Gameday VIII - PFS #10-14 Debt to the Quah - GM Hawthwile (Inactive)

Game Master Hawthwile

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Witch's Winter Holiday

The journey to the steppes of Varisia is long, but the views are almost as breathtaking as the other travelers sharing the roads. At a lonesome wayside inn, the Pathfinders have a chance to rest for the evening and share dinner with their companions before setting out once more the following day.

This is an excellent opportunity to get to introduce yourself and get to know your fellow adventurers. Gameplay will begin in earnest on Aug. 26.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (plumekith) Inquisitor 5/Evangelist 1 | AC 19/14/15 | HP 44/44 | CMD 19 | F +7, R +8, W +9 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity 7
AC 22/15/17 (24/17/19) | HP 37/37 | CMD 23 | F +6, R +9, W +2 | Perc +5
Bull Aspect

A tall woman, green-skinned and feathered, stands out like a sore thumb or just about any other Pathfinder. She wears camouflage over simple armor, and carries all manner of tools. Chief among them is a massive bow. At the moment, a leopard gambols about under her seat. If the inn's management initially balked at its presence, she glares menacingly at them. Failing that, she forked over however much they wanted to let her pet inside.

Even as the group talks, she doesn't speak volumes. Most of her speech is calculated responses, in a light voice that contrasts with her etched face. The rest is tossed in between other peoples' questions or conversation. "Good to meet you all. I'm Melea, and this is Galilah. I've been a Pathfinder for some time, it's second only to my commitments with Old Deadeye. Being closer to home is refreshing, I must say. Grew up in a village not far from Kaer Maga. Not within arrow's flight of here, but the area feels the same."

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) 7 | HP: 80/80 | AC 28 (T 11, FF 28) | CMB: 1 CMD: 11 | F:7 R:1 W:5 | Init -17 | Perc: 9 SM: 0 | Speed 15 ft. | Active Effects:

A short, plump gnome waddles into the room, clearly in armor she doesn't know how to use. She gently sets her tower shield down near the front door before asking for help from Melea in removing her full plate. As the final piece of full plate finally falls to the floor, Azra's golden dress billows in the light breeze from the nearby door.

"Muuuuuuch better! Thanks!" she squeaks as she wanders over to a table, needing to try a few times before finally jumping high enough to get in the chair. She then takes one final leap to make it up onto the table, and sits on the edge before grabbing a roll. "Varisia is always so much FUN! So many things to see! So many things to do! Sooooo many worshippers of Sarenrae. It makes my bones all happy inside!"

With that, she lays down clumsily on the table, forgetting about the porridge right under her head, coating herself in the sticky slop.

The Concordance

Male LN Aphorite Sword Binder Wizard 5 Fighter 1 Eldritch Knight 1| HP60/60 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 17 | Fort 8 Ref 2 Will 7 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +2| Conditions:
Prepared Spells:

Melea may stand out from everyone for her green skin and feathers, but she has competition with a tall silver skinned man whose eyes glow a bronze yellow. He carries a spellbook he keeps referring to, as well as a large sword that looks like it takes a great amount of effort to wield. Unlike the Aasimar, however, it appears this strange man has no volume control at times.

"Greetings, short non-human and green non-human! I have come to learn about your cultures and integrate myself! I am Grandblade of Axis."

Grandblade watches the porridge pour onto Azra. "How unfortunate! Allow me to help clean you up!" Grandblade then conjures a small amount of magic to start pealing the porridge off of the gnome. He either doesn't care about the odd looks he is getting, or is completely oblivious to them.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (plumekith) Inquisitor 5/Evangelist 1 | AC 19/14/15 | HP 44/44 | CMD 19 | F +7, R +8, W +9 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity 7
AC 22/15/17 (24/17/19) | HP 37/37 | CMD 23 | F +6, R +9, W +2 | Perc +5
Bull Aspect

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 11 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 11 + 4 = 33

Melea nods warmly in greeting to Azra, helping the gnome remove her armor. She isn't quite sure what more to say besides agreements. She's confused and a touch relieved at the porridge incident and Grandblade's subsequent arrival.

"Hello, Grandblade. You' aphorite? Admittedly, I've only heard vague stories. You are in a good spot to pick up cultures, in Varisia and the Society both."

The Concordance

Male LN Aphorite Sword Binder Wizard 5 Fighter 1 Eldritch Knight 1| HP60/60 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 17 | Fort 8 Ref 2 Will 7 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +2| Conditions:
Prepared Spells:

"Indeed I am! I hail from the plane of Axis, where law is all we know. Thus I am on a journey from my home to learn more of the ways of the mortal races on Golarion. It is most astounding!"

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

A self-assured ratfolk in a noble's outfit strides into the room with aplomb. While his attire and accoutrements are impeccable, what fur that is visible appears to be very mangy, with bare patches of mottled skin here and there. He carries a pair of rapiers, a haversack and a couple of bandoliers with various bottles, flasks and wands dangling from them. He twirls his whiskers before sweeping off his overlarge hat with an axebeak feather and offering a courtly bow.

"What a fine day to meet fellow pathfinders seeking adventure, on the path to righting wrongs and thwarting evil-doers of all sorts. I am Nicodemus, escapee from NIMH, and I am ever-humbly at your service. Hopefully your talents are as sharp as my blades and my wits." With an almost invisible flick of his wrist, a gold piece appears in his hand. He tosses it to the Innkeeper. "My good 'keep, a bottle of your finest wine for me and my friends. And please do make certain the glasses are clean, if you'd be so kind."

Before seating himself at the table, he nods to the leopard and, with a twinkle in his eye, asks the aasimar, "She is house-trained, I presume? And not overly fond of eating rats?" With a chuckle he sits down and finally seems to take in the group he is with. "What a fine motley crew we make. This seems a wonderful start, wouldn't you say, my good gnome? Always nice to have a few longshanks on hand to stand out when under fire..."

With all the foofaraw of Nicodemus' entrance, you hardly notice the large Ulfen man who slipped in after the ratfolk. The surly brute takes station at Nicodemus' back, glowering at anyone who looks harshly at the investigator.

Nicodemus notices the glances the party steals at the Ulfen. "That's just Patsy. Pay him no mind. He's just my bodyguard. One can't be too careful these days."

