![]() I was looking at Merisiel from Skull and Shackles yesterday and saw the wording of this power. I thought it worked this way and was glad I found this thread. I decided to play her in OP as someone else in my group claimed Wrath Kyra. I bookmarked this page to show to anyone who contested me. Then last night I got an e-mail that her shadow role had been fixed to include the eratta. Thanks to Paizo, Vic, Mike, and the rest of the loan shark games team. Awesome product and excellent support! ![]()
![]() When I said "I played with a Kyra CD" I meant someone else was playing her. So I don't have first hand experience only observations. Sorry for the confusion. If I do play Wrath Kyra my first power feat will be to use a blessing I completely agree with you on that Bard! I currently have a converted class deck Kyra I played four scenarios of season 0 with. So it is between converted class deck Kyra with a +1 wisdom skill feat and power feat of proficient with weapons and a fresh WotR Kyra. I am thinking Wrath Kyra will be more fun in this campaign but wanted to hear some other perspectives. I appreciate everyone's input and would welcome anymore particularly about WotR Kyra running into trouble with those b level attack spells once she gets up into adventure 3 or so. ![]()
![]() Thanks for all the input guys. I am leaning toward WotR Kyra even though she will have to be using fireblade and holy light until tier 5 when she gets divine blaze. I think her self heals, D12+2 and power feat to use her self heal even on her check as well as when she roasts a demon or undead will make up for this lack. I played with a class deck Kyra all through Season of the Shackles and she was pretty amazing with sword in hand but having to spend her first explore to heal someone kept out blessing deck tight. We won with less than 5 blessings left multiple times. We did have a 6 person table so that could be the a big part of the problem. So thoughts on lack of good attack spells options for WotR Kyra? ![]()
![]() I am looking for a little advice here. We are starting Season of the Righteous tonight at my local game store. I am going to play a cleric. I have a converted Class deck Kyra (skill feat: wisdom and power feat: proficient with weapons) or I could go with a WotR Kyra. I like both options. Class deck Kyra is really good in combat with just a sword which lets me focus support spells but WotR Kyra is a far better healer and divine spell caster. Any suggestions? ![]()
![]() My Roommate, a friend, and I started the base adventure on Friday the 22nd and finished it Saturday the 23rd. Then we got through three of the Adventure 1 scenarios before our friend had to leave. We tried out a few group compositions: 1st comp: I played Alain, friend played Andowyn, and roommate played Kyra. Kyra took two cures and Andowyn took two cures. We all split up and worked on different locations. My Roommate seemed to struggle somewhat with Kyra as we were all used to class deck Kyra (that major change in strength really hurts) and she had some bad die rolls. Our friend loved popping Leryn out of his hand and being able to examine cards before encountering them. But due to some bad luck with the party pulling a tree barrier and a demonic horde found himself on the verge of death. I found Alain to be very durable. He lost his horse to the demonic horde. But his ability to recharge weapons at the end of his turn ensured my never got clogged. Because of this I was able to help the other two with blessings. I never did get his horse back though. We finished scenario 1 with less than 5 blessings left in the blessings deck. 2nd comp: I played Sharda, friend played Balazar, Roommate played Enora. This group had a really tough time, particularly me. There appears to be a lot of overlap between Sharda and Enora (at least with knowledge). We all felt near death the entire time as I was struggling to keep everyone healed up. I feel this was mainly because I didn’t know how to play her. Once our friend starting figuring out how to play Balazar, everything became a lot easier. We finished on our last turn. As others have said the tree barrier, demonic hordes, and carrion golem are very unkind to straight casters and we got all three! 3rd comp: I played Imrijka, friend played Seelah, and roommate went back to Kyra. This team clicked together really well. Kyra took 2 cures and Seelah and I took 1 a piece. I went off on my own with Imrijka and Kyra and Seelah ran around together. I was able to quickly burn through some decks with Imrijka’s power to possible explore again (a mechanic I loved seeing with Ranzak) and they stayed at near full health due to Kyra’s second power. When I would get low and didn’t have my cure, I would move to them and get a cure and then go back out. With this group we finished with 7 or 8 blessings left. We continued with this group all through the base adventure and on into adventure 1. Adventure 1 seemed a lot easier to us than the base adventure. Even scenario 2 where you have to bury the top d4+1 cards of your deck was easier than the elven entanglement (which my roommate and I are stuck on in our other game). All and all I am thoroughly enjoying Wrath. We found there is little room for error. You have to play smart and constantly adapt your tactics to the situation. We can’t wait to kick off our organized play game at my local game store tonight. We finished up Season 0 two weeks ago and have been chomping at the bit for this Season to start! ![]()
![]() I would like to be the first to welcome my newly appointed Venture Lieutenant, Erika Sundeen. Erika is relatively new to the card game but quickly got a grasp on the rules, started helping to organize our weekly card game in Topeka, and took over filling out chronicle sheets and being responsible for reporting our games. As our region is continuing to grow and more people continue to join our card game tables I saw a need to have a VL to focus on the card game. I have no doubt Erika was the correct choice for this job! She is going to play a pivotal role in the Card Game's continued success. Let's hear it for Erika! ![]()
