Cylerist's page
RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 607 posts (608 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.
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What is the crunch to fluff percentage in this book.
I am interested but sticking to 1E rules.
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Very sad to hear of his passing, my condolences to his friends and family.
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Wish this was converted to Pathfinder 1e instead of 5e. :(
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A final farewell to Starfinder #1. :(
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They very much remind me of the classes from The Tome of Battle.
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Michael Sayre wrote: Runnetib wrote: So is fiction coming back coming back, or is this a special release only?
If you would like to see more novels, it would likely behoove you to buy this and encourage all your friends to do the same. I would love to see more novels, but a cheaper paperback option would be appreciated.
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Last book for SF1 - very sad but also it means I don't need to spend any more money on SF. :/
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He who is all and one made it!
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magnuskn wrote: Lord Fyre wrote: I'm with you on this. I'm not sure why they are doing this. Not everybody loves lugging around a giant brick once a week (or more). Also, D&D before Pathfinder used to have the Player's Guide and Dungeon Masters Guide. It is odd that to "move further away from D&D" they are going to split the core into 2 books...like D&D :/
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I am a little confused as to why the old schools could not be kept and just moved to the background while introducing new school types based on actual schools.
The way it is stated that and says "but because the wizard schools already had all eight schools of magic that could ever exist in the setting (plus universalist), we could never increase the number of wizard schools or explore more interesting options beyond those preset themes."
So no one creative person at Paizo could just add "schools" based on a specific training or style of casting?
Unless the 8 schools are going away because of OGL and not lack or creativity; but if that is the case I wish they would just tell us that.
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emky wrote: This is disappointing. I'd hoped Starfinder would remain its thing and not get "2e"-ified. I really don't like the core design of Pathfinder 2e at all. I guess I'll finish getting what is coming for SF1 and... that leaves me nothing at all Paizo releases anymore except maybe a map one in a while.
It's a shame. :(
I am of the same opinion - good thing is I have lots of SF and PF 1e AP's and modules I can use, and I will save money not buying books.
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Totally Not Gorbacz wrote: Ravien999 wrote: Totally Not Gorbacz wrote: Starfinder Unchained! So, SF2 is not far behind :) God, I hope not. Why? A SF2 based on PF2 and fixing some of the biggest issues with the rules (lack of scaling cantrips, starship combat, Ivory Tower design) is quite a frequent call around here. I don't mind revisions and updates but don't make it a whole new game like PF2 did (making everything already out just about usless)
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Errata Question
On page 32 under Ghost special abilities "shame" it mentions a status penalty twice.
Status is not a PF1E term - should it just be untyped?
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Nighthorror888 wrote: The PF1 playerbase is active and begging for more. Agreed - I just think it is so much easier to convert PF2 to 5e since they are very similar.
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While I am glad to see these adventures converted to 5e - it helps spread the great work of the Paizo staff; I wish they would do the same for supporters of their original game (PF 1e) for those of us who prefer it and supported them for 10 years.
Even a PDF only version would be appreciated.
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You are one of the best!
Just about every endeavor you mentioned above has somehow touched my life.
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into every project.
I wish you nothing but good luck and good health in your retirement.
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Wish you would convert it to Pathfinder 1e instead of 5e.
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Awaiting the Player's Guide.
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When will the HC edition with the errata be released and what printing will it be?
(I want to make sure I get the right one).
Just asking again.
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"Pathfinder Second Edition does not include one single sentence or rule carried over directly from first edition."
This quote worries me. So you decided nothing was worth keeping from PF1. Really?
Nothing for nothing but it sounds like change for change sake and I don't care for that as a basis for redoing rules.
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Deadmanwalking wrote: Damage was meaningless outside combat past very low levels in PF1 just due to Wands of CLW.
At least this version of being healed between each encounter takes significant time, and as levels rise significant character investment.
I was always hoping Paizo would fix the pricing on cure wands or make an adjustment to wands functions. I was not wanting a whole new system.
New with medicine it is the same issue but characters are "hiding" for hours to cure up after combat. It fixed nothing just changed the problem. IMO
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If you want a system that works hard to help hold your hand to make a character and background or if you want a game where most things are balanced to keep you from making an overly powerful character or a weak one than P2 is fine for you.
It is a bit to "every thing must be balanced" for me; somethings in life are just not like that and I like having that in my game for good or ill- I find it more challenging to make a powerful character using what is given i P1 or making a flawed against type character and trying to survive.
