lake Desert after the Radiation Rift opened, about a thousand people have rebuilt the city in the west of the valley. What was once West Valley City and Magna, is now New Salt Lake. Because of the great magical potential there, some refugees from Tolkeen have made their way here and settled. There is a fortress here belonging to the Tomorrow Legion.
-- Curragh (Orem) Curragh is an orc city state. Built on the ruins of Orem, Curragh trades with New Salt Lake and Sanpete County. Built by orcs from another world, the place represents orc architecture. Although some buildings are built out of the Old West. The orcs ride huge wolves called wargs.
-- Caledonia (Boise) the once proud city of Boise is in ruins. The town of Caledonia had been established. It looks like a town of the Old West, except there are many different D-Bees here along side the human population. The Shoshone tribe maintains a presence here as well.
That should be enough world building. Adventurers start in New Salt Lake. I have the following books for Savage Worlds Rifts:
* The Tommorow Legion Player's Guide
* Savage Rifts Atlantis and the Demon Seas
* Savage Rifts Arcana and Mysticism
* Savage Rifts Blood and Banes
* Savage Rifts Empires of Humanity -- this one is the one I'm using the most, including Rifts World Book 14: New West.
* Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE)
* Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion
* Savage Pathfinder Bestiary
Those are the books (except Savage PF Bestiary) you may use to create a character. Please note that I haven't read the Supers book all the way through. But if you want to play a superhero in my Rifts game, that would make it possible.
What You'll Need
* Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.
* The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide
* Savage Rifts Empires of Humanity
Optional: The rest are purely optional. Also, I have a lot of Original Rifts books, so if you want to create a character from the original books (say, like use a race that is remunerated in D-Bees of North America but not in the above books) we can try to convert it.
I usually run Pathfinder games here. I know which way the wind is blowing. But I have never ran a campaign in Savage Worlds before. I want to try something different, and I'd like to try Rifts. I know the Rifts world like the back of my hand, though. And I have run original Rifts games before. If you are interested in playing, please dot. I'll be looking for 6 ready made characters.
I am Elton Robb. I'm a storyteller. Lets begin . . .

Kafka Komedy |

I've never played Savage Worlds, and I'm not too too familiar with the Rifts setting, but its always looked so cool to me, I'd love to join! This would be my first time doing PBP on Paizo's forums, too, so if you're looking for someone with a little more experience on that end I understand. How should we get these ready made characters to you?

EltonJ |

I've never played Savage Worlds, and I'm not too too familiar with the Rifts setting, but its always looked so cool to me, I'd love to join! This would be my first time doing PBP on Paizo's forums, too, so if you're looking for someone with a little more experience on that end I understand. How should we get these ready made characters to you?
I suggest that you get a copy of the Savage Rifts Archetype Dossiers to jump in quickly. You will also need a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition so you can learn the rules.
the Savage Worlds RPG is a rules light and leveless skill based system that can handle many genres. Shane was lucky to get a license for the RIFTS RPG from Kevin, so it's easier to grasp and play.

Kafka Komedy |

I suggest that you get a copy of the Savage Rifts Archetype Dossiers to jump in quickly. You will also need a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition so you can learn the rules.
the Savage Worlds RPG is a rules light and leveless skill based system that can handle many genres. Shane was lucky to get a license for the RIFTS RPG from Kevin, so it's easier to grasp and play.
Since it's a rules light system, I think I'll avoid using a pregen If that's alright? I grabbed and have been reading the required materials and have been using the licensed SW character builder to mess around and I think I understand character building decently well. I wanna go with a Power user like a Techno-Wizard or Mind Melter or some such, probably a human from Caledonia with a D-Bee partner from Caledonia heading to New Salt Lake.

EltonJ |

I'd love the chance to try out Savage Worlds really. I have an idea for an Orc Cyber-Knight. I need to hammer it out more, and I may find it's not feeling right, but that is the first idea I had. Thanks.
An orc cyber-knight is a good idea! And thanks, Scot.
Since it's a rules light system, I think I'll avoid using a pregen If that's alright? I grabbed and have been reading the required materials and have been using the licensed SW character builder to mess around and I think I understand character building decently well. I wanna go with a Power user like a Techno-Wizard or Mind Melter or some such, probably a human from Caledonia with a D-Bee partner from Caledonia heading to New Salt Lake.
Sounds like a good idea as well.

