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Players - can either play the pregens below for 1 XP and 2 PP OR - can play their own character for 1 XP and 1 PP. Pregens: This a PbP Gameday XII game. Please provide the following details to be chosen for this game: Player:
Selection of players will happen end of August. Thanks
The door opens and you see the renowned Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng enter the meeting room. He looks as if he did not have much sleep as he has a sleepy-eyed look on his face. He has a violin and a meerschaum pipe in his hand and sets it on the table. He withdraws a small pouch from the slipper and opening it, removes some shag tobacco. He begins to pack the pipe with the tobacco before removing a hot poker from a fireplace in the room, touching it to the pipe bowl, and drawing on the pipe until the contents kindle an ember. He stands eyeing the assembled group and puffing on the pipe for a long few moments before speaking. "Well, well, so you are the team they sent here for this mission?! You look tough but are you the right people for this mission? You already heard that we are sending you to Highdelve, right?" he says with a stern look. "First missions are usually less dangerous but our informant's reasons to ask for a team as well as the nature of the assignment were a little vague ..." He eyes you again. "I called you in tonight to discuss a problem I need you to solve." he says as clouds of pipe smoke drift lazily around his head. After you have been chosen: Please post with your character profile (either your own or with the details of the pregen you chose -> see Recruitment page.)
Discussion here! If you were selected: Please note that you have to adapt the background story of any pregen you play so that you are Pathfinders. Your mission (to achieve a goal as indicated by the background of the pregen) is rather a 'faction mission' of some sort that you received. Your main mission will be provided in the mission briefing.
Recruiting for Heroes for Highdelve! I will decide which five players will join so that - they can either play the pregens below for 1 XP and 2 PP OR - they can play their own character for 1 XP and 1 PP. Pregens: This a game for: PLAY-BY-POST Outpost VI: Strange-ish Things! PbP Outpost V Event # 2710406 When: March 06, 2023 - May 15, 2023 - Please write the following to apply - I will decide until February 22:
You are in Absalom, the mighty City at the Center of the World. For some of you the training to become a Pathfinder has just ended ... some of you already had their first missions. You have heard rumors that the Pathfinder Society is stretched thin at the moment and that junior Pathfinders are asked to complete more dangerous missions than usual. You always knew that you would be continuously asked to explore one of the countless ruins that litter the plains outside the city’s walls on Golarion. Some of your colleagues have the opinion that this is the best way to start a life of excitement and adventure ... by exploring long-abandoned, dusty halls and perhaps claiming its ancient treasures but what about you? * * * * * You have been chosen to be part of the Pathfinder group that will leave to travel to Highdelve on a critical mission for the society. You are led through the Great Hall of Skyreach past a large table with a shifting illusionary Inner Sea map on its massive surface. Standing around the Hall are dozens of pathfinders of various races exchanging stories of their exploits. You are directed towards a smaller meeting room, past an ornate fountain with crystal clear water. You can feel the chill from the cascading droplets as some splash you on their decent to the pool. The placard before the room reads, “The Pipeweed Nook”. Opening the door you see a long table, chairs. You enter with the other Pathfinders but are still waiting for the Venture-Captain to arrive and give you the final briefing before you travel to Highdelve.
Hello to: Jhaeman
You have two options:
Pregens: Please introduce your character or pregen in the gameplay! -- IN CASE YOU CHOOSE A PREGEN:
Your mission (to achieve a goal as indicated by the background of the pregen) is rather a 'faction mission' of some sort that you received. Your main mission will be provided in the mission briefing.
Heroes for Highdelve +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The door opens and you see the renowned Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng enter the meeting room. He looks as if he did not have much sleep as he has a sleepy-eyed look on his face. He has a violin and a meerschaum pipe in his hand and sets it on the table. He withdraws a small pouch from the slipper and opening it, removes some shag tobacco. He begins to pack the pipe with the tobacco before removing a hot poker from a fireplace in the room, touching it to the pipe bowl, and drawing on the pipe until the contents kindle an ember. He stands eyeing the assembled group and puffing on the pipe for a long few moments before speaking. "Well, well, so you are the team they sent here for this mission?! I heard that you all received a field commission recently. You look tough but are you the right people for this mission ... one of your first missions? You already heard that we are sending you to Highdelve, right?" he says with a stern look. "First missions are usually less dangerous but our informant's reasons to ask for a team as well as the nature of the assignment were a little vague ..." He eyes you again. "I called you in tonight to discuss a problem I need you to solve." he says as clouds of pipe smoke drift lazily around his head.
