
Convict #24601's page

Organized Play Member. 58 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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I'm really happy with the Adaptive Shifter. It's got the flexibility that I wanted from the main class, and I *love* the Reactive Form ability. The only downside of it is the reduced time for Wild Shape and late entry. I'm not really sure why that was necessary, but if the Archetype were strictly better than the base class I suppose that would be a problem.

I'm helping one of the people in my group stat one up right now, he's taking a Druid's Vestment to help with that particular limitation. We seem to think that the Vestment will just add another hour to his total usage, going by the wording between Unfettered Wild Shape and the Vestment.

Overall I think this is a marked improvement over the base class, but the delayed access to Wild Shape hurts as it means fewer overall Wild Shape feats (since you lose the level 5 slot).

I still can't understand why the Shifter can't be better at Wild Shape than a Druid.

My group is gearing up for a new homebrew campaign and I'm putting together a character type I've always wanted to play: a Dragon Disciple. I mean, who doesn't want to be a dragon when given the opportunity?

We have been given a 25 point buy and we're starting at level 7 (with 23,500 GP starting monies). I have a basic build so far, but I'm hoping for some optimizing suggestions. Our party is a summoning focused wizard, a moon-cursed barbarian, a fire/earth kineticist, and an archerdin.

This is the basic build I have so far.

Arithalion the Green:

Arithalion the Green, LG Human Draconic Bloodrager (Rageshaper) 5 / Dragon Disciple 2, worshiper of Apsu.

Str 21 (23 with belt), Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14

1st Racial Heritage (Kobold), Draconic Aspect (Green)
3rd Draconic Breath
4th Eschew Materials (bonus feat)
5th Improved Natural Attack (claws)
7th Noxious Bite, Power Attack (bloodline feat)

Favored Class Bonus (Bloodrager): 5 extra rounds of Rage

Equipment: 23,500 gp
+2 Breastplate (4,200 gp)
Furious Amulet of Mighty Fists (4,000 gp)
Belt of Giant Strength +2 (4,000 gp)
Cape of Free Will +2/3 (6,000 gp)
Ring of Deflection +1 (2,000 gp)
Ring of Sustenance (2,500 gp)
Wand (Infernal Healing)(750 gp)

I went with Human for Racial Heritage (Kobold) so I could start the campaign with Noxious Bite, but I could see delaying that feat until 9th if anyone has suggestions for a more useful feat chain than Racial Heritage, Draconic Aspect, and Draconic Breath.

Overall the character feels fairly strong so far. Bloodrager has access to some decent swift-action defensive spells (though the casting is a bit limited due to the multiclass) which adds some flexibility to combat, and the saves feel decent. His attacks seem decent for level 7, with Rageshaper and Improved Natural Attack really pumping up the Claw attacks. Bite +14 (BaB +6, Str +8, Enhancement +2 , Power Attack -2), with two Claws at +14 as well. Damage is Bite 1d6 + 21 (+12 Strength, +2 Enhancement, +6 Power Attack, +1 Acid)(Fort Save DC 21 vs Nauseated 5 rounds), + 2 Claws at 2d6 + 14 (+8 Strength, +2 Enhancement, +4 Power Attack).

I'm not sure how useful the 1/day 2d6 Breath Weapon would be, but it was the easiest way I could find to start with Noxious Bite. I could drop the Kobold feats and just take Noxious Bite at 9th, which would open up 4 feats. Noxious Bite is just so strong, it almost seemed worth it to me to try and get it early.

I'd love to hear any thoughts the community might have on this build, so fire away!

15 people marked this as a favorite.

I've read through this thread and a few others, and my disappointment with Shifter has peaked. I love Druids, my current PFS character is one, but I've been waiting for something to fill the gap of the consummate shapeshifter. If there was a full BAB spell-less, animal companion-less Druid I would play it in an instant. So, yeah, I was excited for Shifter.

My initial thoughts were, wait... That's it? I must be missing a page or two from my book. But no, that's everything. It just feels like it's missing so much flexibility that one would expect from a class that can "shape herself to overcome hardships and support those she befriends or serves".

How powerful does Paizo think a full BAB and d10 hit die really are? Really, how strong do we think they are? I looked at the number crunch threads and it seems like they're powerful enough compared to other martials in the lower levels (though 6-7), but they fall off at the higher levels. Unlike Barbarian, Paladin, or Fighter they don't receive any extra bonuses to hit or damage (well, you can get Enhancement bonuses to Strength if you pick Bull, I guess).