Swashtigator: rapiers, parry&riposte, self-buffs, and skills, including social skills--other than disguise. Patsy is just a bodyguard Follower who potentially helps v critical hits and/or sneak damage. Non-statted NPC

The Exchange

f Picture of Filicitas Felicitas Aurora, Aasimar (Azata-Touched), varisian mother. Bard 5/Inspired Blade 1
AC 18/T13/FF14 HP 33/35 F+4 R+10 W+5 Init +5 SM +14 /Perception +4

Felicitas Aurora is a young woman, about 5`4`` with maybe 120 pounds. Her heritage is not so obvious, as she it only shows in the silver orbs she has for eyes. She has long platinum blond hair, usually braided in a thick lush braid. In private or on the stage she wears long flowing dresses, either in golden or emerald green.
But if she on a mission, she wears a well made explorers outfit of leather shirt, leather vest and soft boots and gloves of deerskin, dyed in emerald green with a matching osirion linnen tunic in soft colours, together with a light mithral Shirt and her trusted mithral rapier she named witty repartee on her side.
He voice is pure honey and her songs can make stones weep.

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) 7 | HP: 80/80 | AC 28 (T 11, FF 28) | CMB: 1 CMD: 11 | F:7 R:1 W:5 | Init -17 | Perc: 9 SM: 0 | Speed 15 ft. | Active Effects:

"The less people try to stab me, the better off everyone else will be, yessirree misster...umm...Neko!" Azra quickly puts her hands up on her head like cat ears, waiting for others to catch on to her joke with a much-too-obvious smile.

The Concordance

Male LN Aphorite Sword Binder Wizard 5 Fighter 1 Eldritch Knight 1| HP60/60 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 17 | Fort 8 Ref 2 Will 7 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +2| Conditions:
Prepared Spells:

Oh boy.

"Greetings, Nicodemus. What secrets of Nimh do you bring?"

Witch's Winter Holiday

The lull in conversation is interrupted by a stout dwarven man. ”’Ere’s yer bread,” he says cheerfully as he sets down a basket of small loaves fresh from the oven. ”You want somthin’ t’ drink, you come see me at the bar.” He ambles off to another table, the smell of wheat and butter hanging in his wake.

Sovereign Court

Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

"Hopefully, there's no beard in this bread, eh?" Nicodemus waggles his mangy eyebrows meaningfully while nodding at the retreating dwarf innkeeper.

"As for NIMH, my good aphorite, we probably do not have the time to enumerate their many crimes, and that's just what they did to me. My fine sable coat, forever ruined. The dastardly arcanists of the Technic League 'recruited' me to become their tool, and by recruited, I mean employed the ol' pressgang. While they could entrap me within the Numerian Institute of Magical Health, they could not make me do their bidding. I eventually escaped. And once I rally all the nations of the Inner Sea, we will expunge the Black Sovereign and his Technic League once and for all. But...perhaps that's a matter for another time."

Witch's Winter Holiday

Well, that's what I get for kicking off things without having the scenario in front of me. Turns out we're still in Absalom for the time being. Oh well!

Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin paces in front of a small table in this meeting room in the Grand Lodge. In front of him on the table is a packet of parchments.

“Pathfinders, a rather concerning development has come to light. I have received a summons requesting Pathfinder presence at a meeting of the Shoanti quahs. The impetus for this request is troubling, to say the least.

“About one year ago, a Pathfinder named Lumketul Simset returned to the Grand Lodge with notes on a rather exciting discovery: a Thassilonian ruin, tucked in a remote area in the Iron Peaks in Varisia. He also returned with several artifacts, which we took in for further study. Lumketul’s notes were the basis of a tale published in the Pathfinder Chronicles shortly thereafter, which has become rather popular among those endeavoring to uncover new Thassilonian discoveries.

“However, I recently received a message from Cousin to All, an ally from the Shriikirri-Quah. Shadde-Quah traders came across a copy of the Pathfinder Chronicles. Upon reading Lumketul’s entry, they realized that he was speaking not of a Thassilonian ruin, but of a sacred Shoanti burial site known as the Muschkal Sepulcher. Shadde-Quah leadership contacted the Skoan-Quah, which sent out their boneslayers to confirm the reports. Turns out - unfortunately for all parties - Lumketul did in fact damage and plunder the sepulcher.”

Ambrus rubs his temples with one hand, then continues. “Our relations with the quahs have already been somewhat strained, although friendlier than their other connections with outsiders. Fortunately for us, we have some history of goodwill with the Shoanti, so Cousin to All was able to convince the other quahs to send representatives to hear our side of the story. Unfortunately for us, our side of the story is still bad. Lumketul showed no regard or respect in his blind pursuit of discovery, and frankly, the Society doesn’t have much grounds to deserve forgiveness. The Muschkal Sepulcher is an important location for all the quahs, and Lumketul’s disregard has cast the Society as a whole in a bad light. We’ve tried contacting Lumketul, but he has cut contact with the Society, and no one in the Society has heard from him in over a year. This is where you come in. I would like for all of you to travel to the meeting of the council members and represent the Society. I believe excuses will not be received well; rather, please petition the council with utmost earnestness and sincerity.”

Ambrus pushes the packet of parchments across the table. “I’ve had Lumketul’s notes on his expedition dug up in the hopes they’d be of some use. I’ve also included a copy of his Chronicle publication, although his embellishments and obfuscation of truth may have rendered it useless; nevertheless, maybe you’ll glean some helpful information from it.” Ambrus then reaches down beside him and pulls up a large satchel and an egg-shaped rock that emits a warm, red glow. “The bag contains the items Lumketul plundered from the burial site. At the very least, we must return the items to the Shoanti, and I request you try to convince the council to allow you to restore the sepulcher to its proper state. As for the stone, if you touch it to a broken object, it will gradually repair it. It won’t last forever, but it should have enough magic left in it for this mission.” The venture-captain pauses for emphasis. “It’s important to the Society to develop further relations with the quahs, so this could be an opportunity to show that we can be trusted.”

Notes can be found here.

The bag the venture-captain passes is larger on the inside, containing four carved wooden weapons mounted on simple bases (a bolas, a bow, an earth break, and a klar), as well as a small stone statue of a wolf cub and a ring stylized as a scarab beetle.

Diplomacy (gather information) or Knowledge (local) DC 15+:
The fierce Shoanti are spread throughout the Storval Plateau in northern Varisia, where they eke out a living in harsh, inhospitable conditions.

DC 20+

The Shoanti formerly inhabited much of southern Varisia, until they were forced northward into the Storval Plateau after bloody conflicts with Chelaxian colonists. This violent history has led to many Shoanti being mistrustful of outsiders.