Hi! I would like to GM scenario #6–10: The Wounded Wisp (TIER 1-2) About me: I am from Germany and thus not a native speaker so excuse small mistakes in my posts. Interested players: Please provide the following information in this thread. BASICS:
You can ask me questions anytime! I will accept up to four players with a preference to players that have neither player nor GMed this scenario before and there are two spots reserved on top of the four for 7thGate and Mustaparta.
You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, awaiting assignment for a mission that you hope will be of utmost importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits. You were asked to all come together in one of the meeting rooms of the Grand Lodge and have been waiting for a couple of minutes already but Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng has not arrived, yet.
Where does the adventure take place? The adventure takes place in Absalom. For more than 4,000 years, Absalom has been the City at the Center of the World, a metropolis-sized showcase of the greatest treasures in all Golarion. The importance and influence of Absalom upon the Inner Sea and the whole of Golarion can not be overstated. The city not only holds a key strategic position for both commercial and military endeavors in the region, but encompasses the site of the ascension of four deities and claims to have been founded by none other than the Last Azlanti, the god Aroden. It is not without reason that the passage of time throughout the Inner Sea region is counted in Absalom Reckoning. Situated on the southern coast of the Isle of Kortos, Absalom is the largest city in the Inner Sea region and quite possibly the entire world. The ice-capped peaks of the Kortos Mounts are among the highest known in the world, stretching high above treeline. Countless abandoned siege engines and constructions of war from the numerous failed attempts throughout history to take the city by force lie scattered throughout the surrounding countryside in what has become known as the Cairnlands and the wreckage of armadas of unsuccessful attempts on the city from the sea all but block the wide harbor in a mass known as the Flotsam Graveyard. The city itself is enormous: it stretches more than seven miles from the Starwatch Keep to Azlanti Keep and more than five miles from Westgate to Eastgate. ~ Adventure Background You are all part of the Pathfinder Society and because of reasons in your individual recent past you have received a field commission to conduct missions of behalf of the Venture-Captains of the Society. The Pathfinder Society is a globe-spanning organization based out of Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. The membership consists primarily of Pathfinders, adventurers who travel throughout Golarion—usually inconspicuously—and explore, delve, and otherwise experience the lesser-seen parts of the world. They send journals documenting their travels back to their venture-captains, who also assigns them new missions and suggests new places to explore. The most exciting and illuminating of these journals are compiled in the Pathfinder Chronicles, an ongoing series of books that collect the history and mystery of Golarion for its membership and the general public. The Pathfinder Society generally takes a hands-off approach with its agents, leaving them to pursue their own leads, and chose their own priorities. Pathfinders are only expected to explore the mysteries of the multiverse, report what they find, and cooperate with one another in order to assure the success of the first two duties. Pathfinders are expected to report their findings to their venture-captains, who collect and review these records, and pass on the best to be published in the Pathfinder Chronicles. So you are expected to EXPLORE, COOPERATE and REPORT! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Wounded Wisp ~ ~ ~ You are back in Absalom for some time now after your mission in Highdelve which was very successful. You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, awaiting assignment for a mission that you hope will be of importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits. You were asked to all come together in one of the meeting rooms of the Grand Lodge and have been waiting for a couple of minutes already but Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng has not arrived, yet.