But the worst offender to me is that hey have so little to do outside of a fight. Why not allow for more flexible shifting? Why would that be so bad? Why can't the big class feature just be Wildshape? It's already pretty neat, great flavor, the community has been using it for YEARS. It would give the class something to do with their particular shtick during the rest of the adventuring day.

But hey, maybe this is just the base class. Some of the other base classes only really shine once you apply archetypes, and some of them become so changed as to hardly even resemble the original look/feel of the class (Alchemist and your many insane archetypes, I'm looking at you)! So I read through the Archetypes.

Why doesn't Elementalist Shifter ever get Elemental Body II or higher? Why can't you apply your Elemental Strike to your shapeshifted forms?

Why does Fiendflesh Shifter have to be evil (and still revere Nature)? It's easily the most complete feeling Archetype to me, and I won't ever get to play it unless my GM is kind enough to houserule the alignment away.

Leafshifter misses one incredibly important point: How does their Wild Shape work if they don't have the appropriate animal aspect?

Oozemorph!! I saw so much conversation about this one that I couldn't wait to make one! Wait, what's that? No new abilities after level 5?! I mean, yeah, your Damage Reduction and Fluid Body improve, and I guess you get some more natural attacks, but... Seriously? Still, the flavor is still so great I want to make one (plus the novelty of mixing strong manufactured weapon attacks with Morphic Weapons sounds pretty cool, even if it does eat all my GP for a magic weapon and AoMF). Also, why no Ooze Form spells as a part of Fluid Body?

Oh boy... Rageshaper... Didn't we learn anything from Brute Vigilante?

Verdant Shifter! Now we're talking! Looks a little niche, but great flavor! Speak with Plants, Verdant Body is pretty nice, Wild Armor looks like a nice swap with Defensive Instinct making the class less MAD, and then BAM! Plant Shape has a duration of... ROUNDS. We were so close to having something nice. Also, what happens between 4 and 6? Do you just not get Wildshape until 6, or does it function like normal Shifter Wildshape until then, but you don't have an aspect... *head explodes*

Weretouched looks functional, more functional than most of the other archetypes, but... If I'm going to be forced into a single form, I think I'd rather play a Mooncursed Barbarian.

So what happened? I was really excited for this book, and a lot of it is really fantastic. Sylvan Trickster Rogue looks freaking amazing and Green Knight Cavalier looks positively Arthurian. I still love the flavor of Oozemorph and I'd love to try one (maybe as long as we start over 5th level so I can hold regular conversations with the rest of my group).

I guess I'm just disappointed. I was really hoping this would fill a niche we've never had in the game before, but instead we got... This. Just this.

(Also, no Undead Anatomy Shifter or Form of the Dragon Shifter? I mean, c'mon!)

I'm working on making a PFS Hunter, and I'm considering the Verminous Hunter archtype, but I've run into a bit of a problem understanding the Tricks.

Does a vermin companion need to take the Attack trick twice to be able to attack all creatures? On the one hand, it seems like they would need to (being an animal companion and all), but they aren't *technically* animals, they're vermin. At level 1 burning both starting tricks just to be able to fight a wide range of things seems extreme (and the Flank trick would be really nice to have!).

Are there any rulings on this I should be aware of?

My group is going to be starting a new game this week and I'm working out what I'm going to be playing. I'm trying to build a halfling mounted archer (ranger) but I usually play more melee focused characters or spell casters, so this is a new type of thinking for me.

I'm planning on replacing Sure-Footed with Outrider, and probably take the +CL trait and maybe reactionary.

We've got at 20 point buy, and the stat array I've come up with is this:
(Fourth level bonus point added to STR)
STR 14
DEX 18
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 14
CHA 09

I've been considering building this guy as a Beastmaster Wild Hunter Ranger, though I'm not sure what to go with as far as combat feat style (And feats in general!). I'm planning on using either a Roc or a Giant Wasp for my mount, and I'm having a difficult time trying to determine just how much I should invest into mounted combat (feat wise).

As far as equipment is concerned, we will be using the standard starting gold for 4th level characters, and besides the usual weapon / armor / stat boosting items, anything specific I should look at?

