Dean Ludwig's page
Organized Play Member. 84 posts (139 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.
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GM Rednal wrote: Currently, my only major desire is for easier access to the main forum page, rather than having to navigate through a subforum. XD I like being able to check each category for new posts. We have restored direct access to the forums if you click the community link at the top of the page
Thank you Tinalles for alerting us of these issues. We are working to correct these and other issues pointed out by our readers.
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Thanks for the heads up Terminal... I will make sure this issue is listed and resolved
We identified the issue and will have a fix implemented by early next week....
I’ll have someone look into this immediately ... Thanks for the heads-up..
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Please stay tuned, we are working on making the site more mobile friendly... We apologize for this inconvenience and will have this resolved soon
Thank you for bring this to our attention. This issue has been resolved
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Ok... If cookies are involved... I will definitely move this up on the priority board...
Thanks for the feedback. We are in the middle of making improvements to our navigation throughout the site. Stay tuned
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Steve Geddes wrote: TheAlicornSage wrote: Also, what forum to the techie guys most frequent, cause I have a question about the pdfs. The website feedback forum is the best way to contact the tech team. It sometimes takes a few days for them to see it (and given current shenanigans, I’d stretch that out to a week or two at the moment before bumping it). Thanks Steve for replying to the question. We (The IT Team) do frequent the forums, specifically this one, on a daily bases but don't always have time to answer each post. If something is urgent we will reply and try to update status on the situation when time allows.
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Steve Geddes wrote: If you consider the number of moving parts and the team of what, six?
It’s really going pretty smoothly. Kudos to you clever IT folk.
Thanks Steve for your feedback... We appreciate your positivity . :)
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Hmm wrote: Dragon78 wrote: If it isn't broke don't fix it....in other words I really don't like it. ....but the previous website was broke. Half the fanbase thought this site held together with spit and baling wire. The other half thought that Paizo left out the baling wire. We had constant site issues, rolling forum blackouts and instability. This is much better. We need this upgrade, we really do.
1) This is very pretty.
2) We need easier links to the forums. Finding my way back to website feedback should not be this hard, and let’s face it: as a PBP’er and near permanent forum resident, I am pretty much an expert in ways to navigate your site. But good site navigation is a friendly thing, so let’s get those links back.
3) Yep, the font is now officially too small. My poor aged gnomish eyes are squinting, and I am having to blow up everything as I view it on my iPad. Can we go just a tad larger, please?
4) The site seems more responsive — Yay! It’s a lot less poky and that’s nice.
Thanks Hmmm... We very much appreciate your feedback. Dean
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We very much appreciate your feedback on the site. We are taking meticulous notes and making corrections as fast as possible each day. Please keep in mind some changes have a higher priority and will be fixed sooner than others.
Thank you very much for your patience,
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Anguish wrote: TheAlicornSage wrote: Wait, there's a camp for restoring backups? There's always such a group.
Last time Slashdot tried a major update they dramatically changed the functionality of the site, for the worse. The web-designer marketing droids behind the changes obviously had no grasp of what the site was, or how it was used, and the design changes literally defeated the whole point people visited. The users rebelled and the changes were rolled back and have never been reinstated. Because it was awful.
Last time ArsTechnica tried a major update, they broke major site functionality and they too misunderstood a large part of how the site was used. It wasn't as bad as Slashdot, but it was bad. They too rolled back, discussed with users, and spent a couple months revisiting their changes. They then updated again, with the broken stuff fixed, and quality-of-life changes in place that made things usable again.
Those were extremes. Both sites were massively impacted and the redesign made them unusable. That's NOT what's happened here. Yes, there are some things that are still broken. Yes, there are things that need to change. But Paizo has indicated they're working on it, and we're talking days. It's easy enough to work around things like "no new PM notification" for a couple days; check manually every once in a while.
Give the team some time. That's my advice. And again, I don't like change. Thanks for your feedback Anguish... Nicely stated . :)
Tinalles wrote: Here's a screenshot of the tabs at the top of my current PbP game.
Observe that there is a gap separating the bottom of the tabs from the area below. It kinda breaks the "tab" illusion.
