Full Name |
Brijetta Slatehound |
Race |
HP 84, AC 23, F+14, R+13, W+12 | |
Classes/Levels |
Female dwarf kineticist 6 |
Strength |
16 |
Dexterity |
16 |
Constitution |
19 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
14 |
Charisma |
8 |
About Brijetta Slatehound
[ spoiler=Quick stats]
HP 84/84
AC 23
Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +12; sonic resistance 3
Hero points: 2
Infused regents: 5
Thermal nimbus: fire resistance 6 in kinetic aura (10-foot emanation); enemies take 3 fire damage
[ ooc]◈ Channel Elements, including free kinetic blast; ◈◈ Shard Strike[/ooc]
[dice=Elemental Blast, melee, inspired]1d20+12+1[/dice]
[dice=Piercing, Slashing, one action]2d8+3+1[/dice]
[ ooc]Crit? 1d6 persistent bleed damage; if the creature has the metal trait or is made of metal, it instead takes 1d6 persistent damage with no type from rust. [/ooc]
[dice=Fire, one action]2d6+3+1[/dice]
[dice=Piercing, Slashing, two actions]2d8+7+1[/dice]
[ ooc]Crit? 1d6 persistent bleed damage; if the creature has the metal trait or is made of metal, it instead takes 1d6 persistent damage with no type from rust. [/ooc]
[dice=Fire, two actions]2d6+7+1[/dice]
[dice=Elemental Blast (metal), ranged (30 feet), inspired]1d20+12+1[/dice]
[dice=Piercing or Slashing, one action]1d8+1[/dice]
[dice=Piercing or Slashing, two actions]1d8+4+1[/dice]
[ ooc]Crit? 1d6 persistent bleed damage; if the creature has the metal trait or is made of metal, it instead takes 1d6 persistent damage with no type from rust. [/ooc]
[dice=Elemental Blast (fire), ranged (60 feet), inspired]1d20+12+1[/dice]
[dice=Fire, one action]2d6+1[/dice]
[dice=Fire, two actions]2d6+4+1[/dice]
[dice=Shard Strike shards, 15-foot cone, slashing (DC 22 Reflex), inspired]3d6+1[/dice]
[ ooc]1d6 persistent bleed damage on a critical failure[/ooc]
[dice=Shard Strike spines, 30-foot line, piercing (DC 22 Reflex), inspired]3d6+1[/dice]
[ ooc]clumsy 1 until the start of my next turn on a critical failure[/ooc]
[dice=Molten Wire impulse attack, inspired (range 15 feet)]1d20+12+1[/dice]
[ ooc]Plus it's clumsy 1 and takes 2d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns (DC 22 basic Reflex save) for 1 minute. DC 22 Escape DC or wire has AC 10 and 75 HP.[/ooc]
Brijetta Slatehound
Birthplace: Highhelm
Gender & Pronouns: She/Her
Ancestry: Dwarf (anvil)
Background: Clan associate
Class kineticist; Level: 6
Medium Dwarf, Humanoid,
Alignment CN; Deity: Dwarven Pantheon
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Ignan, Terran
Perception: [dice=Perception (trained), darkvision]1d20+9[/dice]
Special Senses: darkvision
Hit Points: 84 (8 class, 4 Con, 10 ancestry)
AC: 23 (+2 item, +3 Dex, +2 trained, +6 level)
Armor Studded leather (+2 AC, +3 Dex Cap, -1 check penalty, Str 12)
Armor proficiencies trained in light armor, unarmored defense
Fortitude: [dice=Fortitude (expert)]1d20+ 14 [/dice]
Reflex: [dice=Reflex (expert)]1d20+ 13 [/dice]
Will: [dice=Will (expert)]1d20+ 11[/dice]
Notes: At the end of turn, reduce frightened condition by 2 instead of 1
Class DC: 22 (trained)
Speed: 20 ft.
