GM Hawthwile |
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so we don't have to wait for a back-and-forth between player and GM. To that end, I tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and introduce your character!
GM Hawthwile |
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS Number:
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):
Day Job (please roll now):
Special Notes/Abilities: Please replace this text with anything unusual about your character here, such as “I always deal non-lethal damage and use the Enforcer feat to demoralize as a free action” or “I ride a Huge serpent mount, but it’s got both the Narrow Frame feat and a Belt of the Weasel so it can fit through a 5-ft hallway easily.” This will help both you as a player not have to type the same thing over and over again and me as the GM prepare so the game runs more smoothly.
MacDermot Sammakko |
Player Name: Steven
Character Name: MacDermot Sammakko
PFS Number: 3217-35
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): N
Day Job (please roll now): Perform (Trumpet): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Special Notes/Abilities: Just a simple Grippli Bard I played at PaizoCon one day. He'll inspire the Pathfinders to new heights and not much else. Tagline should be updated by tomorrow.
Genryl Vinebrewer |
Player Name: Sedoriku
Character Name: Genryl Vinebrewer
PFS Number: 108507-07
Faction: Grand Lodge
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): N
Day Job (please roll now): Profession (Sommelier): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Special Notes/Abilities: Two major things: First Genryl is an oread, but he doesn't know that and predominantly looks like a mix between a human and dwarf, as he has the mostly human racial trait and the dwarf-blooded oread feat.
Second, Genryl has the varisian pilgrim archetype and can use his domain powers on people he's marked as part of his caravan within 30 feet as though they were himself. He can give 1 round long enlarge effects as a swift action if anyone is wanting to hit hard for a round. He can also give endure elements for 2 hours from a distance, but that's not likely to come up outside of rare cases.
One final thing though, Genryl has a harrow deck. None of his class features are based on it yet, but would simulating a deck via dice rolls be acceptable? I know PFS frowns heavily on this during in person play (where using a physical deck is a possibility), but online it's harder to do properly. I have a physical deck (as it's needed to use the archetype) and can pull cards in person instead if that works. Mostly at this level it's for the roleplay value of it (used as the group prayer aspect needed for caravan bond to work.)
Sälpä |
Player Name: Jukka
Character Name: Sälpä / Spar
PFS Number: 1724-18
Faction: The Concordance
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): N
Day Job (please roll now): no
Special Notes/Abilities: Spar (the name in the system is Sälpä, but he's named after the mineral) is an oread. He's an elementalist shifter so what he does in combat is use a swift action for elemental strike and then hit things with his acid-dripping scimitar. Notably, he also has Charisma 5, so while he has the physique of The Rock, he has the personality of a rock.
Eranahu |
Player Name: Mahuffma
Character Name: Eranahu
PFS Number:340520-6
Faction: The Concordance
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): N
Day Job (please roll now): Craft (bow): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Special Notes/Abilities: Using Erastil's Blessing, Eranahu uses his wisdom bonus in place of his dex for his bow attacks. He can also use Bull's eye shot as a Move action for +4 Attack with longbow. Finally, he can sue Deadeye Bowman ignore soft cover from one character when shooting.
Zornesk Dragonscale |
Player Name: qstor
Character Name: Zornesk Dragonscale
PFS Number: 2072-57
Faction: Silver Crusade
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): N
Day Job (please roll now): n/a
Special notes: kobold boon.
Khabash |
Player Name: John Woodford
Character Name: Khabash
PFS Number: 67750-8
Faction: Scarab Sages*
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): Y
Day Job (Crafting-Alchemy): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
*It's been a while since I've played Khabash. If Scarab Sages won't work, use Dark Archive.
Special Notes/Abilities: As I said, I haven't played this character for a few years, so it may take some time to get his voice. For tactics, he prefers to stay in the back of the party and throw bombs. When exploring, though, he has the Trap Spotter rogue talent, and prefers to be near the front of the party.