Overall I really like the idea of a little halfling just raining death down on my enemies, and the added mobility of the flying mount should just be gravy. I just normally don't play archers and I want to make sure that I get this one right. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I have a rod for Extend Spell currently, and for once in my life I rolled well for hit points, so I'm not too concerned about Toughness. Superior Summoning is one I've considered, it's just that my second level options don't feel as good as my third level ones, so I feel a little strange about dropping the spell level down to get more than one minion.

Spell Specialization is a great feat, but for the bulk of my conjuration spells it feels wasted, as so few of them have level dependent variables other than duration. Two more rounds on Summon Monster III is something I've considered, though.

Hadn't really thought about Skeletal Summoning or Moonlight Summoning. I'll have to look into those. Thanks for the feedback so far, all.

SO I'm statting up a 5th level Conjuration (Teleportation) specialist, and I have to admit that I'm going a little nuts trying to figure out my last feat.

Currently I've got Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, and (due to my party begging me to take it) Craft Wonderous Item. I've got one 5th level option left available to me, but I'm totally torn as to what to take.

So far I've considered the following:

Greater Spell Focus (Conjuration) - The extra +1 spell save DC is nice, but I worry that I'm giving up too much flexibility by taking this.

Quick Draw - I'll be using wands, metamagic rods, and scrolls with some frequency, but as a Conjuration (Teleportation) specialist my Shift ability will make movement a little less important that it usually is, so I'm not super concerned.

Fast Study - Not really a feat, but I do like the idea of being able to prepare spells in the field more quickly, I just don't know how often this will come up. If I can choose my spells well each day, would I really need this?

Eye of the Arclord - Suggested by another player in the group, kind of a neat feat, but the main reason I could see taking it would be for the 1 minute of Darkvision per day (which is nice because I'm human) and for flavor, but the other benefits don't seem all that great to me.

Varisian Tattoo - The main reason to take this one seems to be the +1 caster level to all of my Conjuration spells, but the most benefit I'd seem to get out of that is 1 more round on the duration of my summons, which, while nice, doesn't seem worth a whole feat.

Any input as to what I should end up doing here? I'm pretty happy with my other choices so far, I'm just really unsure of what to take with my last option. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Fantastic! Many thanks, Abraham. Also, that page is incredibly useful.

I keep seeing people posting about changelings, where are they printed? My search fu must be broken, because I can't find them.

Great advice all, much appreciated.

subgenius wrote:
I'd rather have keen than a +1 if you are fighting primarily humanoids since you have your arcane pool and arcane strike if you encounter a monster with DR.

Unless things have changed a LOT since I last played Pathfinder, I thought you had to have a base enhancement bonus of at least +1 before you could add any special qualities to a magic weapon or armor?

It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to play in a Pathfinder game. Our group decided to switch over for a longish campaign, and we're starting at 4th level. I've never played a 'gish' type character before, and actually I've never much cared for the archetype, but something about Magus really intrigues me. I've read what few posts there are on the boards about the class (including Walter's guide) and this is what I've come up with:


Books allowed: Pretty much all of them

Human Magus level 4
15 point buy

Str 18 (racial +2, +1 level increase)
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 07

+1 Longsword (2,315 gp), +1 Chain Shirt (1,250 gp) (2,436 gp left)

Traits: Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp), Reactionary (+2 init)

Feats: Arcane Strike, Extra Arcane Pool, Weapon Focus (Longsword)

Magus Arcana: Arcane Familiar

Spellbook (4 cantrips at will, 4 1st level, and 2 2nd level spells per day)

4 Cantrips prepared
Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand

9 first level spells
Color Spray, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Grease, Shield, Shocking Grasp, True Strike, Vanish

2 second level spells
Frigid Touch, Mirror Image

Our GM is a stickler for 3 to 4 encounters per day, and this is a military campaign, meaning we'll be spending most of our time (at least to start) fighting against humanoids with metal weapons and armor so I expect I'll get a lot of mileage out of Shocking Grasp. I've done a couple of mockups, though, and I'm a little concerned with resource management over a long day of fighting. With only 6 points in my Arcane Pool it seems like most of those will have to go towards enhancing my weapon. Are there wands or other magic items that I should look into to help my longevity? Is it worth it picking up +1 armor or is that money better spent elsewhere? Should I try and boost my Int with my base points? Are there other spells I should seriously consider? And I'm not totally sold on the Familiar, but it seems like the most useful of the low level Magus Arcana and it doesn't cost me anything from my already limited pool. This is also the first martial character I've ever played that didn't get Power Attack as soon as humanly possible, so that feels a little strange.

