Space Half-Elf

Takarias Higharrow's page

3 posts. Alias of motteditor (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16).

About Takarias Higharrow

[ spoiler=Quick stats]
HP 116/116
AC xx
Fort +17, Ref +19, Will +18; +2 vs. disease and poisons; +1 vs. inhaled threats
Hero points: 1
Prepared tactics: Strike Hard!, Pincer Attack, End It!


[ ooc]React to Opportunistic Accusation; Trigger A demon you’re aware of within 30 feet of you suffers from its sin vulnerability or critical fails at a saving throw against a mental effect You make a quick cutting remark against the demon that takes advantage of the fiend’s momentary disadvantage. The demon must attempt a Will save against your class DC.
Critical Success The demon is unaffected and likely to focus its attention on you in combat from this point forward.
Success The demon takes 2d6 mental damage.
Failure The demon takes 4d6 mental damage and is off-guard until the start of its next turn.
Critical Failure As failure, but the off-guard condition lasts until the end of the next round. The demon also takes 2d6 persistent mental damage.[/ooc]

Takarias Higharrow
Birthplace: El, Sovyrian, Castrovel
Gender & Pronouns: Male, he/him
Ancestry: Elf (beastkin-wasp)
Background: Story Collector
Class Commander; Level: 11
Medium, Elf, Humanoid,
Deity: Lorris
Languages: Common, Elven, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx
TO CONSIDER: Aklo, Chthonian, Boggard, Diabolic, Draconic, Empyrean, Fey, Necril, Shadowtongue

2 Str 1a 1f
4 Dex 1a 1b 1f 5f
2 Con -1a 1f 5f 10f
5 Int 1a 1b 1c 1f 5f 10f
1 Wis 5f
1 Cha 10f
Perception: [dice=Perception (expert)]1d20+16[/dice]
Special Senses:

Hit Points: 116/116 (8 class, 2 Con, 6 ancestry)
AC: xx [xx]
Armor xx
Armor proficiencies expert in all armors, armor specialization

Fortitude: [dice=Fortitude (expert)]1d20+ 17 [/dice]
Reflex: [dice=Reflex (expert)]1d20+ 19 [/dice]
Will: [dice=Will (master), commanding will]1d20+ 18[/dice]
Notes: +2 vs. disease and poisons; +1 vs. inhaled threats; success on Will saves, saves. vs. inhaled threats become crit successes
Class DC: 30 (expert)

Speed: 30 ft.

Weapon proficiencies expert in simple, martial, unarmed; get critical specialization; weapon specialization (+2 dmg at expert; +3 at master; +4 at legendary)


Acrobatics (T, Dex)
[dice=Acrobatics (trained)]1d20+ 17 [/dice]

Arcana (T, Int)
[dice=Arcana (trained)]1d20+ 18 [/dice]

Athletics (T, Str)
[dice=Athletics (trained)]1d20+ 15 [/dice]

Crafting (U, Int)
[dice=Crafting (untrained)]1d20+ 5 [/dice]

Deception (U, Cha)
[dice=Deception (untrained)]1d20+ 1[/dice]

Diplomacy (T, Cha)
[dice=Diplomacy (trained)]1d20+ 14 [/dice]

Intimidation (U, Cha)
[dice=Intimidation (untrained)]1d20+ 1 [/dice]

Lore (demon) (T, Int)
[dice=Lore (demon) (trained)]1d20+ 18 [/dice]

Lore (warfare) (M, Int)
[dice=Lore (warfare) (master)]1d20+ 22 [/dice]

Medicine (T, Wis Int)
[dice=Medicine (trained)]1d20+ 18[/dice]

Nature (U, Wis)
[dice=Nature (untrained)]1d20+ 1 [/dice]

Occultism (T, Int)
[dice=Occultism (trained)]1d20+ 18 [/dice]

Performance (U, Cha)
[dice=Performance (untrained)]1d20+1 [/dice]

Religion (U, Wis)
[dice=Religion (untrained)]1d20+ 1 [/dice]

Society (M, Int)
[dice=Society (master)]1d20+22 [/dice]

Stealth (T, Dex)
[dice=Stealth (trained)]1d20+17[/dice]

Survival (U, Wis)
[dice=Survival (untrained)]1d20+1[/dice]