Where does the adventure take place? The adventure takes place in Absalom. For more than 4,000 years, Absalom has been the City at the Center of the World, a metropolis-sized showcase of the greatest treasures in all Golarion. The importance and influence of Absalom upon the Inner Sea and the whole of Golarion can not be overstated. The city not only holds a key strategic position for both commercial and military endeavors in the region, but encompasses the site of the ascension of four deities and claims to have been founded by none other than the Last Azlanti, the god Aroden. It is not without reason that the passage of time throughout the Inner Sea region is counted in Absalom Reckoning. Situated on the southern coast of the Isle of Kortos, Absalom is the largest city in the Inner Sea region and quite possibly the entire world. The ice-capped peaks of the Kortos Mounts are among the highest known in the world, stretching high above treeline. Countless abandoned siege engines and constructions of war from the numerous failed attempts throughout history to take the city by force lie scattered throughout the surrounding countryside in what has become known as the Cairnlands and the wreckage of armadas of unsuccessful attempts on the city from the sea all but block the wide harbor in a mass known as the Flotsam Graveyard. The city itself is enormous: it stretches more than seven miles from the Starwatch Keep to Azlanti Keep and more than five miles from Westgate to Eastgate. See map in handouts. ~ Adventure Background You are all part of the Pathfinder Society and because of reasons in your individual recent past you have received a field commission to conduct missions of behalf of the Venture-Captains of the Society. The Pathfinder Society is a globe-spanning organization based out of Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. The membership consists primarily of Pathfinders, adventurers who travel throughout Golarion—usually inconspicuously—and explore, delve, and otherwise experience the lesser-seen parts of the world. They send journals documenting their travels back to their venture-captains, who also assigns them new missions and suggests new places to explore. The most exciting and illuminating of these journals are compiled in the Pathfinder Chronicles, an ongoing series of books that collect the history and mystery of Golarion for its membership and the general public. The Pathfinder Society generally takes a hands-off approach with its agents, leaving them to pursue their own leads, and chose their own priorities. Pathfinders are only expected to explore the mysteries of the multiverse, report what they find, and cooperate with one another in order to assure the success of the first two duties. Pathfinders are expected to report their findings to their venture-captains, who collect and review these records, and pass on the best to be published in the Pathfinder Chronicles. So you are expected to EXPLORE, COOPERATE and REPORT! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Wounded Wisp ~ ~ ~ You are back in Absalom for some time now after your mission in Highdelve which was very successful. You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, awaiting assignment for a mission that you hope will be of importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits. You were asked to all come together in one of the meeting rooms of the Grand Lodge and have been waiting for a couple of minutes already but Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng has not arrived, yet.
Heroes for Highdelve ~ ~ ~ Adventure location Brevoy is a nation in far northeastern Avistan on the verge of tearing itself apart. The political entity known as Brevoy was once two vastly different nations locked in a constant state of war before being conquered by a foreign despot: Choral the Conqueror. After centuries under the rule of Choral and his descendants, they suddenly all disappeared, and Brevoy must now decide its own destiny. Brevoy is bordered to the west by wild Numeria, to the south by the unstable River Kingdoms, and to the east by Iobaria and the continent of Casmaron. Its landscape differs markedly from north to south, and this change marks the old boundary between the kingdoms of old Issia and Rostland. The north is mostly rugged hills that are unsuitable for agriculture. South of the massive Gronzi Forest, the Rostland Plains are rolling fertile grassland and are the breadbasket of the entire nation. It can take days to travel between small settlements and longer between larger population clusters. Most of the towns and cities are located at the bases of mountains, along the lakes, or beside the riverways. ~ ~ ~ Pathfinder Society The Pathfinder Society is a globe-spanning organization based out of Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. The membership consists primarily of Pathfinders, adventurers who travel throughout Golarion—usually inconspicuously—and explore, delve, and otherwise experience the lesser-seen parts of the world. They send journals documenting their travels back to their venture-captains, who also assigns them new missions and suggests new places to explore. The most exciting and illuminating of these journals are compiled in the Pathfinder Chronicles, an ongoing series of books that collect the history and mystery of Golarion for its membership and the general public. The Pathfinder Society generally takes a hands-off approach with its agents, leaving them to pursue their own leads, and chose their own priorities. Pathfinders are only expected to explore the mysteries of the multiverse, report what they find, and cooperate with one another in order to assure the success of the first two duties. The day-to-day management of the Pathfinder Society is handled by its venture-captains. These are usually older, accomplished Pathfinders or long-time allies of the organization who have settled down and claimed a Pathfinder lodge for themselves. They direct Pathfinders in the field toward new and interesting locales, and receive the regular reports that will eventually become part of the Chronicles. Venture-captains are largely autonomous, but occasionally receive directions from the Decemvirate, the Society's secret leadership council. The Decemvirate is composed of ten masked individuals who direct the Society's overall strategies, but little is known about their ultimate goals, or what they do with all the information Pathfinders collect all over Golarion.
