Brakkik's page
249 posts. Organized Play character for Hawthwile.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
If you have an ability that allows you to re-roll something (such as a Hero Point), feel free to use it:
- If you roll the triggering check, immediately after that check in the same post. (Preview and Edit are your friends here!)
- If I roll the triggering check, at the start of your next post (before anything else is rolled).
I am more than happy to retcon things in response to a reroll, so don't hesitate to use them!
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things (such as a single character acting "twice" before another), it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!
Witch's Winter Holiday
Double, double toil and trouble,
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I'll also be rolling Recall Knowledge and other secret checks for players so we don't have to wait for a back-and-forth between player and GM. To that end, I tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent when you take the action to Recall Knowledge or Seek - otherwise, I'll use my best judgment. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. Please fill in your information in the RPG Chronicles sign-up sheet at your earliest convenience. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!

Witch's Winter Holiday
The dusty roads and wave-tossed ships have been left behind, abandoned for forest paths enclosed in boughs of emerald leaves. The air is cool, heavy with the smell of vegetation and rich soil. Birds sing peacefully overhead and wolves howl in the distance.
But this is no walk in the park.
Missive wrote: Agent, I hope this message finds you alive and well. I'm sorry to pull you away from your regular duties like this, but you are needed urgently in Kyonnin. Travel with utmost haste and discretion - the Society is not openly welcome in Iadara. Your safety has been guaranteed to me, but I would still advise against antagonizing the locals by flashing your wayfinders around.
See you soon,
Fola Barun
PS. Eando asked me to remind you to keep your receipts so you can be reimbursed for reasonable travel costs. He also asked me to stress the word reasonable. XD
Feel free to introduce yourselves, tell us about where you're traveling from and how you're getting to Kyonnin, and what sorts of measures you're taking to be discreet. Gameplay will begin in earnest on September 4.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so we don't have to wait for a back-and-forth between player and GM. To that end, I tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgment. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!
Witch's Winter Holiday
The Grand Lodge is always one of the busiest places in the busy city at the center of the world, but today the halls seems even more packed and chaotic than usual. Junior members of the Pathfinder Society and staff hurry back and forth across polished stone floors while senior agents sit in alcoves or retire to private chambers.
Go ahead and introduce your character! Gameplay will begin on March 6th, but we are free to roleplay as we like until then.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage posting tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!
Witch's Winter Holiday
Having made several recent forays into a set of unearthed ruins in the volcanic region of Droskar’s Crag, the Pathfinder Society has uncovered what could be an access point to a lost dwarven city. Agents from across Golarion have been summoned to the site - you among them.
Go ahead and introduce your character here (and feel free to engage in inter-character roleplay), and then hop over to the Discussion thread to let me know more about your character. Gameplay will begin in earnest on Sept. 11th.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. This is especially important during a multi-table special such as this game due to the fact that we are on a timer, and our successes here impact the success of the entire expedition. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible while still striving to not put your character in danger or use limited resources such as spell slots. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to use a Hero Point to reroll one of these checks, please do so as the first thing in your next post and we'll retcon things as needed. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!
Witch's Winter Holiday
You have been summoned to the Woodsedge Lodge in the tumultuous country of Galt. Thankfully, your journey from Absalom to Woodsedge was uneventful and you had plenty of time to get to know your travelling companions.
Feel free to introduce your character and engage in roleplay before the scenario officially begins - or just dot in so this game shows up in your Campaign page!

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. This is especially important during a multi-table special such as this game due to the fact that we are on a timer, and our successes here impact the success of the entire expedition. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so we don't have to wait for a back-and-forth between player and GM. To that end, I tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so we don't have to wait for a back-and-forth between player and GM. To that end, I tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and dot in - actual gameplay will begin next week (around Dec. 28th).
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Witch's Winter Holiday
It will have blood, they say. Blood will have blood.
Stones have been known to move, and trees to speak.
Augurs and understood relations have
By maggot pies and choughs and rooks brought forth
The secret’st man of blood.
- W. Shakespeare