I welcome your comments and critiques as this is quite a departure from my usual play style. What I'm hoping for in the end of all this is a character that can really hold his own, and possibly bring something useful to the group.

So does this new Smite Evil deal the Paladin's level x 2 damage on the first SUCCESSFUL attack or the first attack regardless of outcome?

Suddenly I want to build a fighter who uses a Large Bastard Sword and wears Armor Spikes. Mechanically INFERIOR, but amusing none the less.

Helic wrote:
Convict #24601 wrote:

Haven't been able to play anything with that build yet, but what I'd like to try is a Human Wizard with Arcane Strike and Still Spell at 1st level with these two traits (Our GM is pretty cool about letting us all pick two traits each game)

Figured I'd do (with a 20 point buy) 18 Str, 12 Dex, 14 Con, 15 Int, and 7 Cha. Start as a Wizard with a Spear and do second level as Fighter, load up on cool weapons and armor, then switch back to Wizard until I can hit Eldritch Knight. With the Magical Lineage trait I'd probably select Enlarge Person so I can Still that with a 1st level spell slot, and I'd keep full caster levels (if not spells) with the Magical Knack trait, so I think it'd be a pretty fun build.

I waffle on this build as to whether to take Fighter at 1st or Wizard. The lure of Power Attack plus a 2H weapon right off the bat is a strong one. Plus max hp on the biggest dice available doesn't hurt either (it's a 4 point difference). Throw in Toughness and you'll have at least 15 hit points at 1st level.

Oh, and wizards can't use spears BTW.

Specialization is the tough one too. There's no single good choice from the Verbal only list and you don't want to close out any of the schools either. But you get almost zero use out of Universalist abilities. Diviner is probably the 'best' choice for the +5 Initiative you'll get out of it, and always acting in the surprise round, but opposition schools...Abjuration, maybe? Necromancy?

Going Ftr/Sor might be better, what with spontaneous still spells, the limited spell list, and benefits of 6 levels of a bloodline.

Ack, two good points! I always forget that wizards use the gimpy weapon list instead of all simple weapons and yes, Mistwalker, those ARE two magical traits, meaning you cannot take both. Hrm... Might just take Magical Knack and forget the rest.

As far as schools go, it is really a tough choice. Flare and Light are evocation, Feather Fall is Transmutation, True Strike is Divination and Ventriloquism is Illusion, and that's just first level. Blindness/Deafness is Necromancy, so probably not a school you'd want to give up.

Yeah, Sorc is looking better and better.

Haven't been able to play anything with that build yet, but what I'd like to try is a Human Wizard with Arcane Strike and Still Spell at 1st level with these two traits (Our GM is pretty cool about letting us all pick two traits each game):

Magical Lineage
One of your parents was a gifted spellcaster who not only used metamagic often, but developed many magical items and perhaps even a new spell or two—and you have inherited a fragment of this greatness. Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.

Magical Knack
You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks. Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t increase your caster level higher than your current Hit Dice.

Figured I'd do (with a 20 point buy) 18 Str, 12 Dex, 14 Con, 15 Int, and 7 Cha. Start as a Wizard with a Spear and do second level as Fighter, load up on cool weapons and armor, then switch back to Wizard until I can hit Eldritch Knight. With the Magical Lineage trait I'd probably select Enlarge Person so I can Still that with a 1st level spell slot, and I'd keep full caster levels (if not spells) with the Magical Knack trait, so I think it'd be a pretty fun build.

I'd try and stick with the somatic-less spell list and use Still Spell only for really special spells. I've also found a list of spells I'd keep scribed for emergencies (Fly comes to mind). I might get a chance to play it soon, if I do I'll let you know how it goes.

I appreciate it, it's been really helpful.

