
Nihimon's page

Goblin Squad Member. 12,812 posts (12,818 including aliases). No reviews. 16 lists. 2 wishlists. 7 aliases.

Organized Play Character

Liberty's Edge paul hill 301 618

Female Half Elf Sorcerer (Starsoul) 1 | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T12 | Saves +2/+2/+3 | Init + 8 | Percep +3 (0 posts)


Alayna Rochelle

Female Human Fighter 1 / Swashbuckler 2 | HP 29 | AC 18 FF 14 T14 | Saves +4/+7/+0 | Init + 4 | Percep +6 (345 posts)
Alina Las'Baelin

Female Elf Ranger 3 | HP 28 | AC 18 FF 14 T14 | Saves +4/+7/+1 | Init + 6 | Percep +8 (28 posts)
B'yelka Morfaine

Female Human (Chelaxian) Bard (Diva) 8 | HP 51 | AC 19 FF 17 T13 | Saves +3/+8/+6 | Init + 8 | Percep +11 (1,286 posts)
Kaigon the Miscreant
Carl Ironeater

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1 (14 posts)
Ostog the Unslain
Delmond Miller

Male Human Barbarian (0 posts)
The Mad Priest (Ghost)
DM FireberdGNOME
(32 posts)
Edna Vulcan

Female Dwarf Fighter 8 (1 post)
Solveig Ayrdahl
Emelia Rothchild

Female Human Bard (Archaeologist) 2 (1 post)
Gerhardt Flieger

Male Human Fighter 1 (0 posts)
Cleric of Gozreh
Ha'el Valenzo

Female Angel-Kin Aasimar Oracle 1 (0 posts)
Iryna Marita Pantaeva

Female Human Cleric 5 | HP 38 | AC 19 FF 19 T10 | Saves +5/+1/+8 | Init +0 | Percep +4 (63 posts)
Jagar, Companion of Nasrin

HP 57 | AC 21 FF 19 T11 | Saves +9/+7/+3 | Init + 2 | Percep +9 (Low Light and Scent) Wolf (86 posts)
Cultist of Areshkagal
Kanika Panya

Female Garundi Human Bar 1; Clr 1 (0 posts)
Karri Chouk

Female Human Sorceror (Tattooed) 6 / Black Fire Adept 1 | HP 44 | AC 14 FF 12 T14 | Saves +6/+6/+8 | Init +6 (+10) | Percep +2 (781 posts)
Heir Apparent
Katerina the Maid

Female Human Swashbuckler 12 / Aldori Swordlord 1 | HP 120 | AC 31 FF 22 T22 | Saves +9/+19/+9 | Init + 11 | Perception +16 (549 posts)
Anwa of the Soft Step
La'asya Kaur

Female Rakshasa Tiefling Sorcerer (Rakshasa) 16 (17 posts)
Lisbet Bjornsdottir

Female Human Oracle of Battle 4 | HP 35 | AC 19 FF 19 T10 | Saves +3/+1/+4 | Init +5 | Percep +7 (134 posts)
Sky Master of Lightning
Lucrezzia Luzatto

Female Mwangi Human Heavens Shaman 10 | HP 83 | AC 18 FF 18 T11 | Saves +5/+3/+13 | Init +8 | Percep +8 (See in Darkness) (247 posts)
Maurya-Rahm Advisor
Mira Varangian

Female Human (Vudrani) Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 / Fighter (Free Hand) 3 (0 posts)

Female Human (Kellid) Druid 8 | HP 67 | AC 16 FF 15 T 11 | Saves +9/+6/+12 | Init + 4 | Percep +16, Scent (820 posts)
Areelu Vorlesh
Odalys Carrion

Female Half Orc Barbarian 2 / Druid 3 (0 posts)
Raree Show

Female Human Bard (0 posts)
Villamar Koth
Rashka Rahnna

Male Shoanti Human Fighter (Lore Warden) (2 posts)
Ryliah Las'Baelin

Female Elf (Eldritch Knight) (0 posts)
Thorn, Companion of Nasrin

Male Grey Wolf HP 24 | AC 14 FF 12 T12 | Saves +5/+5/+2 | Init + 2 | Percep +5 (Low Light and Scent) (33 posts)
Vanyalanthiriel Giliath

Female Half Elf Sorcerer (Starsoul) 1 | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T12 | Saves +2/+2/+3 | Init + 8 | Percep +3 (337 posts)