I'd suggest tweaking this rule:
.bordered-box.tp-front-tab, .bordered-box.tp-rear-tab {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0;
.bordered-box.tp-front-tab, .bordered-box.tp-rear-tab {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 0 -6px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #FFF;
In my (admittedly minimal) testing, that pulled the tabs down to meet the border of the .tp-content DIV below, and made it appear as though the content area and the tab are a single contiguous area of white. All the tabs got the white border on the bottom, but only the active tab has the z-index to overlay that border on top of the .tp-content border to create that illusion.
Howdy Tinalles,
Thanks for your detailed feedback... I'm going to have the team look into this as soon as some other higher priority items are tackled.
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Tallow wrote: Other than some links being the same color as regular text and finding those links is 3 or 4 pages deep instead of one or two clicks away, I like the look.
But sounds like they are fixing the link colors.
Thanks Tallow for the feedback... The links concerns are being addressed today.. Please stop by later tonight or tomorrow to review the changes.
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Steve Geddes wrote: The rollout is happening in stages (presumably to make it easy to track exactly which change is responsible for which bug).
I think if people don’t want to experience the growing pains, it might be worth taking a week or so away from the forums until the actual finished product is up. As I understand it, what we’re seeing now (and for the next few days) is something of a work in progress.
Thank you Steve ... You are correct, we are in the process of rolling stages of our new website and will have most of everyones concerns addressed in the next few days.
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Chemlak wrote: Dots are there, they’re just tiny! Please bump up the size of our dots!
I can’t seem to find off-topic discussions anywhere. The entire subforum seems to have vanished.
As with everyone, font size and link colour need a do-over, but overall I quite like it. It’ll take a while to get used to the new layout, but the site looks great (the landing page is minimalistic, before it had way too many “things” to look at).
Kudos to everyone involved, I think this is a real positive step, and I’m looking forward to the kinks being ironed out.
Thanks for the feedback Chemlak... The font size and color changes are due to hit primetime today as part of our first wave of adjustments...
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Chemlak wrote: Ed Reppert wrote: It's been an hour since my last previous post in this thread and I can no longer edit it. No big deal, just wondering if this one will be editable right after I post it.
Edit: yep. Guess I'll check back in half an hour or so. That’s unchanged behaviour: there’s a 60 minute edit window, after which a post is locked in. Thanks Chemlak...
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JDPhipps wrote: I'm not sure if this is already on the agenda, but I would greatly appreciate some changes in font color. I know their are changes in the size of font and link color, but I think some of the previously colored text (like the names for accounts and aliases, stuff like that) could stand to be a different color. Maybe a blue or a dark purple, like before? I think it might help with the 'new layout gives me a headache' problem. Howdy JD... We are in the process of making some changes today to address font size and color. Should be in place soon. Thanks for the feedback
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Tacticslion wrote: 1) I can fully appreciate all the incredibly hard work and effort that has gone into making this new and vast change; it is appreciated
2) Is there any way to change the visual of the font, and differentiate color for the links instead of basic font? While I'm not great with change in general, the font is actively unpleasant to my sensibilities - it makes things harder to read and differentiate and feels harsher and less pleasant when I'm reading. The coloring and underlining issues make it more difficult for me to tell where I am and what I'm doing on individual pages or in various posts made by myself and others. I don't... I really don't like to complain, but my eyes have difficulty tracking things on the screen, and (for whatever reason) it's much more difficult to tell what the actual words are on the screen, now, than previously.
Some font script doesn't actually bother - the title of the thread down below, for example - but the actual font design and narrowness of the lettering (or, I guess "thinness" of the lettering? the words are not compact, but the individual letters don't stand out enough) is just difficult to parse. I find myself often blinking and looking away from the screen - anywhere but the screen - while typing.
As a related note to the visual issues, there's a similar lack of distinction (a kind of "faded" appearance) to many of the buttons and outlines - this may be something I get used to in time, however, for now, it's telling me that I'm not signed in and those things are not options, as if I were a guest or it was loading or something. This may just be a remnant of how my rather muddled brain interpreted visuals from the older design and may be a thing I just get used to, later.