DC 25+

Despite seeming xenophobic, Shoanti are not completely closed off. Many outsiders have been known to join their ranks, but only after a history of demonstrating loyalty to their clan and dedication to its principles.

Ambrus crosses his arms, a sign the experienced Pathfinder agents recognize to be a silent invitation for questions.

What do you do?

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (plumekith) Inquisitor 5/Evangelist 1 | AC 19/14/15 | HP 44/44 | CMD 19 | F +7, R +8, W +9 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity 7
AC 22/15/17 (24/17/19) | HP 37/37 | CMD 23 | F +6, R +9, W +2 | Perc +5
Bull Aspect

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Starting off good!

Melea nods pensively. "Shoanti crossed through my village from time to time. I believe they were mostly Shundar-Quah, the arbiters between clans. Rough around the edges, as one must be in such areas. But their shells could be cracked by those willing to be friendly, fraternize."

"What are the weapons for?" Having skimmed the notes, the aasimar now looks to the bag of items. "Ritual combat, our invitation, a show of goodwill?"

"I take it Lumketul won't be joining us. That complicates matters. I doubt he'd be attacked on sight, so it would only make matters better were he to show up in his own defense."

Silver Crusade

Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

"...because everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves. We are mortals so we make mistakes but one mistake shouldn't doom a person," the dwarf says, to no one in particular as he enters the room.

He listens briefly to that same no one for a few seconds. "We'll pick this up later. We need to listen to Venture-Captain Valsin, now."

A pause.

"I'm not. I'm not. No, we both know we're not going to get to the bottom of this right now and we can't put everything on hold while we talk it out."

Another pause.

"No I don't. Sometimes things come up while I'm making a point or when I'm not finished talking and we have to deal with it."

A pause.

"Thank you."

Finally, the dwarf turns his full attention to those in the room, nodding politely to those gathered. takes only a few moments to realize he's not a dwarf after all. Though he has the stocky build and blocky features, his skin is a smooth gray that looks like he is a living statue. And, of course, no male dwarf would walk around without a beard like this man does. In fact, he has no hair at all, the top of his head as bald as his chin and even his eyebrows just rocky ridges.

Despite his craggy appearance, he is wearing a bright mantle marked with the symbol and colors of Sarenrae. There is the glint of chainmail under his sturdy explorer's clothing.

He listens intently to the briefing then looks over the notes, literally cringing at the disrespect.

"It is fortunately Lumketul is not here. After reading his cavalier attitude toward the final rest of the dead, I might attack him on sight. My ancestors have made it their life's work to honor the dead."

He listens to that voice no one else can hear again, the smiles wryly. "Touche. You're right. He should be given a chance at redemption, just like everyone else."

Sovereign Court

Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

"My good Venture Captain, what can you tell us about Cousin to All, our ally from the Shriikirri-Quah?

"And for that matter, what can you tell us about the Shriikirri-Quah, the Shadde-Quah, and the Skoan-Quah, not to mention any other quahs that might be at this meeting? Do we know anything about the leaders of these quah? Or quahs? Or quahi? What is the plural of quah anyway?"

"Nevermind. More importantly, do we have any other records or information on the Muschkal Sepulcher, or similar places holy to the Shaonti? What are the proper burial rites?"

The Concordance

Male LN Aphorite Sword Binder Wizard 5 Fighter 1 Eldritch Knight 1| HP60/60 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 17 | Fort 8 Ref 2 Will 7 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +2| Conditions:
Prepared Spells:

"Most unfortunate circumstances. I shall remain on my best behavior!" Grandblade chimes in. "Has Lumketul ever been known to not follow the guidelines of the Pathfinder Society?"

The Exchange

f Picture of Filicitas Felicitas Aurora, Aasimar (Azata-Touched), varisian mother. Bard 5/Inspired Blade 1
AC 18/T13/FF14 HP 33/35 F+4 R+10 W+5 Init +5 SM +14 /Perception +4

Felicitas smiles at the Captain and bows.
"In any case, you have indeed picked the right persons for such a diplomatic mission. I can assure you, that this will be of utmost importance to us!"

Witch's Winter Holiday
Melea Shemroe wrote:
"What are the weapons for?" Having skimmed the notes, the aasimar now looks to the bag of items. "Ritual combat, our invitation, a show of goodwill?"

Ambrus shakes his head. "They seem to be of importanceto some Shoanti burial traditions, but not any I'm familiar with. Perhaps these are specially designed for whoever the sepulcher is dedicated to?"

Melea Shemroe wrote:
"I take it Lumketul won't be joining us. That complicates matters. I doubt he'd be attacked on sight, so it would only make matters better were he to show up in his own defense."
Grandblade wrote:
"Has Lumketul ever been known to not follow the guidelines of the Pathfinder Society?"

"Lumketul hasn't been part of the Pathfinder Society for a year," Ambrus says with a scowl. "Sometimes agents decide to leave the Pathfinder Society for a variety of reasons. They may tire of the work, they might decide to lay down roots, or they might have family matters to attend to. The Society doesn't go nosing around and interfering in the lives of agents who make that choice - though later we may make an exception in Lumketul's case, given these developments. We've tried using divination magic to track him down. All we learned is that he's on a boat somewhere, sailing on the open sea."

Nicodemus of NIMH wrote:
"My good Venture Captain, what can you tell us about Cousin to All, our ally from the Shriikirri-Quah? And for that matter, what can you tell us about the Shriikirri-Quah, the Shadde-Quah, and the Skoan-Quah, not to mention any other quahs that might be at this meeting? Do we know anything about the leaders of these quah? Or quahs? Or quahi? What is the plural of quah anyway?"

Ambrus explains what he knows of the Quahs. I'll write it out later for ease of reference when it's relevant.

"Now, I've hired a local wizard - Jia - to teleport you to the Storval Stairs when you're ready to depart. He'll wait for you to complete your mission so you can return back." Ambrus rises to his feet. "And if you don't have any other questions or nonsense, it's time for you to skedaddle."

What do you do?

Silver Crusade

Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

Bielsi tilts his head to the side, frowning. "Excuse me, Venture Captain but asking questions, isn't nonsense. It's important for mission success. That being said...I have no further questions."

Thus, he skedaddles.

The Concordance

Male LN Aphorite Sword Binder Wizard 5 Fighter 1 Eldritch Knight 1| HP60/60 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 17 | Fort 8 Ref 2 Will 7 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +2| Conditions:
Prepared Spells:
GM Hawthwile wrote:
Where do you do?