Thievery (M, Dex)
[dice=Thievery (master)]1d20+21[/dice]

Ancestry Feats and Abilities
* Heritage: The blood of a beast flows through your veins, granting you the ferocity and might of animals. Only creatures with the humanoid trait can take the beastkin versatile heritage. Choose a type of animal such as bat, eagle, shark, spider, tyrannosaurus, wasp, or wolf. This is the type of animal tied to your heritage and is known as your inherent animal. You gain the beast and beastkin traits, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You gain the Change Shape ability. A beastkin's hybrid form is their natural shape. You can choose from beastkin feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
* 1st: Animal Senses: You gain darkvision.
* 5th: Animalistic Resistance: Your animalistic connections help you resist natural afflictions. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saves to resist diseases and poisons.
* 9th: xx

Class Feats and Abilities
* Feature 1st: Commander’s banner: you and all allies in a 30-foot emanation gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves and DCs against fear effects. You pause or resume this effect as part of any action you would typically use to stow or retrieve your banner, such as Interacting to stow it. If your banner is destroyed or stolen, allies within 30 feet become frightened 1. This effect has the aura, commander, emotion, mental, and visual traits.
* Feature 1st: Drilled reactions: Once per round, when you use a tactic, you can grant one ally of your choice benefiting from that tactic an extra reaction. This reaction has to be used for that tactic, and is lost if not used.
* Feature 1st: Shield Block
* Feature 3rd: Warfare expertise: You can use Warfare Lore to Recall Knowledge about most creatures regardless of type, but typically only to determine whether they can be reasoned with, their most notable offensive abilities, and whether one of their saving throws is particularly weak. The GM can decide to allow additional questions to be answered when Recalling Knowledge with Warfare Lore as appropriate to the situation. In addition, as long as you are observing at least one opponent when initiative is rolled, you can use Warfare Lore for your initiative roll.
* 1st: Combat Medic: You’re trained in battlefield triage and wound treatment. You are trained in Medicine and can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier for Medicine checks. You gain the Battle Medicine feat.
* 2nd: Guiding Shot [one-action] (flourish) Your ranged attack helps guide your allies into striking your enemy’s weak point. Attempt a Strike with the required weapon. If the Strike hits, the next creature other than you to attack the same target before the start of your next turn gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their roll, or a +2 circumstance bonus if your Strike was a critical hit.
* 4th: Rapid Assessment [free-action] Trigger: You roll initiative. You quickly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your enemies. Attempt a check to Recall Knowledge against one creature you are observing.
* 6th: Reactive Strike
* 8th: Defiant Banner [one-action] You vigorously wave your banner to remind yourself and your allies that you can and must endure. You and all allies affected by your commander’s banner when you use this action gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage equal to your Intelligence modifier until the start of your next turn. At 14th level, the value of this resistance increases to your Intelligence modifier + half
your level.
* 10th: Targeting Strike: Your Guiding Shot creates a deadly opening for your allies. Whenever you hit with a ranged strike using Guiding Shot, the next attack made by an ally against that target is made with a +2 circumstance bonus (even if the Strike was not a critical hit), and the Strike deals an amount of additional precision damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Free Archetype Feats
* 2nd: Exemplar Dedication: spark of inherent divine power has lit itself within you. You become trained in martial weapons. You gain one ikon from those listed on page 43, the ability to use the ikon’s immanence and transcendence actions and effects, and the Shift Immanence action (page 30). Because you have only a single ikon, when you Spark Transcendence, your divine spark recedes back to the depths of your soul and must be recalled with Shift Immanence to re-empower your ikon. You become trained in exemplar class DC.
* Ikon: Unfailing Bow
* 4th: Basic Glory (Sanctified Soul): You’ve drawn a line in the sand in the cosmic struggle between good and evil and chosen a side. You gain the holy trait. All your exemplar abilities that deal spirit damage gain the sanctified trait, allowing you to apply your holy trait to them to better affect your chosen enemies.
* 6th: Advanced Glory (Red-Gold Mortality): Immanence When you successfully damage an enemy with the ikon, a marking appears around the wound, painted in the red of mortal blood and the gold of divine ichor. When the target would regain Hit Points, such as from a healing effect or an ability like fast healing or regeneration, it must attempt a Will save against your class DC to determine the effects, and then the marking fades. The marking otherwise fades after 1 minute.
Success The creature regains the full number of Hit Points that would be healed.
Failure The creature regains only half the number of Hit Points as the contradictory energies swirl within it.
Critical Failure The creature doesn’t regain any Hit Points.
* 8th: Advanced Glory (Through the Needle’s Eye) [two-actions] Transcendence—Blinding of the Needle [two-actions] (transcendence) You aim your weapon in a superficial cut above your opponent’s eye. Make a Strike with the imbued ikon. If that Strike is successful, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or become blinded for 1 round or until it uses an Interact action to clear the blood from its vision.
* 10th: Exemplar Expertise: Your soul has been further tempered in divine power. Your proficiency in exemplar class DC increases to expert.