GM Hawthwile |
It’s a quest, so as far as I understand it’s replayable any number of times for lvl 1 characters. Granted, Zornesk is lvl 2 - but is he your first lvl 2+ character to play this scenario?
Zornesk Dragonscale |
It’s a quest, so as far as I understand it’s replayable any number of times for lvl 1 characters. Granted, Zornesk is lvl 2 - but is he your first lvl 2+ character to play this scenario?
I have to check but I think so.
Genryl Vinebrewer |
According to the ability description in that thread, it's personal only. How do you have it affecting someone else?
To keep from clogging the gameplay thread, Genryl has the Varisian pilgrim archetype, that allows him to declare people as part of his caravan and then use domain abilities anyone in his caravan within 30' as if they were himself.
At 1st level, by leading a group prayer for 1 minute, a Varisian pilgrim can select a number of traveling companions equal to her cleric level + her Wisdom bonus. She may use her domain-granted powers on any of these traveling companions as if they were her. She can use these abilities on her traveling companions at a range of up to 30 feet, even if the ability normally requires her touch. This ability replaces the cleric’s proficiency with medium armor and shields— she retains proficiency with light armor only.
This might also be another point in the favor of the 'can enlarge Spar' argument, the 'as if they were her' aspect might mean that it uses Genryl's types (humanoid (human) and outsider (native)) instead of the target's types.
Genryl Vinebrewer |
Sorry to be gone for so long! Ran into a patch of bad sleep and feeling uninspired to psot things! I'll be staying on top of this better from here on!
GM Hawthwile |
Heads up - I'm in a convention this weekend, so my posting will be spotty at best until Monday.
Also, who all is going to be busy next week for GenCon?
Genryl Vinebrewer |
I'll be slightly busy but not too much to post... hopefully?
Zornesk Dragonscale |
Heads up - I'm in a convention this weekend, so my posting will be spotty at best until Monday.
Also, who all is going to be busy next week for GenCon?
Sälpä |
Looks like I'll be doing both Gen Con and the New Zealand Worldcon simultaneously.
This will be interesting.
GM Hawthwile |
I'm not expecting folks to be posting regularly this week, so don't be alarmed if things slow down significantly. Have fun with whatever you're up to this week!
GM Hawthwile |
We have one more quest to go for this scenario, so I feel quite confident we'll be done in time for these characters to participate in Gameday IX. That being said, do let me know if you would like me to streamline things a bit and push the action along.
Zornesk Dragonscale |
We have one more quest to go for this scenario, so I feel quite confident we'll be done in time for these characters to participate in Gameday IX. That being said, do let me know if you would like me to streamline things a bit and push the action along.
I'm happy at the current pace. You've been doing great.
GM Hawthwile |
Is everyone doing alright? Haven't seen posts from most folks since last week.
GM Hawthwile |
If anyone has rerolls they would like to use on Day Job checks, now is the time to do so. Please take a moment to review your reporting information as well and ensure it is accurate.
GM Hawthwile |
Alright, chronicle sheets can be found here! Check yours out and let me know if it needs any corrections. I'll leave this thread open for the rest of the week so folks can download their sheets before marking it inactive over the weekend.
Additionally, I'm always hoping to improve my GMing and would love your feedback (either here or via PM). What worked well for you? What was frustrating? What was fun? What was boring?
Thanks for playing, and hopefully we'll see each other around the forums again sometime!
Khabash |
GM H, I had a question about the chronicle. As I read the rewards, we only get 400 gp--the monetary rewards aren't cumulative. Could you clarify that?
MacDermot Sammakko |
If I recall correctly the gold chart got misprinted.
Edit: Correct table is posted in the GM discussion.
GM Hawthwile |
MacDermot is correct - the gold you received on the sheet as a lvl 2 character is accurate. If you would prefer a reprint of the corrected sheet, I can do that.
Genryl Vinebrewer |
Thanks for running this and the great game everyone!