Weapon proficiencies trained in simple weapons, unarmed attacks
Acrobatics (U, Dex)
[dice=Acrobatics (untrained)]1d20+ 3 [/dice]
Arcana (T, Int)
[dice=Arcana (trained)]1d20+ 9 [/dice]
Athletics (T, Str)
[dice=Athletics (trained)]1d20+ 11 [/dice]
Crafting (E, Int)
[dice=Crafting (trained)]1d20+ 11 [/dice]
[dice=Crafting (trained), fine art or durable metal goods]1d20+ 10+1[/dice]
+1 circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to Craft items of fine art/durable metal goods
Deception (U, Cha)
[dice=Deception (untrained)]1d20-1[/dice]
Diplomacy (T, Cha)
[dice=Diplomacy (trained)]1d20+ 7 [/dice]
Intimidation (U, Cha)
[dice=Intimidation (untrained)]1d20-1 [/dice]
Lore (Highhelm Lore) (T, Int)
[dice=Lore (Highhelm) (trained)]1d20+ 9 [/dice]
Lore (dwarf) (E, Int)
[dice=Lore (dwarf) (expert)]1d20+ 11 [/dice]
Medicine (U, Wis)
[dice=Medicine (untrained)]1d20+ 2[/dice]
Nature (T, Wis)
[dice=Nature (trained)]1d20+ 10 [/dice]
Occultism (U, Int)
[dice=Occultism (untrained)]1d20+ 1 [/dice]
Performance (U, Cha)
[dice=Performance (untrained)]1d20-1 [/dice]
Religion (T, Wis)
[dice=Religion (trained)]1d20+ 10 [/dice]
Society (T, Int)
[dice=Society (trained)]1d20+9 [/dice]
Stealth (T, Dex)
[dice=Stealth (trained)]1d20+11[/dice]
Survival (U, Wis)
[dice=Survival (untrained)]1d20+2[/dice]
Thievery (T, Dex)
[dice=Thievery (trained)]1d20+11[/dice]
Ancestry Feats and Abilities
* Heritage: Anvil dwarf: You are a descendant of a famed crafter and have your own amazing talent. Other dwarves might consider this a blessing from your ancestors or from the Forgefather himself, depending on where you grew up. You become trained in Crafting (or another skill if you were already trained in Crafting) and gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat, but you can pick two different specialties instead of one.
* 1st: Dwarven Lore: You eagerly absorbed the old stories and traditions of your ancestors, your gods, and your people, studying in subjects and techniques passed down for generation upon generation. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Crafting and Religion. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Dwarven Lore.
* 3rd (Ancestral Paragon): Dwarven Doughtiness: You are either naturally calm and collected in the face of imminent danger, or you are very good at faking it. At the end of your turn, reduce your frightened condition by 2 instead of 1.
* 5th: Blast Resistance: Sonic resistance 3, plus boost to saves vs. deafness
Archetype Feats and Abilities
* 2nd: Fireworks Technician Dedication
* 4th: Coughing Dragon Display
* 6th: Expert Fireworks Crafter: You're particularly adept at crafting fireworks, allowing you to create much more powerful fireworks than you otherwise could. Your advanced alchemy level for fireworks increases to your level – 3.
Class Feats and Abilities
* Feature 1st: Dual Kinetic Gate (fire and metal)
* Feature 1st: Kinetic Aura: You have the Channel Elements action, which lets you activate your kinetic aura.
* Feature 1st: Elemental Blast (one action or two actions)
* Feature 1st: Base Kinesis (two actions)
* 1st: Weapon Infusion (free action): With a signature flair, you shape blasts of elemental power into the form of a weapon, such as a sword made of whirling wind or a bow that shoots flames. If your next action is an Elemental Blast, choose a weapon shape for it to take. You can choose to change the blast's damage type to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing—whichever suits the weapon shape—and you can choose other alterations depending on whether you make a melee or ranged blast.
Melee Add one of the following traits of your choice: agile, backswing, forceful, reach, sweep.
Ranged Choose one of three options: range increment 100 feet and the volley 30 feet trait, range increment 50 feet and the propulsive trait, or range increment 20 feet and the thrown trait.
* 1st: Burning Jet (fire impulse junction) [two-actions] A condensed burst of flame shoots behind you, propelling you forward with its sheer force. Stride up to 40 feet in a straight line. Movement from this impulse ignores difficult terrain and doesn't trigger reactions.
* 1st: Shard Strike (metal impulse junction) [two-actions] Jagged metal shards form in the air and lash out from you. You choose shards or spines, which changes the area, damage type, and critical failure effect. Each creature in the area attempts a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Shards deal 1d6 slashing damage in a 15-foot cone, and a creature that critically fails takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. Spines deal 1d6 piercing damage in a 30-foot line, and a creature that critically fails is clumsy 1 until the start of your next turn.
* 2nd: Magnetic Pinions (impulse, metal, overflow, primal) [three actions] Small pieces of metal fly from you, propelled with magnetism at great velocity. Make ranged impulse attack rolls against up to three creatures within 60 feet of you; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll against any target wearing metal armor or made of metal. All three attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but it doesn't increase until after all the attacks. The metal pieces deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 piercing damage on a hit (or double damage on a critical hit). Level (+2) Each type of damage increases by 1d4.
* 3rd: Extract Element: You extract elemental matter from a creature's body to weaken it and take its power for your own. Target a creature within 30 feet that has a trait matching one of your kinetic elements or is made of one of your kinetic elements. The target takes 2d4 damage (with no damage type) and becomes susceptible to your impulses, depending on its Fortitude save against your class DC.
* 4th: Thermal Nimbus: You direct waves of warmth into or out of your kinetic gate to drastically shift the temperature around you. Choose cold or fire. You and allies in your kinetic aura gain resistance equal to your level to damage of that type. Any creature that starts its turn in your kinetic aura or moves into your aura during its turn takes damage equal to half your level of the chosen type. Elemental resistance from a gate junction is cumulative with resistance from Thermal Nimbus.
