GM Hawthwile |

First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
Please discuss amongst yourselves here which characters you would like to bring. Once you decide on which character you will be playing, post the following information here:
Player’s Name:
Character’s Name:
PFS #:
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):
Day Job (Please roll now):
Special Notes/Abilities: Please describe anything unusual about your character here, such as “I always deal non-lethal damage and use the Enforcer feat to demoralize as a free action” or “I ride a Huge serpent mount, but it’s got both the Narrow Frame feat and a Belt of the Weasel so it can fit through a 5-ft hallway easily.” This will help both you as a player not have to type the same thing over and over again and me as the GM prepare so the game runs more smoothly.
Please have your entire character sheet available in your character’s profile page and basic statistics next to your name in your posts. Feel free to ask me for more details or assistance.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Please discuss amongst yourselves how you can support each other and work together as a team - both in and out of combat. I highly encourage tactics such as:
McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 + buff if applicable
This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.

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This is Hrothdane
After looking at the sign-ups, it seems we don't have a healer/divine caster, and our APL has us playing up at 7.25, so I will bring this character, my onmyoji spiritualist, who is a full-on support caster with an attached tank via her phantom. I just need to finish updating her from her last adventure. This adventure will ding her 10.
Player’s Name: Evie T.
Character’s Name: Kiku Caritas
PFS #: 99807-19
Faction: Scarab Sages Are they still active? Or do I need to change that?
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): No
Day Job (Please roll now): Perform (dance): 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27
Special Notes/Abilities: Kiku is an archetype of spiritualist that makes her a divine spellcaster instead of a psychic one. She venerates 60-something gods and carries holy symbols for them but only "worships" one in a mechanical sense, Ashava, as per the PFS rules. She does Ashava's obedience every night.

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You had some options for a free faction change if you wanted. I'll find the blog and post a link here.
edit: here's the link.

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Player’s Name: Pete H.
Character’s Name: Hamish
PFS #: 123584-2
Faction: Darkives
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): Nope!
Day Job (Please roll now): Forego dayjob roll for Boon "Seasoned Archivist" use.
Special Notes/Abilities: Dirge Bard Archetype with a level in fighter. He heavily focuses on tripping enemies and setting up flanks in melee. He's built to be as tough as possible for a bard. Dirge Bard gives him a necro wizard spell (currently only has Ray of Enfeeblement) and bonuses vs. undead related stuff on saves (see header).
He has CLW and CMW and most of his other spells are Verbal only so he can have his shield/weapon out and cast in combat with immediate actions (Liberating Command, Feather Fall, Gallant Inspiration).
He wears Deathwatch Eyes, so anything within 30 feet falls under a constant effect of the spell Deathwatch. He worships Pharasma and hates undead and wears these to instantly ID them once in range. Side benefits allow him to know if his allies are super low on HP.
I'm intrigued about the part where you roll the knowledge checks and tailor the responses to the character. I'm interested to see how it works in play. Hamish would want to find out combat related things before anything else, though he has in the past requested funerary procedures for the dead so he can speed their path to Pharasma after their defeat.
a skilled researcher of magic or other esoterica. You gain a +2 bonus on Research checks as well as skill checks
made to gain access to libraries and research facilities. If you have at least 20 Fame, you may spend 1 Prestige
Point to become a Senior Archivist, gaining research assistants to help in your personal experiments. You may
work with your assistants and forgo your Downtime between adventures to check a box that precedes this boon.
Once you have checked all 6 boxes, select one of the benefits below, crossing off the other one.
☐☐ Alchemical Breakthrough: Your body has become resistant to alchemical substances. When you take damage
from a splash weapon, reduce the damage you take by 3 (minimum 0). Also, you have produced two doses of an
alchemical catalyst that can enhance a potion you drink. Check one of the boxes that precede this boon when you
drink a potion to use your character level in place of the potion's caster level for determining its effects.
☐☐ Magical Marvel: You gain a +2 bonus on Spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify ongoing
magical effects, such as rituals and lingering magic auras (but not magic items). Additionally, you have
produced two vials of magical ink that can enhance a scroll that you activate. Check a box that precedes this
boon to use your character level in place of the scroll's caster level for determining the spell's effects.

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Thanks a lot for GMing!!
Player’s Name: noral
Character’s Name: Noke
PFS #: 314670-11
Faction: Dark Archive
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): no
Day Job (Please roll now): none
Special Notes/Abilities: Slumber incl Accursed Hex feat; ‘Haste’ spell via Time Patron; typical fortune + cackle witch. :-)

GM Hawthwile |

With three lvl 9 characters, we’re going high-tier. I’ve already spoken with our out-of-tier players and they’ve told me they are playing characters they are comfortable having underleveled.
So I think you’re good to stay, Natika!

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Oh good! I was starting to worry, too.
Kiku doesn’t really bring damage, just clerical support, buffs, and a tank (in the form of her phantom), so as long as we still can down enemies, I’ll be good.

GM Hawthwile |

Given that we don't have any dedicated front-liners right now(aside from Kiku's phantom friend), perhaps the monk would be the best fit.
Also, if anyone knows our last player please ask them to check in here by Monday!

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Player’s Name: Irish202
Character’s Name: Shirogane Ebonfeather
PFS #: 34789-7
Faction: Exchange
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): No
Day Job (Please roll now): Profession (Merchant): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
Special Notes/Abilities: Numerous Vows to boost ki pool, numerous immediate action abilities to interrupt/redirect/trip attackers, AC scales with adjacent enemies.