Kafka Komedy |

So Kafka I see you might like a D-Bee partner any particular kind of D-Bee you would like to bounce off of or will just about anything do? Elton asked me to drop in and make a character as I played in his last Rifts game.
I was originally thinking just an NPC that my character was romantically involved with, when I said D-Bee partner, but having two PCs be connected is always super fun if you wanna do that I'm super down! I'm down for pretty much anything, race OR connection wise. What were you thinking? Childhood friends inseparable since birth? Two people who just can't stop running into each other? Romantic partners?
Also, character is almost done, just need to decide on what to do with these funds and then copy it all into text.

Mokshai |

Ok, I have 4 d20 rolls.
Hook, Fortune and Glory, Body Armour, and Close Combat Weapons.
Plus base money and stuff.
Fortune and Glory: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Hook: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Close Combat Weapon: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Ranged Weapon: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Fortune and Glory - Strong Willed +1 Die type for Spirit, Begin with Strong Willed.
Hook - Grudging Respect, have to work that out with the GM.
CCW - Extra Deadly - +1 all damage rolls.
Ranged Weapon - Choose any, Gaining a Free Wilks Pulse Pistol.
Edit, will do up the alias, and finalize tomorrow.

DeJoker |

I was originally thinking just an NPC that my character was romantically involved with, when I said D-Bee partner,
Well if that was your intial thought and/or want for the partner I can go with that. Still regardless of what we end up going with I will need to pick your brain for the compatible personality I will be roleplaying.
So yes to the following: Romantic Partners?; Childhood Friends Inseparable Since Birth?; Two people who just can't stop running into each other?; or something we have not even thought of yet?
What were you thinking?
And if it was not overtly obvious, my answer to this question is, whatever you had planned for the D-Bee Partner.
Also, character is almost done, just need to decide on what to do with these funds and then copy it all into text.
Great that will help me build my character. Now is/was there a particular type of D-Bee you were thinking of when you initially envisioned this partner character?

Kafka Komedy |

Kafka Komedy wrote:Well if that was your intial thought and/or want for the partner I can go with that. Still regardless of what we end up going with I will need to pick your brain for the compatible personality I will be roleplaying.
So yes to the following: Romantic Partners?; Childhood Friends Inseparable Since Birth?; Two people who just can't stop running into each other?; or something we have not even thought of yet?
Kafka Komedy wrote:And if it was not overtly obvious, my answer to this question is, whatever you had planned for the D-Bee Partner.
Kafka Komedy wrote:Great that will help me build my character. Now is/was there a particular type of D-Bee you were thinking of when you initially envisioned this partner character?
Currently putting everything into an alias, will for sure be done by the end of the night. As for type of D-Bee I was thinking of initially, either a Fennodi or Trimadore. As for the relationship, while I started with the idea of romance in mind, I kind of like the idea of fate just pushing them together super often and them becoming a weird mix of rival/friend.
As for personality, I was going to play my character as relatively unassuming, mild mannered, not particularly flashy or anything, but deeply obsessed with increasing his own magical power. Not out of ambition to rule the world or anything, it's just an OCD type thing.