3) I am so grateful and thankful for an active, hard-working staff, and I appreciate the gift that is your time, effort and energy, as well as feedback. Any problems may well be unique to myself, but, though I think I'll eventually get used to most of the changes (even if such things aren't my...
Tacticslion, Thank you so much for your feedback. We will absolutely look into this request as soon as possible. All I ask is you just give us a little time to tackle some other pressing changes that hinder performance.
Best Regards
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GM Mowque wrote: None of the messageboard side links work on mobile. And the top Community drop down's don't work either. You literally can't get to the general messageboards on mobile. We are aware of this issue and currently work on a fix... Should be resolved soon... Thanks for the feedback...
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Tinalles wrote: Very glad to see this; a proper redesign has been desperately needed for quite some time!
As with any major rollout, there are undoubtedly bugs and quirks. I wish you the best of luck finding them, rolling high initiative, and squashing them before they can bite you.
Thanks for your feedback Tinalles... Very much appreciate your support and feedback...
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DeathQuaker wrote: Wow! While obviously there are wrinkles to smooth, I love the overall new feel quite a lot. I don't know if this is because of the update yet--might be just because not everyone's back online yet--but it feels like pages are consistently loading faster as well--woot on that alone. I like the colors and the font switch.
I do think the default font SIZE in the messageboard messages could be larger (or if there could be a way to bump it up)--it is fine for the menus and such.
I would like, personally, a quicker path/direct link to my profile than having to click on the empty head image and then go down to "my profile"(which yes, I can bookmark in the meantime). I tend to navigate a lot via my profile, both to get to my campaign tab (I prefer the look of it to the "my campaigns" tab with all the info in it) and to check on threads I posted in (rather than have to scan through for them). Some of this may require some changing in habits which is fine, but I'd like to be able to still get to my profile quicker.
I miss the sidebar to an extent--I actually don't miss the "noise" of the sidebar but I particularly miss the link to the PRD which is handy for PBP especially, and I miss the search being on the side rather than the top (but the latter may take some getting used to). I figure a link to the PRD may hopefully come back as adjustments change. (Interestingly I can still see the sidebar when I look at my profile, but I'm not sure if that will stay).
The front page looks GREAT--the simpler design is waaaaaay better. Thanks for all your hard work, folks!
Thanks for the feedback Death... We appreciate your support while we work through the adjustments needed for any new site. I will make a point in getting the PRD link implemented as soon as possible..
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We are ware of this issue and will look into this as soon as possible. We appreciate your feedback and comments on the issue
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Monkeygod wrote: This was happening the same time last week as the weird code error that mangled some posts, and it seems to be happening again:
I was unable to use the preview option.
I would click the button, and instead of showing me a preview, it went to the top of the page(as far as possible), and then when I scrolled down, the preview wasn't shown, but the text box and my post was still there, and I was able to submit it.
This a a related symptom of the issue we are working to resolve in the next 48 hrs I apologize for the inconvenience
Dean Ludwig wrote: Monkeygod wrote: This is happening again:
Monkeygod wrote:
Interestingly, when the crazy post thing happened(I got hit with it too), I was unable to use the preview option.
I would click the button, and instead of showing me a preview, it went to the top of the page(as far as possible), and then when I scrolled down, the preview wasn't shown, but the text box and my post was still there, and I was able to submit it.
Monkey God... We rolled some code today which should've addressed this. I will check with our developers to see if this was truly addressed... Thanks for the heads up.. Just received more information about this behavior which will need additional work to resolve. We will try to have a solution in place in the next 48 hours...
Monkeygod wrote: This is happening again:
Monkeygod wrote:
Interestingly, when the crazy post thing happened(I got hit with it too), I was unable to use the preview option.
I would click the button, and instead of showing me a preview, it went to the top of the page(as far as possible), and then when I scrolled down, the preview wasn't shown, but the text box and my post was still there, and I was able to submit it.
Monkey God... We rolled some code today which should've addressed this. I will check with our developers to see if this was truly addressed... Thanks for the heads up..
Say hi to Jim for us... :)
I would offer but its probably safer for everyone if I don't... Might get everyone killed ... Even Mr. Kibble And we cant have that.... :)
Just a Mort wrote: Do paladins taste good? I generally favor bloodragers myself =P Paladins taste like Chicken.... If you can catch um...
