Amaya Kaijitsu

Arra Vliegerzot's page

99 posts. Organized Play character for motteditor (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16).

Organized Play Characters

Shadow Lodge Archard Cowl

Male Human Rogue 1 (0 posts)
Silver Crusade Sir Quinton Eirador

Male HP 27/27, AC 18/T 11/FF 17, F +5, R +3, W +2 (+3 vs. fear), Init +5, Per +4 Human Fighter 2/Bard (archivist) 1 (166 posts)
Jarl of the North Wind
Grand Lodge Ramli Il-Bahr.

M HP 16/16, AC 15/12/13, F +5, R +2, W +3, Init +2, Per +6 Human magus (hexcrafter staff magus) (133 posts)
Lantern Lodge Hooli Jinowarui

HP 58, AC 22, F +9, R +13, W +10 Kitsune rogue 5 (204 posts)
Aredil Sultur
Sovereign Court Daverin Darkshoals

Human Former naval officer 1; 11/11 hp; Init +7; AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16; CMD 14; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0 (+1 vs. fear); Perception +6 (33 posts)
Exo-Guardians Obozaya Vesk

SP 32/32; HP 34; RP 5; EAC 21; KAC 23; Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +4 (+2 vs. fear effects) (109 posts)
Monk of the Seven Forms

M playtest monk 1 (45 posts)
Taergan Flinn
Envoy's Alliance Dahovrian Queensguard

Male Elf Sorcerer 7 (0 posts)
Thramira Greathammer
Horizon Hunters Brynsil "Grams" Lustershale

LG Female dwarf (rock) champion 2 | HP 36 | AC 19/21 | F +9 R +7 W +6 | Perc +8 | Stealth +1 | Speed: 15 ft. | (294 posts)
Ironfang Forest Soldier
Radiant Oath Dagor Thursh

M Hobgoblin oracle 1 (0 posts)
Markwin Teldas
Radiant Oath His Majesty, Sir Quinton

NG Male human (versatile) fighter 1 | HP 21 | AC 18 (20) | F +8 R +6 W +3 | Perc +5 | Stealth +1| Speed: 20 ft. | (47 posts)
Amaya Kaijitsu
Vigilant Seal Arra Vliegerzot

Female gnome witch 1 | HP 16 | Hero Point 0 | Perc +3 | Speed 25 ft. | AC 15 | Fort +5 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | (99 posts)
Theodore Black
Vigilant Seal Revecka Kinczllers

Investigator (2 posts)
Grand Archive Pyrexius, The Golden Dragon

M Human (reflection) thaumaturge (39 posts)
Radiant Oath Thovo

M Shoony (bloodhound) Gunslinger (way of the drifter) 3 (0 posts)
Sunflower Leshy
Verdant Wheel Squall in the Oasis

NG NB leshy druid 4 | HP 44 | AC 19 (21) | F +10 R +9 W +12 | Perc +12 | Stealth +2 | Speed:25 ft. (0 posts)
Horizon Hunters Rubeg Fusestick

Male goblin inventor | HP: 18/36 | AC 20 (22) | F +9, R +7, W +6 | Hero Point: 0/1 (32 posts)
Elf Woman
Envoy's Alliance Omen Moonbright

Male Human Ranger 1 (0 posts)


Pathfinder Module: Plunder & Peril (PFRPG)
Adistan Temmer

M hp 28; AC 17/touch 12/flat-footed 15; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 (+2 vs. emotion spells, effects) Human slayer 3 (403 posts)
Aleixica Tas'Vere

Female Human Cleric 5 / Divine Scion /3 (152 posts)
Aurelian Fache

Male human swashbuckler 9 |HP: 81 AC: 24 (16 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +13, CMD: 25 (27 vs. disarm) | F: +4, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +3 or +5 | Perc: +6, SM +5, Bluff +13, Dip +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Panache: 5| Active conditions: None. (995 posts)
Shade of the Uskwood

HP 46/46 | AC 19 | F +11, R +8, W +10 (44 posts)
Brijetta Slatehound

HP 84, AC 23, F+14, R+13, W+12 | Female dwarf kineticist 6 (251 posts)
Calumny "Calla" Tas'vere

Half-Elf (Chelaxian) Female HP 109, AC 26/18/21, F +13*, R +11*, W +15*, Init +8, Per +22 Inquisitor 13 (1,989 posts)
Drow Priest
Calumny Tas'Vere