I wouldn't stress it too much, take one level fighter and do the rest in the arcane spellcasting class of your choice. Here is your spell list:

Level 0: Flare, Light
Level 1: Feather Fall, True Strike, Ventriloquism
Level 2: Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Darkness, Knock
Level 3: Displacement, Suggestion, Tongues
Level 4: Dimension Door, Lesser Geas, Shout
Level 5: Contact Other Plane*, Teleport
Level 6: Geas*, Mass Suggestion
Level 7: Power Word Blind, Greater Teleport, Teleport Object
Level 8: Irresistible Dance, Power Word Stun
Level 9: Power Word Kill, Prismatic Sphere, Teleportation Circle*, Wail of the Banshee

None of these spells have somatic components, and can thus be cast in any armor regardless of arcane spell failure. Yeah, the first level spells are a little weak, but you should have a giant two handed sword to really lay out the hurt with. Pick up Still Spell for any other spells you want to cast and call it good. I would recommend a familiar for this route, pick up Improved Familiar at some point (I know you'll be feat starved, but it'll help) and buy your little opposable thumb buddy (remember to give them ranks in Use Magic Device) a wand of Haste or something. Also invest in Wands and Scrolls for yourself, because last time I checked, activating a Wand or Scroll didn't check for Arcane Spell Failure.

Do you still have to purchase the actual Item-Creation feats in order to make the sword, or does Master Craftsmen count?

You're arguing real world physics in a game where a random guy can rub a pinch of bat guano between his fingers, say a couple of words, and create a twenty foot fireball out of nothing?

It was just a balance change. The developers probably felt that Rogues were underpowered in quite a few encounters and felt a change was warranted. It's not like Sneak Attack is a completely overwhelming ability, anyway.

My group is putting together a Pathfinder campaign and for once I am not the GM. Our GM is allowing anything from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the six classes from the second Advanced Players Guide Playtest. In addition, she is allowing things from the Adventure Paths with her explicit permission, and we all get to choose two character traits.

I'm playing a Human Summoner and I'm building my character and his Eidolon, and I'm curious about a couple of somethings.

1) What happens if I'm knocked unconscious? If I'm reduced to below zero hit points, does my Eidolon stick around and keep fighting? Is he dismissed? What about if I'm asleep? Do I have to resummon him every morning if I sleep? The first paragraph mentions that they are not sent back to their home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than their Constitution score, but that is the only thing condition I've found about the Eidolon being sent back without my say so.

2) What happens if my Eidolon has two natural attacks that are listed as Primary? I'm using the Quadruped base form which grants him the Bite evolution. If I choose to give him the Gore evolution do I get to make both attacks at his full base attack bonus plus full strength modifier? Or do I have to designate one attack as a secondary attack and take the -5 penalty plus half strength damage?

I've read through the entry a few times and I haven't been able find the answers to my questions, so hopefully someone here might be able to help me out.

Murkmoldiev wrote:

Hi , so anytime my group gets confused over things

we put the Question to the boards !
So here we are...

How come the adjustment for having Two weapon fighing only allows for
a light weapon in one hand and a normal in the other?
What happens if Both weapons are light?


Why is there not another feat that lowers the penalty further?

Please help !

If you're looking for another option for two-weapon fighters, check out the Sawtooth Sabres from the Campaign Setting. They're essentially a longsword that counts as a light weapon (assuming you have the Exotic Weapon Proficiency to wield them like that).

Oh please oh please oh please, convince Judges Guild and Necromancer to do Wilderlands for Pathfinder, and make me the happiest guy on the planet!

BobChuck wrote:
The only problem with Bard-Gishes right now is that you can't have Arcane Strike AND Bard Song up at the same time. Pathfinder needs a feat that lets Gish types combine Sustain Bard Song, Arcane Strike, Arcane Armor Training/Mastery, and Quickened Spell into a single swift action. That would fix most of the actual gish issues I think.

Huh? Where does it say in the rules that Free actions and Swift actions are mutually exclusive? If I'm reading this right, you should be totally capable of at least keeping a Bardic Performance going while using Arcane Strike.

PFSRD wrote:
Free Action: Free actions consume a very small amount of time and effort. You can perform one or more free actions while taking another action normally. However, there are reasonable limits on what you can really do for free, as decided by the GM.
PFSRD wrote:
Swift Action: A swift action consumes a very small amount of time, but represents a larger expenditure of effort and energy than a free action. You can perform only a single swift action per turn.
PFSRD wrote:
Starting a bardic performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action.

and Arcane Strike is as follows:

PFSRD wrote:

Arcane Strike (Combat)

You draw upon your arcane power to enhance your weapons with magical energy.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can imbue your weapons with a fraction of your power. For 1 round, your weapons deal +1 damage and are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. For every five caster levels you possess, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.