~ Background ~ An ancient Thassilonian artifact has been unearthed in Magnimar and is to be auctioned off by the city government. In order to maintain good relations with those in power in the City of Monuments, the Pathfinder Society must obtain the relic without simply stealing it, although employing any other means necessary. It falls to the PCs to infiltrate the auction, sabotage the other bidders' efforts, and call in favors from those in the Society's debt to ensure the Runecarved Key (and the secrets it unlocks) belongs to the Pathfinders when the adventure draws to a close.
Please provide the following details in case you are interested to play and please post with your character’s profile if possible. ~
~ This is NOT a first come recruitment but I’d like to play with characters that have a connection to the elemental planes either through race, class, faction, adventure history etc. I’m looking forward to the game which I plan to start September 1st. The game will probably take 6 to 8 weeks as this is the first time that I’m GMing at these levels in organized play. In home campaigns I know the characters but here it can get crazy with rules etc so we are taking it slow. So your character will not be available for the Gameday convention.
Background The Pathfinder Society has secured the tools and uncovered the secret to shattering the Untouchable Opal and liberating the demigod within. All the Pathfinders lack is an impossibly hot flame—one that can match the searing hatred of Ymeri herself. The Society's best bet is Kandirion's Pyre, a supernatural forge situated where the elemental planes of earth and fire relentlessly batter each other. Freeing a demigod could send ripples through the multiverse and attract the attention of powerful creatures. Only the greatest agents stand a chance of breaking the Opal and surviving. Please only dot in after being chosen for the game.
WHERE ON GOLARION? Korvosa is the largest city in Varisia, and used to be the capital of Chelish Varisia. It now serves as the seat of one of three city-states that claim independent authority over their individual holdings in the region. Though its citizens and traditions have strong ties to the nation of Cheliax, with many of its people tracing their ancestry directly to servants of the Empire, the city's location at the mouth of the Jeggare River and the presence of a highly-defensible harbor have contributed to the establishment of Korvosa as a primary hub for trade. Various cultures and peoples can be found within the city's walls as goods move in and out of its gates. Magnimar is Korvosa's neighbour and rival and Magnimarians disparagingly refer to Korvosa as "Little Cheliax". The city of Korvosa is divided into seven official districts: East Shore, Gray, the Heights, Midland, North Point, Old Korvosa, and South Shore. The borders between these districts may be fixed (such as by water or a wall), or might exist only in the minds of the city's inhabitants. Two other areas exist above and below Korvosa that might loosely be called districts, making nine in total. The boundaries of these unofficial districts do not conform to any design by the city's planners: they are the rooftop area known as the Shingles and the large undercity of the Vaults. ~ THE ADVENTURE BEGINS Having received a summons to an address near Korvosa, you arrive to find a ramshackle tenement. A light rain has begun to fall, and the Venture-Captain Sir Canayven Heidmarch quickly ushers you inside. Offering each of you a cup of a warm, amber liquid, he wastes no time beginning his briefing. "Welcome Pathfinders! I read your files but I would appreciate an introduction." he says with a kind smile. Please introduce and describe your characters.
~ ~ ~ Where does the adventure take place? ~ ~ ~ Ungrounded but Unbroken begins in Absalom but quickly shifts to the Opaline Vault, the capital of the shaitan empire on the Plane of Earth. This metropolis occupies the edge of a 30-mile-wide geode and is known for its
~ ~ ~ Background ~ ~ ~ The Peerless Empire of shaitan genies has warred with their fiery counterparts for centuries, and thinly stretched resources leave the shaitans in need of additional aid. They have founded a new state-sanctioned mercenary company known as the Ungrounded, which draws upon free agents from across the multiverse. One of the Society's few friends on the Plane of Earth has recommended at least a handful of Pathfinders join the Ungrounded, knowing that even a few months' service could dramatically enhance the Society's reputation (and fill those agents' pockets) in this distant realm. The PCs travel to the magnificent Opaline Vault as the Society's first envoys, but in doing so they must survive the otherworldly threats that lurk in both this strange environment and within their own ranks.
