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I suppose this is as good a place as any to ask: Is Gol a title prefix, like Sir or Darth? If not, it should be.
It was originally used to show a person was "Gol"gothan, as in Gol Tigari. But it's mainly just the original Golgothans that use it, so in a way, yes it is a Prefix title :D

Chidar |
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Sorry i still don't understand why you think SENSOU are griefing new players, i am in SENSOU and I have barely been in game 1 week.
It is not like I stop and ask 'hey how long have you been in game' before the custard pies start flying! If your guys are QQ'ing over being killed 3 hexes away from the starting zone, maybe they need backbone training? Better still send them to Darkfall for pvp training.About 'starter' goblin spawns - if they get a poke and don't move then its fair game!

Chidar |
@Guurzsk lol where did you make that s#$& up from? Just so you know we are UK time zone - have work to do - and actually go to sleep at night.
If you don't flee a 3v1 then you are a moron. Seeing as none of you fight in groups less than 10, it should not come as a surprise to you. there will be times when we will not engage. We seek a skilled pvp engagement, unlike you lot.
Cards on the table:
SENSOU = 1 company of 4 active players, total 8 characters.
GOLGOTHA = 9 companies of 127 characters, at least 40 players.
Please stop talking now, as your making yourselves look bad, with so many tears.

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@Guurzsk lol where did you make that s@~+ up from? Just so you know we are UK time zone - have work to do - and actually go to sleep at night.
If you don't flee a 3v1 then you are a moron. Seeing as none of you fight in groups less than 10, it should not come as a surprise to you. there will be times when we will not engage. We seek a skilled pvp engagement, unlike you lot.
Make up your mind: either you didn't flee combat and log out (and I made that up), or you did flee combat and log out (but you had good reason to do so.) You can take one stance or the other but not both.

Chidar |
what? we did not flee combat, we killed your boys, who attacked us at the bank. Then we logged out some 10 minutes later because we have work in the morning. Whats hard to understand? If i am right in that is the fight you refer to.
Please just stop now, and take your bruises on the chin, as we will ours.

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Chidar wrote:If i am right in that is the fight you refer to.Apparently we're not talking about the same fight at all; I'm no longer confident we're even talking about the same game.
Yes, Chidar is referring to last night not the original hand showing that started this thread.
As a UK player too, I imagine our paths will cross more than once but to say it was "past your bedtime" so shortly after engaging in PVP seems very weak. After hunting round Marchmont and then its surrounding hexes for you, I made 3 separate (and encumbered) treks out from Marchmont and back again before my "bedtime" ;)
Yes, I work, run my own business, and was up by 7:00 am to get my kids ready for school.

Atome |
Guurzak wrote:Chidar wrote:If i am right in that is the fight you refer to.Apparently we're not talking about the same fight at all; I'm no longer confident we're even talking about the same game.Yes, Chidar is referring to last night not the original hand showing that started this thread.
As a UK player too, I imagine our paths will cross more than once but to say it was "past your bedtime" so shortly after engaging in PVP seems very weak. After hunting round Marchmont and then its surrounding hexes for you, I made 3 separate (and encumbered) treks out from Marchmont and back again before my "bedtime" ;)
Yes, I work, run my own business, and was up by 7:00 am to get my kids ready for school.
Bully for you i work for the Government and was up at 5, do i win a prize?
Gol, keep the tears coming, SENSOU will continue the WAR this evening!

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Is it me more is SENSOU making Lawful Evil look like the good guys in this?
Both groups are accusing the other group of bad behavior. Kind of hard to tell which one, if either, is right and which one, if either, is wrong. Could be a mutual misunderstanding, could be slander, could be valid accusations - I wouldn't know.

Chidar |
@Gol Silandria
well i had to diddle my 3 wives before sleep, that count?
"diddle" to pass time aimlessly or unproductively.
"I felt sorry for her, diddling around in her room while her friends were having a good time"
@Wurner Frankly buddy i just want less QQ's and more bish bash bosh. The game has pvp, nuff said.

Midnight of Golgotha |

I'd suggest that EVERYONE look at Ryan's comment in the Bank Campers thread.
That is the absolute latest word (like 12 minutes ago) from the devs on PvP at NPC settlements and contradicts what many here think is acceptable.
I'd also warn EVERYONE that in another thread I am calling for people to stream their new player / new character experiences and that *might* lead a variety of power blocs and neutral parties to document what is and isn't occurring.
I could easily have just called for my settlement to do it (in our private forums) to name and shame the people they are accusing, but my feeling is that my role as crowd-forger supersedes any settlement/company loyalties and I believe the game will benefit more from having EVERYONE involved in the effort in ALL localities.

Midnight of Golgotha |

@Midnight of Golgotha - what is a 'crowd forger'?
OK, I don't mean this to be insulting, but I'm just shocked that anyone playing could be oblivious to the opportunity they have been presented with.
Crowdforging is the process all players signed up for in helping to develop the game in concert with the game developers. I'd urge you to spend some time reading up on this.
I'm serious, this is like having the French Revolution happening around you while you're busy fishing on a river, oblivious to it all (but finding the guillotines an excellent tool for filleting your fish).