It looks like it should all work together just fine.

Okay, I'm curious. What does a critical fumble rule add to the game?

Does it speed up combat? Do your players find it a fair or fun system? How extreme does the fumble have to be before it stops being fun/amusing/funny ("Well, you rolled a natural one with your Vorpal blade, I guess you can kiss your sword arm goodbye")?

I've played with so many fumble rules, so many inane, stupid little tweaks that really just screw with the players. I've had my own weapon damage dealt to me, I've had my weapons break, hell, I fumbled a Concentration check and had my Fireball go off at my feet.

It sucks. There is nothing more confidence eroding than to have the 18th level swordmaster huck his +5 flaming keen falchion 1d6 (x5) feet away just because the dice came up low. The funny thing is, I've never seen the printed rules for these either, outside of Hackmaster that is.

You roll a one on an attack roll you miss. That's it. Move on, don't take 15 minutes consulting your deck of horrible ways to dick over the PCs. You roll a natural one on a skill check (or something similar) and guess what? Well, you rolled as low as you possibly could, and that's it. That's the penalty. The only exception, by the rules as written, is rolling a natural one on a saving throw, and even then chances are you're only going to scuff up your shield a bit. Hell, most GMs I've played under toss that out, too. Slows things down too much. I'd rather not spend half an hour on one guys turn in a fight.

So, yeah, I'm curious. What do these rules add to the game? I guess I could see them being a little fun if they're applied to all combatants, but even then isn't it a little anticlimactic for the lead villain of the story to trip on his own sword, cut his ghoulies off and die before he even finishes his monologue?

(And even though this is a fumble thread, no, I've never used the 'two natural twenties is a super crit, three natural twenties is an insta-kill' rule either.)

I've always thought the requirements for prestige classes are done a little strangely, and I've actually had DMs that have ruled that qualifying for a prestige class is much like qualifying for a feat: You can take the feat (or the first level in your Prestige class) the level you'd qualify (even if taking the first level in the Prestige class would grant you the qualifications).

Example: Under my old DMs rules, qualifying for Mystic Theurge would require playing Wizard for 2 levels and Cleric for 2 levels, and your 5th level would be in the Prestige class, because taking that level would satisfy the requirement of being able to cast 2nd level spells in both your Arcane and Divine spellcasting classes. He used the same logic for skill points, as well. Originally he claimed that the reason he played it like this is because (and I quote) "A first level Fighter can take Power Attack, he doesn't have to wait until second level".

I know the reasoning is a bit weird, but is it overpowering to allow entry into prestige classes that one (sometimes) two levels earlier?

It was linked to his channel, try this one, instead.

Overall, not a bad watch. I found myself agreeing on most of your points, but one thing I have to bring up is the prestige classes.

It feels to me, with Pathfinder, that Paizo's design is one that Prestige classes should very much be a lateral choice, you can go into them, but there are reasons not to, which is a very different step from 3.5 where you would be quite gimped if you were to not choose one or more. Paizo, in beefing up the base classes, has really made the choice of entering a prestige class a tough one, and I expect to see that trend continue.

Mirror, Mirror wrote:
Convict #24601 wrote:
People bring up Cleric, Druid, and Paladin, but I have yet to see a time where even the most martial of those classes does something different than "Buff myself with spells" and then "Hit mans".
Paladins used to have a spell that allowed them to sacrifice hp for dmg whenever they hit with a weapon.

Doesn't look like they have anything like that in Pathfinder. And while spells like Bless Weapon are really, really nasty, they still require you to cast a spell and then swing your sword.

James Jacobs wrote:
Convict #24601 wrote:
The APG will include rules for a variant paladin—the chaotic evil antipaladin. There'll also be rules for what happens to paladins who are neither lawful good OR chaotic evil; these are called templars. They're not going to be a full class of their own, but a variant of the paladin class and will likely be modeled by simply changing or removing some paladin powers. Since they're not an actual class but a variant to a class... there's no need for an iconic.

Well, I'd already planned on buying the APG the moment it came out, but now... Should I just buy two? What is the proper method of showing just how foaming at the mouth excited I am about this book?