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so we don't have to wait for a back-and-forth between player and GM. To that end, I tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 (+ buff if applicable)
Crit Confirmation: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 (+ buff if applicable)
Crit damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 [ooc](+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
Now, with all that said, we've all agreed to a slow start to this campaign. I'll try to post every other day or so, but things might be slow until one of my GameDay tables finishes. If the pace is becoming problematic for you, let me know either here or via PM so we can figure out a solution.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and (re)introduce your character!
Witch's Winter Holiday
The road to Kaer Maga was long, but the journey uneventful. As the Pathfinders find the Drunken Fool tavern, they have a chance to rest for the evening and share dinner with their companions before the expedition the following day.
This is an excellent opportunity to get to introduce yourself and get to know your fellow adventurers - or reminisce about past adventures together.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so we don't have to wait for a back-and-forth between player and GM. To that end, I tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so we don't have to wait for a back-and-forth between player and GM. To that end, I tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
Since this game is part of a multi-table special, we will be moving at an especially quick pace. One thing I have found very handy in previous scenarios like this is a place for players and GM to communicate rapidly - posting notices of who is up in initiative or asking for a clarification on something. I've used Discord and GoogleHangouts for this before and have a slight preference for Discord, but is there one platform you would prefer over the other? If so, let me know below!
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!
Witch's Winter Holiday
The grounds of the Grand Lodge are abuzz with whispers and nervous energy as countless Pathfinders congregate wherever they can find a bit of room to stand. Rumors abound of what the Decemvirate might have summoned this many agents for, each more outlandish than the next.
As the sun rose, you were directed to find your fellow teammates at the closer end of the Wall of Names, a stone wall that winds through trees and parks with the name of every lost or fallen agent inscribed upon it. This close to Skyreach, the names and dates written on this section are from some of the earliest members of the Society. The sun slowly lifts the chill from the air, replacing it with gentle breezes that carry the faintest hint of autumn.
Go ahead and introduce yourselves, get to know each other, and feel free to indulge in some roleplay before the convention kicks off next week.
Witch's Winter Holiday
The sun shines through the large windows of one of the Grand Lodge's best libraries, illuminating motes of dust that drift idly through the air. It is no surprise that Sorrina Westyr, Master of Spells, would ask you to meet her here - the shelves lining the walls hold books on topic ranging from practical applications of transmution spells to analysis and predictions on rainfall several decades in the future based on astrological signs, as well as everything in between - in short, a perfect place for a wizard. Large comfortable chairs sit scattered around the room, several nestled around small tables or tucked into reading nooks for privacy.
Go ahead and introduce yourselves, get to know each other, and feel free to indulge in some roleplay before the convention kicks off next week.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so we don't have to wait for a back-and-forth between player and GM. To that end, I tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!
Witch's Winter Holiday
The Minstrel's Midwife is probably not the oddest inn in Varisia, but it's certainly within the top five. Garish streams of colored scarves hang from every possible surface, and the air smells strongly of cinnamon and cloves. There's no denying that Madame Zolstra's breakfast pastries are well worth her eccentricities as an innkeep though, and her wife keeps everyone's cups filled well into the night. All in all, an experience every visitor to Korvosa should partake in at least once according to the local tour guides.
In the late morning hours, a group of Pathfinder agents sit on heavily-decorated couches as they finish their breakfast and other daily preparations, and several re-read their letter from Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine detailing their current mission between bites of fruit tarts and yogurt sweetened with honey.
Go ahead and introduce yourself here. We'll kick things off in a few days once everyone's had a chance to check in.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and dot in!

