EltonJ |

It's morning, a brisk spring morning. You find yourselves looking at the ruins of the first Salt Lake City. What was once a vibrant city had become a ruin. What you can tell about this place is the large nexus that seems to dominate the ruin. Every once in a while, a rift opens up to some unknown location, spewing forth monsters.
Usually one or two of them. The rift closes after a few minutes. The new town usually has defenders, and they would fight the monsters to the death. However, some of the monsters escaped and are wandering the New West. You are about three miles away from the nearest saloon.

Julian Jamieson |

Julian looks around at the terrain, as he stretches, and scrubs his blond hair.
Well, looks like getting to a saloon might be a bit more trouble than I thought
He then crawls back into Lazy Boy, and makes his way to the nearest saloon.
Will get my tag line updated today when I get a chance.

Bashag, the Sentinel |

Bashag walks into the edge of the town, weary but strong. He stops for a moment to adjust a strap on his armor, and to make sure his sidearm is secure but accessible. A little away he sees a saloon, as welcoming a sight as any other he could guess. Quinn, old friend, is this where you saw my quest beginning? In a dusty, small-town saloon?
Bashag stops before the entrance, paying attention to any signs of life or danger. Hearing nothing of note from within, he pushes open the door and accepts that his journey may just be beginning.

EltonJ |

The saloon smells of whiskey, beer, and other consumables including sassafras root. There are many people here. All of them in Western style dress. Many of them carry guns.
Outside, are some robot horses, their reins tied to a wooden horizontal pole. They do not eat or drink. Some of them have programmed AIs in their computer parts. There are some real horses though, and they are tied to a separate horizontal pole. They are drinking from a watery trough.

Adalphorius |

Standing with his feet shoulder-width apart and his poncho slung over his left side, Adalphorius gazes into the distance at the saloon. The wind quietly sighs as it blows back his long, silky blonde hair...a strand catching on the point of his right ear. Letting out a deep sigh, the figure moves forward to the distant drinking hole...his mind is already on who will be there and if he will need to put anyone down tonight!
As he finally arrives at the establishment, the gunslinger pauses at the doorway, giving his eyes a chance to adjust from the dusk to the bright lights of the saloon. The smells and sounds wash over him as he waits the few seconds it takes to ready himself before he pushes open the swinging doors and enters the place.

Julian Jamieson |

Julian parks Lazy boy outside the saloon, and gets out.
He stretches bringing himself up to his 6 foot frame.
He then checks the locks on lazy boy, a battered but functional Samson class power armour. He then grabs a waist belt which holds a holstered pistol and a vibroblade and then goes into the Saloon.
Once he goes inside, he looks around, and then removes his helmet and bellies up to the bar.
Shot of whiskey, barkeep
He then turns around and surveys the room, with his cool grey eyes under a shock of dirty blond hair.
Glad to have a place to rest for a bit.
So barkeep, any spots to stay over that are safe he inquires.
GM, can you understand my notations on the tag line ?

EltonJ |

GM, can you understand my notations on the tag line ?
Yes I can.
Once he goes inside, he looks around, and then removes his helmet and bellies up to the bar.
Shot of whiskey, barkeep
He then turns around and surveys the room, with his cool grey eyes under a shock of dirty blond hair.Glad to have a place to rest for a bit.
So barkeep, any spots to stay over that are safe? he inquires.
"We have a hotel," the barkeep says, pouring a shot of whiskey. "It's quaint, but should be a nice place for you to stay there."

Kara Swiftblade |

A young woman enters the bar. Altho she's wearing western-style clothing, it is very colorful. Her shirt is light blue, her pants are dark red, and her boots are leather, but apparently stained grass-green. Her black hair is shoulder-length.
She goes up to the bar, nods at the barkeep, and says "I'll have a sassafras, if you got it."
She looks at all the occupants with just the hint of a smile at the corners of her lips and says to the room in general "Howdy - is that Rift nearby giving any of you trouble?"

EltonJ |

A young woman enters the bar. Altho she's wearing western-style clothing, it is very colorful. Her shirt is light blue, her pants are dark red, and her boots are leather, but apparently stained grass-green. Her black hair is shoulder-length.
She goes up to the bar, nods at the barkeep, and says "I'll have a sassafras, if you got it."
She looks at all the occupants with just the hint of a smile at the corners of her lips and says to the room in general "Howdy - is that Rift nearby giving any of you trouble?"
"A little," said a patron.
The barkeep pours some soda pop (like root beer) into a glass and hands it to the young woman. "Sassafras is popular here," says the bartender. "Hardly anyone drinks whiskey."

EltonJ |

"Huh - why is that?" she asks the barkeep.
"People here have sworn not to drink Alcohol."
Adalphorius listens to the humans talking about the rift and the dangers emerging from it.
He stands and walks to the bar and stands near the woman and barkeeper.
"Tomato juice, if you have it! Adalphorius"
He give a short bow towards the female and smiles.
"The rift has brought me here as well"
The barkeep begins pouring some tomato juice for the elf.

EltonJ |

EltonJ - have we all just arrived on this world thru a Rift? Or have we been here a long time (perhaps born here), and just so happen to all be converging on this bar? Or some mixture of the two? Do we get to decide, or do you?
You get to decide if you arrived through a rift, or have been born here. I was going with the impression that all of you have been here a long time, since you didn't make that clear if you rifted or have been here in your backgrounds.

Kara Swiftblade |

Kara addresses the whole bar : "Ok, I'll start. My name is Kara, I'm a Cyber-Knight, and I'm looking for something new to do. I've been ridding the areas south of here of Rift monsters, and had heard of the nearby Rift up here, so I thought I'd come and check it out. What about the rest of you?"

Bashag, the Sentinel |

Bashag heads over to the gathering group and leans against the bar. "My clan named me Bashag, my cyber-knight mentors named me The Sentinel. My mentor, Quinn, my friend really, had seen trouble coming from New Salt Lake and he knew my life as The Sentinel would best be served protecting innocents from whatever trouble I found there. I am unsure if this is where my quest truly begins, but if hunting these monsters helps protect these people, then I feel I should help."
"If my quest lies elsewhere and it requires me to sacrifice innocents to achieve it," Bashag says with a toothy smile. "Then it is a quest I was doomed to fail anyways."
Sorry for the delay, rough end of week and then a super busy weekend.

Julian Jamieson |

Julian sighs, slams back whats left of the whiskey he was sipping on, and then heads out and crawls into Lazy Boy.
Well, I didn't expect to be back in you so soon.
He goes through the boot up sequence and then starts moving towards the rift.
As he is moving, he cycles the action, putting a round in the chamber of the light autocannon in his right arm.

EltonJ |

Initiative in the Savage Worlds RPG is connected to dealing cards. However, I'll have you roll your Agility die and a d6. Remember, if you get a maximum result on your Agility die or a 6 in these rolls, you roll again and add the results. Higher results go first.

Julian Jamieson |

agil: 1d10 ⇒ 2
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Of course there goes the dice bot to try and kill me
Julian curses as his sensors are not getting a firm loce.
Ammo is pricy enough, i hope i dont need to use lots when i can identify it.

EltonJ |

agil: 1d10 ⇒ 2
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2Of course there goes the dice bot to try and kill me
Julian curses as his sensors are not getting a firm loce.
Ammo is pricy enough, i hope i dont need to use lots when i can identify it.
Sometimes, the dice on this site can be so unforgiving.