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Thanks for the message GM.
I forgot that I have a day job after all.
craft alchemy, lab : 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

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Are we still waiting on Camdian with Tibalt?
A bit of research is showing they have not made any posts on Paizo since 2015 and no PbP. Maybe they joined thinking they would start doing PbP and then forgot?
Anyone know them IRL?

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I do not, Hamish.
I forgot to mention before in “weird stuff” that Yojimbo has 50% fortification from one of Kiku’s feats and an always on-aura that gives everyone within 20 ft of him a +2 competance bonus to attack rolls and saving throws.

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Ah dang, some of that won't stack with inspire courage. Only a small bit, but an important bit (+2 competence on attack rolls). Nothing else overlaps at least, yay!

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I'll try to spoiler or link any buffs when I start the performance, it'll show in there what it applies to.
But I'm pretty sure all spells that require an attack roll are considered weapons for things that effect weapon rolls and damage though, so I don't think there is a difference between the two.
Or are you talking about spells that don't require attack rolls and the rare buff that might effect them?

GM Hawthwile |

I'll send Tibalt another message, but if we haven't heard back from him by the end of the day I'll post a notification on the PFS recruitment page and see if we can't find someone. Alternatively, if anyone has a friend in mind they'd want to play with again, go ahead and reach out to gauge their interest.

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3x cold weather outfit = 24 gp
Upgrade cloak of protection from +1 to +2 = 3000 gp
Ring of protection +1 = 1000 gp

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Kiku will buy a cold weather outfit, two scrolls of communal share language, three more scrolls of comprehend languages, and another scroll of tongues.
Totals out to 1208 gp

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I need you to take these notes to Aaminiut, the largest Erutaki village in the Crown of the World. Speak with the elders there and see what their oral histories reveal about the site that the Ulfen translations don’t.
Will Hamish's Seasoned Archivist boon bonus apply to some or all of the checks we may need during the above part of the mission?
Seasoned Archivist (Dark Archive Faction): Your experience in the Grand Lodge’s Vault makes you a skilled researcher of magic or other esoterica. You gain a +2 bonus on Research checks as well as skill checks made to gain access to libraries and research facilities.

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I can tag along if you'd like. Level 7 Witch.
I can update my profile and dive in this evening.

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Shiro would like to purchase the following items:
A scroll of remove disease
A scroll of resist energy
A scroll of breath of life
An oil of bless weapon
Cold weather gear
Totals 1,708 GP.
During the adventure, Shiro would like to give his wands and scrolls to one of the spellcasters to hold on to/use for him when needed. In addition to my purchases above this would also include a CLW wand, a Mage Armor wand, and a wand of Lesser Restoration. His wands and Breath of Life scroll would be available for party use, if needed. Kiku, would you be willing?

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Narika is going to get a scroll with 3 castings of endure elements for 75 gp (she would certainly take wand charges, but also wants a few scrolls just in case). She would not use cold weather gear, being a stubborn halfling who thinks magic should always be enough. If anyone can suggest magical gear for cold, she'd think about that...

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+1 Haramaki armor with Energy Resistance: Cold would do the trick. Should be only 19,153 gold and you are set!

GM Hawthwile |

Hamish, I don't believe the boon would apply. Sorry.
Edgar, welcome aboard! Go ahead and post as if you met the rest of the team en route to the boat in the marketplace. Your enemies will surely quiver at the sight of two witches!

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Player’s Name: RePete
Character’s Name: Edgar Poe
PFS #: 126566-05
Faction: Dark Archives
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): Normal Track
Day Job (Please roll now): Profession (Mortician): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Special Notes/Abilities:
I have Eerie Sense: At the beginning of your turn each round, if you are within 60 feet of an undead creature or a haunt, you get a chill down your spine and instinctively sense that something eerie is very near. This sense does not alert you to the direction of the undead or haunt. Anything that can block detect undead can likewise block this sense.
I can cast 'Disrupt Undead' at will due to my Fate Blade
My familiar has the Emissary Archetype which allows me to reroll a failed will save once per day using the familiar. It's 1 per day domain ability is Rebuke Death and it tends to save it to use on me. In combat, my familiar primarily flies around and casts guidance on players in melee. (I do have a separate alias for Allen, my familiar).
Once per day I can "Soul Drink" a recently killed enemy to gain temp hp equal to it's HD.
I focus on battlefield control and debuffing through my hexes and save or suck spells. I liberally use Evil Eye, Misfortune, and Cackle Hexes. Twice per day I can cackle as a swift action due to Cackling Hag's Blouse

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Welcome RePete!! :-)

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Need to add in my gear and doublecheck skills on familiar, but should be good to go besides that. Posting in gameplay momentarily.

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No worries about the boon. It was close enough to our mission but certainly not the same so I figured I should ask.
Welcome Edgar! It's been a while, but I enjoyed playing with you a while back with a different PC. You and the smart one (you'll see) were quite entertaining.

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My pleasure. Fairly certain the smart one's skills are behind it's level. Should get a chance to double check it tonight...though Edgar has at least 1 rank in every Knowledge skill now. ;-)

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I will be traveling over the weekend.
As Outpost games are faster paced: Please bot me to keep going.

GM Hawthwile |

Thank you all for your patience with the delay in posting - Friday mornings are rough on my schedule.

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Targetting just one is fine. She can try to hit the other one next time, especially if someone can put a misfortune or evil eye on it :)

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Targetting just one is fine. She can try to hit the other one next time, especially if someone can put a misfortune or evil eye on it :)
I was going to, but as I read it I think Noke has done misfortune on that one already. I opted to help Hamish try to get our friends out of the water this round. We'll see how next round goes.