Witch's Winter Holiday
The invitation you received was covered in neat, but meandering handwriting.
Invitation wrote: Esteemed Pathfinder,
I have need of experienced agents for a task of some delicacy - well, delicacy and perhaps a bit of, shall we say, "enthusiastic adventuring" if things don't go according to plan. Not that we really ever have things not go according to plan, but sometimes the plan takes a lot longer to work out, and sometimes the plan is less of a process and more of an afterthought. But remember, it's always important to figure out what you're doing!
Now, where was I?...
(Several doodles of various wine bottles and glasses fill this section)
Oh, that's right! You need to know the plan! Well, if I've tickled your fancy, then meet me at the Lark and Thistle cafe in Absalom tomorrow morning. Just tell the waiter you're there to meet an old friend and ask if he has any books you might enjoy while you wait - he'll know what to do.
Kindly Yours,
- VC Drendle Dreng
Go ahead and introduce yourselves, but we've got almost a month until the convention starts on the 30th. Get to know each other, talk strategy, talk smack, talk business, have fun. Be sure to at least dot in here though so this thread shows up in your Active Campaigns and displays when there are new posts.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
Because this game is part of a multi-table special, we will be operating under a time limit. To avoid situations where a player or GM needs to wait for more information before posting, I have found it very helpful in the past to have some sort of instant-messaging channel for quick questions or clarifications. Google Hangouts is my preferred medium, but I'm open to suggestions. Let me know what you think in your initial post (more directions below).
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and dot in!
Witch's Winter Holiday
The Grand Lodge in Absalom is abuzz with activity - it seems most every active Pathfinder has been summoned, though nobody is quite sure why. You have been asked to gather in one of the private study rooms off the main floor while the Venture-Captains and other leaders prepare for what certainly looks like a monumental undertaking.
Go ahead and introduce yourselves, but we've got almost a month until the convention starts on the 30th. Get to know each other, talk strategy, talk smack, talk business, have fun. Be sure to at least dot in here though so this thread shows up in your Active Campaigns and displays when there are new posts.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Example wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields.
Witch's Winter Holiday
The letter you received was short and simple: Meet me at the Red Herring tackle shop in Oppara the day before the next full moon - GM
Once you have a character decided, go ahead and dot in here. We'll be starting in earnest on Monday.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
I've found it incredibly helpful to have a Google Hangouts or Discord channel during games as part of an online convention with a hard completion date. I can use the channel to alert players to posts, and players can ask quick questions without having to delay their posts while waiting for an answer. Which program would you prefer to use?
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post and fill in the provided fields.
Witch's Winter Holiday
The journey to the steppes of Varisia is long, but the views are almost as breathtaking as the other travelers sharing the roads. At a lonesome wayside inn, the Pathfinders have a chance to rest for the evening and share dinner with their companions before setting out once more the following day.
This is an excellent opportunity to get to introduce yourself and get to know your fellow adventurers. Gameplay will begin in earnest on Aug. 26.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
I've found it incredibly helpful to have a Google Hangouts or Discord channel during games as part of an online convention with a hard completion date. I can use the channel to alert players to posts, and players can ask quick questions without having to delay their posts while waiting for an answer. Which program would you prefer to use?
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post and fill in the provided fields.
Witch's Winter Holiday
The road to Kaer Maga was long, but the journey uneventful. As the Pathfinders find the Drunken Fool tavern, they have a chance to rest for the evening and share dinner with their companions before the expedition the following day.
This is an excellent opportunity to get to introduce yourself and get to know your fellow adventurers. Gameplay will begin in earnest on Aug. 26.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
I've found it incredibly helpful to have a Google Hangouts or Discord channel during fast-paced, time-sensitive games such as multi-table specials. I can use the channel to alert players to posts, and players can ask quick questions without having to delay their posts while waiting for an answer. Which program would you prefer to use?
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post and fill in the provided fields.
Witch's Winter Holiday
Many centuries ago, the legendary sorceress Hao Jin crafted a museum demiplane, ripping locations from across Golarion to add to her personal collection. When she vanished without a trace, the demiplane began falling into disrepair. Ever since the Pathfinder Society gained access to this realm seven years ago, its agents have been gradually exploring the demiplane's wonders, meeting its people, and cataloging its preserved historical relics.
Surely nothing bad is happening now...