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8 (184 posts)
Carawyn Ellyzig Finwinkle

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2 (154 posts)
Horgus Gwerm
Caspan Saal

Male human brawler 8 83 hp | AC 18 / T 12 / FF 16) 25% chance to negate crits | CMB: +12* CMD: 24* | F: +10, R: +9, W: +3 | Per +9 | Init +2 (896 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak

HP 246, AC 42*, F30/R30/W32* Male tengu bard 20 (416 posts)
Space Elf
Daehalya Shadowsun

HP 83 | AC 25 (+1 vs. traps) | F: +11, R: +17, W: +12 (+1 vs. traps) | Perc: +14 | Speed 30 ft. Elf rogue 7 (474 posts)
Esirelle Peck

F HP 127 | AC 28 | F+19, R+18, W+21 | Per +19 | Halfling stage manager oracle 12 (82 posts)
Grethel Grim

F Human pyrokineticist 2 / brawler 1 (56 posts)
Damon Vancaskerkin
Heidan of the Wild

M HP 114, AC 22/13/19, F +14, R +13, W +9; init +3 (+5 with animal aspect) Human hunter 13 (38 posts)
Bone Legion Soldier
Humerus Fetch

HP 220, AC 35/37/39, F+22, R+22, W+20 Skeleton monk 14 (299 posts)
Cayden Cailean
Ionacu Valdemar

Male Human Rogue 1 (58 posts)
Jacob W. Michaels

Male Newspaper editor, freelance game designer (514 posts)
Jessamy Pierce

HP 93/93, AC 26/17/26, F +6, R +13 (+3 vs. traps), W +5, Init +9, Per +15 Feral Rogue 12 (1,320 posts)

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6 (515 posts)
Velriana Hypaxes
Katria Delaval

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29 (1,398 posts)
Lieutenant Kosseruk

HP 108, AC 24, F+14, R+14, W+11 Minotaur fighter 7 (109 posts)
Skywin Freeling
L'vanna Saltspray

LN female halfling cleric 5 HP 61 | AC 19 | F +12 R +9 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +2 | Speed:25 ft., swim 10 ft. (39 posts)
Sussessa Amakye
Louly a'Maris

Female Human Alchemist (beastmorph) 1 / Gunslinger 1 (235 posts)
Mithralline Cort

hp 97; AC 26 or 27; Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +12 LE sprite vampire tyrant 7 (609 posts)
Sanvil Trett
Nebbin Elsbet

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8 (1,999 posts)
Poog Bonebane

Male Goblin Witch 12 HP 88/76, AC 21, touch 18, flat-footed 18, Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +12, (392 posts)
Jarl of the North Wind
Grand Lodge Ramli Il-Bahr

M Human Sorcerer (efreeti bloodline) 1 (90 posts)
Rathis Thrice-Scorned

M HP 148/178, AC 30/16/27, F +16, R +13, W +6, Init +3, Per +17 Half-orc alchemist 14 (100 posts)
Wyssilka the Fantabulous
Rova Moonbright

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10 (913 posts)
Staunton Vhane
Royken Slatehound

HP: 160 | AC: 28 | F: +21 (juggernaut); R: +19; W: +17 (bravery) | Perception +16 || Male Dwarf Fighter 10 (348 posts)
Edwid Fickleberry
Sander Thistlewight

Male HP 62, AC 19, Touch 14, FF 16, F9/R11/W5, CMD 19 Halfling alchemist 10 (1,198 posts)
Mask of the Mantis
Sister Dianora

F HP 203, AC 36, F+27 / R+26 / W +28 Human cleric (warpriest) 15 (267 posts)
Izmiara, The Insatiable Queen
Taerine Doumont

F Human Kinetecist (pyrokineticist) 17 (265 posts)
Space Half-Elf
Takarias Higharrow

HP 116 | AC 31 or 32 | F+17, R+19, W+18 | Per +16 (24 posts)

HP 108, AC 27/28, F+18, R+18, W+17, Per +17 Savage elephant animal companion 10 (228 posts)
Ancient Dream Dragon
The Tyrant

AC 31, F +20, R +19, W +17, Per +17 (71 posts)
Keltir Arinna
Vashta Denaria

HP 134, AC 33, F +21, R +23, W +22, Per +21 Sorcerer 14 (815 posts)
Wherby Crick

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5 (105 posts)