Grandblade will do by getting a copy of the aforementioned chronicle, thus allowing him to do some extended research on this Lumketul person while travelling.

Sovereign Court

Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

Nicodemus springs to his feet. "What an excellent start to another grand adventure. I can't wait to be teleported. Shall we, my friends?"

bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

DC:9 Sense Motive:
Clearly Nicodemus is none too thrilled at the notion of being teleported, but he's putting on a brave face.

The Exchange

f Picture of Filicitas Felicitas Aurora, Aasimar (Azata-Touched), varisian mother. Bard 5/Inspired Blade 1
AC 18/T13/FF14 HP 33/35 F+4 R+10 W+5 Init +5 SM +14 /Perception +4

Smiling the Aasimar bard nods to the others.
"This is my first teleport. I am sooo curious."

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (plumekith) Inquisitor 5/Evangelist 1 | AC 19/14/15 | HP 44/44 | CMD 19 | F +7, R +8, W +9 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity 7
AC 22/15/17 (24/17/19) | HP 37/37 | CMD 23 | F +6, R +9, W +2 | Perc +5
Bull Aspect

"I suppose if we must make haste, it's worth the expense and frivolity. Though I can admit to some idle curiosity."

Witch's Winter Holiday

Grandblade, there is a copy of the Pathfinder Chronicle of interest on the table already. An excerpt of relevance can be found in the Handouts slides.

As Ambrus strides from the room, an elderly wizard hobbles in to replace the venture-captain. "Now then," he says shakily, "are we all here? All ready to trave- Whoops, there we go!" The Pathfinders are blinded by a sudden flash of light. As their sight clears, they spy an incredibly large staircase hewn from the cliff into steps taller than most people.

"Ah... Um... Those would be the Storval Stairs, I assume," Jia wheezes. "I'll just... um... stay here for a bit then." He pulls out a pipe, stuffs it full of dried leaves, lights it with a snap of his fingers, takes a few puffs, and sighs deeply. "Aaaahhhh, much better. Now, you young whippersnappers run along and play with the other children." He waves a hand at two Shoanti warriors approaching the Pathfinders.

"Hail! You must be the Pathfinders. Cousin to All said you would be coming, and that we should take you to her. This way." They lead the group down a path that winds into the earth beneath the Storval Stairs and opens into an expansive cavern, chatter echoing off the striated rock walls. Smaller passages branch from the main chamber, winding deeper underground. The space is filed with people grouped in small clusters engaged in quiet discussion.

Waiting near the entrance to the cavern are two Shoanti. One of them, a half-elf with a prominent facial tattoo resembling a styled hawk, approaches. “Be welcome, my cousins. I am Cousin to All. Good to see you well. It seems the others are open to hearing your case, considering that they showed up, so I believe it’s possible for a good outcome today.”

The other Shoanti, a shorter human man, approaches the Pathfinders. “I am Rollicks in Waves of the Shadde-Quah. Many thanks to the Society for their past help. I see this situation as the actions of a rogue agent. I’ve seen what good the Society can do, so this seems like one individual’s mistake to me. You’ve got a ‘yes’ vote from me. With mine and Cousin to All’s votes, you’ll need to convince two of the others to vote for you as well - majority wins.”

Cousin to All nods. “I think it would be best to get as many of the other councilors on board as possible. Having the quahs unified is in the best interest of not only each individual clan, but to the Shoanti as a whole. Opening them up to further alliances with the Society would benefit both sides, and hopefully lead to the other Shoanti becoming more receptive to interacting with the outside world, which I believe would be a massive boon for our people. The meeting begins immediately.” She walks to the center of the room and calls loudly, her voice carrying far in the bare stone cavern.

The councilmembers walk up the sloping stone ramp to a rise featuring a row of wooden benches. Cousin to All and Rollicks in Waves take their seats toward the left side of the platform, and a councilor with a rune pattern on her face formed with tattoo and scar takes a wide-stance seat, idly spinning a greatsword. A slight figure with hood drawn sits cross-legged and hunched, eyes downward. Another councilor sits forward on her bench, a vulture perched next to her. A long-haired man clad in a robe takes his place, waiting attentively. The last councilor stands near his bench, arms crossed and with a cold glare, auroch hood around his shoulders.

Cousin to All begins. “Thank you, all, for honoring my request and being here today. I understand that this is a situation of the utmost sensitivity, so I appreciate everyone’s continued civility as we discuss this matter.

“As you all know, a Pathfinder Society agent has desecrated the Muschkal Sepulcher - a severe offense. However, the Society would like to right their wrongs. They have sent these representatives to present their case to you, esteemed representatives, on how they would like to repair our bonds and fix this problem.”

The man in the auroch cloak hardens his glare. “What bonds do we have to repair? These tshameks deserve no such opportunity and no forgiveness. This is a Shoanti problem that only the Shoanti can fix, as we always have.”

“At least hear them out, Kemchet Flame Stoker,” Cousin to All bristles. “I understand your frustrations with this situation - believe me, I have some of my own - but the Pathfinder Society wants to make things right. I feel it only fair to allow them that chance.” Flame Stoker scoffs but speaks no further.

The hooded figure looks around the room as everyone speaks. They look almost as if they will speak, but they remain silent, instead studying each person.

The vulture and its owner stare at each Pathfinder in turn before the latter speaks. “The boneslayers reported extensive damage and missing relics from the sepulcher. This site is of the utmost importance to our history, built up over hundreds of years. That legacy can’t be repaired in a day.”

The woman with the greatsword sneers. “They certainly don’t look like much. How could we trust their ability to fix things?” She clangs her sword off the rock platform for emphasis.

Rollicks in Waves shoots a look at her and retorts, “The Society is more capable than you think, Payah Against the Wind. Do at least give them a chance to prove that.”

The long-haired man speaks up. “This has been a most troubling development. I want to hear what these Pathfinders have to say. My only request is that the quahs reach a mutual understanding and maintain a mutual respect on this matter, even if our opinions on the best course of action differ. We must remain unified, even in our disagreements.”

“Certainly a worthy goal, Lake at Dawn. I trust everyone to strive toward that,” Cousin to All remarks. “So, Pathfinders, please approach and state your case. How are you going to undo your misdeeds? How will you settle the Society’s debt?”

What do you do?