Both are fine games on their own check them both out and pick what you like - there is plenty of P1 material out there for years of play and more P2 stuff will soon be coming.
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Last Player Companion for PF1e, makes me sad. :(
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Urath DM wrote: Hello,
While I have a subscription to Pathfinder Society Scenarios, 10-14 and 10-15 have been skipped. I have received 10-12, 10-13, 10-16, and 10-17.
Secondly, my last two Adventure Path subscription items (The Tyrant's Grasp 1 and 2) have only one file each; usually, there are two files, one for single file and one for separate chapters. Has this changed?
I noticed that as well and from what I can gather Paizo has decided not to give us the 1 file per chapter for the last 1st edition AP.
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Rysky wrote: So does Bulk make sense now? nope.
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Nice write up but goblins as a core PC's is one of my strikes against PF2.
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oholoko wrote: With that much changes i would say it wouldn't be 2e it would be a whole new game xD So sort of like the changes from 1e to 2e should make it a whole new game?
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Goblins should NOT be a core race and should keep their PF1 modifiers.
What happened on Golarion that caused such major social and physical changes to Goblins?

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Captain Morgan wrote: So the big one is something I was specifically hoping for, although not quite in the form I expected. Heritages feats are gone, and everyone now just picks a heritage in addition to their ancestry feat at 1st level.
Gnomes and Halflings are getting their core chassis upgraded. Sounds like gnomes get a 25 foot move speed and Halflings now get that Keen Senses feat for free.
Unburdened seems to have become an optional dwarf feat so that it isn't a dead feature if you don't wear medium or heavy armor. (Though I suspect this was also because the core dwarf chassis was just too good.)
Various feats are getting pulled out to become heritages or freebies. To replace them we are getting a whole bunch of new Ancestry feats, including higher level ones, 9th and 13th level stuff.
1. Natural Medicine and Battle Medic have been updated to be relevant with Treat Wounds in play.
2. Bravery also reduces incoming frightened condition by 1 before it even hits you to make up for the bad will save. Meaning Fighters are immune to frightened 1.
3. Ancestries now get a 13th level feat that gives you expert in your ancestries weapons.
4. Bunch of 9th level ancestry feats, Mark's says coolest one is Multi-talented. When you take it at 9th level you gain a multiclass dedication feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. This includes having taken less than two feats from another archetype.
5. Elven Longevity can get you up to expert eventually, or at least can be upgraded with a second feat to do that and can let you retrain long-term skills. Not sure I understand how the latter works exactly.
6. Half-Orcs and Half-Elves are now heritages, not heritage feats. You get all the benefits and can still pick another ancestry feat.
Not sure if I'm forgetting anything, I don't have time to do a second listen right now. Lots of good stuff though!
I still think its odd that you need to advance in levels to become " better " in your race- oops ancestry
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Claxon wrote: Snickersnax wrote: NemisCassander wrote:
The way you have to read the relative hill giant and bobcat stats is, "Is the hill giant better at X vs. an appropriate-level party than a bobcat is vs. its appropriate-level party?'
No, I've read it as a hill giant and a bobcat are sneaking up on the same party of any level. The hill giant is better at it than the bobcat, and it seems weird. Right, except your wrong.
The game is built around the "treadmill" concept. The bobcat is a lower level enemy than the hill giant. You should never have a party encounter both at the same time. And so the developer opinion is essentially you shouldn't compare the stats of things at different levels.
Mechanically it works absolutely fine.
But I do understand how that rankles with most people. Yep works fine for metagaming and mechanical stand point but when using it to make an immersive logical game word it is ridiculous.
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Blave wrote: Read Aura Cantrip. OK thanks, but it looks like you need to go through opponents items 1 at a time at 10min each to determine if they are magic.
I hope they do as Almarane proposes.
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Since Paizo usually only posts errata for books going to a new print run.
I was wondering if before 2nd edition comes out if they would post errata for books that did (and will not) get another printing because of the change to 2nd.
It would be great for those who prefer 1st.
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Spell Points.
Could not locate them in index.
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Ectar wrote: For almost anything. Insofar as I can tell, the only difference between small and medium character is how big an enemy has to be to move through their space.
Small creatures can move through a huge creature's space. Medium creatures can move through a gargantuan creature's space.
If that's the only difference, why bother? Slaughter that sacred cow.
So weapons do the same damage no matter the size.
a 2' shortsword for a 6' human is also a shortsword for a 3' halfling with no penalties?