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you (when needed) if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters - whenever possible, I will strive to resolve actions inside each block in initiative order. Since there’s not very many of us and we’ll be playing together for quite some time, please discuss amongst yourselves how you can support each other and work together as a team - both in and out of combat. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people preaching about "justice".
Sword of Anger: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 + buff if applicable
Angry damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
Witch's Winter Holiday
Colorful wooden shields and weathered antlers hang upon the deck girdling this rustic public house. Overhead, a sign carved with crenellations bears the name “The Last Stand Tavern” - the letters “L” and “T” formed with painted green-fletched arrows
Inside, a hooded figure sits alone at a table for five. Drunken revelry and sloshy singing easily mask the sound of a small knife being unsheathed and rapidly resheathed repeatedly below the table. Green eyes glare from beneath the hood at a drunk that wanders too close to the secluded alcove, their gaze almost as sharp as the dagger that suddenly appears in her hand before disappearing just as quickly.
"So, we finally meet face to face," she says with a grin. "So tell me, why would you be a better hire than any of those booze-soaked louts over there? I can't afford any... liabilities on this job."

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
Please discuss amongst yourselves here which characters you would like to bring. Once you decide on which character you will be playing, post the following information here:
Player’s Name:
Character’s Name:
PFS #:
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):
Day Job (Please roll now):
Special Notes/Abilities: Please describe anything unusual about your character here, such as “I always deal non-lethal damage and use the Enforcer feat to demoralize as a free action” or “I ride a Huge serpent mount, but it’s got both the Narrow Frame feat and a Belt of the Weasel so it can fit through a 5-ft hallway easily.” This will help both you as a player not have to type the same thing over and over again and me as the GM prepare so the game runs more smoothly.
Please have your entire character sheet available in your character’s profile page and basic statistics next to your name in your posts. Feel free to ask me for more details or assistance.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls (such as some saving throws) to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Please discuss amongst yourselves how you can support each other and work together as a team - both in and out of combat. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
Witch's Winter Holiday
The journey from Absalom to Sargava is mostly uneventful - the most excitement coming from being blown slightly off course by a squall spun off from the Eye of Abendego. Then the walking began to the small town of Fort Bandu, where a contingent of Pathfinders had been summoned regarding the work of one Venture-Captain Nieford Sharrowsmith. The long trip, while taxing, does provide plenty of time for the agents to get to know one another.
What do you do?

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
Please discuss amongst yourselves here which characters you would like to bring. Once you decide on which character you will be playing, post the following information here:
Player’s Name:
Character’s Name:
PFS #:
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):
Day Job (Please roll now):
Special Notes/Abilities: Please describe anything unusual about your character here, such as “I always deal non-lethal damage and use the Enforcer feat to demoralize as a free action” or “I ride a Huge serpent mount, but it’s got both the Narrow Frame feat and a Belt of the Weasel so it can fit through a 5-ft hallway easily.” This will help both you as a player not have to type the same thing over and over again and me as the GM prepare so the game runs more smoothly.
Please have your entire character sheet available in your character’s profile page and basic statistics next to your name in your posts. Feel free to ask me for more details or assistance.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Please discuss amongst yourselves how you can support each other and work together as a team - both in and out of combat. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
Witch's Winter Holiday
The PbP Outpost convention is scheduled to begin on March 11, 2019. If you've signed up for this game, please ninja-dot here.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
Please discuss amongst yourselves here which characters you would like to bring. Once you decide on which character you will be playing, post the following information here:
Player’s Name:
Character’s Name:
PFS #:
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):
Day Job (Please roll now):
Special Notes/Abilities: Please describe anything unusual about your character here, such as “I always deal non-lethal damage and use the Enforcer feat to demoralize as a free action” or “I ride a Huge serpent mount, but it’s got both the Narrow Frame feat and a Belt of the Weasel so it can fit through a 5-ft hallway easily.” This will help both you as a player not have to type the same thing over and over again and me as the GM prepare so the game runs more smoothly.
Please have your entire character sheet available in your character’s profile page and basic statistics next to your name in your posts. Feel free to ask me for more details or assistance.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Please discuss amongst yourselves how you can support each other and work together as a team - both in and out of combat. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
Witch's Winter Holiday
The PbP Outpost convention is scheduled to begin on March 11, 2019. If you've signed up for this game, please ninja-dot here.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
Please discuss amongst yourselves here which characters you would like to bring (check out some mechanics we'll be using on the handouts). Once you decide on which character you will be playing, post the following information here:
Player’s Name:
Character’s Name:
PFS #:
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):
Day Job (Please roll now):
Special Notes/Abilities: Please describe anything unusual about your character here, such as “I always deal non-lethal damage and use the Enforcer feat to demoralize as a free action” or “I ride a Huge serpent mount, but it’s got both the Narrow Frame feat and a Belt of the Weasel so it can fit through a 5-ft hallway easily.” This will help both you as a player not have to type the same thing over and over again and me as the GM prepare so the game runs more smoothly.
Please have your entire character sheet available in your character’s profile page and basic statistics next to your name in your posts. Feel free to ask me for more details or assistance.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Please discuss amongst yourselves how you can support each other and work together as a team - both in and out of combat. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.

