
Cylerist's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 607 posts (608 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Sovereign Court

David Spaar wrote:
Dissinger wrote:
I don't know about you, but I absolutely hated how Hideous laughter was essentially hold person minus free coupe de grace, and anytime I lose control of my character to confusion I want to destroy a puppy. Perhaps you should be asking why nerfing enchantment is necessary in the first place, rather than why is protection from evil spells so strong.

Well, the hideous laughter and hold person allow saves (and more than one in fact) whereas the protection is a guarantee of immunity. I understand your sentiment completely - it's because of seeing my characters subjected to these types of effects when I'm a player that I want to use them in kind when I'm a DM. A no-good, lowdown, rat bastard DM. ;)

James Jacobs wrote:

It does not grant total immunity to enchantments; it grants immunity to mental control. DIRECT mental control and possession. Basically, that means the dominate spells, and spells like demand. Spells like charm person or suggestion do not excercise actual mental control; they're influences and compulsions.

Protection from evil/good/etc. basically grants immunity to something using you like a puppet and directly controlling your actions with its mind or voice. So again... that basically means things like a ghost's malevolence, the magic jar spell, and dominate effects.

Otherwise, yeah. It'd be WAY too good for a 1st level spell to effectively shut down an entire school of magic.

We tried to make this more clear in Pathfinder, but I don't think we accomplished that, alas.

Thank you for the clarification James. I have to say, though, that the wording in the PFRPG, for me at least, makes the situation less clear than in 3.5. Perhaps some errata could be useful.


Sovereign Court

Katina Davis wrote:

Hey folks,

We've been informed that this set is not going forward in its current format, so we've removed it from preorder and from the subscription line. Our CS folks will be reaching out to anybody who preordered.

Apologies for any inconvenience!

Thank you for the update.

Sovereign Court

I was informed that Wizkids cancelled this?
Got money back from Gamenerdz for my preorder.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What is the crunch to fluff percentage in this book.
I am interested but sticking to 1E rules.

Sovereign Court

When will we be able to order or download the Free RPA Day adventures?
I have seen them being sold on other sites but not at Paizo.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Very sad to hear of his passing, my condolences to his friends and family.

Sovereign Court

Is there a Player's Guide for this?

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Wish this was converted to Pathfinder 1e instead of 5e. :(

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A final farewell to Starfinder #1. :(

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

They very much remind me of the classes from The Tome of Battle.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Michael Sayre wrote:
Runnetib wrote:

So is fiction coming back coming back, or is this a special release only?

If you would like to see more novels, it would likely behoove you to buy this and encourage all your friends to do the same.

I would love to see more novels, but a cheaper paperback option would be appreciated.

Sovereign Court

glad to see a new Novel

Sovereign Court

does this mean Norgorber will not die in Godsrain?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Last book for SF1 - very sad but also it means I don't need to spend any more money on SF. :/

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

He who is all and one made it!

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

How do we determine what is the "new" errata?

Sovereign Court

Will we see a booster for the spells from Starfinder Enhanced?

Sovereign Court

Apostae explodes - most Drow are now gone.

Sovereign Court

DomHeroEllis wrote:
No Skittermaner option?

No bantrids!?

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
I'm with you on this. I'm not sure why they are doing this.
Not everybody loves lugging around a giant brick once a week (or more). Also, D&D before Pathfinder used to have the Player's Guide and Dungeon Masters Guide.

It is odd that to "move further away from D&D" they are going to split the core into 2 books...like D&D :/

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am a little confused as to why the old schools could not be kept and just moved to the background while introducing new school types based on actual schools.
The way it is stated that and says "but because the wizard schools already had all eight schools of magic that could ever exist in the setting (plus universalist), we could never increase the number of wizard schools or explore more interesting options beyond those preset themes."
So no one creative person at Paizo could just add "schools" based on a specific training or style of casting?

Unless the 8 schools are going away because of OGL and not lack or creativity; but if that is the case I wish they would just tell us that.

Sovereign Court

WatersLethe wrote:

I think there are quite a few people who heard science fantasy, were told magic was in the setting, and were disappointed when they got into the game and magic was relegated to the back burner. There were half a dozen character concepts that had to be abandoned in my group of new players in SF1 because SF1 didn't support them. With full PF2 compatibility those concepts won't be stomped out.

It might help if people took the time to imagine what magic in the future could flourish into, and not focus on how much of it could be replaced or obviated by science. Like, the mysiticism behind magic doesn't have to be some archaic misunderstanding that science scrubs away. The Force wasn't reduced to scientific principles, and magic shouldn't be either.