Julian Jamieson |

Here is my submission:
Agility = D10
Smarts = D8
Spirit = D8
Str = D6
Vigor = D6
Major - Heroic
Minor – Illiterate
Minor – Mild Mannered
Parry = 5 + Any Shields
Toughness = 5 + Armour
Strain = 6
Athletics (Agility) D8
Common Knowledge (Smarts) d4
Notice (Smarts) D6
Persuade (Spirit) D4
Stealth (Agility) D6
Electronics (Smarts) D6
Piloting (Agility) D10
Repair (Smarts) D6
Shooting (Agility) D10
Driving (Agility) D6
Fighting (Agility) D8
Healing (Smarts) D6
Background Soldier
Power Armour Jock
Strong Willed
(Nimble – In Power Armour only)
(Uncanny Reflexes – In Nimble Power Armour Only)
Advance 1 – Agility Die from d8 to d10
Advance 2 – Piloting and Shooting from D8 to D10
Advance 3 – Fighting D6 to D8. Heal from D4 to D6
Advance 1 – Smarts D6 to D8
4000 Cr.
2d4x 500 Cr worth of other stuff
Tool Kit
NGS2 Survival Pack with
Climbing Kit (+1 Athletics – Climbing)
Inertial Mapper with a mirrored back (+1 Survival – Navigation)
Emergency Kit – Survival Knife, Signal Flares, 1 Week of Rations)
Flint Sparker
First Aid Kit (3 uses – ea 100 cr)
Radio (5 mile Range) Crank and Solar Powered.
Hunting and fishing kit (+1 Survival for food)
Sanitation Kit
Water Filter
Mess Kit
Sterile Cloth
2 Person Insulated Tent with Water Collector (+2 vs cold or hot environmental hazards)
Insulated Sleeping Bag
Huntsman Medium Personal Armour
Armour +5; Tough +2; Min Str d6; Weight 16; Rarity +1; Cost 24000 Cr
NG-X9 Samson Power Armour
Size 3 (Normal); Armour +11 MDC; Toughness +6; Pace+Run 14+2d8 (150 MPH) Weight 460; Rarity -1; Cost 900000 Cr
Nimble; Jet Boosters (Jump +12 Horizontal, +6 Vertical;
Light Rail Gun
Range 100, 200, 400; Damage 2d12+2; AP 10; ROF 3; Shots 45; Mods2; Rarity -3; Cost 200000
2x Forearm Mini Missles (ROF 2, 2 Shots Ea)
Mini Missiles (HE)
Range 100/200/400; Damage 5d6/ AP 8; ROF 2; Shots 2; Mods 1; Rarity -2; Cost 1000 / Missile
Mini Missile (AP)
Range 100/200/400; Damage 4d6/ AP 20; ROF 2; Shots 2; Mods 1; Rarity -2; Cost 1000 / Missile
Mini Missile (Plasma)
Range 100/200/400; Damage 7d6/ AP 0; ROF 2; Shots 2; Mods 1; Rarity -2; Cost 1000 / Missile
(Plasma) On a Raise, Targets catch fire. 3d8 Damage / round and Distracted until doused.
Survival Knife
Damage Str+d4; Min Str D4; Weight 1; Cost 50 Cr
Damage STR+d10+1; AP 8; Min Str D8(Ignored due to soldier); Weight 4; Rarity 0; Cost 11000 Cr
Wilks 227 Pulse Pistol w 2 E Clips
Range 15/30/60; Damage 3d6; ROF 3; AP 2; Shots 24; Min Str d6; Weight 3; Rarity -1; Cost 18000 Cr
NG-LG6 Laser Rifle and Launcher
Range 24/48/96; Damage 4d6; ROF 1; AP 2; Shots 20; Min Str d6; Weight 15; Rareity -1; Cost 20000 Cr
Integral Grenade Launcher
Range 18/36/ 72; Damage by Grenade; Shots 5; Reload 2
Michael was the 2rd son of a large family from Chi-Town. Not seeing any chance of getting a worthwhile inheritance, he decided to join the standing army.
He was deployed with the Deadboys during the siege of Tolkien, and was left for dead.
When he recovered, he decided to desert due to not liking the fact that they were engaging non-combatants.
He ended up selling his Deadboy armour, and purchasing Huntsman body armour to make his break complete.
After Joining up with a merc group, he managed over time to get enough for a samson power armour, as well as a few other things.
He then loaded everything he owned into a wagon, and travelled to New Salt Lake City, where he ended up joining up with the Tomorrow Legion

![]() |

OK, I am looking to make a MARS Elven Gunslinger, if that is ok. I have a few rolls it seems that I need to make, so here we go...(hope I am doing this right!)
1. MARS-Fortune & Glory 1d20 ⇒ 7 - Spiritual & Determined
2. MARS-Fortune & Glory 1d20 ⇒ 2 - Reach out and touch Someone
3. Ranged Weapons 1d20 ⇒ 5 - Fine Weapon
4. Underworld & Black Ops 1d20 ⇒ 11 - Larceny
5. Training 1d20 ⇒ 13 - Climber

EltonJ |

OK, I am looking to make a MARS Elven Gunslinger, if that is ok. I have a few rolls it seems that I need to make, so here we go...(hope I am doing this right!)
1. MARS-Fortune & Glory 1d20 - Spiritual & Determined
2. MARS-Fortune & Glory 1d20 - Reach out and touch Someone
3. Ranged Weapons 1d20 - Fine Weapon
4. Underworld & Black Ops 1d20 - Larceny
5. Training 1d20 - Climber
It's alright to make a elf gunslinger! :) And yes, you did it right.