GM Hmm wrote: All of which reminds me. I need to report slightly early to give VC Larry Smith (who has been kindly volunteering as our HQ) a chance to get the reporting done prior to the holidays!
Boon Rolls?
[dice=Lord Bragett]1d20 1d4
[dice=Oak Sprout]1d20
[dice=Prince & Princess]1d20
Congratulations, Lord Braggett!
Not sure what this means but it looks interesting....
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Ok.... Captain Newby......ME.... Just noticed this side thread to the game.... Thank God I dont play this game for a living.... :)
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Dhampir984 wrote: Dean Ludwig wrote: Everyone, We are aware of the logout issues and understand cause. The fix is in the last stages of development and should be ready for deployment in the next day or so. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused,
Dean Hey Dean, thank you for the update. Glad to see that you folks are all on top of it. You're also very Welcome.... :)
Redelia wrote: Dean, I really appreciate that not only are you guys working hard on the fix, but you are also communicating with us about it frequently. You're very welcome :)
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The "fix" will be implemented later this morning (PST)... This should resolve multiple issues, one being the logout problem that has been frequently reported.. Steve's problem above might be a similar symptom but we will need to implement these changes first to see. tchrman35, The team will need to look further into that problem...
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Everyone, We are aware of the logout issues and understand cause. The fix is in the last stages of development and should be ready for deployment in the next day or so.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused,
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The team has been dealing with several website issues today that should be now resolved. Again, apologize for any inconvenience it has presented to our users.
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Everyone, We have finally put the patch in place to correct a majority of these issues. We will continue to monitor the site for any additional issues that may surface.
We very much appreciate your patience,
Sorry Guys... Been firefighting here of late and haven't been able to contribute much... I hope to now with a patch going into place today...Ill be happy to utilize the wand if no one else needs it however, my sword has some form of magic by someone or something aka the runes however.. There is no telling at this point what they mean...But it does the job on the gooo
Sorry Braggett for the Website Snafu... The site should play nice for now..
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Everyone... The battle still rages between the Gnomes and Goblins with Gnomes having an upper hand due to their +10 Goblinizer. Look for these issues to be resolved sometime on Monday after these changes are thoroughly tested...
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We are aware of the issues and have the coding Gnomes working overtime to implement solutions aka fixes aka techno magic by noon or 1 today... We appreciate your feedback and apologize for the inconvenience.
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Thank you Bookrat for your feedback... Its much appreciated by all here at Paizo...
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We are looking into these issues and will have answers momentarily... Please stand by...
Player: Deano the Tyrant
Character: Castiel Silverskin
Race: In question????
Pathfinder Society Number: 258887
Faction: Silver Crusade
Slow Track or Normal:Normal
This Chronicle #: 0
Starting XP: zippity do dah
Initial Prestige: Nadda
Initial Fame: Zero
Prestige Spent on this Chronicle: Negatory
Starting Gold:
Day Job Roll: Paladin (No Job... Just want to find out where in the world I came from...)
Gold Spent on this Chronicle: Nuttin
Anything else you want me to note on your Chronicle:
Castiel is a orphan, left at the Dwarven Tar-Kazmukh stronghold near a gatehouse with nothing but the cloths on his back and a very old sword. Soon after his adopted family died during a battle with Duergar, he set off in search of his heritage, origin of the sword and why he has a silvery sheen to his skin.
About Me
Very new to this flavor of playing so any and all advice is very welcome and appreciated.
Some Expectations
I will probably partake in the adventure after firefighting here at Paizo… Hope that’s ok… This is also my first stab at playing a pally for several years so it may take a little time to carve out Castiel’s personality.. It will probably be a bit different then what is expected since I’ve played other characters with berserker tendencies in the past.
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I have discussed this matter with leadership at AT&T's tech support center. They are looking into the situation and will expedite resolution to this issue today. I will update this message with resolution details as soon as I hear back from them
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Thanks for letting us know Kvantum...
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Can you please provide the name and the number of the person (if possible) you spoke with at AT&T?
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Were you able to determine the problem at your house?