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (plumekith) Inquisitor 5/Evangelist 1 | AC 19/14/15 | HP 44/44 | CMD 19 | F +7, R +8, W +9 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity 7
AC 22/15/17 (24/17/19) | HP 37/37 | CMD 23 | F +6, R +9, W +2 | Perc +5
Bull Aspect

Melea clears her throat, Galilah settling in on an unoccupied stretch of bench. The leopard warily eyes the vulture. "Thank you for this audience. I am Melea Shemroe, and I come from a town not 20 miles from here. In my opinion our grand strategy on the matter isn't yet finalized. It would need review and agreement by our leaders, the Decimvirate. We are but emissaries. But I can give you what I take to be a good approach.

"For example, we are striving to reach a working to relationship with all quahs. It is meant to be an equal one, in which both parties help each other as able. Perhaps that alliance can begin slanted in your direction, eventually evening out. This means we would give extra attention to matters you asked the Society to assist in, for a time. Obviously, the issue we are here to resolve today would be first. Now, to address that issue." The aasimar sets the bag of weapons and other keepsakes down on a bench. "Of course, these are rightfully yours."

"We will need further information on what you would see done about it. But let me assume you wish for repairs to the Muschkal Sepulcher, a trial as your people would have it for the perpetrator, and the Society's indebtment. Fixing the holy site would likely be better suited to the Shoanti. You know much more about them. However, we could help as you saw fit, and our resources would be yours in the effort. Likewise, apprehending the vandal would be easier for us Pathfinders. But you could chip in if desired or possible.

"The Society's aid takes many forms. Beyond a budding alliance, our debt could be in favors, something less material, or money - apologies, I don't mean to imply gold can gloss over our wrongdoing, nor do I know to what extent you use it. But we have many ways of settling debt. Again, my thanks. Perhaps my companions have more ideas?"

Silver Crusade

Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

I should have put on my courtly clothes, Bielsi thinks as he finds himself rapidly pushed along to the actual council chamber and surrounded by those who are going to judge him and the Society, in general.

"I bid you greetings. I am Bielsi, Knight of Taldor and Pathfinder Agent. Though one of our agents has done wrong and that cannot be denied, we petition for the right to right that wrong as best we can. Whether that improves our relations with the Quahs or not is of less import than undoing as much damage as we can in dishonoring the dead," he says.

"We know what has happened cannot be fully repaired but many of us have had experience in tombs, in fact, I was raised by tomb guardians and we only ask the chance to try. We have brought back the artifacts that we have recovered to be returned to you, if not the tomb, itself," he continues.

He turns his attention to Payah Against the Wind, finally. "Do not underestimate us. Others have to their regret. We have faced monsters, demons, undead, even creatures who portrayed themselves as gods and we remain why they do not."

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) 7 | HP: 80/80 | AC 28 (T 11, FF 28) | CMB: 1 CMD: 11 | F:7 R:1 W:5 | Init -17 | Perc: 9 SM: 0 | Speed 15 ft. | Active Effects:

Azra officially has a Cockney accent. You've been warned.

Azra quickly glammers her full plate into a nice looking, purple-flowered dress. She follows the others with sincerity:
"Good evenin'! Oi! Me name is Azra Gambit, right, and it's a pleasure ter make yor acquaintance. I only wish we could meet under less unfortunate circumstances.

We ain't here ter be forgiven; we ain't even 'ere ter attempt diplomacy. We're 'ere ter right the wrong of us Society, right, and we intend ter do that in any way possible. Wot would yer 'ave us do ter resume contact wiv the Society, even frough this misconduct of one of us agents?

Sovereign Court

Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

Nicodemus bides his time, carefully studying the reactions of each of the leaders before speaking up.

Did Ambrus provide any useful information about the quahs and maybe even these specific leaders when Nicodemus asked about them?

GM Hawthwile wrote:
I'll write it out later for ease of reference when it's relevant

Witch's Winter Holiday

Melea's words cause angry murmurs to rumble through the chamber, but Bielsi calms them somewhat. Rollicks in Waves nods approvingly, then gives Kemchet Flame Stoker a stern look as he spits in disgust. Lake at Dawn merely nods, Togimal in Shadow remains motionless, and Memory Tender frowns. Cousin to All claps her hands and announces, "Then let the Pathfinders present their arguments to us." With that, the council members rise from their seats and return to their clans scattered around the room.

Alright, it's a Social Encounter! There are a number of 'rounds' where players can interact with important people (in this case, the council members) to try to influence them. Each player chooses one NPC and can take one of the following actions regarding them each 'round':

- Discovery Check - Choose one of the following three things to learn about a specific council member with Knowledge (local) or Sense Motive. These rolls cannot benefit from Aid Another.
- Influence: How you can persuade this council member to vote to allow you to repair the damage to the tomb.
- Strengths: What things might make this council member less likely to see things your way.
- Weaknesses: What things greatly impress this council member and lend more sway to your words.

- Influence Check - Using a skill of your choice, try to persuade the council member to vote to allow you to repair the damage to the tomb. Diplomacy is always an option, but other skills might have greater impact (aka, lower DC) while others might have no impact on that council member. You can decide to operate independently or Aid Another on this check - I have set up a Google Hangouts chat where these things can be discussed more quickly for ease of moving the scenario along.

The council members - and what Ambrus told you about each one - are as follows. Spoilers are for organizational purposes only - go ahead and read everything here.

Payah Against the Wind:
This tall woman is toned and athletic. She is blind in one eye, with a scar crossing over it from her forehead down her cheek that she has incorporated the scar into a facial tattoo design. She wears a hide vest with a long-sleeved hemp shirt beneath and cloth shorts. She carries a drawn greatsword, which she is idly playing with as she watches the Pathfinders with interest.

"Against the Wind is renowned for her might. No doubt she is intimidating, but don’t let that deter you from trying to convince her of your intentions. She values strength, so show that strength in your conviction."

Cousin to All:
This tall, toned half-elf wears a leather vest and a breechcloth with tanned-hide leggings. Across her back is an animal-pelt cape, and her clean-shaven head is adorned with a stylized falcon with wings outspread and trailing lines to indicate motion. Even from just the brief meeting with her, it is easy to see how why she was named Cousin to All - she is affable and witty, a pleasant conversationalist who is sharp and perceptive.

“Cousin to All is beloved by many Shoanti - a respect hard earned, with her being a former outsider. She is also well respected in Nirmathas, where she often visits on diplomatic missions. She’s a valuable ally, and her presence is sure to keep heads level and discussions civil.”