Bashag, the Sentinel |

This is J Scot's character. I am on my phone for now as I am traveling for the long weekend. I have some tweaks to make and some formatting to do, but I am open to suggestions there. I also am working on a backstory that got away from me a little. It's not a novel but longer than most of my early drafts.l got inspired!
I should have the backstory done later tonight or tomorrow. I also will pick s more appropriate image later as well. Thanks for being patient.

EltonJ |

This is J Scot's character. I am on my phone for now as I am traveling for the long weekend. I have some tweaks to make and some formatting to do, but I am open to suggestions there. I also am working on a backstory that got away from me a little. It's not a novel but longer than most of my early drafts.l got inspired!
I should have the backstory done later tonight or tomorrow. I also will pick s more appropriate image later as well. Thanks for being patient.
Looks great. I wish I could draw your character right now. :( I think I lost my talent to draw.

Julian Jamieson |

I just noticed something that I forgot.
Select a MARS Package from the
list below.
2. Roll on the MARS Fortune & Glory
Table (page 44) two times, possibly
modified by package.
I only did this once.
3. MARS heroes begin with three rolls on any Hero’s Journey tables you like (though some make more sense than others).
Never did this
4. Build your character as normal, and when finished, give her four Advances.
This means she begins play as a Seasoned Rank character.
I did this.
You mind if I do the rolls ?

EltonJ |

I just noticed something that I forgot.
Select a MARS Package from the
list below.2. Roll on the MARS Fortune & Glory
Table (page 44) two times, possibly
modified by package.I only did this once.
3. MARS heroes begin with three rolls on any Hero’s Journey tables you like (though some make more sense than others).
Never did this
4. Build your character as normal, and when finished, give her four Advances.
This means she begins play as a Seasoned Rank character.I did this.
You mind if I do the rolls ?

Julian Jamieson |

Thank you.
So the rolls.
fortune and Glory: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Up close and personal - Add +2 dice types to fighting
Gain a personal CCW - Vibro-Longsword.
Ranged: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Rifle upgraded with Multi-Optics Scope.
Ranged: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Exceptional Crafting - +1 Shooting with rifle.
Training: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Dirty Fighter Edge.

![]() |

OK..here is my first pass...check it out for any glaring mistakes please (or minor one too..lol)
Seasoned Elf, MARS Gunslinger
Iconic Framework: MARS Gunslinger
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Gambling d10, Language (Native) d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6+1, Riding d4, Shooting d12, Stealth d4, Survival d6, Thievery d10+1
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 (3)
Strain: 6/6
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Driven (minor, Reforestation of the West), Heroic, Loyal, Phobia (minor, Dogs), Quirk (Treats Trees like people)
Edges: Ambidextrous, Danger Sense, Dead Shot, Marksman, Quick, Rapid Fire, Sharpshooting, Steady Hands, Strong Willed, Thief, Trademark Weapon, Two-Gun Kid
Armor: NG Maverick Riding Armor (Armor 3)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Colt Peacemaker (.45) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, ROF 1, AP 1, +1 to Hit), Colt Peacemaker (.45) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, ROF 1, AP 1, +1 to Hit), Survival Knife (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4), Wooden Stakes (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4)
Gear: NG-S2 Survival Pack, Wooden Cross
Language: Native (native, d8)
Current Wealth: 0 cr
Special Abilities
Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
MARS Advances: Gunslingers begin as Seasoned heroes
Gunslinger Agility: +2 Agility die types, adjust Trait maximums accordingly.
Gunslinger Shootist: Shooting d8 and the Marksman and Sharpshooting Edges.
Gunslinger Intuition: Begin with the Danger Sense, Dead Shot, and Quick Edges.
The Quick and the Dead: First round as a free action, after Action Cards, may spend a Benny. The Gunslinger and his opponent make an opposed Agility roll. On success, he immediately attacks the target and has The Drop. If he fails, the Benny is wasted.
Quick Draw Edge: The Tomorrow Legion Field Manual states that Gunslingers get this edge for free as well.
Gunslinger Hindrance: Begin with the Arrogant, Heroic, Overconfident, or Vengeful (Major) Hindrance for no added benefit.
Climber (Hero's Journey): +2 to all Athletics rolls involving climbing
Novice Advances
Raise Skills: Fighting/RidingRaise Skill: GamblingEdge: Steady HandsSeasoned Advances
Edge: Rapid Fire

