
Cylerist's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 607 posts (608 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Wish this was converted to Pathfinder 1e instead of 5e. :(

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A final farewell to Starfinder #1. :(

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I originally thought these were a tie in to get us excited for War of Immortals, but still separate fiction.
But the further we get, like Yivali, I do wonder if these are part of the meta-event and meaning to influence peoples attitudes or events.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Will we see a booster for the spells from Starfinder Enhanced?

Sovereign Court

5 people marked this as a favorite.

While I am glad to see these adventures converted to 5e - it helps spread the great work of the Paizo staff; I wish they would do the same for supporters of their original game (PF 1e) for those of us who prefer it and supported them for 10 years.
Even a PDF only version would be appreciated.

Sovereign Court

If you are using the rules to enchant armor while adventuring and you are working on making your fighters +2 (currently +1) over the course of a few days - can he wear it when you are not actively working on it?

Sovereign Court

Is there a subscription for the starfinder module line?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Sovereign Court

I have heard the pocket edition incorporates errata.
My question what printing of the hardcover also contains errata?

I want to buy a new HC Starfinder Core rules book but am holding off for one with errata.

Sovereign Court

Anyone know if any of the 3pp are going to continue with 1st edition material - maybe even adventure paths?

Any 3pp making complete compilation books of feats and spells from 1st edition?

Sovereign Court

Please cancel all my remaining subscriptions.

Sovereign Court

Is this order ok?
It has been pending for over 20 days.
It contains no 2E items.


Sovereign Court

This order is being split into 3 shipments by you.
One of the 3 packages is going to a different address I no longer use.
Why did this occur it was placed as 1 order going to 1 address (East Greenville).

Can you please correct this.

Sovereign Court

Why is my campaign setting showing as canceled, on this order but on my account page I am clearly subscribed?

Sovereign Court

Is there a PDF of errata for the Starfinder Core book?
I can't locate it. :(

Sovereign Court

Please cancel this as well.


Sovereign Court

Please cancel both of these for me.

Sovereign Court

Any one else have this issue with Tyrants Grasp #1?

Sovereign Court

I am missing the download for Return of the Runelords part 4 of 1 file per chapter.
My other downloads appear just fine.

Sovereign Court

Anyone else not getting a file per chapter download option on part 4?

Sovereign Court

Anyone else not getting a file per chapter download option on part 4?

Sovereign Court

I have a tracking number and can track but no access to PDF's or shipping notice.

Is all OK with this order?

Sovereign Court

Where can I find the base movement of the player races?

Sovereign Court

I see that detect magic only lets you sense its presence within 30' and at higher level castings you can pinpoint it to a 5' area.

Identify lets you find magic properties of a magic item.

But how do you pinpoint that item?

Say a dead foe is in the 5' area you pinpont must you move one item at a time to another 5' area to find if it is magic or is there another way to find magic on fallen foes.

Am I missing something in the RAW?

Sovereign Court

Do wizards have a spell fail chances for wearing armor?
or any penalties other than then norm for armor?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Since Paizo usually only posts errata for books going to a new print run.
I was wondering if before 2nd edition comes out if they would post errata for books that did (and will not) get another printing because of the change to 2nd.
It would be great for those who prefer 1st.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Anyone with impaired vision or some color blindness issues is going to have a hard time with red,orange,black and blue.

Not sure why this was thought to be a good idea instead or writing
common, uncommon, rare, unique before/after the level

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Where are these explained I can't locate them in the book or index.


Sovereign Court

This order has been pending since July 12th and says shipping in 1-7 business days.
It has been more than 10 days and still it has not shipped.
Can you check it and see if it is stuck please?

Sovereign Court

This order is showing the items I got last month plus 2 items for April that show as shipping separately – greatly increasing shipping.
Can you look into this and make corrections.

Sovereign Court

It only has one of my side cart items (the other 6 dice are missing Order 4616233 ) and it has everything shipping separately really increasing shipping.

Can you correct this

Sovereign Court

Order 4616233
Order 4464261

These orders do not show any items in them and I can't see my side cart.

The should both be dice orders I placed in early/mid Dec 2017

Sovereign Court

My late oct early nov order has vanished.(ultimate wilderness,AP and companion)
I could see it this afternoon but now it is gone.
I show no orders pending and my subscription page just shows a Dec order.
Can you look into this for me please.

Sovereign Court

Is there a Player's Guide for this like the have for Pathfinder AP's?

Sovereign Court

This still shows it needs a valid payment method.
I updated the payment method yesterday, is all ok now?

Sovereign Court

What is the novel after gears of faith?
I cant find it anywhere.

Sovereign Court

This order left Washington on Dec 7th, I have not received it yet.
Checking the tracking it has not moved for 12 days from it's last checked location.
Can you help.

Sovereign Court

This order was just shipped - it contains 1 comic book.
I have my subscriptions to ship once a month to save shipping charges. All my other subscriptions shipped out the week before.
Just wondering what happened?

Sovereign Court

I have corrected my credit card information, please process this order again.

Sovereign Court

I have corrected my credit card information, please process this order again.

Sovereign Court

I updated my payment information please process my order again.


Sovereign Court

I received an email that there was an issue with my payment.
That should all be good now please process the order again.


Sovereign Court

I got the PDF's in my download section but never received a shipping email. Just making sure it was shipped.


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