* 5th: Critical blast junction (metal): The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage; if the creature has the metal trait or is made of metal, it instead takes 1d6 persistent damage with no type from rust. You gain an item bonus to this persistent damage equal to your item bonus to impulse attack rolls, such as from a gate attenuator.
* 5th: Impulse feat: Magnetic Field [one-action] A magnetic field surrounds you. Choose a polarity when you take this action. You can switch the polarity as a free action at the start of each of your turns while you remain in this stance.
Attract A creature that is wearing metal armor, has the metal trait, or is made of metal treats squares in your kinetic aura as difficult terrain when moving away from you. You pull unattended metal objects of light Bulk or less in your kinetic aura to you. They gather in your space and move with you.
Repel A creature that is wearing metal armor, has the metal trait, or is made of metal treats squares in your kinetic aura as difficult terrain when moving closer to you. You push unattended metal objects of light Bulk or less in your kinetic aura away. They stop moving once they're outside your aura.
* 6th: Molten Wire
General Feats
* 3rd: Ancestral Paragon: Gain 1st-level ancestry feat
Skill Feats
* Background: Multilingual: Ignan and Terran (i.e., Petran and Pyric)
* Heritage: Specialy Crafting (artistry and blacksmithing)
* 2nd: Streetwise: You know about life on the streets and feel the pulse of your local settlement. You can use your Society modifier instead of your Diplomacy modifier to Gather Information. In any settlement you frequent regularly, you can use the Recall Knowledge action with Society to know the same sorts of information that you could discover with Diplomacy to Gather Information. The DC is usually significantly higher, but you know the information without spending time gathering it. If you fail to recall the information, you can still subsequently attempt to Gather Information normally.
* 4th: Magical Crafting
* 6th: Read Lips: You can read lips of others nearby who you can clearly see. The language read must be one that you know. When you’re at your leisure, you can do this automatically. In encounter mode or when attempting a more difficult feat of lipreading, you’re fascinated and off-guard during each round in which you focus on lip movements, and you must succeed at a Society check (DC determined by the GM) to successfully read someone’s lips.
Gear: clan dagger, studded leather, adventurer’s pack, basic crafter’s book, repair kit, sea dress
moderate cognitive mutagen, moderate serene mutagen
Formulas known: xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx
3.4 gp
Brijetta is a young dwarf, and relatively new to Highhelm. She was born in Alkenstar, where her grandmother — a popular member of Clan Tolorr had traveled to learn more about dwarven history in Dongun Hold — had traveled about a century earlier. Her grandmother, Brodria, met someone, stayed and begun a family, only for her and her husband to die in an explosion, leaving behind a son and daughter. Raised with her brother in an orphanage run by priestesses of Folgrit, Brodria’s daughter eventually had a daughter of her own — Brijetta — only to see Brijetta’s father walk out on them. Still, Brijetta had a relatively good life, thanks to her loving mother and uncle, who played the role of a father for her. But when her uncle’s criminal dealings were exposed — and the consequences began to fall on Brijetta and her mother — Brijetta’s mother decided they had to leave Dongun Hold. They returned to Brodria’s home, where they were welcomed as prodigal children by Clan Tolorr. Living in the Outer City of King’s Crown, Brijetta has become a talented silversmith. Still, a quiet and strange young dwarf, she’s struggled to fit in and make friends.
Background: Clan Associate: You already have a close connection to Clan Tolorr, such as having been born into the clan, worked as an esteemed contractor for them, or married into the clan (even if you chose to retain your prior clan affiliation). Whether through dedicated study or just overhearing your fellows’ academic debates, you’ve absorbed boundless trivia about history—especially local lore. Beyond Tolorr halls, your affiliation earns you respect in Highhelm. Your clan expects you to behave well, as your actions reflect on them.
* Pheargas' sad tale, and first mention of Yakazak
* Pheargas the leprechaun may know more about the Cult, the item they stole from the queen
* A nameless ysoki outside the Court of Ether, and the satyr Garphinollo
* Into the Darklands (again)
* Learning more about the Quest for the Sky
* Tolorr Family Festival; meeting Bulgra Veldollow, Ria, Rosha Coppervein, Valahask, Ygrin Oathcarver
* Dealing with Hhrulkaz's xulgaths, meeting Tsaal and the mimic Zivzeb
* Into the Darklands
* Meeting Elbert Glassgrinder/Krohan Veldollow, learning about High King Taargick’s armor and dagger
* Meeting the 3 ghosts: Alkepsur, Ferghaz the Pious, Ulki
* Brijetta gets a new dress
* Helping Fazil join the Blacknoon Guild
* Brijetta gets an augdunar; she eventually names it Steady
* King's Crown rumors
* Meeting Elga Sfarhaggn in Burntown
* Meeting Ria