![]() I would like to be the first to welcome my newly appointed Venture Lieutenant, Joe Bernardt. Joe has a vast knowledge and love for the game. He has been gming and helping to organize PFS games up there at the lgs The Arena for around two years now. He will be taking care of the Salina area. I have no doubt Joe will make a great addition to the team and help me continue to grow the Pathfinder Society Presence in the Central to Western Kansas area. Let's hear it for Joe! ![]()
![]() I would like to be the first to welcome my newly appointed Venture Lieutenant, Chris Sundeen. Chris is relatively new to the game but despite that he distinguished himself quickly as my go-to guy. Before he even knew what a Venture Lieutenant was he was executing the role effectively. He went out of his way to offer any assistance he could. When he saw something I could use help with he volunteered to help without hesitation or me having to ask. I have no doubt Chris and I will make a great team and be able to significantly grow the Pathfinder Society Presence in the Topeka area. Let's hear it for Chris! ![]()
![]() Thanks a lot guys! Though I am relatively new to PFS, I have been supporting Paizo since Shackled City first came out in Dungeon magazine and continued with them as they made the transition from 3.5 to Pathfinder. Currently we are using Meetup.com under "Topeka/Lawrence Gamers" for organizing our community but I am going to change that as it does not fit all of our needs. I am really excited about this opportunity and ready to get to work helping the Topeka Community grow! Jake Prewitt Venture Captain, Kansas-Topeka ![]()
![]() I got tired of waiting for my subscription to ship. I saw the card game in a store. I was tired of waiting for mine. So I bought it with the intention of giving it away once mine came in with my long over due Paizo shipment. So imagine my surprise when I open the box and find several blessing missing!!! There are probably other cards missing too. We don't have an official set list yet so I have no idea. I wouldn't even have enough blessings to play a game if I didn't own RotRL. I think I have been pretty patient with all the problems but c'mon guys. This is unacceptable. Please tell me there is something that can be done about this. It isn't the local game store's fault, this product was shrink wrapped. ![]()
![]() so, should we have received an e-mail saying that it shipped? I ask because I got the e-mail earlier this month saying mine would ship by the 22nd. According to your message above, if I got that e-mail, then mine went out on Friday the 22nd. But the status on your website still says pending. And I have received no notice. ![]()
![]() Hi guys, I have been a subscriber to the adventure path line since it's inception. I added the PACG line as soon as it was available. I probably wouldn't even post but you guys have spoiled me with your great service :) I have been waiting to receive my e-mail to say my products have shipped soon or that my PDF for the adventure path was available. Today I decided to look at my subscription page. It shows my PACG box set and add on deck pushed back to September and my adventure path order pending. First, Could I have access to the PDF for Iron Gods adventure 1 since the street damage has arrived? Second, I am hoping the display is incorrect and my PACG subscription will still ship this month. Could I get a confirmation for this or at least an explanation of what is happening? Any and all help you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated. ![]()
![]() I will get them all eventually but right now I have the Sorceror and Bard ordered. In OP just like in RotR I will play the sorceror and he will play the bard. To answer the original poster's question about 2 person parties... Seoni and Lem go really well together. We were able to complete the entire game with this 2 person group and had a lot of fun doing it! ![]()
![]() Here is my team Seoni and Lem the dynamic duo. I played Seoni. She died facing Karzoug but Lem raised her. The only time he ever go to use that spell. He almost traded it out. I am so glad he didn't. After he raised me, we beat Karzoug on the next turn! It was our last chance. Hats off to you guys for the design of that final scenario. Into the Eye, was one of the most intense times I have ever had playing a card/board game. Character Name: Seoni Role Card: Celestial Sorcerer Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Charisma +4 Power Feats: For combat discard a card to roll Arcane + 1d6 + 4 with Fire or Acid, You automatically succeed at your check to recharge a spell or item with the Arcane trait, When you play a blessing of Pharasma, add d12 instead of the normal die. Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spells +3, Item +3, Blessings +1 Weapons: Karzoug's Burning Glaive
Character Name: Lem Role Card: Virtuoso Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Charisma +3 Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, Light Armor, You may recharge a card to add 1d4+3 to a check by you or another character at your location, When you play Blessing of Shelyn add d12 instead of the normal die. Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spells +2, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessings +1 Weapons: Acidic Sling +3, x2 Force Sling +3
![]() Youperguy said wrote:
I found something else to cause me to question this. Either Youperguy's answer is incorrect or this card has unnecessary text. The Town Square Location card reads: "You may discard a card from your hand to explore during your turn. This card may not be recharged. (bold emphasis is mine) If yourperguy's answer is correct about discarding not counting as "being played," then why is it specified here that it cannot be recharged when discarded. Please, Mike or Chad, a little clarification on this point would be much appreciated. ![]()
![]() Youperguy wrote:
I found something else to cause me to question this. Either Youperguy's answer is incorrect or this card has unnecessary text. The Town Square Location card reads: "You may discard a card from your hand to explore during your turn. This card may not be recharged. (bold emphasis is mine) If yourperguy's answer is correct about discarding not counting as "being played," then why is it specified here that it cannot be recharged when discarded. Please, Mike, a little clarification on this point would be much appreciated. ![]()
![]() Mike Selinker wrote:
Thank you for answering Mike! I thought that was what was intended but I just wanted to make sure. The game is outstanding. I can't recommend it enough. Well done! ![]()
![]() Youperguy wrote:
I believe your interpretation is correct but there is nothing in the rules that states this definitively. (rules for what counts as "played") No offense intended but I am looking for official clarification on this, not an interpretation. So Mike, please when you get a chance, pop in and give me the ruling on how this was intended so I can remove all doubt. ![]()
![]() Mike, I waited patiently and today my Pathfinder Adventure Card Game base set + add-on deck came! First, I would like to say great job! This game is everything I thought it would be and more. I played a solo game and came upon a situation and could not find a clear answer in the rules so I am hoping you can help. I am playing the druid, Lini, and one of her powers caused me to have questions. "You may discard a card to roll d10 instead of your strength or dexterity for any die check." She also has an ability that states "When you play an ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it." So my question is about the definition of "played" in this instance. If I discard an animal ally to roll the d10 for strength or dexterity, does it go to my discard pile or do I recharge it? In other words does discarding a card always count as it being played no matter the reason? Another example: If I discard a spell to roll the d10 for str or dex, do I still get to roll my Divine skill to recharge it instead of discarding it? Thanks in advance for the help and for making an awesome game! ![]()
![]() I have been a subscriber to Paizo products ever since Pathfinder came out. I have never had any problems with any products or customer service. I know that trend will continue. I am just a little confused. I set up a subscription to Campaign Setting specifically to get the Inner Sea World Guide PDF before the 23rd. I did this Friday and it still is not available for download and shows that my physical copy is in "the sidecart" and will not ship until mid-April. Please clarify for me how this is supposed to work. Thank you for all you do Paizo! ![]()
![]() Thank you for your quick input and advice. I do not wish to run another game at this time, I really want to play (preferably in one of yours). I will hang out and keep up with what has been going on in this game as I know it will be entertaining. If you want me to do anything or need to get in touch with me, just post it here and I will respond. If you don't mind, I will post here if I have something relevant to add to the conversation. I ask that you merely keep me in mind for the future be it npc or as a player spot. Thanks again for your advice and friendliness. I'll be watching :) ... but not in a creepy way. ![]()
![]() DM Barcus, I am just making sure you saw my post with offers to help out anyway I can be it stepping in for a player that needs to drop, playing an npc for you for a scene, or even helping with prep work. I am not in any kind of play-by-post game at all and would love to be involved with this one (if even just to follow the story) :) I know you are a busy man but if you have plans to start another or anything like that, I would like to be considered for it.
![]() Whatever happened to these? There were some (3.5) ones in Legacy of Fire Player's Guide and some in The Andoran Spirit of Liberty book that are PFRPG rules. There have been none newer that I know of. Anyone know if Paizo plans to utilize these more often? I for one think it is a neat idea. Maybe we could at least get a Designer Tuesday with guidelines on how to make more of these? ![]()
![]() DM Barcas wrote: Four children died and the daycare operator fled the country to avoid prosecution. It's a pretty rough deal. The fire wasn't serious, but she left the kids alone. Being babies and toddlers, they couldn't escape. Really terrible situation. He posted this literally as I posted mine. His appeared first and I did not see it before posting mine. That is a terribly situation and I hope they are able to catch the daycare operator. ![]()
![]() I understand that DM, I used to be in the Army. Now I am just a college student :) I can see the vote probably is not going to go my way. Which I can understand, 7 is a lot (I am about to start my Maptools Kingmaker with 6). Verik, thank you for the suggestion about Living Pathfinder but I am not interested in non-Golarion settings. Hopefully, you will consider me in the future if you have an opening. And if you want me to play an npc for a scene or do anything involving prep work for this campaign I would be honored and I hope my sample speaks for my ability. I am going to watch and read this thread and your in character one as well. If you want to contact me, just say so on this thread. Btw, is it ok if I post here from time-to-time? |