EltonJ |
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Sorry, everyone, I wasn't feeling the Border Kingdoms. However . . . I am feeling Chondath. In it's heyday, Chondath had a magnificent empire. It spanned most of the northern temperate realms, which is why most people speak Chondathian. However, the land broke up into different city states as its empire declined and collapsed. (see the Vilhon Reach accessory for more information). Now their empire is in ruins and the Chondalwood had reclaimed most of their southern lands.
The Saga of Chondath
This campaign tells the story of the reunion of Chondath from a collection of city states back into a nation state. As player characters, you get to help tell the story of Chondath's reunification. Starting in Arrabar, you pave the way to Chondath's reunion. But there are dangers in Chondath. Various monsters -- like kobolds, goblins, orcs, and others, lurk in the Chondathian wilderness. Monsters that keep Chondath disconnected. Not to mention that wood and wild elves lurk in the Chondalwood.
Campaign Scope
This Campaign works like an adventure path for PF, well in theory. I'll be telling the story as we go along. I won't be using any published Adventure Paths to tell this story. But I will be using the Vilhon Reach as a reference.
What you'll need:
1. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, first edition by Paizo. Yep, I made sure this was needed.
2. The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting for 3e by Wizards of the Coast.
3. Possibly Faiths and Pantheons for 3e depending if you want to play a cleric.
4. The Vilhon Reach for your character's backgrounds. Make sure you read the section on Arrabar carefully as you consider your backgrounds. That's the starting city.
Character Creation Guidelines:
* Ability Scores: We will use point buy. For a Forgotten Realms campaign, we will use 25 points.
* Race: the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting has details on the race you can choose for your character. Some races correspond to certain other races in Golarion (like the Genasi). Although those races are described as having level adjustments, their corresponding PF races don't have these level adjustments. Use the PF aspect until further notice. Note those races with LAs in FR are meant to be rare.
* Character Class: You may choose any character class from the PF Core Rulebook. The FRCS has details on how they work. Naturally, you may choose a class or archetype from the following books: APG, UC, UM, ACG, UI, or UW. Just note that the FRCS does not have any details on how the new classes work.
* Character Feats: We are not using the Elephant in the Room feat tax rules. These rules, while look good on paper, do not reflect reality.
* Character Traits: You may select two traits. Certain feats in the FRCS actually work as traits (the regional feats, I believe).
* Character level: We will start at first level.
* Character Wealth: as said before, first level starting wealth. Roll for it.
* Character Hit Points: Full at first level. Average as you level.
Note: You may not play a Bhaal-spawn. That campaign is done and over with.
Alignment: There are many gods (or powers) in Faerȗn that are "cool" to follow. Some of these are evil gods (such as Bane or Loviatar). However, I'd like to ask you to restrict yourself to good and neutral alignments.

EltonJ |
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YES though I don't have a lot of Details for Condath so I will have to look at what I have and online that's free.
Best place to look is the Forgotten Realms Wiki. Here's the link.
Dot. Hmm. I was considering a druid in the interest check thread, but maybe a character with more to gain from unifying the city-states would be more interesting. I really like the premise.
Yeah, I think it's awesome too. This should be a major campaign.
VERY excited - such a cool part of the world.
Some kind of sorcerer I think.
Go for it!
I'm placing a dot as well.
I grew up with Forgotten Realms 2nd edition, so it's plenty of nostalgia here.
Forgotten Realms is a rich world.

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Hey hey EltonJ, in the interest check thread, you said you could allow Variant Multiclassing. Is that a 'yes' on VMC for this game?
Second: One of the characters I'm thinking about is half-nymph (Human with the Heart of the Fey alternate race trait). I was thinking about taking a social trait that boosts diplomacy with fey creatures. Will there be any fey to talk to in this game, or would that be a wasted trait?
Edit: Another question. Are you OK with animal companions? I know some GM's don't like them because it's an extra 'PC' that can slow combat down.

EltonJ |

Hey hey EltonJ, in the interest check thread, you said you could allow Variant Multiclassing. Is that a 'yes' on VMC for this game?
Second: One of the characters I'm thinking about is half-nymph (Human with the Heart of the Fey alternate race trait). I was thinking about taking a social trait that boosts diplomacy with fey creatures. Will there be any fey to talk to in this game, or would that be a wasted trait?
Edit: Another question. Are you OK with animal companions? I know some GM's don't like them because it's an extra 'PC' that can slow combat down.
A1. Well . . . Yes, we can use variant multiclassing.
A2. If your group goes into the Chondalwood, there might be fae to talk to. But mostly elves live in that forest. Depends if you want to find a portal to Faerie.
A3. Yes, I'm okay with animal companions.