Private pbp game. Those invited: Please dot and delete -> this means that you have to post a random word and that you then have to delete the entire post. This way our adventure will appear in your profile page under the tab "campaigns". ~ Where does the adventure take place? The adventure begins at the Grand Lodge in Absalom but quickly moves to Highdelve which is a settlement built by House Garess in the Golushkin Mountains in Western Brevoy. Brevoy is a nation in far northeastern Avistan on the verge of tearing itself apart. The political entity known as Brevoy was once two vastly different nations locked in a constant state of war before being conquered by a foreign despot: Choral the Conqueror. After centuries under the rule of Choral and his descendants, they suddenly all disappeared, and Brevoy must now decide its own destiny. ~ Adventure Background You are all part of the Pathfinder Society and because of reasons in your individual recent past you have received a field commission to conduct missions of behalf of the Venture-Captains of the Society. The Pathfinder Society is a globe-spanning organization based out of Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. The membership consists primarily of Pathfinders, adventurers who travel throughout Golarion—usually inconspicuously—and explore, delve, and otherwise experience the lesser-seen parts of the world. They send journals documenting their travels back to their venture-captains, who also assigns them new missions and suggests new places to explore. The most exciting and illuminating of these journals are compiled in the Pathfinder Chronicles, an ongoing series of books that collect the history and mystery of Golarion for its membership and the general public. The Pathfinder Society generally takes a hands-off approach with its agents, leaving them to pursue their own leads, and chose their own priorities. Pathfinders are only expected to explore the mysteries of the multiverse, report what they find, and cooperate with one another in order to assure the success of the first two duties. Pathfinders are expected to report their findings to their venture-captains, who collect and review these records, and pass on the best to be published in the Pathfinder Chronicles. So you are expected to EXPLORE, COOPERATE and REPORT!
Serpentine Astral Eidolon | Male N Medium | HP 11/11 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | CMD 16 | CMB +4 | Fort: +1, Ref (evasion): +6, Will: +3 & +4 vs. curses/diseases/poisons | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM: +13, Dipl: +15 | Speed 20 ft, Climb 20ft | Active conditions: None
Discussion here. Hey Faustus and Talion: YOU ARE UP! ;-)
Recruitment for 7–99: THROUGH MAELSTROM RIFT Three players have already checked in, one seat is still reserved so two (2) spots open. There are 6 Pregens to choose from ... ... where the following bold roles are still available. 1.) The Chronicler: (fire and "air") support and jack-of-all-trades - available
~ Please provide the following information in case you would like to participate: - Which pregen would you like to play?
If you were invited to this game then you may post. PLEASE CHOOSE A PREGEN or bring your own character.
Please note that you have to adapt the background story of any pregen you play so that you are Pathfinders. Your mission (to achieve a goal as indicated by the background of the pregen) is rather a 'faction mission' of some sort that you received. Your main mission will be provided in the mission briefing. -- Pregens:
You are in Absalom, the mighty City at the Center of the World. For some of you the training to become a Pathfinder has just ended ... some of you already had their first missions. You have heard rumors that the Pathfinder Society is stretched thin at the moment and that junior Pathfinders are asked to complete more dangerous missions than usual. You always knew that you would be continuously asked to explore one of the countless ruins that litter the plains outside the city’s walls on Golarion. Some of your colleagues have the opinion that this is the best way to start a life of excitement and adventure ... by exploring long-abandoned, dusty halls and perhaps claiming its ancient treasures but what about you? * * * * * You have been chosen to be part of the Pathfinder group that will leave to travel to Highdelve on a critical mission for the society. You are led through the Great Hall of Skyreach past a large table with a shifting illusionary Inner Sea map on its massive surface. Standing around the Hall are dozens of pathfinders of various races exchanging stories of their exploits. You are directed towards a smaller meeting room, past an ornate fountain with crystal clear water. You can feel the chill from the cascading droplets as some splash you on their decent to the pool. The placard before the room reads, “The Pipeweed Nook”. Opening the door you see a long table, chairs. You enter with the other Pathfinders but are still waiting for the Venture-Captain to arrive and give you the final briefing before you travel to Highdelve.