Kemchet Flame Stoker:
This man is towering and muscled. He wears an auroch hide cape, with the hood still sporting the animal’s signature horns, and cloth pants. He carries his battle-tested earth breaker on his back. His head is covered in stylized flame tattoos. He has a large burn scar wrapping from his solar plexus around to his back. His cold glare and hard features show little welcome to the Pathfinders.

“Flame Stoker definitely has a reputation as a tough leader, equal emphasis on ‘tough’ and ‘leader.’ As he is strong willed and protective of his people, I seriously doubt you’ll be able to convince him that your intentions are true.”

Togimal in Shadow:
This council member is of slim build and wears a simple cloth hood and cloak, a tight-fitting leather vest, and loose pants. They carry a longbow on their back, with a quiver containing myriad types of arrows. They keep their eyes on the floor or the wall behind the Pathfinders, never meeting anyone's gaze.

“I don’t know much about Togimal in Shadow other than what rumor holds. Skilled hunter, vigilant tracker. I’m not sure what their attitude will be heading into this meeting, but I know the Lyrune-Quah wouldn’t send In Shadow if there was any doubt regarding their wisdom and judgment.”

Lake at Dawn:
This man is portly and of medium height. He is clad in a cloth tunic and cloth shorts, and he is wearing handwraps. Unlike most Shoanti, he wears his hair long, tied up in a bun when needed. His expression is calm and neutral, though his brow furrows as he studies the Pathfinders before him.

“Many say Lake at Dawn is one of the foremost reasons the Shoanti haven’t broken out in civil war. While that’s certainly hyperbole, there is no doubt as to his ability to broker peace between the quahs. Although he is protective of his people, I think you will be able to convince him that your actions will be for his people’s good.”

Memory Tender:
This woman is stout and strong. She wears a sleeveless cloth shirt and a long animal-hide skirt, and she has a satchel worn with a strap over her shoulder. One of her arms is heavily tattooed from her shoulder to her elbow, featuring scenes of skeletal animals.

“The Skoan-Quah is known for their amazing recall of history, and Memory Tender is known for being one of the best, preserving Shoanti history through tales passed down through the generations.”

Rollicks in Waves:
This man is a short, boyish Shoanti wearing a brightly colored, patterned headband, a simple leather jerkin, and cropped cloth pants. His shoulders and arms are tattooed with images of sh darting in and out of ocean waves. You remember how, even at first meeting, he smiled and projected his voice loudly when speaking

“I’ve heard rumor that Rollicks in Waves is the greatest fishing prodigy the Shoanti have ever seen - not that you’d guess that from being around him. He tends to be loud and brash, from my experience, but kind. He’s friendlier to non-Shoanti than most, so his quah tends to have him deal with outsiders when necessary.”

Cousin to All and Rollicks in Waves smile warmly at the Pathfinders, mingling amongst the other quahs and encouraging the Society members to speak with the other council members. (You already have their votes - no need to influence them further.)

Summary - Round 1
- Payah Against the Wind (0 successes)
- Cousin to All (yes vote)
- Kemchet Flame Stoker (0 successes)
- Togimal in Shadow (0 successes)
- Lake at Dawn (0 successes)
- Memory Tender (0 success)
- Rollicks in Waves (yes vote)

What do you do?

The Exchange

f Picture of Filicitas Felicitas Aurora, Aasimar (Azata-Touched), varisian mother. Bard 5/Inspired Blade 1
AC 18/T13/FF14 HP 33/35 F+4 R+10 W+5 Init +5 SM +14 /Perception +4

Felicitas approaches Lake at dawn and bows deeply.
"May your ancestors smile at you. My parents named me Felicitas, and I am a storyteller and singer of ballads. I have heard from your abilities as voice of reason and your wisdom, and I just want to ask for your blessing to let us repair what is broken, lay planks over the rift that has opened.
Please do not judge the herd from one selfish and greedy black sheep."

Sense motive to influence: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35

The Concordance

Male LN Aphorite Sword Binder Wizard 5 Fighter 1 Eldritch Knight 1| HP60/60 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 17 | Fort 8 Ref 2 Will 7 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +2| Conditions:
Prepared Spells:

Grandblade reads nonstop. Almost all he ever does is read in order to understand the strange culture of morals and how their culture subverts into other cultures of varying degree. It is always so fascinating. Ambrus told them all that the shoanti Lake at Dawn was one who was holding back any potential war as of yet.
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Witch's Winter Holiday

Felicitas, are you trying to learn more about Lake at Dawn with a Discovery check for how to influence them more effectively? Or are you attempting to Influence their opinion of the Pathfinder Society with a Sense Motive check (which you don’t know if it will even be effective)? Feel free to hop over to the Hangouts chat for a Q/A session with the GM if that would help - social encounters are kinda weird.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (plumekith) Inquisitor 5/Evangelist 1 | AC 19/14/15 | HP 44/44 | CMD 19 | F +7, R +8, W +9 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity 7
AC 22/15/17 (24/17/19) | HP 37/37 | CMD 23 | F +6, R +9, W +2 | Perc +5
Bull Aspect

Melea watches Togimal in Shadow from a ways away before engaging them. She looks to Erastil for guidance.

Sense Motive (Discover Influences): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16

Silver Crusade

Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

Bielsi respectfully approaches Memory Tender. "I have been told that you are a master of the stories that tell the history of your people. I am an eager student of history and defender of the sanctity of the dead," he gives a significant look at the skeletal animals tattooed on her arm.

"It is my hope that when stories are told of this time, they are tales that tell of the Pathfinders making a mistake but of their relationship with the Shoanti strengthening afterward because of our shared work in correcting that mistake."

"Please, tell me what we can do to earn the right, in your eyes, to fix what has been broken."

Sense Motive(to learn Influence: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

The Exchange

f Picture of Filicitas Felicitas Aurora, Aasimar (Azata-Touched), varisian mother. Bard 5/Inspired Blade 1
AC 18/T13/FF14 HP 33/35 F+4 R+10 W+5 Init +5 SM +14 /Perception +4

[ooc]Sorry learn how to Discovery Check - Choose one of the following three things to learn about a specific council member with Knowledge (local) or Sense Motive. These rolls cannot benefit from Aid Another.
- Influence: How you can persuade this council member to vote to allow you to repair the damage to the tomb.[ooc]

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) 7 | HP: 80/80 | AC 28 (T 11, FF 28) | CMB: 1 CMD: 11 | F:7 R:1 W:5 | Init -17 | Perc: 9 SM: 0 | Speed 15 ft. | Active Effects:

Azra addresses Rollicks in Waves. She's terrible at everything but charisma, so Azra will have to be told what to do. No way she can discover influences on her own.