Caineach wrote:
I think the Eldrich Knight mostly succeeds at accomplishing what people want, but they want 1-2 new abilities to actually blend the casting and martial aspects together into a unified character, rather than them being 2 distinct aspects you switch between.

That's where I get lost, to be honest. It really breaks down to a conjunction issue. Currently, members of every class break it down like this: Swing your sword OR cast a spell. Gish players want to replace that OR with AND.

People bring up Cleric, Druid, and Paladin, but I have yet to see a time where even the most martial of those classes does something different than "Buff myself with spells" and then "Hit mans".


So I'm working on a Bard for a game I'm going to be playing in shortly, and as it is a class I've never played before, I thought I'd pop over and see if there were any experts that could give me a hand.

I've read through Treantmonk's Guide to Bards and I found it to be very enjoyable. The spell breakdown is worth the read alone, and the rest of the guide has some very excellent suggestions as well.

What I'm trying to do is make a Bard who takes on a bit more of a martial stance, part of the character concept is that he's taken vows to become part of a Knightly order who hunts and kills demons (and other evil outsiders). The idea behind the setting is that it's right on the outset of an industrial revolution, so a little steam-punkish. The other big thing is that the Gods are missing/dead/we're really not sure what, so there are really no Paladins, Clerics, or Inquisitors running around, but Oracles and Druids still exist (mainly because we didn't have any players interested in those three classes and the GM wants to do something with a seeking the mysteries of the dead gods kind of thing). We're starting at 1st level, we have a 20 point stat buy, and we're allowed to pick any two traits out of the PFRPG Character Traits Web Enhancement.

Currently, this is what I've got:

Human Bard 1
Str 18
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 7
Cha 14

Starting Feats: Arcane Strike, Dodge
Spells: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Cure Light Wounds, and Sleep.

With his 8 skill points per level, I've tossed points into Acrobatics, Knowledge Arcana and Knowledge the Planes, Linguistics (So I can start with both Infernal and Abyssal as languages), Perception, Performance (Oratory and Strings) and Spellcraft.

Probably the biggest hurdle I'm looking at is weather or not to dual-wield. I could easily drop my Intelligence down to 10 to get the needed Dexterity of 15 for the Two-Weapon Fighting feat at first, and it seems like it would stack up quite nicely with Arcane Strike. As it is now, I was more thinking of going the Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack route. I'm also unsure of what traits would be optimal for me. Treantmonk's guide specifically mentions NOT going the Two-Weapon Fighting route with Bard, but I feel like it would synergize with the concept well. Anyone have experience with the Pathfinder feat tree in this regard?

Anyway, I would appreciate any thoughts people have on the matter, I'm really looking forward to the game as I'm usually the one that GM's for our group, so it's not often I get to play.

59. Bradbury's Invocation - Causes 1 book to burst into flame.

47. Wall of Whirling Falchions - Summons a wall made of animated, dancing Falchions that attack anyone within 5 feet with a base attack bonus equal to the casters Caster Level and a Strength modifier equal to the casters primary spell casting attribute modifier (Int for Wizards, Cha for Sorcerers, etc.)

43. Form Lock - Locks a shapeshifter into their current form and prevents further shapeshifting for the duration of the effect.

41. Summon Full Plate - Summons a normal quality suit of Full Plate onto a target within 30 feet of the caster. Targets who do not wish to be wearing Full Plate can make a reflex save to negate the affect. This spell does not work on targets already wearing armor.

36. Alms - Creates 1d4 copper coins

37. Glass Knives - Creates 1d4 glass throwing knives that deal 1d6 points of damage and shatter on impact, dealing 1 point of splash damage to all targets within 10 feet (Reflex save avoids)(19-20 x2 crit, 20 foot range increment).

38. Gray's Anatomy - Target adds 1 to the threat range of all their attacks for 1 round per caster level.

39. Single-Serving Fireball - Same as the Fireball spell, but only affects one target.

34. Atopy - Conjuration, summons a small amount of a substance that the target is violently allergic to. If the target fails their Fortitude save they are Nauseated, if they succeed they are Sickened. Effects last 1 round per two caster levels regardless of saving throw. Only effects living creatures.

30. Summon Pips - (Bard, illusion) Summons 1d4 pips to accompany the Bard in their musical performance. Each pip adds a +2 bonus to the Bard's performance check.

