There's two "end of campaign" items that give a flat caster level bonus, the Crown of the Kobold King and the Robes of Xin-Shalast. Here's quite a few ways to get caster level boosts some of the time or to some spells: Items:
Orange Prism Ioun Stone: +1 caster level Anointing Oil: +1 CL for one "harmless divine spell with a range of touch" Conduit Rod: +1 CL for electricity spells Shadow Spike: +1 CL for shadow or darkness spells in area Stormcaller: +1 CL for electricity spells (does not stack) Shifter's Headband: +1 CL for polymorph spells Strand of Prayer Beads (Bead of karma): +4 CL for 10 minutes. One-shot item. Bastion Banner (Sarenrae): +1 CL for fire or light in area Blazing Robe: +1 CL for fire spells Candle Of Abaddon: +1 CL for evil spells in area Crown of Heaven: +1 CL for good spells Crown of the Kobold King: "If you are a sorcerer you cast spells at +1 caster level." Hollywreath Band: +1 CL for plant spells Orb of Foul Abaddon: +1 CL for evil spells Prophetic Paraphernalia: +1 CL for divination spells. Takes 10 minutes. Robes of Xin-Shalast: +1 CL Shocking Robe: +1 CL for electricity spells The Lymirin Discourses (Fourth Act): +1 CL for cure spells Tome of Living Runes: +1 CL. 20 uses. Classes/Archetypes:
Druid (Menhir Savant) 2: +1 CL for 3+Wis rounds/day Witch (Dimensional Occultist) 2: +1 CL 1/2*level times/day. Greatly increases casting time. Cleric (Forgemaster) 1: +1 CL to any "spell that targets a weapon, shield, or armor". Also reduces metamagic cost for those spells. Paladin (Sacred Servant) 5: +1 CL for several minutes a day Sorcerer (Wishcrafter) 1: +1 CL when granting wishes, once per person per day Sorcerer (Accursed Bloodline) 1: can use aid another to grant another Accursed Bloodline Sorcerer or witch with the coven hex +1 CL for a round Sorcerer (Aquatic Bloodline) 1: +1 CL for water spells Sorcerer (Daemon Bloodline) 1: +1 CL per creature killed by your magic the previous round Sorcerer (Maestro Bloodline) 1: +1 CL for spells "with a verbal component and no somatic or material component" Sorcerer (Martyred Bloodline) 1: +1 CL after you take damage the previous round Sorcerer (Starsoul Bloodline) 15: +3 CL for "spells of the teleportation subschool" Sorcerer (Arial Wildblooded) 1: +2 CL when "outdoors during any form of precipitation" Sorcerer (Sanguine Wildblooded) 1: +1 CL for necromancy spells Sorcerer (Seaborn Wildblooded) 1: +1 CL when in "a body of water large enough to float in" Sorcerer (Umbral Wildblooded) 1: +1 CL when in dim light or darkness Oracle (Ancestor Mystery) 20: +4 CL for all divination spells Coven Hex: can use aid another to grant another witch with the coven hex +1 CL for a round Yuelral's Blessing (Wizard arcane discovery): +1 CL for "spells that appear on both the wizard and druid spell lists" Feats:
Varisian Tattoo: +1 CL for "a school of magic (other than divination) in which you have Spell Focus" Spell Specialization: +2 CL for "one spell of a school for which you have taken the Spell Focus feat". Spell can be changed at even levels, feat can be taken multiple times. Allied Spellcaster (Teamwork): +1 CL if you are next to a caster with this feat and the same spell known or prepared Angelic Flesh: +1 CL for spells from the "illusion (pattern) subschool or have the light descriptor" Arisen (Story): "the caster level of any conjuration (healing) spell that is cast on you increases by 1 for the purposes of its effects on you alone" Atheist Abjurations: "You gain a +2 bonus to your caster level whenever you use an abjuration spell to dispel or counter a divine spell, or send an extraplanar outsider summoned or called by a divine caster back to its home plane." Bloatmage Initiate: +1 CL for a single school of magic Earthtouched: +1 CL for "sorcerer spells with the earth descriptor" Eldritch Researcher (Story): "When casting a spell you’ve created, add 1 to your caster level." Eye of the Arclord: +1 CL for divination spells. 1 minute per day Familiar Focus: "Whenever your master targets you with a harmless spell or spell-like ability, your master’s effective caster level for the effect is increased by 1." Flame Heart: +1 CL for fire spells Fortune Teller: +1 CL for divination spells Green Faith Acolyte: "whenever you cast a spell that utilizes, heals, or enhances normal or magical plants (such as entangle or plant growth), you cast the spell at +1 caster level" Irrisen Icemage: +1 CL cold spells, -1 CL other energies Shadow Caster: increased duration for "spells of the shadow subschool or spells with the darkness descriptor" Scaled Disciple: +1 CL for "spells included in the dragon domain or subdomains" Outer Planes Traveler: +1 CL for spells with one of nine listed descriptors Tapestry Traveler: +2 CL for "spells of the teleportation subschool" Tenebrous Spell (Metamagic): +1 CL when cast in dim light or darkness Theurgy: Sacrifice an arcane spell as a swift for +1 CL to a divine spell True Love (Story): +1 CL for spells with the emotion descriptor Whispered Knowledge (Faction): +1 CL after damaging something with a melee attack Traits:
Beacon of Faith: +2 CL for a domain spell once per day Boarded in Varisia (campaign): +1 CL for mind-affecting spells cast against creatures and natives of the jungle Cross-Knowledge: +1 CL once per day for an extract that is also on the wizard spell list Distance Aptitude: +1 CL for determining the maximum range of spells Eldritch Delver: +1 CL for teleportation spells Force for Good (faction): +1 CL for good spells Genie-Caller: +1 CL for a summoning spell once per day Gifted Adept: +1 CL to one spell Harrow Chosen: +2 CL for divination spells Inspired by Greatness: +1 CL to one spell Magical Knack: +2 CL (up to hit dice) Master of Pentacles (faction): "Once per day, when casting a spell of the Conjuration school, treat your caster level as two higher when determining the duration of the spell." Medic (faction: Shadow Lodge): +1 CL "when casting spells of the healing subschool with remove in the spell’s name" Mother's Rage: +1 CL for summoning spells Nidalese Shadowcaster: +1 CL to one shadow spell Outlander (campaign): +1 CL to three spells Precocious Spellcaster: +1 CL to a cantrip and a 1st-level spell Priest-Blessed: "Three times per day when you are the target of a harmless divine spell, you may increase its caster level by 1 for purposes of its effect on you alone." Second Tongue: "Any summoning or divination spell you cast to summon or contact a Great Old One or one of their minions is cast at +1 caster level." Secret of the Impossible Kingdom: +1 CL to one spell Star Reader: "While under starlight, the caster level of all your divination spells is increased by 1. If the target of your spell is a demon, the caster level is increased by 2." Student of Faith (campaign): +1 CL for cure spells Telekinetic Dependence: +1 CL for "spells that move objects through sheer will" Transmuter of Korada: +1 CL for transmutation spells Trickster: +1 CL for illusion spells Races: Dhampir Wizard Favored Class Bonus: +1/4 CL for necromancy spells Half-Elf Wizard Favored Class Bonus: +1/3 CL for enchantment spells (duration only) Halfling (Wanderlust): +1 CL for spells that provide or enhance movement" Halfling Witch Favored Class Bonus: +1/4 CL for patron spells Merfolk Sorcerer Favored Class Bonus: +1/2 CL for water spells (range only) Undine (Water Affinity): +1 CL for Water domain spells Aasimar (Heavenborn): +1 CL for good or light spells Gnome (Pyromaniac): +1 CL for fire spells Ifrit (Fire Affinity): +1 CL for Fire domain spells Oread (Earth Affinity): +1 CL for Earth domain spells Oread (Fertile Soil): +1 CL for Plant domain spells Svirfneblin (Stoneseer): +1 CL for earth spells Sylph (Air Affinity): +1 CL for Air domain spells Changeling (Object of Desire): +1 CL for charm person and charm monster
I'm rather surprised no one's suggested a tiefling rogue with Fiend Sight. Get a consistent source of deeper darkness and sneak attack away. Similar tricks are normal darkvision and normal or magical darkness versus an opponent without it; a Fetchling with Dark Sight and deeper darkness; obscuring mist and the Goz Mask; and the previously mentioned obscuring mist and Waves Oracle. It isn't the sanest tactic, but the Headband of Ninjitsu would let you ignore all those fancy "I can see in the dark" tricks and just blindly shank enemies. Admittedly, a vivisectionist alchemist can pull off every one of those.
Dice 1:
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 4) = 12 11
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 2) = 16 14 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 3) = 11 10 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 2) = 12 10 4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 2) = 8 7 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 2) = 16 14 7 point buy Dice 2:
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 3, 2) = 12 10
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 2) = 8 6 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 3) = 13 11 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 2) = 16 14 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 3) = 11 10 4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 4) = 11 10 2 (or less) point buy Point Buy: 20 + 1d6 ⇒ 20 + (1) = 21 Since the dice hate me today, I'll be taking the point buy. Playing a troll seems too cool to pass up. I'm also hoping to shoehorn in TALKING LIKE DEATH.