"Rolicks in Waves, right, sir, if I may. I'll get out me spoons. Yer 'ave worked wiv ousiders in the past, so yer must surely be aware that there are outsiders that do mean well for yors -- and all -- blokes. I can assure yer that if yor willin' ter let us make up for wot 'appened, right, we will do us utmost ter ensure the bleedin' wrong is righted.

Just doing a diplomacy cuz why not: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15

Sovereign Court

Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

Nicodemus confers with hit fellow agents.

Are we allowed to find out what others learned in their discoveries before we declare our action for this first round of influence, or does Nico need to decide what to do right now?

Witch's Winter Holiday

Since the conversations are happening "simultaneously", you'll have to choose who you're talking with and what you're trying to do before the Pathfinders huddle to discuss their findings/successes.

Sovereign Court

Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

Nicodemus boldly strides up to Payah Against the Wind and offers a respectful nod of the head. "You seem a woman of strength and honor. Know that the Pathfinder Society has many strong and honorable members, including those here in this team. While there are the occasional weaklings, weak of body and sometimes weak of mind, we find those and remove them from service, leaving behind a well-forged blade backed by the wisdom of the entire leadership of the Society. We are that blade, and we are here to wield it with precision. Allow us to show you the mettle of our well-forged steel. We will prove ourselves worthy."

Diplomacy to influence Payah: 1d20 + 12 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 12 + (4) = 36

Witch's Winter Holiday

Felicitas gets the sense that Lake at Dawn would respect someone who demonstrates knowledge of Shoanti ancestor worship, and the role that sites such as the Muschkal Sepulcher play in such worship. Lake at Dawn is polite with those he interacts with - matching him in that, or showing respect for and knowledge of local customs, could help him view the Pathfinders more favorably.

Since that's everything for How to Influence, I'm shifting Grandblade's focus.

Grandblade realizes just how important ancestors are to Lake at Dawn - if the Pathfinders bring up their own ancestors as part of the conversation, he will very respond positively.

Melea watches Togimal in Shadow, but she loses track of the council member in the shuffle of quahs.

Bielsi watches as Memory Tender converses with another Shoanti, overhearing that she used to be a boneslayer - a watcher and defender of Shoanti burial sites. Demonstrating knowledge of the role of boneslayers in maintaining these sites, or knowledge of the Shoanti's oral historical traditions would impress her.

Rollicks in Waves laughs cheerfully as Azra speaks. "No need for spoons here - now go talk to the others council members!" he says, giving the gnome a gentle push towards the other Pathfinders. "You know I'll vote for you, but they're the ones you need to persuade."

Payah Against the Wind frowns as Nicodemus speaks, the tip of her sword scraping on the ground. "You are one who would toss your fellows to the wild beasts if it meant saving your own hide," she replies sternly. "If all Finders of Paths are like this, what will they do to their allies when the wind turns cold? Still, your words are worth considering."

What we've discovered so far can be found summarized on this slide in the handouts.

Summary - Round 2
- Payah Against the Wind (1 successes)
- Cousin to All (yes vote)
- Kemchet Flame Stoker (0 successes)
- Togimal in Shadow (0 successes)
- Lake at Dawn (0 successes)
- Memory Tender (0 success)
- Rollicks in Waves (yes vote)

What do you do?

Silver Crusade

Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

After conferring with his fellow Pathfinders and sharing information, Bielsi turns his attention toward Lake at Dawn, finding a kindred spirit in one who reveres religion and paying respect to one's deceased ancestors.

He approaches her politely, bowing his head in acknowledgement before speaking.

"I come from a far away land, Distant Osirion across the Inner Sea. This land is far different from that of my birth. There, it is sun and sand and stone. What animals exist are hard and unappetizing, not the plentiful, if sometimes dangerous beasts, here," Bielsi begins.

"Long ago, my ancestors, the Pahmet Dwarves, swore an oath to watch over the dead of the mighty pharaohs of that once great empire. I was raised under that tradition but a single spirit in need called to me and I journeyed way from my home to aid her."

"My respect for the dead and their peaceful rest has not left me, however. Whether in the stone sarcophagi from my homeland or the sepulchers of your people, everyone deserves to have their material plane remains lie undisturbed when their souls pass on."

"That is why I hope you will give us the chance to redeem the Pathfinder Society from this single rogue agents' actions. What he has done is an affront not only to you and the Pathfinder Society but an offense to me, personally," he says, his eyes glowing faintly but deeply blue as Zarisha aids him.

Religion plus Shared Consciousness: 1d20 + 9 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 9 + 3 = 21

The Concordance

Male LN Aphorite Sword Binder Wizard 5 Fighter 1 Eldritch Knight 1| HP60/60 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 17 | Fort 8 Ref 2 Will 7 | Speed 30ft | Initiative +2| Conditions:
Prepared Spells:

Grandblade will try to influence Memory Tender. "As we say upon the plane of Axis, without history there can be no order. I find this to be a true saying at this time as well. As the Pathfinder Society's very function is the preservation and study of history, we must stand by our very fundamental codes and restore the site."

Knowledge History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Sovereign Court

Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

After speaking with Bielsi, Nicodemus excuses himself to use the privy. While there, he spends a minute to prepare an extract of Investigative Mind and quickly drinks it. Fate favors the prepared.

Then he approaches Memory Tender, offering her a deep, respectful bow. "I have always been fascinated by the rituals and rites of your people, especially those of the boneslayers. It would be my honor to help restore one of your burials sites, and I would be most appreciative of any advice you might have on how we might best approach such a daunting task."

Kn-History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Kn-History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Inspiration added to the better of the 2 results above: 1d6 ⇒ 3

If Nicodemus thinks there's enough time for him to slip off to the privy and prepare and take an extract, he will use up his open slot for 2nd level and prepare and take an extract of Investigative Mind. It literally takes him only 1 minute and 1 round (plus logistics of going there and back). If he thinks he'll lose a chance to influence someone by doing so, he won't do this. the result would still end up being 26...
And to be clear, Nico is making his own check--he has a bit of an ego.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar (plumekith) Inquisitor 5/Evangelist 1 | AC 19/14/15 | HP 44/44 | CMD 19 | F +7, R +8, W +9 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity 7
AC 22/15/17 (24/17/19) | HP 37/37 | CMD 23 | F +6, R +9, W +2 | Perc +5
Bull Aspect

Melea starts to piece together a tale about her celestial ancestors, similar to Bielsi's. But she decides that to follow his up so soon would seem artificial. Instead, she keeps trying to get a bead on Togimal in Shadow.