One of the appealing parts of SF for me was the fact that magic took a "back burner" position - changing this will add a totally new feel to an existing system game and will be hugely "inworld" changing.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
emky wrote:

This is disappointing. I'd hoped Starfinder would remain its thing and not get "2e"-ified. I really don't like the core design of Pathfinder 2e at all. I guess I'll finish getting what is coming for SF1 and... that leaves me nothing at all Paizo releases anymore except maybe a map one in a while.

It's a shame. :(

I am of the same opinion - good thing is I have lots of SF and PF 1e AP's and modules I can use, and I will save money not buying books.

Sovereign Court

Any updates for those of us who have dead tree copies and are missing the end of the Meowclock companion description and details on the battle Ladder?

Sovereign Court

Sharkbite wrote:

A difference like from D&D 3E to 3.5E, that is great. Just publishing the errata in a formal place, and including some of the later options into the core book.

But a fully new edition is a hard pass for me. I came to Starfinder from D&D because so many of the changes made the game feel like it was being simplified to make it more new player friendly, which if you're not a new player, just makes me feel like they're treating me like I'm dumb.


Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Ravien999 wrote:
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Starfinder Unchained! So, SF2 is not far behind :)
God, I hope not.
Why? A SF2 based on PF2 and fixing some of the biggest issues with the rules (lack of scaling cantrips, starship combat, Ivory Tower design) is quite a frequent call around here.

I don't mind revisions and updates but don't make it a whole new game like PF2 did (making everything already out just about usless)

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Errata Question

On page 32 under Ghost special abilities "shame" it mentions a status penalty twice.
Status is not a PF1E term - should it just be untyped?

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Nighthorror888 wrote:
The PF1 playerbase is active and begging for more.

Agreed - I just think it is so much easier to convert PF2 to 5e since they are very similar.

Sovereign Court

5 people marked this as a favorite.

While I am glad to see these adventures converted to 5e - it helps spread the great work of the Paizo staff; I wish they would do the same for supporters of their original game (PF 1e) for those of us who prefer it and supported them for 10 years.
Even a PDF only version would be appreciated.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You are one of the best!
Just about every endeavor you mentioned above has somehow touched my life.
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into every project.
I wish you nothing but good luck and good health in your retirement.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Wish you would convert it to Pathfinder 1e instead of 5e.

Sovereign Court

If you are using the rules to enchant armor while adventuring and you are working on making your fighters +2 (currently +1) over the course of a few days - can he wear it when you are not actively working on it?

Sovereign Court

Nicos wrote:
Count me in the "the item is fine" camp.

I agree - it can only be used once per day

Sovereign Court

thank you.

Sovereign Court

Is there a subscription for the starfinder module line?

Sovereign Court

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I'm hoping it's better than the Shifter (PF1) class, and the lessons that were learned from that development were not lost and instead taken to heart.

Cautious Optimism indicated

The shifter was fine after the errata :)

Sovereign Court

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Sovereign Court

David knott 242 wrote:
Zero the Nothing wrote:
Do these really come with clear bases?

Afraid so. That seems to be the new policy of Wizkids with all minis going forward.

Anyone have any insight as to why they are going with clear bases now?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awaiting the Player's Guide.

Sovereign Court

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Cylerist wrote:
Does anyone at Paizo now what printing they are now selling?
Third printing with errata.

Thank you!

Sovereign Court

Does anyone at Paizo now what printing they are now selling?

Sovereign Court

I would love this in my office!

Sovereign Court

I am missing chapters 2 and 3 how can I locate them?
They are not in spam or email folders.

I even tried changing my account setting saving them and then signing up again - thinking I would be emailed them all, but no luck.

This is proving much harder and convoluted than it should be; seems like it was not thought through very well.

Why not have them somewhere on the site for download or at least viewing?

Sovereign Court

I just got part 4 and can find part 1 on the blog, parts 2 and 3 are not to be found (at least by me), anyone have a link to them?

Sovereign Court

Ok it is back to 32$ for usps shipping again for 2 shirts to PA-usa plus still no BOGO.

Sovereign Court

No official help here.
No reply to my email request for help :(

Sovereign Court

The shipping seems to be fixed but the BOGO is not working now :(

I have reached out to customer service.

Sovereign Court

Just checked again

Subtotal (2 items) $34.50
Estimated Sales Tax $2.07
Shipping & Handling $32.73
Order Total $69.30

USPS is 42$ I am in PA - USA

I am also not getting BOGO

Sovereign Court

Just tried to place an order and it is $32.00 for cheapest shipping(UPS ground) for 2 t-shirts - I live in the US.
That is insane.

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