
Atomicknyte's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts (587 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.


Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

Happy Cake Day!

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

I am very interested but could only do it on Mondays.
Roll20 is such a great platform.
I ran a few BFRPG dungeon crawl sessions and had a blast.
I really like the dynamic lighting and Quantum-Roll features; so cool.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

I just wanted to say thank you to all the new players.
I loved the original 8 we had and thought I had lucked out joining such an outstanding group of players (which they all we/are).
I was very sad when the 4 who left us disappeared but...
Wow! Thanks for stepping up and being awesome NEW players.
Your character interpretations are all so inspiring and I look forward to finding out what crazy-awesome story we create together.

Hey Mooshy, this looks fun.
Is there room for a driver?
Part Frank Martin from Transporter,
part Kowalski from Vanishing Point,
part Smokey from Smokey and the Bandit.
He gets what others need.
There is only one problem;
He does not know who he is.
Amnesia has him searching for clues to his past.
He has this tattooed on his right shoulder...
Mysterious Tatoo

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

Wow Sees, that is awesome. Is it possible your scales are telling more of a story? Perhaps you were destined to be the nest-mother because you have both Black and Red scales? Maybe the All-Eater was female and Gorlaug is the father? That is why Krispa brought the egg to you?

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

Sorry for butting in but I have been a long time lurker/fan from one of Mooshy's other games. I agree that the rat rave is awesome and if Witchmother is half as good as Wolfmother it will be a shame to have to kill them. Go listen to Joker and the Thief by Wolfmother. (Back to silent lurker mode) thanks.

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

Does anyone have an idea for where and how we can keep track of important information we uncover so everyone can see it and share it?

I am looking at Google Docs and think we could share-edit stuff in there.

Or maybe there is a website already made for this kind of thing?

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

Well Sees is turning out to be quite snarky and it fits well with her big sister/only female roll she has going. And I guess I can under stand her mood swings if that hint she is hiding unborn eggs in her travel bag is true! Ha Ha that would be quite a secret.

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

As for the invalid remark, Smoog can seem preoccupied and overwhelmed with all that new techno-magic sh!t rattling around in his head, but actually I just missed that word.

Good plan huh Hegh? we will see, haha.

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

I think Halloween and weekend football might have distracted quite a few people. It will probably start up again soon. Welcome aboard.

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

Yes, Halloween! For those of us who enjoy donning the façade of others, this is a busy day. I will probably not post after noon PST. I will catch up tomorrow.

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

I am really liking the diverse and colorful personalities being fleshed out in the group. Has anyone heard from Fssst the Firestarter? Fssst has such interesting potential as well. Hope he can catch up if he is still on board.

Smoog was mining at the time of the attack and was caught deep underground in a cave-in. Alone and lost, Smoog wandered thru forgotten tunnels, tubes and causeways of the mountain's underbelly trying to escape. Finally he stumbled on one of the dragon's minor treasure chambers. Inside he discovered gadgets, gizmos and do-dads of strange design and materials. Being the "smartest" of his brood-brothers, Smoog chose these over the gold and gems; deciding that he had been meant to find these. After all no one else was using them. He saw their power and knew he should claim it. (O.K. he took a little gold also, who are we kidding)

Smoog had no way of knowing that this was actually an ancient Dwarven workroom from days gone by when Dwarves owned the mountain B.G. (Before Gorlaug). Along with several working gadgets were some manuals and tomes describing the Gadgeteer/Artificer trade. Smoog could kind of read so he took these as well hoping to learn more about his new life calling.