Witch's Winter Holiday
Two weeks ago, Osprey showed up at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, his features shadowed by the long cowl of his heavy leather cloak, his unmistakable voice a sullen whisper of both mystery and urgency.
“A grim shadow creeps over Absalom, one that threatens all of us. We know not its source or even its purpose, and need answers to secrets only known to the dead. Your task is one of great importance and urgency. You must retrieve the bones of the ancient mystic Amao from his cairn and bring them to me so our seers can contact his spirit. We need to contact him before these dark forces track his spirit down in the worlds beyond and devour him. Take extra care on this mission, for the Aspis Consortium also dearly desires these bones and their secrets. Amao’s bones rest in a cairn atop a mountain. Go to Cania’s Drop, a small waystation high in the Fog Peaks along the border of Southern Galt. There you will meet with an ex-Pathfinder named Rysam Aklon who will provide you with equipment and directions to Amao’s cairn. You shall hear from me again once you complete your mission, but for now may the gods speed you on your way.”
Now, here in the foothills of a wintery southern Galt, bitter winds blister skin and numbness settles into exposed extremities. While Absalom isn’t known for its sunshine, at least its foggy shores are more favorable than the bone-brittling cold of the Fog Peaks. Before you lies your destination, a mountain waystation run by exiles and recluses.
Take a moment to get to know your fellow Pathfinders as you finish the climb.

Witch's Winter Holiday
Two weeks ago, Osprey showed up at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, his features shadowed by the long cowl of his heavy leather cloak, his unmistakable voice a sullen whisper of both mystery and urgency.
“A grim shadow creeps over Absalom, one that threatens all of us. We know not its source or even its purpose, and need answers to secrets only known to the dead. Your task is one of great importance and urgency. You must retrieve the bones of the ancient mystic Amao from his cairn and bring them to me so our seers can contact his spirit. We need to contact him before these dark forces track his spirit down in the worlds beyond and devour him. Take extra care on this mission, for the Aspis Consortium also dearly desires these bones and their secrets. Amao’s bones rest in a cairn atop a mountain. Go to Cania’s Drop, a small waystation high in the Fog Peaks along the border of Southern Galt. There you will meet with an ex-Pathfinder named Rysam Aklon who will provide you with equipment and directions to Amao’s cairn. You shall hear from me again once you complete your mission, but for now may the gods speed you on your way.”
Now, here in the foothills of a wintery southern Galt, bitter winds blister skin and numbness settles into exposed extremities. While Absalom isn’t known for its sunshine, at least its foggy shores are more favorable than the bone-brittling cold of the Fog Peaks. Before you lies your destination, a mountain waystation run by exiles and recluses.
Take a moment to get to know your fellow Pathfinders as you finish the climb.