Some world-building questions that would need to be answered are: "Do gods in this world work in such a way that having one grant more domains than usual is doable? Does the number of grantable domains correlate with deific power?" I'm not certain you would need to go as far as setting up specific, formal Clerical Orders or Aspects of the Deity to let monotheistic clerics pick from a large number of domains. It might read something like this: "For some reason, YourDeityNameHere grants his/her clerics certain combinations of domains and denies them others. Both domains must come from one of the following lists: DomainA, DomainB, DomainC, DomainD; DomainA, DomainD, DomainE, DomainF; DomainA, DomainB, DomainF, DomainG." How large the allowed lists are, how many total domains are granted, how much overlap between lists there is, etc. would depend on both world-building stuff about the deity and also game-balance considerations between pantheons.
Animal Ally
Prerequisites: Nature Soul, character level 4th, must not have an animal companion or mount that advances as an animal companion. Benefit: You gain an animal companion as if you were a druid of your character level –3 from the following list: badger, bird, camel, cat (small), dire rat, dog, horse, pony, snake (viper), or wolf. If you later gain an animal companion through another source (such as the Animal domain, divine bond, hunter’s bond, mount, or nature bond class features), the effective druid level granted by this feat stacks with that granted by other sources.
DrDeth wrote: Note that Pathfinder fixed some of the problems of 3.5 Diplomacy (Diplomacy as a standard action and turning someone from Hostile to Helpful)
There's an FAQ on that here:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
That link doesn't work, but here's what he was trying to link to.
Papaver wrote:
Anything longer than a certain number of characters, whether it's a url or not, gets a space added. I think it has something to do with wrapping.
I've heard MoMS/Brawler Fighter is decent, but that's not very mystical. Barbarian to pair Beast Totem's pounce and Dragon Style's charge through everything might be another option - if you wanted to you could also dip Martial Artist Monk or Unarmed Fighter for the extra feats. (There's also a trait that lets you be a Neutral or Neutral Good monk, so you could go MoMS/Barbarian if you wanted to.)
It doesn't begin with E, but you might be thinking of gestalt, where you get the best parts of two classes. There's also E6, but that's aimed at maintaining a low-level feel.
It isn't at the same time, but Combat Style Master lets you switch styles as a free action, which lets you have an offensive style (say, Dragon) active while attacking, a defensive style (say, Crane) active during the enemies' turn, a niche style (say, Monkey) when you need it, etc.
Besides Unholy and Align Weapon, other ways to get an evil-aligned weapon are a negatively-charged Greyflame weapon, any weapon wielded by a Marilith, or any weapon wielded by a 6th level inquisitor using the smiting Judgement.
Blind Man's Fold grants the Improved Blind-Fight feat, but also blinds you.
Several Ioun stone + Wayfinder combos: deep red sphere (Improved Unarmed Strike), incandescent blue sphere (Blind-Fight), opalescent white pyramid (Weapon Focus)
Chris Mortika wrote: How does the gunslinger manage to make all those shots with paper cartridges, without rolling a misfire? It's Seeker territory, but "At 13th level, a pistolero never misfires with a one-handed firearm." Another option would be the (+3 equivalent cost) Greater Reliable enhancement.
SnowJade wrote:
The end bracket is [/url]
I'm interested. I don't have a character yet, since I'm still digesting the rules, but I do have questions and comments. Quote: A Character Point can be used to improve a character’s Health How much Health do you get per Character Point? Quote: Multiple Strikes: x Attacks How many attacks do you get if you've put one point in this skill, one or two? Quote: Rouges begin with Soft Leather (+2) armor Soft Leather is later listed as +1. Also, you misspelled 'Rogue'. Quote: It is assumed that once combat has begun, all characters are within striking distance of each other. If a character decides to disengage from the combat area, move to attack a specific target, or move to make a ranged attack, this ends the character’s turn. If "all characters [begin] within striking distance of each other", don't I only need to "move to attack a specific target" when the target has disengaged or stepped back to make a ranged attack? For a PbP, the GM should roll initiative for everyone to speed things up. It might also be a good idea if, in PbPs, the attacker also rolled the defender's dice. Am I missing something, or are Training Points somewhat redundant? One Character Point buys you either +1 Attack (Training) or one of the following depending on Profession:
Do we start with Character Points or skill points? I am mainly concerned about the lack of healing early on (before the Magi has any points in Heal).
Cheapy wrote:
Even if it was revoked (which I don't think it was), all the orc stuff in the ARG isn't PFS legal anyway.
Fromper wrote:
Here's two threads that compiled lists of connected scenarios: Link, Link
So you are fighting drow, get extra feats, have x/day abilities regenerate, and endless spells? I'd say build a Paladin. They've got minor spellcasting and quite a few x/day abilities that you could spam (Smite Evil, Lay on Hands, Divine Bond), plus the extra feats would let you build a decent archer or switch-hitter.