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I can't even go around town in Marchmont any more without being attacked. The game isn't much fun when you are trying to craft and at the bank and you are getting attacked while the guards just stand there.
i get being attacked out in the wild thats a given and in a city if its a time of war or something but its hard to do any crafting while running from people who just want to kill for no reason. not like i have anything in my inventory

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Well all things considering I am more inclined to believe the Golgotha members for this one. Considering Atome and 2 of his friends kept killing my alt who had no xp trained while I was killing goblins. Was not afk, even asked why and after I did they came back and killed me again.
So it would seem some competition for being the most notable villains are entering the game. This publicity is likely to lead directly to them being able to recruit like-minded pvpers.

Kobold Catgirl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Midnight, they're super cereal!
Cereal killers?
Chidar wrote:Make up your mind: either you didn't flee combat and log out (and I made that up), or you did flee combat and log out (but you had good reason to do so.) You can take one stance or the other but not both.@Guurzsk lol where did you make that s@~+ up from? Just so you know we are UK time zone - have work to do - and actually go to sleep at night.
If you don't flee a 3v1 then you are a moron. Seeing as none of you fight in groups less than 10, it should not come as a surprise to you. there will be times when we will not engage. We seek a skilled pvp engagement, unlike you lot.
@Guurzskskskzz, the cat is perfectly fine, and it had it coming!
Apparently we're not talking about the same fight at all; I'm no longer confident we're even talking about the same game.
What the hell you talking 'bout? We sank your last battleship, fair and square! Now pay $200 to pass the respawn point so we can kill that stupid lucky doctor already.
Bully for you i work for the Government
s$#@, guurzak, it's the fuzz!
I'm serious, this is like having the French Revolution happening around you while you're busy fishing on a river, oblivious to it all (but finding the guillotines an excellent tool for filleting your fish).
Wha'? What's that? I can't hear over all this cake I'm stuffing my face with, are the peasants throwing a parade?
So it would seem some competition for being the most notable villains are entering the game. This publicity is likely to lead directly to them being able to recruit like-minded pvpers.
That's not all bad. Keeps things interesting. Maybe settlements should look into keeping folk near the NPC towns to boost "our" response time, though.

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I can't even go around town in Marchmont any more without being attacked. The game isn't much fun when you are trying to craft and at the bank and you are getting attacked while the guards just stand there.
Emphasis mine.
Is something bugged with the Thornguards? I thought they were supposed to respond to this sort of thing. I know some Thornguards were moved closer to crafting facilities today, but I thought the bank was already pretty well covered by Thornguards.

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Bealze wrote:I can't even go around town in Marchmont any more without being attacked. The game isn't much fun when you are trying to craft and at the bank and you are getting attacked while the guards just stand there.Emphasis mine.
Is something bugged with the Thornguards? I thought they were supposed to respond to this sort of thing. I know some Thornguards were moved closer to crafting facilities today, but I thought the bank was already pretty well covered by Thornguards.
The Guards only act when a player's Rep is below -2500.

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On the one hand, it shouldn't take too many bank/crafting station kills to drive a character's reputation below -2,500. On the other hand, this could have the same new-player-discouraging effects as killing newbies on the goblin lawns.
I suggest moving the bank/crafting station PVP to the PC settlements. The risks, rewards, and excitement should all be much higher there.

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KarlBob wrote:The Guards only act when a player's Rep is below -2500.Bealze wrote:I can't even go around town in Marchmont any more without being attacked. The game isn't much fun when you are trying to craft and at the bank and you are getting attacked while the guards just stand there.Emphasis mine.
Is something bugged with the Thornguards? I thought they were supposed to respond to this sort of thing. I know some Thornguards were moved closer to crafting facilities today, but I thought the bank was already pretty well covered by Thornguards.
What happened with this, anyway?
I remember logging in for my first time in Alpha 6 or 7 and hitting someone twice while I was testing out my keybinds. I was then mercilessly beaten to death by the Thornguards. And again when I rezzed at the shrine. And then again when I rezzed at the shrine. And then again.... ad nauseam...
Why did GW change that?
EDIT: Not the spawn camp ganking by the TGs bit.. the Attacker flag TG aggro, I mean.

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For reference, Ryan responded over at goblinworks.com.

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KarlBob wrote:I suppose this is as good a place as any to ask: Is Gol a title prefix, like Sir or Darth? If not, it should be.It was originally used to show a person was "Gol"gothan, as in Gol Tigari. But it's mainly just the original Golgothans that use it, so in a way, yes it is a Prefix title :D
It actually seems very reminiscent of the rank "Gul" from Star Trek which was a Cardassian military rank held by the commander of a vessel or installation. Gul Dukat from the DS9 series being the best known example.

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TEO has been protecting several Newbie Settlements, but we do not have resources to protect them all. We do not consider ourselves the "World Police," because that would be plain stupid, we do not have the man power, resources, nor the political clout to even approach such distinction.
We firmly believe in helping protect the new people coming into the game, but this noble endeavor is not ours alone, but that of the entire server. Anyone who is willing to help new people coming into the game is to be applauded, as well as those protecting newbie settlements.