Bashag, the Sentinel |

Here is Bashag's backstory. I am still working to tweak the formatting but I can find where to do the editing on my phone so it will have to wait until tomorrow night or Tuesday. The only change to the build itself is I am looking to change the big mouth hindrance to code of honor (protect the defenseless). That is assuming it doesn't seriously conflict with the planned story. Let me know if it's s conflict.
The knight, Darrell Quinn, was known as The Cutting Wind. A cyber-knight who felt a calling to come and serve the less fortunate in the savage West. He hadn't set out to find a squire, but somehow he and Bashag found each other.
Bashag felt immediately that he was looking at his own future. The power the knight wielded would impress his friends and family. He swore to himself he would do whatever it took to earn it. At the time he had no idea what this descion would mean for his life ahead.
Now years later, Bashag was returning to the West, a cyber-knight himself, and he has found his original mentor severely wounded and being tended at the Curragh clinic. "Quinn, my old friend, what has happened to leave you in this state?" he asked taking the wounded knights hand.
"There will be time for that tale." Quinn said softly as he tried to mask his pain. "First though, tell me the tale of your journey and now your return. How is my old master and were you able to learn much from him?"
Bashag told the story of how after Quinn had trained his in the basics of combat but could not break him of his brash ways and his hunger for power, they travelled to the home of Quinn's order for further training and eventually augmentation. Quinn then left Bashag there to return to the West and his own mission.
Badhag's training took years and was unlike the training he had undergone before. He quickly learned to temper his arrogant attitude and to channel those feelings inwards, then to focus them once more into a blade of energy. Bashag though found he grew disappointed in the form of his blade for he wanted the power of Quinn's blade but could not call forth the shimmering wind.
The Master explained. "The psi-blade's form is a reflection of a Knight's inner self. It takes a form matching the deepest desire of your true heart. Your red and savage blade is one that reflects your brash desire for power but look inward to see what it is you truly want and your blade will take a form to match."
Bashag then told Quinn of how he was sent first sent to a small village with a senior knight. There was a call to put down a monster that had been terrorizing the area. He and the knight waited into the night and when the beast came the knights engaged. As the battle continued it became clear that there would be collateral loss among the village but the senior knight ordered Bashag to press the attack.
Then Bashag heard the screams of children and he knew he couldn't accept the loss if he could act. He shouted for the senior knight to hold the beast as best he could and he went to take the children away. The senior knight protested but Bashag did not wait. Eventually they defeated the beast and returned home, the village and the children safe. The ride back was uncomfortable to say the least.
The Master came to see Bashag after he had rested. "I hear the village was saved but you had some trouble." Bashag tried to justify himself but The Master cut him off. "I think you may find this was a learning experience but not about following orders. You heard a cry and your heart drove you."
The Master knelt in front of Bashag and motioned for him to do the same. "Look inward now and bring forth your blade." Bashag turned his thoughts to his heart and focused his will. "My student, open your eyes and see how you have changed."
Bashag's blade was no longer red and jagged and raw, but now was deep blue and clean. It appeared to have a longer shaft, almost polearm like. A weapon of defense, a reflection of his heart demanding he protect those who cannot protect themselves.
"A sentinel for the powerless. Bashag, the Sentinel you are now to be called. When you are ready, you should return to you mentor and protect the people of your home."
With his story told, Bashag looks into Quinn's eyes and sees a peace come over his soul. "I am glad you found out who you really are." Quinn says, his voice little more than a whisper. "My quest has proven more than I can handle. I fear my own aggressive style was great for hunting monsters but I find there is some trouble coming that needs a protector instead. Your own quest begins in New Salt Lake. I do not know what is coming but it is there you must go. I will not see the end of your quest but know that I will always watch over you in the next life."
Quinn closed his eyes but was unable to open them again. His last breath came before the night ended. Bashag saw to the farewell, drawing forth Quinn's blood and releasing the nanites. Most would fail in moments but a few Bashag drew to himself and joined them with his own. The next day he began the journey to New Salt Lake, keeping an eye out for those who may need a guardian.

EltonJ |

Here is Bashag's backstory. I am still working to tweak the formatting but I can find where to do the editing on my phone so it will have to wait until tomorrow night or Tuesday. The only change to the build itself is I am looking to change the big mouth hindrance to code of honor (protect the defenseless). That is assuming it doesn't seriously conflict with the planned story. Let me know if it's s conflict.
It's not a conflict. Although by taking the hindrance code of honor (protect the defenseless), you might as well be a paladin.