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Anyone with impaired vision or some color blindness issues is going to have a hard time with red,orange,black and blue.
Not sure why this was thought to be a good idea instead or writing
common, uncommon, rare, unique before/after the level
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Where are these explained I can't locate them in the book or index.
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So with this giant screw-up by Amazon/Paizo on delivery time AND the fact someone at Paizo thought "no tracking information" would be OK.
How long past the delivery date do we wait before reporting "missing" copies and will they have some to fulfil those lost?
I love Paizo but this sounded like a bad idea to begin with and has proven to be not only bad PR for them but for PF2.
If there was a way to cancel my order I could order all the same books today from Amazon Prime for about the same price and get free shipping and delivery by Monday.
It's very sad.
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The action symbols!
Maybe it's my older eyes but they a difficult to distinguish quickly when appearing alone.
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This is what happens when you put your business in the hands of another company.
I hope Paizo is all over Amazon for this foul up.
It certently damages Paizo reputation
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John Lynch 106 wrote: The only reason I've heard for Wands of CLW being such a problem is because it feels stupid to sit around with a level 1 wand and heal up to full after every fight.
But why does that feel stupid? Is it the act of using a wand to heal up to full? Or is it a level 1 wand that's the problem? If it was a higher level wand would it then be okay? Is being at full HP for every fight a problem??
I don't really understand how the changes we've heard of PF2e are addressing the Wands of CLW problem.
The only problem I have with them is pricing as it is much more efficient to by CLW wands then higher level cure wands (you get more hp/gp on average)but I always saw this as a pricing problem not a "we need to change how magic works" problem.
Resonance just feels very metagamy IMHO
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I have a few questions.
How many actions does it to to re-attach a limb using regeneration.
Vampiric Exsanguination says if any targets take damage you get temp hp the explanation below says they have to critically fail. Which is correct
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Resonance - 2/5
I don't like the concept. Tracking a single resource for different uses/day items has its merit, but having to realy on resonance for a healing potion scares me, and I also never felt the 'christmas tree' thing was a really big problem.
The CLW wand is an ugly thing, but it serves it purpose to prolong the adventuring day very well. I'm happy to see that groups can still use wands, but have to take ones that are closer to their power level; but resonance can become another reason to stop the adventuring and make camp.
I hope that it will play better than it sounds. Maybe a guaranteed minimum-effect when out of resonance could help with that; I give 2/5.
I would give this a 1 of 5 I like magic magic items not items people can make magic with "innate mysterious powers"
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[2] Also, goblins as a core race make no sense to me - especially not pathfinder goblins. Paizo went out of their way to make goblins chaotic, murderous, insane little bastards (which was fantastic), and now all of a sudden, we're supposed to believe that they've become civilized enough to interact with the other core races on an equal and worldwide accepted level...I'm just not buying it.
I agree with this 100%
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Luv9rove wrote: I like Starfinder's ability increase system and I am glad it is being brought into Pathfinder. I am on the opposite side of the fence. I like the ability score boosting items makes pc's think of what magic items to wear.
I like magic enchanting mostly normal people - I don't want people to be so OP they don't need magic to raise above the norm.
Just my view of "magical fantasy"
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I was afraid to much Starfinder would get in my pathfinder.
Static HP increase per level - do not like
Increase 4 abilities every 5 levels - do not like
If I wanted to play Starfinder or 5E these would be fine but I don't because I like everyday characters becoming heroic not every character being a superhero. Downplaying magic and making characters a SUPERHERO with grand natural ability scores pulls the magical fantasy out of the game for me.
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I like the pathfinder mechanics- the talk of bringing in the "simpler" Starfinder monster/npc and 5e "easier less thought" character creation (Background selections and proficiency bonus for everything) makes me shake my head
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I have thousands of dollars in books if 2nd edition makes them useless I will avoid it until I run out of 1st edition material (I still have 10 AP's to run).
There are many things in Starfinder I DO NOT like and hope they will not transfer into Pathfinder 2nd.
When Starfinder came out I hoped Pathfinder would not suffer or change to make it more like the "new popular game" I fear it might.
All that said I am preordering the playtest to see what it is like.
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Gorbacz wrote: ∆∆ thread title. No thanks. There are to many things in Starfinder I don't like and many things are oversimplified.
I canceled my subscription to starfinder as I learned more about it I do not want pathfinder going the same way.
just my 2 cents.