Sense Motive (Discover Influences): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28

The Exchange

f Picture of Filicitas Felicitas Aurora, Aasimar (Azata-Touched), varisian mother. Bard 5/Inspired Blade 1
AC 18/T13/FF14 HP 33/35 F+4 R+10 W+5 Init +5 SM +14 /Perception +4

Felicitas moves closer to Memory Tender and bows deeply. "
In my country it is the duty of the bard to listen to the deeds of the brave and the wise and weave the stories in epics and poems, to inspire and guide the people. I hope deeply that you are willing to share this of your people. Wisdom and bravery are valueable for the young and those with little experience and they guide us in days ahead. I heard that your folks have faced many dangerous battles against the giants and orcs of the mountains. I know of the great deeds of Speaks with the sun, a great leader, a wise man and a father of many."

Know Hist: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome Oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) 7 | HP: 80/80 | AC 28 (T 11, FF 28) | CMB: 1 CMD: 11 | F:7 R:1 W:5 | Init -17 | Perc: 9 SM: 0 | Speed 15 ft. | Active Effects:

Azra attempts to back-pedal for Nico by approaching Payah Against the Wind. "Wot me china means ter say is that we all take care of eachuvver. I am, after all, an 'umble 'ealer, init? All I do is 'eal blokes, right, just ask me previous allies. I mean nuffink more than ter heal the wound wich we've caused."

If you'll allow, I'd like to prove my healing ability with Profession herbalism, though if that doesn't work it's a simple diplomacy roll. Diplomacy is 5 lower.

Roll: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20

Witch's Winter Holiday

Lake at Dawn nods appreciatively at Biesi's respect for both the souls of the dearly departed and their material remains. "It is truly fascinating how people of such different lands both understand what is important, isn't it?" he says with a calm smile. "Perhaps we are not so different after all. If only all outsiders shared your respect for the departed. I will think on what you have said."

Nicodemus, because you don't have as much time to interact with the quahs this round, your check to influence will take a penalty. However, the extract should last at least another round or two - and these later rounds will not take the penalty (unless you disappear for a minute to create another extract, of course).

"When the three winds all blow, which way do the leaves fall?" Memory Tender asks her companion crow with a faint smile on her face as Grandblade, Nicodemus, and Felicitas all approach. Her gaze sharpens as the Pathfinders speak, focusing on each petitioner in turn. "The bones cry out," she says at last. "Are you here to make peace with the living, or the dead? Perhaps it will be revealed to me through your actions?"

An odd part of the Social Encounter rules that I hadn't realized before is that an NPC can only be influenced once per round, no matter how many PCs speak with them. One check is made, with additional checks acting as Aid Another attempts. However, succeeding at an influence check by a wide enough margin can allow the PCs to discover information in addition to influencing, or even influence so hard it counts as two influences. Something to keep in mind as we move on to the next round.

Melea keeps a sharp eye on Togimal in Shadow, watching as the mysterious council member moves from shadow to shadow to keep a close eye on the Pathfinder visitors. She deduces from how they move that the best way to impress a hunter is with one's own hunting prowess - barring that, perhaps knowledge of Shoanti hunting traditions or general wilderness survival and navigation would be looked upon favorably.

Payah Against the Wind frowns as Azra tries to make her case. "Bah!" she spits, "your pretty words mean little here! It is action the quahs demand, not hot wind." She storms off, huffing to herself under her breath in Shoanti.

The gnome spots Cousin to All speaking calmly and resting a gentle hand on the other council member's arm later. Payah Against the Wind looks back at Azra, frowns again, then shakes her head and says something to Cousin to All. The half-elf smiles and walks over to Azra. "I have done what I can to smooth things over, and Payah Against the Wind will listen to you once more. However, I would not try whatever you did again. lest she fly into another rage and abandon the council entirely."

@Azra, you cannot attempt to influence Payah Against the Wind with Diplomacy for the rest of the social encounter. Thankfully, Cousin to All's influence will let you still attempt other types of influence checks against the council member.

New information has been added to the slide. Nobody has been quite convinced enough to vote 'Yes" for the Pathfinders yet, and the clock is ticking.

Summary - Round 3
- Payah Against the Wind (1 success)
- Cousin to All (yes vote)
- Kemchet Flame Stoker (0 successes)
- Togimal in Shadow (0 successes)
- Lake at Dawn (1 success)
- Memory Tender (1 success)
- Rollicks in Waves (yes vote)

What do you do?

Sovereign Court

Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

Forgive the inner control freak popping up, but we best get a little more organized, so here's a suggested plan:
Bielsi, can you get a Sense Motive on Payah or Kemchet?
We do know Diplo can work on Payah. Felicitas, you want to give it a go?
Grandblade, it looks like best match is Kn-Religion for Lake at Dawn.
Melea it looks like a Survival check on Togimal would be your best.
Azra Diplomacy on either Payah or Lake at Dawn.
Tofang Appropriate knowledge on Togimaal, Lake at Dawn or Memory Tender.
Nicodemus will do Kn-History on Memory Tender

Does that make sense? Sound good?
GM: Do we know if the Aid bonus counts if you use a different skill? e.g. Kn-Religion and Diplomacy working together on Lake at Dawn?

Sovereign Court

Swashbuckler 1/Investigator 5 | HP: 46 | Current AC: 20+9/ 17+2 Tch/ 14+7 FF | Current CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +13+2, W: +5-1 (+2 v Disease & Illusion, Trap Sense+1) | Init: +7 | Perc: +15 +1d6(+2 v traps), SM: +7+1d6 | Speed 20ft+10 | Inspired Panache 2/5 | Inspiration 2/5 | Active Conditions: Trap Sense+1, Re-roll avail, Mutagen, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Shield

Nicodemus continues his discussion with Memory Tender. "Indeed, burial rites are not only the most sacred of rites, they are the most intriguing. The rites themselves are an intricate puzzle that can help one unwrap so many other aspects of the culture in question. And then, thousands of years later, they are often the only surviving bits of information that can unwrap the enigma that surrounds a civilization that has long since passed. Indeed, the very reason we're here is a puzzle in itself, is it not? One you must solve before you vote?"

Kn-History: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 8 + (6) = 30
Kn-History: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 8 + (5) = 22
Plus an enigmatic bonus, perhaps?

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