EltonJ |

Ok, this is Daniel. Here is the crunch for my submission. I will work on a background next...is there anything I need to add to the background? Are we trying to hook our characters together in some way??
Hey Daniel, good work on this. I didn't see a formatting problem. Your skills look alright too. All of you can work your backgrounds up together.

Faustus Hancock |

Alright, here's a preliminary backstory, subject to change as Dejoker needs.
As such, Faustus has had little chance to practice socializing. But by the time he was a teenager, he had decided he didn't need to bother doing much talking to people. His father had drilled into him this: Magical knowledge and power is its own reward, to be sought above all else. While Faustus is a simple man, quiet, unassuming, and unambitious in most respects, the pursuit of magic is a need, a deep obsession that colors most of his actions. However, Faustus was never up to his father's level. How could he be? Scipio had been studying magic since his own childhood decades ago. Even on his deathbed, the old man insisted Faustus was not ready for 'the next level of his training,' whatever that happened to be.
After his father passed, Faustus took care of his mother for a few years, finding work as a sort of magical handy-man. If people needed to communicate over ley-lines, magic detected or dispelled, etc. than Faustus was the man to know. However, this work was tedious and provided nothing in the way of training or increasing his magical power. Books were rare in Caledonia too, so even the money he earned could not be put to much use. When Faustus' mother passed suddenly too, he was left not knowing where to go in life anymore. However, during his time working in Caledonia, he had come to know a Fennodi (or Quiet Walker, as they're more often known in the region) woman better than any one else in the town. She was a simple ranch hand, but called for his help on occasion, and the two hit it off. She was quiet too, but had a knack for getting the normally reticent Faustus speaking. In particular they often had chats about her own natural psionic power compared to his tapping of the ley-lines. One night, as they were drinking and talking in the corner of a saloon, Faustus had come to the realization that there was nothing stopping him from achieving his own goals but his staying in town. He was going to pack his things, sell what he couldn't pack, and ride the Ley Line to New Salt Lake. It was on a line, and had refugees coming from the great Tolkeen.
So that's exactly what Faustus did, gathering what funds he could and making for New Salt Lake, eager to break free of what had been holding him back and pursue magic to the fullest extent.

Adalphorius |

Adalphorius hails from the ancient elven forests, where he was trained in the art of marksmanship and stealth from a young age. His keen eyesight and agility made him a natural with firearms, and he quickly became one of the most skilled sharpshooters among his kin. However, a restless spirit and a thirst for adventure led him to leave his homeland in search of new challenges and experiences.
His journey brought him to the rugged and lawless frontier of New Salt Lake, a town known for its harsh environment and even harsher inhabitants. Here, Adalphorius found a place where his skills were in high demand. The town, built on the shores of a vast, dried-up salt lake, is a melting pot of various races and factions, each vying for control and survival.
Adalphorius quickly made a name for himself as a gunslinger for hire, taking on jobs that ranged from protecting caravans to hunting down dangerous outlaws. Despite the rough exterior he presents to the world, Adalphorius has a strong sense of justice and often finds himself siding with the underdog. His elven heritage and mysterious past add an air of intrigue to his persona, making him both respected and feared in equal measure.

DeJoker |

Sorry Kafka Komedy I am still here just got majorly sidetracked and I do not have an autoconnection to this game yet so it does not show up on my radar everyday -- I have to remember to come here until the GM opens the Gameplay page so I can dot this game and get it to show up on the page I check every day.
That being said and with you saying:
As for type of D-Bee I was thinking of initially, either a Fennodi or Trimadore. As for the relationship, while I started with the idea of romance in mind, I kind of like the idea of fate just pushing them together super often and them becoming a weird mix of rival/friend.
As for personality, I was going to play my character as relatively unassuming, mild mannered, not particularly flashy or anything, but deeply obsessed with increasing his own magical power. Not out of ambition to rule the world or anything, it's just an OCD type thing.
I have to say, I did find those two races to be rather interesting choices and not what I had expected. Still both are doable. Once I get a solid look at your character I can make a better decision on which seems the most ammendable, however, I am leaning towards the Trimadore but that kind of depends on if someone with their skills would fit really well with your overall character concept.
So fate kind of just keeps pushing us together quite a bit and we have become a weird mix of very-friendly rivals sort of like a married couple ;-) without actually being married.
So your character uses magic, interesting nice I am looking forward to seeing what you have so I can spin something up and pass it by you to see what you think. Also with that being said if you were to make this D-Bee what would you have had them focussing on -- class wise. I want to make sure I am starting down the proper path.