31. Now that I have your attention - Instantly kills the target (no saving throw) and then immediately resurrects them with no penalties except slight disorientation (fort save negates this penalty)

22. Instant Replay - (For prepared spellcasters only) Casting this spell has no effect by itself, but if it is used in the round immediately after the spellcaster has cast a different spell, Instant Replay mimics the exact effects of that spell (so long as it is the same spell level as Instant Replay). Instant Replay cannot mimic the effects of meta-magic feats, but may be prepared at any spell level.

19. Something Positive - Target automatically succeeds at their next roll, as if they'd rolled a natural 20. Does not affect combat rolls.

16. Disruptive Teleportation - Short range teleport that deals 1d4 points of force damage per 2 caster levels to all targets with 20 feet of the casters destination.

Another version of this spell could perhaps knock back/down enemies instead of dealing damage.

14. Bloody Bolt - Evocation, ranged touch attack, deals 1d8 points of damage, but deals 1 point of damage to the caster. The caster can increase the damage of the attack by sacrificing additional hit points, every 2 hit points lost in this fashion increases the damage by 1d8, but the caster cannot sacrifice more hit points than their caster level (this includes the first one lost in the most basic casting of this spell). For every 4 hit points the caster sacrifices, they gain a +1 circumstance bonus on the attack roll made with this spell.

12. Entangling Strands of Delicious Pasta: Low level single target entangle spell, deals a small amount of fire damage (the sauce is really hot!) and the remains are edible, feeding 1 full grown person per caster level.

11. Last Laugh - Cast as a swift action, instantly kills the caster, deals 1d10 damage per caster level (and an additional amount equal to the caster's remaining health when the spell was cast) to all targets within 20ft. Reflex save for half damage.

Or, you could take the Crossbow Mastery feat from Curse of the Crimson Throne (page 10) which allows you to reload any kind of crossbow as a free action, regardless of type. The feat requires a Dex of 15, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, and Rapid Shot, so a Human Fighter who really focuses on Crossbows could get it at 2nd level (it's a Combat Feat to boot!)

As it's written, it looks like they can create potions that other people can't make, such as a potion of True Strike or Shield, (going off the text that states they can make a potion of ANY formula they know) so I'm thinking they already have a 'brew potion' niche that is quite nice.

Don't you have to be 11th level before you can select the Arcane Archivist revelation?

slicertool wrote:
From what I've gathered from reading through the rules, there is no way to backup your familiar in the event you've added scrolls and such to it. Am I missing something? Do you keep a second familiar at your hut and have them sync spells when you're home?

From the looks of it, if you lose your familiar, well, you're pretty much screwed. You get a new one that has the base amount of spells and that's it. Which pretty much sums up why I would hesitate to play the class, because I've had too many DMs that would go straight for my walking spellbook. At least with a Wizard I can have a couple of books and hide one in an extradimensional space.

Razz wrote:
PLEASE change the Inquisitor name to Avenger, I am begging you Paizo! It's much better than Inquisitor.

Yeah, but...

They're just so... inquisitive now!

I'm building a 1st level Summoner to try out in a playtest, and I'm really very excited about it, but I have two questions that I simply can't find the answers to in the main file.

On page 6 you see the following text:

Summoner Playtest wrote:

Evolution Pool: The value given in this column is the total number of points in the eidolon’s evolution pool. Points from this pool can be spent on a wide variety of modifications and upgrades that add new abilities, attacks, and powers to the eidolon. Whenever the summoner gains a level, the number in this pool increases and the summoner can spend these points to change the abilities of the eidolon. These choices are not set. The summoner can change them whenever he gains a level (and through the transmogrify spell).

My question is this: What is the Transmogrify spell and where can I find it? I couldn't find it in the core book and it doesn't appear to be anywhere on the Summoner spell list, either.

My second question is in regards to where I can locate starting cash? I think I saw a thread on that somewhere else, but it is something that bears repeating, I think.

Other than that, I'm really excited about playing a Summoner, I'm really getting into building my Eidolon as well as my character, but the feats are bugging me. I feel like it's required I burn two feats into the (almost) useless Spell Focus (conjuration) and the amazingly useful Augment Summoning. With the changes that Jason has submitted for the Summon Monster class ability, I feel that perhaps giving the Summoner a free Augment Summoning might be a nice trade. That would free the Summoner up for more feat choices to help out the main character's concept.

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