EltonJ |

This sounds pretty cool. I’m thinking about applying with a human fighter whose family served the united kingdom as knights (and who would see reuniting the kingdom as a way of living up to that familial obligation). Does that sound like it would fit with the game you’re envisioning?
Yeah, it could work. Remember, I want you to play the character you want to play. A fighter with this concept can and definitely will work.

EltonJ |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fantasy Geographical Note to prospective players:
The Vilhon Reach is in a subtropical region. You may want to adjust your clothes for a subtropical climate. Remember, there isn't any magical air conditioning in the Realms (although Eberron could have air conditioning). This means that it might be socially acceptable to wear a modicum of clothing. Armor would also be piecemeal. Also, it might be wise to sleep with mosquito netting.

Giant Halfling |

This means that it might be socially acceptable to wear a modicum of clothing. Armor would also be piecemeal.
Hmmmm... I still like my fighter idea, but I can't remember the last time I played an unarmored character (except a wizard in big wizard robes). Now I kind of want to look at something like a monk or a shifter... or maybe like a kensai...

EltonJ |

EltonJ wrote:This means that it might be socially acceptable to wear a modicum of clothing. Armor would also be piecemeal.Hmmmm... I still like my fighter idea, but I can't remember the last time I played an unarmored character (except a wizard in big wizard robes). Now I kind of want to look at something like a monk or a shifter... or maybe like a kensai...
What PF book is the Kensai in, Ultimate Combat?
DOT. I'll be back with a character.

FairyGM |
Can we use Campaign Traits? When selecting languages do we use the choices listed in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook or the ones listed on table 1-4 of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting? Can I use the Figment (Familiar Archetype) from Ultimate Wilderness? Also, if we run long enough can I use the 3.5 Archmage prestige class? It effects my feat choice.

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The Vilhon Reach is in a subtropical region. You may want to adjust your clothes for a subtropical climate. Remember, there isn't any magical air conditioning in the Realms (although Eberron could have air conditioning). This means that it might be socially acceptable to wear a modicum of clothing. Armor would also be piecemeal. Also, it might be wise to sleep with mosquito netting.
Step 1: Acquire frog familiar.

EltonJ |

Can we use Campaign Traits? When selecting languages do we use the choices listed in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook or the ones listed on table 1-4 of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting? Can I use the Figment (Familiar Archetype) from Ultimate Wilderness? Also, if we run long enough can I use the 3.5 Archmage prestige class? It effects my feat choice.
A1. No, campaign traits are pretty much proprietary to the campaign. You can convert regional feats into traits, though.
A2. The ones listed on table 1-4 in the FRCS are the languages you pick.
A3. Yes.
A4. Yes.

EltonJ |

I think I will switch to a Warpriest of Lliira who uses Shurikens as his Sacred weapon. Dude wants to spread Joy and Happiness.
That's an interesting combination, since Lliira wouldn't normally invest warpriests. It's usually Tempus, Tyr, or Talos. Lliira doesn't see herself as a war deity, usually.

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Critzible wrote:I think I will switch to a Warpriest of Lliira who uses Shurikens as his Sacred weapon. Dude wants to spread Joy and Happiness.That's an interesting combination, since Lliira wouldn't normally invest warpriests. It's usually Tempus, Tyr, or Talos. Lliira doesn't see herself as a war deity, usually.
She has a militant sect called the Scarlet Mummers who help to protect preists and festivals. As well as fight against Lliiras enemies.

Giant Halfling |

I don’t want to push my luck at all, but as I weigh (the PF version of) a kensai against other possible unarmored ideas I find myself wondering if you’d allow races from Kara-Tur, like tengu or hengyokai/kitsune, or maybe an oni-blooded tiefling (assuming they or their family had migrated to this region, obviously)?

EltonJ |

I don’t want to push my luck at all, but as I weigh (the PF version of) a kensai against other possible unarmored ideas I find myself wondering if you’d allow races from Kara-Tur, like tengu or hengyokai/kitsune, or maybe an oni-blooded tiefling (assuming they or their family had migrated to this region, obviously)?
No, I'm not allowing races from Kara-Tur.