Witch's Winter Holiday
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters - whenever possible, I will strive to resolve actions inside each block in initiative order. Since there’s not very many of us and we’ll be playing together for quite some time, please discuss amongst yourselves how you can support each other and work together as a team - both in and out of combat. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
Character Creation Guidelines:
- 20 point stat buy (PFS Standard)
- PFS-legal options always allowed, other options allowed with GM permission (Very likely to say yes, but don’t want to break important parts of the adventure)
- Two traits, optional drawback for third trait (Drawbacks are subject to GM approval - I find ones like Avarice make the game less fun for everyone)
This module starts at level 1 and has the potential to reach level 7 before concluding. It would be beneficial to me as a GM to have at least a rough idea of where each character’s build is heading, so think about the following and let me know as much as possible:
- Background and personality (The module assumes the PCs have worked together - at least briefly - escorting a merchant to the town of Wispil in Taldor)
- Role, both in and out of combat (see this lovely treatise on the subject if you need ideas)
- Starting stats
- Feat progression
- Classes (not really needed for single-class builds, but very helpful to me if you’re thinking to multiclass)
- Primary and Secondary skills (such as a wizard who keeps Spellcraft maxed, but only puts a single rank into Appraise)
With only four players, it would be beneficial to ensure there are no large skills/abilities missing from the party. Discuss ideas amongst yourselves here and we'll get started when everyone is ready.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
Alright, your turn - what kind of character do you want to play?
Witch's Winter Holiday
It was an uneventful journey from Dunholme to Wispil, but Silas Gribb said he wanted extra security for his caravan “just in case”. It became rather apparent why he was worried when he was promptly arrested on charges of smuggling upon entering the small town of Belhaim. As the sheriff and several deputies marched Silas and his caravan south to Cassomir, the extra caravan hands Silas had hired were left un-arrested, but also un-employed and un-paid. Offered free room and board "at least for a few days - give you a chance to get your bearings" at the Wise Piper Inn by its young proprietor Talia Orem, the four companions sit in the common room over supper and discuss their options.

Witch's Winter Holiday
Please discuss amongst yourselves here which characters you would like to bring. Once you decide on which character you will be playing, post the following information here:
Player’s Name:
Character’s Name:
PFS #:
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):
Day Job (Please roll now):
Special Notes/Abilities: Please describe anything unusual about your character here, such as “I always deal non-lethal damage and use the Enforcer feat to demoralize as a free action” or “I ride a Huge serpent mount, but it’s got both the Narrow Frame feat and a Belt of the Weasel so it can fit through a 5-ft hallway easily” or “My archetype lets me use mind-affecting effects against undead.” This will help both you as a player not have to type the same thing over and over again and me as the GM prepare so the game runs more smoothly.
Please have your entire character sheet available in your character’s profile page and basic statistics next to your name in your posts. Feel free to ask me for more details or assistance.
To keep things moving, I will occasionally roll saving throws, Perception checks, and other “reactionary” dice - especially if the results would affect an opponent’s actions. I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Since this is a high-level game, please discuss amongst yourselves how you can support each other and work together as a team - both in and out of combat. I highly encourage tactics such as:
Frontliner wrote: McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done some PFS GMing, but this is my first second third! time doing so in a PbP setting. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
Witch's Winter Holiday
You received a letter from Master of Swords, Marcos Farabellus. In it, he asked you urgently to meet him at a safe house on the outskirts of Merab. When you arrived, an agent disguised as a beggar led you through the urban sprawl of the city to a small estate near the city docks. An estate guard escorted you inside, saying, ”Please wait in the study. Get to know your friends,” before leaving.

Witch's Winter Holiday
Please discuss amongst yourselves here which characters you would like to bring. Once you decide on which character you will be playing, post the following information here:
Player’s Name:
Character’s Name:
PFS #:
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):
Day Job (Please roll now):
Special Notes/Abilities: Please describe anything unusual about your character here, such as “I always deal non-lethal damage and use the Enforcer feat to demoralize as a free action” or “I ride a Huge serpent mount, but it’s got both the Narrow Frame feat and a Belt of the Weasel so it can fit through a 5-ft hallway easily.” This will help both you as a player not have to type the same thing over and over again and me as the GM prepare so the game runs more smoothly.
Please have your entire character sheet available in your character’s profile page and basic statistics next to your name in your posts. Feel free to ask me for more details or assistance.
If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done some GMing, but this is my first second time doing so in a PbP setting. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.