Background: Even the limitless Plane of Air is at risk of eldritch instability, and a cult dedicated to the planes' integrity has sensed an imminent calamity brewing deep within a primal storm. In this special adventure, the players portray a diverse coalition of elemental guardians that must embark on perilous journey into the maelstrom’s heart and avert a disaster that threatens the Inner Sphere. ~ Location: This scenario takes place on the Plane of Air, near the thriving metropolis of Armun Kelisk.
This game is part of the upcoming PbP NostalgiaCon convention and will run January 10 - March 6, 2022. Seats at this game will be filled with a preference for players that are new to play by post or who have not played/GMed this scenario before.
- Please provide the following information. Player:
You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, awaiting assignment for a mission that you hope will be of utmost importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits. You were asked to all come together in one of the meeting rooms of the Grand Lodge and have been waiting for a couple of minutes already but Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng has not arrived, yet.
You are in Absalom, the mighty City at the Center of the World. For some of you the training to become a Pathfinder has just ended ... some of you already had their first missions. You have heard rumors that the Pathfinder Society is stretched thin at the moment and that junior Pathfinders are asked to complete more dangerous missions than usual. You always knew that you would be continuously asked to explore one of the countless ruins that litter the plains outside the city’s walls on Golarion. Some of your colleagues have the opinion that this is the best way to start a life of excitement and adventure ... by exploring long-abandoned, dusty halls and perhaps claiming its ancient treasures but what about you? * * * * * You have been chosen to be part of the Pathfinder group that will leave to travel to Highdelve on a critical mission for the society. You are led through the Great Hall of Skyreach past a large table with a shifting illusionary Inner Sea map on its massive surface. Standing around the Hall are dozens of pathfinders of various races exchanging stories of their exploits. You are directed towards a smaller meeting room, past an ornate fountain with crystal clear water. You can feel the chill from the cascading droplets as some splash you on their decent to the pool. The placard before the room reads, “The Pipeweed Nook”. Opening the door you see a long table, chairs. You enter with the other Pathfinders but are still waiting for the Venture-Captain to arrive and give you the final briefing before you travel to Highdelve.
~ ~ BACKGROUND ~ ~ In order to learn about the esoteric faith of the Empyreal Lord Korada, the Pathfinders are sent by the Pathfinder Society to explore an abandoned aasimar temple to the benevolent deity. ~ Victory in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament earned the Pathfinder Society a pick of the legendary treasures of the Tian sorceress Hao Jin, and the Decemvirate knew just what item to select: a frayed and dirty tapestry hidden deep in Hao Jin’s vault. This unassuming tapestry acts as a doorway to another dimension in which Hao Jin stored her most massive items, including entire buildings, battlefields, and the ruins of ancient civilizations. The Pathfinder Society is now methodically exploring and cataloging the diverse locales tucked within this extradimensional space. Deep beneath Absalom’s Grand Lodge, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Spells, Aram Zey, gestures at the tapestry hung on the wall, surrounded by ladders and scaffolds. Scholars and diviners scurry around the tapestry, analyzing its abstract patterns and comparing insights. Please introduce and describe your characters.
You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, awaiting assignment for a mission that you hope will be of utmost importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits. You were asked to all come together in one of the meeting rooms of the Grand Lodge and have been waiting for a couple of minutes already but Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng has not arrived, yet. DC 10 kn(local):
Drandle Dreng is the venture-captain of the Pathfinder Society who handles Pathfinder assignments concerning Absalom's history and mysteries. He has a remarkable memory: he recalls hidden truths about the city's most important people that even they have forgotten. These secrets are not just gathered from Pathfinder agents: he gathers information personally. Please introduce your character.