General Feats
* 3rd: Robust Health: Your physiology responds well to first aid. You gain a circumstance bonus to the number of Hit Points you regain equal to your level from a successful attempt to Treat your Wounds or use Battle Medicine on you. After you or an ally use Battle Medicine on you, you become temporarily immune to that Battle Medicine for only 1 hour, instead of 1 day.
* 7th: Breath Control: You can breathe even in hazardous or sparse air. You can hold your breath for 25 times as long as usual before suffocating. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against inhaled threats, such as inhaled poisons, and if you roll a success on such a saving throw, you get a critical success instead.
* 11th: Fast Recovery: Your body quickly bounces back from afflictions. You regain twice as many Hit Points from resting. Each time you succeed at a Fortitude save against an ongoing disease or poison, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1 against a virulent disease or poison. Each critical success you achieve against an ongoing disease or poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 against a virulent disease or poison. In addition, you reduce the severity of your drained condition by 2 when you rest for a night instead of by 1.

Skill Feats
* Background: Trick Magic Item
* Bonus: Battle Medicine
* 2nd: Courtly Graces: You were raised among the nobility or have learned proper etiquette and bearing, allowing you to present yourself as a noble and play games of influence and politics. Unless you are intentionally presenting yourself differently, anyone who speaks with you will assume you are a noble or closely associated with the nobility (such as a prominent servant). You can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to pretend to be a type of noble or a specific individual noble. If you use the normal skills in those situations, you receive a +1 circumstance bonus to the check instead.
* 4th: Wary Disarmament: If you trigger a device or set off a trap while disarming it, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your AC or saving throw against the device or trap. This applies only to attacks or effects triggered by your failed attempt, not to any later ones, such as additional attacks from a complex trap.
* 6th: Steady Balance: You can keep your balance easily, even in adverse conditions. Whenever you roll a success using the Balance action, you get a critical success instead. You’re not off-guard while attempting to Balance on narrow surfaces and uneven ground. Thanks to your incredible balance, you can attempt an Acrobatics check instead of a Reflex save to Grab an Edge.
* 8th: Biographical Eye
* 10th: Quick Unlock: You can Pick a Lock using 1 action instead of 2.


Gear: xx

Tactics folio:
* Form Up [one-action] You signal your team to move into position together. Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can immediately Stride as a reaction, though each must end their movement inside your banner’s aura.
* Strike Hard! [two-actions] You command an ally to attack. Choose a squadmate who can see or hear your signal. That ally immediately attempts a Strike as a reaction.
* Pincer Attack [one-action] You signal an aggressive formation designed to exploit enemies’ vulnerabilities. Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can Step as a free action. If any of your allies end this movement adjacent to an opponent, that opponent is off-guard to melee attacks from you and all other squadmates who responded to Pincer Attack until the start of your next turn.
* End It! [one-action] Requirements You and your allies currently outnumber enemies on the battlefield and you or a squadmate have reduced an enemy to 0 Hit Points since the start of your last turn. At your proclamation that victory is already at hand, your allies march forward with an authoritative stomp, scattering your enemies in terror. Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; you and each ally can Step directly toward a hostile creature they are observing as a free action. Any hostile creatures within 10 feet of you or a squadmate after this movement must attempt a Will save against your class DC; on a failure they become fleeing for 1 round and on a critical failure they become fleeing for 1 round and frightened 2. This is an emotion, fear, and mental effect.
* Shields Up! [one-action] You signal your allies to ready their defenses. Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can immediately Raise a Shield as a reaction. Squadmates who are wielding a parry weapon can instead position that weapon defensively as a free action.
